Man Called Horse, A (1970) Movie Script

Oh, Wakantanka,|Great Spirit of the Sun--
source of all life, created|in violence, pleasure and pain
which then takes life|to sustain life,
continuing the eternal cycle|of life and death--
I stand humble and obedient|before you.
Make me worthy!
How many is that?
Six, Your Lordship.
I'm sorry.
You may address me as ''John.''
Yes, sir.
It won't happen again.
You slip at least|once a day.
How many weeks have I been|dinning it into you.
Yes, Sir John.
Six, did you say?
In a row.
That's good shootin', John.
Thank you, Maddock.
You may address me as ''Joe.''
What did you say that was?
Prairie chicken.
At home in England,|I'd be shooting grouse.
It just occurred to me,
I've traveled halfway|around the world
at great expense
simply to kill|a different kind of bird.
Well, what's wrong with that
if you ain't got|nothing better to do?
Oh, I ain't, Joe.
For five years, I ain't got|nothin' better to do.
You musta picked up a lot|of beans
Not only beans, Joe
but family titles, family|property, family position...
all picked up,|all inherited.
Everything I ever wanted|in life I've bought,
including you three.
In England, I looked up|to God and royalty
and down upon everybody else.
Well, what you been doin'|for five years?
Looking, Joe.
Just looking.
In 1820, I committed|the unpardonable sin
of resigning my commission|in the Guards.
It wasn't an earned commission|anyway.
In my family,|it came with birth.
So, here I am...|shooting birds.
Your Northwest Territory...
it is beautiful.
Hey, Ed...
I dumped the water outta that|damned tub into his tent.
All over his tent...
And look what I found.
That spell ''rum'', don't it?
Hey, Ed... draw.
Still drunk as coots.
I'm going to have|to talk to those two.
In a pinch, I've known|'em to drink coal oil.
Oh-- beat the drums|and sound the brass,
here come one big horse's ass.
What were you two firing at?
Nothin' in particular.
That was an accident.
Even at this range,|I'm inclined to believe you.
How long would it take us|to go back to St. Louis?
Maybe a month if,|if we don't do no more huntin'
and that wagon holds up.
We'll start in the morning.
If the wagon breaks down,|abandon it and the team.
We'll travel by riding horses|if necessary.
Is them orders, John?
Those are orders, Maddock.
Well, you've boozed us|out of another job.
We ain't shuttin' down camp.
He guaranteed us|four months wages.
You'll get your money.
That's one thing|the dude ain't is-- cheap.
Yeah, and if he runs|a little short,
his family can always|sell the ''cawstle'.
Oh, I never seen such a fella.
He won't even chew tobacco.
That water's powerful cold,|Your Lordship.
Thank you, Maddock.
I can assure you I've been bred|to get used to it.
This ain't gonna be no bath.
He's goin' ice-skating.
Listen, you rum-heads,|that's enough.
We was just warnin' him.
Somethin' must have spooked him.
Coyote maybe.
Naw. He seen Tin-pan Morgan|goin' by.
Oh, my God.
I've had enough!
You bunch of bloody bastards.
I'm not a horse!
I'm not an animal.
No! No!
Whatever the bloody hell|the name is.
Man! Man!
I am a man!
Homme, oui.
Pauvre bte. Imbcile.
la chance. Une fois.
Pas content.
la grande promenade, promenade?
Qui es tu?
Amricain? Huh?
Don't be absurd.
Arrte. Reviens.
Eh, eh, eh, eh.
Me speak 'Anglais'.
Good 'Anglais'.
Well, when you address me,|would you kindly speak it?
Yes. I will speak it.
You lucky chief like angry.
You yell, make strong.
Lucky not kill.
Yes, very lucky.
I can hardly believe|my good fortune.
Who the blazes are you?
Moi. Batise.
Prisoner, five years.
Well, you speak French
in a most peculiar way.
You're not French.
Non. Sacre Bleu, non.
Papa Francais.
Blue eyes, see.
Mais maman...
Flathead Indian.
Pure. See.
Family all killed.
These Indians. These Sioux.
I can well believe it.
Did you never try to escape?
Cut leg.
Oh, yes.
Me try to run again...
zip, zip, other leg.
After crawl. Crawl.
But now me very clever fellow.
Play crazy, see?
Indian don't|kill crazy man...
Crazy man no hunt, no work.
Got spirit. Wakantanka...
Good luck for village.
So you gave up.
Me give up nothing.
Me very clever fellow.
But you, oh...
Great important Englishman.
Yes, you go, yes.
Like fox.
Dodge hounds.
And you know what happen?
Mean, bad lnjuns out there.
Shoshone, Blackfoot,|Rikaree.
Cut off everything--
zip, zip, zip, zip, zip.
But you no man|anymore anyhow.
You workhorse for old woman.
Buffalo Cow Head.
Maybe she...
maybe she...|maybe she zip anyway...
Stallion no good for workhorse.
Everybody be happy,|except you maybe.
No, no.
No! No! No! No!
It's rancid fat.
Don't you have any dried...|dried meat?
What in the hell's|going on?
Black Eagle come|for Yellow Hand sister.
I thought she was one|of his wives.
No, no. That one|Running Deer.
She is sister.
Other one is wife,|Thorn Rose.
Now, Black Eagle buy sister.
Buy her?
Yes. Marriage.|Marriage Indian way...
Must buy wife.
Very big important|for Black Eagle.
He only chief number two.
If she have him,|he be Yellow Hand brother.
Trs important.
Big trouble...
Yellow Hand say no.
Work hard, eh? Water?
now that her son is dead,|she has no other man.
Nobody protect her.|Nobody care.
Cut off finger. Scavenge.
Come winter, she die.
Like you, one time|big grand English...
Now horse, toujours...
Pour toujours|et tous les jours.
Shut up!
Stop that idiotic giggling,|you bloody fool
and listen to me.
I've had enough|of your nonsense.
Now, you play your fool|to them, but not to me.
I'm going|to get out of here
and you're going|to help me.
And why I do this?
Because you want|to get out, that's why.
Now, these other lndians|around here you spoke of
we'll need a war party|to get through them.
I don't suppose|these Sioux have any guns?
What they know about guns?
Never see guns.|Must fight close.
More brave to touch enemy.|They count coup.
You look, hmm?
You like, hmm?
I have a big idea...
You marry Running Deer.
Then maybe Yellow Hand|give you war party...
All that for you,|grand white gentleman.
She say no|to Black Eagle
and give herself|away to horse.
Hey, but, ah, you got mane.
Not even old squaw|kiss hair on face.
I have a lot to learn, Batise,
and you are going to teach me.
Give them to your mother.
For her with my compliments.
I didn't think that giving|flowers was so humorous.
I'm sorry.
Me make love to her?
Good God! No.
Batise! Batise...
What is this about her shoe?
What is she|trying to tell me?
She say she have no hole|in her moccasin.
What the hell is|that supposed to mean?
It mean, ah...|It mean she virgin.
I have no reason|to doubt it.
Virgin take any husband she want
but not you, Anglais.
Get away, you|horrible old hag.
They say you kill|two Shoshone.
C'est vrais? Is true?
And I took these horses!
Ah! And scalps! Scalps!
Big chance!
La chance!
-I can't hear you!|-Horses! Scalps!
Wife! Now-- wife!|Then-- warrior!
Then soon-- Chief!
The wife sounds good|right now.
Let's get straight|to her!
Oui, oui, oui, oui!
And then war party,|and then we go!
Oui, oui! We go!
We go!
We go, we go, we go!
No, no. Do not look mother in|face-- taboo, or you be 'cinksi'.
''Son,'' yes. You'll be|her son till she die.
Oh. That suits me|perfectly.
Does that mean we're married?
Not yet, not yet.
What the hell's|going on now?
Saying ''No scars, no vows.''
Scars, vows?
Yes, scars, vow to sun.
Say you make vow to sun,|then he vow you brother.
But I just bought her.
I just bought her, didn't I?
What the hell did I do?
Marriage is good.
But, uh, must be|made sacred first.
Sun Vow.
If no pain,|nothing good is born.
Even seed burst to make grass.
Now, make vow for courage.
I vow to prove my courage...
to withstand all tests of pain.
You stand in sun all day,|all night...
until sun come again...
then suffer much pain.
God watch you now.
Now you ready for Sun Vow in...|holy lodge.
Hope for courage.
Pray Wakantanka|let you live.
I will live, Batise.
Oh, yes, and after|we get war party.
And England we go.
Wherever you go, I serve you.
I serve you well, oui?
Oui, Batise.
You have served me well.
When do I kiss the bride?
You prove you man in Sun Vow,|and then she kiss...
She kiss plenty... in white|teepee women make for you.
-That one?|-Mm-hmm.
She must make|pure in sweat bath.
Sweat bath?
Yes. Indian way.
She sweat, sing,|pray, make pure.
Medicine man pray|to Wakantanka,
that no bad things|come for she and you.
And then you have...|peace... and love.
Chief... Chief want me, too ...|need my tongue.
He speak about Shoshone.
Counted 'coup' scalps--|big medicine.
Oh, c'est bon, c'est bon.
Must show God you brave.
Must prove courage.
Now, you say why you should be|permitted to make Sun Vow.
Yellow Hand...
when you first|brought me here...
you said I was a horse...|an animal!
And to me, you were--|all of you-- mean...
...ignorant, superstitious...
-No, no.|-...ugly, benighted savages.
-No!|-Repeat it.
Repeat it!
Repeat it.
To me, you are no different
from men all over the world.
When your stomachs are full|and you sleep the long night,
you know you must hunt again
for food.
And when you fight your enemies
and their arrows|pierce your skins,
you bleed like all men.
But it seems to me that you only|live to hunt your buffalo...
to fight the Shoshone...
and to have your women.
I know you would say to me,|''What else is there?''
Yellow Hand say your words good.
But, Medicine man say|your words not good.
Now, tell them this--
one day I will be a chief.
One day, I will be a chief!
Say, what proof you brave?
Suffer pain, yes.
Give up, now. Out.
He said because you white,|you weak, you give up.
Shame before Wakantanka.
Medicine bag, bones, beads.
Good luck things. Great honor.
I am Tatankaska,|spirit animal, buffalo, white.
Speak the truth in humility|to all people.
Only then can you be a true man|and free of your chains.
I want you. My hunger is real.
But freedom|is what you mean to me.
When the chance comes,|I shall go.
I know. I know.
What did you say?
It's a small bird, Batise.
I used to shoot it in England,|a long time ago.
What's the matter|with Yellow Hand?
Yellow Hand|take Bear Skin belt,
he swear to Wakantanka|never to retreat in battle.
He now want brave death...|to save his honor because
Black Eagle take Thorn Rose.
He was her first man.
Injun law. So...
that means Black Eagle|can take Yellow Hand's woman
when he wants her.
If Yellow Hand complains,|he's weak.
Ay. Only...
this may be good.
He die, you be|made chief quicker.
Get war party, and we go.
Five years you've lived here
and you've learned nothing|about these people!
All his death is to you,
is a means of escape.
Take her away from this.
Take her away from this!
Oh... you're making it|very, very difficuIt for me,
Little Freedom.
Very, very difficult.
Free... Free...
You... are Little Freedom.
Little Freedom...|now is the truth.
You are part of me.
When I go, you go.
Lakota Lake, mountains...
Peace River, south...
Medicine man say|buffalo go after winter.
Village move.
This place bad medicine now.
Oh, 'malheurs'!
Move west.
Away from home.
You'd better finish that map,|Batise.
He say something is wrong.
Go and get your weapons.
Dear God!
Get the weapons!
Shoshone Chief take Bear Belt!
Get everyone|to the Ceremonial Lodge
and get the bows and arrows!
Line them up there!
Face the Shoshone!
Form two lines!
One in front and one back here!
First line-- to their knees!
Second line remain standing!
First line fire only!
Now we go! Anywhere...
Oh, no...
Little Freedom.
Oh, my God...
you've got nobody left|to provide for you.
You'll give|everything you have away.
You'll scavenge for offal...
With winter coming,|you won't last a month.
I will be your son.
Good-bye, Little Freedom.
Hiya! Hiya!