Malatesta's Carnival of Blood (1973) Movie Script

- No!
- Let me help!
No. Don't touch my cards.
- How much do I owe you?
- Owe me? Owe me?
The service is free...
free to all new employees...
This was no true reading, Vena.
You must come back again when
the cards have calmed themselves.
You're hurting me...
In the business for 20 odd years...
20 odd years... and I can tell you...
It's a gold mine.
Yes, ma'am, that's what I said.
A gold mine!
Couldn't be a better investment on earth.
- Did you hear that, Frank?
- You newcomers will love it.
We're charmed here. Charmed,
and a charming bunch of people.
So far they seem a little odd.
Have you met the Davises?
They're new here too.
Cute little boy they have, eh?
Oh, you haven't met 'em yet...
Friendliest bunch of people on earth.
Ah. Mr Bean.
This is Mr Bean,
the oldest member of the Carnival.
How do you do, Mr Bean?
Pleased to meet you, Mr Bean.
Accidents happen around a carnival.
That's an old war wound of the business.
- Isn't that right Mr Bean?
- Quiet.
Oh, yes, sir. Mr Bean is quiet enough.
Yes, sir. There's only one thing
Mr Bean likes more than quiet
and that's money.
That's why he's in the business.
When do we get to see this Malatesta?
I do all the signing for him.
I'm the business manager of this carnival.
Where have you been?
There are prizes
to be unloaded and shelved.
I was having my fortune told.
Lot of nonsense, that.
That's for old ladies.
They line up. You should see them
on a Sunday afternoon.
Hundreds of them. Straight from church.
I didn't have to pay anything.
Johnny called. He's driving down...
Says he'll get here tonight.
Ah, the ubiquitous Mr Bean.
Got you.
No one will come
within 500 yards of this place...
...except me.
Some kids were killed here. At least
that's the story we're all weaned on.
Another duck bites the dust.
What do you want?
What everybody wants: Money, affection...
But what I want
is different from what I got.
Totally dead. A total wreck.
But I think I've finally got it
in working shape.
You want to come over and try it out?
You work for Mr Blood?
My name is Kit. I run the Tunnel of Love.
I flunked out of school
and providing I work like hell,
Mr Blood has given me
the dubious distinction
of running that questionable wreck
they call the Tunnel of Love.
- What's your name?
- Why?
I thought it was part of the game?
Vena... Vena Norris.
My parents let me stay at home.
I guess, they're afraid
of having me stay out here.
You've got some visitors.
- Hey lady. Let me shoot, huh?
- No, Toby.
You must be Vena. I'm Adele Davis.
We met your parents earlier.
I want that snake.
I see you've met Toby.
It's a trial... having an intelligent child.
No. I want that dead chicken.
That's what I want.
I don't suppose Toby
could have a few shots?
Well, I haven't yet loaded the guns,
Mrs Davies.
I want a chicken. I want a chicken.
Stop it, I'm telling you!
I'm sorry, Toby.
Look, Toby.
Look what the nice lady has for you.
Well, they cost a dollar twenty-five.
It's so much work
getting ready for opening day.
Toby's a little cranky.
We have the Ferris Wheel.
Mr Blood says that's the real money-maker.
Toby and I are going over
to the Tunnel of Love. I'll meet you there.
How nice. Did you hear that Henry?
Are you in there?
Vena, have you started dinner yet?
- Yes, Mom.
- Vena?
Yes, Mother. I've started dinner!
Why don't you stay for dinner, Mr Blood?
Thank you, ma'am. Thank you very much
for your generous hospitality.
But I prefer to take my meals at home...
Doctor's orders. I...
- How about a beer then?
- Thanks again, but no thanks.
I'm on a very strict diet.
Oh, I don't believe it.
You look pretty healthy to me, Mr Blood.
Discipline, Mrs Norris.
My metabolism is most unusual.
Five years ago, the doctor
gave me six months. Strict regimen.
I feel every moment
as a triumph over death.
- Who's in there?
- My parents...
I can't talk now. Can I meet you, later?
OK. The Ghoul's Eye.
Listen. Something bad's happened.
Something to the Davises...
Look here! What did I tell you?
Carnival's a great place for young people.
Your daughter's made friends already.
Hello Kit. Through for the day?
Kit's a shy one, isn't he?
See you tomorrow, Norris.
We'll get you settled in.
Lucky's here, Frank. I know it.
And something awful's happened to him.
If he's here, we'll find him.
I don't like that Mr Blood.
We should leave, Frank.
We should get out of here tonight.
This place, it's... evil. I can feel it.
If something's happened to him,
then I'll have my revenge
We've got to stick together.
That's what they want.
Holy crap!
Shit, man. This place is dead.
Hey, now. Lookie there,
lookie there. Come on.
Come on, come on.
Hey, mister. Are you open?
All right. Come on, wimp.
Hey, don't be a chicken.
You all right, or not?
You've got to be kidding, Win.
Half of this place is shut down.
We haven't done anything.
Yeah, I want to spend these.
It's all the same to me, young fellow.
All right, just keep moving.
Lucky Norris wants a ride
on a rollercoaster.
Hey, mister. Help!
Somebody's been hurt over there.
Oh, dear. May I trouble you for a match?
What? But you don't understand!
My buddy, he goes into
the roller-coaster over there
and the next thing you know,
there's all kinds of screaming.
He comes out and he don't have no head!
- What am I going to do?
- That gentleman will assist you.
Hey! You've got to help me.
You... No, don't do that!
# Rest, sweet nymphs, let golden sleep
# Charm your star-brighter eyes
# Whilst my lute the watch doth keep
# With pleasing sympathies
# Lulla lullaby, lulla lullaby!
# Sleep sweetly, let nothing affright ye
# In calm contentments lie
# Lulla lullaby, lulla lullaby! #
Clean this filth away!
# Sleep sweetly, let nothing affright ye #
Why don't you try to get some sleep,
Mrs N?
Sleep?! Ha!
Is Vena in bed?
I don't trust that boy, that Kit.
What was he doing at the window before?
That's what I'd like to know.
This is crazy.
Why don't we get out of here, Frank?
There's no more
to be said about it, Mrs N.
Excellent, excellent!
Ah, Vena.
You have come back.
The cards have drawn you.
There is work for you tonight, Sonja.
Vena. The cards call you.
You will give them another chance?
Oh, Vena!
You must learn to train
your eyes, like the cat.
No. I don't like the cards.
Why else would you come out?
A lover. A rendezvous.
I know better...
Perhaps even better than little Vena...
Perhaps I have seen this lover,
on the sixth card.
Let go... You're hurting me.
Perhaps the cards have
something to tell Vena?
I doubt it.
Doubts, Vena?
It is not good to doubt so much.
- Your parents don't know?
- Uh uh...
- Good.
- I had to... sneak out.
- Good.
- What do you mean, "good?"
Look, Venie, you don't have
to be afraid of me.
I don't know why I said that.
What I mean is, it's so hard
to trust anyone around this place.
I know.
But I feel like I can trust you, Vena.
I don't understand anything
that's going on around here, Kit.
I feel like a fly caught
in a spider's web.
More like a butterfly.
I keep looking for the spider,
searching for him before it's too late.
Anyway, the car went into the tunnel.
I tried to tell you before
but Blood was there.
You think Mr Blood
has something to do with it.
I don't know. All I know is
when the car came out of the tunnel,
- the Davises were gone.
- What?
The car was empty.
I found these inside.
Something's coming!
The vents! Outside. Over it!
Kit, are you all right?
Hurry, he's coming!
Go straight back to your trailer.
Don't stop for anyone or anything.
I'll be OK. Straight back.
What's that, Johnny?
Car trouble?
Vena's going to be disappointed.
- She's gone.
- Hold on, Johnny.
- I'm going after her.
- What should I tell him?
Where have you been?
I just went outside.
We were worried.
- Who is it?
- Johnny's on the phone.
Johnny? When are you coming?
Oh... Of course. Whenever you can.
Last night you should have heard me weep.
I dreamt I saw a dwarf asleep
who dreamt he saw a girl in danger,
who dreamt she met a handsome stranger.
- Or was it a dream?
- You tell me.
No, no. Not fair. Bobo is not smart.
Pity poor Bobo, who doesn't sleep,
who doesn't have a brain like everyone.
Beware of evil
who strikes in the shadow of the dream.
Beware of the mystery of the Carnival
which shall remain nameless.
- Make him go away.
- Who?
- What are you talking about?
- He was just right there!
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing! There was a dwarf there.
He was pointing a gun at me.
He was going to shoot me.
Don't you believe me?
I tell you, there was a dwarf there!
Why don't you go back to the trailer
and lie down.
I'll mind the shop.
- Are you all right?
- Oh, hi Vena.
Yeah, I got past that dummy
all right last night.
I guess you're OK too.
Is that all you have to say?
I know what you mean.
I guess I'm still in shock or something.
It was like a dream.
Not really.
Does it hurt?
Only when I laugh!
Seriously, it does hurt. Blood was
quite interested in it this morning.
Did you find anything in the tunnel today?
That's a good one.
Blood's been around all day.
Either in the tunnel, or out here
watching over his gold mine.
Is he coming tonight?
The Ferris Wheel... at two o'clock.
My, my. What an unusual day,
eh, my two young love birds.
No, no, don't be embarrassed.
I can tell the signs.
Vena's a lucky girl, eh Kit?
Spring's in the air
and she has two lovers to choose from.
Didn't she tell you?
Ah, there I go opening my big mouth again.
When's Johnny coming, Vena?
Cat got your tongue? Tomorrow is it?
Well, I guess so.
They're fickle, Kit, my boy.
You have a lot to learn.
Step right in, ladies and gentleman.
Step right in.
No, no. Don't be afraid
to bring the children.
We have special treats for children.
Just five tickets to see the world's
only living two-headed giraffe.
He won't be alive much longer.
Or see the Siamese twins wiggle
and swim in their big blue bottle.
Don't be afraid. They can't get out.
See Gilda the bearded giantess
waltz with Bobo the dwarf.
Or simply try your luck at...
Try your luck at...
Try your luck at...
Try your luck at...
Try your luck at...
Try your luck at...
Try your luck at...
I want the secret.
- Gone, again!
- Now, Frank.
- That kid!
- What are you doing?
- Going after her.
- No. Frank, it's dangerous. I don't like it.
That's why I'm going.
We must calm the girl, Blood.
My dear. My dear. You are so upset.
My dear. Yes, it's too bad
about poor, poor Kit.
Don't be so upset though.
Frank... Frank!
Somebody help!
Go away! Go!
Answer, please answer...
Operator, this is an emergency.
I can't speak any louder,
this is an emergency.
What? Please!
I don't know, local.
Hurry, Operator!
It's useless.
It's dead. Somebody must have cut
the wires or something.
Still out there.
What are we going to do, Frank?
What are we going to do?
Get out of here. They've got us
trapped like rats. Make a run for it.
Got one.
I'm sorry. Calm down, Mrs Norris.
There's hope yet.
They can't seem to move very fast...
those things out there.
I've got a plan:
We'll make a break for it,
set the trailer on fire,
and try to find Vena in the confusion.
Frank, what are you saying? You're crazy.
Like a fox. When those propane tanks
blow, it'll light up the whole sky.
- The whole town will be here.
- What about Vena?
- What happened here?
- Accident, Johnny.
Say, how do you know my name?
- What's that?
- How do you know my name?
Oh, that. Why, the Norrises told me
you were coming, of course.
Pretty girl, that Vena.
If I were 20 years younger, you young
butts wouldn't have had a chance.
This was their trailer
- What?
- Pretty girl, that Vena Norris.
You just said something
about this trailer.
It's theirs, the Norrises'.
Or was, I should say.
- Are they all right? Where are they?
- Oh, boy. Don't take it hard.
They're at rest. While we poor slobs
have to struggle on through life.
Carry their burden, you know.
They would have wanted it that way.
In the short time I knew the Norrises,
I came to feel that they...
- What are you talking about?
- Don't take it hard boy.
They died in their sleep.
A freak accident.
You know how shoddy these trailers are...
Go up, whoosh, like a torch.
Took a fireman with it.
Don't take it so bad, boy.
You got a long life.
There's lots of fish in the sea.
You know what I mean?
Let yourself in.
Yes. The door was open.
There didn't seem to be anybody about.
You've come to work.
Sign here.
No, you misunderstood me.
These names. I know the Norrises.
I was told I could find out
about them here.
- Luck.
- What's that?
Luck. You'd need good luck.
Accidents, we've had
lots of accidents here.
You like books?
I saw you looking at my picture book.
Look here, how they cut the feet off.
where they quarter him,
as neat a job as you'd want to see.
Listen, lad.
They say that meat builds blood
and flesh and gives you new life.
- Do you believe that?
- Yes, I guess so.
So wouldn't it follow
that a man could live longer and longer
if he ate more of the same.
Very, very not yet dead
Stupid Johnny, use your head!
Put your feet where evil stands
The knife cuts quick, the blood pours red
Stupid Johnny, use your head!
Very, very not yet dead
Come on, dear girl.
Wake up!
That's enough sleeping, Vena.
You've got to get up.
That's better.
They've come to help you escape.
That's it, wake up.
Come on, you can do it.
You've got to walk around.
It's the only thing.
You've been drugged.
You've got to fight it.
It's Mr Blood, Vena dear.
I've come to help you
out of the frying pan.
- No, you're bad.
- No, that's enough.
You must be quiet.
I want to help you escape.
That's enough! I want to help you!
You're evil.
No, I'm not, Vena. You must believe me.
I want to take you out of here.
Take you to Johnny.
Take you to your family.
- Why?
- He's come.
He's waiting outside.
- Why? Malatesta's...
- Shh!
He is mad and evil.
Too evil. I want to destroy him.
I didn't realise.
Will you come?
Can you make it? Remember, no noise.
Here, take my hand
- We keep going down.
- Illusion, Vena, dear.
This carnival was constructed over
a series of natural limestone caverns.
That is how Bean kept his family
undetected for so many years.
- Family?
- And they're cannibals, every one.
Most of them have never seen
the light of day.
That's why they look so ghastly.
Live like animals
Nobody's ever told them
that eating people is wrong.
- So how are they to know?
- But you knew.
- Why didn't you tell?
- Ah, but I didn't know at first.
I was driven out of town you know.
Took refuge here.
I thought it was a good future,
this carnival business.
Then I found out I couldn't leave.
You'll be safe here
Safe enough, Vena. This way.
- Oh...
- No!
Stop it!
- Stop it!
- Let me go!
That is enough!
Enough! Enough!
Stop it.
You... you mad woman.
Stop. Stop!
It wouldn't do to have you drugged, Vena.
You must bear the pain
while I drain you of your precious blood.
No! No!
The blood of life. Prosit!
I found her, wandering the cellars.
Surely this isn't forbidden.
You gave me a taste for the blood.
I needed her blood.
You will not deny me this, will you?
You are still the master, of course.
You will forgive me this lapse.
It will not happen again.
It is time for you
to see my face, Mr Blood.
No... No!
No. No!
I am a man of a thousand faces, Vena.
Mr Blood has seen my face of madness.
But to you I show a kinder face.
- Vena!
- Is that you, Johnny?
Why can't this move?
Hurry, Vena! Hurry!
- Is it really you?
- It's me, Vena.
- Don't worry.
- We've got to get out of here.
No kidding.
My parents. Did you see them?
Yes. They told me...
They told me you were dead too.
Come on, let's go.
- Frank, what was that?
- Nothing.
- I heard something.
- Shut up!
Oh, Frank!
It's nothing.
It's not nothing. It's an omen.
Frank, I say we should get the police.
Can't trust them. They wouldn't come.
We don't know that.
Did anybody come
when the trailer burnt? They saw!
They just wouldn't come. Nobody cares.
Vena's down there, I know it!
- Where are we, Frank?
- I don't know. Under the carnival, I think.
Malatesta, I'm coming after you!
They smell the blood, Vena.
It is not safe here.
You must follow me.
I will take you to safety.
Trust me, Vena.
I will take you to your parents.
I saw you! I saw you!
Ah, no, no, no. Mercy, mercy.
Please. Have pity on poor Bobo.
Please, mercy.
Come along. Don't be afraid.
Let me out!
Let me out!
Let me out!
Let me out! Let me out!
Well, looks like another dead end.
You understand, Mr Malatesta,
we have to check these things out.
Of course.
And you think I can get protection
from your fellas in the winter then?
Sure, sure, no problem there.
As a matter of fact,
I wanted to thank you for...
- Come.
- What's this?
Try your skill.
Bobo will be very honoured
if you toss the first ball of the season.
Why, sure, little fella.
- Cute little fella, isn't he?
- Oh, yes.
The old arm's not what it used to be.
Try again. Try again.
Very good!
Excellent, excellent.