Malum (2023) Movie Script

(ominous music)
The truth will be free
Through the mountains I'll
be guided until I do see
I am safe in the arms
of my master, my king
On the last day,
I will follow
My soul I will bring
- Whoo!
(pig snorting)
(pig snorting)
(Music intensity builds)
(distorted speaking)
- We pray in the
Temple of the Low God.
(women screaming)
(violent noises)
(Indistinct mumbling)
- You okay, Cap?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I just dozed off.
- Jesus, Hudson,
are you serious?
Nobody wants to see that
shit, put on a towel.
- [Hudson] What?
They need to breathe.
- [Officer] You got a Tic Tac
sitting on two acorns, man.
- [Hudson] Fuck you,
are you feeling a little
jealous right now?
- [Officer] You know what?
I'll get you a
pump for Christmas.
(group applauds)
- [Price] Give it up for Cap!
(ominous music)
- [Group] Speech,
speech, speech, speech.
- I don't give speeches
in my underwear.
- Oh, that's never
stopped you before.
You know, three young women
are at home with their family
because of the Cap today.
- It could have been four if
I had called it in sooner,
if I had stopped him before...
- You did stop him, all right?
Come on, Cap.
- Yeah. Take the win.
- Look, you gotta
take them somewhere
'cause you are dog shit
at basketball, all right?
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- I'll see you tomorrow, Cap.
- Get dressed pumpkin.
(ominous music)
(Creepy whistling to
the Song of the Low God)
(guns firing)
- O'Brien!
- What the fuck do you want?
- You still mad at me?
- Yeah, I'm fucking mad at you.
- Come on.
Look, that's never happened
to me before, I swear.
Look, I drank too much.
- I've got one rule,
I don't fuck dudes that
can't drink as much as me.
And you fucking snore.
(gun firing)
- Fuck.
(shotgun cocks)
No, no, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
- [Officer] Captain!
(officers yelling)
Officer down!
(officers yelling indistinctly)
- Look at me.
Put the shotgun down
and walk to me, now!
- Tell Jessica and
Diane that I'm sorry.
Tell them I love them.
Tell them I'm safe in the
arms of my master, my...
(gunshot blasts)
- Cap!
Follow me to his kingdom
For my time, it
seems, has come
- As a law enforcement officer,
my duty is to safeguard
the lives and property,
to protect the innocent...
In his grace
I've come to be saved
Wash me clean of
all these wounds
In his arms, I am reborn
Greet me
At the pearly gates
- Tonight's my first shift.
I never thought I'd be
wearing this uniform,
but now it looks
good, don't you think?
Okay, see you later.
(ominous music)
Jesus, Diane, what do you want?
- How about you
answer your phone?
- (sighs) Why?
Nothing's changed, you're drunk,
and I'm still gonna be a
cop, am I missing something?
- I'm not drunk. (laughs)
- Okay.
- Your father used to spend so
much damn time on these toys.
I used to fucking hate them,
but now I can't seem
to throw them away.
This was his favorite.
- Diane...
Okay, this was nice,
I'll see you later.
- Oh, I'm sorry, baby.
Baby, I'm sorry, I'm
sorry! I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Diane, stop, stop, okay?
- Look, you don't
have to do this.
- Why can't you just
be happy for me?
- This isn't you,
you're acting crazy.
- Oh, this is from the woman
who broke my guidance
counselor's arm?
- You don't know what happened.
- [Jessica] That's
what you always say.
- Well, you don't.
- Well, then tell me.
No? Nothing?
Because my father's
in the ground
and I can't seem to
make sense of it.
You may not care, but I
need to know what happened.
- I care, but your
father was no saint.
- No, he wasn't.
He's everything you weren't.
- That's right, I'm no killer.
- Bye, Diane.
- Jessica. Please!
(ominous music)
(sirens blaring in distance)
(chattering on radio)
I am safe in the arms
of my master, my king
On the last day,
I will follow
My soul I will bring
(sirens blare)
From the kingdom
of our father
The truth will be freed
Through the mountain, I'll
be guided until I do...
(brakes screech)
- Watch it, piggy.
(flock members laughing)
(ominous music)
(Automatic doors open)
(Eerie silence)
- Hello?
(ball bouncing)
(man shouting indistinctly)
- Fuck you!
Fuck you!
- Hello?
- How long have you been here?
- I just walked in.
I'm... I'm Officer...
- Turn around!
- I requested this shift.
- [Officer] I said turn around.
I said turn around,
not walk away.
- Sir.
I went by the new station,
it looks like they
got their hands full.
- You talking about those
assholes singing on the steps?
Yeah, it's been a year
since we took out that
farm cult pig fucker,
and his loons have managed
to escape jail time
showing their disappointment
with a glorified temper tantrum,
bussing in from all over.
This way, rookie.
You get any curb
creatures doing walk ups,
send them to the new station.
The calls have been rerouted
so it should be quiet
but there's the emergency and
station's numbers on the desk.
My cell, Officer Grip Cohen,
but do not mistake
my willingness
to leave my personal number
as an open invitation
for some girl talk.
You understand?
- Yes, sir. I'm
sure I'll be fine.
- You say you volunteered
for this shift?
- Yes, sir.
- So what is this? You mental?
- No, sir.
I just wanna work
where my father worked
even if it's for one night.
- What'd you say your name was?
- Officer Jessica Loren.
- You're Will Loren's kid?
- Yes, sir.
- You ever see a man die?
- Excuse me, sir.
- You know, stare into his
eyes as the light fades.
That get you off?
- Do you have a problem with me?
- That depends.
- On what?
- It depends on whether or not
you're as fucked in the
head as your father.
- My father was the best
person I've ever known.
- Your father was a murderer.
He killed my friends
then ate his shotgun.
So again, why are you here?
Because I can't come up
with a logical reason
why you would
request this shift.
- I'm not here to excuse
it, I'm just here to work.
So, can I please work?
- If I cared anymore,
I'd call the chief and have
you booted, but I don't.
Stay out of holding.
- Asshole.
(door creaking)
(ominous music)
(lights buzzing)
(elevator bell dings)
(ominous music)
(footsteps echoing)
(water splashing)
(water dripping)
(ball bouncing)
Officer Cohen?
(ball bouncing)
Officer Cohen?
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(bell ringing)
Sir, are you okay?
- No, I can't. Don't
you think I've looked?
- Sir, do you need
me to help you?
- No!
Where's my baby?
Where's my girl?
Where did you go?
Why did you leave?
- Let me help you, okay?
Let me call a shelter.
Oh, fuck.
(phone ringing)
Lanford Police Department.
(pig squealing)
- [Woman On Phone]
Hello, little piggy.
(phone ringing)
- Lanford Police Department.
- [Woman] Did you know
that the little piggy
that went to the market didn't
go there to buy groceries?
She went there to be groceries.
She was slaughtered.
- Look, I don't have
time for this shit.
Prank calling a police
station is illegal
and I can have you arrested,
consider this your warning.
- [Woman] Slaughtered
in cold blood
like the piggies at
your station. (imitates
pig squealing)
- Who is this?
(ominous music)
- [Officer] Lanford
Police Department.
- This is Officer Loren
at the old station.
I'm calling because I
received a prank call
that needs to be traced.
- [Officer] I'm
sorry, who's this?
- Officer Loren.
- [Officer] Any
relation to Will Loren?
- Yes, he was my father.
- [Officer] I'm
sorry to hear that.
- Excuse me?
- [Officer] We got a
lot going on over here
and tracing prank calls
is not at the top
of our priorities.
- Hello?
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
- [Cap] Come on,
you're safe now.
We're here to help, come on,
we'll get you home, girls.
Don't worry.
(siren blaring)
(eerie music)
- [Man] Get down
motherfucker, don't you move.
You are fucking dead!
- [Man] We pray in the
Temple of the Low God.
- Please, if anyone's
got any information,
I just want my daughter
back home safe.
(pig snorting)
- [Officer] Lanford
Police Department.
- This is Officer Loren
at the old station.
- [Officer] Officer
Loren, more prank calls?
- No, there's a huge
pig tied up outside.
- [Officer] (laughs) Well,
you don't hear that every day.
- Well, what should
I do with it?
- [Officer] Nothing.
- Just leave it there?
- [Officer] It's probably
safer if you stay inside.
- Mm, yeah, why?
'Cause I'm a woman?
- [Officer] No officer,
I don't know if you
noticed on your way in,
but we had some assholes
causing bullshit on our steps,
well, now they're
doing it all over town
and we're spread a little thin.
So, if they left that
future bacon on your lawn
and something were to
happen, I can't send back up.
Whether or not you have tits
got nothing to do with it.
- Fine.
- [Officer] Look, I'm sorry.
There's a lot going on here
and you're the
closest punching bag.
Leave the pig, we'll
get to it later.
(pig snorting)
(siren wailing in distance)
(eerie music)
(pig snorting)
(ominous music)
- This is Officer Loren
at the old station
investigating a B&E
possible code nine.
(radio static hissing)
(man shouting)
(dramatic music)
Sir, get to the ground.
- I don't know...
But I can't remember.
I can't remember.
Where is she?
(taser buzzing)
- Roll over on your stomach.
Roll over.
(man panting)
(pig snorting)
Hands behind your back.
(man grunting)
(eerie music)
Step inside.
- She's here.
- Move.
- My baby.
- I said move.
- No!
She's here.
She's here.
She's here. She's here!
No, no... (sobs)
She's here. She's here.
- All right, well, let's go.
- Shut up! No, no!
- Fuck. Come on.
- No! She's here.
- Shit, hey, no, no, no.
Fuck! Okay...
Dispatch, this is Officer
Loren at the old station.
Officer Loren at the old
station in need of assistance.
- Still here.
- Hello?
- [Voice] Still
here. Still here.
- You tell her.
No, you tell her.
You tell her.
Daddy didn't do it,
daddy didn't do it.
Daddy didn't..
(man screams)
(Jessica gasps)
Let me out, let me out.
(man wailing) She's
here, she's hear.
My baby never came home!
(man panting)
(object clattering)
- Sir, give me the flashlight.
(man panting)
Please don't make me shoot
someone on my first day.
(Jessica shouting)
- Still here, still here.
- Let me out!
- Still here, Jessica.
- Dad?
- Still here, still here,
still here, still here.
- I will maintain courageous
calm in the face of danger,
scorn, or ridicule,
develop self restraint,
and be constantly mindful of
the wellbeing of others...
The welfare of others.
I will be exemplary
in obeying the laws
and the regulations
of my department.
- [Cohen] Hello?
- This is Officer Loren,
sorry to call you so late.
- [Cohen] What is it?
Your "um" better be followed
by the building is on fire
or worse to be
calling at this hour.
- When I first arrived
at the station,
you were yelling at something,
I was curious what it was.
- [Cohen] You were curious
and saw fit to wake me up
in the middle of the night?
- Yes, did did
you see something?
- [Cohen] Right now, I see you
can't handle a simple shift.
You're gonna have to be more-
- Did you see something
that wasn't really there?
- [Cohen] Damn it, did
you go into holding?
- Well, I didn't have a choice.
A homeless man broke
into the station, I...
- [Cohen] Holding is covered
in black mold little girl,
the shit is toxic,
makes you hallucinate.
- But I was seeing
things before...
- [Cohen] I told
you stay out of it.
- But sir, I-
- [Cohen] You don't
care to follow orders-
- Yes I do, sir, I do.
- [Cohen] I'll call the station,
have them send over a unit
to pick up that
bum piece of shit.
- No sir, You don't
understand, I was-
- [Cohen] You need
me to come over there
and hold your hand
like a little baby
or you gonna shut the
fuck up and do your job?
- I will do my job.
- [Cohen] And?
- And I will shut the fuck up.
- [Cohen] Good,
don't call me again.
(pig screeching)
(ominous music)
(siren wailing in distance)
(tires screeching)
- Get out of...
(woman screaming)
- Motherfucker, fuck you.
- Hey!
(car engine roaring)
- Fuck you, fucking asshole!
- You all right?
- What?
- This your first day?
- Yeah.
- (chuckles) I figured.
No seasoned cop would
clean me up like this.
My daddy was a cop.
- Really?
Now you?
- I trick to pay the
bills, it's not my job.
- What's your job?
- I work in sanitation.
Some of these fuckers,
they like to go after kids.
Especially at the truck stops.
Happens more than you
think, a lot more.
So when I see it happen,
I take out the trash.
- So, you do what to them?
Hey. (snaps fingers) You there?
- Just drifted
there for a moment.
You here alone.
- Why?
- I wouldn't wanna be here
alone, not after what happened.
- With the officers?
- Well, I don't know
nothing about that.
I mean, what happened
with the mountain flock.
I was there that
night in the next cell
and they were bragging
about what they'd done.
Killed that girl, and it
wasn't the first time either.
- What night?
- The night they
hung themselves.
- They died in an officer
involved shooting.
- Did you see it happen?
- No.
- I bet my tits and a pack
of cigarettes it's the truth.
I saw it when they
were moving me,
had pillowcases over their
heads, blood all over the walls,
blood all over the...
(ominous music)
- What is it?
What's wrong?
- Not gonna say...
anything else...
- What are you looking at?
- Say... anything more...
- Hey!
- From the kingdom of our
father, faithful and true,
our flock we will
follow devoted in you,
on this day in his arms... soul, I will
bring. For the king...
He rejoices, when the dead sing!
- Okay, I'm... I'm gonna
call you an ambulance, okay?
(woman screaming)
- Sorry, I just drifted
there for a moment.
- I think it's
time for you to go.
- Okay, okay, okay.
I just, shit.
You have a tampon
I could borrow?
Can't earn worth a damn
with my guts spilling out.
- Get out.
- Okay, okay.
(chair clattering)
(phone ringing)
- Lanford Police Department.
- [Woman] Hello, little piggy.
(phone ringing)
- Lanford Police Department.
- [Woman] Hang up again and I
will fucking kill this girl.
You understand?
- What girl?
- [Woman] Oh, I don't know.
It's Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe,
catch a hostage by her toe.
Monica Matthews, do
you know that name?
- What kind of game
are you playing?
- Give it a nibble-
- Stop!
- [Woman] Do you know that name?
- Yes, she was one of the
girls my father rescued.
- [Woman] There you
go, that's right.
- What do you want?
- [Woman] It's
not me, it's John.
Trust in his-
- John Malum is dead.
- [Woman] Is he? Did you
ever see a tarantula molt?
Shed the dead baby.
Shed the dead.
- Let me talk to her.
- [Woman] Your daddy started
something very important,
tonight, we're gonna finish it.
- Hello?
- [Officer] Lanford
Police Department.
- They kidnapped
Monica Matthews again.
- [Officer] Who did what?
- The flock, they...
- Hold the line.
Officer, did they
mention anyone else?
- No, well, she
mentioned my father.
- [Officer] So, she
knows who you are?
- She said he started something
that they would finish tonight.
- [Officer] Listen, I
shouldn't tell you this,
but Monica Matthews disappeared
from a party tonight.
Two other girls also
gone missing, Julie
Sims and Anna Cole.
All three girls your
father rescued a year ago.
Look, I'll reach out
to the phone company
and find out where the
call's coming from.
You stay by the line.
(ominous music)
- What did you start, Dad?
(computer chiming)
(women screaming)
- Oh, don't cry little lamb,
your body will rot
like so many before,
but your spirit
will feed the demon.
You'll make it strong
for its long journey.
Oh, I hear can whispers,
they're saying I'm
gonna be the queen.
- Oh, you can't hear shit.
- Ow!
- Please, please don't do this.
I can hear them too,
is that what you want?
I can hear the whispers.
(bloody impacts)
- She don't even look
like people anymore.
(eerie music)
- [Diane] I know you
think I let you down,
but I was a good mother
when it mattered most.
- I can't do this right now.
- [Diane] Your father
didn't want this for you.
- Seriously, I can't.
- I'm fucking weak!
- Jesus...
- Okay, eat something,
go to bed, sober up.
(singing from video)
- [Diane] What are
you listening to?
- It's nothing.
- [Diane] Where the
fuck are you right now?
- I have to go.
- Turn that shit off.
Turn that shit off, off.
Turn that shit off.
- Stop.
- [Diane] Turn them
off, turn it off.
- Stop.
- Off!
- Jessica.
(eerie music)
(machine whirring)
(machine kicks on)
(Suspenseful music)
(Jessica screaming)
(Jessica screaming)
- Don't go, still here!
- He burns with us, pig!
(eerie music)
- Oh, come on. Pick up.
- [Officer] Lanford
Police Department.
- They chained the doors.
- [Officer] They chained what?
- I'm locked in, I'm
fucking trapped in here.
- [Officer] You're
gonna be okay,
I'll get a unit over there
ASAP with some bolt cutters.
- Oh, they better come quick
or I'm gonna shoot a
fucking window out.
- [Officer] They'll
be there, I promise.
But right now, I need
you to calm down.
- Did John Malum die in here?
- [Officer] Look,
I wasn't there.
I've heard rumors, but
what's the difference?
He's dead.
- I can't, I can't do this.
I can't do this, I thought
I could, but I can't.
I can't breathe,
I can't breathe.
I can't do this
any more, please...
Please, can't you
just get me out?
- [Officer] Officer,
listen, look,
I need you there right now
because there are three girls
missing and you can help.
- I just wanna get out.
- [Officer] This psycho
is only calling you
because she knows
you're Will Loren's kid,
that everybody thinks your
father's a piece of shit,
except for those three
girls and their families.
Don't let that be undone.
The calls are coming
from a burner,
we're gonna try
to get a location,
but if she calls you again,
get whatever you can
out of her, okay?
Things are escalating,
they're starting fires.
So, if you smell smoke,
then you can use your firearm
to shoot out a window.
But right now, I need you there.
- Okay.
- [Officer] Shit, I
gotta go, sit tight,
help will be there soon.
You picked one hell
of a first shift.
- I will maintain courageous
calm in the face of danger.
To have self restraint,
be constantly mindful
of the welfare of others.
(ominous music)
(feedback screeching)
(phone ringing)
(people singing indistinctly)
(static hissing)
And he will come home
(elevator dinging,
starting to move)
(ominous music)
Carved of its skin,
and devoured to bone
Call him from the depths
and he will come home
(elevator dings)
(ball bouncing)
(Jessica screaming)
(Jessica panting)
(ominous music)
- It's good to see
you again, Will.
- Shut the fuck up.
- I'm gonna come back
for you and all you love.
Mark my words.
- We pray in the
Temple of the Low God.
John is... John is its vessel.
Trust in his plan for
you have purpose too.
- You've seen things you
can't begin to explain.
- We pray in the temple
of the low God...
- And now my words have
threatened your family.
- Trust in his plan.
- You must know
if you should pull out your
gun, blow my brains out...
(gun cocking)
- For you have purpose too.
- Satan and Christ.
- My father was a minister.
My father was a minister.
My mother a mortuary beautician.
- Just fictions of the church.
- She painted
cadavers like clowns.
When she died, we
had a closed casket.
- Did you know that, Will,
you are important in all this?
In your own little way.
- You smell like egg
covered cat piss.
See, my paw was drenched in
it, and it don't go away.
Gotta cut it out.
- I was never abused
or mistreated.
My childhood was pleasant.
- So, I chopped off his balls
and shoved 'em right
down his throat. (laughs)
- Trust in his plan.
- Wibble-wobble,
wibble-wobble, squish, squish.
- You have a purpose too.
You have purpose too.
- Squish, squish.
- We pray in the
Temple of the Low God.
- The devil on my shoulder
just isn't what you think it is.
- My mother wrote me a lullaby,
words were pure and true.
The song of the Low God,
now it's here for you.
My mother wrote me a lullaby,
her words were pure and true,
the song of the Low God,
and now it's here for you.
- The devil on my shoulder just
isn't what you think it is.
- What are you looking at?
- I'm gonna come back
for you and all you love.
The devil on my shoulder just
isn't what you think it is.
(eerie music)
Lullaby, her words
were pure and true.
The song of the Low God!
And now it's here for you!
(wheels rattling)
(ominous music)
(whistling the Song
of the Low God)
(distorted evil sounds)
(Jessica screaming)
Help, help!
- No! Oh!
(violent sounds)
(Jessica panting)
(Jessica screaming)
- Hello? Anybody here?
Whoa, easy rookie.
I called out but I
didn't hear an answer.
There you go.
- Sorry.
- You okay?
- Do I look okay?
- You look stressed.
- Yeah, I guess.
- I'm Price.
- I clipped the last one.
- This fat, pathetic
fuck is Hudson.
Unfortunately, he's my partner.
- I asked you not
to call me that. Hi.
- Look, we're here for
the guy in holding.
- Great.
- You got the keys?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Whoa, whoa, why
am I grabbing him?
- Because you need
to exercise, asshole.
- [Hudson] Fuck you,
I'm going in there.
- You're going in there.
- You're going in there.
- Okay, just give us a sec.
(officers whispering
- Fine.
Rock, paper, scissor, shoot.
Fuck! I'll be back.
- Unfortunately, he's
not much to look at,
but he's phenomenal in
bed, so I'll give him that.
They told us Captain
Loren's daughter
would be joining the department.
It's kind of... It's
kind of fucked up.
Put you in here, it's
kind of funny though.
- I wanted to be here.
- Okay. Well he was a hero
till he wasn't, you know,
kind of fell off the old rocker.
- What happened that day?
- Look, I should probably
go check on Hudson.
- I have a right to know.
- Okay.
If you must know,
it was my fault.
Yeah, he wasn't acting right,
I should have told the
chief, but I didn't.
He kept watching
this interrogation
video over and over
and over, he said
he saw something.
The day before your
father did what he did,
he told me, he said,
"Don't go into holding."
John Malum is still here.
Which reminds me, I
got something to show
you. Come with me.
(eerie music)
- (sighs) Yeah.
We wanted it destroyed with
the rest of the building.
- Is that...
- Yeah.
Don't touch it, okay?
It stays here.
(eerie music)
(gun firing)
- We devote ourselves to you
as you shall be to us,
faithfully, with great
purpose and ritual.
The Temple Baron will
bring forth the Low God
and I will be redeemer,
king of torment and starless
nights, Infinum Malum.
I baptize thee in my blood,
bound no more to this
flesh, but to another.
(child crying)
You are one of us.
You are one of us, Jessica.
(child crying)
She is one of us!
(Jessica gasping)
- She's one of us, let me out!
Please, she's one of us!
Let me out! Let me out!
You have to let me out!
You have to let me out!
Can you hear them?
- She must be present on
the night of his arrival.
She must summon power.
She must devote herself.
She must participate for
great purpose and ritual.
(pig snorting)
- [Woman] Daddy,
(sobs) I wanna go home.
I just wanna go home.
I'm in here.
- Betty?
- Help me, I wanna go home.
(ghostly moaning)
- [Diane] You've reached Diane,
if I don't care
about you, fuck off.
- I'm at the old station
where dad worked,
call me as soon as you get this.
(baby cooing)
- Shh. It's okay.
That's my little Jessica.
(pig snorting)
It's gonna be okay.
Daddy's gonna find us.
You don't know your daddy yet,
but he just became
a police officer.
(pig snorting)
He's got a glove on
his belt and a gun.
And when he gets here,
he'll beat John until
he stops moving.
He'll wanna kill him, but he
won't because he's a good man.
But John never forgets,
and he'll find us.
(creature shrieking)
(Jessica screaming)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
(bell ringing)
- (banging) Open
the fucking door.
I thought you were working
at the new station.
Why would you be here?
- You lied to me.
- I lied about a lot of shit.
- You wanna narrow that down?
You were one of them.
- How do you know that?
- Oh shit,
it's true, isn't it?
- I left your father
after we were pregnant
because John found me.
He just came knocking
on the door and he said,
your baby was gonna be
part of something so big.
I believed him.
After you were
born, I saw things
and I needed to get you as far
away from them as possible.
Your daddy saved us.
We ran, we left
our lives behind,
but a year ago, he found us.
(John laughing)
John hadn't aged a day,
it was like staring
at a bad memory.
He wanted us back, baby.
Will stopped him,
but John had plans.
He always does.
- What was I meant
to be part of?
- [Voice] Diane.
- Answer me, where
are you going? Diane?
- [Voice] Diane. Diane.
- Diane, what are you doing?
(woman shouting in distance)
Lock the door, stay here.
(woman screaming)
This is Officer Loren, I
need fucking backup now.
- Please, help me.
- Holster, your pistol.
- Put the gun down.
- Holster,
your fucking pistol.
- Put the gun down.
- Do it or I'll kill her.
- Put it down!
- Holster your pistol now!
- Okay, okay.
Where are the other girls?
- It's your night and
that's all you have to ask?
You're crazy, just
like your mother.
- Let her go, I already
requested backup.
- Nobody's coming,
you're on your own.
- What do you want?
It's not what I want,
it's what he wants.
And he wants you.
- Well, I'm right here
cunt, come and get me.
- Patience piggy,
your time will come.
The Low God's been
whispering in John's ear
ever since you were
in your mama's belly.
And he knew you would
come back to him.
You know, I'd hoped I'd
be the one by his side.
But I know what I'm here for,
I have a message for you.
You see, you need
power for this ritual
and there there is
power in spilling blood.
- Please.
- An animal will give you some.
- Don't you fucking touch her.
- But a human will
give you more.
(gunshots firing)
- I'm gonna get you little
piggy! I'm coming to get you!
(people shouting)
- Mom?
(phone ringing)
- Good, good, you're okay.
Listen, we think the
flock is planning a raid
on the old station.
- They're here.
- [Officer] Fuck,
fuck, all right,
we'll get you out of there.
Is your mother safe?
- I can't find her.
I can't, I can't...
How do you know
my mother's here?
- Oh, well, I always
keep tabs on her.
She was one of my
favorite jewels,
as devoted as they come.
Pure fire.
- Who is this?
- [Man On Phone] I told your
daddy that I'd come back
for all he loved.
- Where the fuck is my mother?
- [Man On Phone] A vessel must
be chosen by its passenger.
I was chosen when I was a boy
and tonight, the Low
God finally comes.
(tense music)
(Jessica shrieks)
What are you doing back
here? Where's my mother?
(distorted shouting)
(Jessica screaming)
(guns firing)
(Jessica panting)
(people shouting)
This is officer Loren
at the old station
in need of assistance.
(people shouting)
I repeat, officer in need
of fucking assistance.
(static hissing)
Dedicated towards...
I will constantly strive
to achieve... Oh...
- [Male Voice] We're gonna
find you, pretty little pig.
- [Female Voice]
Come out and find us.
(Footsteps approaching)
(ominous music)
- I hear you.
(gun firing)
Kingdom of our father,
faithful and true
Our flock, we will follow
Devoted in you
On this day, in his arms,
my soul I will bring
For the king, he rejoices
when the dead sing
(ominous music)
- Super cops saves the day.
(both laughing)
Rock, paper, scissors. Shoot.
(laughs) No, just kidding.
Come in here, come on.
We wanna show you something.
- Yeah, we want to
show you something.
(both laughing)
(woman wailing)
- Stop, stop!
(gun firing)
(gun firing, violent sounds)
I'm here, hold on,
you're okay. It's okay.
(woman gagging)
Please, please stay with me.
(door clicking)
(ominous music)
- [Will] You don't
belong in that uniform.
- I needed to know, why?
How could you hurt
all those people?
- [Will] I didn't hurt
anybody, baby. I killed them.
- You hurt mom, you hurt me.
- I'm a cop, Jessica,
that's what cops do.
We hurt people, kill
them when we have to.
And that day...
- (demonic) I had to.
(gunshots firing)
(gun firing)
Rise, rise,
inhuman dark king
In your forgotten tongue,
we'll learn to sing
To live immortal
forever and true
My spirit, my body,
I give it to you
(gun firing)
(woman screaming)
(ominous music)
(woman gasping)
I got you.
- Thank you.
(woman gasping)
(rope tightening,
bones breaking)
(ominous music)
Strive to achieve...
To achieve, strive to achieve
those ideals before God.
(creature growling)
(gun firing)
(Jessica shouting)
- [Diane] Jessica! Jessica help!
- [Woman] The Temple
Baron approaches.
He is the harbinger!
(man screaming)
(woman laughing)
Hi, pretty little pig.
Come out and find us.
(ominous music)
He burns with us!
They burn with us!
- The Low God.
(woman laughing)
- [Woman] He burns with us, pig!
- Put her in the chair.
Feed her to the fucking pig!
We pray to the Low God.
Tonight he finally comes!
Daddy plays the bathtub game
Pulls the soap from the dish
Wibble-wobble, wibble-wobble
Squish, squish
Mommy cries in the hall
And I wiggle like a fish
- She must be present on
the night of his arrival.
Squish, squish
- She must summon power.
Spit on his lips
- We feast on angel's wings.
- She must devote herself...
- And drink from devil's horns.
- She must participate for
great purpose and ritual.
- They cower like
dull, mindless beasts.
Rise. Rise, inhuman dark king.
In your forgotten tongue,
we'll learn to sing,
to live immortal
forever and true.
My spirit, my body,
I give it to you.
She is one of us.
(shouting echoing)
(ominous music)
- Mom?
(eerie music)
(Temple Baron growling)
(Temple Baron growling)
- Your spirit will
feed the demon.
- [All] Your spirit
will feed the demon.
(Temple Baron growling)
Your spirit will feed the demon.
Your spirit will feed the demon.
(gun firing)
(Temple Baron growling)
Your spirit will feed the demon.
Your spirit will feed the demon.
(distorted speaking)
- [Man] Your spirit
will feed the demon!
(gun cocking)
- [Woman] Your spirit
will feed the demon.
- [Woman] Your spirit
will feed the demon.
(distorted speaking)
- Will feed the demon.
(Temple Baron growling)
(gun firing)
(creature growling)
(Jessica screaming)
(John screeching)
(Skin peeling)
(creature screeching)
(gun firing)
(distorted shouting)
(gun firing)
- The Temple Baron
brought forth the Low God
and I am redeemer,
(distorted shouting)
(gun firing)
King of torment and
starless nights.
But he chose you too,
Jessica, for great purpose
and ritual
(distorted shouting)
(gun firing)
He sent me to find you
before you even existed.
(demon screeching)
Queen of sunless dawns.
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(gun cocking)
- Jessica.
- Oh my God!
Mom! Mom!
Oh my God. Mom, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Mommy. (sobs)
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Oh... (sobbing) Please...
Please, Mom, please...
(Jessica sobbing)
(people laughing)
I'm sorry.
(people applauding)
(people laughing)
(Jessica screaming)
(distorted speaking)
(Will screaming)
(tense music)
(Jessica sobbing)
As a law enforcement officer,
my duty is to safeguard
lives and property,
to protect my master.
(gun firing)
(people applauding)
(people cheering)
- The world is such
a game, so small,
but there must be
gains on this board.
They must bear fruit.
You have your pawns,
and I have mine.
But I know your every
move, all your fears,
all your escapes,
all for nothing.
'Cause in the end,
I'll capture my queen,
and our union will strip the
veil and call upon the others.
Mark my words.
(crickets chirping)
(fire crackling)
(Jessica screaming)
(ominous music)
From the kingdom
of our father
The truth will be free
Through the mountain,
I'll be guided
Until I do see
I am safe in the arms
of my master, my king
On the last day,
I will follow
My soul, I will bring
Rise, rise,
inhuman dark king
In your forgotten tongue,
we'll learn to sing
To live immortal
forever and true
My life, my body,
I give it to you