Malazgirt 1071 (2022) Movie Script

Hey, Son.
You'll face struggle, but have no fear.
Your journey is long,
your burden is heavy, but don't stop.
Your wrist is strong, your tongue sharp.
Hey, Son.
Enemies are mute, their intentions silent.
Speak out.
Your voice is roaring, your anger deep.
Your blood is of my blood,
your life is dear to me, Kutalm.
This is why I spared your life.
what more do you want, showing up here
with your army, unannounced?
I want what's mine. I want my throne.
I'll give you one day.
Take the men by your side, your
commanders, and give me back my throne.
I'll give it to you, Kutalm, sure.
But not the throne.
I'll give you what's due.
Long live the sultan.
Long live the sultan.
Praise be, Sultan.
Blessed be the sultan.
I am the ruler of the Great Seljuk Empire,
Sultan Alp-Arslan.
My vision stretches beyond your horizons.
If you long to join my tribe
my protection will shield you all.
However, if it so happens
that you choose betrayal,
that's exactly when
I'd feel obliged to take off your heads,
which I'm very skilled at, as you know.
Empress Eudokia,
God have mercy on our emperor.
Georgeus, your servant, at your disposal.
My deepest condolences.
I offer my allegiance.
Let there be no doubt.
Who are you?
Romanus IV Diogenes of Byzantium.
I've come to pay my respects.
Welcome, Commander Diogenes.
I wish you patience, my empress.
The patriarch's brother. He's in charge
of the palace's financial affairs.
To attend the funeral you must
surrender your swords and bows.
Then you can enter.
- Come here. Here.
- Run, run, run.
What's happening?
What's happening, Commander Georgeus?
This is Romanus Diogenes. Arrest him.
Get the empress out of here.
God willing, we shall put an end
to the strife within our land today.
Now, listen well to what I have to say.
There are wishes of my ancestor, Tughril,
that I want to fulfill.
God willing,
under my reign, the search
for our Turks' homeland will be over.
Our raids on Anatolia will continue.
We know there is significant friction
within the Greek ranks.
This is a great opportunity for us.
In time, we will carry the banner of Islam
throughout the Greek provinces.
First of all, it is through Islam
that we shall unite.
The banner of Islam
is to be bolstered by the Seljuk flag?
Like that, Vizier.
God willing,
we'll save our Muslim brothers and sisters
living under the Fatimids' heretical rule
and gather under one flag.
We'll recruit Turkish raiders who are
lingering around to join the Seljuk army.
Vizier, you'll lead our most distinguished
troops and shall set out for Egypt.
We'll stay here for a while and
raid the Greek provinces.
God willing,
towards the end of summer
I'll catch up to the army and take lead.
You know Anatolia.
A little, my sultan.
Gather your troops, onwards to Derbent.
Gather all the Turkish
principalities together.
For a while there have been
troublemakers in the mix.
If there are traitors amongst you,
they shall fear my wrath.
Repent of your sins. Repent.
Why are you lagging behind?
Why must I keep asking you
to pick up the pace?
Is your aim, Abr servant,
to disgrace our sultan?
No, I know your intention.
Your intention is
to anger our sultan and
have my poor soul beheaded.
This I know.
Here you go.
- It needs salt.
- Okay.
Go ahead, add some salt.
Hey, Mahmut.
Grab the fruit. Go take the fruit. Hurry.
Pour soup. Pour soup. Hurry.
Come on.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
I trust we won't have anyone
taste this food from Abr.
Enjoy. May we savor this abundance.
Here you go, sir.
Does His Majesty the Sultan
really trust you so?
What do you think, brother?
I've saved the sultan's life many times.
Tell us, master.
Once upon a time this traitor, Kutalm,
raided our land.
I drew my sword, one to the head,
another in the leg,
and then one in the stomach.
Then, before me, stood Kutalm.
I said, "Kutalm,
you may know our sultan,
but my grudge
is greater than his, know this."
Wow, master. And then what?
He apologized.
He will never raid our land again.
As you know, we don't draw our swords
on those who beg for mercy.
I let him go.
Back to work, now.
Wake up.
Water. Water.
- Help me.
- Water.
- Water.
- Just one drop.
- Water.
- Help.
Get up. Walk.
Give me water. Water.
We're starving.
Have mercy.
- Hang him.
- Hang him.
Off with his head.
- Kill him.
- Hang him.
You must die now. Die.
Have no guilt. Kill him.
Take his life.
You're going to die. Execute him.
- Kill him.
- Off with his head.
Hang him.
Kill him.
- Face the wrath of God.
- Today you must die.
- Hang him.
- Kill him.
Execute him! Execute him! Execute him!
Romanus Diogenes,
you've failed to surrender to our empress
and relinquish weapons to her soldiers.
For this you are on trial for an attempted
coup against our great queen.
Before your conviction
you must, before the public,
present your defense to our council.
I'm Diogenes of Cappadocia.
In order to protect our empire,
and just as those Anatolian
commanders who came before me,
I've been battling evil for years.
This is why
my nobility
and loyalty to my country
should not be in question.
My aim is not to kill the empress.
I'm not here to rebel against her at all.
I only wish to lay out the
truth before her.
I want the high council
to take an honest look.
Our empire is in chaos.
The army has dissipated.
Soldiers have no leadership.
Moreover, sacrilegious Turks
present a great threat to our empire.
And they get stronger every day.
If we don't stop them, it won't be long
before we stumble upon a Turkish castle
on every corner of Anatolia.
A matter of time.
members of the high council,
beloved Byzantine people,
if the Turks seize the Hagia Sophia,
will they not defile our holy temple?
Those days are near.
But I can stop the Turks.
The day will come when those
on the high council will face this truth.
The council's greatest regret
will be my execution.
People should be aware.
Long live the Empress.
Long live the Eastern Roman Empire.
- He must be executed.
- He killed our soldiers.
Let's hang him.
- Our own soldiers.
- He must be hung.
Yes, sir. Yes.
Let us proceed.
Romanus Diogenes,
your defense has been
rejected by the council.
You are sentenced to 45 days in prison,
and then you will be executed.
Boo, boo, boo.
Patriotic enough to be emperor
treacherous enough to warrant death.
On your feet!
- Leave.
- Eleni, Eleni. Don't take my daughter!
Let go. Let go.
What are you doing? Let go of her.
Let go of my daughter!
Let go.
- My girl, Eleni.
- Papa!
Get up. Don't drag your feet. Come here.
- Papa. Papa.
- Move it. Get up.
- I said get up.
- Papa. Papa.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Up. Get up. Don't drag your feet.
- Papa.
- Shut your mouth. Shut up.
Our army will go to war in Allah's name,
and will be prepared for battle.
This may be the last time I see you.
- May you all be blessed.
- I give you my blessings.
- Blessings.
- Blessings.
May Allah bless us all.
If God almighty
makes a martyr of me,
the reign of sultan of the
Great Seljuk Empire shall go to
our son Malik-Shah.
My father. My father is here.
My dear father.
Welcome, dear father.
- The boy has grown so much, God bless.
- Oh, has he grown.
He takes after his father, ready to fight.
War isn't the place for him.
If he stays behind,
he can take care of you and our land.
Also with war,
there's a possibility of not returning.
God forbid.
Well done. You tied a fine knot.
Dear father, with your permission,
I would like to accompany you.
Besides, mother says I'm now
of age for swordsmanship.
I'll tell you when you're ready. Not yet.
When will I be ready?
Battle is not our only call to duty, Son.
If we call this land our homeland,
it's not only because we conquered it,
but because we protect it from invaders.
This will be your duty as well.
Protecting the homeland when I'm gone.
I leave your mother and our village,
first to God, and then to you.
My queen,
in honor of your beautiful invitation,
I'd like to make a toast in your honor.
It's been two months
since my husband died.
I've expected a toast in his honor
Commander Georgeus.
I've heard plenty of fancy words tonight.
- Natalia.
- My queen.
I want to go to my room.
Right away, Your Majesty.
These fools.
Our sultan is on his horse all day,
swinging his sword,
but here, the epitome of laziness.
Master, that may be, but you've saved
the sultan's life numerous times.
No, no, no.
our sultan even trusts you to self-taste
the food you brought him, my master.
was it necessary for us to rush, master?
The sultan won't be angered, anyway.
Can these ears not hear what you speak?
Do you want to destroy
the sultan's trust in me?
Master, look, forgive us.
We didn't mean it like that.
He's got a point.
- The master's right.
- No, no, no, not from you.
You're both done here.
- Master.
- Master, please.
Let me kiss your hand. Master, look.
Please don't let us go. Please, master.
You can only slip up once.
We own our mistakes, please.
For the love of God.
Please, look.
At your service.
Divide your men.
Guide them through the Georgian Kingdom
and into the Roman provinces.
Recruit Turkmen and Yuruk
tribesmen from the region
and attack and besiege from everywhere.
Upon my return from Egypt,
their military forces should be decimated.
At your service, Sultan.
Send this urgently to Constantinople.
Deliver it to the empress.
At your command.
Why did you wait to send
the letter, my sultan?
We want Constantinople
to know of our existence, Vizier.
My empress, the Turks have seized
and conquered almost everything.
If we continue on this path,
we could lose all our lands in the east.
The soldiers have lost all confidence.
Leadership is lacking.
Our own soldiers
are attacking our villages.
Their duty is to protect and serve,
yet they violate our property and honor.
People in every corner of our empire
are unhappy and unsafe.
They trust the Turks more
than their own troops.
Our women and children
are being taken from us
and sold into slavery.
My queen.
Immediately assemble the clergy
and commanders.
I have an important matter to discuss.
My dear knights,
religious clergy,
and Patriarch Demetrios,
who is watching over God's empire
I'm sure you're waiting in anticipation,
wondering what I have to say.
This is why I want to
begin my speech right away.
As you know, due to
the untimely death of our late emperor,
our state fell into a great depression.
I've been receiving letters from
local governors and villages.
The Turks have besieged
most borders on the eastern front.
Even worse, our soldiers have been
raiding our own villages.
And still, even though Commander Georgeus
didn't inform me of these matters,
I sense he is aware
of the content of these letters.
For this reason
the army needs to be disciplined.
Our eastern borders have been
besieged by the Turks
and in order to reclaim
our lost castles
we need a mighty emperor.
We need a successor to lead
our country and the military.
Well, Empress Eudokia,
who is the candidate for this succession?
Romanus Diogenes.
- It can't be. How is this so?
- How so?
Empress Eudokia,
are you saying you're going to marry
a traitor who's awaiting his execution?
You heard right, Commander Georgeus.
Romanus Diogenes.
On the day our emperor died,
the funeral and church were raided
in a military coup against you.
I was there too, Your All-Holiness.
In your opinion, was it not a display of
courage that warrants the throne?
With your permission.
- No way. How can this be?
- This is not possible.
They will put him in charge.
My queen, Patriarch Demetrios requests to
meet with you privately tomorrow morning.
Sultan, I bring greetings from
Yakup Yabgu and Afin.
They've positioned their armies
deep within Byzantium.
Thank you, envoy. Thank you.
Thankfully they represented us without
having to bow our heads before blasphemy.
God willing, we won't let them bow
their heads in this life or thereafter.
- Amen.
- Amen.
They should never stop.
They should continue.
first off, I agree with your ideas and
propositions for our realm.
And shall you choose to marry,
I will respect your decision.
However, in this case,
in the event of an emperor's death,
you risk losing your crown,
should you choose to remarry.
I also want to remind you
that you've signed an oath.
I remember my oath, Your All-Holiness.
But this marriage
is not of my personal will.
We'll establish a union
for the benefit of our realm.
Not with a treacherous traitor
who'll be hung in a few days,
You must marry someone approved
by the patriarchy, my empress.
For example?
Not only because he's my brother,
but for his service to the empire,
I think he deserves this position.
Or Commander Georgeus.
He is the son of Armenian nobility
for at least 20 generations.
Moreover, he is a successful commander.
I encourage you to choose
between the two.
I have to honor this oath,
even if I don't want to.
I could also have the execution
of Romanus Diogenes expedited.
I see, Your All-Holiness.
In order for me to choose
between your brother
and Commander Georgeus,
I'll need a day to contemplate,
if you permit?
Gladly, my queen.
Believe it to be true.
This is most suitable for our empire.
- Give this to Valeria.
- At your service.
It's time.
The time to act has come.
Get out.
You're wondering
why you're here, aren't you?
Let me explain.
What you stated in trial was justified.
The Turks, with every passing day,
pose a greater and greater
threat to our empire.
What I want from you, is to yank the
Turks out by their roots in an act of war.
I'm on death row,
I'd like to remind you, my queen.
I'd like to remind you
you are no longer.
I don't understand.
Tomorrow you will marry me.
But I want you to know
I have no need for a husband,
or any desire for a man.
I need an emperor
and a commander to lead my army.
Now go clean up,
because tomorrow morning
you will rise up an emperor.
of this marriage
if I do get married,
I must relinquish my crown,
according to this written oath
to the church.
It bears no meaning anymore.
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Hold on!
- Ya Allah!
- Ya Allah!
dear empress
in the name of God,
and the powers that be,
Romanus IV is himself
our new emperor,
and I give my blessing.
How can a prisoner, previously sentenced
to death, become our emperor?
How can we allow it?
Be quiet. Unless you
want to die, you must obey.
God bless our emperor.
God bless the emperor!
God bless the emperor!
Long live the emperor!
Long live the emperor!
What's happening?
You're all free now. Get out! Get out!
Why not escape like the others?
I have no place to go.
They killed my mother and father.
They burned down our village.
- We've avenged them. Isn't it enough?
- I haven't had enough,
I want to join you and fight those brutes.
Skilled with a sword?
I use a knife. I can learn to use a sword.
In the current state of affairs,
we are well aware that we
have no time to waste.
Before His All-Holiness,
God's holy representative,
and before our empress, especially
I promise that until my last drop of blood
I will strive to be a worthy emperor.
Long live the emperor!
We've seen a lot of pledges.
As soon as you gather the troops,
I want to head east.
This is why everyone should hurry.
Before we assign palace appointments,
make sure all loose ends are tied
so no mistakes are made, agreed?
You can assign appointments on my
behalf as you wish, my empress.
I feel secure on the battlefield and
find it safer than being in the palace.
May peace and blessings be upon you.
May peace and blessings be upon you.
God, bless me
with the honor of martyrdom.
And give our army victory if you wish.
My emperor, the commander
of the Pecheneg Turks wants to see you.
- Bring him in.
- Yes, sir.
We want to join your war and
fight alongside you, dear emperor.
Our presence will strengthen your army.
But sure
this comes at a price, yes?
What do you want?
A hundred thousand gold coins.
I also want a share of the loot.
I have no business with the Seljuks.
You can pillage the Seljuk lands
for all the loot you desire.
Sir, I don't feel right
working with paid mercenaries.
I really don't feel right
fighting alongside them.
If they even suspect loss in battle,
they'll desert the battlefield
as easily as they came.
Thank you for sharing your concerns,
Commander Georgeus. I am grateful.
However, I request you do not
share these concerns with others.
The army is to leave tomorrow morning.
With longing and desire
they have prepared all week.
I assume all responsibility and risk.
I hope you will all comply
in the same way.
What are you saying?
I failed to find a worthier commander
to defend Constantinople than you.
You are staying here.
Antonius, prepare a strong defense unit
while we're away.
Don't create more work for us.
Is it not safer to be
here by our side, sir?
After the trial, this man tried
everything in his power to kill me,
and he'd do the same to become emperor.
Special units are full of Armenian
soldiers and a commander academy too.
Georgeus has had
a tremendous influence on them.
Rather than come with us,
it's better to stay here.
As you wish.
Sultan Alp-Arslan,
I surrender our city to you.
Our people are here to serve you.
Be blessed.
know this.
No one will encroach upon
your liberty, property or worship.
Everyone will continue living safely.
I declare the castle handed
over to you, sir.
Our army's no longer an army of recruits.
Castles being conquered,
villages passing hand-to-hand.
Haven't you witnessed how
they fight, Antonius?
I've freed my mind
from all those worries, sir.
So we will go above and beyond.
We will come face-to-face with Alp-Arslan
and destroy him and his realm.
Gather your army.
We are returning to Constantinople.
We shall strengthen our forces
and return for a massive attack.
My sultan,
we have suffered casualties
during the siege of the Aleppo Citadel.
Many soldiers lost.
I want to send a message
of peace to the castle.
I am the ruler of the Great Seljuk Empire,
Sultan Alp-Arslan.
Exactly when did I admit defeat?
Now you make this request, huh?
Either you lead the army yourself
or I relieve you of your duty.
At your service, my sultan.
Dear Sultan,
the Greek ambassador wants to see you.
Let him in.
I've brought you this letter from
Emperor Romanus Diogenes.
How long was your journey?
I traveled 20 days.
Send his scalp back to Diogenes.
Master, stop.
- Master, stop.
- Thank you, Lord.
Let me go. Stop. I'm fine.
Let go.
The Greek ambassador came today.
I'm in my usual place, as you know,
the sultan's right-hand man.
He crossed the line.
Then a soldier appears.
I grabbed the sword and snap!
I cut off his head and served it to him.
What did our sultan do, master?
What could he do?
He grabbed me by the neck,
pulled me close,
and kissed my forehead.
He said, "Well done, Abr."
Look, he kissed me right here.
He doesn't kiss anyone else.
He won't kiss anyone else.
Back to work. Come on. Go.
He wanted me to sign an oath,
to return the castles back to him.
The fact that the ambassador embarked
on a 20-day journey to get here
tells me they will likely hit the road
with an even bigger army.
His intentions are obviously to not only
retrieve castles and land
but to destroy us completely.
Their assassination attempt
fuels the anger that's buried within.
We must withdraw from the siege, Vizier.
We will need to cross Byzantine forces
on our way to Isfahan.
Do you think you stand a chance against
that huge army and all those soldiers?
With Yakup Yabgu and Afin,
we shall unite in the Greek provinces.
My sultan, 150,000 people are coming.
Even if we combined all the Turks,
we still wouldn't have that many.
This is how victories are won, Vizier.
This is how
great wars are lost, my sultan.
You still don't get it, do you, Vizier?
This war is our destiny.
We are not here to flee.
This land will be our homeland
and will belong to us forever.
What if something happens to you, Sultan?
Don't worry, Vizier.
Our state will not be without a leader.
Now get ready.
You will go to Isfahan.
If I am made a martyr, you must
prepare my son Malik-Shah for the throne.
At your service, my sultan.
Welcome, great emperor.
- Our glorious emperor!
- Long live the emperor!
Welcome, Emperor Diogenes!
Long live Emperor Diogenes.
Long live Emperor Diogenes.
- Our emperor.
- Welcome.
Long live the emperor.
Long live Emperor Diogenes.
Thank you for not embarrassing me,
sublime emperor.
I reckon that Alp-Arslan has
received my message.
Soon I'll surpass his rule by far,
and we will free ourselves from
his rule forever.
I'm wondering
would you like to spend the night here?
You now trust Commander Georgeus, I guess?
No, but I have to take him with me.
if Georgeus stays here,
I would need to leave my best commander
to keep him in check.
I need my commanders. Not Georgeus.
Will you return victorious?
Definitely, my queen.
Sultan Alp-Arslan sends his regards.
I'll destroy any obstacle in my path
without a second thought.
Even if they are Christian?
Yes. Even a Christian.
Turkish, Greek, Armenian, Christian, Arab,
there is no such thing as a Muslim.
There's the Eastern Roman Empire
or Byzantium.
Joining us in battle
are the sacrilegious Turks
who took refuge with Alp-Arslan.
It's been said he even helped Christians.
His messengers come to me every day.
But the Turks in our army are ruthless.
What difference does it make,
Commander Georgeus?
The spoils of war have no religion.
Sacrilegious Turks long for the spoils
of war far more than my soldiers.
Our people will share
pride and victory at the end of this war.
Those who do not will perish.
As you know, for three months we've been
recruiting and preparing for this war.
I appeal to you before God.
Tomorrow we'll confront the infidel Turks.
As we journey out, do not forget the
religious burdens we've carried.
As your emperor, I must warn
you of the news I've heard.
From what my messengers have told me,
some of our brethren in faith are
conspiring with the infidel Turks
and they harbor hostility towards us.
I stand before you all, in God's grace.
With His All-Holiness the Patriarch
as my witness, I declare,
those who betray you, those who battle you
will get killed regardless of
their religion or race.
Even if they bear a cross,
you shall not hesitate to kill them.
They are either with us or against us.
We are the true believers.
May God protect you all!
Long live Diogenes.
Within a few days,
we will arrive in this region.
We must reclaim the villages
that were conquered by the Seljuks.
We'll fight with great force.
The faster we move,
the more land we reconquer.
Sir, we have been on the road for 30 days.
If the soldiers are overworked,
the results could be fatal.
A soldier's honor is to fight tirelessly,
even die for their cause, Commander.
If not, they should be farmers.
Sir, there is news regarding Alp-Arslan.
He is struggling to gather an army.
By the time we arrive, they should have
at least 20-30,000 troops.
This opens up opportunities, of course.
How so?
Allow me to show you in due time.
The emperor called for me.
Two cats
in one sack.
Not a good fit.
On the road we'll pass villages
where we massacred Armenian commanders.
We will be met with resistance.
For this reason, we must eradicate
all Armenian villages from history.
Let there be no enemies left standing.
Yes, sir.
Praise Allah.
Praise Allah.
Blessings of Allah be upon you all.
Blessings of Allah be upon you all.
Oh, Lord, we place our trust in you.
With perseverance I bow to you
and I fight for you.
Oh, Lord, we placed our trust in you.
We dedicate our servitude to you
in all your power and might.
Oh, Lord, we place our trust you.
May we exalt in the name of Islam.
Condemn my enemies.
Grant us victory, my Lord.
The emperor has gone mad.
At this rate,
no Armenians will be left standing.
- God protect us all.
- Amen.
My sultan, there's a message
from Daniment.
Let him in.
My sultan.
Yes, Ambassador.
The noble Daniment sent me.
Ten Turkish tribes have joined
their forces and await to meet you.
He will join the army on the way.
There are Turkmen as well.
The Kurdish dynasty
of Marwanids has also joined them.
Thank you, Ambassador. Let them join.
We are looking for
the Seljuk Sultan Alp-Arslan.
Why do you seek him?
Are your intentions hostile?
My name is Kurtbey.
My brothers also swore
to drink Byzantine blood.
We heard he had set out for war.
We are under his command
and we will fight to the death.
Why should Alp-Arslan trust you?
My father was the most loyal warrior
amongst his ancestors.
He was sent off to Anatolia.
They did not surrender to the Byzantines.
They managed to escape.
For years we have been waiting
to exact our revenge.
The day of Byzantine bloodshed has come.
If you don't know of Alp-Arslan,
do not stand on our way.
By my command, we shall toast
to the mercy of martyrdom.
Blessings, brave one.
My sultan, we are here to fight
and we are prepared to die.
Welcome, brave ones.
May Allah bless us all.
Praise Allah! Praise Allah! Praise Allah!
A bit higher. From above.
Like this. Now pull. Pull.
Just like that. Go on.
Do not bend your elbow. Continue.
Go ahead, my brave-hearted one.
Yes, courageous one.
The Greeks will be weighed down
by their armor.
They won't stand a chance
against our cavalry.
Prepare with this in mind.
We will test this theory once in battle.
Be prepared for tonight as well.
Let us observe our enemies
and see how they react to an ambush.
Come, fearless ones.
Help me!
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah!
Let the heads roll!
It's hard to admit, but the Turkish
invasion has demoralized our soldiers.
How many lost?
Around 100.
Not such a big deal for us.
Then why the low morale?
Sir, before the attack
the army faced a sudden ambush
and many lives were lost.
Inevitably, morale was lost.
As you know, many mercenaries
and relatives are from the same village.
Because of this, we shall capture
and execute 100 Turks in their place.
We will capture and execute 100 Turks.
As a morale booster.
May one captive Turk be sacrificed
for each friend you've lost.
Your pain is my pain.
Your revenge is my revenge.
We will wipe Turks
from the face of the earth!
Sir, may the wrath
of Emperor Diogenes escape us.
What do you know, soldier?
Mind your business. Let's go.
The Byzantines will also have
the Pechenegs by their side.
I do not find Turks fighting
Turks appropriate.
I know, Suleiman. I know.
Sultan, I find it more appropriate
to attack from the left flank.
We will find a solution, Suleiman.
There is no better day than
tomorrow to mobilize our army.
The blood that flows
never stalls in the vein.
According to my calculations
with Allah's grace, we will
establish our camp around Malazgirt.
We bring good news, my sultan.
Tell us, Yakup.
Byzantine troops
were decimated by our attacks.
God bless.
And we brought you loot, my sultan.
Let this cross be delivered
to the caliph as soon as possible.
Let them know the sanctity of our cause.
May they not withhold their prayers.
Victory belongs to those
who believe in Almighty Allah!
Praise Allah! Praise Allah! Praise Allah!
You are strong.
Now with the sword.
Not bad.
If you like, we can keep working.
Right. Waist.
Very good. Once more.
We are Alp-Arslan's soldiers of Babu
We are the sword of God on earth
We didn't turn this way
We won't look back
We swore, with heaven and earth
As our witness
Oh, God, God Almighty
Oh, God, God Almighty
Let's go.
On this road
The Gray Wolves will not tire
Coyotes will not be allowed
- Master.
- Come on. Say it.
Will we fight tomorrow too?
What are you asking, fool?
If necessary, we will fight.
But if you two cowards are afraid,
you can cower behind me.
Your master will defend you both.
Do you think cooking is my only skill?
And what are these skills?
To protect the sultan.
How so?
We are in battle again like old times.
I'm on this side.
My sultan is on that side too.
I keep an eye on him.
They surrounded him. I saw it.
I jumped on my horse
and galloped towards them.
- Galloped?
- Yes.
I dove between them and
drew my sword. Whoosh!
I chopped off his head. Whoosh.
Then his arm.
And then I cut off his leg.
Blood everywhere.
What war was it, Abr?
My sultan.
Forgive me, my sultan!
I was led astray.
It hurts so much.
My sultan, you misunderstood me.
Please forgive me.
Hey, slow down.
My sultan, please forgive me.
- You must be strong.
- Is that so?
What are you doing here?
What business do you have here, Son?
Did I not confide all my trust in you?
Dad, Turkmen go from village to village.
Sultan Alp-Arslan needs soldiers.
If not, the state will lose control.
I've come to fight for Sultan Alp-Arslan,
and to defend my state and religion.
Did I make a mistake?
You made a mistake by not listening, Son.
But it doesn't matter anymore.
May God bless you too, Son.
Be careful, okay?
Come on.
Come over and help.
Come on. Hurry up.
- Did you find a saddle?
- Come on.
Come, come. Go on.
Why do Turks tie the horses' tails?
Don't swing. Don't swing.
Did you get supplies?
Horses are our best friends
on the battlefield.
The moment we tie their tail
both the rider and the horse
know that they could be
riding to their death.
My heroes, my brothers,
there is only one sultan here.
Almighty Allah.
Divine order and destiny are in his hands.
No matter how many forces they have,
and regardless of how few we are,
may this white robe be my shroud.
Until the last drop of blood that flows
through my veins, I shall fight for Allah.
Soldiers, commanders, always remember
we're protected by the benevolence of God
in our fight against the infidels.
We fight for Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who sacrificed himself for us.
Do not fear death!
If we reach our goal,
we will claim victory on our homeland.
Otherwise, we will go to heaven
to live alongside the prophet.
You can either join me in jihad
or you can go your own way
and are free to go wherever you wish.
There's room for us all in God's kingdom.
The fate of all Christianity
is on your shoulders!
This day is the day of war.
The day is the day of victory.
Today is the day of martyrdom.
The campaign is ours.
The victory belongs to Allah!
Praise Allah! Praise Allah!
Antonius, tell all the troops
we will wait for the Turks
to make the first move.
At your service, sir.
No one should leave their post
without our command.
What do you think, my sultan?
I'm wondering where I will bury
all the Greeks, Suleiman.
once they pull back,
we will go in for attack.
After battling for a while,
I want them to retreat with haste.
At your service, my sultan.
Let's withdraw the army.
Looks like they won't attack today.
They're attacking.
With 30 horses?
What are they trying to do?
They're escaping. They're escaping.
- They're running.
- They're running.
Take cover. Be careful.
Tell the Pechenegs to handle the archers.
May our battles be blessed, brave ones.
In the name of Allah!
Oh, Allah!
Who are you?
I'm an official of the Great Seljuk State,
Sultan Alp-Arslan.
I'm not going to kill you.
We are of the same blood.
I do not shed Turkish blood.
but if our nation or our state
are betrayed
know that I will be your death wish.
You can fight tomorrow with this in mind.
We've been betrayed.
My brave son.
- My brave son.
- Father!
My son, my flesh, my blood.
Father, am I a martyr?
You are a martyr, my son.
You are in heaven, Son.
I am a martyr.
You are martyred!
Now it's time for Turks to seek justice.
Praise Allah! Praise Allah!
Untie his hands.
You fought quite well, Commander.
I congratulate you.
You are a mighty emperor.
Your belongings will be returned to you.
Your reputation will be left intact.
When war reparations are sent
you will be sent back to
your capital safe and sound.
Why are you treating me so kindly?
If you were in my place,
what would you do?
Tie you to my horse,
put you in a cage,
and show you off as prisoner of war
all across Byzantium.
That's the difference between us.
My heroes, my brothers
your blood was spilled in these lands,
and your souls nourished this soil.
With the entire world as my witness,
tomorrow the sun will rise on this land
and cast its light on the Turkish banner.
I have brought you a homeland
that will be yours forever.
We are Alp-Arslan's soldiers of Babu
We are the sword of God on earth
We didn't turn this way
We won't look back
We swore, with heaven and earth
As our witness
Oh, God, God Almighty
Oh, God, God Almighty
On this road
The Gray Wolves will not tire
Coyotes will not be allowed
The sky will not collapse
And the earth will not be shattered
The rule of the world
Belongs to the Turks
Oh, God, God Almighty
Oh, God, God Almighty
Ozan Erhan sings
Gray Wolves play the instruments
You are the future of the nation
Gray Wolves
Martyrs, veterans
We are Gray Wolves
Hearts beat on for Kzlelma
Oh, God, God Almighty
Oh, God, God Almighty
Our ancestor Metehan.
Our ancestor Metehan
Our homeland Turan
We stand before Malazgirt, Alp-Arslan
The moment we stamp
Our Turkish seal on the world
Let the angels descend
In the name of Allah
Oh, God, God Almighty
Seven climates
Seven climates, eight sky witnesses
Crescent in the sky
Tons of witnesses on the ground
Witness us today, witness us yesterday
Flowers bloomed on God's mountains
Oh, God, God Almighty