Man to Man (2005) Movie Script

Hey, Man, stop! Wait!
Wait! Stop! We have
to re-tie the cords.
We have to get out of here!
He's bleeding.
The female is unconscious.
I insist!
Come on, let's go!
Hello, my little beauty.
The whole world's been looking
for you and I found you.
I'm going to call you "America".
You are my America
and by God...
I'm your Christopher Columbus.
Leave him!
Let him go!
Don't shoot!
My dear friends...
I can relate great news.
We have two of the savages:
A male and a female.
The male has tried
to kill me...
and he's the most ferocious
fighter, by I've survived.
The other Africans recoil
from our savages in fear.
They called them
"Spirits of the forest"...
and believe they can wreak
much evil magic.
- Why you leaving us?
- My work here is finished.
But this is your country.
You live here.
- My home is across the sea, sir.
- Your lord is here. He die here.
That is true and I'll carry
his memory in my heart. Always.
Why is it you want
with small men?
- I'll take them to my country.
- Why not take me?
Your wives would miss you
too much, sir.
You must take my men.
They big men.
I need to take pygmies.
I will study them, sir.
For why?
Because... all men on earth,
I believe, come from them.
But you're a white man.
These are black.
That is what the Doctor believes
if he's right he'll be famous.
What is famous?
Everybody in the whole
world will know who he is.
You want to be a king?
You take one little man...
one little woman to your
country and you king also!
- Is this why you go with him?
- No, sir.
So he give you plenty money.
Go to forest, take two little
people. Two of my men die.
You pay me!
Shall I have this loaded, Madam?
They don't belong to me anymore.
I'd given them to the King!
I think we should get the
birds on the next. Thank you.
We make sail in a few days. Our
ship awaits its precious cargo.
The two pygmies are safe and
well and I am healing fast.
The prospect of what lies before
us fills me with an excitement.
Our dreams are close
to being realized.
I don't understand!
What is he saying?
The pygmies would put
a curse on you.
They won't survive
outside their world.
At least we'll have their
bodies to study.
Aren't you gonna tell him
what I said?
Move yourselves!
Don't just lie there!
Move your legs!
Move! Get up!
Doctor! Leave them alone!
Stand up! Move your arms!
You'd be better talking
to the monkeys!
I'd be better off without you.
Come on, eat!
And you my lovely, you to eat.
Calm down.
Stop now!
Hey, back away! Now!
I've listed the pygmies as
a kind of anthropodial monkey.
We don't want to be taken
for slave traders.
I don't want to take any risks
but you're becoming the risk.
Let Zachary deal with,
he knows what is doing.
They are my responsibility.
They're my responsibility and
I don't want you going down.
I don't take orders!
Especially not from you!
Call it a "suggestion". I've
made this journey many times.
This is just a business venture
for you but for me...
it's probable these creatures
existed on earth before man.
At as other species were
becoming extinct, they survived.
There could be more at stake
than just the origin of man.
We could be talking
about the origin of all life!
I won't let a trader in wild
animals divert me.
You're forbidden to get down
to the hold.
My dear friends, a fever
has laid me low.
I suspect malaria so have kept
myself away from the pygmies.
I worry for them, in my absence,
but I dare not risk contagion.
We pass through ever
stormier seas.
Doctor! Come quick!
I see... yes.
I understand.
It's me you wanted.
Well here I am.
My name is Jamie.
We're friends now.
Back away!
When are you going to learn?
You're who captured them!
They'll never forget. Never!
It's from Jamie.
Posted from Lisbon.
The ship docks
in a matter of days.
"My friends, there have been
serious problems...
difficulties, constraints...
I advise caution.
My fever enforces brevity.
We must struggle to..."
He doesn't even sign it.
- Look at his handwriting.
- He must be very ill.
It's not like him.
As if he deranged.
- Let me stay.
- That's impossible, my darling.
- I should be by your side.
- Abigail, you promised.
Why? I'll stay in our bedroom.
- I am not leaving.
- Yes you are!
My sweet, dear,
very obstinate little sister.
Fraser won't do a stroke of
a work if you're here.
We have two months to present
our paper to Academy.
A coach will take you
to Edinburgh at noon.
You send Jamie on this adventure
cause he's got nothing to lose.
You can't treat me like that.
I'm staying with my husband!
I'm frightened.
I have a bad feeling.
I always thought your idea
was insane.
Our research will be a huge
significance to the world.
If only you knew how I prayed
that Jamie would fail.
I just keep thinking...
What if they're dead?
Here is our eagle how
quite she is a lioness.
Some parrots, the monkeys.
Don't go too close to the
apes, they can be vicious.
The Cheetah and
the sweet little wart hog.
- Very good, madam.
- When should I get the document?
We'll have to go through
a regulation.
- The zoo is expecting them.
- I do my best.
Now the real work begins.
My little fellow.
Don't worry,
I'll keeping my distance.
- Jamie!
- Alexander! Fraser!
- You look well traveled, Jamie.
- That I... certainly am!
My friends, if you had any idea
how much I've thought of you.
There were days when I thought
I'd never see you again.
Is everything all right?
They're still alive?
Thank God
they are still alive!
I can't believe it.
Are they in good condition?
Please tell me how I can sell
something which I don't own?
These pygmies belong
to King Mateke Seko...
who has given me the concession
for the whole of Europe.
I am prepared to place them
at your disposal for 3 months.
As if they were for hire?
The fee for the expedition
included delivery of savages.
They belong to us!
No one outside Africa
can "own" these pygmies.
This is called slavery.
Do you think we can trust
Madame Van den Ende?
As long as we're all working
for our mutual benefit, we can.
Then we are agreed.
I'll have the papers drawn up.
I congratulate Dr. Dodd.
Without him this expedition
would never have succeeded.
Let us through!
I never dreamt I'd live
to see this. Incredible.
You're right, Jamie.
It is our America.
Our "guests" are savages
from the jungles of Africa.
Very dangerous.
They are also cannibals.
We don't know what strange
diseases they may be carrying.
So keep away
and you'll be perfectly safe.
Bring provisions and water to
the mill, and we'd distribute.
Mr. McBride, Dr. Dodd and I, will
be the only people they'll see.
No one must know about them
till we present them to Academy.
But what about you
and the others, sir?
The pursuit of knowledge
entails certain risks.
But don't you worry, we'll
be taking every precaution.
- Is everything all right?
- All well sir.
- Did they sleep at all?
- One at time.
- Did you see them fornicate?
- Fornicate? Why?
Scientific curiosity.
- Is the female the mate of male?
- Not as far as I'm aware.
I haven't the faintest idea
what they are to each other.
They probably think we'll
attack them if they both sleep.
Or they're waiting
for a chance to attack us.
- What are they doing?
- They're exercising.
America! Stop!
Stop, America!
Fraser, on you go.
That's it!
Fraser, get out!
Back! America stop!
Open the door!
Fraser get to the door! Out!
Breathe! Breathe!
I'm not finished with you...
not by a long way.
Heaven breathe!
Something you need me for,
Mr. Duncan?
I was worried. We heard
shots coming from the mill.
Yes, we did fire some shots.
And you know why, Mr. Duncan?
We're studying the degree of
emotion our little savages...
might display. It's most
instructive. Good day.
Come on, there is
nothing to lose.
"Three blind mice,
see how they run...
Run after the farmer's wife and
cut off the tails with a knife
QA to AB, 83 degrees.
Facial line 9 and
one quarter inches.
QA to AB, 62 degrees.
Facial line,
Facial projection, 108.
Cerebral projection, 87...
No it's right.
The great apes are almost
always below 50 degrees.
Negroes, usually above 70.
Mongols between 73 and 77...
and you Jamie, the perfect
Caucasian at 83.
Which would seem to place our
pygmies right in the middle.
Between the most evolved apes
and the least developed humans.
You know what this implies?
How certain are you?
- Results point in one direction.
- We can't afford to be wrong.
I've checked and checked again.
My God!
It looks like the world is gonna
have to come to terms with...
the fact that Adam and Eve were
a little black man and woman.
They're gonna have to
repaint the Sistine Chapel.
When you left them alone they
didn't seem troubled in any way?
No, they weren't "troubled".
Wrong vocabulary, my fellow.
That would require intelligence
and a capacity for reflection.
Our couple are thousands
of years away from all that.
Pull up there!
Who gave you the permission
to come in here?
No one! But I assumed you're
not going to turn me away.
If you succeed, then
you'll be forgiven...
until then we'll have to ensure
we have the proper documents.
I understand.
Toko "Ambaka" for the man.
What do you think?
And do you know the name
of the girl?
You... just invent something.
Wouli Djem. And the age is?
Say 20 for him
You'd better fill in the rest.
So, our guests are Toko Ambaka
and Wouli Djem.
In the province of Oubangui in
the territory of King Mateke.
They have come to Scotland at
the invitation or Royal Academy.
I need a letter of confirmation
from the Academy.
Consider it done.
I hereby certify that both
of the said individuals...
are placed under my authority
for a period of three months.
Please sign.
May I see them?
Madame... would you join me?
It's safe now.
We don't have much time.
Madame, considering you're here,
it'd be most helpful...
I don't think any of us should...
I see. What shall I say?
It's very delicate.
- It would seem something of...
- Of a violation?
Very well.
I think you should leave!
She's most definitely a woman.
What are these for?
Fill this with lead shot and we
can tell exactly the volume...
of the cranium. We can measure
the size of their brains.
She's waking.
Good, yes, I have it.
Be calm.
Hold her!
- What are you doing?
- She sees her own death!
She thinks her soul is being
taken from her.
She would have killed herself.
Have you seen them?
No, but I could hear the most
awful cries. Not human cries.
And it wasn't the first time.
We got to get them out of here.
They bring evil.
They got evil powers.
This is nonsense. What evil
have they done to you?
My child has raging fever,
three days now.
My cattle are maddened, they
don't sleep at night.
That's the moon... everyone
knows that. You can't...
Mr. Auchinleck's not the same.
He's like a man possessed...
and we should deliver him
from his possession!
Go up and get Mr. Auchinleck.
Douglas, you come with me.
It's an asthma attack.
He could die...
Bring me the lamp and
hold his head up!
Hold his head!
You give that here,
black buggers.
Too late, sir. And so were we.
Clear the way!
Move aside, I say!
Douglas is dead, sir.
The savages killed him.
God bless his soul.
Spread out... you go
in small groups.
Do not hurt them on any
account. I want them alive.
Any man who harms them
will answer to me.
- If they're seen as animals...
- But if they're human being?
Then, they are murderers.
Our work is over.
- We must find them first.
- Follow the trail fast.
Madame, We'll go
around the forest.
Come on lads. Let's get
these savages!
Are you following?
I'll be there!
Fine, I have him.
Best leave it to us, Dr. Dodd.
We know what to do.
Damn you!
The dogs are gone at six.
They must be close!
Oh Jesus Christ!
Put your weapons down!
Keep back the dogs!
We can take them in charge!
They killed Douglas!
The attacked Mr. McBride!
It was an accident.
It was nobody fault.
It was a terrible accident.
Take them back to
the police, sir.
- I will kill him!
- Stay there man!
Jamie, stop!
Shut up! Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up!
You did it.
Did what?
In the struggle,
you had the gun.
It went off by accident.
Douglas hit it.
Alexander, what are you saying?
It was a tragic accident.
- Are you out of your mind?
- No one will blame you.
But the pygmies
have to be innocent.
You want me to confess
to a crime I didn't commit?
Yes! It was your stupidity
that landed us here.
I might go to prison.
Not for an accident.
The inquest will be a formality.
Just think,
think what's take here.
Please, Fraser,
this is our only solution.
We're losing time.
With these we need some
more of those. A lot of more.
You two!
Go into the fare side.
We're losing time, come on!
You have to surrender the campment
but be on your guard!
You know what happened
to Douglas?
Move aside! No!
No wait! He's worrying of
the evil spirit.
- Tell them to lower the weapons.
- We're taking no chances.
Watch him men!
What are you doing? Tie them up!
They have to be in the forest.
Otherwise they'll die on us.
This is madness!
After last night they know
we're their only protection.
They're not going to run away
not with that mob and dogs out.
Take them back to the mill.
And then you can present two
fresh little corpses! Do it!
Keep watching men.
Nothing means more to me
than our complete success.
Trust me, Alexander.
Stay still.
She won't hurt you.
She was looking for the wound.
She took him for Douglas.
She thought she'd killed him.
She is feeling guilty!
- Sentimental nonsense!
- It's worse. It's perverse.
Look at her behavior,
silent, morose...
No! I won't here any more!
You are a scientist
not a witch-doctor!
Why did you open
the cage last night?
You heard Toko gasping, suf-
fering from the same condition...
as you. He provoked your pity.
But he'd set a trap.
Like all the savages hunters
they know how to lure their prey.
Every day I see something
in them which makes me...
doubt. Makes me wonder
about our theory.
Are you questioning the
validity of our work?
These creatures have lived...
in the forest, unknown to
the outside of the world.
Yet I see signs of intelligence
and emotion...
similar to our own.
This could be our greatest
We have to find out more.
So we have to postpone our
presentation to the Academy.
No, we're not wrong.
We have facts, figures, detailed
analysis, precise comparisons...
learned opinion and all
you have Jamie...
are vague feelings.
It's not enough.
I want proof.
Don't let me down, Toko.
I know how intelligent you are
and we have to show the rest.
Show them that you're just
like me! Come on, Toko!
Sha'dop! Sha'dop!
I can't believe it.
- I should have never gone away.
- Calm yourself, my love.
Yes, it was a terrible and
shocking accident.
Poor Douglas!
I can't believe you could do...
I've taken good care
of the family.
- Generous pension.
- How can you talk about money?
About "taking care of".
Fraser's killed a man!
How can anyone live on a
happiness with that knowledge?
Give me your hand.
It's all right.
Your thumb...
You mean Dr. Dodd a woman's
brain is about 4/5 of a man?
Generally speaking.
According to your tabulations,
my brain...
is about equal to the
average African male?
that poor sad females...
even the most exceptional
of women is not going...
to make more of an impression
on you than a simple Negro.
When you present the pygmies
it's going to be a huge success.
Scientists and anthropologists
from all Europe...
will want to come and see
them and study them.
People will fascinated.
The huge demand: Berlin,
Amsterdam, Paris...
They trust you, the pygmies.
You've tamed them.
I don't know.
Dr. Dodd...
I'd be very happy if
you'd come with me and...
And, what?
I think we've made
an excellent alliance.
Except the pygmies won't be
making any "tour of Europe".
They'd die. They won't
last a week.
Anyway, I'm taking them back.
To Africa.
You're too late.
You can't stop the world
being curious.
I'll not let you make your
fortune from exploiting them.
Just remember it was you who
took them from their forest.
This is your experiment,
not mine!
You're the one who's prodding
and poking and drugging them.
I do not need any lessons in
exploitation from you sir!
Stay here.
Let me see what our
little hunter's up to.
Stay there.
Jamie... forgive me.
It's important.
Alexander wants to see you,
he discovered something.
Any luck with Likola's song?
I'm sorry. There was nothing indeterminate birdsong.
You really can't call it
Jamie come and have a look.
I think they've been
drawing things on the wall.
You see!
I'm sorry,
I can't see a thing.
What are you doing?
Open the door!
No, I won't open because
I refuse to risk losing...
everything because
of your madness.
You've trained those pygmies
against me!
Your little savage
tried to kill me!
What are you talking about?
Where are they?
They need me by their side.
They are safe,
that's all you need to know.
Ready for their great day.
- If you've harmed them...
- Why are you against me?
Why do you try
to destroy everything?
This isn't about you and me.
We've taken the wrong road.
It's a criminal act to present
the pygmies as the missing link.
How dare you?
Get your hands off my neck.
Where are they?
Get him off me!
Take you hands off me!
Open the door!
Where are they?
Keep him there.
Dr. Dodd is very ill.
A contagion from
the savages.
Let no one in!
The history of humanity is
like a gigantic tree...
...of which we only see
the uppermost branches.
And this prompts us to ask
where do we come from?
Where are our roots
to be found?
Today, we can demarcate
three great races:
The white, or Caucasian.
The yellow, or Asiatic.
And the black, or Negroid.
Within these are
many sub-classes.
Caucasian Aryans,
American Indians...
Australian Aborigines and the
latest the Melanesian Negro.
I have the privilege to present
to you evidence of a new race.
More ancient
of any of the others.
And I have to say, the first
time we caught sight of these...
beings... I felt like Columbus
discovering America.
And the crucial question is:
Are the pygmies we present...
the missing link between
apes and mankind?
These are the most primitive
beings ever been discovered.
It has taken us many weeks
to study and analyze them.
Their mental faculties are
extremely simple.
Markedly aggressive.
They lack decency, and their
personal habits are repugnant.
This is the savage
almost animal.
Dr. Dodd, eat!
You have to eat.
Five foot one inch, a weight
of six stone three pounds.
Notice a distinct prognathous
jaw, wool like hair...
and the auricular angles
far lower than human norms.
An acute curvature of
the spine indicating...
that the subject has spent
less time standing on two feet.
We see the same effect in
And the size of the brain
compared to other human species
would give
the stature of a genius!
The volume of the brain
is 47 cubic inches.
The skull itself, particularly
the protuberant nature...
of the parietal lobe, recalls
that of Neanderthal man...
Considering the extent of our
measurements and analysis...
their unique distinguishing
marks and the general savagery
of their behavior, we believe
that we have the first branch...
that grew upon
the human tree.
We have more discussion here.
You must visit our university.
your attention please.
I want to say that to put it
on record, that Dr. Dodd...
one of our dearest friends has
chosen not to be with us today.
He does not entirely
share our conclusions.
Dr. Dodd feels strongly that
behind the animality...
of these creatures, there is
intelligence and sensibility.
He believes he has witnessed
a genuine humanity in them.
He believes that the entire
classification and hierarchy...
of the races
must be reexamined!
Stay back!
Go on! Move.
Look at them!
The pygmies will enchant
I predict a phenomenal success.
I have a contracted agreement
with Madame Van den Ende.
I have the pygmies in my zoo
until the end of the summer.
You are going to miss the
height of the season in Paris.
You must be patient dear Comte.
Would you allow me
to approach them?
I am simple professor always
fascinated by new discoveries.
Le Compte de Verchemont has
shown the greatest interest.
Isn't that right, Fraser?
What? Yes, indeed.
I've no objections. Would you
arrange a visit, Mr. Beckinsale?
We have requests from all over
Europe to exhibit them.
It seems everyone wants to get
a glimpse of primitive life.
Thanks to my brother
and my husband.
They're the people who
started all this craze...
You forget Dr. Dodd. I hear
he hasn't been well.
Is someone able to give me
some encouraging news?
The illness afflicting Dr. Dodd
has no remedy.
I don't think anyone can do
anything to help him.
Poor Jamie.
No need to worry Dr. Dodd.
The fever is gone.
I think you can go home now.
Toko it's me Jamie.
It's Jamie!
Toko gone.
Toko dead.
Toko dead!
Why are they not eating? Why
are they so tired, so inactive?
They're no use to me like this.
What's happened?
It's a good question.
I find it astonishing that
you're able to study them.
I assure you they were amenable.
We had none of these problems.
Toko... do what I do.
good day gentlemen.
Zackary? There'll be
no show today.
I'm most grateful to you,
Doctor. Best of luck.
They haven't eaten
for four days.
Well done, good.
I'm proud of you...
Eat Toko.
Toko you must eat!
Likola... two.
Bay-bee. Sha'dop.
The behavior of the pygmies
has cast some doubt.
There is no even more urgency
to verify their findings or not.
I can't just turn anthropologists
just the way they are.
They've paid good money.
Get her to do it then.
She's hiring out these
"African circus artists".
Get her to say the contract
is invalid.
I forbid any visit which would
only weaken the pygmies further.
They need just one doctor.
I shall stay close to them.
Let's concede with great
that you are able to get them
fit and well again. Then what?
You're about to witness for
the first time in Europe...
the real nature of savage life
in the jungles of Africa.
Likola! Make fire!
Toko! Go hunting!
Likola, more fire!
Toko, more hunting!
What is he playing at?
Don't frighten them!
Does she know to use it?
Yes, my God, she does!
We must stop her!
Intolerable! Outrageous!
Sha'dop! Sha'dop!
Let's get out of here.
Very funny...
Thank you.
Some people say you're mad,
some say you're a genius.
Alexander says you've
"trained" them. Is it true?
- I didn't "train" them.
- And your power over them?
It's not power either.
Mr. Purvis you comprehend...
what I'm saying to you,
but I have no power over you.
It's the same with them.
We understand each other.
They're just like you and me.
She must be pregnant.
It's uncanny how the baboons
can sense a pregnancy.
- Are you absolutely sure?
- It's not cast-iron proof...
If we could have a fetus from
the female, it's perfect...
and this is ideal. We don't
need them anymore.
They are going to be dragged
across Europe on public display.
If we could abort this fetus,
we can establish far more...
about differences from an embryo
than from a living creature.
We're talking about her child!
We're talking about an embryo
from a scientific specimen.
We need to remove the doubt
that's creeping in.
This is what will
clinch it for us.
This is what will
make our names...
Don't look!
You can turn around.
Talk of the town.
Dr. Dodd! Are you quite well?
A smile on your face?
This party mustn't turn
into a grotesque funfair.
It won't. It's very good of
of Sir Walter to arrange this.
How much will you be make out
of it? Madame Van den Ende...
Same as you three. We agreed.
Half for me half for you.
Everyone would be there.
Important people, wealthy...
If you don't stand up for what
you believe in, who will?
We are allies now.
I hope you don't find the
association too painful.
The most important reason for
vitiation, 11: 31: 59: 14, 11: 32: 04: 10, was the
are genuinely your guests...
then that must mean
they are genuinely free.
And that freedom
is not merely symbolic.
I'm very happy to announce,
thanks to your kindness...
and the extraordinary
generosity of our host...
neither Toko or Likola will
be returning to the zoo.
They are truly free now.
- Free to return to their land.
- Or free to remain here.
We are happy to offer
our hospitality.
Thank you.
One thing I'd ask of you all.
Do not look at your guests
as strange and exotic beings.
Treat them as you would
your friends.
You'll be surprised
by the response.
Mister Walter,
may I introduce... Likola.
Welcome Likola.
- And Toko.
- Welcome Toko.
Tell her your name first.
- Andrew.
- Likola.
Hello, Toko.
Welcome to Edinburgh.
Very eloquent, Doctor Dodd.
They loved it.
You deserve it.
I know you suffered a lot but
I've to take the pygmies...
back to the zoo. They are
legally still in my employ.
Duck, fish, fruits, lot of
fruits. You must try them.
Your rooms are down here.
Are we sure we can trust your
savages not to murder us in bed?
Absolutely. I don't know
how to thank you, sir.
Don't thank me. It was
your colleague's idea.
- Madame van den Ende?
- No. Fraser MacBride.
Excuse me!
Gently, gently.
Let no one in.
Come along there!
No time to waste!
How do you know that they
have taken her to Museum?
It's Alexander's base there.
It's safe and all
very scientific!
They must know she's pregnant.
That's why they thought up party.
To kidnap her.
I'd like to believe you had
nothing to do with this!
How dare you even suggesting
such a thing? I had no idea!
I'm on your side.
She's ready.
Would you just confirm the
actual state of the patient?
Well, is she?
I can't be sure.
For God's sake!
- Open the gate now!
- They have not to be disturbed.
I demand to see
the professors.
Have you any idea who I am?
Well then open the door before
we waste any more time.
She's definitely pregnant.
We chloroform.
Get out of my way.
This is inhuman,
we can't do this.
We have to start.
Jesus Christ!
What in God's name
do you think you're doing?
You have no right to be
here. You're trespassing.
How dare you talk to us
about breaking the laws?
The law does not apply to
sub human, primitive beings.
The study of the embryo
is crucial!
Don't touch her! The child
she's carrying is maybe mine!
You must be stark!
You'll see when the child
is born.
No, get out! Get out!
- I won't forget this.
- I hope not.
By God, you'll pay for it.
You're not really saying that you
fornicated with this Negress?
Yes I am.
I did.
Good God!
Why don't you buy me
a drink, darling?
What disease are you proposing
to give me tonight?
Anything you fancy, sweetheart.
Someone is in a hurry!
It's him! Get him!
There he is!
Careful. There is
no way out down there.
Toko! Please, he belongs to me.
I know what to do!
He must be on the boat!
Toko gone. Toko dead.
Are you going to tell them?
Tell them what?
That you are not
the father of the child.
I can't. It's the only thing
that protect us.
A pygmy child counts for nothing
but my child, that's different.
They'll accuse you of raping.
- You'll be stuck off.
- I don't care.
They'll shame you publicly.
- You'll be driven from country.
- I don't care.
Mister Toko Ambaki, born 26 of
October 1850...
in the province of Oubangui.
Profession: Circus artist.
Subject of the King Mateke Seko.
Is that correct?
According to the decision taken
by the magistrate court...
the body is to be placed at
the disposal of Royal Academy.
Would you sign here please?
Remove the body, please.
Are you all right?
Take her home.
I have to go to the Academy.
I'll catch up with you later.
Zachary, stay with her.
I know...
Madame, I beg you, you've
nothing to do with this man.
- He'll betray you as the others.
- Leave us alone, Mr. MacBride.
I have to see Likola. I have
to protect her from this.
Get out of here!
This man is a monster!
The world should know
the evil's in this man!
He destroyed everything!
I've come here today to talk of
one thing and one thing only.
The killing of Douglas.
Everyone knows that the true
murderer is the female savage.
Here's the true
count of the affair.
The savage will receive the
death penalty...
and the embryo she's carrying
will be yielded up to science.
Unless what?
My brother insists that you
authenticate your results.
He wants to acknowledge your
manipulation of the pygmies.
And do disavow all your claims
for intelligence and humanity.
If you do this, theyll not
pursue the matter in courts.
Mister MacBride?
And do please tell Frayser that
our friend is as lively as ever.
Likola has become one of the
people I know best.
I know her sadness, her doubts,
her hopes and her dreams...
and this without one word
being exchanged between us.
Zachary was always fearful
on the journey...
worried what the tribesmen
would do if they knew...
we're traveling with a pygmy
so we traveled incognito.
Likola's renown slowly grew.
Who was this mysterious being?
Mr. MacBride...
I'm going back to Africa.
It's where I should be...
It's where my heart is.
I may well see Dr. Dodd,
Is there anything you
would like me to say to him?
Yes, Jamie...
Goodbye, Mr. MacBride.
I'm very sorry.
Tell her to push Zacharyl!
Keep breathing.
Push... yes...
I can see your baby.
I wanted to go into the
forest with her...
to continue to protect her
and her baby boy...
but she made me understand that
our journey had come to an end.
There, at the border of her
land, the frontier of her world.
When Toko died...
I caught and held his last
breath in the palm of my hand.
This is a custom among certain
African tribes.
They believe whoever catches
the last breath...
who carry that dead person soul
and spirit with him forever...