Man in the Iron Mask, The (1998) Movie Script

Some of this is legend,
but at least
this much is fact -
when rioting citizens of France
destroyed the Bastille,
they discovered in its records
this mysterious entry...
You dead yet?
[Man] Aramis!
Porthos is...
[Porthos] I'm sorry, my dears.
You would have enjoyed it.
He's hung like a donkey.
- So are you!
- Really?
He's been asleep so long,
I'd forgotten.
OK, go on now.
Leave His Holiness alone.
I'll bring you back tomorrow,
when he's in a better mood.
Go on, ladies. Go!
Stop praying
and revel with me, Aramis!
I need my spirits lifted.
I'm old, I'm weak,
my strength is gone.
- I'm praying.
- I just said that.
Are you deaf, too?
I know you're blind,
because if you'd seen those tits
you'd have tears in your eyes.
There's more to life
than a good pair of tits.
If you can name me one thing,
one single thing,
that is more sublime
than the feel of a plump pink
nipple between my lips,
I'll build you a new cathedral.
[Porthos farts]
Forgive me...
Forgive me...
Am I forgiven?
Hm? Am I forgiven?
Your forgiveness isn't sweeter
than a plump nipple.
Don't you understand?
I'm trying to pray!
You're always praying!
[Aramis] D'Artagnan!
Oh! D'Artagnan!
How are you, young pup?
You interrupted
a theological discussion.
- So I see.
- Welcome. Sit down.
No, I come upon
the King's business.
He wishes to see you.
You serve him loyally,
even though people throw
rotten eggs at his emblem.
D'Artagnan, look at you!
You look so young
and I feel so old.
The King says immediately.
One for all, d'Artagnan.
And all for one.
We were all Musketeers once.
I wonder how Athos is doing.
Relax, Raoul.
After all, you're my son.
How could any woman resist you?
When will you ask her?
Today, as we arrive...
or when we leave.
When I think about it,
I get confused.
Will this help?
Mother's ring.
I can't take this. It's yours.
She died giving you to me.
I want to die knowing it's worn
by the woman my son loves.
Go! Bring back your fiance.
Your Majesty, the attack
will come at dawn.
No, no. Do not
underestimate the Dutch.
These troops will be
cut off here,
so shift them here and here.
Then we outnumber them there.
Send that.
Your Majesty!
The yellow sash.
As your advisors,
we feel that it's...
- ..our duty...
- Yes, our duty to inform you
that there are riots in Paris.
Paris is the most beautiful
city in the world.
Why should my people
feel anything
but pride and contentment?
Of course, Your Majesty.
I'm sure they are
content and proud.
But they are also starving.
If we distributed some of the
food reserved for the army...
[Man] The priest Aramis!
Father Aramis, His Majesty
is experiencing difficulty
- with the Jesuits.
- The Jesuits?
They have declared
His Majesty's wars unjust.
His Majesty should speak
to their leader.
But who is he?
No one can keep secrets
like the Jesuits.
Ah, Aramis!
Your Majesty.
You are a priest,
but once you were a Musketeer.
Like my father,
I have trusted you
with the gravest of missions.
I want you to find the
secret leader of the Jesuits.
And when you have,
for God and for France,
I wish you to kill him.
I know this is
a terrible thing I ask,
especially from a priest.
Can you accept this mission
and keep it private?
When I discover the identity
of this Jesuit rebel,
I will kill both him
and the man who told me.
Once a Musketeer,
always a Musketeer, hmm?
[The King] About these riots...
We have stocks
on the wharves now.
Distribute that.
But that food is spoiling.
That's why it wasn't
sent to the army.
Then you must hurry.
What an excellent idea,
Your Majesty.
Look at that stitching!
Don't they look glorious?
Not so glorious as you.
Who is that?
Raoul, the son of Athos.
Franois, you may like
young soldiers,
but I'm referring
to the beauty with him.
Her name is Christine.
Your Majesty?
What now, d'Artagnan?
Assassins falling from the sky?
I was not told
of the pig chase.
Look at these men's faces.
Howthey admire you.
With you protecting me,
what fool would try to harm me?
A fool's blade can be
sharper than his brain.
Let us play a game.
Let's pretend that I am king
and you are captain
of my Musketeers.
Pretend my wish is law,
and my wish is
to enjoy this party.
As should you.
[King Louis] Ladies!
ever since I arrived...
- Monsieur? Mademoiselle?
- No, thank you.
- Christine...
- Raoul!
Captain, may I present
Christine Bellefort.
is my father's best friend.
I am honoured
you granted my request
to join the Musketeers.
The honour is mine.
One for all...
And all for one.
I love you.
And I love you, Raoul.
I'll never be rich,
but you have my heart.
Then I am richer than the King.
I have something to give you...
[Shrill squealing]
[Louis] We offer a contest
of cunning and agility.
Behold our unicorn!
Whoever captures our unicorn,
shall win its treasure.
Now, to the chase!
I command you all!
The pendant will be yours!
Christine, isn't it?
I'd have thought it impossible,
but the excitement of the chase
has made you more beautiful.
Sire, I...thank you.
You blush.
You do not wish to look
beautiful for your king?
No, sire! I mean...yes...
Of course, sire!
- I mean, you are...
- It's all right.
You're not used
to these surroundings.
That is a condition
we can happily remedy.
You would fit nicely
as a lady-in-waiting.
His Majesty is...
very...very kind.
But I am engaged to Raoul -
or will be when he asks me.
You would choose a soldier
who has not yet proposed
above a king?
I can only be faithful
to my heart.
But how faithful
is that heart to you?
[Pig grunts]
Wait, Christine!
- Christine!
- Raoul!
Feed your people!
Get me a general!
[Metal clanging on metal]
Her Majesty
wishes a word with you.
Your Majesty?
I understand you saved
my son's life today.
God smiled upon us,
Your Majesty.
And you are not hurt?
- No, my lady.
- That is good.
Raoul, son of Athos,
has withdrawn his request
to join the Musketeers.
[Plays a plaintive melody]
[Plays a plaintive melody]
You have improved.
It's been so long!
So it has, my friend.
What's the occasion?
As you say, it's been too long.
The great d'Artagnan
must have the best wine.
If the great Athos offers,
then the great d'Artagnan
must drink.
I'm sorry I haven't been
to see you lately, my friend.
Head of the King's bodyguards?
Must keep you busy.
Especially with this king.
Still, I should
have come more often.
Oh, I belong to the past,
when grown men wore the uniform.
At least it gives you time
- to practise your violin.
- And feel sorry for myself.
My son is grown.
He proposed to a wonderful girl.
The errors of my life
are made right in him.
Now, for the life
I've always wished him,
- he's leaving home.
- Athos, I...
Out celebrating all night!
Raoul, look who's come to visit.
What's wrong?
I cannot make her a widow,
just as I've made her a wife.
I've been recalled
to my regiment.
But that makes no sense!
You've already served
at the front.
Has there been some disaster?
Has everyone else
been recalled?
I believe the King's eye
has fallen on Christine.
True, he noticed her,
but it has nothing to do...
The King is a dog!
- Athos!
- And a coward!
But I am neither. And so I go.
Does the King have trouble
finding women?
I served his father.
Until I retired, I served him.
And now, to seduce a woman
who'll mean nothing to him
once he's had her,
he would put
my son's life in danger?
You knew this was happening!
That's why you came!
- I knew your temper...
- You came to restrain me?
I came to bring you hope!
I will speak
to the King personally.
I still have faith
he may become the king
we wish him to be.
You don't know what
it's like to have a son.
To have kissed his hair,
watched him grow.
Yes, fatherhood is a blessing
I can only imagine.
I have never known
a finer man than you,
but if the King harms my son
merely to take a lover,
then this king becomes my enemy!
As will any man who stands
between him and me!
Then I must hurry,
for I treasure your son...
as I treasure you.
Guard the gate!
Captain! The people say
the food the King ordered us
to distribute is rotten.
They're attacking Musketeers.
Get the gates!
- Prepare to fire.
- No! Close the gates!
Do not fire!
It's d'Artagnan!
[Crowd falls silent]
Citizens of Paris, listen to me.
- I am one of you.
- We're starving!
They gave us garbage
not fit for rats!
Listen to me!
Listen, I beg you.
You're right, it is rotten.
I'll speak to the King myself.
You have my word.
And you will release those men,
for they serve France...and you.
[Moans of passion]
Oh, Louis, you were right!
A woman has never known love
until she has known
the love of a king.
I'm hungry.
I'll have some food brought.
I like to eat alone.
By the way,
you're leaving tomorrow.
These passageways
are meant for my security,
not for you
to startle me to death.
It's for your security
that I've come.
I know about the rioting.
Your people want to love you,
but they are eating rotten food.
Rotten food?
I'll deal with that decisively.
There is another matter
of a more personal nature,
Your Majesty...
You are surrounded
by beautiful women.
Do you love any of them?
Quite frequently, actually.
M-hm. And they love you?
How do you know, when a woman
is intimate with you,
that it is you
and not the crown she loves?
You think my affairs are empty?
I think it is possible
for one man to love
one woman all his life
and be the better for it.
You may be right.
Perhaps I haven't met a woman
with a heart like my own
until recently.
Would that be Christine?
D'Artagnan, I fear
you watch me too closely.
Did you send Raoul to war
so that you could pursue her?
Do you question my honour?
No, I do not
question your honour.
It is you I care about.
Raoul will return soon.
You have my word.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
I am a young king...
but I am King.
Then be a good king,
Your Majesty.
You are the new chief advisor.
Execute him for
distributing rotten food.
And the next time
there are rioters, shoot them.
Please take this
to the royal despatchers.
I'll get you water
in a moment, Mother.
'His Majesty regrets
to inform you
'that Raoul, son of Athos,
'has been killed in action.'
Sir, a casualty report came.
Does Athos know of this?
Athos, my friend...
Stop, you traitor!
Athos, listen to me!
The cannons killed Raoul!
Do not add your own death
to this tragedy.
I beg you!
Get back! Get back!
YOU'RE the traitor.
See to the wounded.
Does your new
apartment suit you?
Sire, when you sent for me
after the news of Raoul,
I came to ask for your help.
I have no way to feed my family.
My father is dead, my mother...
..has a sickness of the lungs.
And your sister has
signs of the condition.
My physician saw them both
and is optimistic.
They will recover
at my country estate.
Your Majesty...
I know that for you, this day...
the earth has
spun round many times.
You must still feel it spinning.
Let us sit at a quiet dinner
and bring it to a pause.
Listen to me!
You've lost someone
dear to your heart.
And I have no desire for you
to turn that heart to stone.
I only ask you this:
that whatever you feel tonight,
you allow yourself
to share it openly with me.
To good health.
You are so beautiful.
I cannot do this.
I hope you know there is
more of me to love than a crown.
Of all the wonders I have seen,
I have never seen any
as beautiful as you.
[Porthos] Aramis!
Is this the way to hell?
Hell may be our destination,
but not this trip.
[Porthos] A tomb!
We're in a tomb?
The secrecy is regrettable,
but necessary.
[Aramis] Please, sit.
When we were young and saw
injustice, we fought it.
Some problems cannot
be solved with a sword.
Some can't be settled
without one!
Here is the problem at hand.
The Jesuits oppose Louis' wars
and the starvation that results.
So, Louis has ordered me
to discover the identity
of the Jesuits' general.
And to kill him.
Let the secret general
worry about that!
The problem is...
..that I am he.
I am the General
of the Order of Jesuits.
What do you propose to do?
Replace the King.
- I cannot listen to this.
- It can't be done.
It can!
I am with you.
So am I.
I need you.
All for one and one for all.
I cannot betray my king!
I swore an oath!
When a king is dishonourable,
you are removed from your oath.
An oath is an oath
because it cannot be removed!
Why do you follow him?
What we fought for is greater
than king or rank or reward.
What do you fight for?
For the belief that every man
can be better, even Louis.
Whatever the plan,
I am with you.
The next time we meet,
one of us will die.
Athos, wait!
Even were I not a priest,
I could see that your heart
carries a secret weight
and that it is hurting you
to bear it alone.
I cannot betray my king.
I will defend him with my life.
Then God be with you.
For none of us will.
I hear there was an incident
at the Musketeers' gate,
where a man came
intent on killing me.
Is it our policy now
to let would-be assassins
go free, d'Artagnan?
He wished to kill his own pain.
His son is dead.
I can think of nothing worse.
- What about losing your king?
- That depends on the king.
When I became a Musketeer,
I was told,
each time I drew my sword,
I should consider
not what I killed,
but what I allowed to live.
You know who told me that?
If he has become our enemy,
we should ask ourselves why.
Athos is gone.
Porthos and Aramis
are missing, too.
You know them
better than anyone.
Are they a threat to me?
If they are a threat,
we need not seek them out.
They will find us.
Not if you find them first.
Who is that?
Chi ?
Lo rimpiazzo io.
He says he's a replacement.
Parla francese?
Non lo parlo.
Il prigioniero
ha solo un giorno al mese
per la confessione.
He says the prisoners
gets Confession once a month.
The usual priest is sick.
Vai, vai! Avanti!
Grazie tanto, signore.
Grazie. Grazie.
It is my Confession day.
I'm sorry. You've never
seen me before.
I must shock you.
I am a friend.
I am here to help you.
What are you doing?
It is your escape to freedom.
Who is this?
He is you.
Signore, scusi, scusi!
Ehi, ehi! Signore, scusi!
Cosa c'?
caduto stecchito
mentre leggevo la messa.
He says he fell stone dead
as he was reading him the Mass.
How could he just keel over?
Ha la peste.
Come I'altro prete.
He says the prisoner
had a fever, like the priest.
Plague? They brought
plague in here?
Get him out! Get him out now!
No last rites! Get away!
We could chisel it off
and see who it was.
No one will ever know.
O la peste ci colpir tutti!
He says burn it
or we will all get plague.
He's right!
Dio! Dio, Dio...
Don't touch me!
Get out!
Stay back! He has plague.
Hurry up!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Go away! Hurry!
My God!
[Horses' hooves]
[Aramis] Jesuits. They're mine.
[Clang of metal, cry of pain]
[Clang of metal, cry of pain]
[He collapses]
It's all right.
I have waited six years
to ask this question...
Why was this done to me?
You don't know?
What do you remember?
I lived in a country house.
I had guardians.
An old woman and a priest.
But no friends.
They took me to the prison.
- Who?
- A man in black.
I never saw his face...
but he took me to the prison
and he put me into the mask.
And you don't know why?
For days I shouted,
"What have I done?"
Then I realised there was
something about my face
which had to be hidden.
But I never knew what.
What is your name?
The old woman called me...
These men will clean you.
They won't harm you.
Thank you.
Thank you for your kindness.
Why are you so glum?
Why are you so glum?
I expected action.
There was no killing,
no fighting.
I was useless.
Porthos, I grow tired
of this attitude.
You are surrounded by beauty,
by intrigue, by danger.
What more can a man want?
Look around you.
The robins are singing,
the pigeons cooing...
Can't you listen to their song?
There's food here, but Louis
sends it all to the army.
I have no appetite.
I'm wasting away.
Even women don't
interest me any more.
Say goodbye to Porthos.
He is gone.
Who is he?
Seek the truth, not facts.
You are not my priest!
And wouldn't be
even if I had one!
That's bitter.
The loss of Raoul
and d'Artagnan,
who you held as a brother
and now you hate.
What right have you to judge me?
Are you holier
than everyone else?
Yes, and I'm more intelligent
than anybody else.
[Porthos yells in pain]
Porthos, what is it?
Kidney stones.
It hurts when I piss.
It hurts when I shit.
I'm just a fat old fart
with nothing to live for.
I'm going to hang myself
as soon as I'm sober.
Come on!
Aramis! He is ready!
The greatest mystery of life...
is who we truly are.
I will tell you the secret
that was kept from you.
[Aramis] It began the night
King Louis was born.
D'Artagnan, Athos
and I were dining.
D'Artagnan was drunk -
the only time
I've seen him like that.
[Aramis] I was on duty.
I was summoned to the
rear door of the palace.
The Queen's priest
handed me a baby.
Do you understand this, Athos?
The Queen had given
birth to twins.
The child I carried
was the younger of the two.
[Baby cries]
[Man] Another!
[Echo] It's another.
[Two babies cry]
The King realised
he had two heirs.
He'd seen brothers
tear apart enough kingdoms
that he decided to make one
disappear. You, Phillippe!
He ordered your identity
kept from you.
On his deathbed,
he revealed the truth to Louis
and your mother.
She had been told
you died at birth.
She blamed herself
for believing it.
She wished to restore
your birthright.
But now, Louis was King.
He was afraid to kill you,
for his claim to power
rested on the sanctity
of royal blood.
So he devised a way
to keep you forever hidden.
For my country, for my king...
I bought peace with your life
and with my soul.
One day...I will
ask your forgiveness.
But not until I have
restored you to what is yours.
We will replace Louis
with Phillippe.
That is your plan?
Exchanging one for the other?
It's ludicrous!
It's brilliant. What did
you think we were up to?
Revolution, open war!
Blood in the streets.
At least it's a change.
Physical resemblance is a start,
but Louis' arrogance...
[Aramis] ..can be adopted!
[Athos] And people close to him?
I have considered everything.
Have you considered
you not only risk our lives,
you risk Phillippe's as well?
And like us, he has a choice.
What about it, Phillippe?
All those years in prison,
were they for nothing?
Or have they given you strength
unlike ordinary men?
You have the chance to be king,
if you have the heart
to take that chance,
you have the heart.
Do you?
Do you?
Your Majesty!
A box has arrived
whose contents
are for your eyes only.
Take this to my mother.
[Weeping] My son!
My son!
Please...forgive me.
I can never make it right.
My Lady...
No... No...
If anyone sees...
it is death.
If I don't kiss you,
I'll die anyway.
I cannot bear to see you cry.
Tell me what's wrong.
I know that to love you
is treason against France.
But not to love you
is treason against my heart.
Then we will both
die traitors, d'Artagnan.
[Aramis] More wine!
More wine.
How is he?
Exhausted. He's had a long day.
- Aramis...
- More wine!
Consider this plan.
Phillippe is like a child.
- He cannot be ready...
- You can do it!
- No!
- Yes!
- In a year maybe...
- Three weeks!
Three weeks?!
The King is having
a masquerade ball.
A swirl of people,
their faces covered.
It's a perfect opportunity.
We must act!
Phillippe could be
discovered at any time.
More wine! Where is everybody?
[Porthos] No! It's no use.
My sword is bent.
It'll be all right.
You're just taking
a while to get started.
- I'll make your sword straight.
- No, it's dead.
It's dead! I am useless!
Three weeks to learn
all he must know?
For 16 years, he was
educated as a gentleman.
And for six more,
he lived in that mask!
Now he knows that those
who should have loved him
threw him into
loneliness and pain.
You're fond of him. That's good.
Don't play God with me, Aramis!
Nothing can replace Raoul!
What is Porthos doing?
Walking into the barn naked,
or so it seems.
[Athos] What is he doing?
Going to hang himself.
Hang himself?!
Oh, mon Dieu!
A sign from God...
Oh, my God!
If Porthos is determined
to end his life,
he'll find the opportunity.
Goodbye, cruel world.
Farewell to useless Porthos.
- What was that?
- I sawed the beam.
I'm a genius,
not an engineer.
ARAMIS! You did this!
You knew I'd hang myself
and you sawed the beam!
- Admit it!
- Of course I knew.
You've been moping around
for months.
Now you can stop boring
everyone and be useful!
- Well...all right.
- Put some clothes on!
I've worn this mask so long,
I don't feel safe without it.
I will sit with you.
I can't sleep either.
I've been in prison
for six years.
You have freed me.
Now you ask me
to enter another prison.
A palace is hardly a prison.
Do you see
those farm maids?
See the one holding the lamb?
I would tend lambs with her
the rest of my life.
We're offering you
a chance to be king.
No, you offer me a chance
to pretend to be king!
A king you hate!
Not everyone hates him.
Don't you?
Why should I become him?
Until you give me
a reason, I won't.
I cannot.
We're all God's instruments,
like it or not.
All we can do is keep faith.
Though I sometimes
find that hard.
We all fail at faith, Aramis.
That's why we must eat,
drink, and make love to life.
As king, you can have
a thousand ploughmaids.
Porthos! You miss the point!
What point?
Phillippe is right.
We haven't given him a reason
to do what we ask.
I understand
your reason, Athos.
You do?
Porthos told me about your son.
You think that's why I'm here?
Yes, Raoul is my reason,
but not the way you think.
Once, all of us believed
in serving something
greater than ourselves.
Aramis had his faith.
Porthos, his lust for life.
D'Artagnan, his devotion.
And I had Raoul.
But we all had a common dream -
that one day we would
be able to serve a king
worthy of the throne.
It is what we dreamt,
what we bled for,
and what we have waited
a lifetime for.
I taught Raoul
to believe in that dream.
And now my son is dead.
So I am here to find out
if his life was in vain.
And the only one who can
answer that question is you.
if we fail in this attempt -
and we probably will -
I am honoured to die beside you.
And you.
This arrived for you.
[Raoul's voice]
'My darling Christine,
'in parting from you
'I have left heaven for hell.
'I go because I can love you
only in honour.
'You've created in me
the need to be a better man.
'I will love
through heaven or hell
'to love you
as you should be loved.
'Remember that
and give yourself no blame.
'Yours forever, Raoul.'
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
What's wrong?
I received a letter
from Raoul.
He sent it to the palace,
knowing that he would die
and that I would be here.
How would he know that?
I...I can't guess
what he was thinking.
He was irrational.
I ordered him placed
far from the fighting...
but he plunged in
against my wishes.
He forgives me for all
that he knew I would do.
But how can I forgive myself?
I loved him, Louis.
I love him still.
And in pretending to love you,
I do something awful.
You pretend?!
I have sinned
against love and God
for the sake of your mercy,
which you would not
have given without my sin.
I will burn in hell
and so will you.
No. No, no.
No, my love.
You will burn in hell,
but I will not,
for I am King, ordained by God.
[Horses hooves]
[Horses hooves]
Come on! We have to get started.
- Get my bag.
- Where do you go?
Paris. I'll be gone a few days.
Make sure everything
is ready when I return.
You want me to do
the impossible alone?
This is the perfect solution -
a revolution without bloodshed.
Or treason -
for he is a king's son.
I can't get him ready in time!
The urgency is not my choice.
Instead of distributing food,
Louis has ordered
the rioters shot.
Imagine what will happen
when the starving people
hear about this ball.
This is not for me, Athos.
It's for everything
we once were...
and might be again.
Thank you, Father.
The ball is now tomorrow night.
Louis is unhappy
with his mistress
and needs revelry.
My tailors must work all night!
Saddle my horse!
The brothel is closed
for the night.
Everyone out,
except the ladies. OUT!
Closed? We came here...
Go somewhere else.
Out! Out!
You must finish
the clothes you were making.
We'll go, and take
your money with us!
Come on, old man!
Old? You try to rob me
because you think me old?
See if you can rob someone
with your pistol up there!
Out! Everybody out!
Out! Get out!
I finished this for you.
I love Paris! I love life!
And I love you, ladies!
Now get busy - except for you!
No, wait.
With a king, it is so.
Servants have
touched the goblet,
so the king touches
as little as possible.
I'm sorry.
No, do not be sorry!
There are no mistakes
when you are king.
You never apologise.
The king cares for
nothing and for no one.
Is that the king
you wish me to be?
Or do you say this
because your son is dead?
Forgive me. I did not mean...
I am not angry with you.
Do you understand?
Good. Of course we wish you
to be a good king,
but first you must pass as
Louis, who is cold and cruel.
His eyes say he cares
only for himself.
Your eyes ask too much.
You shouldn't care about me.
You shouldn't care about...
You mustn't ask about my son.
[Queen Anne] Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.
And so have I.
Your Majesty.
Do you believe
that just as one can lie
can destroy a life,
one truth can put it
together again?
I pray every day
for such a miracle.
I have prayed every day
for forgiveness.
But forgiveness
must come from you
before it can come from God.
It was I who took
your other son from you.
And I was never brave enough
to find the truth.
I have raised a son
who destroys lives
instead of saving them.
And I have failed to save a son
who died within an iron mask.
No! That mask
was Louis' creation.
Now we have a chance
to make a miracle -
to strip all masks away forever.
These rooms are yours.
Through this corridor
and upstairs,
or through this passage,
are the rooms of your
mistress Christine.
And whose rooms are these?
Your mother's.
My mother's...?
Change the horses!
Clear everything out!
[Aramis] Remember, Phillippe:
nobility is born in the heart.
[Porthos] Make love as if you
don't care. Fart when you wish.
[Athos] Hold your goblet
with two fingers.
If you get stuck,
just say "Continue."
[Aramis] In the morning,
order that we be brought
to the palace as your advisors.
D'Artagnan watches everything!
We will need luck.
We will make our own luck!
If Phillippe holds up.
Relax, Phillippe!
You're doing well.
My brother!
What is wrong, Your Majesty?.
Nothing. Carry on.
Did you see that?
What, Your Majesty?
A mask! I saw a mask!
The ballroom is full
of masks, Your Majesty.
[Music stops]
Your Majesty?
Carry on, everyone.
To the passageway.
[Panicked breathing]
Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
It's Judgement Day.
Don't look so shocked,
Why do you call me Phillippe?
We have a present for you.
D'Artagnan guards the hall.
Let us go back
the way we came.
Time to go, Your Majesty.
- You know the way.
- Hm-hm.
You have the heart of a king.
[Music stops]
[Music stops]
[Courtier] Your Majesty?
Some refreshments, Your Majesty?
[Stunned silence]
The Queen Mother!
God bless the King
and Queen Mother!
God bless the King
and Queen Mother!
I retire now.
Wait two dances,
then withdraw to your room
and spend the night in safety.
We have much to talk about.
And the rest of
our lives to do it.
my son.
How long has the King been back?
Some while, Captain.
[Christine] Murderer.
I wrote to the front
under your seal.
I demanded to know why the
general disregarded the order
to keep Raoul out of danger.
He writes back:
'But, Your Majesty!
'Your letter ordered me
to place him
'at the vanguard of the assault
'in front of the cannon.'
You killed Raoul!
You killed Raoul!
You killed Raoul!
Let her go! You're hurting her!
However I have wronged you,
I will make amends.
Take her to her room.
Deploy the Musketeers!
Guard the passages!
We have an emergency
of security, Your Majesty.
I must ask you to accompany me.
Not now. The ball...
My guests...
I insist...Your Majesty.
Yes, certainly.
- They've raised the alarm!
- They'll try to cut us off.
I am Porthos!
And I fight the King!
Look out!
Come on! Porthos!
Come on!
Everyone pump!
Stop them before
they reach the river!
Pull them back!
This an imposter.
This is the imposter.
Pull them back.
Get in the boat, Your Majesty.
Open the gate!
Open the gate!
Open the gate.
I'm sorry. I failed you.
We failed you.
You take my king...
I shall take yours.
[Louis] Get him! Get him!
Seize the imposter!
- Get him!
- Sire!
Seize him!
Seize him! Take him!
- Hold on to him!
- Athos!
I was told this
imposter was dead.
You knew?
You knew there was a man
of such resemblance?
He is my brother.
- Brother?
- My twin.
My blood.
A fact which has
kept him alive, until now.
Louis! Please!
You were a part
of this, Mother?
I love you both!
That has meant nothing to us!
It has meant something to me.
Your Majesty, listen to me.
Never once have I asked
anything for myself.
I ask you now - spare the life
of this man, your brother.
You have no right to ask this!
Your Majesty...
every day of your life,
I have watched over you.
I have bled for you.
I have prayed every day
to see you become
greater than your office.
Show me what my faith
and blood have purchased.
Show mercy.
You take the side of traitors?
This one, worst of all -
my own brother!
And what have you done to him?
For one moment...
I thought you had
become the king
I'd hoped you would be.
My Lord, may I speak?
I beg that you kill me.
I release you from any sin
in taking my life.
In fact, I pray God
rewards you for your mercy.
But, not...
I beg you...
return me to the prison
where I have lived for so long.
You will hunt down
Porthos, Athos and Aramis
and bring me their heads.
Or I will have yours.
As for you, my brother,
back to the prison you shall go,
and into the mask you hate.
Wear it until you love it.
And die in it!
There were two?
Not one but two?
I couldn't tell you.
You had enough to bear.
I have loved you always,
none but you.
No matter what happens,
I pray you remember that.
[Woman screams]
Christine's room.
Where is she?
Get rid of it.
Where are you taking me?
Where are you taking me?!
Where are you taking me?!
Please, no! No!
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
It has been done, Your Majesty.
When d'Artagnan returns,
watch him.
When he leaves again, tell me.
Your Majesty.
Nothing down here.
All right, this way.
[D'Artagnan's voice] Phillippe is
in the lower dungeon of the Bastille.
At midnight, I will delay
the new guards for 10 minutes.
One for all and all for one,
It is a trap,
but we have no choice.
If Phillippe is in the Bastille,
to the Bastille we will go.
I'd rather die covered in blood
than an old man
lying in my piss.
Our old uniforms,
from our days of glory.
I was saving them...
so that we could
wear them in death.
And so we shall!
Open up. We have a prisoner.
Take him to level three.
The captain will see
to the document.
It worked!
It's a prison.
The problems come
when we want to get out.
[Clock strikes]
Midnight. We have 10 minutes.
Down there.
Is this what you're looking for?
The key!
Remember this?
[Musketeer]Don't be so sad.
There's nothing
left of him anyway.
He's just a snivelling,
I knew you'd come!
We feared the mask
would destroy you.
I wear the mask,
it does not wear me.
- The courtyard is blocked.
- He lies!
- He's here to trap us.
- See for yourselves.
All that you have suffered,
I would gladly
have borne myself
to keep it from you.
Go to the east gate.
The courtyard
is filling with soldiers!
This way!
Go till you reach the river.
- They'll know you helped us.
- That doesn't matter. Go!
Get that door!
The lock!
We're trapped!
Charge them!
Spare their lives if you can.
Cowards! Twenty men
run from four!
No one has the stomach
to fight the Captain.
[Louis] D'Artagnan!
I am not angry with you.
I knew you'd lead me to them.
Lay down your sword
and I will not punish you.
You can retire in peace.
I'll give your friends
a swift execution
if you surrender now.
You should take his offer.
We're dead anyway.
He's right, d'Artagnan.
[Phillippe] Wait!
Bargain me to Louis
for your lives.
You've done your best.
Please, let me go.
I cannot do it.
Even if I could give up my king,
I could not give up...
my son.
Your son?
I loved your mother.
I love her still.
You are my son.
I never knew you existed.
And I never felt pride
as a father...
until this moment.
They're young Musketeers.
They've been weaned
on our legends.
They revere us!
- It is an advantage.
- Yes. Why don't we charge them?
I trained these men.
They will fight to the death.
But if we must die...
if we must die,
Iet it be like this.
One for all...
All for one.
Magnificent valour!
Shoot them!
Get off me!
[D'Artagnan] Phillippe!
He is...your brother.
Outside, all of you!
You are sworn to silence.
Get this off me!
Forgive me.
All my life...
this...this is the death
I have always wanted.
All for one...
And one fo...
[Aramis prays quietly]
YOU were the one in the mask.
All MY life...
all I ever wanted to be
was him.
We recaptured the prisoner.
No, I am the Ki...!
Put this madman
where no one
can hear his insanity.
Let him be fed by a deaf mute,
but feed him well.
Let him find redemption
wearing the pains
he caused others.
Take him!
I am Louis! I am Louis!
[Governor] And the others?
They are my loyal council
and truest friends.
In nomine patris et filii
et spiritu sancti.
He was the best of us all.
[Phillippe] Athos!
After all you have done,
I must ask one more service.
Let me love you
like a son to a father.
And I pray you live for this:
to love me like your son.
Musketeers, salute!
One for all, all for one!
[Aramis] The prisoner in
the iron mask was never found.
It was whispered that
he received a royal pardon
and lived quietly
in the country,
visited often by the Queen.
The King known as Louis XIV,
brought his people food,
prosperity and peace.
He is remembered
as the greatest ruler
in the history of his nation.
..:: ThRoNe-DivX::..