Mama (2013) Movie Script

English subtitle by watddefaq
There's one word to describe what's happening,
and that word is... / i
"Panic" / i
And of course this comes with unthinkable
irrational behavior, / i
the crash of 29, 1987 Black Monday
came with tragic suicides and murders, / i
..this collapse is no exception. / i
Just one hour ago.. / i
as the market were opening, 2 partners at CapVA
Holding were shot at the troubled company's headquarters.
Senior partner, Laura Muller,
died on site. / i
An analyst, Albert Bernard,
is in critical condition./ i
Jeffrey Desange, also Senior partner, was in the office
at the time of the shooting and is now gone missing./ i
I'm sorry, we, we gotta go, sweetheart.
Isn't Mommy taking me to school?
Mommy's not feeling well.
Hurry. Put on your glasses. Come on.
Let's go.
Daddy, where're we going?
I don't know.
You're driving too fast.
- Daddy, you're driving too..
- Shut up!
Sorry, excuse me.
- Hey, buddy, you wanna get behind the tape?
- I'm family. I'm Lucas Desange.
You called me. Someone called me.
Detective or something?
- You live here?
- No, my brother lives here.
What's going on?
Where is Jeff?
Are the girls okay?
Where are the girls?
Sir, just hang on, all right?
Just wait here.
Jesus Christ.
..Jeffrey Desange apparently shot 2 of his partners
to death before going on to murder his estranged wife. / i
And kidnapped his two daughters,
age three and one. / i
It's okay. It's okay.
Come on.
Daddy, are we there yet?
My glasses are broken.
- What is it?
- It's okay.
- It's all right, come here.
- There's someone inside.
Come on, come on..
Daddy, there's a woman outside.
She's not touching the floor.
- Why are you crying?
- Because I'm sad, honey.
Why are you sad?
You know, Mom and Dad they..
They tried real hard. But sometimes
they messed things up.
You know Daddy loves you, right?
I can't see.
What's that?
Look honey, there..
Look, Lilly. A cherry.
Burnsie, where are you guys, then?
Well, we're gonna to have a another
look around sector 1-7-12-33.
- That's the mountain road, right?
- Uhuh.
Gas station..
Road to the Paulson Pass..
- This is good.
- Oh, God. I hate to do this.
- Do what?
- The last payment didn't clear.
Well, uh.. I'll check on that.
Don't worry about that. Things go down.
All right. I'll work on that
and get back to you./ i
"Not Pregnant"
Thank you, good bye. / i
Thank you, God.
- That was Burnsie on the phone?
- Yup.
What is his next move?
Is he gonna search sector lousy alpha?
Hey, guess who's not pregnant?
What is wrong with you?
Last payment didn't clear.
- Is there a problem with the bank, or..
- The money's gone.
- I pick B.
- That is the correct answer.
Look, babe..
It's your brother. You wanna spend all
your money, and find them, it's okay with me.
It's cheaper than therapy.
- And so am I.
- What..?
I need to go.
- Burnsie!
- What?
Hey, Burnsie!
Jesus Christ!
- You're gonna call him?
- Just give me a minute.
- But we should call, we said we'd call.
- Ronney, shut up.
Just for one minute.
Here you go, Bird.
Take a whiff of that.
Ah, yes sir. Yes sir. Yes sir.
It's cherry pits.
Hey, Burnsie!
Burnsie, can we call him now?
- They found them.
- You shitting me.
They found the girls. Alive.
Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss. And you
must be Annabel. / I must be.
How are they?
Well, just let me warn you.
This won't be easy.
We're very fortunate, that Victoria was
old enough to retain much of her vocabulary.
But it's still too early to determine
if this development../ What about the other one?
That's a different story.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, Victoria.
Is that you, Lilly?
No, no, no. It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
It's okay. It's okay.
I brought something for you.
For your eyes.
When you were a little girl.
You had a pair of these. You remember?
I was gonna put.. That's okay.
Just gonna put them here.
It's okay.
That's it.
Oh, no, no, honey.
Honey, no, I'm not your Daddy.
I'm your Daddy's brother.
Remember Uncle Luke?
It's okay.
- Dad?
- It's okay.
Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss, Your Honor.
The girls have been in my care at the Institute.
- Since they were found 87 days ago.
- And how would you define their progress?
Solid, and outstandingly fast.
If I may?
Your Honor, Victoria and Lilly Desange
were found in deplorable conditions.
Isolated, starved.
They feared and distrusted all physical contact.
Their emotional growth was
clearly compromised by their abandonment.
In order to survive such extreme isolation,
the girls created an imaginary guardian.
A parent figure, to feed them,
sing to them, protect them.
They called her: "Mama".
Victoria and Lilly have a real chance
to have a normal life, though.
With the right care, physical emotional development,
and much needed love and affection. They'll get better.
Thank you, Dr. Dreyfuss.
Ms. Podolski. Would you care
to address the Court?
Good morning, Your Honor. Jeffrey Desange murdered
my niece. And abandoned his daughters in the forrest.
And now his brother did an extraordinary thing.
Lucas never gave up on his nieces.
But he did it for the girls. Not for himself.
So, if he still has their best interest at heart,
he must know neither his salary, nor his very small
apartment are suitable for the raising of 2 children.
- Let alone, 2 children with a very special needs.
- How many kid did you raise, Jean?
Not as many as you, Lucas.
Of couse she wants the girls, Lucas.
Stand on her shoes first.
She can't just sweep in, and take them.
They are not hers to take.
I'm sure that's not entirely fair.
I'll tell you, what's not fair.
It's not fair is she gets to buy my nieces.
Is that really such a bad thing?
- What?
- Annabel plays in the band..
You draw pictures for a living.
Where do you live? Do you have room for
children in your life? I mean, really..
What are you saying, Gerald?
When it comes to the girls' welfare..
Family Court judge is pretty much
oblige to act on my recommendation.
And right now, I'll be lying if I didn't
say it was a slam dunk for Ms. Podolski.
But the truth is..
I don't want them living on the other
side of the country anymore than you do.
So, we can realy really help each other out
right now. You want the girls..
- I need continued access to them.
- What are we gonna do?
This house, courtesy of the Institute,
is used for case studies. Rent-free.
- You move to the house, you get the girls.
- This is a joke, right?
Mr. Desange, is your brother still alive?
Oh, son of a bitch.
- Look, Jean..
- No.
I just wanna see them.
That's all.
You'll see them. I mean, you've got
visitation, right? We respect that.
Right now, we need a little space.
Just work on this thing for a while.
Find their feet.
- Okay?
- Excuse me.
October the 26th.
Although she seems collaborative,
and is quickly recovering her language skills..
Victoria maybe repressing the memory
of her experience in the wilderness.
Okay, Victoria. Are you nice
and relax?
Are you feeling sleepy?
I want you to tell me the story again.
Can you tell me the story?
It was long time ago, a lady run away
from hospital for sad people.
She took her baby.
She jumped into the water.
How could you know that story, Victoria?
Did Mama tell you that story?
- She showed me.
- How?
In a dream.
Go on, Victoria.
And you can't tell anyone
where you are?
- Nope.
- That's just bizzare, dude.
Yeah, well. For the girls.
Few breaths away.
- So much deplorable.
- All families are the messed up.
Yeah, but this one messed up,
and it ends it.
I don't even have the chance
to screw them up. They came that way.
- Leave him.
- I can't.
You don't sign up for this, babe.
I can't do that to him.
Mrs. Sensitivity,
- You are in a rock band.
- I was in a rock band, yeah.
Hey, girls.
Hey, come here.
No, don't call me that. I'm not your Mom.
I'm Annabel. You can call me that..
or Annie, or whatever you like.
We could..
We could work it out together, right?
There are no police reports between 2008 and 2012
that match the patient's story.
And Doctor, there are no psychiatric hospitals
anywhere near Clifton Forge.
- Where were the closest one would be?
- Falls Church, 200 miles from here.
Now this log book, contains records
from St. Kurch's asylum.
Abided to Salt Lake.
That's 5 miles north from here.
But you told me that there are no
mental hospitals in the area.
There aren't.
St. Kurch is shut down in 1878.
Page 31.
Patient Edith Brennan.
- Annabel?
- Yup?
- Handsome is outside.
- Try to put him there.
But he's crying.
There's no way these kids
are ready for this.
- I know it's tough. It'll get better. I promise.
- I don't know if I can do this, Luke.
I love you, girl.
Someone's here!
Victoria, Lilly?
- No one's here.
- Someone's here. I saw them.
- Wow, wow, honey, honey.
- I saw them.
Give me the hammer. I'll check downstair.
You look after the girls.
Oh my God. Lucas?
Hi, it's Vince with Slap Chop.
I'm really sorry, Annabel.
But they told me he responded well to the tests.
And it's uh, very likely this coma is temporary.
- What happens now?
- I'm afraid I don't follow.
Those girls now without Lucas../ Annabel, the girls
need you. They need security, protectability.
But I'm not prepared for this. I can't
do this alone. This is not my job to do.
Just follow, if you not,
you'll lose custody.
And Lucas will be lucky if he sees
his nieces every second at Thanksgiving.
Well, I checked out. All the doors and windows
are locked. No evidence of intruder. Nothing's stolen.
So.. / So, I imagined it then, yeah?
All right, thank you, bud.
- Maam..
- Richmond's finest..
Okay, guys.
Just you and me for a while.
I don't know how are you feeling
about that. But we got no choice.
- How they've been affected by all of this?
- They are talking to the walls.
What did they say?
What's this?
They made that.
They found a doll
in the cabin, Victoria.
Who made the doll?
The doll's called Mama?
Or Mama made the doll?
- Mama made the doll.
- And who is Mama?
Are you Mama, Victoria?
This is Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss.
Please leave a message. / i
Dr. Dreyfuss, this is Louise from
Clifton Forge Public Records. / i
I found something that
you would want to see.
You guys okay?
What's so funny?
- Good night.
- No!
Nice butt, Bruce.
Come. Mama...
You guys know what time it is?
I guess you wouldn't. It's late.
It's really really late.
- Don't what?
- Don't close the closet.
Why not? What's in the closet?
Okay. It's been an along day. So you guys
should get some sleep. Go to bed.
You want me to leave the door open?
Good night.
Just tell me about it.
- I think someone's coming to visit them.
- Who?
I don't know.
- And you believe that?
- I heard her..
She was.. singing to them,
like a lullaby, or something.
You heard her?
- Definitely a her?
- Yeah.
Sound like this?
Yeah, but it was, it was different.
Her voice was deeper.
Victoria is showing signs.
A dissociative personality disorder.
I think she could taking on the role
of Mama. Literally, becoming her.
It's treatable.
With time and patience.
- Am I safe?
- What? Look, she's 8 years old.
Give me a break.
I found second entry under the name of
that woman. / Edith Brennan?
Not Edith Brennan.
Welcome to isle 17, Doctor.
Every archive has one.
Lost and found of things
people don't wanna find.
Twenty years ago, when they moved
to Clifton Forge cemetery.
Some of the oldest, smallest remains,
were not claimed by the relatives.
They were sent here to be filed.
I'm not a religious person, but I do
believe, there's a place for human remains.
And that's not on the shelf
in a Government building.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I can't say that I do.
When a corpse is left out.
The elements withered. Dessicated..
Twisting it into a distorted figure that's
barely recognizable as a human being.
A ghost is an emotion went out of shape.
Condemned to repeat itself, time and time again.
Until it rights the wrong that was done.
- What's this?
- The wrong.
- Jeff?
- Save my girls.../ i
Go to the cabin.. / i
He seizures. Hold him still.
- Lorazepam. 4 milligrams.
- 4 milligrams of lorazepam.
- Fever?
- No fever, doctor.
You kicked me out of the bed. Checked on
the girls. That as much as I remember. / i
- For I know that you took me..
- I would've managed the job..
- Oh, you drew me a picture.
- It's a raccoon.
Thank you. I do something
for you guys too.
- Here you go. You like it?
- Yeah.
It's cute. So, how was it?
Was it a tunnel? With the light at the end?
Oh yeah, that was good.
Also I stepped into the light.
So, how was it been?
How is the single Mom?
- That's great.
- Yeah?
- They're terrible. They hate me.
- They don't hate you.
So easy for you to say. You're like
the cool uncle. / I am the cool uncle.
What is it, Annie?
Just get well soon, so you can come home,
and clean their mess, please?
- You sure about this?
- Yeah.
You okay?
What are you doing in here?
Here, I'll help.
- What is it?
- I don't want you to get hurt.
What do you mean? I'm fine.
Nothing bad is gonna happened.
- You can't do that.
- Why?
She gets jealous.
Hey, wait!
What's wrong with you?
- Hello.
- Hey, Jean.
How can I help?
It's my day.
- Are you sure. I thought that was Thursday.
- It is Thursday.
- Sorry about the mess.
- Children make mess. It's how it works.
- How are they?
- Adorsey. You want coffee?
Thank you.
Oh my God. What is this?
- I know, they're wild sometimes.
- It's not an excuse.
Hey, now. They're bruises.
Kids get bruise.
- This bruise?
- It's not like that.
- Let me have them.
- Sorry?
Just for a few days. You can umm.. I don't know.
Play with your band, have a drink with your friends.
Jean, I think it's great. But the girls
have relationship with their own. I really really do.
But right now, I need you to get out
of my house. Before I kick your ass.
- I'll see you both very soon, okay?
- Hey!
- Do you've been coming around here?
- I beg your pardon?
Do you've been coming at the house,
playing with girls? / Of couse not! Why?
Doesn't matter.
Social Services.
Who should I speak to if I
believe my nieces are being abused?
Well, what kind of evidence
do I need exactly?
- How the hell did you forget?
- Are you kidding me?
You know she wants to take
the girls from us.
I'm exhausted, I'm sorry.
I forgot today is her day.
Jesus Christ, Annie. It's one visit.
It's not much to remember.
Annie, listen. They're just kids.
All you gotta do is..
What? Chill out? Take it easy?
You know I can't do this. This is not my job.
This is your job. / I'm out of here
in a day, just hold it together until then.
All right, fine, yeah. We'll see what
happens then. / I'll take care of them..
Those girls are the important thing
in the world to me..
- Awesome..
- Annie, you..
Okay, Victoria.
Are you nice and relax?
Are you feeling sleepy?
I'd like you to tell me
about Mama.
Did she live in that house with you?
The house by the lake..
Where did she live?
In the walls.
Where is she now?
I don't know.
I think you know. I think
you know where she is.
Where is she, Victoria?
Is she here, in this house?
Did she come with you?
Open your eyes, Victoria.
Look at this photograph,
is this Mama?
- Is this Mama, Victoria?
- Go away!
- Tell me about her.
- No!
- What's going on?
- Nothing. Nothing's going on.
- Gerald, what happened?
- I have to go. I'll call you.
November third..
The seventh session was more
than revealing.
I think I have found the door, a passage,
that connects Helvetia into this house../ i
There is no rational explanation
that supports this theory. / i
But it is only the ability to embrace
the different reality,
that makes science expand beyond
the limits of what we know..
However, extraordinary claims
require extraordinary proof. / i
I'm never this close than ever,
to the real subject to my research. / i
I will come back from Clifton Forge,
with an answer.
Make her stop! / i
What's wrong?
What's under the bed?
Victoria. Come. Mama.
Victoria. Come. Mama.
Victoria stay.
Where, Mama?
I know your name.
I know what you want.
Lilly, are you okay?
How did you get down here?
You shitting me. Are you shitting me?
Come, you crazy.
Stop it!
It's okay. Come on.
You like that?
Okay. Door's good, window's bad. So, if
you wanna go outside, what do we do?
- We use the stairs?
- Right. Lilly?
We took stairs?
Yeah, that's excellent. Okay.
Let's go get breakfast.
Oh, God!
Lilly, you scared the crap out of me.
Annabel, breakfast is ready!
I'll be right down!
Annabel, Lilly's hungry!
Victoria. You and Dr. Dreyfuss, you guys
talk some.. I mean, you guys talked a lot, right?
Victoria, Dr. Dreyfuss and I,
we talked some too.
We talked about Mama.
You and Dr. Dreyfuss. You..
You guys talked about Mama too, right?
Where is Mama, Victoria?
This is Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss.
Please leave a message./ i
Hey, it's Annabel. I need to talk to you.
So, please call me whenever you get this.
Okay, thanks. Bye.
Yes, I talked to him, sir.
Two and a half hours ago.
I'm sure you are.. / i
I just don't understand. I am afraid that
something bad may have happened to the doctor. / i
You okay?
Come on. Get your clothes.
Richmond. I need a number
for enterprise that rent a car.
Mama - by Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss
Dr. Dreyfuss:
I want you to tell me the story again.
Can you tell me the story?
It was a long time ago, a lady run away
from the hospital for sad people.
She took her baby.
She jumped into the water.
How could you know the story, Victoria?
Did Mama tell you that story?
- She showed me.
- How?
- In a dream
- Go on./ i
She fell into the water,
but the baby didn't.
I don't know.
- What could've happened to the baby, Victoria?
- I don't know.
Mama didn't show you?
She doesn't know what happened
to her baby.
She went walking in the woods. Looking
for it. She searched for a very long time.
And then?
- Then she found us.
- Why are you crying, Victoria?
Because she's sad..
Disenterrement Request
Is she sad, or are you sad, Victoria?
Where is Mama?
Is she here with us?
- Can you show me Mama?
- She won't come here.
Why not?
Because she knows through watching. / i
This isn't Annabel. Leave your message
after the beep. Fuck you. Beep..
Hey, Victoria.
- Are you, okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Good night, Annabel.
I love you.
Don't look at her!
She's mad.
Go up!
Open the door!
- Victoria, what's going on? / Annabel.
- Are you okay?
It's Lilly!
Are you okay?
Mama, stop it!
You promise!
Leave her alone!
Aunt Jean?
Are you okay?
Hey, this is Lucas.
Leave a message.
Lucas, she has the girls.
I'm heading to Clifton Forge.
I got your message.
What the hell are you doing here?
- Where are the girls?
- She took them. / What?
- I saw her. She's real.
- What the hell's happening?
She's gonna kill them. We gotta get to the cabin.
She was here with them the whole time.
- Dr. Dreyfuss knew it.
- Oh, God..
They're on the cliff!
- LUCAS: No! No!
- LILLY: Mama!
- LUCAS: Lilly! Lilly!
LILLY: Mama!
LILLY: Mama!
VICTORIA: Mama, no, Mama!
LILLY: Mama!
Stay here..
Bye, Annabel..
- Sleep, Annabel!
- Victoria, Lilly..
Sleep, Annabel, sleep..
Good bye, Mama..
I love you..
Victoria, come..
Victoria stay.
Come. Lilly. Mama. Victoria.
No. Lilly. Mama.
Victoria, no...
- No...
- Lilly!
Oh God, bring her back...
Manually hearing-transcripted by watddefaq