Maloch Tropical (2009) Movie Script

Whoever of the Sons of Israel
sacrifices his offspring to MOLOCH
shall be put to death
and I will cut him off
from among his people.
The problem is he doesn't want to.
He says he loves me
but he won't marry me.
And believe me, you'll find it.
What should I do then?
I think I'll give up.
Erline, life is an ever-rising river.
Talk to him. Show him your innermost
feelings and you'll see.
Yes, I'll try.
He's a fellow. He'll marry you.
Love is a gift from heaven.
Thank you, Erline.
Another caller...
My name is Marjorie.
My boyfriend is threatening to leave
me if I don't do what he wants.
He gave me an ultimatum.
I don't want to lose him.
How old are you?
Almost 20.
I'm on the toilet, Mama.
Call me back later, please.
Intellectuals have signed
a petition against
"the iniquitous acts
of the chief of state."
President Thogne, they stress,
is no credit to our heritage.
It's all right. It's nothing.
They denounce an intolerable
situation and lax policy.
"Is this what we fought for?"
"We don't think so", they insist.
What can we do in the face
of a deteriorating
political and social climate?
Can we remain indifferent
to the fate of a population
demanding rapid changes,
and quick solutions
to the high cost of living?
Mustn't we again
let the citizens speak,
let universal suffrage speak?
If the answer is yes,
new elections must be held quickly.
All political observers
agree in saying
that the choices
of the elected President Thogne
are not those of the majority
of the population.
The question of legitimacy
is again raised.
I'm sure your little pussy
is just as refreshing...
Beg your pardon?
You'll be good?
- You have to be good, you know.
- Yes, Papa.
Going to your piano lesson today?
Making progress?
You like the piano?
Yes, but there's the helicopter.
The helicopter?
When I play, it makes a lot of noise
over the house.
It disturbs you?
It's to protect you, sweetie.
Kiss your papa.
10 Years of Carnage,
Dust and Wind
Seen the paper?
I've seen it. I'm coming.
- Have you seen the President?
- Not yet.
- And Mother Theresa?
- Here I am.
Let's go.
Ti-Jean, your socks.
They won't film my socks.
Why buy Cerutti suits
if you wear striped socks?
Look up.
Clribert Myrtil, you're late!
Damn young people!
They rap, yet want revolution.
The national anthem, please.
- What are you eating?
- Mints.
He's too low.
The mint.
It's running!
Sisters and brothers,
we are celebrating today
the anniversary of the independence
of our beautiful country
and the memory of its negro hero:
Toussaint Louverture.
I open my arms and my heart
on this occasion
and welcome you
with honor and respect.
After 200 years
of political violence,
of economic violence,
only one road can lead us
to a true and profound deliverance:
the road of peace.
Reducing the cost of living
means reducing unemployment.
Reducing unemployment
means reducing social tensions.
Reducing social tensions
means increasing peace.
We must be viscerally united.
United with the police to control
insecurity and free the country.
For we love order
where disorder reigns.
We love what is clean.
The cleanliness we have created
in public institutions.
Tolerance of corruption: zero.
Tolerance of theft: zero.
Tolerance of abuse: zero.
Tolerance of chaos: zero.
Zero + zero = absolute zero.
We have democratized Democracy.
But peaceful revolution
must also come from below.
Dear brothers, dear sisters...
I'll call you back.
Nothing works in this country.
Has the silverware arrived?
"He conquers twice
who conquers himself in victory."
After independence,
France condemned us to pay
150 million gold francs
to compensate the colonists
we had chased off our island.
France must pay restitution
for this money, at today's rate.
Meaning 21 billion 685 million,
130 thousand 571 dollars
and 48 cents.
The time for restitution has come.
The time for justice has come.
Let our gazes turn
to the bicolor flag.
Dear fellow citizens,
I love my homeland.
I love my country.
I love you all.
- Do we re-do the end?
- The end is fine.
- What's wrong with your foot?
- It's nothing.
Jean de Dieu...
Don't bust my balls.
You come in too late, Clribert!
You're daydreaming
and come in too late.
We'll take it again.
I'll bust his ass!
Fuck these journalists.
They think they can scare me
with their rags?
I told you,
no more articles like this.
What are you paid for?
To jerk off in your chairs?
He can shove his faggot piece.
It's beyond belief. Beyond belief!
I'll make that faggot eat his shit.
200 people demonstrate
for me to step down,
manipulated by the mulatto gang.
By the mulattos!
And they call it a popular uprising!
There is no popular uprising.
These people elected me.
They voted for me.
So don't come telling me they...
Because it's not true.
I'm fucking fed up with these
intellectuals who read coffee beans.
Daily demonstrations?
Let them demonstrate
if they have to air their asses.
Since when do the people know
what they want?
Since independence? Since 1804?
If they come out,
it's because they're told to.
But if I lean out the window,
the real people
will be there to acclaim me.
Goddam petty bourgeoisie!
Goddam academics,
stuck-up shits!
They've been up my ass
for 10 years now.
I want to know who wrote this.
It's signed Jacques Prvert.
Where's the culture minister?
Here, Mr. President.
Let's go, then.
Where are you, Madame Vilbrun?
John Barker is playing
Toussaint Louverture,
and Sharon Temple
is playing his wife.
They're terrific!
Anne Labuche, culture minister.
When in France,
I only drink champagne.
What is it?
- Is there meat in it?
- Codfish.
Yes, my commission.
Beautiful things have their price.
What's wrong with his foot?
Why did he hire
that slut who stole my Rolodex?
- Because the slut wrote a play.
- She can't even read.
She went crying to the president
for funding.
My cook's on fire.
Let's go.
Look, girls!
Here's Jennifer Lopez!
I came to see the President.
Have his cell number?
The Cubans just cancelled.
They telegrammed congratulations.
They're right next door
and can't move their asses?
The Africans?
They've all arrived.
Where are you?
- The American ambassador?
- He should be here.
- But France sent an underling.
- What kind of underling?
A secretary of state,
a black or Arab.
I need whites.
I still can't find your name.
Look harder.
You don't seem able to look.
Won't see it. You talk too much.
Security, do your job.
Clear off, Madame.
And go where?
- Clear off?
- Make me!
We have cripples?
Cripples, Aids victims,
we have everything.
- And children?
- We have plenty.
- Black?
- I took the blackest.
All orphans.
They're the Plaine-du-Nord choir.
They're delicious.
Let's recap:
reception, brass band,
President's speech, cocktails,
gala dinner with Armelle Delormes,
and the play...
We said, play first...
It's been changed.
Then the ceremony
with all the national anthems.
What do you mean, held in customs?
Since when is there customs
in this country?
I didn't pay $20,000 for a horse
to get held in customs.
Work it out, my friend.
Girls, listen to this.
The President says to the French:
"Restitution! Restitution!"
The French say, Okay, okay!
We'll pay the 21 billion,
685 million, 135 thousand
and 571 dollars,
but not a penny of the 48 cents.
Know what the President says?
"Then what's left
for the Haitian people?"
Madame, you really should go.
Call Ti Coq.
You know Ti Coq?
Leave her alone. I'm coming.
when Odette asked me about playing
Toussaint in her magnificent
and so very political play,
"The Roots of Liberty,"
I rushed over. It was great
to help your ailing island.
But are you going to play in English?
Strike out that question.
It's not a good question.
I'm the culture minister.
And you?
She loved the play.
It's intense and... so sad.
And with such political depth.
It's going to rain.
Your mother is here.
What's that?
Mama, you can't just walk in here.
People wait 3 months
for an appointment.
I'm not people.
Are you whitening your skin?
We'll talk later.
I have to concentrate.
What's wrong with your foot?
Nothing, Mama.
How's that, nothing?
Look, I have a speech to write.
You look all crooked.
I cut myself.
Did you rub it with lemon?
An infected foot drops off
like an old mango.
You need to apply werewolf leaves.
what's this restitution business?
What business?
The 21 billion and 48 cents.
It's the money
France stole from Haiti.
But why do you want to give
the Haitian people only 48 cents?
I have no time for jokes.
Anyway, that's what people say.
Who's saying that?
The people.
The people?
When people start joking,
it means they're not happy.
And that means they're going
to smash everything.
They won't smash anything at all.
Okay. But I warned you.
Take her to the kitchen.
Is Ludivine here?
She's at school.
Send her Ludivine after school.
You are whitening your skin!
Ti Coq.
A beer.
Who wrote that article?
Look after her.
I don't have time.
I have too much to do.
I'm waiting for Ludivine.
And I'm waiting
for Pope John Paul II.
The President wants a beer.
Jean de Dieu?
Yes, I know.
The students are outside
the American embassy.
In large numbers.
- Very large numbers.
- I know.
Let me see your pussy.
Just a second.
It's Rachel.
A kiss.
Come in.
She works well?
She's in training.
It's getting worse.
Now it's the students.
I know.
Be fast. Strike hard.
Do I unleash them?
Do I unleash the Chimeras?
- I don't know...
- You don't know what?
Have a better idea?
We could ask the Americans
for help.
You're joking, I hope?
Sometimes, you have to know
when to make decisions.
Mother Theresa.
Unleash them.
Unleash the Chimeras.
Be quick. Strike hard.
It must be done by tonight.
Strike harder!
There are no fathers
and no mothers.
We cut off heads, we burn houses.
Some people think they can tear away
the people's democracy.
We say it won't happen.
This won't happen.
We won't let it happen.
We'll chew their balls off.
Yes we can.
Now let us say a little prayer.
Great Master,
You who know how to wage war:
A mob of democracy's enemies
think they can tear democracy
away from us.
Great Master, where is Your sword?
Place it in our right hand.
Take the lead.
We will follow.
Victory must be ours!
Victory is ours!
Radio Rainbow.
It is exactly 11:30 am.
This is a special newsflash
from Radio Rainbow.
Clashes between partisans
and opponents of President Thogne
were violent and deadly.
Police are overwhelmed.
There has been gunfire.
Flaming barricades
have been erected.
And where did you get the money?
From my uncle, in Miami.
In these exceptional circumstances,
we now bring you
this important message
from our collaborator
Grald Francis.
Grald Francis,
as we reported earlier,
was abducted from his home
by armed men.
Werewolf leaves?
In his final message, Grald...
You have pains?
It's for the President.
The President?
You can add some arsenic.
Oil tankers come to our trashcan
island to dump their morbid cargo.
1 child out of 8
dies before the age of 5.
He disappointed the poor
who elected him in their hearts.
He disappointed the citizens
who elected him at the polls.
We voted for justice.
He gave us terror.
We dreamed of the sun.
He brought darkness.
We fought for change.
He brought us death and the past.
No, guns won't silence us,
Mr. President.
Your Chimeras don't scare us.
You're quite a talker.
We are thousands.
They are alone
and their days numbered.
Did you know, Mr. President,
that you're on the international
list of predators of liberty?
At best, you protect the murderers,
at worst,
you're directly implicated in crime.
Enjoy your bicentennial,
in your citadel.
This has been Grald Francis,
for Radio Rainbow.
He recorded it all beforehand.
What do you want to do?
We can stop by Radio Rainbow.
Sign this, please.
Mr. President...
Ti Coq...
Bring him to me at 2.
Fix him up a bit, okay?
He has no shirt.
What happened to it?
- Take one of mine.
- Mother Theresa...
Drop by Radio Rainbow.
are gathering outside town.
They're growing by the thousands.
- They're closing schools.
- I know.
We should call it off.
Are you crazy?
Telephone, Mr. President.
- In view of the mood...
- The international community...
Fuck the international community!
I don't need you
to send me Mr. Bushnell!
I don't want a Number Two!
You wanted to restore democracy.
At least
attend its anniversary celebration.
I won't be preached to.
Unless it's by God.
Get Washington. I want to know
what those bastards are up to.
I think that...
I won't be put out
by a drunken ambassador
who spends his days
listening to opera.
I don't have time.
I've had enough.
And lay off me with your female crap.
You're here thanks to them and to me.
Now get the hell out.
Betadine. He shat on himself.
Don't want a little president?
Give me my money.
I don't fuck, I don't pay.
Little vixen!
Your mother's cunt!
I can't.
Honey, I have no time for this.
Tell your father
to fix up the palace.
Papa said he doesn't have money.
But he can buy a helicopter.
The Americans lent him
the helicopter...
to protect me.
You look sharp, Pop.
Who's paying me?
I have no helicopter to pick up
my children at school. Work it out!
You hear me?
Good morning.
Thank you, Grandma.
They closed my school.
On the palace steps
There is such a lovely girl
She has so many suitors
She can't choose from among them.
Madame Minister...
I'm in the palace orchestra.
I'd like to go abroad
to perfect myself.
But you're already perfect.
Your name?
Clribert Myrtil.
You won't go far
with a name like that.
What can you do?
I'm a saxophonist in the brass band.
Saxophonist. That's not much.
Got a big cock?
Can you come a minute?
The Vatican just cancelled.
Maybe we should...
He's ready.
Not hungry anymore?
May I leave the table?
We're leaving.
We don't have enough money to leave.
I played the lottery.
If I win...
Are you crazy?
You're throwing my money away.
What's got into you?
You were hungry.
Power's not easy.
You've always stayed
on the right side of the tracks.
Three years in exile.
Know what that means,
three years in exile?
Believe me, the Americans
set conditions to bring me back.
Did you know that?
They didn't leave me much of
a margin... democratically speaking.
Anyway, the Americans are pigs.
They put you back in the saddle,
then bugger you on the horse.
But I'm not Bin Laden,
you understand?
I can't shove a plane up their anus.
Eat, Grald.
You have to eat.
Floating Island, Grald.
You love a Floating Island.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Your voice is just as fine,
your program just as strong.
But why these attacks?
Why do you have it in for me?
Haven't you understood...
I tell...
the truth.
What truth?
You mean there's just one truth?
I'm trying to defend myself.
I haven't forgotten the past.
What we lived through.
It was you who dubbed me
the Slum Priest, remember?
"Li'l Jean...
"The Messiah!"
I haven't forgotten, Grald.
What does it matter...
Democracy is costly, my friend.
What would you like?
A cigarette.
I quit.
You have
a bad interpretation of reality.
You introduced me to Bacon, Balthus,
Tlmaque, Lamothe, Mario Benjamin...
You never got past theory,
Power is something
you wield concretely,
strenuously, day after day.
And it's not easy.
It calls for sacrifices.
Major sacrifices.
You understand?
I understand.
You depict me as a monster.
You blame me for everything.
I'm blamed for everything.
You're not a monster.
This people isn't ready
for democracy.
What did you say?
I said, you're not a monster.
A monster has majesty,
or folly.
But you twisted everything,
destroyed everything.
You were a people's hope.
You were a priest.
You soiled the dream.
A dream. Exactly.
You wanted to be a prophet.
You never even managed
to be a consistent monster.
Not even that.
You're shabby, pathetic.
I'd even pity you
if I didn't know you.
Whatever happens,
you'll always be my brother.
For Barker.
- I'm fucking you.
- What do you want?
What do you want from me?
What do you want?
A visa?
My friend.
My brother.
Make it stop...
Stop... even if for a moment.
The burden is heavy...
The road is blocked.
We had to take a detour.
I'm so happy.
- Doriane.
- Anne.
- Where from?
- Dior.
Of course.
I'm horribly jetlagged.
Get some sleep...
This is the orchestra.
It's magnificent.
They're cute.
He's sublime.
I'll lend him to you, if you like.
Thank you, Anne,
it's adorable of you.
The storm will pass.
I finished my piano lesson.
Mama... Easy.
It hurts.
Sure, it hurts.
I told you.
Waiting for someone?
I won't leave.
Incompetents! You're all useless!
It's flabby, it's false.
Eating, sleeping,
belching, pissing-
that you can do.
But you're not cut out to read
a score.
We'll take it again.
Give me force.
Clribert, it's the national anthem.
Get me that.
Let go!
Let go, guys!
You think the Haitian people
will accept all this disorder?
The president will stand firm
and impose the rule of law.
He was elected democratically
for five years and by the people.
The people are good.
The people are strong.
The people are wise.
What is good must be proclaimed.
What is good...
The people are strong.
Ti Coq...
The people are strong.
The people are strong.
Ti Coq...
Mother Mary, path that leads to Him
Your "Yes" blooms in our lives
Thank you for this blessed gift
Please, Blessed Virgin
Obtain for us from Jesus
To fill us with a lovely silence
That we may dwell with Him.
Here are the latest developments...
There are still barricades
of burning tires
in the streets of Port-au-Prince,
notably near the Ethnology Faculty.
Several buildings have been destroyed
and cars are burning everywhere.
- What, no whites?
- Just Africans.
- And a Korean.
- I don't need Chinese.
- Not Chinese...
- Korean.
I need whites.
There are no whites.
There are no whites left.
Do I have to pull these whites
out of my pussy?
"If we dream of a better world,
Think of the children of today,
"They have the instinct for love,
"To which the world aspires."
For a new day to dawn at last
To injustice we must renounce
For the children
deprived of freedom
We must know the truth
"Care for the children in prison,
Won't they be the worst executioners?
"So please spare them prison bars."
For a new day to dawn at last
To injustice we must renounce
For the children
deprived of freedom
We must know the truth.
Colonization is like terrorism:
a barbarism.
In 1804,
our revolution sounded
the death knell of the slave trade.
Two centuries of peace
should have reconstructed
the Haiti of our dreams.
Far from growing in the shadow
of our blooming palm trees,
our island was struck head on
by political terrorism,
economic barbarism.
Haiti for the Haitians.
Food for the Haitians.
Work for the Haitians.
Education for the Haitians.
Brothers and sisters,
the burden is heavy.
Christ climbed His Golgotha
and Joan her stake.
I am Joan of Arc...
I am Christ the Redeemer.
I am the Easter Lamb.
You gave him his medicine?
- He didn't want it.
- Go get it.
I'm not sleepy.
Your medicine.
It's vile, Mr. Bushnell.
The Americans are dropping us.
Your mother's cunt.
"His name was John.
He came to testify.
"Destroy this temple
and in 3 days I will raise it up.
"Do you hear his voice?
"You do not know his origins."
"In the beginning was the word
"And the word was God.
"And life was the light of man,
"And the light shined
in the darkness
"And the darkness
has not overcome it.
"There was a man sent by God.
"His name was John.
"He came to testify.
"He was the true light.
"And the world did not recognize him.
"He came to his house
"And they did not welcome him.
"A little while,
"and ye shall not see me.
"And again, a little while,
"And ye shall see me.
"You will weep,
"You will lament.
"And the world will rejoice."
What's going on?
I understand.
I'll call Dr. Bird.
I'm finished with you.
You're cruel.
My heart is breaking.
You're spiteful.
I can't figure you out.
How can you be like this?
Where does all this damned madness
come from?
200 years of it.
I'm so tired.
I'm worn out!
Have mercy. Thank you, Jesus.
Where is my little dog?
I'm not leaving.
It was phantasmagorical.
I swear. I don't know how I survived.
At one point,
I thought I was on "Candid Camera."
I was sick all night.
Vomiting, diarrhea. I was drained.
It's an hallucination.
They have boats here?
It would be direct.
I had to leave you
To understand your worth
I had to leave you
in order to appreciate you
I really felt
All the things you meant to me
Haiti beloved
The most beautiful country
there can be
I had to leave you
To understand your worth.
- Is Paris far?
- Shut up.
Why are you mad?