Malone (1987) Movie Script

- I think it's time for you to get some help.
- Why?
Because you can't do your job anymore.
Only because I let that man live
a couple of days longer?
- That man's one of the worst bastards....
- I don't care. I want out.
- What're you gonna tell the Company?
- Goodbye.
You know too much. One of the first things
you taught me is that nobody...just walks away
Watch me.
Goodbye! I'll write you!
You push, I'll steer.
Nice car. What year?
- '69.
- It's older than me.
That sucks, older than you.
- Mornin'.
- Mornin'.
- Looks like you have a problem.
- It's the transmission.
Sstart her up, we'll take a look.
- S'cuse me.
- Sure.
Woow! Shut it off.
It's the transmission, alright.
Looks like the bands are slippin'.
- You know a little about cars.
- I know a lot about this one.
- I'm Paul Barlow. This is my daughter Jo.
- Malone.
- You got a first name?
- Yeah
Just see what he wants,
and don't start anything with him.
Get the window.
Still here Barlow? The man's offering you
more than ten times what this place is worth.
- I'm just stubborn I guess.
- Stubborn and ignorant.
Mr. Delaney is a patient man,
but I wouldn't push him too far.
Put it on the tab.
- Beautiful country.
- Yeah.
I don't stock the parts you need.
I can order 'm.
But the fastest way is to have it towed into Bronckton.
60 miles and they'll stick it to you.
I'm not in a hurry.
We'll take her apart first thing in the morning.
- Motel around here?
- It closed a month ago.
- Well, I'll sleep in the car.
- You'll freez your ass off.
I've done that before.
Dad, I'm gonna go get the groceries.
Can I have a list?
Mind if go along?
I need a razor.
Hurry up.
This property has been acquired by
No tresspassing, hunting, camping or fishing.
- So, you up here for the fishin'?
- I don't know how to fish.
Just drivin' through.
Everybody knows how to fish.
- Where are you goin'?
- Travellin' around, here and there.
- Sounds great!
- Does it?
- Isn't one place just like another?
- I wouldn't know.
The only other place I've been is Montana.
I used to live there with my mom.
- Your mom still live there?
- No, she died.
You married?
Didn't think so.
What happened to this town?
They discover toxic waste?
Oh this rich guy Delaney moved in.
Tryin'to buy up everything.
Half the valley has left.
- What's goin' up?
- Oh nothing.
See you later.
Are you coming or what?
Bollard has always been wild but they're really
outdoing themselves since they hired on with Delaney.
- There's that name again.
- You hear it a lot lately.
Came to town about a year ago.
Started buying everything he could get his hands on.
People were real excited.
They thought he was gonna reopen the mine.
No, the mine never opened.
He kept right on buying.
Over half the town's left now.
More leaving every day.
I can't figure him out.
Let's go get some supper.
only good thing about being in the
service was learning how to cook.
First thing I'd rather have is burgers and fries.
Like normal people.
He seems to like it.
You know, there's a lot of prep work to do
on your car before the parts get here.
- If I had some help...
- I'll do it myself.
Well, I wouldn't charge you for
working on your own car.
I appreciate that.
you know, i've been thinking about you sleepin'
in your Mustang. We have a spare room here.
Why don't you use it?
When we get through with her she'll
be good for another 100,000 (miles).
I wish I was.
- You like this car, don't you?
- Yeah.
I can tell.
Play poker, quit work and sleep till noon!
You scared me!
You got a customer.
You don't have to make up your bed.
I came up to do it.
I better go.
Dad, how long is this gonna take to fix?
When the parts get here, a couple of days.
- And then he goes?
- Yeah I guess so.
I can do it.
Goddamn, I can do it!
- What did you learn about a Ferguson?
- My old man had one.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
- How many acres did he have?
- 120.
- When you're gonna get done with my damn tractor?
- Now hold on, Tom.
- I got a field that's.....
- Just hold on, Tom. Calm down.
I said it'd be ready today
and it will be.
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
I just came over from talking to Delaney,
and he's got me all worked up...honest I...
Paul, I don't know which end is which anymore.
You're not gonna sell, are you?
When are you gonna get rid of that bike
and get yourself some real transportation?
What the hell happened here?
Sedan came barrelin'down that hill,
took up the whole road.
-The Bollard boys claim they had to swirve
slam straight into...
- Sheriff, it weren't our fault.
Some bastard come out of nowhere,
we had to swing outta the way.
- It was just bad luck, I guess.
That's plenty of bad luck for you, Cal.
You've been drinkin'?
Sheriff, I was hung over this morning but I swear,
I ain't touched a drop all day.
Yeah yeah, we'll see about that.
Give him the field sobriety test.
- Doc.
- Sheriff.
Afternoon, Paul. Jo.
What can you tell me?
Paul? Paul!
but....they killed him!
They did it on purpose.
Whoa, wait, wait a minute Jo.
Don't be sayin' stuff like that.
Well maybe.
- She don't know what she's saying..
- Shut your mouth!
- What are you trying to say?
- Tom Riggs wouldn't sell out to Delaney.
And those two do his dirty work.
Sheriff, everybody knows it's the truth.
Why are we standing around here pretending that it's not.
- Look, honey.
- Don't call me honey.
Jo, you have every reason to be upset,
but if this wasn't an accident I'll find out.
The Bollards aren't exactly the brightest
boys that ever graced this community.
I'd sure like to get my hands on
that jackass in the other car.
So why don't you ask the man he was working for.
You alright?
- Hey you!
- What?
I wanna talk to you.
I'm Sheriff Hawkins.
I don't believe we've met.
We haven't.
- What's your name?
- Malone.
- Are you the fellow with the car trouble?
- That counts as big news around here, huh?
- What's your story about this?
- Not much.
I was working on that tractor over there.
I heard Jo scream, when I turned around it was over.
- That's all you saw?
- That's all.
Real smart.
It was insane.
Fox was in the henhouse.
I found myself on the ground.
Decided I should get up, head for cover.
I looked down...
my leg looked like a loop in the LA freeway.
When I woke up I had a pass home.
- When were you in Vietnam?
- 1961
- That was a little early, wasn't it?
- Not for what I was supposed to do.
Paul. I've been talking with the other families...
and everybody that's left...
and we're not gonna sell out to Delaney if you don't.
Ok. Adios, see you tonight.
- Reverend Holmby?
- Yeah.
I represent a very wealthy individual
who wishes to remain anonymous.
He feels you and your organisation are making
a genuine change in this great country of ours.
Well, we try.
And...he wishes to make a substantial
contribution to your cause.
We always....
Welcome back, Patterson.
We all missed you.
Get the bags.
Victor, get the bags.
- Mister Delaney.
- Hello, John.
Good to see you. Sit down.
- How did it go?
- Fine.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I couldn't sleep.
- Keep having bad dreams.
- About what?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Can I ask you something?
Are you a criminal?
When did you find my gun?
Well, are you?
I'm sure you could find
some people that think so.
What do you think?
Good night.
Good evening.
Be seated, please.
You have completed the final phase
of your leadership training.
Upon you returning to your regional sectors,
you will implement your classes with what you
have learned here these passed few weeks
And remember, ours is:
an American Cause.
We are determined to set this country right.
And that will take time and sacrifice.
Thomas Jefferson said:
"The tree of Freedom must be
nourished from Time to Time...
...with blood from its Patriots."
You are patriots..all.
Please stand and repeat after me.
"I... dedicate my body,
my brain and my soul..
" our sacred covenant."
"Even in the face of torture and death..."
"...I will not divulge the intentions or
the names of my brothers and sisters."
Thank you.
I know I can speak for all of us,
and I thank our host for one
hell of a spectacular dinner!
I couldn't ask for anything more.
Except, perhaps, the comfort
of some female company .
Oh come on, seriously now, gentleman. Seriously. Look around us.
Just look at that. Thanks George, I am filled with wonder and gratitude,
at God's bounty.
I didn't want to bring this up now,
but I can't imagine a better time.
Do it!
Charles...for all our sakes,
answer the call of duty.
Run for the United States senate.
Hear Hear!
Hell yeah, Charles, save our asses!
Eeehh, I appreciate those sentiments, gentleman.
But I assure you if I am nominated I will run
- To Mexico!
- Do be serious, Charles.
- And if elected?
- I'll fight extradition., place is right here in this valley.
- What are you doing here?
- I thought I brought you home.
We've never had anybody
stay at the house before.
He talks to you, my dad.
I think he likes you.
I like him.
Oh no.
- Hey Jo, wanna have some fun?
- You can be in the back here.
- No thanks.
- What's the matter honey, don't love me anymore?
Well that's ok. As long as this chuck you're
with doesn't tell you to drop your little panties
anytime I tell you to.
I'm afraid I might have to teach you some manners.
What's your name?
- Why don't you get out of the way?
- Can't do that.
You ain't even polite enough to tell me your name.
- Malone.
- Too late. You already insulted me.
- I didn't mean to do that.
- If I say you insulted me, you insulted me.
Anybody else?
Did you enjoy that?
But you were so good at it.
Not the same thing.
i'm glad he finally got what he deserved.
maybe it was more than he deserved.
- Is your hand gonna be alright?
- Yeah.
I'm getting too old for this.
you're not so old.
You have no idea.
- And you knwo nothing of this man?
- Nothin'.
Perhaps a little provocation
will give us the answer.
Calvin Bollard is very upset about
what happened to his brother.
Maybe I could motivate him
to...get us the answer.
Hey uh doc, how's Dan?
Well, he is going to have to stay in the hospital.
I've done all I can under the circumstances.
But, well, his jaw is broken. Both ears are badly damaged,
the genitalia are still swollen.
Which means we may have some permanent damage there.
- He is going to be ok, ain't he?
- No. He's not gonna be ok.
- I would know what Dan did what made the guy beat him up so bad?
- He didn't do anything.
I could kill the fuck!
Must be terrible seeing your own
brother humiliated like that.
For no reason.
No reason at all, by a total stranger
- I don't know how you can stand it?
- I'll tell you one thing.
No fucking outsider is gonna come in here
and get away with messin' up a Bollard.
Hey Amira, another beer for Calvin.
You could make Dan proud.
Don't cut it so short.
Just a little longer.
- is this the fellow havin'thr car trouble?
- Yeah.
That was my brother you almost killed.
You know he can't have children now?
- That could be a blessing.
- Get your ass outta that chair.
- Calvin, please.
- Shut up, Andy!
- I said "up", you son of a bitch.
- You're acting stupid.
Stupid! Stupid am I?
You want in the back, I swear I don't much like it that way but...
- You're making a mistake.
- What if I blew your fucking head of right now. How would that be, huh?
You know what I got under this newspaper?
What you got under that newspaper?
- How do I know you're not bluffin'?
- You don't.
I want you to walk up to this newspaper.
Tell me exactly what he's got underneath there.
I bet all you find is his pecker
and a teeny one at that.
Alright Calvin, don't let him mess with you.
hurry up, Andy!
- Calvin...
- Goddammit, don't argue with me just do it, Andy.
- I wouldn't do that, Andy.
- You're liable to stop a bullet?
You ain't got nothin' under there.
Why don't you come and take a look?
Oh no.
Oh no!
I don't believe it.
- I guess Dan was right.
- You are a chicken shit.
Put it down.
Virginia huh.
You're a long way from home.
How come you got a post office box for an adress?
I move around a lot.
- I bet you do.
- Sheriff?
Check this out.
No sir, I'd like that to expedite that
tomorrow morning, not next week
Right. Get back to me, I'm at
the sheriff's office. Right, thank you.
- Good afternoon, mister Delaney.
- Good afternoon, sheriff.
I wondered if I might ask
your suspect a few questions.
- I was just talking to him.
- Just take a couple of minutes. I won't be very long
No euh, I guess
- You're Delaney.
- Right.
And you're Malone, right?
- May I sit down?
- Sure.
Thank you.
Well, Richard... Do you mind if I call you Richard?
Go right ahead.
This valley is so far away I was just wondering what...
And your first name is?
- I just wondered what brought you here.
- My car.
- Broke down.
- Really?
What really brought you here, Richard?
- I came here...
- to kill me.
- Right?
- Are you so important?
No. No, I'm not.
You might say I'm in the survivor business.
I encourage people to fight for their rights,
like our forefathers.
There are some who might
be threatened by that...
...might want me to stop.
Or try to stop me.
And those people would be against... truth,
and justice...and the American way.
I think so, yes.
How about you?
Right now, I'm...only
concerned problem.
You got one.
You got one,
but you're not alone
I've known other men, good men like you
that had similar problems.
They were just temporarily lost in the wildernis.
They were... Samurai.
Without a master.
I was headin' out to have no master anymore.
You shouldn't.
You should work with someone,
not for someone.
- Someone like you.
- Possibly
Otherwise you're a loose
cannon on the deck.
Powerfull, but without direction.
You know, there could be a great future for
a man like you right here in this very valley.
You might become a true patriot.
By whose definition?
Oh...among others, Henry James.
Wasn't he the one that said:
"Patriottism, like charity..."
...begins at home.
Very good.
- How much you got on him?
- Not enough to hold him.
Let him go.
Pity. Interesting man.
You want me to take care of him?
No. Let's give him the
respect he deserves.
Call New York.
Our eeh, wanderin' friend turned up again.
- You understand what this means?
- Yes.
I could send Bradley or Robinson,
that might have undesirable ramifications.
- Especially for Bradley or Robinson.
- Precisely.
On the other hand, he trusts you.
What is it you have in mind,
Mr. Hausmann?
Coat the inside of a drinking glas,
it dries in seconds.
It is transparent, without taste or smell.
Death comes in the first minute.
Of natural causes.
If you come back into town without notifying me first,
I'll throw your ass into jail
- We have enough trouble around here.
- Yes sir.
- And another thing, from now on no more guns. Ok!
- I don't have any more guns.
Well, that's what I'm gonna find out.
Let's see what we have here..
Check the wardrobe.
I want you to have another
look under the pillow.
You're gonna move?
- There's nothin' here , chief.
- I can see that.
Let's go.
It's only a question of time.
Smart fellow you hired yourself, Paul.
Real smart.
- Hawkins. The man is q guest in my homee.
- Guest, huh?
Some guest!
Could I talk to you?
As soon as we get your car fixed,
I think you're gonna have to go.
Don't you want to know why?
Wait a minute! God damned!
Jo is the only thing I've got.
I can't...
You still don't get it, do you?
After I'm gone, Delaney is gonna come
down on you harder then ever.
- He is just a land...
- He's playing God in this valley.
He wants you out!
- I don't know what's right anymore.
- Then you better start thinking about it.
It's open.
You don't have to worry
about my dad and me.
Cause we're tough.
I don't think you're so tough?
I used to be scared of you.
What about now?
It's different now.
Cos' I think you like me.
I do like you.
I think you better go back to your room.
- I wish you weren't going.
- I wish a lot of things.
Good night.
- Cold night.
- Yeah.
- Cigarette?
- No.
I'm going to miss this place.
I hate running.
But I'm worried about Jo.
I think I know Delaney real well.
I've known men like him all my life.
He won't quit.
- Where does he live?
- Why?
- You don't wanna know.
- You didn't come here to solve my problems.
No, I came here because my transmission broke down.
I'll be gone a couple of hours.
You wanna come with me?
No, thanks. I'll stay here.
- You sure?
- Uhuh.
I'll see you later.
Come in.
- Good mornning.
- Mornin'.
- You just getting up, or going to sleep?
- I haven't decided yet.
- You want this?
- Thanks.
You're welcome.
Hi there.
- Can I help you?
- Yes, is this Paul Barlow's station?
- Yeah?
- Good.
I'll have the works then, oil, gas euh,
water, battery, tyres...everything.
- You think you can handle it?
- Sure.
Start with the oil.
Go ahead. The hood is popped.
There it is, see it?
- Is he here?
- My father?
- I thought you were smart, kid.
- Stop scaring the kid, just ask her.
Is he in the house?
Is he in the house?
- I don't know.
- Good.
Good girl.
Go fill her up.
We don't wanna make any noise, do we?
No... Nice and easy.
See what I mean?
The kid's doin'just fine, Frank.
So...he's in the house.
But where in the house?
- Upstairs.
- Where exactly upstairs?
Front, back?
- Front.
- Right, left?
- Right.
- Any guns in the house?
How about his room?
See a gun?
Are you sure kid?
You don't wanna die, do you?
You don't.
Lot's of things you haven't
seen, haven't done.
If you're lyimg to us,
it could be all over.
- Something you wanna change?
- No.
Anything else, Frank?
No just... stay here.
Like you're going to put
in another gallon or so.
- What do you think, Frank?
- 15, 20 seconds to the window.
- 10 to 15 to do the job.
- Great.
Unless he's not in his room,
it means I'll have to find him.
That'll take longer.
A minute max.
A minute. Right.
Put the hose back.
I'm sorry this happened.
So am I.
I should have yelled sooner.
Not your fault.
God, please don't die.
What do you think, doc?
Well I got the bleeding stopped,
but I don't know where the bullets are lodged.
Isn't there an ambulance
for this man?
There's not enough time, Paul.
We've got to get him to hospital.
Malone, I want you to lie flat.
And be as quiet as you can
Hold still, Malone,
or you'll wind up bleeding to death.
- Take care of him, Clint.
- Right, chief.
I know a shoortcut through here.
It will save some time.
- Thank you. Everybody here?
- Yes.
- But I've got some bad news.
- Say it.
He killed them both.
- Chief?
- What is it? I'm busy.
- There's been an accident, the patrol car.
- Anything serious?
Yeah, he's hurt,
they took him to the hospital.
His back's broken.
- Shit, poor Malone.
- Not Malone, chief.
It's Clinton.
- Hello, senator?
- Charles Delaney here, sir.
I'm ready. My system's online, yes sir.
- Good morning, mr. Malone.
- Morning.
- You're looking much better today.
- Thank you.
- You've been walking down the hall again.
- I never did learn to use one of those things.
- You better learn.
- Yes, mam.
Rise and shine, Malone.
- Jesus!
- You have an admirer outside.
So be a good patient,
or we're both dead meat.
Why did you get yourself involved
in some half ass local vendetta ?
Lucky I guess.
- Shit, we got a tail.
- That's your problem, I'mnot drivin'.
- You don't know what to do with me, do you?
- No, as a matter of fact I don't.
- How did you find me?
- Well...
- They sent you, didn't the.
- Right.
Malone, whatever the fuck yourname is?
I think you should shut up.
Thomson here. Yes, I found him,
then I lost him.
I'm not sure. Could be
anywhere out here now.
Yes, of course. Yes, I will.
Right, sir.
- Jamie? JAMIE!
- It's alright. I'm up here.
- How're you feeling?
- Grateful, that I'm alive.
You oughta be.
This makes us almost even, huh?
- Where the hell are we?
- It's ok. I did my homework.
- We're in a safe place.
- For how long?
Play it moment to moment,
for a change. Mmm?
He's out there somewhere.
Mister Delaney...ah. Excuse me,
but you might be overreacting a little.
I mean there's no reason why he should come back.
The man's gone.
- And...if you ask me...
- I didn't ask you.
i bought your badge, not your opinion.
From now on, you report to Mr. Madrid.
I want Malone here. Now. Not tomorrow.
- I need to know what he knows about us.
- Yes, sir.
Consider it done.
- You're up.
- Yeah.
- How are you feeling?
- Ok.
No thanks.
How long have we been here?
Five days.
Pretty proud of yourself, aren't you?
- A little.
- Me too.
I didn't think you'd recover
so fast, this time.
Me neither.
Come on.
- Why are you here, Jamie?
- I came to kill you.
I know.
If you're gonna screw me
to death I'll die happy.
No, thanks.
- You're going somewhere?
- Yeah.
- I gotta go get my car.
- You like that car better than me.
Needs a lot less service then you do.
- Are you complaining?
- No.
If you're not here when I
get back, I'll understand.
You know you always have a place here.
I know.
- Take care of yourself.
- You too.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
I've been thinking and, and...
- in five years I'll be older.
- So will I.
Not so fast, princess.
Easy now.
Take everything real slow.
I think it would be better for you,
if you tell me where he is.
He went to the airport.
He's probably over Denver about it now
That's right. And you stayed behind
just to take in the sights?
Somehow I feel you are going
to tell me what I wanna know.
I doubt it.
Things just gotta little out of hand.
I had to put her to sleep!
What do you think is gonna happen?!
When he finds that girl?
He's comin here!
Alrightm. Let's prepare for Mister Malone.
Come on, get over here!
"Looks like a car just crashed through
the gate to the south centre."
This is Jackson. There's no sign of the driver.
He must be heading for the stables.
He's good.
I told you he was good.
- Carter?
- All clear, sir.
All clear.
Alright Harry, circle around that hill,
come up around behind him on the other side of the farm.
Yes sir.
Telephone wire's been cut.
I would have been dissapointed at anything less.
the "arena" has been contained.
The playing field defined.
Let's go.
Alright. Madrid, take Jack and John over there.
John, you know what to do.
Thomas, set up a perimeter around the barn
at about 100 yards on all sides.
And give me that.
Bring in the men from the south pasture.
- Are they all out?
- Yeah.
Alright stay out there.
- But Mr. Delaney...
- Stay out there!
He guys, it's ike a stampede around here.
I got horses runnin' around all over the place
I don't give a damn about the horses.
Get back here.
How do you like it? Huh?
How do you like it?
You weren't such a big deal after all.
Were you, hot shot?
Put it down.
You are good. Very good.
Turn around.
So what are you gonna do, Malone? Shoot me?
Like this? A man like you?
I don't think so.
You're here aren't you Richard?
I can feel you, Richard.
You're here, aren't you?
- Well. What do you think of my little...secret?
- Interesting.
It's our future, Richard.
This is our control centre, Richard.
You'll be surprised how far we've gone.
Are you surprised? We've got
senators and congressman
in six states, Richard. And some day
we'll have them in every state.
- We?
- Well, you didn't we work alone?
We have 40 sectors, in 40 states, with
40 leaders. And they're all patriots.
Patriots with a cause.
You kill me, somebody will take my place.
This valley is just the beginning.
It's like...Genesis.
Fortresses of freedom.
Communities of right thinking people,
This country is fighting for it's life.
And we are the warriors.
We...are the guardians of the future.
We can not let anyone, or anything
deflect us from our purpose.
You know the real world.
We can't be weighed down by sentiment.
The Barlows of this world are part
of the problem. They're mindless sheep.
They get in our way.
We of pure race, that must get
rid of the traitors within the country.
We must deal with the traitors
We need you, Richard.
- Who needs me?
- Your country.
You're misguided, Richard.
You're damaged goods.
You shouldn't be fighting me, Richard.
We should be on the same side.
Richard. We're so much alike.
I'm afraid you're right.
Malone. I'd like to talk to you.
Credits: Surcouf