Malta (2024) Movie Script
[urine falls]
[open tap]
How many years of experience do you have?
I have ten yearsbr/of
experience as a journalist.
Good! We have a vacant
positionbr/in sports journalism.
Perfect. I worked for two yearsbr/in
the sports area of a newscast.
[in English] Your order will be
delivered in the next 48 hours.
If you need more information,
contact us at any time.
For medical assistance,
Please send an email
and a professional will
respond as soon as possible.
Have a nice day and thank you
for your trust in Medical Wings.
[Mariana, in German] Sorry.
- [teacher] Forty minutes, Mariana.
- [Mariana] Thank you.
[cell phone notification]
- Well, another empanada. A.
- A pasty.
[woman] Thank you.
[dance music]
[man] Give me a whiskey, please.
Thank you.
[dance music continues]
[Moans continue]
- Stop, stop, stop. Stop, stop.
- [laughs]
What floor is the apartment on?
On the sixth floor.
Is there an elevator?
I can't climb stairs.
Yes, there is an elevator,
and also a laundry room.
Do you accept pets?
[He snorts]
[whispers] Gonorrhea.
What was there?
Are you going to take
a bath or go to sleep?
They gave me the night shift.
Did the white guy die?
[woman] A few days ago.
Julio buried him. Apparently
they give them a lot of food.
Is there any coffee left?
You have to prepare.
Nothing from Rigo?
[they laugh]
- Not
- What's my fault if it was true?
- Thank you.
- [woman] Aren't you going to lunch?
Is it enough for me?
[woman] Monica didn't come.
If you help me with my eyes, I
give you 200 pesos for each one.
I'll see it.
[child] No, it's just that right now I'm
going to watch a game with grandpa.
Isn't that right, Grandpa?
- What happened, Chini? When do you play?
- On Friday.
And are you going to win or lose?
Well win.
I have to carry ten thousand.
But it expired on Friday.
- [woman] Don't you know when he's coming?
- You can send a message.
You could also send me a message or at
least let me know that it will not arrive.
Or is it too difficult for you?
Now I have to line up a thousand
sons of bitches to pay for that.
Well, take care of your things.
There's not much you have
to do around here, is there?
Did I tell you that I have two sisters?
Lisette and Lisbeth.
They are twins.
They are 13 years old.
They ignore me
all the time and...
They don't laugh at my jokes.
They're embarrassed to go out with me.
They have a lot in common with you.
I think they would get
along well and everything.
Hey, would you like to go to the movies?
I don't know, one of
these nights after school.
I work at night.
Almost all of them.
And what do you work
on almost every night?
I manage a motel.
I have always wanted to see a motel.
Is it true that they put
hidden cameras in the
rooms - to record people shooting?
- Uh-huh.
And the administrators spend
their time watching those videos?
- Uh-huh.
- Oh.
My friends are betting
how many times
I asked you to go out
and I'm not giving up, but...
I'm betting that eventually
you're going to ask me out.
That's why I propose a deal.
Because this could
last a long time, I swear.
I am super persistent.
What deal?
Well, you help me win the bet
and I'll give you half the money.
Half and half.
Are you going to pay
me to go out with you?
No, no, obviously not, but
Well, we can both earn
money together and
and with that we
go and have a beer.
Wasn't it cinema?
Cinema and beer.
Who do you live with?
With my parents and my
sisters, Lisette and Lisbeth.
I can present them to
you whenever you want.
[stereo dance music]
[man] La Marianita.
Tastier every day.
[Mariana] What a shame that I
can't say the same about you.
Thank goodness there are quite
a few girls who don't think that.
Quite the opposite.
And what was I
going to say to him?
Nothing, what did
you find your brother?
man [man]
So funny.
Instead, tell him that I need
him to pay me what he owes me.
Well, to stop the nonsense.
What are you doing
working so late?
I have to deliver these tomorrow and since I
felt bad all day, Well until now I was able to stop.
There is food in the kitchen
in case it's going to heat up.
I met Johan.
Your brother's friend?
That ampoon is no one's friend,
For him Rigo opened from here.
Who knows what he'll be up to?
[Mariana] Nothing, if he sees Rigo,
If you call her, tell her what batteries.
Do you know that whatever
trouble you and your
brother get into is no longer my problem?
When he appears dead there,
is not going to say the same.
And how am I going to find you?
Pregnant like Luisa?
Do you think I'm going to
have children without a dad?
That's what his
example helped me with.
Why don't you just get
out and leave us alone?
I'm in those.
But you will never be at peace.
It's going to be a girl.
And they told Luisa
and she was very happy.
And mom said she was going
to give her the newborn clothes.
Don't let me buy you one of
those stiff wool bags that itch.
Doa Julia loved that shit.
Don't you remember?
Yes, yes I remember.
And she put them on only for me.
You inherited mine.
And yes they were horrible.
They gave me a horrible allergy.
I scratched and scratched
and scratched until I drew blood.
And instead of taking off my fucking jacket,
He hit me to stop me from scratching.
Don't you get tired of
being dramatic, Mariana?
Already. I'm sure that if my
mom hit her, she would hit her
because she never stayed still. Or
because he cried about everything.
Unlovable he was.
[dance music in the distance]
[dance music continues]
[Mariana] Another one died.
Mariana, today it's your turn for lunch.
What happened, Rigo?
I sent him many messages. I don't
even know if this is his number anymore.
Where are you at?
Call me, don't be a son of a bitch.
[woman] Help me get grandpa up.
[Julia] Make sure it looks nice and
doesn't get the soup on that mustache.
I don't know yet, do you?
I want a salad.
Are you on a diet?
Of course not, it's the entrance.
- Oh, Chino.
- [laughs]
You'll see.
Well, still. Still, I
suddenly lowered my ear.
You would love it, wouldn't you?
[Mariana] Pilas, Chino, they got it wet.
- I told him.
- I sprayed water on it.
- Oh, batteries, batteries!
- No, no, no.
Oh no, no more, really!
They're not going to get me wet, no more, damn it.
[Mariana] You are very dry.
No, no, no!
No, I take care of my sister's dog.
Well, what is the name of your sister's dog?
And how old is Edgar, your sister's dog?
Edgar is 5 years old.
Can I give you a cookie?
Sure, Sonja, thank you very much.
Take this cookie, Edgar, come. What a sweet dog.
Can I sit down?
Of course.
Sit down.
A mistake.
Wasn't he gay?
That was super gay.
[He snorts]
How lazy.
He misses it.
Of course.
Still, in his favor...
It's depressing that the only
thing I've brought in weeks
to this bed has been to you.
No offense, right?
Can I try to pervert you?
Don't talk nonsense.
Thanks for letting me stay.
As far as I know, no one invited you to stay,
you invited yourself [laughs]
Jean Day
I have a training.
I can't go dressed
the way you like.
What are we going to do
with Rigo's money this month?
I'm not going to pay another month alone.
I'm blown to be the only one
who is aware of those
things in this house.
Don't do it, no one is forcing you.
Mariana, are you serious?
He spends it on the outside and
doesn't even know what's going on.
No, faggot, tell me how much it is. But I
didn't get any worse therapy than Doa Julia.
Shall we go to the movies?
Shall we go to the movies?
I have to take care of my sisters
and you have to run a motel.
[movie music and dialogue]
What are you doing?
What do you think?
And here?
Don't you want to?
[man gasps]
Can I give you a kiss?
I'm not interested
in having a boyfriend.
And neither do I.
Who told you that I
wanted to have a girlfriend?
I just wanted to win the bet.
That bet never existed.
It's the worst way to wake someone up.
It doesn't seem so bad to me.
In the end you were the
one who asked me out.
I'm telling you this because I
don't want you to get confused.
Neither. There is no need
to give a speech for a straw.
Yeah, everything's fine. We have nothing.
Next time, you pay for the
movie tickets and I'll help you out.
- Do you want me to accompany you home?
- No.
That smells delicious!br/What are you preparing?
I'm preparing meatballs in sauce, my grandmother's family recipe.
What did you put in it?
The secret ingredientbr/is parsley.
Shit rigo.
Look at the bastard.
[July] Rigo!
- [Rigo] Culicagado.
- Who else?
- When are you going to cut those highlights?
- [July] Never.
[Rigo] What is this funeral?
I also like to see it.
[rap music on cell phone]
So is he coming back?
No no.
Not even for the whores.
For Johan?
It's this house.
It kind of makes me suffocate.
Besides, who can put
up with the baby talk?
It is immutable.
At least he's not drinking anymore, right or what?
The other day he told me to get out.
What a drama.
- As if he lacked desire.
- The shit is wanting to leave.
Another is that he throws me out like a dog.
Where are you staying?
Over there.
Aren't you going to
tell me how good it is?
If you promise me
you won't get upset.
Oh no, well. I'm so
smart, you bastard.
No, Mariana, it's serious.
Don't tell me anything if
you don't want to tell me.
With the cucho.
What do I cover with?
Does Rigoberto Quijano
sound familiar to you?
Are you staying with
my dad? Don't talk shit.
Ah well, just what then?
How did you find it?
Well, looking for it.
I mean, at first he got nervous, but
when he saw that I was healthy, he relaxed.
Furthermore, I did not make any complaint to him.
What's the point, son of a bitch?
And you know what?
Apart from everything, it was firm.
Take me, I want to see it.
No, he doesn't want to see them.
But who, bastard?
He made me promise that
the cucha wouldn't find out.
-And why am I in that patch?
- I don't know.
These are the pods.
He feels a lot of resentment
when he hears the name Doa Julia.
Mariana, it's serious.
[Mariana] Moni.
[muffled voices]
[Julia cries] But I do need you.
[Rigo] So pretty that you
can see she was worried.
[Julia sobs]
Why don't you stay? Yeah?
[Rigo] I'm going to be fine. Really.
Let me live life.
All good.
I'll be watching.
[thunder and rain]
one of the best
in the midfield.
Then it was a long shot.
It ended up being a center.
Three men wait in the area.
Bain, Nez and Borges.
To the bottom, Manuel.
Now the shipping continues
[man speaks in English on TV]
preserved on this island, a place where
many cultures converged
over the centuries.
Maltese architecture flourished
under the rule of the Order of St. John.
The Knights Hospitaller, also known as
the Knights of the
Order of Malta, built
fortifications around
major cities, as
well as a series of coastal
and inland defences.
In the mid-16th century
they introduced architecture
[Luisa] Hey, what was there?
What was there?
- How did it go?
- Good.
I told his mom that it was
going to be a girl, did he tell you?
[Mariana] Aha.
Better that he had been a boy, right?
What did you expect?
Rigo is scared shitless and is
going to have to raise him alone.
I may not be with him,
but I am not alone, Mariana.
Besides, I'm not asking him for
anything, Not to you, not to anyone, right?
Whoever wants to be, let him be,
and whoever doesn't, let him open up.
[dance music]
[indistinct conversations]
[dance music continues]
[indistinct conversations]
How are you doing?
- Good, good. Lots of people, right?
- Have fun, beautiful.
[electronic music]
[electronic music continues]
[glass clinking]
[water runs]
If I had a bathroom like
that, I would live in the tub.
[man] I never use it.
I would use it four times a day.
I took a virtual tour of your city.
- Linda.
- Uh-huh.
It has many tourist places.
He has them, yes.
I liked the stone thing.
- You like me?
- Yeah.
That is on the edge of an abyss.
Don't you have anything
better to do in life, do you?
I like to see cities.
What you like to look
at are other things.
You're a voyeur, you know?
[in English] No, I don't know how much
he has suffered without his medications.
I apologize if it was a mistake,
but if you tell me your name, I can
Well, when did you place
your order, Mr. Spencer?
Okay, I'll confirm it.
Please don't be angry, I'm
trying to solve the problem for you.
Yes. Yes, I understand.
[electronic music]
[violin music]
[Mariana] Ouch!
[gasps continue]
- [man] Hit me.
- [Mariana laughs] No.
Hit me, hit me.
[Gasps intensify]
- [Luisa] Down there?
- Yeah.
[Julia] But come on, That's
because you don't hydrate well.
You have to give yourself massages
every morning and every night
with coconut oil or butter.
- [Luisa] It's just burning me.
- [Mariana] What was there?
[steps up stairs]
Have you already had breakfast?
[Mariana sips]
Do you want me to prepare something for you?
I'm not hungry.
And don't look at me like that.
- As well as?
- So.
Have you seen how it is?
See that Luisa brought the photos of the baby,
of ultrasound.
One of those that are in 3D
and the baby is the most beautiful.
Why don't you go down and have something with...?
Do you think I'm ready to visit?
It seems to me that it's turned into shit.
If you don't want anything,
Why don't you take a bath and go to bed?
Why don't you take a bath,
you're more shitty than me?
I asked.
Is he going to screw her again?
Why don't we beat the
son of a bitch in the face?
Let's talk to Rigo.
It's not worth it.
[Mariana] Moni.
Thank you.
[Monica] You're welcome.
But I am going to tell
you one thing, Mariana.
You are not going to talk
to my mother like that again.
[Karool's "The Traces of Your Love" plays]
[Julio] Ready, pass it to me.
How can you like that?
[July] Music for old people.
Hey, see.
This this is a classic.
You will hear it all your life.
Oh yes.
[Mnica] See, so you can listen.
Lend me your computer.
[speaks in German]
And, to automate, let's talk.
Good? Here is the example: "I'm going
to give my little
sister a red scarf."
Let's get started.
Mariana What are you going
to give to your dear father?
[in German] I'm going to give my father...
a brown hat.
Well, yes.
Michael, what are you going
to give your older brother?
Don't worry about that.
Don't do anything hasty.
Everything will be solved.
You sound so cold.
Don't you love me anymore?
Is there someone there that
you can't talk to me like before?
Yes, yes. Well,
goodbye, darling.
Call me soon. I'll be waiting.
[indistinct dialogue]
I thought I was alone. Forward.
[Mariana] Instead of serving
with salty potatoes, they go
[both] with French bread.
[Gabriel] I haven't
gone, but some friends
have been there and
they told me it was rich.
I have to take you
there to Chorro de
Quevedo, where they
sell a colorful chicha.
Have you tried it?
I have gotten quite drunk
with that purple chicha.
We have to go.
I'm going on a trip.
Where to?
To Malta.
- It is an island in the Mediterranean.
- Yes, yes, yes, I know, obviously.
The thing is, one of my favorite
comic characters is from there.
It's called Corto Maltese.
- Do you know him?
- No.
man and he's
also very handsome.
I imagined that he had
honey-colored eyes and that
he conquered old women
as soon as he looked at them.
- Was he very handsome?
- Hmm
Let's see, this is it.
Corto Maltese.
It's this one.
- Handsome? TRUE?
- Yes, cool.
- I wanted to be like that.
- Let your sideburns grow.
I tried it.
I took minoxidil every
night, but nothing came out.
When I was little I was in love with him.
It was my first love.
[baby cry]
[crying stops]
[dance music]
Let's see.
For Rigo's grandfather.
[everyone celebrates]
You'll see what you'll like, grandpa.
Oh, see?
- [Rigo] Bacana.
- [Julia] Look how beautiful it is, dad.
[Rigo] You never know
when to put the hanger on.
Well, I'm going with mine.
It's a game.
You have to find the
characters that tell you.
Like this, you see?
Do you like it, dad? See that Mrs. Paulina
sends it to you with great affection.
- It doesn't taste like anything.
- [laughs]
- Because grandpa can't eat sweets.
- [July] No.
All good. Right now, you
and I are going for ice cream.
[Julio] Dale.
Why don't you take advantage and
bring your daughter some diapers?
[Julio] She's really
cute, Rigo. All chubby.
[Rigo] What therapy with you!
Ten minutes can't go by without
them bringing up the fucking topic.
The fucking song is called Amalia.
It was you who brought her
into this family, take charge.
[Rigo] You take charge.
- Don't you think you're the fucking chimba?
- That's what you want, right?
Let me be the one
to solve the problem.
Grow up, bastard.
[Rigo clears his throat]
[rap music]
Don't you want to meet her?
I ask, now...
[Rigo] Obviously.
Obviously it makes me want to meet her.
But I know myself, and I know
that if I see her, I will love her.
I am not going to answer for
something that is not mine. The chimba
Well if you have doubts, get a test.
You have no doubts.
He has a wounded macho
ego and is all about it.
How many mistakes have you
not forgiven him for? Luisa to you?
How many chubs, bastard?
See, Mariana.
Let's say that you
and I think differently.
- Yes, yes. All good.
- So we'll leave it there, okay?
Or is it that I give my opinion
on their shit even if I don't like it?
And you asked him about me?
Who is it going to be? Don Rigoberto.
[Rigo] Listen to that topic.
[Mariana] The backyard is huge.
He had some papayuelos.
When we left, my
dad had just put a
dollhouse there that he
had bought Monica and me.
And how did you find it?
I don't know.
One day I was passing
by to work and I saw her.
They had painted it and
such, but I recognized it.
Well, it was my house.
[Mariana] What?
[Gabriel] Dale.
It's not that big.
[Gabriel] What are you doing?
What's happening?
- [Gabriel] Did you do it?
- Uh-huh.
My mother scolded me
because I painted the walls,
then my dad told me I
could paint in the closet.
Moni slept there next to him and Rigo, in front.
And this was the last time I saw my dad.
I have to go.
If I'm late,
They deduct the full hour from me.
- Are you always this nerdy?
- Uh-huh.
You are a terrible influence.
- [Mariana] Come on.
- Come on, wait.
This weekend my parents are
going on a trip with my sisters.
and the house will be left alone.
Do you want to come?
Can I stay the night?
Yes, from Friday to Sunday.
I cook for her, I bathe her,
I do her hair, I paint her nails.
Do you know what is best?
- That he can walk naked all day.
- Shut up and go up, you bastard.
- Moni.
- Hmm?
Do you remember the
last time we saw my dad?
You were like 11,
Rigo, nine.
Do you remember?
Yes, yes I remember.
Do you remember the dollhouse
he had bought - and put in the yard?
- It wasn't a doll house.
[Mariana] Obviously yes.
One that was made of wood, which
had been painted white, had two floors.
It was a house
for raising rabbits.
- There were no rabbits there.
- Because my dad couldn't buy them.
Ask Rigo.
You wanted it to be a dollhouse.
Don't you remember when my dad
came and saw us playing with that?
He gave us a hand that left us dry.
Don't you remember that?
[Mariana] Grandpa is roasting.
I may as well, I have
enough cleaning his diapers.
The least you have
to do for him, right?
Remember his words
when I am like this.
If I knew... That girl is cuter.
Today we went to visit Luisa and the
poor thing can't handle breastfeeding.
Which poor one? If she herself
decided to screw up her life.
And what are you doing with your life?
Does it seem like a lot to go around
looking for someone to bust your face?
What the hell does it have to do with it?
That Luisa is sacrificing herself for
the girl without ruining anyone's life.
See, your problems are over.
I'm not going to screw it up anymore.
Might as well have a party when I'm gone.
[Mariana] Did you do all this?
[Gabriel] Yes.
[Mariana] That's cool.
-Who is she?
- That one can't be seen.
- Because?
- Why not.
Put on a condom.
I forgot, sorry.
Sorry, sorry. I come outside.
[Mariana] What are you talking about?
Give me two minutes, okay?
[they laugh]
And your parents remarried?
Not her.
It's complicated.
I like difficult stories.
Let's see.
My mom left my dad because
she fell in love with her boss.
man Monica says he was married.
I don't know, really.
What does your mom say?
In my house we don't talk about that.
The first time I saw you...
I thought I was never going
to bring you to my house.
I don't know, that's why I drew you.
- You like me?
- Uh-huh. Very rich.
You are doing well opening the cup.
- I also do well with girls.
- [laughs]
I don't understand the laughter.
With everyone taking
a year to get them up?
One year?
The invitation to the
cinema was shorter for me.
What was there? Let him know
when you are leaving to say goodbye.
My dad has me fooling around, But I
make time for him to see each other.
[indistinct dialogue]
[ballad music]
[cell phone vibrates]
- [Mnica] Which one do you like the most? Say.
- [Julia] This one.
- Hello.
- [Mariana] Hello.
Who gave you my address?
- Martica.
-Who is Martica?
The Admissions Secretary.
Look what your mom gave me.
- I like her.
- Not me.
He's always in pajamas.
My dad wears those
sweatshirts to play
sports every Sunday and never exercises.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to see your room.
And I was calling you several
times and you didn't answer me.
- You could send me a message.
- I also sent you a lot of messages.
The thing is
Saturday is my birthday.
And it occurred to me that we could
celebrate and have a
party just the two of us.
I have a turn.
It doesn't matter, you change it.
- You can stay at my house.
- I told you how things are.
That's why we should take advantage
of the time we have left together.
You're less cool when you're with me.
Don't come back to my
house without telling me.
Can't I look at you either?
Are you afraid of me looking at you?
You scare me.
Here you are the one who is scary.
Ask anyone.
March is a good month to go.
The weather is nice and there are
not that many people on the island.
Marga, are you doing the laundry today?
No, we agreed that you
wash and I vacuum the house.
I did the laundry last week.
And I had to wash the bathroom last week.
What is it?
It's for you.
There are 200.
Where did he get so much money from?
I've had it for a while,
since before Julio was born.
Apparently for a trip I
was going to take. [laughs]
Where to?
The trip.
To Panama.
- He can still do it.
- No.
I didn't make that trip anymore.
Suddenly, I get motivated and
accompany her to the airport.
To make sure I do leave?
- Leave them for yourself and the house.
- No.
I don't need them anymore.
On the other hand, you are going to need them
because you are going to have a lot of expenses.
You are right.
It's going to help me a lot.
Thank you.
[ballad music]
Tell my mom to come down.
She's asleep, what happened?
Wake her up.
[Mariana] Mom
We have to go, They are
waiting for us at the funeral home.
Let's see.
Put your arm in there.
[they cry]
[fair music]
What kind of place is
this for a romantic date?
I had always wanted to come.
Anything but the house
of horrors, please, eh?
I get deeply depressed.
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[music stops]
[urine falls]
[open tap]
How many years of experience do you have?
I have ten yearsbr/of
experience as a journalist.
Good! We have a vacant
positionbr/in sports journalism.
Perfect. I worked for two yearsbr/in
the sports area of a newscast.
[in English] Your order will be
delivered in the next 48 hours.
If you need more information,
contact us at any time.
For medical assistance,
Please send an email
and a professional will
respond as soon as possible.
Have a nice day and thank you
for your trust in Medical Wings.
[Mariana, in German] Sorry.
- [teacher] Forty minutes, Mariana.
- [Mariana] Thank you.
[cell phone notification]
- Well, another empanada. A.
- A pasty.
[woman] Thank you.
[dance music]
[man] Give me a whiskey, please.
Thank you.
[dance music continues]
[Moans continue]
- Stop, stop, stop. Stop, stop.
- [laughs]
What floor is the apartment on?
On the sixth floor.
Is there an elevator?
I can't climb stairs.
Yes, there is an elevator,
and also a laundry room.
Do you accept pets?
[He snorts]
[whispers] Gonorrhea.
What was there?
Are you going to take
a bath or go to sleep?
They gave me the night shift.
Did the white guy die?
[woman] A few days ago.
Julio buried him. Apparently
they give them a lot of food.
Is there any coffee left?
You have to prepare.
Nothing from Rigo?
[they laugh]
- Not
- What's my fault if it was true?
- Thank you.
- [woman] Aren't you going to lunch?
Is it enough for me?
[woman] Monica didn't come.
If you help me with my eyes, I
give you 200 pesos for each one.
I'll see it.
[child] No, it's just that right now I'm
going to watch a game with grandpa.
Isn't that right, Grandpa?
- What happened, Chini? When do you play?
- On Friday.
And are you going to win or lose?
Well win.
I have to carry ten thousand.
But it expired on Friday.
- [woman] Don't you know when he's coming?
- You can send a message.
You could also send me a message or at
least let me know that it will not arrive.
Or is it too difficult for you?
Now I have to line up a thousand
sons of bitches to pay for that.
Well, take care of your things.
There's not much you have
to do around here, is there?
Did I tell you that I have two sisters?
Lisette and Lisbeth.
They are twins.
They are 13 years old.
They ignore me
all the time and...
They don't laugh at my jokes.
They're embarrassed to go out with me.
They have a lot in common with you.
I think they would get
along well and everything.
Hey, would you like to go to the movies?
I don't know, one of
these nights after school.
I work at night.
Almost all of them.
And what do you work
on almost every night?
I manage a motel.
I have always wanted to see a motel.
Is it true that they put
hidden cameras in the
rooms - to record people shooting?
- Uh-huh.
And the administrators spend
their time watching those videos?
- Uh-huh.
- Oh.
My friends are betting
how many times
I asked you to go out
and I'm not giving up, but...
I'm betting that eventually
you're going to ask me out.
That's why I propose a deal.
Because this could
last a long time, I swear.
I am super persistent.
What deal?
Well, you help me win the bet
and I'll give you half the money.
Half and half.
Are you going to pay
me to go out with you?
No, no, obviously not, but
Well, we can both earn
money together and
and with that we
go and have a beer.
Wasn't it cinema?
Cinema and beer.
Who do you live with?
With my parents and my
sisters, Lisette and Lisbeth.
I can present them to
you whenever you want.
[stereo dance music]
[man] La Marianita.
Tastier every day.
[Mariana] What a shame that I
can't say the same about you.
Thank goodness there are quite
a few girls who don't think that.
Quite the opposite.
And what was I
going to say to him?
Nothing, what did
you find your brother?
man [man]
So funny.
Instead, tell him that I need
him to pay me what he owes me.
Well, to stop the nonsense.
What are you doing
working so late?
I have to deliver these tomorrow and since I
felt bad all day, Well until now I was able to stop.
There is food in the kitchen
in case it's going to heat up.
I met Johan.
Your brother's friend?
That ampoon is no one's friend,
For him Rigo opened from here.
Who knows what he'll be up to?
[Mariana] Nothing, if he sees Rigo,
If you call her, tell her what batteries.
Do you know that whatever
trouble you and your
brother get into is no longer my problem?
When he appears dead there,
is not going to say the same.
And how am I going to find you?
Pregnant like Luisa?
Do you think I'm going to
have children without a dad?
That's what his
example helped me with.
Why don't you just get
out and leave us alone?
I'm in those.
But you will never be at peace.
It's going to be a girl.
And they told Luisa
and she was very happy.
And mom said she was going
to give her the newborn clothes.
Don't let me buy you one of
those stiff wool bags that itch.
Doa Julia loved that shit.
Don't you remember?
Yes, yes I remember.
And she put them on only for me.
You inherited mine.
And yes they were horrible.
They gave me a horrible allergy.
I scratched and scratched
and scratched until I drew blood.
And instead of taking off my fucking jacket,
He hit me to stop me from scratching.
Don't you get tired of
being dramatic, Mariana?
Already. I'm sure that if my
mom hit her, she would hit her
because she never stayed still. Or
because he cried about everything.
Unlovable he was.
[dance music in the distance]
[dance music continues]
[Mariana] Another one died.
Mariana, today it's your turn for lunch.
What happened, Rigo?
I sent him many messages. I don't
even know if this is his number anymore.
Where are you at?
Call me, don't be a son of a bitch.
[woman] Help me get grandpa up.
[Julia] Make sure it looks nice and
doesn't get the soup on that mustache.
I don't know yet, do you?
I want a salad.
Are you on a diet?
Of course not, it's the entrance.
- Oh, Chino.
- [laughs]
You'll see.
Well, still. Still, I
suddenly lowered my ear.
You would love it, wouldn't you?
[Mariana] Pilas, Chino, they got it wet.
- I told him.
- I sprayed water on it.
- Oh, batteries, batteries!
- No, no, no.
Oh no, no more, really!
They're not going to get me wet, no more, damn it.
[Mariana] You are very dry.
No, no, no!
No, I take care of my sister's dog.
Well, what is the name of your sister's dog?
And how old is Edgar, your sister's dog?
Edgar is 5 years old.
Can I give you a cookie?
Sure, Sonja, thank you very much.
Take this cookie, Edgar, come. What a sweet dog.
Can I sit down?
Of course.
Sit down.
A mistake.
Wasn't he gay?
That was super gay.
[He snorts]
How lazy.
He misses it.
Of course.
Still, in his favor...
It's depressing that the only
thing I've brought in weeks
to this bed has been to you.
No offense, right?
Can I try to pervert you?
Don't talk nonsense.
Thanks for letting me stay.
As far as I know, no one invited you to stay,
you invited yourself [laughs]
Jean Day
I have a training.
I can't go dressed
the way you like.
What are we going to do
with Rigo's money this month?
I'm not going to pay another month alone.
I'm blown to be the only one
who is aware of those
things in this house.
Don't do it, no one is forcing you.
Mariana, are you serious?
He spends it on the outside and
doesn't even know what's going on.
No, faggot, tell me how much it is. But I
didn't get any worse therapy than Doa Julia.
Shall we go to the movies?
Shall we go to the movies?
I have to take care of my sisters
and you have to run a motel.
[movie music and dialogue]
What are you doing?
What do you think?
And here?
Don't you want to?
[man gasps]
Can I give you a kiss?
I'm not interested
in having a boyfriend.
And neither do I.
Who told you that I
wanted to have a girlfriend?
I just wanted to win the bet.
That bet never existed.
It's the worst way to wake someone up.
It doesn't seem so bad to me.
In the end you were the
one who asked me out.
I'm telling you this because I
don't want you to get confused.
Neither. There is no need
to give a speech for a straw.
Yeah, everything's fine. We have nothing.
Next time, you pay for the
movie tickets and I'll help you out.
- Do you want me to accompany you home?
- No.
That smells delicious!br/What are you preparing?
I'm preparing meatballs in sauce, my grandmother's family recipe.
What did you put in it?
The secret ingredientbr/is parsley.
Shit rigo.
Look at the bastard.
[July] Rigo!
- [Rigo] Culicagado.
- Who else?
- When are you going to cut those highlights?
- [July] Never.
[Rigo] What is this funeral?
I also like to see it.
[rap music on cell phone]
So is he coming back?
No no.
Not even for the whores.
For Johan?
It's this house.
It kind of makes me suffocate.
Besides, who can put
up with the baby talk?
It is immutable.
At least he's not drinking anymore, right or what?
The other day he told me to get out.
What a drama.
- As if he lacked desire.
- The shit is wanting to leave.
Another is that he throws me out like a dog.
Where are you staying?
Over there.
Aren't you going to
tell me how good it is?
If you promise me
you won't get upset.
Oh no, well. I'm so
smart, you bastard.
No, Mariana, it's serious.
Don't tell me anything if
you don't want to tell me.
With the cucho.
What do I cover with?
Does Rigoberto Quijano
sound familiar to you?
Are you staying with
my dad? Don't talk shit.
Ah well, just what then?
How did you find it?
Well, looking for it.
I mean, at first he got nervous, but
when he saw that I was healthy, he relaxed.
Furthermore, I did not make any complaint to him.
What's the point, son of a bitch?
And you know what?
Apart from everything, it was firm.
Take me, I want to see it.
No, he doesn't want to see them.
But who, bastard?
He made me promise that
the cucha wouldn't find out.
-And why am I in that patch?
- I don't know.
These are the pods.
He feels a lot of resentment
when he hears the name Doa Julia.
Mariana, it's serious.
[Mariana] Moni.
[muffled voices]
[Julia cries] But I do need you.
[Rigo] So pretty that you
can see she was worried.
[Julia sobs]
Why don't you stay? Yeah?
[Rigo] I'm going to be fine. Really.
Let me live life.
All good.
I'll be watching.
[thunder and rain]
one of the best
in the midfield.
Then it was a long shot.
It ended up being a center.
Three men wait in the area.
Bain, Nez and Borges.
To the bottom, Manuel.
Now the shipping continues
[man speaks in English on TV]
preserved on this island, a place where
many cultures converged
over the centuries.
Maltese architecture flourished
under the rule of the Order of St. John.
The Knights Hospitaller, also known as
the Knights of the
Order of Malta, built
fortifications around
major cities, as
well as a series of coastal
and inland defences.
In the mid-16th century
they introduced architecture
[Luisa] Hey, what was there?
What was there?
- How did it go?
- Good.
I told his mom that it was
going to be a girl, did he tell you?
[Mariana] Aha.
Better that he had been a boy, right?
What did you expect?
Rigo is scared shitless and is
going to have to raise him alone.
I may not be with him,
but I am not alone, Mariana.
Besides, I'm not asking him for
anything, Not to you, not to anyone, right?
Whoever wants to be, let him be,
and whoever doesn't, let him open up.
[dance music]
[indistinct conversations]
[dance music continues]
[indistinct conversations]
How are you doing?
- Good, good. Lots of people, right?
- Have fun, beautiful.
[electronic music]
[electronic music continues]
[glass clinking]
[water runs]
If I had a bathroom like
that, I would live in the tub.
[man] I never use it.
I would use it four times a day.
I took a virtual tour of your city.
- Linda.
- Uh-huh.
It has many tourist places.
He has them, yes.
I liked the stone thing.
- You like me?
- Yeah.
That is on the edge of an abyss.
Don't you have anything
better to do in life, do you?
I like to see cities.
What you like to look
at are other things.
You're a voyeur, you know?
[in English] No, I don't know how much
he has suffered without his medications.
I apologize if it was a mistake,
but if you tell me your name, I can
Well, when did you place
your order, Mr. Spencer?
Okay, I'll confirm it.
Please don't be angry, I'm
trying to solve the problem for you.
Yes. Yes, I understand.
[electronic music]
[violin music]
[Mariana] Ouch!
[gasps continue]
- [man] Hit me.
- [Mariana laughs] No.
Hit me, hit me.
[Gasps intensify]
- [Luisa] Down there?
- Yeah.
[Julia] But come on, That's
because you don't hydrate well.
You have to give yourself massages
every morning and every night
with coconut oil or butter.
- [Luisa] It's just burning me.
- [Mariana] What was there?
[steps up stairs]
Have you already had breakfast?
[Mariana sips]
Do you want me to prepare something for you?
I'm not hungry.
And don't look at me like that.
- As well as?
- So.
Have you seen how it is?
See that Luisa brought the photos of the baby,
of ultrasound.
One of those that are in 3D
and the baby is the most beautiful.
Why don't you go down and have something with...?
Do you think I'm ready to visit?
It seems to me that it's turned into shit.
If you don't want anything,
Why don't you take a bath and go to bed?
Why don't you take a bath,
you're more shitty than me?
I asked.
Is he going to screw her again?
Why don't we beat the
son of a bitch in the face?
Let's talk to Rigo.
It's not worth it.
[Mariana] Moni.
Thank you.
[Monica] You're welcome.
But I am going to tell
you one thing, Mariana.
You are not going to talk
to my mother like that again.
[Karool's "The Traces of Your Love" plays]
[Julio] Ready, pass it to me.
How can you like that?
[July] Music for old people.
Hey, see.
This this is a classic.
You will hear it all your life.
Oh yes.
[Mnica] See, so you can listen.
Lend me your computer.
[speaks in German]
And, to automate, let's talk.
Good? Here is the example: "I'm going
to give my little
sister a red scarf."
Let's get started.
Mariana What are you going
to give to your dear father?
[in German] I'm going to give my father...
a brown hat.
Well, yes.
Michael, what are you going
to give your older brother?
Don't worry about that.
Don't do anything hasty.
Everything will be solved.
You sound so cold.
Don't you love me anymore?
Is there someone there that
you can't talk to me like before?
Yes, yes. Well,
goodbye, darling.
Call me soon. I'll be waiting.
[indistinct dialogue]
I thought I was alone. Forward.
[Mariana] Instead of serving
with salty potatoes, they go
[both] with French bread.
[Gabriel] I haven't
gone, but some friends
have been there and
they told me it was rich.
I have to take you
there to Chorro de
Quevedo, where they
sell a colorful chicha.
Have you tried it?
I have gotten quite drunk
with that purple chicha.
We have to go.
I'm going on a trip.
Where to?
To Malta.
- It is an island in the Mediterranean.
- Yes, yes, yes, I know, obviously.
The thing is, one of my favorite
comic characters is from there.
It's called Corto Maltese.
- Do you know him?
- No.
man and he's
also very handsome.
I imagined that he had
honey-colored eyes and that
he conquered old women
as soon as he looked at them.
- Was he very handsome?
- Hmm
Let's see, this is it.
Corto Maltese.
It's this one.
- Handsome? TRUE?
- Yes, cool.
- I wanted to be like that.
- Let your sideburns grow.
I tried it.
I took minoxidil every
night, but nothing came out.
When I was little I was in love with him.
It was my first love.
[baby cry]
[crying stops]
[dance music]
Let's see.
For Rigo's grandfather.
[everyone celebrates]
You'll see what you'll like, grandpa.
Oh, see?
- [Rigo] Bacana.
- [Julia] Look how beautiful it is, dad.
[Rigo] You never know
when to put the hanger on.
Well, I'm going with mine.
It's a game.
You have to find the
characters that tell you.
Like this, you see?
Do you like it, dad? See that Mrs. Paulina
sends it to you with great affection.
- It doesn't taste like anything.
- [laughs]
- Because grandpa can't eat sweets.
- [July] No.
All good. Right now, you
and I are going for ice cream.
[Julio] Dale.
Why don't you take advantage and
bring your daughter some diapers?
[Julio] She's really
cute, Rigo. All chubby.
[Rigo] What therapy with you!
Ten minutes can't go by without
them bringing up the fucking topic.
The fucking song is called Amalia.
It was you who brought her
into this family, take charge.
[Rigo] You take charge.
- Don't you think you're the fucking chimba?
- That's what you want, right?
Let me be the one
to solve the problem.
Grow up, bastard.
[Rigo clears his throat]
[rap music]
Don't you want to meet her?
I ask, now...
[Rigo] Obviously.
Obviously it makes me want to meet her.
But I know myself, and I know
that if I see her, I will love her.
I am not going to answer for
something that is not mine. The chimba
Well if you have doubts, get a test.
You have no doubts.
He has a wounded macho
ego and is all about it.
How many mistakes have you
not forgiven him for? Luisa to you?
How many chubs, bastard?
See, Mariana.
Let's say that you
and I think differently.
- Yes, yes. All good.
- So we'll leave it there, okay?
Or is it that I give my opinion
on their shit even if I don't like it?
And you asked him about me?
Who is it going to be? Don Rigoberto.
[Rigo] Listen to that topic.
[Mariana] The backyard is huge.
He had some papayuelos.
When we left, my
dad had just put a
dollhouse there that he
had bought Monica and me.
And how did you find it?
I don't know.
One day I was passing
by to work and I saw her.
They had painted it and
such, but I recognized it.
Well, it was my house.
[Mariana] What?
[Gabriel] Dale.
It's not that big.
[Gabriel] What are you doing?
What's happening?
- [Gabriel] Did you do it?
- Uh-huh.
My mother scolded me
because I painted the walls,
then my dad told me I
could paint in the closet.
Moni slept there next to him and Rigo, in front.
And this was the last time I saw my dad.
I have to go.
If I'm late,
They deduct the full hour from me.
- Are you always this nerdy?
- Uh-huh.
You are a terrible influence.
- [Mariana] Come on.
- Come on, wait.
This weekend my parents are
going on a trip with my sisters.
and the house will be left alone.
Do you want to come?
Can I stay the night?
Yes, from Friday to Sunday.
I cook for her, I bathe her,
I do her hair, I paint her nails.
Do you know what is best?
- That he can walk naked all day.
- Shut up and go up, you bastard.
- Moni.
- Hmm?
Do you remember the
last time we saw my dad?
You were like 11,
Rigo, nine.
Do you remember?
Yes, yes I remember.
Do you remember the dollhouse
he had bought - and put in the yard?
- It wasn't a doll house.
[Mariana] Obviously yes.
One that was made of wood, which
had been painted white, had two floors.
It was a house
for raising rabbits.
- There were no rabbits there.
- Because my dad couldn't buy them.
Ask Rigo.
You wanted it to be a dollhouse.
Don't you remember when my dad
came and saw us playing with that?
He gave us a hand that left us dry.
Don't you remember that?
[Mariana] Grandpa is roasting.
I may as well, I have
enough cleaning his diapers.
The least you have
to do for him, right?
Remember his words
when I am like this.
If I knew... That girl is cuter.
Today we went to visit Luisa and the
poor thing can't handle breastfeeding.
Which poor one? If she herself
decided to screw up her life.
And what are you doing with your life?
Does it seem like a lot to go around
looking for someone to bust your face?
What the hell does it have to do with it?
That Luisa is sacrificing herself for
the girl without ruining anyone's life.
See, your problems are over.
I'm not going to screw it up anymore.
Might as well have a party when I'm gone.
[Mariana] Did you do all this?
[Gabriel] Yes.
[Mariana] That's cool.
-Who is she?
- That one can't be seen.
- Because?
- Why not.
Put on a condom.
I forgot, sorry.
Sorry, sorry. I come outside.
[Mariana] What are you talking about?
Give me two minutes, okay?
[they laugh]
And your parents remarried?
Not her.
It's complicated.
I like difficult stories.
Let's see.
My mom left my dad because
she fell in love with her boss.
man Monica says he was married.
I don't know, really.
What does your mom say?
In my house we don't talk about that.
The first time I saw you...
I thought I was never going
to bring you to my house.
I don't know, that's why I drew you.
- You like me?
- Uh-huh. Very rich.
You are doing well opening the cup.
- I also do well with girls.
- [laughs]
I don't understand the laughter.
With everyone taking
a year to get them up?
One year?
The invitation to the
cinema was shorter for me.
What was there? Let him know
when you are leaving to say goodbye.
My dad has me fooling around, But I
make time for him to see each other.
[indistinct dialogue]
[ballad music]
[cell phone vibrates]
- [Mnica] Which one do you like the most? Say.
- [Julia] This one.
- Hello.
- [Mariana] Hello.
Who gave you my address?
- Martica.
-Who is Martica?
The Admissions Secretary.
Look what your mom gave me.
- I like her.
- Not me.
He's always in pajamas.
My dad wears those
sweatshirts to play
sports every Sunday and never exercises.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to see your room.
And I was calling you several
times and you didn't answer me.
- You could send me a message.
- I also sent you a lot of messages.
The thing is
Saturday is my birthday.
And it occurred to me that we could
celebrate and have a
party just the two of us.
I have a turn.
It doesn't matter, you change it.
- You can stay at my house.
- I told you how things are.
That's why we should take advantage
of the time we have left together.
You're less cool when you're with me.
Don't come back to my
house without telling me.
Can't I look at you either?
Are you afraid of me looking at you?
You scare me.
Here you are the one who is scary.
Ask anyone.
March is a good month to go.
The weather is nice and there are
not that many people on the island.
Marga, are you doing the laundry today?
No, we agreed that you
wash and I vacuum the house.
I did the laundry last week.
And I had to wash the bathroom last week.
What is it?
It's for you.
There are 200.
Where did he get so much money from?
I've had it for a while,
since before Julio was born.
Apparently for a trip I
was going to take. [laughs]
Where to?
The trip.
To Panama.
- He can still do it.
- No.
I didn't make that trip anymore.
Suddenly, I get motivated and
accompany her to the airport.
To make sure I do leave?
- Leave them for yourself and the house.
- No.
I don't need them anymore.
On the other hand, you are going to need them
because you are going to have a lot of expenses.
You are right.
It's going to help me a lot.
Thank you.
[ballad music]
Tell my mom to come down.
She's asleep, what happened?
Wake her up.
[Mariana] Mom
We have to go, They are
waiting for us at the funeral home.
Let's see.
Put your arm in there.
[they cry]
[fair music]
What kind of place is
this for a romantic date?
I had always wanted to come.
Anything but the house
of horrors, please, eh?
I get deeply depressed.
[soft music]
[soft music continues]
[soft music continues]
[music stops]