Man in the Moon, The (1991) Movie Script

# My whole life through #
[Record player]
# I will spend #
# My whole life through #
# Loving you #
# Just loving you #
# Winter, summer #
# Springtime, too #
# Loving you #
# Loving you #
# Makes no difference #
# Where I go #
# Or what I may do #
# You know that #
# I've always been #
# Loving you #
# Just you and #
# If Im seen
with someone new #
# Don't be blue #
# Don't you be blue #
# I'll be faithful #
# I'll be true #
# Always true #
# True to you #
# There is only
one for me #
# And you know who #
# You know that
Ill always be #
# Loving #
# You #
I love Elvis so much.
You love
everybody so much.
I do not.
You do, too.
No, I don't.
Ok, you don't.
Well, I don't.
Maureen, sometimes
you make me feel
like such a baby.
Ha ha ha.
You are a baby.
I wish I could be
just like you.
Don't talk silly.
It's not silly.
You're the smartest girl
in school.
You're so pretty
it hurts.
Boys fall
all over themselves
when you walk
down the street,
and Im just a lump.
Come on,
you're not a lump.
You've never
been a lump.
You wouldn't know one
if you fell over it.
If Im so
damned perfect,
why is my head
so mixed up?
Mixed up about what?
Well, I mean,
sometimes things just
don't make sense,
and all of a sudden
I get scared.
Scared of what?
I don't know.
Are you all right,
I don't know.
See, I don't know
anything anymore.
One minute,
all I can think about
is packing my bags
and catching
the first bus.
And then
the next minute,
Im afraid that once
I get out in the world,
it's going
to eat me alive.
That's dumb, Maureen.
You've got
a scholarship to duke,
and you're going
to live in the dorm.
going to eat you.
Sometimes I wonder
if I shouldn't just
stay here and get a job
or get married
like everybody else.
Marry who?
Somebody. I don't know.
Billy Sanders?
Good Lord, no!
Do you remember
when we were little
and mama
used to tell us,
when things
get all mixed up,
all you have to do
is tell the man
in the moon?
Yeah, you just
had to keep on talking
until you were sure
you told him everything
so that he
had all the pieces,
just like a puzzle.
And then he'd
work out the puzzle
while you
were asleep.
Yeah, but that was
kid's stuff, Maureen.
We're too old
for make-believe.
Yeah, I know.
Dani, are you up yet?
Maureen, get that child
out of bed!
Dani, come on, get up.
You're going to be
late for church.
I hate church!
All right. You know,
once your baby brother
gets here,
you women won't be
able to boss me around.
I won't be so outnumbered.
And I won't be
so pregnant.
How do you feel?
Not skinny.
Another 2, 3 weeks,
you'll be
back to normal.
Next time
you have a baby,
you let me know how normal
you feel afterward.
Can't you girls
get in there
and give
your mother a hand?
These eggs
are getting cold.
Daddy going
to his church again?
Does he ever
miss a Sunday?
Why does he call it church
when it's not?
When he asked my daddy
if he could marry me,
my daddy said only if he
agreed to find the Lord.
And he says
it's a lot easier
finding the Lord
out fishing
than in any church
he's ever been in.
I think he's right.
Don't think
you're going
to find
the Lord with him.
I want you upstairs.
Brush your teeth,
wash your face.
You're going
to Sunday school.
[Bell ringing]
Morning, Maureen.
Well, I declare,
you're just filling out
all over, aren't you?
Morning, Abby.
How's the Trant family?
Oh, just fine.
Oh, and, Danielle,
you're just shooting up
like a weed, aren't you?
Just like a weed,
that's me.
One of these days,
that woman's
going to cut herself
on her own tongue
and bleed to death.
Hello, Mrs. Trant.
Let me get that
for you.
Hi, Maureen.
Hey there, little bit,
didn't recognize you
with a dress on.
You look great, Maureen.
Be by to pick you up
about 6:00?
That's right.
See you later,
Mrs. Trant.
That Billy Sanders
thinks he's
such a hotshot.
I don't see why
you go with him.
I don't go with him,
I go out with him.
Big difference.
Dani, you come
back here!
She's doing it again.
Whenever it's time
to make lunch or do dishes,
she disappears.
The way she does dishes,
I just as soon
she be gone.
Do any good?
Oh, a little.
A little means
you did fine.
Let me see
what you got.
Where's Dani?
Off roaming around
She's supposed
to be here helping out.
She's getting too big
to be running around
wild as a jack rabbit.
Used to be
she was too little.
Now she's too big.
I guess she passed
up "just right"
when nobody
was looking.
Get out of here!
Who the hell do you
think you are?
You get out of here!
This is private property.
Yeah, you're
damn right it is,
and you're
This is the Foster place.
If your name isn't Foster,
you're trespassing.
It just so happens
that it is.
Prove it!
Prove your
name's Foster!
I don't have
to prove nothing.
Nobody's lived
on the Foster place
as long as
I can remember.
They do now!
So get your butt
out of here!
I'm not going.
If you're not out
by the count of 3,
Ill drag your ass out!
You're lying.
ok! Ok, Im going!
Turn around and
close your eyes.
Do it, damn you!
What are you ducking
behind the bushes for?
You ain't got
nothing to hide.
I thought I made it clear
it's time you start taking some
responsibility around here.
Yes, sir.
I hope I don't have
to bring it up again.
Yes, sir.
Your mama saved you
some lunch.
Probably cold by now.
All right.
You making a cake?
and ice cream.
Must be having company.
Just some old friends of
your daddy's and mine.
Go take a bath.
You smell like a pond.
# I will spend #
# My whole life through #
# Loving you #
# Just loving you #
# Winter, summer #
# Springtime, too #
# Loving you #
# Loving you #
# Makes no difference #
I hope Im not
interrupting anything.
# Where I go #
I hope you're
finally done
the bathroom.
What time you say
that dance's
going to be over?
It's how many miles
from the country club
back here?
You should have Maureen
home by 11:20 then.
Yes, sir, about.
Not about.
Yes, sir, 11:20.
Hello, Mrs. Trant.
I'm ready.
Not until you go get
a jacket, you're not.
I don't have one that
goes with this dress.
Then put on
a different dress.
You got
a full tank of gas?
Yes, sir.
No detours, no
back roads, no liquor.
What time you got?
You're responsible
for my daughter
for the next 5 hours
and 7 minutes.
Yes, sir, Mr. Trant.
You don't have a thing
to worry about.
Then neither will you.
Abby: Have a nice time.
She'll be fine.
I remember his father
at his age.
I said, I remember
his father at his age.
Mama, do I have
to wear a skirt?
Who's so important that
I have to wear a skirt?
When your mama tells you
to do something,
you don't stand around
asking her reasons.
You smell good.
You mean I don't
stink anymore?
[Horn honking]
They're here.
You boys
come back here.
I warned you
what would happen
if you two
didn't behave.
Them two is
as mean as snakes.
You haven't
changed a bit.
Neither have you.
Come here to me,
You was in
the same shape
last time I saw you.
I know.
Matt, don't you know
what keeps causing this?
Matt's after that boy
he's wanted all these years.
If you wanted a boy,
you never should have
throwed me over
for Abby.
Court, let Matt
and Abby look at you.
They haven't seen you
since you was
in diapers.
Those heathens
are my last efforts.
Rob, say hello.
Dennis, quit
scratching yourself
in front of people.
This is Danielle.
We call her Dani.
That little bundle
is Missy.
She rules the roost.
I'm sure she does.
Your kids turned out
prettier than you,
You really that shy,
or you putting on?
Court, come here.
Quit moseying.
Hello, Court.
Mr. Trant.
Those are some
fine-looking boys
you got, Marie.
I hope to tell you.
Court, tie those two
to a tree.
Ha ha ha.
look at that corn.
I haven't got
a thing in the ground.
It's corn,
but it's short.
Abby: No ears
on that corn.
This corn's good.
It's store-bought.
I'm hungry enough
to eat one of these kids.
Might be about ready.
Where's your Maureen?
Gone to a dance.
With Will Sanders' son.
Will Sanders?
What's old
Will Sanders up to?
Running his new
shirt factory.
And his big mouth,
as usual.
Damn boy's deaf.
Hey, Billy!
Hey, boy.
Billy, you got yourself one
pretty little woman tonight.
I hope he didn't
drive too fast.
Honey, we're certainly
glad you could join us,
aren't we, Ilene?
Maureen, it's
so nice to see you.
Thank you
for inviting me.
You're a sight
for this old boy's eyes.
I can't see how Billy
got so lucky.
Let's find ourselves
something to drink.
Let's grab some food,
jump in the car,
and get off
by ourselves.
I got dressed up
to go dancing.
That's what
Im going to do.
You want to go off,
you can go by yourself.
Don't hit me!
Don't hit me!
Boys, I want you
to stay in the yard
where I can see you.
And no tree climbing!
What goes up
must come down.
I remember that much
from school.
Has it really
been that long?
I had Dani
about a month after
y'all moved off.
We were really sorry
to hear about Beau.
I always knew the damn
pipeline would kill him.
Only I thought it would
be a little at a time.
Anyway, it seemed
like the best thing
for the boys and me
was to come back
to the farm.
Yeah. You can always
get some sort of living
out of good land.
Matt: That's it.
Have you ever wondered
what would have happened
if Matt and Beau hadn't
switched partners
at that dance
I wondered.
But, hell, honey,
you had a crush on Matt
from the time
you was 12.
He was 17 years old.
He didn't know
I was alive.
I thought I was going
to have to get naked,
paint myself red,
and set off dynamite
to get his attention.
you got him.
Yeah, I did.
this thing
ain't working.
Well, what's
wrong with it?
I don't know.
It needs
some more salt.
Well, we're
out of salt.
we're going to need
some more rock salt.
Daddy, Ill go with you.
Court, could you run
into town for me?
Dani will
show you where.
Come on.
You don't
have to come along.
I can find the store
by myself.
It's an awful big town.
You always go where
you're not wanted?
You always act ugly
to people you meet,
or you practicing
to be a horse's butt?
Little girls
shouldn't talk nasty.
I'm not a little girl.
I'm 14.
My goodness.
You're not
much older. 16?
I'm 17.
My goodness.
[Horn honking]
You never
give an inch, do you?
Good. I like that.
Well, you coming?
Hey, wait!
Hey, thanks.
Hey, what is that?
[Record player]
# O-only you #
# Can make #
# All this world
seem right #
# Only you #
# Can make
the darkness bright... #
Billy tells me
you're fixing to
leave for duke
in a couple
of weeks.
That's right.
I get up
to Raleigh Durham
once or twice
myself on business.
That's nice.
I'll look you up,
take you out.
I imagine they'll keep me
pretty busy studying.
I understand
freshmen really have
to hit the books at duke.
You can't study
all the time.
Everybody has
to have a little fun.
I just want you
to understand
that I know that college
can be a real drain
on the family's
There's no need for
a pretty girl like you
to go without anything.
Things get
a little tight,
Ill be there.
I just want you
to know that.
Thank you.
I'll manage just fine.
You won't mind if I borrow
my date for a while,
will you?
Not at all.
Not at all.
It's a pleasure.
Sorry about my old man.
Let's just get
out of here now.
Billy, stop it!
I mean it!
What is it with you,
You wanted
to leave the dance,
we left the dance.
I thought you wanted us
to be alone.
I wanted to get away.
I was tired
of being manhandled.
Can't you just hold
me a little, Billy?
I don't think so,
Nobody can just
hold you a little.
What do you want
from me?
I don't know.
I don't know, either.
It's bothering me.
It's bothering me,
I can't take it
I can't either.
Do you ever feel
like there's
something missing?
Like there's something
you've been waiting for
all your life
and you wonder whether
you'll ever have it?
I'm feeling like that
right now.
I think love should
be so beautiful.
And powerful.
I want to be
swept away by love.
Oh, Billy.
Billy, what are
you doing?
Maureen, please.
I have to go
home now.
No, you don't.
We have a whole hour.
No, I have
to go now!
There are
plenty of girls
who'd be dying
to be in your spot.
Billy, I want
to go home!
If I take you home now,
I won't be back.
All right.
It's probably
for the best.
[Tires squeal]
Good night, mama.
Good night, daddy.
Good night.
# Well, that's
all right, mama #
# That's all right
for you #
# That's all right, mama #
# Just any way
you do #
# That's all right #
# That's all right #
# That's all right,
my mama #
# Any way you do #
# Well, mama,
she done told me #
# Papa done told me, too #
# Son, that gal
you foolin' with #
# She ain't no good
for you #
# But that's all right #
# That's all right #
# That's all right,
my mama #
# Any way you do #
Rob! Dennis!
Cut that
jackassing around
and get that stuff
over here.
Anything for me?
Not much here
but flyers and bills.
Your friends will get
around to writing.
Yeah, sure,
when they have time.
Now, you're not going
to be lonely forever.
Once school starts,
you'll be making
new friends,
playing football.
Then you'll be the one
who doesn't have time
to write.
I don't think
Im going
to play
much football.
You'll get this place
under control.
We do what we
have to do, son.
You got too much
of your daddy in you
to let this job
be bigger than you are.
We have to find a way
to get a tractor.
Maybe we can find
a secondhand one
that'll run.
Can we afford it?
But we can't afford
not to, either.
Cut some beans
for mama.
# That's all right #
# That's all right #
I'm going
to the library.
That would be
my guess.
What has
come over her?
I don't know.
# That's all right #
Hey yourself.
Come on in.
You just going to
stand there all day,
or what?
Come up and
jump with me.
All right.
So you do own
a bathing suit.
You ready?
Just hold on, ok?
What's it like
to kiss a boy?
It depends
on the boy.
Are you talking
about anybody
in particular?
I was just asking
a question.
Can't anybody ask
a question around here?
For starters, you
let him kiss you
if you like him.
If you don't
like him,
just tell him
you're not that
kind of a girl.
What if you
like him a lot?
Then you won't have
to think about it.
It'll all come
to you.
You're not
telling me anything.
I need to know
what to do.
Come here.
Come on.
First, you'll have
to kind of
tilt your head
to one side.
That's so you
won't bump noses.
Would you loosen up?
He'll think you're
scared of him.
Not that much.
Ok. Then kind of
open your mouth
just a little...
You wanted to know how.
I am telling you how.
Look, practice
on your hand, ok?
That's it. Just
keep practicing.
Well, what if I
forget what to do?
Just do
what you feel.
If I do what I feel,
Ill burst into
a million pieces
and go flying out
into space.
That sounds to me
like a good way not
to get kissed twice.
Maureen, have you ever
liked somebody so much,
it almost made you sick?
Billy Sanders
makes me sick
every time
I look at him.
You know what I mean.
It's like my stomach
ties up in knots
and I can't breathe
and sometimes I think
Im going to throw up.
Well, don't
throw up, Dani.
Whatever you do,
don't throw up.
Thank you.
It's nice of you.
I figured
you'd be out here.
I figure Ill be out here
for a long time.
It sure is hot.
Sure is.
Yeah. It's going
to get hotter, too.
It'd sure be nice
to go for a swim.
I can't take off
and go swimming
with you, Dani.
I got to make the most
of the daylight.
I can go swimming
after dark.
What are your folks
going to say?
They won't say anything.
How are things going
at the Murphy house?
We finished
framing up.
Now if we could
get it blacked in
we get a rain,
the rest of it ought
to go pretty smooth.
You'll do fine.
The way it looks now,
you'll pray for rain
by the end of summer.
Matt: Come on, honey.
Join us
at the table.
Missy: Ok.
Matt: Dani, put
your napkin in your lap.
Hey, kid.
I'm not a kid.
Sure you are.
You're my favorite kid
in the whole world, though.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Court, what's wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
What did I do?
Just tell me
what I did wrong.
I said you
didn't do anything.
Have you ever been
kissed before?
Lots of times.
I'll bet.
You almost got more than
kissed, little girl.
I'm not a little girl.
You are, too, Dani!
You don't know
what you're doing.
One day,
somebody's going
to get your cherry,
but it's not
going to be me.
I wouldn't like
myself for it.
[Baby babbles]
My god!
Where's Dani?
Get my keys.
Where were you?
What were you doing?
Call the hospital.
Tell them
Im on my way.
Get in the house!
Get inside
the house now!
How is she?
I told you
to go home.
Are they set up
in i.c.?
Somebody tell me
Go home, Matt. Please.
God damn it, doc.
Tell me.
Abigail has
a concussion.
She's got toxemia.
Her body's not throwing off
poisons. It's collecting it.
There's nothing
you can do
except get in the way.
Go home.
I want you
out of here now.
Daddy, don't!
[Dani sobbing]
Just stay here.
Mom asked me
to bring this stuff by.
Some homemade soup
and, uh...
yeast bread,
and chocolate pie.
Mom's got the world beat
making chocolate pie.
Where's everybody at?
I'm real sorry
about your mama.
I'm sorry
about the way
I acted
last night, too,
about the way
I said everything.
You don't
have to be sorry.
I thought we could still
talk sometime, you know.
I figure if we can talk
and be friends,
I can get you
to understand.
I already understand.
Thanks for bringing
the food over, Court.
That was a good supper
Marie sent over.
Marie's boy
bring it over?
Yes, sir.
He your swimming
partner last night?
Yes, sir.
Did anything happen?
Don't you mean
"no, sir"?
No, sir.
Nothing happened, sir.
I saw the way
you looked last night.
Did that boy
try anything with you?
No, sir.
No, siree.
Not Court Foster.
I know.
I love you, too.
all of this
is my fault.
If I hadn't been
so set on getting a son...
oh, honey.
You're not trying
to take credit
for all of this
by yourself, are you?
Because I seem
to remember
helping out
a little bit.
If I would have
lost you, Abby...
mama says I can
come in tomorrow
and let Maureen
stay home with missy.
That's good.
I know you feel bad
about taking
the strap to me,
but Im not mad
or anything.
You were scared,
worried about
mama and the baby.
I know that.
And Im just awfully
sorry for what I did.
And for everything.
Hey, Court!
Hey yourself.
Still want
to be friends?
I'd still consider it.
Well, I was
just wondering
where you do
your best considering.
I don't have a suit.
Ha! I won't look.
Friends, ok?
You can look now.
And what makes you think
Id want to do that?
You did
in the water.
I did not.
You could've
fooled me.
I want to know you.
You do know me.
I want to know you more.
I want to know you
all I can.
What do you
want to know?
I want to know...
your hopes.
My hopes.
I hope your boobs
get bigger
and your butt
fills out.
Seems like it always
comes to this,
doesn't it?
Have you kissed
a lot of girls?
Not a whole lot.
I want you
to be the first boy
to ever kiss me.
I thought
you'd been kissed
so many times.
How was that?
You like that boy
of Maries a lot,
don't you?
But you know you're
not old enough to date.
Yes, sir.
You want to see Court,
do it right.
Invite him over here
to the house.
I'm not saying you can't
go to the pond anymore
or that you can't
go there with Court.
Just bring him around
once in a while
where I can get a good
look in his eyes.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Good to see you, Court.
Good to see you,
too, Mr. Trant.
How's your mama?
She's fine.
She got a job at
the shirt factory.
That's good. She always
was a good worker.
Yes, sir.
Dani tells me
that your wife's
doing better.
That's right.
Better every day.
you kids
have a nice time.
I'm going to see Abby.
Your sister will
be here shortly.
You can sit down
if you like.
What's the matter
with you?
Nothing's the matter.
I'm letting you kiss me.
Weren't you supposed
to let me try first?
[Car approaching]
Hi there.
Let me help you
with those things.
Thank you.
I'd appreciate that.
You must be Court.
I've been
meaning to come by
to visit with your mother
and say hi.
I've been busy
getting ready for school
that I didn't
get around to it.
I promise Ill do it.
Tell your mother that?
Sure. She'll be
glad to see you.
Any time.
You can
set these things down,
and I can put them up.
You must be Maureen.
I forgot to say that,
didn't I?
You two can go back to
whatever you were doing.
I can handle this.
Court, you want
to go walking?
Why don't you two
do that, and, uh...
Ill have
dinner ready
by the time
you get back.
You're welcome
to stay for supper
if you'd like.
Isn't he, Dani?
That's fine.
I'll set the table.
Show me where
the things are.
I think we ought
to have supper
in the dining room,
don't you, Dani?
Court, the last time
we saw each other,
we were both running around
in our diapers.
I'll bet that
was a sight.
Mama says I used
to beat you up regularly
with my sand pail.
I wouldn't
try that these days.
Everybody dig in.
I, uh, imagine that you
work up quite an appetite
handling the farm
all by yourself like that.
It's a lot of work.
I can't imagine
having the guts
to tackle a job
that big.
Yeah, well,
sometimes I wonder
if Ive bitten off
more than I can chew.
I bet you'll
do just fine.
Are you ok?
I'm just fine.
Well, thanks for dinner.
You're welcome.
It was nice meeting you.
Good night.
Oh, good night, kid.
Court seems real nice.
He kiss you yet?
All the time.
Is he a good kisser?
He's all right.
I was just going
down to the pond.
You want to go?
I've got work
up to my eyeballs
and no end in sight.
There's nobody
to tell me how to do it.
It all depends on me.
I can't play
whenever you want to.
You don't have
to sound so hateful.
I don't have time!
Sorry I took your time.
Maybe if you were
a little bit older,
you'd understand.
If I were older,
I could do everything,
couldn't I, Court?
I love you, Court.
Don't love me now
when things
are so mixed up.
I've got more
than I can say grace
over right now.
You look real nice.
I think Ill go out
for a little while.
You going over
to the Trants' again?
I might.
I saw Maureen
at the hospital today.
That girl
sure is turning out.
You see Matt,
you tell him
to holler at me
if he needs anything.
Yes, ma'am.
Ok, guys, let's go!
Get out. Come on.
I'll see
you later, ok?
My, my, my.
Ok, we're going
to go night-night.
Oh, there we go.
There we go.
[Car door opens]
Here's your doll.
[Knock on door]
Dani is
at the hospital
if you want to run on down
and visit with her.
I don't think so.
It, uh, sure was
a nice day.
Looks like
it's going to be
a nice night, too.
Looks like.
Yeah, looks like.
[Radio static]
I'll sure be glad when
I can leave this place
and take you with me.
Why don't you go home
and get some sleep
for a change?
I'll see you
in the morning.
Call me
if anything happens.
Yes, sir.
I will.
[Music plays]
So, do you like Elvis?
Who doesn't?
Dani absolutely
adores him.
Well, she did
until you came along.
pretty well shot Elvis
out of the saddle.
I can't believe
my little sister
is grown-up enough
to have a boyfriend.
It's not quite
exactly like that.
I mean...
it's more like
we're sort of buddies.
real close buddies.
Does Dani know that?
I tried to tell her.
You like her a lot?
Of course I like her.
I mean, she's...
Yeah, she, um...
she is that.
But what if
I met someone else...
someone special
in a different sort of way?
she's my sister.
If you...
need a friend,
I make
a pretty good one.
A friend's not what
I need right now.
[Telephone rings]
You better go.
The hospital called.
Mama's having the baby.
All right.
I'm on my way.
I'm glad you're the one
here with me.
Me, too, mama.
You're not frightened?
No, mama.
Are you scared?
Not a bit.
I've done this before,
Lord, Court.
[Baby crying]
Hope you ordered
a girl, Abigail.
I know someone who's going
to be mighty disappointed.
Matt had his heart
set on a boy.
Want me
to put it back?
God, no.
Hey, Court!
Where are you?
We've got a girl!
She's just
the tiniest thing
and perfect all over,
except she's baldheaded.
And I was there
for the whole thing.
They didn't actually
let me go in,
but I was there.
It was beautiful.
I couldn't wait to tell you
about the baby.
And I wanted
to apologize
for the last time
I saw you.
I was being unreasonable.
But when two people
really care about
each other...
well, when two people
really care...
they try
to understand things,
even when it's hard.
Don't you think so?
Well, Ill
see you, ok?
I never thought
I could feel this way.
It's like,
Ive been waiting
for you to come back
and find me, and...
now Im afraid
it'll all go away.
I'm not going
Come on, Dani.
He's unlocking it.
Daddy's going
to open it.
Come on, missy.
Let's put the baby to bed.
Where could she
have gotten off to?
She knew we'd be back
about noon.
I love you.
I love you, too.
I have to go.
What are we
going to do?
Don't think
about that.
We have to think
about it.
Not yet
we don't have to.
Yes, we do.
I have to go.
I'll see you later.
Court, come on.
Stop it.
You're going
to make me late.
Dani, I need
to talk to you.
Maureen, can you
get in here, please?
Where have you been?
The baby's home.
All right, boys.
Got to take
your brother his lunch.
He forgot it again.
Boy can't remember
his name these days.
I want you to sit there,
eat your lunch,
and no messing around,
you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Yes, ma'am.
Baby boy.
Go away, Dani.
Go away, Dani!
Go away!
Dani, what's
the matter?
What's the matter?
It's Court.
The tractor...
it's Court.
Im sorry.
We didn't mean
to hurt you, Dani.
I love you...
and I need us still
to be close somehow.
I don't want to be close
to you anymore, Maureen.
I don't ever want to be
close to you again.
I don't want
to be at church today.
Can I go
with daddy, please?
All right.
Mama, I loved him.
I don't know how to stay
alive without him.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You know, Dani...
you and Maureen
are going to be sisters
for a long time.
Don't ask me
to forgive her...
because I can't.
You've got a right
to grieve, Dani.
You got a right
to be hurt.
But if you get so wrapped up
in your own pain
that you can't see
anyone else's,
then you might just as well
dig yourself a hole...
and pull the dirt in
on top of you,
because you're never going
to be much use to yourself...
or anyone else.
You don't know
what she did.
I know enough.
I know
hating your sister
is not going
to bring Court back.
Maureen's been good to you
all your days.
Remember that.
She's hurting bad
right now...
hurting as much as you.
Maybe more.
[Echo of Dani]
[Echo of Court]
Hey yourself!
You ready?
Just hold on, ok?
It's ok.
It's ok.
It's ok.
Dani: Maureen...
is it always going
to hurt this bad?
Mama says it won't.
I hope she's right.
I hope so.
You know...
I think that nothing's ever
going to make sense again.
Maybe life's not
supposed to make sense.
Doesn't that scare you?
Yes, it does.
I wish I could
still talk
to the man
in the moon...
don't you?
It would be nice.
Will we always
talk to each other?