Man In The Vault (1956) Movie Script

Hi, Herbie.
Morning, Mr. Trent.
- Morning, Herbie. Any luck?
- Plenty.
- "Tommy Dancer." Is he fast?
- Fast?
See these?
Well, I've had twice as many
made for the car in the past week.
And not one of those clowns
can hold a candle to this kid.
Herbie, I need a man for a job,
a key job.
Tommy Dancer.
If he is half the man you say he is...
we ought not to have any trouble at...
- De Camp!
- Shut up.
- Answer it, you stupid...
- Hello?
- Farraday?
- Yes?
Listen to me. De Camp is back.
What is it, darling?
De Camp.
- Hello, Paul.
- What are you doing here, Trent?
- Didn't Farraday tell you?
- Tell me? Tell me what?
He said you were going to be
out of town for a couple of weeks...
and we could use the pool
till you got back.
I'm back.
I know, Paul.
Look, I detest being rude.
But I think you and your...
Your friends had better go.
Good day.
Now, about this locksmith,
Tommy Dancer.
Too bad you had to blow
that fifth frame.
Fifth frame.
It's liable to cost you the game, Tommy.
I'm Andy. That's Tommy.
- Nice going.
- Thanks.
- Who's the kibbitzer?
- Never saw him before.
You wanna stay downwind
of that cigar, brother. It's murder.
Tough luck.
I got it all figured out for you.
Look, if he blows this frame...
you can still win
if you strike out in the 10th.
Thanks a lot.
But I got $5 says you can't do it, though.
I'll still bet you.
You wouldn't care to make that $10,
would you?
Why not? I'm a form player.
I size you up as a guy
who goes to pieces in the stretch.
- Andy?
- Yeah?
- Got $10 on you?
- I guess so.
Lend it to me.
That beats me.
- Looks like I was wrong about you.
- Yeah, you sure were.
Got time for another game?
No, no, I've had it.
Look, I'll take care of this.
- Thanks. See you around.
- Okay.
- What's your racket, Tommy?
- Racket?
Your line. What do you do for a living?
I'm a locksmith.
Put that out, Happy.
Looks like this is your lucky night.
First you beat me out of $10...
and now it turns out
you're just the man I'm looking for.
I don't follow you.
- You say you're a locksmith.
- That's right.
Well, it so happens I need a key.
I got a footlocker.
Lost the key a while back.
Hate to break into it if I don't have to.
Stop around sometime. Anytime.
I'll make it worth your while.
Good night, Tommy.
- Hey, wait a minute.
- Yes?
I'm not doing anything right now.
Well, this is your lucky night.
Here, I'll pay for this.
- Look, I'll follow you.
- Why take two cars?
Okay, I'll get my toolbox.
Join the party, Happy.
I throw one of these
every once in a while.
Takes care of my social obligations.
This way, Tommy.
There it is.
- Army footlocker, isn't it?
- Yes.
Do you just want it opened,
or you want it opened with a key?
With a key.
There you are.
You could have bought
a new trunk for less.
It has a certain sentimental value.
I bought it the day
I was rejected by the Army.
- Take it.
- Okay.
- How about joining the party?
- No, I'd better be going.
Come on, stay for one drink.
- All right, maybe one.
- Good.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
You get loosened up,
find yourself a girlfriend.
Honey, how about singing
my favorite song?
Let the chips fall
where they may
I'll always be
wild about you
The starry-eyed child about you
am I
Let the chips fall
where they may
I still have the world
on a string
A bird with a heart
on the wing
am I
Just like
a storybook
I got that
happy ending look
A look that means
my love
is here
to stay
Let the chips fall
where they may
I'll never
no never be blue
as long as
there's someone like you
to love
Just like
a storybook
I got that
happy ending look
The look that means
my love
is here
to stay
Let the chips fall
where they may
I'll never
no never be blue
as long as
there's someone like you
to love
- What?
- I said hello.
Oh, hello.
- Is it getting warm in here, or do I just...
- Earl!
- Betty.
- I wanna talk to you.
- I thought I told you not to come here.
- I can see why.
No, wait a minute, honey.
- This is only business.
- I'm sure it is.
- You don't believe me, do you?
- Well, she said she was sure it was.
- Look, stay out of this.
- Look, I'm only trying to help.
- Well, don't try too hard.
- Earl.
Come here.
- Hello.
- Do I know you?
- No, but I'm willing.
- I could use a drink.
Can I see you a minute?
Excuse us, please.
- I'm Flo Brant.
- Tommy Dancer.
Nice party.
Yeah, it's getting nicer all the time.
Are you a friend of Willis Trent?
- Who?
- The man you came in with.
No, he just brought me here
to do a job for him.
- Get your coat, Flo, we're leaving.
- Already?
There's been a knockout
at the main event at the Legion.
So that's where De Camp is,
I'll get my coat.
How many gals can you handle?
Look, I don't know who you are...
but if you're trying to pick a fight,
you're going about it in the right way.
- Aren't you having a good time, Tommy?
- Oh, a riot.
It couldn't be as bad as all that.
Leave me alone.
Look, I just made $10.
Why don't we grab a cab...
and we can go down
and get something to eat?
Oh, please!
All right, all right. I'm sorry.
I was only trying to help.
I know. "Just don't try too hard."
- I'll see you.
- Wait.
You want a lift?
Which way are you headed?
I wish I knew.
Do you drive?
Well, where to?
I'd like a drink.
Several drinks.
Got any suggestions?
Make yourself at home.
Bourbon or scotch?
- Scotch and water.
- Okay.
- There you are.
- Thank you.
- Too strong?
- Just right.
Silly, isn't it? Being here like this.
I don't even know your name.
Tommy. Tommy Dancer.
Mine's Betty Turner.
- You a friend of Willis Trent, Tommy?
- Nope.
Hired me to open a trunk for him.
I'm a locksmith.
It's not a very exciting job,
but it's steady.
You know, you'd be surprised
how many things...
people manage
to lock themselves out of.
Apartments, cars, garages.
Even had to pick my way
into a woman's diary one time.
Sounds exciting.
That could have been,
but she was looking over my shoulder.
I didn't get a chance to read it.
- What about you?
- Me?
Sure. I'm a locksmith.
You've got to be something.
Well, I don't... what is it?
Punch a time clock,
if that's what you mean.
Didn't think you did.
- The stole belongs to me. I paid for it.
- Good for you.
- The Cadillac, too.
- Good.
I'm 23, single. I live in Beverly Hills.
With my parents.
They disapprove of everything I do...
everyone I know, everywhere I go.
The only reason I stay with them
is because they give me anything I want.
Anything except that guy at the party
tonight, you mean, don't you?
What was his name?
Farraday, yeah, that was it.
I think I ought to be going.
What's your hurry?
I didn't come up here
to talk about Earl Farraday.
Why did you come?
All right, all right.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
- Morning, Tommy.
- Morning.
- May we come in?
- Sure. Sure, come on in.
You left the party early last night.
- I guess I did.
- Too bad.
- Things got quite lively after you left.
- I'll say they did.
- This dame stuck her foot in...
- Louie.
- And started taking off her...
- Louie!
Find the kitchen.
Make Tommy some coffee.
- Sure. Sure, Mr. Trent.
- Here. It's in there.
You'll have to excuse Louie.
Like all prizefighters,
he gets carried away at times.
Look, I think I'll wash up.
It will only take a minute.
Go right ahead, Tommy.
Don't let us bother you.
- Tommy?
- Yeah?
How would you like
to go to work for me?
Wait a minute. I can't hear you.
What did you say?
I said, how would you like
to go to work for me?
I need a man for a job, Tommy.
- Key job.
- Another one?
I'm willing to pay him $5,000.
- For one job?
- For one job.
That's a lot of money.
You know anything about
safety deposit boxes, Tommy?
Not very much. Why?
I was thinking
you might open one for me.
One that is, shall we say,
well worth looking into.
It doesn't belong to you.
Unfortunately, no.
And you'd like me
to make a key for you, right?
Wrong. You have to make two keys.
The bank's as well.
It's quite simple.
All you have to do is to rent a safety
deposit box at this particular bank.
What if I get caught?
- That's a chance we have to take.
- We?
I kind of get the feeling
I'd be taking all the chances.
You're being paid, remember?
It's more than I make in a whole year.
Well, Tommy?
No, thanks.
Mr. Trent, I've been half expecting
something like this...
since the first time I saw you
at the bowling alley.
That footlocker was the clincher.
- Oh?
- Yeah.
You didn't need a key.
It was already open.
Seems I haven't been giving you
enough credit, Tommy.
You're way ahead of me.
Far enough to know
you got the wrong boy.
You know, I may do
a lot of things I shouldn't...
but breaking into safety deposit boxes
isn't one of them.
You may be making a mistake, Tommy.
Well, that's a chance I'll have to take.
- You sure you won't change your mind?
- I'm sure.
Well, there's no harm in asking.
Or was there?
See you.
Hey, wait a minute!
Well, lady!
"Well," yourself!
Now see what you made me go and do.
Where do you think
you're going with my stole?
I was bringing it back to you.
- You left in such a rush last night...
- I don't wanna talk about last night.
Look, if you'll just give me the stole.
I'm in a hurry.
Thank you.
Wait a minute.
I drive all the way across town...
just to be a nice guy,
and you won't even be civil.
I suppose you were civil last night?
What did I do? I kissed you. You're
trying to make a federal case out of it.
I assure you,
I'm not trying to make anything out of it.
All right, so I got a little bit out of line.
- "A little!"
- Well, I'm sorry.
I bet you are.
What do you want me to do?
Cut my throat?
That's not such a bad idea.
Here, let me help.
- I can manage, thank you.
- Move over.
- I said that I can...
- I heard you. Move over.
There's one thing I hate to see
is a woman run her battery down.
Just don't ever leave your fur
at my place again, or I'll sell it.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for bringing back my stole.
That's all right. I guess we've both
been acting like a couple of kids.
You're not really
what you pretend to be, are you?
I guess I'm not.
Neither am I.
Hey, Betty, Grover's key shop.
It's in the book.
Should any provisions
of this agreement be void...
or unenforceable...
the rest of the agreement
shall remain in full.
There's a Mr. Trent to see you,
Mr. Farraday.
- Trent!
- He said it's important.
Well, you tell Mr. Trent...
- Never mind. Tell him to come in.
- Yes, sir.
- That will be all for now, Miss Miles.
- Yes, sir.
Good morning.
- I told you never to come here.
- I know.
But this visit was unavoidable.
- Now look, Trent. I meant what I said.
- Sit down!
There's no need to get upset, Farraday.
You're my lawyer. I need some advice.
I told you last night the deal's off.
Is it?
You know you can't go through with it
while De Camp is in town.
Can't I?
- No, I won't let you.
- You won't let me?
The number of the box, the name
of the bank. That's all I want from you.
It's as simple as that.
If I don't get them from you...
Paul De Camp is going to find out
it isn't only his legal affairs you handle.
You wouldn't want that to happen,
now, would you?
Mr. Farraday,
Mr. De Camp is in the office.
De Camp?
- Tell him that I'll...
- Tell him what, Farraday?
Come in, darling.
Hello, Paul.
I didn't know you were back in town.
Didn't you?
Hello, Miss Brant.
Mr. Farraday.
Hello, Paul.
When did you get back?
- You should've let me know, Paul...
- Look, Farraday...
I didn't come up here on a social call.
Look, Louie, I think
we better get out of here.
No, wait.
We might as well have this out
once and for all.
I don't think I understand.
Then I'll spell it out for you.
I don't want you around.
Paul, I don't think I like that.
You're going to like this even less.
You and your strongarm tactics
are out of date.
You're nothing but a cheap hoodlum.
That's all you ever will be.
You seem to forget we started together.
I'm far from an honest man...
but I worked my way up to the curb.
You've never been able
to get out of the gutter.
Stay away from me, Trent.
Now get out.
I don't know just what to do, mi chiquita
Your papa is married me, mi chiquita
Of course I want to marry you
just because I said I didn't work for you
I will give you all my love, mi chiquita
When we marry
you will have your casita
I will sing for you this song
And of course we'll have
our siesta all day long
You'll be Gonzales
just like your lover
You'll be Gonzales,
like my father and my mother
If we go bowling
the more the merry
Why keep on waiting
Let's forget and let's get married
Here's your key, Pedro.
My boss, he always loses his key.
So he always use my keys.
What's your rush?
They're all having a big playoff
over at the bowling alley.
And I have to go back
and set up the pins.
Playoffs in the afternoon?
The teams are make
out of a bunch of seores...
who cannot play at nights.
They shift work, from one to the other...
in a cemetery.
You mean the graveyard shift.
I think I almost forgot.
Tonight, I gonna make a lot of money.
I going to be in television.
You are?
You Bet Your Life.
What's the name of the show?
I'll look for it.
You Bet Your Life.
Grover lock and key.
Tommy, this is Betty Turner.
Well, hi.
I was just wondering...
are you busy tonight?
I've got a date, naturally,
but I can break it.
Could you?
Well, I'll see if I can arrange it.
Good, then I'll pick you up about 8:00.
- Good-bye.
- Bye.
Why did you decide to come up here?
I don't know,
it's kind of peaceful and quiet.
Gives you a chance to think.
The Hollywood Bowl.
Twenty thousand seats carved
in a majestic hillside.
Concerts under the stars.
I read that once in a travel folder.
You come up here very often?
Not very often.
I made a key for a violin player once
and he gave me a ticket.
I sat way over there.
Could hardly hear a thing.
Do you like classical music?
I guess so.
Don't know too much about it.
My father says that all you have to know
to be a music lover is...
when to cough and where to applaud.
He used to bring me up here
when I was a little girl.
I remember...
I used to close my eyes when the music
was playing and pretend.
I was always pretending. Always
thinking I was something I wasn't.
Kids are like that.
Yes, but some kids never grow up.
They want to, but they never do.
Did you ever want something?
You know, just want it,
because you knew you shouldn't have it.
Who hasn't?
- Well, yes, but...
- Look, I didn't bring you up here...
to talk about Betty Turner.
Then why did you come?
Is something wrong?
No, I just had a hard day, that's all.
Do you know how much I make a week?
Minus tax and social security...
take-home pay, $67.63.
- So?
- Well, that's not very much, that's all.
I guess a lot of people get along
on a lot less.
Would you?
I get anything I want.
- You know.
- Yeah.
I know.
There's nothing wrong
with wanting to get ahead.
And besides, you won't be making
$75 a week the rest of your life.
Someday, I may own my own key shop.
And then I'll make $90, maybe $100.
That's really something, isn't it?
We are alike.
Aren't we?
You know, wanting things we shouldn't.
You mean I'll be nothing more than
a lousy locksmith all my life.
That's what you mean, isn't it?
- I never said that.
- But that's what you meant.
I think you better take me home.
Wait, wait a minute.
Wait a minute. I'm sorry.
I mean, I haven't got the right
to talk to you like that.
It's just that I...
think I'm falling in love with you.
I guess you're right about
my wanting things I can't have.
Am I, Tommy?
I love you.
It's getting late.
It's late.
Who cares?
You have to go to work.
- Tomorrow?
- Yeah, tomorrow.
You sure your boss will let you off
for half a day?
If he doesn't, I'll fire him.
- Good night.
- Good night.
you'd better do as Mr. Trent told you.
I kind of like you, Tommy.
But if you don't make
those keys for him...
there's no telling
what he'll make me do to you.
He told me to give you this.
The $5,000.
We don't want to
wake up the neighbors.
- What are you doing?
- Waiting for you.
I've been waiting here all night.
In fact, if it hadn't been for
my faithful companion here...
I'd have probably frozen to death.
You're drunk.
But I came to explain.
It's late.
No, no, I came to explain,
and you got to listen.
Do you know why I've been running
around with Paul De Camp's girl?
Does it matter?
Why, of course it does.
You see, honey...
I'm just one of these guys
who's never really satisfied...
with what he has.
So when this gentleman...
I won't tell you his name.
So when he approached me and asked
me to get certain information...
from Flo Brant...
I said I would.
The number of Paul De Camp's
safety deposit box...
and the bank where he keeps it.
- His deposit box...
- So naturally I got it.
So now, all Trent has to do is...
I said it.
What has Trent got to do with this?
And nothing.
He always gets somebody else
to do his dirty work.
First it was me,
and now it's some kid who makes keys.
- I love you, Betty, but I'm...
- Earl...
the kid that makes the keys,
what is his name?
Dancer. Tommy Dancer.
Like I told you, Mr. Trent,
you got the wrong boy.
Louie. Louie!
You're late.
Sorry, I couldn't seem
to get up this morning.
Or yesterday morning.
What's got into you lately? You seem
to have lost all interest in your work.
I was figuring on taking you
into the business, Tommy.
But the way you've been acting,
I think I might have to let you go.
If you make up your mind,
Mr. Grover, let me know.
That's the trouble
with you young fellows nowadays.
You're so sure of yourselves.
What's the use of being boss if you
can't act like one once in a while?
- Blow off a little steam.
- Yes, sir.
You just forget what I said, Tommy...
but try to get to work on time.
Yes, I will, Mr. Grover.
By the way,
I think I landed a Hadley job.
You did? Good for you.
Good for both of us, Tommy.
I meant what I said
about that partnership.
I have to go over there now,
a few details to be worked out.
This one job should bring us over $200.
- $200?
- Yeah.
Doesn't seem like very much
for such a big job.
When you've been a locksmith
as long as I have, Tommy...
you'll realize
just how much $200 really is.
I won't be long.
Hello, Grover lock and key.
Tommy Dancer, please. Tommy.
- Yeah.
- Willis Trent.
I just called to say we've decided on the
bank where we're going to do business.
Look, I thought I made myself clear.
You did, Tommy. Quite clear.
I must say I admire your spirit.
But something has come up
that has changed your plans.
Betty Turner.
- Betty?
- Yes.
I understand you two are...
Well, I can't say I blame you.
She is a beautiful girl.
I'd hate for anything to happen to her,
wouldn't you?
Trent, you so much as touch her, and...
Tommy, I wouldn't think
of doing anything like that...
that's Louie's department.
And if you're thinking of going
to the police, I'd forget that if I were you.
That would be signing
the young lady's death certificate.
You see, I only intend to have Louie
work on her face.
Just her face.
What do you want me to do?
Get a pencil. Write this down.
Go ahead.
Hollywood Bank and Loan.
Corner of Hollywood and Highland.
Box 315.
May I help you?
Yes, I'd like to rent a safety deposit box.
All right.
- Is this for you alone?
- Yes.
All right, would you fill this out, please?
Regular-size boxes are $6 a year,
plus 20% federal tax.
That's $7.20 altogether.
Here you are, Mr. Murphy, box 1571.
Look, I'd like to put this in now, if I can.
All right.
Could you fill this out, please?
- May I have your key, please?
- Yeah.
Just put it back when you're finished.
It locks automatically.
Thank you very much.
Key, please.
- Remember me?
- Yeah, sure. I made a key for your car.
Not my car. Mr. Trent's.
Well, what do you want?
Ever hear of a man named De Camp?
Paul De Camp?
No. Why?
Well, he's to Mr. Trent
what the Yale lock company is...
to a guy in your racket.
He's cut in on every game
on the West Coast.
There's not a horse wins,
a card drawn or a pot dragged...
he hasn't got his fingers in.
- Paul De Camp, box 315.
- So what?
So it seems to me you're
being played for a sucker, Tommy.
After all, $5,000 isn't so much money...
considering there's
about $200,000 in that box.
You're taking all the chances.
Why not finish the job?
I'm fed up with Trent myself.
I can fix it up
so we can both be out of town...
before Trent even knows
what's happened.
- What do you say?
- Get out of here.
- Look...
- I said git!
All right.
Okay, if you wanna be a lousy locksmith
all the rest of your life, that's up to you.
Now listen to me. All I'm asking
is that you leave Tommy out of this.
Just who do you think
you're talking to, Miss Turner?
- Take it easy.
- Shut up!
If it wasn't for you
and your drunken mouth...
none of this would have happened.
She only came up here
to get you to lay off the kid.
Isn't that touching?
Did it ever occur to you to think
what would've happened...
if she'd gone straight to De Camp?
That's the trouble with you,
you never think at all.
Now wait a minute.
Without me you wouldn't...
Without you
I'd have been much better off.
And as for you, Miss Turner...
I hired your boyfriend to do a simple job.
If it's turned out to be difficult,
it's because he's made it that way.
There is a risk involved,
but he's being paid to take that risk.
Being well paid.
Now, I suggest that you go home, or
wherever it is young ladies like you go...
and forget about this whole thing.
That is, if you care anything about
that precious locksmith of yours.
- Get her out of here.
- All right, all right.
You're being played
for a sucker, Tommy.
I get anything I want. You know.
There's $200,000 in that box.
When you've been a locksmith
as long as I have, Tommy...
you'll realize
just how much $200 really is.
You're taking all the chances, Tommy.
I didn't come up here
to talk about Earl Farraday.
Okay, if you wanna be
a lousy locksmith all your life.
A lousy locksmith.
Why not finish the job?
A lousy locksmith!
- Mr. Murphy, isn't it?
- Yes.
I've got some more letters for my box.
May I have your key?
Tommy, you got time for a game?
- No, not today, Andy.
- I'm paying.
- No, maybe tomorrow, huh?
- Okay.
- What will it be, Tommy?
- I'll have a bourbon straight.
Bourbon it is.
- Kind of early today, aren't you, Tommy?
- Yeah.
Thanks, Mike.
What are you thinking about, darling?
I was thinking how beautiful you are.
- Thank you. Is that all?
- No.
I was wondering where you would be
if you weren't here with me.
That's a strange thing to be wondering.
- Is it?
- Well, of course it is.
Do you love me, Flo?
Does that answer your question?
- Can a man ever be sure?
- Can a woman?
- Does that answer your question?
- Paul.
Oh, Paul, it's lovely.
It's yours.
It's beautiful!
It's amazing what a beautiful woman
does for diamonds.
I have a confession to make, however.
I bought that necklace
for another woman.
Yes, she was beautiful, too.
- Did you love her?
- Very much.
But I found out she didn't love me.
She was running around
with another man.
I'm sorry.
I suppose it's silly,
but I've kept that necklace ever since.
Sort of a reminder, you might say.
But today I said to myself...
a diamond necklace has no business...
wasting its beauty
on a safety deposit box.
So I went down to the bank and...
- Is something wrong, dear?
- No, why should there be?
The safety deposit box,
that's all there was left in it.
Paul, you're hurting me.
The box number, Flo.
Who did you give it to?
- Who did you give it to?
- Nobody!
You're lying!
- Who did you give it to? Tell me.
- I swear I didn't.
So help me. I'll kill you if you don't.
It was Farraday.
He didn't want to, but it was Trent.
He made him. It was Trent.
Hello, Tommy.
- The door was open so...
- Next time I'll lock it.
Tommy, now, I know
that you're angry with me.
And I don't blame you. Really, I don't.
I wouldn't have broken our date
for anything, only...
- Don't tell me you forgot.
- I didn't forget.
- I didn't forget anything.
- Tommy.
I went to see Willis Trent this afternoon.
- With Earl Farraday.
- Yeah, I know.
You know?
It's been good,
doing business with you, all of you.
- Now if you don't mind...
- Now, Tommy. Now you listen to me.
Last night after I left you,
Earl was waiting for me.
He'd been drinking.
He told me everything.
About you, De Camp, Trent,
the keys, everything.
- So you decided to go back to him.
- Of course not.
Oh, Tommy, now look at me.
I admit that I thought
I was in love with Earl once...
and if you hadn't come along
I might have gone right on thinking that.
But you're the only real thing
that's ever happened to me.
That's why I went to see Trent.
To make him leave us alone.
I love you.
I love you.
You know,
you could be wrong about me.
I could be wrong about anything...
everything, but I could
never be wrong about you.
Look, what if I told you
I had to get out of town?
What if I told you
I double-crossed Trent?
That I opened De Camp's
deposit box myself?
- No.
- What if I told you I got $200,000...
stashed away in my locker
at the bowling alley?
Does that sound like the first real thing
that's ever happened to you?
- Why, Tommy, why?
- I don't know. I don't know.
I've been trying to figure
that out myself ever since I did it.
Maybe because I was
tired of being kicked around.
Maybe because of you.
- Maybe because of a lot of things.
- Tommy.
- Look, you got to get out of here.
- No, they'll kill you.
- I know it. They'll kill you.
- Not if they don't catch me.
I got at least until tomorrow when
the bank opens before they find out.
Then what will you do?
- I'll run.
- No.
- There's nothing else I can do.
- You could put it back.
Back. Why not?
I can go down to the bank
first thing in the morning and...
And what, Tommy?
I came by to see if the keys were ready.
From what I could gather
of your conversation...
it seems I won't be needing them now.
Actually, I suppose
I should thank you, Tommy.
It'll be much safer taking
the money from you than from the bank.
- Where is it?
- Find it yourself.
- Stop it!
- Get her out of here!
- Where is it? Where?
- Stop it!
Do you hear me, Tommy?
I'm taking the girl with me.
If you're not at my house
with the money within one hour...
I'll be forced to kill her.
Better get her inside.
And now for the latest weather report.
Louie. Wait a minute.
... covering most of
southern California today.
Slightly rising temperatures
were reported...
and continued pleasant weather
was forecast for tomorrow.
Some low cloudiness
in coastal areas this morning...
was expected to return tomorrow.
Winds brought clearer air
and maximum visibility.
It's you, Farraday.
Yesterday's temperatures generally
were in the 70s, gusty winds cleared...
Louie, get her inside.
... afternoon visibility extended 20 miles.
A sharp temblor rattled windows...
in scattered Southern California areas
yesterday at 10:08 am.
Pedro, go to 8314, Marmont Lane.
Tell a Mr. Trent that
I'll be there in a few minutes.
- Now go on.
- 8314.
Will you be a pal
and let me talk to Charlie?
Look, you got the wrong number.
- Is this Charlie's Bar and Grill?
- No.
Eleven A-Six.
San Fernando South Way.
Woman down.
Tommy, I couldn't find Mr. Trent...
and there was a lot of shooting inside.
I don't know what's going on.
It's gonna be all right, honey.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Sorry, madam, you have
to come with me for questioning.
I better go along with you, too,
I've got a lot to explain.
- Suit yourself.
- Look, here, you better take this.