Manam (2014) Movie Script

Radha has it turned on?
- No.
What happened?
I'm checking, Krishna.
Fast, Bittu will wake up.
Yes, yes, yes, its on.
Make it fast.
Did you put in the batteries?
Yes. It's on.
Today is Bittu's birthday.
Did you feed the date?
Yeah, yeah, okay date. Thirteen.
Since we got married,
I've wanted to tell you something.
I will tell you today.
I've got you a gift too...
I am not in the mood
to listen to you now.
We have to give gifts to Bittu.
Lets finish what's important.
Everyone is waiting downstairs.
Happy happy birthday Bittu.
You have become a
very big boy today.
There is no one else
more dangerous than you.
But you have to become
even more dangerous, okay?
You should break all
the gifts I got you in a week.
Only then will you get new ones.
That's enough, turn it here.
Happy birthday Dear.
Has it already been 6 years Bittu?
From the time you were born until now,
I don't know how time has gone.
Before you were born,
I don't remember anything at all.
You're the best boy
in the whole world.
And thank you, thank you
for selecting me as your mother.
You have to grow even bigger,
study well, help everyone...
...make everyone say Bittu
is a good boy and do us proud, okay?
I love you.
Come, let's go!
Ladies first.
Bittu. Bittu.
Get up. Bittu wake up. Bittu.
Bittu, get up.
Bittu, get up sweetie.
Get up, get up, get up, get up.
Get up, get up.
Happy birthday dear.
- Happy birthday sweetie.
Happy birthday Bittu.
Thank you mummy.
Where are my gifts daddy?
Hugs and kisses for mom,
but dad has to get the gifts?
Not fair Bittu, not fair at all.
Happy birthday dear.
- Thank you daddy.
Where are my gifts?
They are in the hall, go and see.
Bittu, how is the cycle?
Its good, right?
Yes daddy, thank you.
That's enough, give it to me.
- Come on Bittu, Bittu.
Light the candle.
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Bittu.
Bittu, Bittu. Make a wish, make a wish.
Mom and dad should never fight
both of them should always be happy.
Happy birthday to you.
Come Bittu, cut it.
You made a wish, right?
You made a wish, right?
- Yes daddy.
Cut a big piece.
Why are you doing that?
- What happened Krishna?
What are you doing?
I don't like a knife on Bittu's name.
Shall we cut the cake?
Cut it Bittu.
Bittu, Bittu, Bittu. Here, have cake.
Bittu look here. Look here.
Happy birthday to you.
- Look here.
Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.
I'm taking two of course.
- Okay, take it.
Bittu, why aren't you playing?
Have I ever played without you?
Where did you go?
Mom will never go anywhere, sweetheart.
Whenever you want me... just have to say mom and
I will be right there next to you.
I am here now. Come lets go play.
"A dream that has touched
my eyes has shown you to me"
"And transformed me into you"
"Like magic, like an enchanting spell"
"You smiles pulled my heart"
"I am in you"
"Though I am in you"
"I wished for you love"
"I am in you"
"I became your companion"
"I've loved only you"
"A dream that has
touched my eyes"
"Until today, happiness
is in abundance"
"Don't why it has left me now"
"Has the moonlight become darkness"
"Have the smiles disappeared"
"Have the sorrows followed
me like a shadow"
"A wound has evoked in me"
"Will time show me the path"
"I am you"
"I am your silence"
"My heart is filled
with your thoughts"
"Am I not there with you"
"A dream that has
touched my eyes"
"Oh moon, come with us"
"Are you hiding above"
"Oh lovely rain"
"At least you come"
"Will you dance with us"
Krishna, what is this?
From now on,
I will put a rupee for every time...
...we fight I will buy
something with that money.
Why are you blaming me?
Its not only in my hands.
I keep telling her I'm sorry, I'm
sorry at least a hundred times a day.
Saying that you're sorry
a hundred times a day is fine...
...but do you tell her
'I Love You' at least once a day?
Once a week?
A month?
Have you ever told her at
least once since you've been married?
Ours was an arranged marriage.
She is my wife.
Oh, sorry.
So if she's your wife you
don't have to tell her. Is that it?
What are you saying?
You know how much I love her.
It doesn't matter if I know it,
or the people around you know it.
Your wife needs to know.
And you need to say it.
Its not like love exists
only if you say it...
...but when you love someone,
you must say it.
Gift her something.
It should be something that she loves,
but she should not know that you know.
Surprise her.
Jawaharlal Nehru was
born on November 14th and...
What is this word mom?
You keep reading.
F-O-U-G-H-T, what is it?
"Don't know how far
this distance takes us"
"Don't know when
this silence breaks"
"Has the relationship vaporized"
"Has the fights become your life"
"And has your love become non-existent
like writings written on water"
"Why does this life exist anymore"
"Is it to fill my eyes with tears"
"I'll come with you"
"I'll become your shadow"
"Although you're angry at me"
"Am I not there in you"
What is this Krishna?
It must have been a mistake.
Is this a mistake? Its negligence.
Its not Krishna.
Just listen to me please.
How many times did I tell you
not to put Bittu's name on the cake?
I told the baker Krishna,
but he put it out of habit.
What? You said don't,
but the baker did it anyway. Is that it?
What I'm saying is that
everyone writes the name, right?
So out of habit he must have put it.
How does he know Bittu's name?
You make the mistake,
and you put the blame on everyone else.
Krishna, I understand my mistakes.
I really don't know how to tell you.
All day I've been trying to tell you.
I even got you a gift.
Your words, your lies,
and now you've got gifts to cheat me?
What is this Krishna?
Why are we fighting?
Everyday, however careful I am,
something or the other happens.
Is this why we got married?
Instead of staying together...
...fighting and dying like this,
separating is better.
Everyday some fight or the other,
some tension or the other.
What did you say?
What did you say before that?
You said we should separate, right?
Krishna that is not my intention.
You said it.
I didn't mean that Krishna.
- You want to separate, right?
I didn't say that at all Krishna.
- Lets separate.
If the thought wasn't in your head,
you wouldn't have said it right?
Krishna that is not my intention.
Just listen to me once.
You should have just told me.
Why this torture?
Krishna what are you saying?
You be happy.
I will not come between both of you.
Both? What both?
We will meet a lawyer tomorrow
itself and apply for a divorce.
Mom and dad have gone out.
They will be back in an hour.
Milk is on the table. Drink it up.
Hello madam, this is Murthi speaking.
I have performed
the 'veneration' as you wanted.
When do you want me
to bring the 'offerings'?
Mother isn't at home.
Oh Bittu its you.
Alright then, I shall call back.
Now are you happy?
There is no one to stop you.
No wife... son.
From now you'll be happy right?
With her?
What are you saying?
We may fight. We might not get along.
But Bittu?
Did you think about him?
Are you that selfish?
For marrying a person like you,
divorce isn't enough. I should be dead.
Krishna, Krishna. Get up Krishna.
Open your eyes, Krishna.
Please Krishna, wake up.
Come on Krishna. Come on, come on.
Krishna I cannot live without you.
I cannot live without Bittu and you.
Krishna, wake up.
God created Human Beings,
he also created Love, and the Mind.
Why was God, who was able to keep
a limit to the duration of human life...
...unable to keep limits on the Mind,
and on Love?
That is why, to further eternal love...
...God keeps bringing some people back
to life again, repeatedly.
English Translation:
Few Years Later...
We are proudly hosting
this award function... the financial capital
of our country MUMBAI.
This year the Business
Man of the year award goes to...
...the CMD of Radha and Krishna
group of Industries, Mr. Nageswara Rao.
I would now like to
speak a few words about him.
Having lost his parents
at the tender age of six...
...the personal tragedy did not stop
him from excelling in his academics...
...he is an alumni of IIT, Mumbai.
He started his own business...
...thereby fulfilling
his desire to be his own boss.
In 5 years,
with a workforce of 55000 people...
...and a yearly turnover
of 1500 crores...
...the company entered the Fortune
500 list. This not an ordinary feat.
On a lighter note, when asked
about his personal life at an event.
Where he was declared one of the most
eligible bachelors in the country...
...he remarked that
he was already married...
...and that his company
was his wife and one true love.
Please welcome the businessman
of the year, Mr. Nageswara Rao.
Our country needs more people like you.
Thank you sir.
- Congratulations.
Its an honor.
Mom, Dad.
Missing you guys so much today.
Wherever you both are,
I hope I've made you proud today.
Mom, I've made all
your dreams come true.
Without your blessings, I know
this would not have been possible.
Even though you both are not with me...
...I have lived every minute
thinking you are right here.
But today, while receiving the
award from the President, I missed you.
Mumbai Airport
Excuse me.
- Ladies first.
It's okay.
- No, no. I always insist ladies first.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello there,
excuse me, you are disturbing me.
May I help you, sir?
- Can I get the bottle of water, please.
Do you know why our elders
have always say Ladies first.
When ladies walk ahead of us it
is for us to stand behind them admiring.
Excuse me.
Are you going to Hyderabad.
Me? Gannavaram.
Isn't this the flight to Hyderabad?
Excuse me I think I am on the wrong
flight excuse me wrong flight, hello.
No, no this is the correct flight.
Then why did you agree
when I said Gannavaram.
This is the flight to Hyderabad right.
- Hyderabad.
Then okay.
Excuse me.
Where do you stay in Hyderabad?
Which college?
St. Xavier's.
Oh! St. Xavier's.
Which group?
Do not tell anybody naxal group.
Excuse me.
I am Nageswara Rao.
Hi, I am Nagarjuna.
You have told me so
much right I am very happy.
From now I won't eat your
brains with any more questions...
...peacefully enjoy your music.
What is this? What is happening here?
What is with the phone photo and camera?
Hello what is going on?
What are you doing?
Nothing just casually.
Casually? Hello you were cheek to
cheek with me and you call that casual.
Oh God no please
do not misunderstand me.
You make the mistake and
then tell me not to misunderstand.
No, no there is something fishy here.
No, no this is just for my memories.
I do not want any such memories.
I thought that only
women do not have security...
...but it seems that
men are also not safe.
What is your intention? I cannot
jump out of a closed flight is that it.
Excuse me, ma'am.
I want to change my seat.
No, no. Actually I want
to change the goddamn flight.
I am sorry. I am sorry.
- Please, please.
I will sit far away.
Far away.
More that leg keep that hand there.
Maintain this distance.
Oh, God! Crazy guy.
How dare he come that close to me?
That guy!
"Ladies and Gentlemen! The flight..."
Where is he? Where? Where?
"Please wait in 013 gate."
Hello, Mr. Nagarjuna. It is me.
No, no, no. I remember you.
No, no wait there I am coming.
I will drop you.
- I am going now, bye see you.
I have a car. I have a car.
One minutes. One minutes, please.
Oh God, damn it. Where is my bag?
Why is he following me like this?
Hello, Mr. Nagarjuna.
Wait, Wait I am coming.
- Okay, I am leaving, see you bye-bye.
Bittu's 6th Birthday
Happy, happy, happy birthday, Bittu.
There is no one else
more dangerous than you.
But you have to become
even more dangerous, okay?
You should break all the gifts
I got you in a week only...
...then will you get new ones.
That is enough turn it here.
Happy happy birthday Dear.
Has it already been 6 years Bittu.
Since you were born till now.
I do not know where time has gone.
Before you I do not
remember anything at all.
You are the best boy
in the whole world dear.
You have to grow even bigger
study well help everyone...
...everyone should say Bittu
is a good boy and make us proud.
And thank you, thank you
for selecting me as your mother.
If someone ever told me that
this is possible...
...I would have never believed it.
But I saw Dad.
He sat right next to me.
I spoke to him.
It was a wonderful moment.
Just fantastic, Buddy.
If Dad is reborn then should
not Mom also be reborn somewhere.
I should search for her right.
I will search, Buddy.
Wherever she is I will
search until I find her.
Whenever you need me you
just have to say Mom out loud...
...and I will be
right there next to you.
I've come have not I?
The bookstore is somewhere,
here lets go there.
Excuse me. Have we met before?
We have met somewhere, have not we?
I feel like we have met
before like I know you quite well.
Some connection.
This cannot be the first
time we are meeting right.
Do not you feel like you have seen me.
When I feel like I
have seen you before...
...then you also should feel
like you have seen me before right.
Do not you remember me.
Please think!
Some link?
Please think!
Priya is this the book you
were looking for? This is it right.
Chinni is about 6 years old right?
- Yes.
Then this is the perfect gift.
He will like it right?
- Shall I buy it?
You can buy it confidently,
it is a fantastic book.
You know this book.
- Yes.
When I was little my mother
used to read it out to me.
Otherwise I would not sleep.
It became such a habit that
even now if I cannot sleep I read it.
It makes me feel like
my mother is right next to me.
Even now your mother
is right next to you.
I am talking about
the book in your hands.
You seem very attached to your mother.
She is the most wonderful
person I have ever known in my life.
My Dad sat next to me for
two hours but could not recognize me.
But my mother she came searching for me.
I mean the connection between a mother
and child is a magical connection right?
What are you doing?
I run a business in cyber city.
No not that,
what is your plan after this?
Nothing, nothing.
I am starving.
Would you like to join us for lunch?
- Priya.
One minute.
Have you gone mad?
You are calling a stranger for lunch.
Hi. I am sorry I didn't
introduce myself. I am Priya.
I am Nageswara Rao.
This is Divya.
- Hi.
Now he is no longer
a stranger to us right?
Now Divya,
would you like to join us for lunch?
Of all the women in the world
my mother is the most beautiful.
Most guys talk about girls
all the time but listening to a guy... about his mother for
so long with such love first time.
Talking about your mother
is the same as talking to her right?
Well said.
Priya, lets go it is getting late.
What is your hurry?
We have an exam tomorrow
have you forgotten.
Whether we study or not we won't
understand it then why the tension.
What exam?
What is the topic?
Theory of diminishing.
Marginal Utility.
Do you know it?
It is really easy.
Hello excuse me may I borrow your pen?
I will explain it to you It is so easy.
That is all?
- Yes.
You got it right?
Otherwise I will explain it again.
I have clearly understood.
I can actually go right
now and write the exam.
Oh my God! I am going to
pass economics for the first time.
Priya lets go it is getting late.
Oh my God!
Nageswara we have to leave now... warden is a devil.
She will murder us if we are late.
Okay bye.
- Okay mother.
Take this with you.
What okay won't you take my number?
You took the trouble to teach me and do
not you want to find out how I did it.
Take it down.
- Okay.
My exam gets over at 12:30 tomorrow
if you do not call me by 12:31 .
I will call.
Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
What my sons, I say what
the heaven are you doing here?
There are only ten days left for
our colleges Deep Woods youth festival.
Till now you haven't been able
to raise any sponsorship for it.
You stupid.. My Lord.
That's because
we are so focused on our studies...
...we even study in our sleep, Father.
A student who passes at least
one subject a year can say this.
I have told you so many times
about how prestigious this event... for me and our college.
Praise the Lord, Father.
May the Lord be praised. Come in child.
Oh sorry Father. I interrupted
your meeting I will come back later.
Oh that's no problem.
We will wait. Ladies first, please.
Thank you.
This is a list of students
of attendance below 30%.
All departments?
- Yes Father. All departments.
Thank you my child.
I have a class. Praise the Lord Father.
May the Lord be praised, my child.
Idiots, your names are in there too.
Oh Lord!
My son.
My dear sunflower.
Stop staring and get me
sponsorship for the festival...
...otherwise I will tear you all apart.
Praise the Lord Father. Praise the Lord.
May the Lord be praised. Get out.
Hell! He makes us
look worse than beggars.
What are they doing
with our fees and donations.
Cannot he use those
funds for the festival.
May the Lord be praised.
He might be transferring
to his personal account.
That's right.
- Boys. Silence.
I do not understand what to do about
these sponsorships and this festival.
Guys I know him.
I told you about the
guy I ran into on the flight.
Yes, yes the one who was cheek
to cheek with you and wanted your photo.
What is he doing on the
cover page of a magazine?
Look. He is the chairman of
Radha & Krishna group of industries.
Number one businessman in India.
These projects, funds, his charitable trust...
We found our sponsor
The road side tea shop
owner is calling us beggars.
Will this millionaire
even let us inside his office.
Lets try. Anyway beggars
cannot be choosers. Lets go.
We have to, We will try hard and
get at least 50,000 rupees out of him.
sound, invitations we can finish.
Why do not you ask for his entire
property. You good for nothing idiot.
Look here I am telling you
its a waste of petrol coming here.
We won't get a single paisa.
Both of you just shut up and follow me.
All your hard-work.
And cash we paid, everything is paid of.
At least try to get the
money for petrol to get back.
Just chill let me take care of this.
Excuse me.
We need to meet Mr. Nageswara Rao.
Sir is in a meeting
with foreign delegates.
No problem.
Sir we need just two minutes.
We will say hi and leave.
Where is he now?
How will 2 minutes be enough?
We need at least one and a half hours...
...we have to discuss
many matters personally, right?
Just chill. We will say
two minutes here go inside...
- ...and park ourselves there relax.
Where is he sir?
Do you have an appointment?
- No is it necessary.
Hey it seems we have to take
an appointment where do we take it.
Take an appointment now. We won't even
get the appointment of his PA.
What rubbish. Who is his PA?
He will be some useless fellow
roaming around with nothing to do.
Excuse me, who is his PA?
His PA is me.
Oh look he is the PA,
he is the jobless one listening to us.
Sir, are you the PA?
- Yes, I am the PA.
But leave that who
let you into this office.
Security. Security.
- Sir.
- Sir.
It is not like that, sir.
- We should start the work...
Sir.. sir.
Who allowed these useless
idiots into the office.
We are from St. Xavier's College sir, we
are having a youth festival in college.
For a youth festival.
You think my Boss is so jobless.
It does not matter
if he comes or not.
If he gives us
the sponsorship it will do.
- Yeah.
How much should he give?
Not much.
Just about 50,000 that's enough.
That's it.
- You step aside you come here.
How much do you want?
- Around 50,000.
Will 50,000 do or
do you want more?
If you want he will write
over this entire building to you.
If you can manage that
we will be eternally grateful...
...we will give you a 2% cut.
- Even you have to survive right?
Oh you will give me 2% is it?
- Yes.
You think I am a broker?
It is going to be.. - I know what
you will do with this money.
You will get drunk...
- It's going...
...and go around the city
with your girlfriends.
Just excuse me!
I know you guys very well.
How dare you offer 2% to me?
- Please spare us, sir.
Sorry sir he did not
know what he was saying.
Leave it sir.
- Girish Karnad. What are you doing?
Why are you here sir?
I will take care of these fools.
You? Here? When did you come?
5 minutes ago.
5 minutes.
He told us that you were
in some important meeting.
Oh that's nothing just
some silly meetings.
When one employs fools like
this they are bound to cause a scene.
Okay. I get it.
- Please come!
I came here just to apologize
for my stupid behavior...
...on the plane the other day.
Why a man of your status
is saying sorry to me?
Please come in.
Okay. Okay.
Mr. Nagarjuna feel free.
Its your office. Please come.
Okay. Okay.
Oh no, no.
not there. You should sit there.
Oh no problem, I'm fine here.
This is the first time
you've come to my office.
No no please, I'll sit right here.
- You have to sit in the Chairman seat.
Come on. Please.
Me in Chairman seat.
Are you okay?
- Yeah I'm okay. No problem.
So, Mr. Nagarjuna what will you drink?
Coffee? or Tea?
Oh no Mr. Nageswara, neither.
We're fine all unnecessary.
Listen, please don't call me Nageswara.
Call me Bittu.
Yeah! You were the one to call me..
Forget it! Call me Bittu!
Mr. Nageswara Rao, Bittu doesn't seem.
How can I call you that?
No problem at all.
I like it. Call me Bittu.
Okay Mr. Bittu.
Not Mr. Bittu. Just Bittu.
Just call him whatever he wants.
Okay Bittu.
Thank you. So you came for.
You remember that day
I met you in the flight.
How will I forget that day?
It was the best day of my life.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I told you about my college right.
Yes, St. Xavier's college, right?
- Yeah. Yes. Yes.
Actually. I am the Students
Union President in college.
- Yes.
Yes, sir.
You're the President.
I'm so proud of you.
- Thank you.
He is only the college president.
Does Mr. Bittu think he
is the President of America.
Actually we are conducting
a youth festival this month.
We tried a lot to get sponsorship,
but no one is giving us any money.
You tried a lot to get sponsorship?
In this heat, and pollution.
But no money.
If you had made just
one phone call to me.
How much do you need? Tell me.
About 50.
- 50 lakhs.
What? That's not enough. 1 crore?
Will 1 crore be enough?
One crore.
- No, no. 50 lakhs will be enough.
Forget 50 lakhs. Its too little.
I'll give you 75, average of the two.
Okay? No problem right?
You shouldn't hesitate to
ask me for such a small amount.
When you are organizing the event, how
should it be? It must be extraordinary.
- Okay. Okay.
75 lakhs.
Okay. Okay.
If you need anything else,
please do ask.
Okay, okay.
Okay lets get out of here.
Actually Bittu.
We have classes now. Well have to go.
Yes, you shouldn't miss your classes.
- Yeah, yeah. Okay Bittu.
Thank you so much Bittu, thank you.
Hey, Mr. Nagarjuna. One minute.
I will call you once in a while.
Can I have your number please?
No problem, no problem. Yeah, yeah.
You have such a fancy number!
- Okay Bittu.
One minute, one minute.
I'll give you my number.
Why number, take my card.
- Okay.
You guys take it too...
...if you need anything do call me.
- Sure. Okay.
Let's go.
- Thank you.
You've come to my office
for the first time...
...and didn't have even
a cup of tea or coffee.
Why tea or coffee,
lets party together some day.
Party? You and me?
Definitely, definitely.
Well party? Oh, you have my card right?
Don't worry I have your card.
I have your card.
I'll call you, I'll call you.
You and I have to party right?
Don't forget.
Okay, okay. See you, see you bye-bye.
- Okay bye.
Its 12:30. I have to call mom.
See called exactly at 12:30.
Hello Nageswara, this is Divya.
Where is mom? I mean where's Priya?
We are admitting her in the hospital.
What? Hospital?
Excuse me. Where is the emergency ward?
Divya.. Divya what's the emergency?
What happened to her?
Nageswara I'll talk to you later.
Which hospital?
I'm coming, wait.. wait.. wait.
Hello Pratap, this is Nageswara.
Good morning, Nageswara.
How are you?
Hey, look before anything else.
Many many congratulation on been
chosen the business man of the year.
Well, where is the party?
Thank you, Mr. Pratap.
I need a big favour from you.
Yeah, what happened?
Someone very close to me is
admitted in one of your hospitals.
And its an emergency.
If anything were to happen to her.
I'm really very worried Pratap.
Oh, okay. Which branch?
Jubilee Hills.
Jubilee Hills branch. Okay.
Don't worry. Don't worry Mr. Nageswara.
I'll put the best doctor on this job.
And.. in worst case scenario, I'll
fly in specialist on charter flight.
You.. you just relax.
Leave it to me.
She is in fine hands.
Everything will be fine.
Thank you.
Alright. Mr. Nageswara.
What is the patient name?
Patients name is Priya.
Priya. Priya. Okay.
Mr. Pratap. I never forget this.
Thank you so much.
- Alright. Thank you. Yeah.
Jubilee Hills branch?
Are you Mr. Nageswara?
- Yes
The Chairman told
us you would be coming.
Please follow me.
- How is she? What happened to Priya?
Follow me, sir.
When I'm asking you how she is.
Why are you asking me to follow you?
What is this following? How is she?
I don't know how to tell you, Sir.
What do you mean?
The cities top doctors are all here.
We did all the tests that
the Chairman asked us to do.
Who do you think Nageswara is?
He's my best friend.
If I tell you we became best
friends in one day, will you believe it?
Blood test.
No copying, no memory slips. I passed.
Nageswara always talks
so highly of his mother.
That's enough to judge his character.
Huge blackboards, hour long classes.
He taught me on a piece of paper.
- Doctor, who is this Nageswara?
Who knows, doctor.
Since she's been admitted
she's been going on...
...and on about some Nageswara chap.
I think this is a clear case of
psychological disorder.
Call the psychiatrist.
The first time I saw Nageswara
I knew there was something about him.
If you have any doubts in your duties,
ask Nageswara.
I don't understand what
you're telling me. Is she alright?
She has just had a case of indigestion.
Meaning? Food poisoning?
Very mild food poisoning.
I was hesitating to tell you because...
...I was scared you'd react
and call our chairman again.
That's why I said indigestion.
Sir, our chairman has been
torturing us for the past hour.
If you could just call him and
tell him that the problem is solved.
Not only that I'll
get him to promote you.
Thank you sir.
- Head of the department, next. Okay?
- Hi.
I ripped apart that exam.
And us too sir. Are you Mr. Nageswara?
This is the first time...
...I've heard someone's name
so many times in one hour.
What is this?
You're prescribing some medicines.
Sir, these are not for her.
These are painkillers. For all of us.
- Babu Rao, for me also.
Starting with you, sir.
Nageswara, how did you know I'm here?
You told me to call at 12:30.
Oh Divya told you right?
Where is she? Anyway sit down.
I'll tell you how I
aced that marginal utility.
Small request. Don't call me Nageswara.
Call me Bittu.
Bittu? That's so cute.
Let me guess. Your mother
gave you the name didn't she?
You... Yes.. My mother.
Its better you avoid eating outside.
It's not good.
Roadside food doesn't taste good,
no quality, no hygiene...
...if anything happens to you again.
This is not because of roadside food,
but because of our hostel food.
No proper water, no ventilation,
too many mosquitoes, the scent.
Excuse me sir.
I've have to give her saline.
Sure. Please do. I'll be right back.
Wait, wait.
I'll be right back. One minute.
Girish Karnad.
In Kukatpally there is one
St. Teresa's girls college and hostel.
Do you know it?
I know it sir.
Five times, 10 times. Whatever the rate
is, we need to buy it by this evening.
Okay? - As you wish sir,
your word is an order.
Get the best interior designers...
...and landscape artists on it
and do up the place.
Okay, sir.
One more thing.
Indian, Chinese, Continental,
Japanese, every kind of cuisine.
I want the top chef in Hyderabad.
We have to make that
hostel a star hotel. Right?
Right.. a five star hotel.
Boys, we've had a
historic youth festival.
All the credit goes to Bittu.
Bittu is great.
Well invite Bittu also to our party.
Seenu, lets wrap up for the night.
How can we go home empty handed?
Lets wait for a while Sir.
What's there to wait for?
Hey, its the cops.
Yeah its the cops.
Turn the bikes around.
When the liquor shop is that way, why
go the other way you fools. Go ahead.
Its the end of the month.
If they catch us, they'll fleece us.
You go straight to the inspector.
I'll take care of them.
Have you gone mad?
If we try to avoid them. They
will go out of their way to catch us.
If we go directly to them.
I'll make them let us go. Come on guys.
We can set everything right.
- What an idea, my boy?
Shall I go?
- Come on guys.
Sir, some bikes are coming.
You fool.
They're coming directly towards us.
That means they're clear.
Leave them alone.
Yes you can go. Proceed. Proceed.
Sir, is there any hospital nearby Sir?
What is the matter?
Nothing sir,
just a little dehydrated that's all.
Boys, you've crossed the hospital. KIMS.
Really? Why turn back now Sir?
Is there any hospital ahead.
Go about 2km up ahead.
There's a nursing home there.
Oh thank you sir, thank you sir.
You go. Start the bike.
Start it fast. Kick hard.
Check if we are on the neutral.
- I think the fuel is low.
Wait a minute, dude! I am trying.
We just filled petrol.
So try and kick properly.
What are you looking at me for officer,
can you kick start the bike please?
Boys bike trouble? Get off the bike.
Hey, take custody of the bike.
No problem sir, we can manage.
How much will you manage you idiots?
Trying to make a fool of the police?
Give me that bottle.
- Sir just mineral water sir.
Give it here.
This is water?
- I swear on you sir.
Mixing vodka in mineral water
bottles and calling it water?
He found out.
How much did you drink?
One peg sir.
- Just one for formalities sake.
You just had a peg for formality sake?
- Yeah right.
Oh God!
This breathalyzer doesn't
work even if I put the mouth...
...and now its screeching like
a fire engine from a kilometer away.
Thanks to your idea.
- Get down.
Sir, sir, sir please.
- Get down.
Get down, you useless idiots.
- Sir, sir, sir please. Sorry.
Sir, please excuse us.
There are only two types
of drunken driving cases.
If you are lucky fellows.
Then you ram into a road divider
Ora lorry and die on the spot...
...even before you
can yell for your parents.
If I, Dharma, catch you..
it means you are unlucky fellows.
It means you are doomed!! Dharma.
I am even more dangerous than a road
divider and a lorry together. Dharma!
Much more dangerous.
Are you finding it difficult
to tolerate my spitting?
You are in the hands of Dharma now.
I will book false cases on you.
I will strip you.
Sir.. sir.
- Sir.. sir.
Sir, please.
Sir can I make just one phone call?
Who are you going to call?
Trying to scare Dharma?
Sir, to my friend sir.
Bittu, sir.
Bittu? What is this Bittu?
Sir, please. Sir. Please.
Alright make the call.
Where is your phone?
In my trouser pocket, Sir.
In your trousers?
Even if you have to take it
from your underwear, make the call.
Sorry, sorry. Ladies first. Please.
Hello, Bittu.
What happened? You're calling so late.
I'm at police station Bittu.
Police station?
- Yes.
Which one?
- Here, in Punjagutta.
I'm coming right over, wait.
No Bittu. Bittu its okay,
take your time. Slowly.
Bittu, Bittu, come fast Bittu.
Come fast.
When he asked for a treadmill,
I thought he was going to work out.
He is using it to practice
for his political walk.
Oh yes. Stop it, stop it.
Unknown number, unknown number.
Stop it, stop it.
Hello Madam, low command.
Good evening.
I've been waiting for your call.
JP. JP, this is Nageswara Rao speaking.
Oh brother, its you.
How come you're calling now?
Listen carefully to
what I'm going to tell you.
Some fool has brought
a person named Nagarjuna... the Punjagutta police
station and is keeping him there.
If anything happens to him, then by
sunrise, you and your government will.
No need for such extremes, brother.
Leave it to me, I'll take care.
Okay, sir.
- Yes?
Call from home Sir. Its your wife.
I have a cell phone. Can't she call me on
that number She calls on the land-line.
To check if I'm in the station or not.
Just like cops don't trust thieves,
their wives don't trust them.
I don't trust you boys.
You might drink this.
What is it Home? I'm at the station
only. I'm not with my girl friend.
This isn't your wife.
It's me Minister on line.
Oh my God. Sir, sir, greetings sir.
Do you know who the boys
you have taken into custody are?
Sir, I don't sir.
Do you know who Nageswara Rao is?
Sir, I don't sir.
Do you know who Nagarjuna is?
Sir, I don't sir.
I stay out of their dealings.
Sir, there's been a mistake sir.
What do you think will happen to you.
Sir, it is a misunderstanding sir.
Let them go immediately.
Otherwise you'll go to hell.
Sure sir!
- Sir.
Come here.
Tell me, Sir.
You rascal.
I call my wife home minister.
Do I call the Home
Minister my Wife? Idiot.
Excuse me gentlemen, who is Mr.
Nagarjuna amongst you?
Sir. Sreenu.
- Sir.
Come here, come here.
How dare you make this gentleman sit
without warm clothing out in the cold?
Idiot. Go bring his clothes. Fast.
Please wear this, dude.
- This is enough. That Dharma...
Everything alright?
Bittu, Bittu, Bittu, Bittu.
Thank you so much for coming Bittu.
I didn't know who to call at this time.
So I called you. Sorry to trouble you.
- Don't worry about it.
You must call only me. Nobody else.
Who brought these boys here?
I am that unfortunate
unlucky person, Sir.
But I didn't arrest him.
This is a complete
misunderstanding, Sir.
I didn't give him any trouble.
Sir, please ask him.
There was no problem right?
No Bittu.
Dharma took care of us very well.
- See Sir I took good care of him.
No problem.
- If he troubles you...
I actually like this young man, Sir.
You're okay right? Lets go.
- Okay Bittu.
One minute let me finish this.
Dharma what about my bike?
Sir that bike has to be cleaned tyres
checked and the tank filled with fuel...
...I will send it to your place.
- Come lets go from here.
Don't worry, sir.
- Hey come!
All of you please come too.
- I love you dear.
Mr. Dharma take this.
- Thank you my Lord.
Why are you doing this riding
the bike after drinking isn't safe.
What if something happens to you?
If you want to drink please
come to my house and drink there.
You can do whatever you want.
I will drop you at
college in the morning.
From now on please don't
take such risks again. Okay.
Amazing Bittu.
You are not nagging me
about drinking too much...
...and instead you are inviting me
home to drink. I just love that Bittu.
Boys from tomorrow the
party is at Bittu's house.
Yes sure.
Bittu sorry.
Till now I misunderstood you.
From today you're my best friend.
Give me five Bittu, give me five please.
"I've become a mother to my mom
who gave birth to me and raised me"
"I've become a father to my dad
who taught me how to walk"
"Eye belongs to one and
the sight belongs to another"
"Together they form eye sight"
"Word belongs to one and
the meaning belongs to another"
"Both their stories made
this story move forward"
"This is love that has returned"
"This is love that has
pleasantly come my way"
"This moment has touched
and drenched my soul"
"I'm becoming a teacher to my
mom who taught me alphabets"
"I'm the path shower to my dad
who taught me how to walk"
"They are becoming the children
and I'm witnessing their mischief"
"This is the tale of me being a kid
and playing with my parents "
"This is love that has returned"
"This is love that has
pleasantly come my way"
"This moment has touched
and drenched my soul"
"I'm calling the hand that fed
me delicious food, a goddess"
"I'm building a temple to the
finger that has wiped my tears"
"I won't ever forget the warmth
of the lullabies they sang for me"
"The memories of you swinging me
in a swing are etched in my heart"
"This is love that has returned"
"This is love that has
pleasantly come my way"
"This moment has touched
and drenched my soul"
I can't believe it.
I'm so happy today.
The conversations I've
missed having with Mom.
The laughter I've missed with my Dad.
All this and more, I've experienced
in just a few days with them.
There is only one thing left.
just one more thing.
That is to get them together.
Where are you running off to?
Hey Buddy.
What did you get? Oh I understand.
So I should show them this video.
And tell them that they were
married in a different lifetime.
And that I am their son.
No Buddy.
Whats in this video
are all bad memories.
They both were constantly fighting.
I don't want to remind
them of those things.
They don't need to know I'm their son.
But they should never
remember those fights.
They must meet again. Fall in
love again. And live happily ever after.
What happened?
Why are you bleeding? What happened?
Bittu, she is Prema.
We both are in love.
Her family found out, and doesn't
approve. They made a big issue.
And we had to elope.
You have to take us to a temple
tomorrow and get us married. Please.
You trust me, right.
Of course I do Bittu.
Then listen to me.
Why should you elope and marry secretly?
I will talk to her father
and set things right for you.
Can things be set right.
It is for setting things
right that I am here.
That's why I need
her fathers phone number.
Prema, what's your fathers number?
It'll get stained.
That's alright.
I'll do it.
What is your fathers phone number?
Oh yeah.
What is your fathers name?
His name is Yashwanth Rayudu.
I'll send you his number.
I want all his details.
Yes sir.
I want 10 thugs.
And not ordinary ones.
They need to have huge mustaches
thick beards, mole on the face...
...and weapons in their hands.
Everyone should get
scared when they see them.
Leave it to me sir.
I'll take care.
I'll find ones that tremble
when they see themselves in the mirror.
Don't worry.
Okay, I'll tell you the details later.
That's where my Mom should be.
You are so pretty.
- You know get up, get up move.
I've taken care of every thing.
- Okay.
Yes Prema. You can go now.
Tomorrow he will come and talk to your
father and everything will be alright.
Bittu. I have to go.
I have taken care of everything.
Don't worry at all.
Just go meet him and tell him what is
in your heart. Everything will be fine.
Uncle. Bittu told
you the absolute truth.
Please trust me uncle.
Understand my love.
And give Prema to me.
I will love Prema even more
than you love Prema and look after her.
You can do this.
Uncle. Yes. Coming.
Looks like he's planned to kill me.
Why is the old man getting scared of me?
Lets get him.
Hey.. hey.
Please, please.
- Hello, brothers.
Hello, please.
If you don't give your
daughter to our Brother.
Don't do anything to me please.
Here you go.
When I saw everything
that happened there...
...I actually suspected that
I myself organized the entire thing.
You shouldn't think so.
Why will you do such a thing?
Then where did they come from Bittu.
Them and their weapons.
Leave all that for now.
What we need is Prema. Shall
I plan your wedding in some temple.
She will never come now.
She believes her fathers version
of the story. She doesn't trust me.
She thinks I arranged the entire thing.
Shall I go and convince her.
No need Bittu I hate her Bittu.
Not just her I hate all the women in
the world. I don't want a woman at all.
Just because she turned out this way...
...why are you saying that
you hate all women in the world.
There are good girls out there.
Bittu. You're a very clever guy.
You've understood the nature
of women and stayed single.
I will follow you from now on.
Don't marry, be happy.
There is a soul mate
out there for all of us.
Even for you, there is one.
She will come into your life soon.
No Bittu. I won't look at women again.
I will avoid them like the plague.
I won't talk to them.
I don't trust them anymore.
Oh God!
I am planning to get Mom into Dads
life and he wants to stay a bachelor.
I need a good plan to get them together.
Come on. I am already late.
Move. Follow that car.
It's.. emergency.
There's a patient in that car,
please follow it.
I'm a doctor.
There's a patient inside that car.
Please drop me at the hospital.
Follow that car.
Come on.
Help us take him out of the car.
Please help me.
Help him.
Take him into emergency
and call the blood bank, okay.
What is your blood group?
'O' positive.
Does it hurt?
No, not at all.
The patient needs blood urgently.
Your blood group is 'O'
positive universal donor.
You can donate to anyone.
Please take my blood.
Don't worry. Taking 350 ml
is not going to affect you at all.
No problem, no problem.
Take as much as you want.
You are saving a life.
Mom! Dad!
Uncle, you're up?
I'm Dr. Anjali
Would you like some water?
How are you feeling now?
Did you sleep well?
Take a deep breath.
Do you have any pain?
You're feeling better right?
Uncle, do you know
how I found you today?
It was as if you called
out to me for help.
I was buying something
by the road, Uncle.
I felt like someone called out to me.
I came running there to find you
injured, calling out for your mother.
That was when he came there, Uncle.
It was as if he came
there just to help you.
As though he was there
just to bring us to the hospital.
He even gave blood for you Uncle.
I feel as if everything magically
came together for you, Uncle.
In all that confusion,
I forgot to ask him his name.
Food for you, Uncle.
Don't get up, I will feed you.
Open your mouth.
I don't know if I am unlucky
to have lost you at the age of 8...
...or whether I am lucky to
have met you again at the age of 80.
They say that when parents give life,
children are born.
To give me life again today,
if my parents are reborn...
...then I am the luckiest
person in the world.
I have heard this story a
thousand times from my grandmother... she put me to bed.
My parents love story.
My grandfathers name is Bangaru Naidu.
In those days,
he was a very wealthy man.
All the rice mills in
our town belonged to him.
My father was the only
heir to my grandparents.
His name was Sitaram.
My grandfather,
being a man of Gandhian principles...
...wanted my father to become a lawyer.
My father was one of the few fortunate
Indians to be educated in London.
When in London,
my father developed a craze for cars.
When my grandfather
unexpectedly passed away...
...father had to
discontinue his studies...
...and come back home
to take care of his business.
Father left London behind,
but not his craze for cars.
This is the model which
the Maharaja of Mysore has.
If you approve, I can have it
at your doorstep by tomorrow evening.
Can you marry these cars
or have children with them?
I've told you a thousand times, Mom.
I don't want to get married.
Show me the picture.
Did you hear what he said, Sharma?
Let me take care of it. I will make
him fall in love today. Have a look.
Is that your plan?
I will show him some pictures too.
Sir, how is this model.
Look, look at this girl.
She is beautiful.
- Mother, please, no.
Sir, look at this car.
Give me another photo.
Please take a look at this.
- This car...
Have a look at this girl.
Pretty, isn't she?
- Mother, no.
This car is very good.
Mother, look at this girl.
Pretty, isn't she?
Who is this girl?
There's been a small mistake.
This proposal will not match
your standards. They are very poor.
Apart from her grandmother...
...this girl has nobody,
nor does she come from wealth.
Mother, what do we need?
We need a wonderful girl to come
into our home. And that is this girl.
But her family...
After marriage, her family will be mine.
She will be my mothers daughter-in-law.
You talk of her wealth.
Our wealth is hers.
Do you realize what her status
will be once she marries me, Sharma?
What are you waiting for?
My Sitaram likes this girl.
Before someone else looks at her,
go and fix the match as soon as you can.
I will do it at once.
Sharma, give me that photo please.
I want this car.
Sure, Sir.
I don't understand this, Sharma.
After rejecting so many girls,
I finally accepted one.
When we approached the family,
they put some conditions.
We agreed to all of them.
Now what is this new demand asking
for 6 months time before the wedding?
What is the reason?
I don't think this is a demand, Sir.
It seems more like a request.
Its only 6 months they are asking.
Time will fly.
What are you saying, Mother?
These demands are irrelevant.
I want to marry her.
The car has arrived.
Here you go. Your cheetah awaits.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
The car is here.
Now we need her to come.
The issue is I wanted to marry
her after seeing her photograph.
If she has to feel the same way,
then she needs to see me too, right?
What happened to this damn thing?
I will kill that salesman.
Thank god it stopped here.
If it stopped in her village,
I would have lost face.
God alone knows which parts are missing.
He said its a new car
If any part is required,
I have to get it from London.
Who is it?
Come out from there.
What? Why are you staring at me?
Come out from under there. Come fast.
Break this and give it to me. Fast.
Come fast.
Do I have to tell you everything?
Come and hold her down.
Instead of staring at me,
go get her some water.
I told you to stay home.
Why did you come here?
Why do you need to struggle in the sun?
I feel you're in a hurry to
go to your son and daughter-in-law.
They abandoned me and passed away.
Now you want to follow?
Don't you love me?
If you go, who do I have left?
Its not that.
You've asked for only 6
months time before the wedding...
...and you are working so hard.
I just wanted to help out
That is when Father found out
why mother had asked for the 6 months.
As per tradition,
on the day of the wedding...
...the grooms clothes have
to be given by the brides family.
When he saw the struggle she was going
through just to buy a pair of clothes...
...he understood the
dire poverty she came from.
She had to till the little land she had,
harvest the crop and sell it.
And then she would earn
the money to buy the clothes.
Realizing the efforts taken by mom
to buy him clothes impressed my dad.
Until then, Father only liked my mother.
At that moment,
he fell in love with her.
What are you standing there
like a statue? Give me that water.
Who is this?
He doesn't look like
he's from our village.
Can't you see?
He is a thief.
Someone's motor car stopped on the road.
He was stealing parts from it.
That is wrong, Son. You seem healthy.
Why don't you work for a living?
That's what I came here for.
- What?
To work for a living.
Will you give me some water?
No I won't. Go away.
I helped you bring
your Grandmother home.
Can't you at least give me some water?
When we were bringing grandma home,
your were staring at me.
You think I didn't notice?
When did I look at you?
Why would I look at you?
Just because I can't speak
properly don't think I'm a fool.
If had met someone who
talks back like you 4 days ago.
What happened 4 days ago?
Do you want to know what happened?
My marriage was fixed.
Do you know who I'm getting married to?
He is a Zamindar. Such a good man.
Even though I'm poor, he is marrying me.
Even though he knows that I stammer,
he wants to marry me.
He even agreed to my Grandmother
living with us after the wedding.
If he finds out that
you've been gazing me.
He will kill you.
I don't know what he saw
in you that he wants to marry you.
But you should know that
I'm not interested in you at all.
Do you know why?
I'm also getting married.
Only if you could see the girl I'm
getting married to. She is so beautiful.
Can you do me a small favour?
I overheard you talking
to your grandmother...
...about your marriage,
the harvest, the clothes.
All this will take at least 6 months.
If I lend a hand,
the same thing can be done in 3 months.
3 months?
Yes. If the marriage has to happen soon,
then I need to step in.
Will you help me?
For who? Its my need after all.
Your need?
Your grandmother told me
to work for a living didn't she.
From today I have decided to do that.
But I don't have any money to pay you.
Did I ask for money?
If a person steals or works hard,
its only for food.
Anyway you cook everyday for
yourself and your grandmother right?
Just give me food. I will work all day.
You asked for water.
Drink this porridge.
Sister, Sister, Sister.
...a ball to play.
You see that abandoned car there?
Take whatever you want from it.
Go on!
- Hey! Come all of you.
Hey! I want that one.
Give it to me!
- No. It's mine
I love you.
That is, give me that.
You said something else.
I love you.
What does it mean?
In English, that's the way you say.
Give that to me.
So this thief knows English too?
Just that word.
Thanks. Take this.
I love you.
- I love you.
"Hey, sweet little desires
have aroused in me"
"My heart has done little dances"
"Tiny thoughts have swung in my heart"
"What to do"
"My first sight is on you"
"My first word is with you"
"My first step is for you"
"My first love is you"
"I'll be with you till the end"
"This word is hidden in me"
"Hey, sweet little desires
have aroused in me"
"Tiny thoughts have swung in my heart"
Sita! I love you!
I love you!
This one?
Not that. I love you.
Is it this one?
That one. I love you!
"I love you"
"Give to me"
"I came with love"
"I won you with friendship"
"Love and friendship, both are mine"
"I came with light"
"I became your shadow"
"You're my companion
in light and darkness"
"My heart is beating hard
because of you only"
"You became my heartbeat"
"Hey, sweet little desires
have aroused in me"
"Tiny thoughts have swung in my heart"
How is it? Will he like it?
I love you.
Its lovely. He will definitely love it.
Tell me.
I will leave now.
You're leaving?
I told you.
The work will get done in two months.
The girl you're going
to marry is very lucky.
If you're so helpful
to an acquaintance like me.
Imagine how much you
will care for your wife.
The man you're going
to marry is even more lucky.
If you keep a person who is
so far away so close to your heart.
When you both meet he
will lose himself to you.
One lifetime isn't enough
for such deep love Ramalakshmi.
"This is Goddess Sita's
wedding celebrations."
"This is Lord Ram's
wedding celebrations."
There is a different time for
first night ask him to tie the knot.
Sita its time to tie the knot.
- Yes!
I love you.
Please give it to me this way.
"You came as my friend"
"You became my husband"
"You have gifted me life"
"We are two people"
"We grew up as one"
"We are turning to three in our love"
"You have shared me love"
"You have treated me as a child"
"Now our love has become a child"
"Hey, sweet little desires
have aroused in me"
"Tiny thoughts have swung in my heart"
"Hey, sweet little desires
have aroused in me"
"My heart has done little dances"
"Tiny thoughts have swung in my heart"
"What to do"
"My first love is you"
"I'll be with you till the end"
"This word is hidden in me"
"Hey, sweet little desires
have aroused in me"
"Tiny thoughts have swung in my heart"
Let me check.
You still have fever.
There is no way you can come with us.
Then you don't leave me and go.
- Rama.
I am coming.
You carry on.
Chaitanya is not well
I will stay with him.
I can not go there without you Rama.
They told us so many times
that we both have to be there.
But he has fever.
My mother and your grandmother
will take care of him.
Anji, what are you doing? Venkaiah.
Yes sir.
Venkaiah come here, take him away.
Give him something to eat.
He will stop barking then. Lets go Rama.
This movement is to end
the foreign rule over us.
Everyone will have to come together
to make this movement a success.
Civilians must become soldiers.
Praises to Mother India
Gandhiji has come all the way
from Delhi they have gone to meet him.
They will return this evening.
- Where is the little one?
What is it?
- My stomach hurts grandma.
Stomach ache?
Call Mother and Father, now.
Drive faster.
I am. We will be there in 5 minutes.
I told you that I would not come.
Rama, Mother is with him.
She will take care of him.
Nothing will happen to him.
What if he is in a lot of pain?
He must be struggling.
Look, please don't cry.
I can't bear your tears.
You know that, don't you?
Here take this.
Rama, don't cry.
What if he is in pain?
I hope nothing happens to him.
Nothing will happen to him.
He will take on our life
and live a very long life.
80 years have passed...
...without me knowing whether
it was their blessing or Gods curse.
I have spent so much
time in hurt and guilt...
...searching for ways
to redeem myself of my mistake.
I prayed to God many times...
...if a mistake of a child
warranted such a huge punishment.
I lost my parents when I pretended
to have pain that I didn't.
But God brought them back
to me when I was really in pain.
My responsibility now is to help
my parents live a long and happy life...
...together with children...
...grandchildren and
...just as I have lived mine.
She isn't wearing a toe ring.
That means she is not married.
What about father? I should find out.
What happened? You seem distracted.
Nothing like that.
Until now I've seen and met many women,
but never felt anything.
I've always been consumed
by work and nothing else.
Somehow. when I saw this girl,
my heart began to beat faster.
The closer she came, the faster it beat.
Oh my God! That's so sweet.
You finally in love.
Tell me, tell me, tell me.
Who is this girl?
She is...
Wait a minute.
Apparently a lot is
happening behind my back.
Anyway, its alright.
It is enough if you like her.
I mean its not like there's any rule
that I should also like her, is there?
Oh, no. Look here.
How can I do anything you don't like?
You have to approve everything.
If that's the case,
I have a few conditions.
The girl has to be very beautiful.
She must have long hair.
We must find out her family background.
- Okay.
In matters of marriage,
that is very important.
What does she do?
She is a doctor.
Wow. Doctor?
There should be a doctor at home Bittu.
If anything happens to
anyone she will take care.
Bittu, you're running such a high
temperature. Why didn't you tell me?
Come lets go to the doctor.
- I don't have fever.
Oh God. We will go to our doctor.
Come, come.
- Okay.
If we tell the receptionist the doctors
name, we can get her details easily.
What is her name?
I don't know.
What? Love without knowing her name?
Alright, do you at least
know the patients name?
Then how are we supposed to find her?
When she's near, my
heart beats faster.
Oh I see.
Is your heart some kind of GPS?
We have to search everywhere. Come on.
- Okay.
Do you feel anything?
- No, my heart is beating normally.
God knows where she is.
Okay, come.
What happened?
She is definitely somewhere nearby.
How do you know?
Beating faster is it? Lets go.
Its you.
Yes. And you.
I'm taking care of the patient. You?
I came to see you...
I gave blood, right.
I came to take it.
You want your blood back?
Yes. No, no, no.
I came to inquire how it is working.
How the blood is working?
Well, its working quite well.
Please, come in.
Do you like her?
Bittu, she's perfect. I love her.
Hello, Uncle. Are you better?
Much better.
I'm very well. I'm so happy. So happy.
Uncle, you remember him?
How can I forget him?
We have a blood relationship don't we?
You've helped me so much,
but I didn't even get to ask your name.
What is your name?
I'm Nageswara Rao.
You can call me Nageswara.
Hi, I'm Anjali.
Bittu she's a cardiologist.
Shall we tell her?
About your hear beating faster.
What happened?
What is it, dear?
- Uncle?
Are you unwell?
I'm fine Uncle. Its nothing.
- Bittu.
Just tell her.
In any case why don't you get
a check up? Its better. Why don't you...
- Go. Go, Bittu.
Tell me.
I feel my heart beating
faster than usual.
When do you feel that?
Remember we met in the car yesterday?
I felt it then.
And now again,
I felt it when I came to the hospital.
You opened the door,
and it got back to normal.
Your heart is absolutely fine.
So far I've been
taking care of everything.
But now, we have to discharge you.
If a family member of yours comes...
What happened, Uncle?
Why are you crying?
Its nothing.
You said discharge, right?
If you just give me the bill,
I will pay and leave.
No, no. Lets call your family.
There isn't anyone to call.
What do you mean Uncle?
I'm all alone.
How can I let you go like that?
We shall go to my apartment.
There's nobody there but me.
It will be peaceful.
Anyhow, we have to
check you daily, right.
Excuse me do you have
to check him every day?
Do you have to check Uncle every day?
Then there is a problem.
If Uncle is at your place
he will be left unattended...
...when you come to the hospital right?
There is only one solution for this.
- What?
Let uncle come and stay at my house.
I don't have a problem,
but it is Uncles choice.
- I'm not okay with that.
What? Why?
I don't want to be a burden
on your wife and children.
I'm not married yet.
I don't have children.
- What?
I'm single.
I'm a bachelor. Apart from my parents,
there is nobody else in my heart.
You will come everyday, right?
Welcome Uncle.
Hi, Buddy.
This is my best friend, Buddy.
What are you looking at?
That car? Since I was young
I've been crazy about that car.
Come, I will show you to your room.
Sorry, sorry. Praise the Lord Father.
May the Lord be praised.
Its not enough that
you look at the floor.
You have to look up and
down when you're walking.
Fa.. Fa.. Father. Fa.. Fa.. Father.
Praise the Lord Father.
Raise this father, my son!
Is it hurting, Father?
Its exploding, my son.
Oh God. It looks like
your back is broken.
Come on, Father.
Shall I get some medicine for you?
Shut it and go, my son.
As you wish. Bye.
Father, praise the Lord.
The Lord may... oh.
What is this?
I can smell alcohol in the hostel.
My son.
Praise the Lord Father.
Praise the Lord Father.
May the Lord be praised.
What happened my Son? Sit, sit.
My heart has been destroyed Father.
I understand.
40 years back, the same thing happened
to me. That is why I'm like this now.
Really? Meaning that
Prema hurt your heart too?
Its because my heart got hurt that
I became a father to idiots like you.
Otherwise I would have
been a father to my own children.
Father, Father, Father. If you have
a spare dress, please give it to me.
I will also become a Father like you.
Don't play with the my faith, my son.
I can understand your
broken heart and drunken soul.
Love is always pure.
If at all there are problems,
they arise only because of humans.
But there is no connection
between those people and me, Father.
No, my son. You shouldn't say things
like that. You and those people are one.
No, Father.
- Yes, my son.
No, Father. No, I am not agreed.
- Yes.
Yes, my son.
That side. That side.
"Love is so sweet."
"Parting is very difficult."
Get out!
Bittu, Bittu, Bittu.
Who are you?
Isn't Bittu here?
No Bittu, no Kittu. Get out of here.
Drinking at this age.
I must've come to the wrong house.
Sorry, sorry. My mistake.
I think I drank too
much and came to next house.
Why did you come again?
Is Mr. Nageswara Rao here, Sir?
Oh you've come for him?
Looking at you, I thought
you were the owner of the house.
You work here then?
- Hey!
What's your name?
Chai. Chaitanya.
Oh God. Chai, Chaitanya. You
say it as if you're Bond, James Bond.
Not bad. You have a youthful name.
Not just in my name. In me, too.
That's good for me, then.
I will give you something to do, Mr.
Chai. You can bring my luggage in.
How dare you?
You tell a man your grandfathers
age to bring in your luggage?
If you're as old as my grandfather,
then I'm as old as your grandson.
Can't you do it for your grandson?
And you were saying that there's
youth in you. Go on. Give it a try.
Its not your fault.
I will talk to Bittu.
Hey! Hey!
- Bittu! Bittu!
Dad! When did you come?
- Hi Bittu!
Bittu, what is this?
Why is your housekeeper wearing
such expensive clothes?
You should hire young and strong staff.
He is right. You should hire him.
He is fit enough. He will be able
to clean the floor and wash the clothes.
What is this Bittu?
- Calm down.
He is a very important person.
His name is Chaitanya.
This is my father...
I mean my best friend, Nagarjuna.
Why are you close to people who drink in
the middle of the day and cause trouble?
Bittu. I drank during
the day because of that.
Yes. Every drunkard
has a reason to get drunk.
Hey Bittu! I need another drink.
- Okay, dad!
Sure, dad!
- Let's go to the bar.
Give him a full bottle.
He will drink and fall flat.
That crazy Francis.
What did he do?
What's it to him if I drink Bittu?
Yes, you were drinking outside
somewhere. What's it to him?
No Bittu, I drank in the hostel only.
even if you drank in the hostel you
wouldn't have created a nuisance right?
No Bittu. I drank,
and then I threw up a little.
What's the big deal? When people drink
a little too much they do throw up.
You can clean that.
Bittu, if it falls on the floor,
someone can clean it.
He came and stood right in front of me.
A little bit fell on his shirt.
If it fell on his clothes
he can change them, right?
When I threw up,
a little fell in his mouth.
Because of that he got mad.
He could have warned me, fined me.
How can he send me out of the hostel?
- Correct.
That's a bit much?
That isn't called sending out.
Its called throwing out.
Mr. Chaitanya.
I'm keeping quiet because you are
Bittu's close friend. Otherwise...
Even I'm keeping quiet because
you're close to him. Otherwise...
Why are you even friends
with this drunkard?
Two young guys will
obviously be friends.
Why would he hang out
with an old man like you.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Old? Who are you calling old?
Everyone becomes old someday.
You will also become old.
Old is diamond, not gold.
You call yourself young?
Do you even know what being young is?
In my day do you know what fun I had?
What romance I did?
For all that, you need discipline.
If you keep drinking like this,
you will become old in no time.
Is it your heart that broke,
or your love that failed?
You are you preaching so much.
If you ever failed in love once, you
will understand what I'm going through.
Every drunkard uses the excuse
of failed love to drink. What rubbish.
Why don't you quit drinking?
Alright. But I will quit
after you have a drink with me.
Yes. Have a drink with me.
After that I will stop.
Useless fellow.
You go ahead and drink if you want,
spoil your own health.
Why are you asking him to join you?
Don't worry so much about him.
Even I have love for him.
He is as important to me
as he is to you. What say, Bittu?
You have a drink with me, Bittu.
I can't understand who this guy is?
Here, take this.
What is this?
I think I will fall
flat just with the smell.
Why are you entertaining him?
Why are you drinking
when you don't have the habit?
Uncle, do you drink?
Me? Once in a while.
- Yes.
Then drink this.
Me? In front of you?
Not in front of me. Behind me. Here.
Behind you?
Alright give it here. I will drink it.
Cheers, Bittu.
You drank the full thing
without waiting for me?
He is new to this, right?
Gulped it down.
Drink slowly, Bittu.
Don't listen to the old man.
Yes, drink slowly.
Uncle, Uncle. Where is he?
Where is Uncle?
What is this?
You drank and you are steady.
He didn't drink but he is swaying?
I'm not swaying. I'm very steady.
Something's not right here. You
have to drink this in front of me now.
I won't believe it until I see.
Drink it all up. Drink.
Did you see that?
"Hey! No stopping!"
"We are losing."
"Let's party everybody!"
"Open the bottle."
"Bring a glass."
"Fill it to the brim."
"Let's enjoy the drink."
"You will get high."
"Enjoy to the fullest."
"Party all night"
"Lead life like a king."
"I see heaven when I have that nectar."
"Ditch you sorrows,
go ahead and keep smiling."
"Drink! Drink! Drink the entire thing!"
"Irrespective of date or time, when
you drink this, you become the King."
"Go ahead and drink the whole thing."
"I am losing my mind."
"Do you think you are losing
your state of mind."
"Man! Oh my man! Think over it!"
"We are the finest in the town!"
"I was born."
"Society was overjoyed when I was born."
"When I cried, world smiled at me."
"When I smiled,
it was world's turn to cry."
"I don't have any more business
in this world."
"I don't care!"
"We don't care."
"Say this! Say it all."
"Don't be shy! Come over and dance."
"Come and be the king of night."
"King! This is a calling."
"Come on and dance with us."
"Open the bottle!"
"Take a glass!"
"Drink it fully."
"Come let's have a drink."
"Go ahead and drink the whole thing."
"Society was overjoyed when I was born."
"When I cried, World smiled at me."
"When I smiled,
it was world's turn to cry."
"I don't have any more
business in this world."
"I don't care!"
- You must call me Bittu.
What is that smell? I smell Alcohol.
Don't disturb me.
- Oh, you.
What is this? Did you drink?
We gave him just two small pegs.
Doctors say its good for the heart no?
Did you give him his
medicines last night?
You don't take the medicines
that doctors prescribe...
...but you will drink
using the doctors name.
Actually, you see...
What is this Mr. Nageswara Rao?
I sent Uncle with you thinking
you will take good care of him.
But you're behaving so irresponsibly.
Its not his fault at all.
Okay. It is not his fault. But...
Why did you drink?
Me... He is there, right
All drunk
Its all because of him.
He is the one to blame. Get up, you.
Who hit me?
You're able to feel
someone hitting you is it?
God. The old man has
started early in the morning.
What is this Bittu?
T-shirt, jeans.
If you got ready so early...
...then its definitely for some girl.
Hello, good morning.
I am Nagarjuna.
- Anjali.
I don't think he has sobered down yet.
Go wash your face.
Oh God. I didn't sleep
next to you out of any love.
I got drunk and fell next to you, that's
all. Old man is getting flattered.
Bittu, your clothes, this changeover,
all for this girl, right?
What do you think of her?
Perfect match.
But is everything ok from her side too?
Who knows?
Bittu, in this generation...
...for chemistry to happen,
there must be some physics involved.
By physics I mean,
you know, some physical contact.
Like salsa. Arrange for a dance class.
The chemistry will happen automatically.
After that, she will be all yours.
Now let me go in and chat with her.
Okay, okay, okay.
- You don't worry.
You have given me such good
idea to get mom and you together.
Mom also loves to dance.
Just watch the fun now.
What happened? Why are you crying?
I am not crying.
Come, lets go shopping for dance class.
What dance?
Our college is conducting a program
on valentines day for the first time.
Both of us have been selected for it.
From tomorrow, two weeks full salsa.
Come on.
- Lets go.
If this was for routine dancing,
I wouldn't have come.
This is salsa.
We can actually get to touch a girl.
That's why I came.
This is a college arranged dance event.
There won't only be anyone worth it here.
By accident if a
good-looking one comes along.
All the guys will be after her.
This is only an official
way to cut classes.
Thank you.
- You have unrealistic expectations.
One can keep hoping dude.
He didn't look all that docile.
He was profusely sweating.
I am sure he was...
Hello. Excuse me.
Don't, Radha. Stay away from me.
I don't want anything between us again.
What Radha? Why Radha? Who Radha?
I am Nagarjuna. You can call me Nag.
Why did you call me?
My kerchief.
Thank you.
- Hello, hello, hello madam.
"Come on!
Get on the dance floor!"
My name is Leonardo DiCaprio!
You all know why you are here.
So I won't waste too much of your time.
Really? Promise?
- Very good, very good. Keep it up.
Dance is an art.
And when it comes to salsa,
you all have to be in the mood.
And for you to be in the mood...
- Hi. need a romantic partner.
Only then can you do justice to salsa.
- Hi.
In dance there must be passion,
compassion, romance and chemistry.
Okay, now we shall start the pairing.
- Good looking. Come.
Sir, how are you?
Yeah good, good. Now lets call the lady.
Yes lets call her.
Please. Please.
- I think its her. Hey Priya.
Cute, isn't she? Come, come.
Sir, thank you sir, thank you sir. She's
perfect for you. Yes perfect for me sir.
Happy sir, very happy sir.
- You're happy right?
You're happy, I'm happy.
- Thank you sir.
Now look here. I want the chemistry
between you two be of cosmic levels.
There should be love.
- Okay, sir.
Okay sir.
- There should be affection.
Now what about me?
Master, I have a question.
- Yes.
Please set something for me too please.
Am I a broker to set something for you?
I will kick you.
Find someone for yourself.
Come on guys.
All of you choose your pairs.
- Where are you my dear?
Yeah. Good, good.
I can keep my hand
around her waist, right?
Of course you must.
- No problem, sir.
Hold her waist there's no problem.
- Thank you, sir.
You remember Priya?
I want chemistry between you. Music.
Nagarjuna, hold her properly.
Cut, cut, cut.
What happened?
What happened? Nothing is happening.
What did you say?
That you wanted romance, right?
Without eye contact
how romance will happen?
It will never come.
She is not looking.
- What?
Eye contact.
Eye contact. What happened?
Do you have a problem with your eyes?
I am looking, sir.
I don't see that happening.
When you look at him,
you must floor him with your eyes.
Only then will romance come.
Have you understood?
Nagarjuna look at her.
Is it coming? Has it come?
- Yes master its coming.
Start music master. Its coming master.
- Don't be shy. Hold her. Very good.
Cut, cut, cut, cut.
What happened now?
What is the problem?
What is this master? How will
there be romance without a smile?
She isn't smiling?
Why should I smile? I am dancing right?
Oh Prabhu Deva. To dance gracefully,
you should smile, my dear.
Dance with a smile, there is no problem.
Not like that.
Smile properly. Smile wide.
I am smiling.
- Yes good. She is smiling Nagarjuna.
She is smiling master,
yes she is smiling.
Romance is coming master.
Start music. Start, start, start.
All the best Nagarjuna.
Start the music.
- I am able to feel the romance now.
The guy at the counter took a long time.
That is why I made
special coffee for you.
I realized that if you like
someone we can do anything for them.
Excuse me.
Don't touch my phone.
Don't you dare touch my phone.
Wait, wait, wait.
Why are you staring at it shamelessly?
To even sit here, don't you have any.
- Clock tower signal.
There is a tree opposite it.
Time around 10:20.
Maybe 30-31 days back.
Look here.
Unbelievable. This is destiny.
This is fate. It brings people
together even if they don't want it to.
What nonsense.
This isn't destiny or fate.
Don't you understand
the concept of coincidence?
Some things just happen
for no reason at all. Stupid.
Ladies first,
ladies first, Ladies always have to be.
No call yet.
Dance class would've gotten done by now.
Its 5:30. Call me.
It is dad!
- I am finished Bittu.
What happened?
I've come for a dance
class from college Bittu.
You should see my partner.
- Bye.
You have to see her to believe it.
What's her name?
Priya, Bittu. Priya.
I haven't seen such a beautiful girl.
But Bittu, you should have seen how
much I tried to get her to smile today.
Everything blew up in my face.
What happened? Why?
Who knows Bittu? Fate, destiny...
Move that's my car.
- ...phosphate, sulphate.
That's my car.
- Hello.
What? Who are you talking to?
Yeah that's what Bittu. In the potassium
permanganate and sodium nitrate in the.
What are you saying? You are saying
something about potassium permanganate?
Come on!
- I don't understand what you say.
In the potassium permanganate and
sodium nitrate..
When sulfur dioxide mixes with.
I don't understand what you are saying.
My chemistry just
physically went away now.
I will come home and
tell you everything okay? Bye.
Okay, bye.
As you asked, Priya is going for the
dance class from today.
Thank you mother.
Ma? Ma. Why didn't you call me? I've
been waiting for your call for so long.
I was just thinking about you.
Sit, sit.
How was your day?
Forget about my day.
Tell me about yours.
Did you do anything new today?
Oh yes I just remembered.
I am going for a dance class from today.
Oh wow dance class.
Did you meet somebody interesting?
New dance partner?
Waste Bittu.
Is there a problem
with your dance partner?
I don't even remember
that dance partners face.
You don't even remember his face?
From now on you will remember
every minute. Just one minute.
That stupid dance master.
Idiot. Leonardo.
Hey, come fast.
- What happened?
Class would have started.
- Oh okay.
What happened? Why did you stop?
Nothing. Lets go.
Hi, girls. How's my landing?
Why did you come down like that?
The lift wasn't working.
There isn't a lift here at all.
No lift, lift not working,
isn't it all the same?
Judging by your behavior yesterday,
I thought you wouldn't come today.
I also thought of leaving.
But you gave a signal from your car,
right? I heard that and stayed behind.
Car sound signal. For you?
Yes, yes.
Get a life.
Good morning bloody nasty students.
I was shouted at by the high command
for the lack of romance between you all.
So we are going to
increase the dosage today.
Nagarjuna... Priya
Today we are going
to introduce a new step.
What is that?
How do I explain?
What I mean is that today when
you dance, your hearts must become one.
Okay sir. Okay sir.
It should be very strong
you see performance.
- That's performance.
Yeah, yeah.
- Performance.
Strong? Alright.
Alright. Will give a strong one.
- Okay so sweet.
Okay Nagarjuna,
she said she would give it.
You take it.
- Sure sir.
Oh God!
Oh no!
I'm so happy.
A communication has started between us.
Of course, its not a must that
you have to react as sweetly as me...
...but as long as you react,
its all good.
Hey listen.
What exactly is your problem?
You come to me, talk nonsense.
I get angry just
listening to your voice.
I love you.
What is this?
You asked me to give this to you right?
You asked for this didn't you?
Not this?
You heard it that way?
Give me that.
Who is your gardener?
Ask him to talk to me.
- Sure.
He isn't taking care of them well.
They should be treated like children.
Why are you staring at me?
Are you wondering
why I'm looking at them?
You want me to tell
them the truth right?
Parents can bear any
pain for their children...
...but knowing that their child has
little time to live, will break them.
If desire is strong enough,
I believe that my wish will come true.
My desire now is only
that I be born again to them.
Why hasn't she come yet?
Your partner hasn't come?
Is that why you are not dancing?
Don't worry. She will come. Okay.
Girish Karnad. Sir.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
You know that don't you?
I know Sir. Feb 13.
I want you to arrange a grand party.
How come Sir?
You normally never
celebrate your birthday...
...because your parents
passed away the next day.
I'm telling you. Arrange a party.
Okay sir.
There are two important
guests whom I will invite myself.
I will arrange everything Sir.
I've done everything you asked.
Leave Priya to me.
Getting her there is my responsibility.
Thank you so much Bittu. You
are the best friend in the whole world.
- Hi, sir.
How are you?
- Greeting, sir.
Thank you for coming.
What a fantastic car. What's this Uncle?
A small gift from me to you.
You being with me itself is a huge gift.
It will make me happy.
This is a gift I cannot refuse.
I love this car.
I love you, Uncle. I love you.
I thought you wouldn't come.
Why would you think
that I wouldn't come?
you're a bit late.
I assumed you wouldn't come.
Tell me. How do I look?
What is this?
Traditional clothes.
I really liked them.
They will look good on you.
Don't laugh okay?
Give it here.
I've been waiting so
long to hear you say that.
I love you too.
I love you three.
I love you four. I love you five.
That's the car sir
gave instructions about.
I will go inform him.
- Okay.
Good evening, Madam.
Sir is waiting for you inside.
- This way.
Alright. Go in that way.
- Sure, ma'am!
I love you Krishna.
If I had another second
of life left in me then...
...those would've been
my last words to you.
The first time I saw you in this life...
...they should have been
my first words to you.
Then, I didn't know that
I had to tell you, and so I didn't.
Now even though
I want to tell you so badly...
...the situation never presented itself.
Not today. I remembered
our past on that day itself.
That night the thunder woke me up.
I saw you next to Bittu.
Instantly I knew I had met you before.
I slowly got reminded of us, our past.
I remembered everything Krishna.
How much you loved me, how much
I made you suffer, I remember all of it.
I wanted us,
who left Bittu and went away.
To go back to him
as his mother and father.
But that night, it became clear to
me that you could not stand me Krishna.
In that life we had an
arranged marriage, Krishna.
You came into my life without
any effort from my part...
...I didn't realize your worth.
Even so, I never betrayed you.
I never cheated on you.
Leave aside love that
lasts across births.
Was your hate for me in
our past life all that lasted?
They say that if there is love,
even sins are forgiven.
For a mistake I never committed,
do I deserve this punishment Krishna?
I am not asking you to love me now.
Scold me, hit me, fight with me.
But don't distance me from you.
I am telling you this out of fear
that we may not get this chance again.
Without you,
death is far better than life Krishna.
Priest, Good morning.
Sir, today is your parents
death anniversary... if you tell me when
you're coming for the ceremony...
...I can make the arrangements...
Sharmaji, Sharmaji. There won't
be any need for that from now on.
What do you mean sir?
I mean that there is no need anymore.
Good day.
102 degrees.
This is the effect of last nights party.
You have to stay on bed all day today.
Complete rest. Alright?
Uncle, I will be right back.
- What happened?
They've gone out. There's an oil leak.
The brakes will fail again. Everything
is happening just like before.
Call and tell
I've been trying. Their lines are gone.
Where have they gone?
Lakshmi said that they have
gone to the Srinivasa temple.
Don't worry. Nothing will
happen to them. Come, lets go.
Buddy, stop it!
Buddy, shut up!
- No! Buddy!
Security. Come and take him away.
- Sir.
Come soon. Go on. Move it.
- Okay, sir.
Anjali come. Come soon.
- Okay.
Lakshmi, Lakshmi.
- Coming.
Where have they gone?
They've gone to the Srinivasa temple.
Please stop. Auto. Please stop.
My family has gone ahead in a car.
The brakes aren't working. They
are in danger. Will you help me please?
Priya. No, Krishna.
Should I call you Krishna or Priya?
Call me Priya.
Okay, Priya.
Yes, Mr. Nagarjuna.
See! They are there!
Priya, Priya wear your seat belt.
The brakes are not working.
- Dad.
Bittu, the brakes aren't working.
I will do something. Hold on.
- Okay.
Mom! Mom!
Are you okay?
Bittu! Bittu!
- Dad!
Thank you so much, Bittu.
You have come at the right moment!
- Dad!
Are you okay?
- Okay, Bittu. Yeah.
Thank you, Bittu.
I can't believe this.
My God!
- You guys are okay?
- Uncle.
Oh no. Uncle.
- Uncle.
Uncle. Uncle.
- Are you okay?
Uncle. Uncle.
Uncle. Are you okay?
Thank you so much Uncle.
You came at the right time.
Otherwise the lorry
would've definitely hit us.
Uncle, thank you so much!
- Thank you so much!
You saved us!
- You came at the perfect time.
Thank you so much uncle.
- Dear!
It wasn't me who saved you.
- What?
He was somewhere here, that boy.
Look there!
"Cheers for the Star."
"Yeah! Cheers to him."
"Cheers for the Star."
"He is the man! Ah! Ah! Akhil!"
"He is the star! Reaches the sky."
"He is the star! Ah! Ah! Akhil!"
Granddad, you're okay, no?
- Okay.
What was that?
Hi, I am Akhil.
- You are all we see!
You are everything!
You will always remain in
our memories.
Srinath ;-)