Manchester by the Sea (2016) Movie Script

That makes all my actions
when I move through the world,
I do things better 'cause I can
see it all laid out like a map.
Have you ever looked
at a map?
Yes, if I'm not mistaken.
Do you know how to read a map?
Do you know how to read a map?
Your father's a perfectly good guy,
but it is a lot of stuff
that he just doesn't understand
about the world that I understand.
Listen, huh?
My dad...
I haven't asked you
a question, yet.
Listen. Shh, don't tell you mother.
Shut up, be quiet.
Shush, be quiet.
I haven't asked you the question, yet.
I haven't asked you anything.
We got it.
Don't worry about it.
If there was... If you could take
one guy to an island with you
and you knew you'd be safe
'cause he was the best man,
he was going to figure out
how to survive,
he was going
to make everything,
he was going to make the world
a good place on the island,
he was going
to keep you happy, he, he...
This is the best man
for the job.
No matter what, if it was
between me and your father,
who would you take?
My daddy.
I don't see...
Hang on a second.
Listen, I didn't think
you're wrong about that.
It's your choice to make, but I
want you to understand something.
There's a lot of...
Hey. What happened?
What is that?
You can't leave
your fish around like that.
I don't know why the hell
it keeps dripping.
All night long,
drip, drip, drip.
I've had the fucking thing
repaired ten times.
You need
a new stopper.
Is that it?
Well, your stopper, it's rotted around
the edges, so it's not making a seal,
The water is going to drip
through into the bowl.
I could bring you
a new one tomorrow,
or you might want to consider
replacing the whole apparatus.
What do you recommend?
I could replace
the stopper first.
If that doesn't work, I could
replace the whole apparatus.
You can't give me
a professional recommendation?
I don't know.
It's really up to you.
Tomorrow my sister-in-law's
coming over with the nephews.
I got to take the car in.
No, it's my sister Janine's
oldest daughter's Bat Mitzvah.
I'm looking forward
to being bored to death.
The girl doesn't want it,
her father doesn't want it.
And don't even ask me.
Seven hours in the car.
I could really
slit my throat.
But, oh, well,
the little girls are charming.
Lee, I am so sorry.
That's okay.
This is so gross.
That's all right.
No, tell him to come.
Okay, yeah.
But-But Cindy,
I have to tell you something.
I'm like in love
with my janitor.
Is that sick?
Have you ever had a sexual
fantasy about your handyman?
Well, it's awkward because he's
literally like cleaning the shit out
of my toilet bowl
right now.
And I don't think
I'm at my most alluring.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
It's not like I met him socially.
Okay, thank you, Cindy.
Okay, like 20 minutes.
All right, all set.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
Can I give you a tip?
You mean
like a suggestion?
No, I mean, like, a tip.
Oh, okay.
Thank you.
Yeah, good night.
Good night. Good bye.
I mean, how many times do we
have to fix these fucking pipes?
Every time I take a shower,
their entire apartment has a flood.
It's driving me insane.
Well, I'll get you a plumber
in here tomorrow,
but I'd say that we're going to have to
break through the tile and isolate the leak
because there's quite a lot
of water down there.
How do you know it's me?
Why is it automatically me?
Well, because it if was coming
from higher up,
you'd have water damage in your ceiling
or in your wall, and it's all dry.
Well, it might just be
the caulking.
This whole tub
needs to be re-caulked.
Have you taken a bath or shower
in the last couple of hours?
Well, it might just be that.
And how are you planning
to find that out?
Well, we could run the shower
and see if it drip downstairs.
Oh, you want me
to take a shower now?
You want me to take a shower
right now while you stand there
watching to see if it drips
into the Friedrich's apartment?
I don't give a fuck
what you do, Mrs. Olsen.
I'm just trying to fix
the fucking leak.
I... I didn't like that.
How dare you talk
to me like that?
Get the fuck out
of my fucking house.
Okay. Get the fuck out
out of my fucking house
before I call the police.
All right. Did you hear me?
I said get out.
I can't.
You're blocking the doorway.
What the fuck's
the matter with you?
You can't talk
to the tenants like that.
Look, Lee, you do good work.
You're dependable
But I get these complaints
all the time.
You're rude, you're unfriendly,
you won't say good morning.
I mean, come on.
Mr. Emery,
I fix the plumbing.
I take out the garbage.
I paint their apartments.
I do electrical work, which we
both know is against the law.
I show up on time,
I'm working four buildings,
and you're getting
all the money.
So do whatever
you're going to do.
Would you be willing
to apologize to Mrs. Olsen?
For what?
All right, all right,
I'll talk to her.
Here you go.
How you doing?
How's things going, all right?
You see the game?
Yeah, I did.
You think they have a shot?
Not one.
Dropped the first two, they're
going to lose the next three.
Oh, my God,
I'm so sorry.
That's okay.
Did I get you?
I got you.
It's okay.
Let me get you some napkins.
I'm okay. Hey, Lenny,
can I grab some napkins?
Thank you.
Well, now I spilled my beer
all over you, my name's Sharon.
Uh, that's okay.
And you are...
Um, Lee.
There's a bright
Golden haze
In the meadow
There's a bright
Golden haze
In the meadow
The corn is as high
As an elephant's eye
And it looks like
It's climbing
Clear up to the sky
Well I say oh
What a beautiful mornin'
I've got a beautiful feelin'
Everything's goin' my way
How you doing?
How you doing?
I'm good.
I'm good.
Hey, can I ask you, guys,
do you know me?
Uh... I don't think so.
No, I don't think so, either.
We never met?
No, not yet.
So, what the fuck
you looking at me for?
Excuse me? I said what the fuck
are you looking at me for?
Hey, take a fucking walk... No, no,
no, don't apologize to this asshole.
We really weren't looking
at you, seriously.
Let me go.
I got to go take a hike.
I want to take
a fucking hike.
I got a beautiful feelin'
I've got everything
Everything's goin' my way
Everything's goin' my way
My way
Where do you think
he went left?
Other left he went.
Ten points,
San Antonio lead.
Isaiah Thomas
been so good this season.
Knocks down
that three pointer.
Hello, this is Lee.
Oh. Okay.
When did that happen?
Well, how's he doing now?
No, don't do that.
I'm going to come
up there right now.
I'll be up there
in a hour and a half.
Thank you.
Mr. Emery,
it's Lee again.
I contacted Jose, who says he can cover
for me till Friday night at least.
Uh, after that, Gene MacAdavey
will take over until I get back.
I wouldn't do anything with
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick's ceiling
until you get
a real plumber in there.
But what
are you going to do?
I will let you know a soon
as I have more information.
I should be in Manchester
a week at least.
Thank you very much.
Come on.
Hiya, Lee.
Is he dead?
I'm sorry, Lee. He passed
away about an hour ago.
I'm so sorry.
Did you see him?
No, I mean, uh...
George brought him in.
We were looking at the boat this
morning, and the he just...
I don't know,
he just, like, fell over.
I thought he was
kidding me at first.
Then I called the ambulance,
and, uh...
That was it.
I'll just call Dr. Muller
and tell him that you're here.
Where's Dr. Betheny?
Oh, she's on maternity leave. Here he is.
Lee? I'm Dr. Muller.
We spoke on the phone.
Yeah. Hi.
I'm very, very sorry.
Thank you.
Hello, George.
Hiya, Jim.
How you holding up?
Great, you know.
It's a very sad day.
Where's my brother?
He's downstairs.
You can see him if you want.
What happened to him?
Went into cardiac arrest.
You know his heart was very weak at
this point, and it just gave out.
I'm sorry you didn't get here in time,
but as I told you on the phone...
Aw, fuck this.
That's okay, buddy.
That's perfectly all right.
Did anybody call my uncle?
His Uncle Donny.
Yeah, my Aunt and Uncle...
No, Lee. Lee, no.
Donny got a job in Minnesota, like,
a while ago.
He got a job in some outfit
in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
If you can believe that.
Joe didn't tell you
about that?
I can call them
if you want, Lee.
Tell them
what happened.
Okay, thanks.
Oh, no problem.
And tell him
what happened.
Tell them
I'll call them tonight.
Talk about arrangements.
Somebody should call
my wife.
Your, uh...
You mean Randi?
Randi. Yes, I'm sorry.
I meant Randi.
I already thought of that.
I'll take care of it.
Okay, thank you.
No problem.
Can I see him now?
Lee, I can wait up here, Lee,
if you need anything.
Would you like a Kleenex?
Yeah. Thanks, yeah.
Can I get a couple Kleenex please?
Thanks, hun.
I'm sorry.
Oh, please.
How is Dr. Betheny?
Oh, she's doing very well.
She just had twin girls.
Ah, lrene told me that.
I'll call her this afternoon
and tell her what happened.
She was very good to him.
Yes, she was.
The disease is commonly referred
to as congestive heart failure.
Oh, my God.
Are you familiar with it?
Then what are you saying
"Oh, my God" for?
Because what is it?
What she's trying
to explain, honey...
I'm sorry, Dr. Beth...
Betheny. Betheny, I'm sorry.
I can never get it right.
Not a problem.
So... you were saying.
It's a gradual deterioration
of the muscles of the heart.
It's usually associated
with older people,
but in rare cases it will occur
in a younger person.
Some people live up
to 50 or 60 years
with just
an occasional attack,
but most people
suffer periodic episodes,
like the one
you had on Monday.
Which mimic the symptoms of a heart attack
in which further weaken the muscle.
They can put you out of
commission for a week, two weeks,
and you'll need to be hospitalized
so that we can monitor your heart
because the risk of cardiac arrest
is elevated for a week or two.
Oh, my God.
But in between most people
feel perfectly healthy.
You can basically live
a normal life.
Wait, so what do you mean
some people live to be 50, 60 years?
I mean, you saying total?
Or you saying when they're
diagnosed with this, or what?
What are you saying?
Tell me the fucking truth.
For most people with the
particulars of your condition,
the average life expectancy
is five to ten years.
The statistics vary widely.
You're not a statistic,
you're just one person.
And we don't know what's
going to happen to you, yet.
But it's not
a good disease.
What is a good disease?
Poison lvy.
Athlete's foot.
It's a comedy routine.
Elise, please.
For Christ's sake.
Oh, my God, when am I going
to put one foot right?
How about a hint?
No, she's fine.
We're all upset.
We're all going to listen.
We're going to ask any of the
question we want to ask,
and then we're going to figure
out what to do together, right?
So, you were saying Dr. Beth.
It's Dr. Bethany, Dad.
Try to get it right.
I do not see where the humor
lies in this situation.
Elise, you must calm down.
No, no more,
I'm not going... no.
Elise, let me get you
a glass of water.
Daddy, forget it.
Forget it.
Forget it. Like you...
Everybody should be
just like you.
You know what? I'm tired
of being the bad guy here.
Who's in the fucking
hospital here?
Right, so I'll be
the bad guy,
and you be in the hospital
and explain the jokes to your son.
I'm going home.
You're going home?
- You're going home?
- Yes.
Let me get her back.
Fuck her.
You want to stop with that shit?
Come on with that stuff.
Thank you, Tony.
I have to get up to Manchester.
Nobody told Patrick right?
No, you had asked for us
to wait for you to get here.
Yes, thank you.
So, um...
What is the procedure now?
Well, now you have to make
arrangements with the funeral parlor,
and they pretty much
take care of everything.
I don't know
the name of one.
That's all right. We can help
you with that. Oh, yeah.
Then they'll just come
and pick him up? Yeah.
I can make
those calls, Lee.
Let me know if you need any help
with anything. Okay, thank you.
We've got to talk
about the boat
and the website
and all of that.
I'm around.
I got to get up there
before school lets out so...
You just have to sign
for Joe's belongings.
Right this way.
Just got to sign
right here.
Where's Joe's belongings?
The plastic bag right here.
Give me a sec.
Where's Joe's belongings?
All right, all right,
that's good, hold.
Like that?
Yeah, but keep your thumb off the line.
If you get a strike,
it's going to slice it right open.
You know what happens then.
Sharks will smell the blood
and they'll rip this boat apart.
No, they won't.
Yeah, they will.
Dad, will they?
Yes, sir.
Shut up.
You know, I've seen a school of
sharks tear a boat to pieces
like it was made
of cardboard,
because some kid threw a
band-aid in the water.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, he did.
Oh, yeah.
No, you didn't.
Sometimes the only way
to keep them off
is to throw the kid directly
in the ocean to distract them.
Shut up. Sharks don't
even swim in schools.
Huh? He says sharks
don't swim in schools.
Smart kid.
Yeah, he is.
A really smart kid is exactly
the kind of quality meal
a humongous school of sharks is looking
for when they're circling a boat.
Uncle Lee,
shut up.
Hey, you got a strike.
Strike, strike, strike.
Ease up on the drag, ease up on your drag.
Watch your fucking thumb.
Hey, you got a strike now.
Don't hit me, catch your fish.
No swearing.
You got a strike.
I got him, we got him.
Drive the boat, mind your business.
You got to get
the hook in him.
Shut up.
Mind your business.
What kind of fish is it?
It's got to be a Great White.
It's got to be a Great White Patty.
Maybe a barracuda.
It's not a shark.
Come on, pull it up.
It's not a shark.
Stop talking...
How come that's
connected to those?
It's not, kid.
It just looks that way.
I'm trying
to teach you the islands.
That's the island the rich guy bought
so no one else will put a house on it.
That's how rich he is.
Baker lsland, Misery lsland.
Misery lsland is where me and
your aunt Randi got married.
Yeah. Hi, honey.
Suzy, Daddy's home.
Hi, Suzy.
Daddy's home.
Hi, Daddy.
Hi, sweetheart.
Oh, Jesus Christ,
you're breaking my neck.
Hi, hon.
Did you have a good time?
Yeah, really good.
Where's your mother?
They just left.
Oh, no.
Yeah, she's sad
to miss you, too.
There's always next time.
Did you get any sleep?
Oh, yeah. It's all rest
when my mother's here.
That's too bad.
Hi, Kary.
Hi, Daddy.
I'm putting you down.
I'm just giving you a kiss.
Honey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, Karen. Karen.
I almost dropped you
on your head.
I'm making
a hair salon.
Oh, yeah?
It's really good.
You want to cut my hair?
It's just for girls.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
I understand, sweetheart.
May I watch TV
to get some ideas?
- No.
- Yeah.
Go ahead.
Get off.
How you feeling?
You sound better.
So, did you guys actually
use the fishing tackle?
Yeah, we really did.
Patty got a humongous bluefish.
Eighteen pounds.
Oh, yeah?
That's awesome.
I never seen anybody so happy
in my whole life. Aww.
It's nice in here.
You keep it nice.
What a homemaker. Fuck off.
All right.
Get away from me.
Stop it.
Mmm, don't.
Stop, please.
I'm sick.
For real,
get off of me.
Hi, Stanny.
Oh, God.
Let him alone, please.
How come you're not crying?
I just got him settled.
Just got him settled?
What did you get him settled for?
Lee, don't pick him up. Oh, what
do you mean don't pick him up.
If he's not crying, leave well enough
alone. "Leave well enough alone."
That's what me and your Mummy should've
done instead of getting married.
Oh, shut up. Then you wouldn't be here.
Your sisters wouldn't be here.
I could watch the football game in my
own living room with peace and quiet.
You know what?
You go fuck yourself.
Oh, jeez, Louise.
Hey, kiddo.
Oh, my God, you're very handsome,
you know that?
See that?
I didn't make him cry.
Lay down.
He's not crying 'cause I
know how to handle him.
How is he?
How's Joe?
He's fine.
You know, he's all right.
He's doing all right.
And you didn't run out of beer?
You got through the day okay?
Oh, yeah.
We were very temperate.
I don't know why you guys bother
getting on the frigging boat.
What do you mean?
Because we love the sea.
Oh, yeah? How many beers
did you have on the sea?
Yep, eight
over a seven-hour period.
Well, I am well impressed.
1.1428572 beers an hour.
What, it's like you didn't even
have anything to drink at all.
Yeah, I told you
I was cutting down.
Oh, God, no. What do you
think you're going to do?
I guess I'm going
to take a shower.
Randi, I swear to God.
You should've seen
his face.
He was so happy.
It was like when we took the
girls on the Merry Go Round.
It was just pure happiness.
Oh, come on, I'm sick.
I'm sick.
I'm really...
Really, babe,
deeply sick.
It actually makes it
hard to breathe.
He's not at school?
I thought school let out...
I'm pretty sure he would have...
I'm sorry.
Paul, my phone is...
Sorry, say that again.
That's all right.
I'm pretty sure he would've left
for hockey practice by now.
He's on the hockey team?
Yeah, yeah.
He's doing real well, too.
Hey, how's Joe doing?
He going to be okay?
Yeah, he's fine.
Where's the practice?
Is it at the school?
No, they practice
at Gloucester.
They practice
in the Gloucester...
I'm sorry, it's not at the school?
Can you hear me?
The phone... That's all right.
Can you hear me?
It's at Gloucester, okay?
I understand. Yeah, we play
with the Rockport team.
But they're the league team. Okay,
I understand. Thank you, Paul.
Yeah, sure thing. Hey, give
Joe my regards, all right?
I will.
What's up?
Uh, Joe Chandler's
in the hospital again.
Oh, how awful.
Who was on the phone?
That was Lee Chandler.
Lee Chandler?
The very one.
Hey, hey.
Knock it off.
Knock it off.
One more time
and you're out.
You understand that, Chandler?
One more time.
Aw, fuck me.
What's that?
Fuck my fucking ass.
All right, you are out.
Chandler, you're benched.
All right.
Ask me if I give a shit.
What's that?
Coach, that's his uncle.
His father
must be in the hospital.
Whose father?
Yeah, he only comes around
when Mr. Chandler's in the hospital.
He's got congestive heart failure.
Patrick's dad.
So that's Lee Chandler?
The Lee Chandler, huh?
Yeah, but coach, you know
that story's bullshit, right?
Total bullshit, coach.
You guys want to watch
the language? Sorry.
All right mind, your own business
for a little while, huh?
Take a break.
Get a water.
All right, show's over.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
You all right, brother?
Take these sticks back,
would you?
Line it up again.
Come on, let's go.
I have to go to the hospital
and sign some more papers.
Do you want to see him?
I don't know.
What does he look like?
He looks like he's dead.
I mean, he doesn't look
like he's sleeping, or anything.
But he doesn't look
gross, either.
I don't know.
Well... you don't have to.
I wanted to see him.
Maybe you don't want that image
in your memory. I don't...
It's up to you.
What do you want to do?
Want me to take you home?
You want me
to decide for you?
Let's just go.
What the fuck are you doing?
I just said let's go inside.
No, you just said, "Let's just go",
and then you get out of the car...
Okay, I meant let's go inside.
What's your problem?
My problem is I could've ripped your fucking leg off.
Okay, I'm sorry I misused the English language.
I'm sorry, Uncle Lee.
I'm sorry, too.
I just got scared.
Yep. Okay.
Thank you.
Of course.
You got to hit
the bleeper.
I don't have a bleeper.
I'll do it.
There's a code.
Hey, is it okay if I invite
some of my friends over?
I told them
I would call them.
Go ahead. And can we get some pizza?
There's nothing to eat here.
What kind would you like?
Any kind is fine.
Thank you.
At least he didn't suffer.
It's worse for the family,
but it's better for the person.
Well, he was a fucking great guy,
Patrick, I'll tell you that.
That's for sure.
You know, I remember
this one time he...
He took us all out in the
boat, like in sixth grade.
Yeah, I remember that.
And he made us wear
life preservers.
And I was like, you know,
"What's the difference, Mr. Chandler?
The boat sinks in this weather,
we're dead anyways."
Yeah, I remember that.
And then he was like...
"The life jacket's to make it easier
on the sharks when you go over."
Fucking smart ass,
I swear to God.
Yeah, he really liked
those shark jokes.
He was funny, man.
Yeah. He was gentle,
too, you know?
Like his son.
There's this former
starship captain, all right?
This former starship captain...
With the Star Trek again?
Will you shut the fuck up?
Fuck you. Star Trek sucks.
You fucking retard.
Star Trek is one of the classical
pillars of modern entertainment.
Tell me about Star Trek,
enlighten me, motherfucker.
I'll tell you this. How long
have I been friends with you?
How you doing, baby?
I'm okay.
Enough is enough, okay?
It just started.
How dare you?
Will you shut up?
Fuck Star Trek. Every sci-fi classic
film you like is based on Star Trek.
Star Trek is bullshit.
Star Trek is retarded.
Then Road Warrior,
Then the Matrix.
Retarded as shit.
I love Star Trek, all right?
How dare you.
Ask Patrick.
He loves them.
Patrick, what do you think
about Star Trek? Ask Patrick.
I can't believe we're talking
about Star Trek right now.
I like Star Trek.
Thank you.
Hey, Uncle Lee.
Is it okay if Silvie sleeps over?
Dad always let her.
Then what
are you asking me for?
No reason.
Uh, not that it would
come up or anything,
but her parents think she stays
downstairs when she stays over.
If it comes up for some reason, can you
just say she stayed in the downstairs room?
I don't even know them.
Yeah, you do.
It's the McGanns.
Frank and Pat McGann.
Oh, that's Silvie McGann?
Do you mind saying
she stayed downstairs?
Like, if they call
or something? Okay.
Am I supposed to tell you
to use a condom?
No, I...
Is that what Joe would say?
I mean, yeah.
Yeah, we've had
"the discussion" and everything.
Okay, good.
Yeah, just let me know
if we're making too much noise.
Do you think I should call my
mom to tell her about Dad?
No, I wouldn't, Patty.
Yeah. I mean, uh, nobody
even knows where she is.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just
curious what you thought.
Good night, Uncle Lee.
Good night.
Shut up.
Hey, shut up, shut up.
Hey, Elise.
Come on.
Lee, you want to take Patty
upstairs and get him washed up?
Come on, kid.
Go on now.
Everything will be all right.
I'll be up in a minute.
Go on upstairs, Patty.
Everything will be okay.
I thought it was wonderful
that you dropped that ball.
Oh, shit.
Go on.
Shut the fuck up.
Beverly, Massachusetts.
Gallagher Funeral Home please.
Yes, hi, my name
is Lee Chandler.
My brother Joseph Chandler is
at the Beverly Hospital morgue.
I'm wondering who I need to talk
to about making arrangements.
Yeah, thank you.
Yes, I just spoke...
Yes, my name
is Lee Chandler.
My brother's
at the Beverly Hospital morgue.
I understand.
I'm calling to find out exactly what
I need to do to make arrangements
for the next step.
I see.
Okay, thank you.
Can I have a napkin?
That's right. But what do you
I got to do to get his...
To get his body over to...
Excuse me, Mr. Chandler. I don't think
Patrick needs to be here for this.
No, I'm all right.
I don't understand.
So why is it more to drive
his body to Manchester?
You going to take the highway for seven
minutes, that's why it costs more?
What does it cost
if the hearse takes 127?
Like, that's his focus?
He's all right.
Thanks, Uncle Lee.
You're welcome.
Thanks, Mr. Chandler.
You're welcome.
We're going to forget
about the language.
We're going to forget
about the fists.
But I want you take
a few days off of practice.
I don't want you
on the ice.
Well, to tell you
the honest truth, sir,
I could really use
the distraction.
The ice is not
a distraction.
When you're on the ice,
you got to be there.
Okay, so take a couple
days off and we'll talk.
when I was your age,
I lost my dad, too.
I know what
you're going through.
If you want
to come in and talk,
or you want somebody
to spill your guts to,
or throw the bull around,
the door's open.
You mind if I put
some music on? No.
You like these guys?
The lead guitar is weak, but
otherwise they're pretty good.
I don't know, they all
sound the same to me.
Where we going?
Got to go to the lawyer.
What for?
Read your father's will.
Do I have to be there?
I don't think so, but I think
you're supposed to be.
Who do you think
he left the boat to?
I'm sure
he left you everything.
I don't understand.
Which... part are you
having trouble with?
Well, I can't be
his guardian.
I mean I can't.
Well, naturally I assumed that Joe
had discussed all this with you.
He didn't.
Sorry, I have to say
I'm somewhat taken aback.
He can't live with me.
I live in one room.
Well, but Joe has provided
for Patrick's upkeep.
Food, cloths, etcetera. And the house
and the boat are owned outright.
I can't commute from Boston
every day until he turns 18.
I think the idea
was that you would relocate.
Relocate to where?
Here? Well, if you look...
As you can see, your brother worked
everything out extremely carefully.
But he can't...
He can't have meant that.
Uh, he's allowed
up to $5,000...
to pay
for moving expenses.
And there's a small amount
set aside for you to draw from
as personal income
while you settle in.
I mean, assuming
that you accept.
What about my Uncle Donny
and Aunt Teresa?
Joe didn't feel that Patrick really had
any special relationship or feeling.
I don't understand.
Now, as I think you know, they've
moved out to Wisconsin, I believe.
Minnetonka, Minnesota.
That's right.
It was my impression that you'd spent
a lot of time here over the years.
I was just a backup.
I came up here to look after Patty,
yeah, if Joe was in the hospital
after my father
couldn't do it. We...
It was supposed
to be Donny.
I'm just a backup.
Well, I can just repeat
that I'm astonished
that Joe didn't run this by you,
thorough as he was.
Yeah, because he knew what I would
say if he would have asked.
You want to keep it down,
you fucking morons?
My kids are sleeping.
I am so sorry.
I mean...
Lee, you want to get these fucking
pinheads out of my house please?
Yeah, I do.
I mean, I really do.
She can't talk
to us that way.
I'm not fucking around.
It's 2:00
in the fucking morning.
Get these fucking assholes dressed
and get them the fuck out of here.
We're dressed.
She didn't mean it.
She'll apologize later.
They're already left.
Thanks for hosting, kid.
Tell Randi we're sorry.
- Drink and drive.
- We're so sorry.
You see Jupiter?
Keep you eyes on the road.
Hey, Tommy.
Goodnight, Joe.
Sorry again.
Go ahead.
Shoot for it, you fucking idiot.
Look, there's the North Star
right there.
Right there.
It's due north.
I'll clean up
in the morning.
Did you see Jupiter,
you fucking asshole?
Come on.
Fuck you.
Come on.
Lee, nobody can appreciate
what you've been through.
If I can say that.
And if you really feel
like you can't take this on,
well, that's,
that's your right.
So who would get him?
Patrick, can I get you
a can of soda or anything?
No, thank you.
Well, I don't know what's
happening with Patrick's mother.
No. I'm not sure
where she is.
What kind condition she's in.
We can't do that.
Oh, God!
My kids are in there!
My kids are in there!
Oh, God!
Look, Lee...
why don't you just...
Thank you, Wes.
I'll be in touch.
I'm-I'm here.
We were partying pretty hard.
There was beer.
And someone was passing around
a joint and there was cocaine.
Okay, go ahead.
Uh, anyway, our bedroom
is in the downstairs,
and the kids
sleep upstairs,
so Randi makes
everyone leave
around 2:00...
or three AM.
And then...
she goes back to bed.
So, I go upstairs
to check on the kids,
and it's fucking freezing
up stairs,
but I can't use the central heat
because it dries out Randi's sinuses,
and she gives her
really bad headaches.
So I go downstairs
and put a fire in the fireplace,
and I sit down to watch TV,
but there's no more beer.
I'm still jumping around
like a jackrabbit.
So I put a couple fire
logs in the fire and I...
Just to warm up the house
when I was gone.
And then... I am going
to the mini-mart,
but I'm too wasted
and I don't want to drive.
So I walk. It's about
20 minutes each way.
And about halfway there,
and I can't remember if I put
the screen on the fireplace.
I figure it's okay.
So I just keep going
to the store.
And, uh, that's it.
Log must've rolled out
onto the floor.
And the firemen said
they pulled Randi out.
She was passed out
Then the furnace blew, and they
couldn't go back in again.
And that's all
I remember.
Okay, Lee.
That's all for now.
We'll call you if anything else
comes up we want to ask you about.
Assuming the forensics
bail you out,
which I'm assuming
they will...
So what?
That's it?
Look, Lee, you made
a horrible mistake.
Like a million
other people did last night.
Not going
to crucify you.
It's not a crime to forget to put
the screen on the fireplace.
So I can go?
Unless something else comes up we
don't know about already, yeah.
You got anyone to give you
a ride back home?
Is Joe here,
is your dad here?
All right, let's go.
Where are we going,
the orphanage?
Shut up.
What the hell did I do?
Just be quiet.
All right.
We got a lot to do.
What about the boat?
We got to talk to George about it.
There's no use hanging onto it if no one's
going to use it. I'm going to use it.
It's got to be maintained.
I'm maintaining it.
You can't maintain it by yourself.
Why not? It's my boat now, isn't it?
Because you're a minor. You can't
take it out alone. I'm the trustee.
So what does "trustee" mean?
I'm in charge of handling everything
for you until you turn 18.
Does that mean you're allowed to
sell it if I don't want you to?
I don't know.
But I'd definitely consider it.
No fucking way.
Don't be
so goddamn sure of yourself.
There's nobody to run it. You're 16
years old. I get my license this year.
Doesn't matter.
You're still a minor.
You can't run a commercial vessel by
yourself. It's a big fucking expense.
I'm the one who's going to manage
it, and I'm not going to be here.
Who gives a fuck where you are?
Patty, I swear to God,
I'm going to knock
your fucking block off.
Great parenting. What?
What did you say?
I said great parenting.
Fuck you.
Mind your fucking business,
fucking asshole.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay, it's okay.
I'm going to smash your fucking
face, you fucking asshole.
It's okay, it's okay.
Thank you, thank you. It's okay.
Uncle Lee, are you fundamentally unsound?
Fucking asshole.
Get in the fucking car.
I can't obey your orders
until you unlock the door.
Shut up.
It's not like the
motor's going to die tomorrow,
but Joe said it keeps breaking
down like a son of a bitch.
Yeah, but we...
We were going to take a
look at it this weekend.
Things are
a little bit up in the air.
No, I can take care of it as far as
general maintenance is concerned.
But that motor's going
to go at some point.
I'm taking care of it. There's
no allotment for a new motor.
Unless, George, you know
someone who wants to buy it.
Wait a second.
I'm not selling it.
We're going to be
in Boston anyway.
What? Since when are we
supposed to be in Boston?
Just take it easy.
Well, whatever you decide,
it's going to bleed you dry
just sitting here.
We don't know exactly
we're doing.
Well, you know, he can always stay with
us if he wants to come up weekends.
Do you want to be
his guardian?
Well... He doesn't want
to be my guardian.
We're trying to lose
some kids at this point.
We're just working out logistics.
That's pretty good.
Jesus Christ, you want to stop?
We've always got a sofa for him.
You know that, right? George,
that's all right. I know that.
He's welcome any time.
I know. Thank you.
Are you brain-damaged?
You can't just talk to people that.
You don't want to be my
guardian, that's fine with me.
It's not that.
It's just the logistics.
I just got to work it
all out, I swear. How?
By sending me to Wonkatonka,
Minnesota with Uncle Donny?
Minnetonka, Minnesota. Okay, Minnetonka,
Minnesota. Same difference.
What about my mother?
The judge would never
let that happen.
And anyway, no one knows
where she is. I do.
She's in Connecticut.
At least she was last year.
Since when do you know that?
Well, she emailed me last year.
So I emailed her back.
You know, email?
Did your father know you were in
touch with her? Are you kidding?
Could we walk?
I'm freezing.
All I know is...
I know, I know, I know.
She's a drunk, she's insane,
she let the dogs shit on the floor.
It's the last thing your father
ever would've wanted.
Suddenly you care
what he would've wanted?
Where to now?
The funeral parlor.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are we going?
It's in Beverly.
There's no funeral homes
in Manchester? No.
The cemetery's here.
Let's just get this done.
Dude, what is with that guy and
the big Serious and Somber Act?
I don't know.
But seriously, does he not realize that
people know he does this every single day?
I don't know.
Why can't we bury him?
It's too cold.
The ground is too hard.
They'll bury him in the Spring.
So what do they do
with him until then?
They put him in a freezer.
Are you serious?
That really freaks me out.
It doesn't matter.
Wait a minute.
I think I parked the car
the other way. Sorry.
What about one of those
mini-steam shovels?
What? I once saw one of those
mini-steam shovels one time
in a graveyard
in New Haven.
It dug a perfect little hole
in about two seconds.
I don't really know how
you would get a hold of one.
Or how much
it would cost.
Why can't we just look
into it?
Because you can't use heavy equipment
in the historic Rosedale Cemetery.
Why not?
Because there are very important
people who are buried there,
and their descendants don't want steam
shovels vibrating over their dead bodies.
Why can't we just bury him
someplace else?
'Cause that's the plot
that Joe bought.
Don't ask me why, but if you want
make some other arrangements,
you want to find
someplace else to bury him,
you want to talk
to the mortician,
and you want to call up Sacred
Heart and talk to Father Martin
and then find out how much that's going
to cost and make all those arrangements,
be my guest, otherwise,
let's just leave it, okay?
I'm just saying I don't like
him being in a freezer.
I don't like it, either,
but it isn't him 'cause he's gone.
It's just his body.
I'm just saying
it kind of freaks me out.
Oh, goddammit,
where did I park the car?
Yeah, I don't know, but I wish you'd figure
it out 'cause I'm freezing my ass off.
You don't have
a normal winter coat?
Yeah, I do.
Why don't you wear gloves
with real fingers on them?
Oh, God, fuck. Oh, fuck, where'd
I park this motherfucking car?
Damn, it's cold.
Why? What's the matter
with your winter jacket?
Seriously, Patty?
Just turn the heat on.
It's on already.
Turn it up a little.
It's all the way up. It's blowing
fucking freezing air on me.
It takes a minute to warm up. What
year did you get this thing, 1928?
Where's the horse that goes with this
fucking car? Maybe he can breathe on us.
I swear to God...
I know.
Why don't we keep my dad in
here for the next three months?
You'd save a fucking fortune. Will you
shut the fuck up about the freezer?
You want me to have
a nervous breakdown
because there's undertakers and a funeral?
Who cares?
No, I don't.
Okay, It's getting warmer.
I got band practice.
Can you drive me home so I can get my stuff
and take me over to my girlfriend's house?
Is this is the same girl
who was over at the house?
No, that was Silvie,
and this is Sandy.
And they don't know
about each other,
so, uh, please don't say
anything in case it comes up.
I won't.
Do you actually have sex
with these girls?
Well, we don't just play
computer games.
With both of them?
Well, with Sandy's mom here, it's sort of
uh, strictly just like basement business.
What does that mean?
It means
I'm working on it.
I got to run
I got to run
I, I, I, I, I, I
I got to
I, I, I, I, I, I
I got to run
Stop. Joel, man,
what are you doing?
What did I do?
You're way behind, man.
No, I'm not.
You're a little behind.
You got to stay
with the bass.
Come on, man. Just stay with
me, all right? Let's go.
All right. I'm sorry.
Yeah, come on.
Come on, let's go.
All right, guys,
let's go again.
Otto, are you good?
Are you good, buddy?
We are Stentorian.
One, two, three.
I got to run
I got to run
I, I, I, I, I, I
I got to
I, I, I, I, I, I
Are you Lee?
I'm Jill, Sandy's mom.
I think they're wrapping up.
Do you want to come inside
and have a beer or something?
That's all right.
Thank you.
I wanted to offer my
condolences about Joe.
He was a terrific guy.
There's not too many like him.
He was a wonderful father.
Thank you.
I was... I was going to ask Patrick
if he wants to stay for supper,
if that's okay with you.
You want to join us?
I made way too much.
That's all right. I'll just
come back and get him.
What time
should I come back?
Oh, I don't know.
Nine, nine thirty.
They're going to do their
homework together. Supposedly.
Ha, ha, ha.
All right.
I'll come back at 9:30.
Okay. Well, you change your
mind in the next ten minutes,
we're right inside.
Okay, thanks.
Jesus Christ.
How do you unbuckle this?
I'm scraping the skin
off my knuckles.
Just take your hand out.
Would you please just take
your hand out of my cunt?
Okay, okay.
Oh, we're taking
our pants off?
I'm taking my pants off.
I don't know what you're doing.
I'm taking my pants off.
Come on.
You got to take your shoe off first.
I'm trying.
Hey, kids?
Come on, have some dinner.
Thanks, mom. We'll be right down.
Thanks, Jill.
One second.
I just got to log off.
Would you shut up?
She's not retarded.
Why are you picking on me?
I'm not picking on you.
You'll get me in trouble.
I'm not going to get in trouble.
What are you trying to do?
How's the math homework?
It's good.
Very frustrating.
Yeah, those algorithms
are a bitch.
This is really good, Jill.
Thank you, Patrick.
This is a homemade
Cabonara sauce?
Shut up. No.
You could've fooled me.
What? What?
You're such a kiss ass.
Because I appreciate
your mother's cooking?
Good night.
Good night.
Aren't you going to ask what happened?
I don't want to know.
I guess not.
Come on.
Begeron closes, dinks and scores.
Alex Dean.
- Hello?
- Hello, Lee?
It's Randi.
Hello? Yeah, sorry, I'm here.
Hi, how are you?
I'm okay.
How are you? Good.
I was just calling...
George told me about Joe. I just
wanted to call and say I'm sorry.
I hope
you don't mind me calling.
No, it's fine. Thank you, I don't mind.
How are you?
Not so good right now.
I guess we should've seen it coming,
but it's still hard to believe.
How's Patrick doing?
He's good.
Beyond the obvious, obviously.
He's okay, he's fine.
I mean, I don't know, you know
how kids are. It's hard to tell.
He doesn't really open up
with me, but he seems fine.
He's got a lot of friends, so.
Well, that's good.
Good, yeah.
So, I don't know
if you planned a service, yet,
but I was also going to ask
you if you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to be there,
if it's okay with you.
Yeah, it's fine. I don't mind.
Okay, thank you.
It would mean a lot to me.
You should come.
I'll let you know
when it's going to be.
Thank you.
So, can I ask...
How are you?
I don't know.
How are you?
I don't know.
We're doing pretty well.
I should probably tell you.
I'm going to be...
Actually, I'm pregnant.
Oh, yeah?
You know,
like ready to pop.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I didn't know
if I should tell you, but...
No, it's fine. Congratulations.
Thank you.
You would probably deduce it
for yourself when you see me.
So I, you know, I just
wanted to say, you know...
Actually, um, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to cut you off.
I've just got to go...
I just wanted to make sure it's okay
if me and Josh come to the funeral.
It's totally okay.
Thank you, Lee.
God bless.
Bye. So long.
So, how you holding up?
What's the matter?
I said how you holding up?
It's a stupid question.
You get some food?
Oh, I had some cheese.
You had some cheese?
I'll get you something.
I don't want anything.
Hey, Janine.
Sure? Sure.
Never mind.
Forget it.
Skip it.
I can't hear a goddamn
word you're saying. What?
Did Lee get food?
He didn't... What?
Did Lee get food?
He doesn't want any.
We're good.
Forget it.
He doesn't...
We're fine.
He doesn't want any.
Hey, is it okay
if I invite Silvie over?
Uh, which one is she?
She's the one
with the, uh, the brown hair.
What do you mean, no?
I don't like her. I don't want
her in the house right now.
Why not? You don't even
have to talk to her.
Go to her house.
Call one of your friends.
That's it.
Would it be cool with your mom
if I came over there?
I have no idea.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Well, I can't stay there, either.
Sorry about that.
You going to stay in here?
Yeah, why not?
I thought maybe you'd want
to stay in Dad's room. Hm?
Why? You want me to?
No, it's just a better room.
And he's not using it.
I'll stay in there.
We're not going to be here
that much longer anyway.
I'm not moving
to Boston, Uncle Lee.
Well, I don't want to talk
about that right now.
You said he left you money so you could
move. Yeah, but that doesn't mean...
Anyway, what's in Boston?
You're a janitor.
So what?
You could do that anywhere.
There's plenty of toilets and
clogged-up drains all over town.
I don't want to talk about it.
All my friends are here.
I'm on the hockey team.
I'm on the basketball team.
I got to maintain our boat now.
I work on George's boat two days a week.
I got two girlfriends,
and I'm in a band.
You're a janitor in Quincy. What the
hell do you care where you live?
I got to go to sleep.
Good night.
Where are you going
to stay tonight?
I don't know.
A motel.
What time
you going to call me?
When I get to the motel.
If I don't hear from you by 9:00,
I'm going to call the cops.
You understand?
Yes, yes.
Patrick, come say goodbye
to your Uncle Lee.
That's okay. No, it's not.
I'm going to see him.
Bye, Uncle Lee.
So long.
Patty? I think there's
something wrong with me.
What do you mean, like what?
Are you sick?
I don't know.
I feel really weird.
I'm sick.
I'm having a panic attack.
What do you mean?
I don't know.
Can you get that shit
out of here please?
Get rid of what?
I don't know. I don't know.
The food?
I feel really weird.
You want me
to get rid of the food?
I don't know.
Hey, do you want me to take you
to the hospital? I don't know.
Do you want me to call your friends?
I don't know.
What do you want me to do?
I don't know.
are you going to bed?
Leave me alone.
I don't think I should let you
keep the door shut. Just go away.
I will.
Just open up the door.
Fuck you.
Jesus Christ. What's your problem?
I said open the door.
Are you having a breakdown?
Should we take you to the hospital?
No, no.
I'm just freaking out.
Okay, fine. But I can't let you
freak out with the door closed.
And if you're going to freak out every
time that you see a frozen chicken,
I think we should go
to the hospital.
I don't know
anything about this.
I just don't like him
being in the freezer.
You've expressed that
very clearly.
I don't like it, either. But there's
nothing we can do about it.
I'm not going to bother you. I'm going
to just sit here until you calm down.
All right, I'm calmer now.
Would you please just go away?
How much
are they paying you?
Minimum wage
plus the room.
All right.
Let's go get
some furniture.
I got furniture.
No, you don't.
This doesn't count
as furniture.
This is not a room.
Let's go get some furniture.
Get off my back.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
There you go.
All right.
So listen.
You can stay here
until your school lets out.
That'll give me some time to set
things up in Boston better.
Maybe you can do some stuff for
George in the summer if you want.
And you don't get jerked out
of your life overnight.
Are you asking
me or telling me?
I'm telling you that's the best I can do. What
do you care whether it's okay with me or not?
It's 45 minutes away. You can
come back here any time you want.
It's an hour and a...
Is that a joke?
It's an hour and a half at least.
No, it's not.
An hour 15,
depending on traffic.
You couldn't get from here to Quincy in half
an hour if you flew in a fucking spaceship.
Okay, fuck it.
I need lunch money.
Hey, Patrick.
Hey, Patrick. Patrick.
So, are you going
to Godspell?
I'm thinking about it.
All right. Goodbye.
Are those
your girlfriends, too?
They wish.
Doesn't George give you money
for working on his boat?
Yeah, but I'm saving that.
For what?
New motor.
Are you going
to Godspell?
Oh, come on.
Oh, come on.
Hello, Lee?
Lee, is that you?
What happened
to your hand?
I cut it.
Oh, for a minute there
I didn't know what happened.
Is there some reason why you didn't
tell me my mom tried to call me?
She wrote me
you hung up on her.
She's in Essex.
She wants me to come have
lunch and meet her fianc.
What did you think? She
couldn't get in touch with me?
I hung up on her because I
didn't know what to say to her.
And I didn't tell you because I
didn't know what to say to you.
I'm sorry.
You can't stop me
talking to her.
I don't give a shit
what you do.
No, but you won't let
my girlfriend stay over.
You hate my mother so much you
won't even tell me she called.
You'd rather drag me
to Quincy and ruin my life
and let somebody else
be my guardian.
There is nobody else.
I can live in Essex with my Mom.
No, you can't.
She's not an alcoholic anymore.
She wants me to stay with her,
then that solves all our problems.
I can take the same bus to my same school
and keep all my friends and the boat,
and you can go back to Boston and still
check in on me or whatever, if you want to.
I can't do that.
Why not?
Patty, I'm sorry
I hung up on her.
I'll call her back.
If she seems
semi-human to me,
you can go and have lunch
with her and her fianc.
That's it. I don't want to
talk about this anymore.
Okay, soon as we clear, open it
up and we'll see what we can do.
What do you say?
How are you?
Yeah, good. How are you?
All right.
I'm really sorry to hear about Joe.
Yeah, thanks.
How's Patrick doing?
Yeah? Good.
What's going on?
You know, I'm back, I'm thinking
about staying through the summer.
I was wondering if you had any work.
I could pick up some hours.
Sure, sure.
Walter's down in Boston, so...
Oh, he is?
Yeah, he should be back tomorrow
if you want to come by.
He's coming back up tomorrow?
Yeah, give him a call.
Well, I will give him a call, yeah.
That's a good idea.
Okay, all right.
Yeah, all right.
Good to see you.
Thanks, Jerry.
I don't want to see him
in here again.
So long, Patrick.
How's the motor?
George says the piston's going to go
right through the block any minute now.
that's a problem.
We can't afford to keep
the boat if we can't run it,
and we can't run it
if it's got a broken motor.
Let's take out a loan.
And pay it back with what?
We hire it out till we pay
the loan back, obviously.
Unfortunately for you, I'm in charge
of your finances until you turn 21,
and I'm not comfortable taking out
enormous loans on your behalf.
I have band practice. Can you
drive me home to get my stuff,
and then drive me over
to Sandy's house?
Why don't you take
a Drivers' Ed course?
Dad made me promise
not to drive till I was 17.
Okay, we'll stick
with that then.
Do you want
to stay for dinner?
I think Sandy's mother
likes you.
No, she doesn't.
I happen to know
that she does.
This could be good
for both of us.
I'd really rather not.
can you at least just hang out
with her for half an hour
so I can be alone with Sandy without her
mother knocking on the door every 20 seconds?
Come on, man.
All you got to do
is talk to her.
Why can't you help me out
a little bit for once
instead of dragging me to the lawyers
and the funeral parlor and the morgue?
Anyway, she's really nice.
Tell me why
Why do you need me
Why do you want me
Stop, stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.
Otto. What?
I'm too slow?
Too fast, man.
You're dragging.
You're way too fast, man.
I'm too fast.
Dude, you're like pulling out of
the fucking station ahead of me.
Oh, my god, you guys.
Leave him alone.
I'm like, are you serious about this
band, or what? Okay, all right.
Just lay off him.
Get off my back.
All right,
everybody just chill here.
Let's just, um,
let's just go again.
We are Stentorian.
Patrick is one
of my favorite people.
That's good.
How's it going
up there, you guys?
It's going fine.
We're right in the middle
of something.
We're just banging
out those compound fractions.
At least we know
where they are, right?
That's true.
How many of those do you generally got
to go through before you pick a winner?
I'd like to see you use one of these goddamn
things with all these interruptions.
Oh, fuck. What happened?
Are you okay?
I tripped over
your fucking doll house.
Oh, my God,
did you break it?
I don't know. I'm fine though,
by the way.
Oh, my God. My grandmother gave me
that when I was five years old.
It was literally her doll house
from when she was a little girl.
What's it doing
on the fucking floor?
It's a doll house.
That's where you play with it.
Sandy, what is
going on up there?
Nothing. Patrick just stubbed
his toe on Mummer's doll house.
But it's okay.
That doll house
belonged to my mother.
If you're going
to smash it to pieces...
Nobody is smashing it to pieces.
Don't worry Jill, I'm okay.
My toe's going to be okay.
Do you want to fuck me or not?
Could I get you
another beer, Lee?
I'm good.
Thank you.
Would you excuse me, Lee,
one sec?
Is it on?
Yes. It's a miracle.
Okay, hurry up.
One second please.
Get out of the way.
I'm sorry.
What's up?
I'm really sorry.
I know
you're trying to work,
but I can't sit down there
much longer.
Why? What's the problem?
He won't talk.
I've been trying to make
conversation for half an hour.
I realize I'm not the most fascinating
person in the world, Oh, Mum.
But it's very, very strained.
What's going on?
She can't get your uncle to talk.
He likes sports.
I'm sorry to bust things up, but how much
longer do you think you're going to be?
Could you maybe turn on a game?
I'm sorry.
Shut up
Mommy, please.
You were
a tremendous help.
I didn't ask to sit down there.
You can't make small talk?
Like every other
grown up in the world?
You can't talk about boring
bullshit for half an hour?
No. Hey, how about
those interest rates?
I lost my Triple A card. Like
everybody else? No, sorry.
You're a fucking asshole.
Where did you say she lives? 'Cause
there are no houses there. None.
What, does she live
in a fucking sleeping bag?
119 Pigeon Hill Street.
Pigeon Hill Street or Pigeon Hill Road?
Pigeon Hill Street.
Pigeon Hill Street,
Pigeon Hill Court, Pigeon Hill Road.
Pigeon Hill Street.
This is Pigeon Hill Road.
You have no GPS whatsoever? No, I've
got a little fucking cartoon movie.
You want me to punch it in for you?
No, I don't, I've got.
Thank you.
Okay, listen.
Are you nervous?
Yeah, I'm nervous.
What, are you a fucking genius?
Okay, skip it.
I just want you to text me
if anything gets weird.
Thank you.
Oh, my gosh.
Is that my Patrick?
Hi, Mom.
I'm so happy.
Come in.
Welcome to my home.
Patrick, this is my fella.
Jeffrey, this is Patrick.
Great to finally
meet you, Patrick.
Nice to meet you.
And this is Lee.
Now, Lee, you sure
you can't stay for lunch?
Uh, I'm positive.
Uh, are you sure
I can't help with...
No, thanks, honey.
Your job is to relax.
That is your number one
assignment, okay?
Okay, all right. I'm really
going to apply myself.
Oh, I was just joking.
I know you were.
So was l.
How we getting along?
You don't have to be
so polite, you know.
I'm not being polite.
Did you want to wash
your hands before we eat?
For what we are about
to receive, let us give thanks.
You can say amen, Patrick.
Nobody's trying to recruit you.
I did say amen.
Oh, you did? Okay.
You don't have to. Yeah, I know.
I just said it really quietly.
Oh, it's fine.
Honey, look, I know I'm
going to be a shock to you
in a lot of ways.
I'm hoping
it's a good shock.
You need
anything else, Patrick?
I hope everything's okay.
Oh, yeah,
everything's great.
You don't have
to be so formal.
I'm not.
I think your mother
wants you to feel that...
I'm just saying that
this is your home, too.
I want it to be.
And... I know,
I know, uh, things
are different for you and...
I don't know.
That's okay.
What are you studying
in school, Patrick?
Oh, well,
the usual stuff.
You know what?
I'm going to be right back
Does anybody need anything
from the kitchen?
No, thanks.
I'm good, no.
Did you get
some string beans?
Oh, no, not yet.
Thank you.
Uh, let me um...
Let me just see
what she's doing in there.
So, what was she like?
I don't know.
She was pretty nervous.
What was that guy like?
He was very Christian.
Uh, you know,
we're Christian, too, right?
Yes, I know that.
You are aware
that Catholics are Christians?
Yes, I'm aware of that.
Well, sounds like
she's doing better anyway.
She's not drinking.
She's not
in the psych ward.
Wow what?
You'll do anything
to get rid of me.
You heard me.
That's not true.
Dear Patrick, I'm
writing to thank you for today.
Your visit meant the world
to your mom.
We are both deeply grateful for the
love and trust that you've shown
by offering to rejoin her life.
But I feel it would be
unfair to your mom
to rush her along the long
and challenging road ahead,
and so I'm going to ask you
to write to me in future
to arrange
any further visits.
I hope you won't take
this as an intrusion...
Where's your friends tonight?
I don't know.
Why don't you call
that girl Sandy,
and see if she'll come over?
No, thanks.
Nice try, though.
Who are you going to shoot?
You or me?
Do you know what these
things are worth? No.
Want to try and sell them so you
can get a motor for the boat?
That's a really good idea.
I never cared
much for moonlit skies
- This is awesome.
- It is awesome.
You want to drive?
All right.
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
Just straighten her out.
That's okay.
Or candlelight
On the mistletoe
But now when you turn
The lamp down low
I'm beginning
To see the light
Used to ramble
Through the park
Shadow boxing
In the dark
Then you came
And caused a spark
Hey, I got to run some chores.
I'll be back in a couple of hours.
You want anything?
No, thank you.
No, thanks, Mr. Chandler.
Thank you.
I never made love
By lantern shine
Set up.
What are you
talking about?
Oh, yeah,
how's Silvie?
Just open the door.
Are burning mine
I'm beginning
To see the light
I never cared much
For moonlit skies
I never wink back
At fireflies
But now that the stars
Are in your eyes
I'm beginning
To see the light
I never went in
For afterglow
Or candlelight
On the mistletoe
But now when you turn
The lamp down low
I'm beginning to see
The light
Rachel, this is Lee.
Lee, this is Rachel.
And this is Dylan.
You can't see him too good.
Hi, Dylan.
Very handsome.
Randi, you want me to get the
car and pick you up? Yeah.
Oh, that's okay.
Actually, I got to go.
Actually, could we, um,
could we talk
for a second?
I'll just pull around.
Just be a few minutes.
Nice to meet you.
Yeah, you, too.
Be right back.
I don't have anything big to say.
That's okay.
I know you been around,
and I thought...
Just been getting Patrick
settled in.
It seems like
he's doing pretty good.
I think he is.
I guess
you don't know this, but l...
I really kept in touch
with Joe.
I knew that. It's been kind of
weird for me not seeing Patrick...
I didn't know.
You can see him
if you want.
Could we ever have lunch?
You mean us?
You and me?
Because I, uh...
I said a lot
of terrible things to you.
But l... I know you never...
Maybe you don't want
to talk to me.
It's not that.
Let me finish.
my heart was broken.
'Cause it's always
going to be broken.
And I know yours
is broken, too.
But I don't have
to carry...
I said things that...
I should fucking burn in hell
for what I said to you.
No, no, no, no.
It was just...
Randi, no.
I'm just sorry.
I-I-I can't,
I can't...
Lee, I love you.
Maybe I shouldn't say that.
You can say that.
I just...
I'm sorry. I've got to go.
We couldn't have lunch?
I'm really sorry.
I don't think so.
I thank you for saying everything
that you said. You can't just die.
I'm not, I'm not,
and I'm not, and I'm...
I want you to be happy.
Honey, I see you
walking around here...
and I just want
to tell you...
I would want to talk
to you, Randi... But Lee...
Please, I-I-I...
Lee, Lee,
you got to... I'm-I'm...
I don't know what...
I don't want to torture you.
You're not torturing me.
I just want to tell you
that I was wrong.
No, no.
You don't understand.
There's nothing there.
There's nothing there.
That's not true.
That's not true. There's nothing there.
You don't understand.
I don't know what to say.
I can understand.
I know you understand.
I've got to go.
I'm sorry.
Sorry, buddy.
That's all right.
Look out, look out, look out.
Break it up, break it up.
Break it up.
Break it up.
Get off him.
Break it up. Break it up.
Break it up.
Break it up.
Break it up.
Get him out of here, George.
He's Joey Chandler's brother.
Back off, back off.
Break it up.
Settle down.
Settle down.
Fuck that, motherfucker.
Settle down.
Settle down, all right?
Are we cool?
Fuck you.
Fuck him.
Get off.
You'll fucking kill him.
Should he go
to the hospital?
I don't think so.
Nothing's broken.
What did they fucking
hit him with, a baseball bat?
They all just said
he started swinging.
Where's Patrick?
He's with the kids.
I sent them out for burgers.
No, no, no, no.
Lee, sit down.
Sit down,
it's all right.
Let me give you some money.
No, Lee, I got it.
I'll give you some money.
Put that away. I got it.
No, I got it.
Put your money away.
I got it.
It's on me.
Let me give you some coffee.
Drink this.
Come on.
Come on, buddy.
Can I get you anything,
Uncle Lee?
Oh, no, thanks, buddy.
All right.
I'm going to go to bed.
Good night, kiddo.
Drives to the basket, gets two.
That's what you want.
Yes, honey.
Can't you see
we're burning?
No, honey.
You're not burning.
Uncle Lee,
what is that smell?
I just burnt the sauce.
Everything's okay.
I got a job in Boston.
Starts in July.
What is it?
Handy man.
But it's just two buildings
this time, so...
And what uh, delightful Boston neighborhood
have you selected for us to live in?
What do you mean?
You don't have to move to Boston.
I'm going to be
in Charlestown.
And George
is going to take you.
I talked to him
last week.
I explained
the situation to them.
Georgie Junior's going to BU in the
fall, and Jimmy graduates next year.
We can rent this house out
until you turn 18,
and then you can come back
and stay if you want.
When you turn 21, you're
allowed to sell it or keep it,
or whatever
you want to do.
We definitely have to hire out
the boat when the summer's over.
Just like we talked about.
And when you get
your license, we can...
We can just figure that out
when it happens.
I'm still the trustee,
and all the financial stuff
that Joe set up for me
is going to get transferred
over to George.
Basically everything is staying the same,
except you don't have to move.
And, but who's... Are they going
to be my guardians, or...
They're going to adopt you.
Anyway, that's just how
I set it up.
You don't have to.
It's up to you.
So you're just going to disappear?
I set it up this way
so you could stay here.
And they're really glad
to have you.
I know, I know.
I mean, they're great, but...
Why can't you stay?
Come on, Patty.
I can't beat it.
I can't beat it.
I'm sorry.
What do you think?
I think it'll be okay.
Are you one
of Stan Chandler's boys?
Yeah, I'm Lee.
I used to play chess with
your father a long time ago.
He was a excellent
chess player.
That's him.
He's not still living, is he?
One of the sons passed away recently,
I heard.
Uh, yeah, my brother Joe.
Very personable man.
My father
passed away in 1959.
A young man.
He worked on a tuna boat.
He get up one morning,
some weather,
nothing dramatic,
and he never returned.
No signals, no maydays.
No one ever found out
what happened to him.
I'm going to get
some ice cream.
Go ahead.
Can I have some money?
So, when am I supposed
to move in with Georgie?
I don't even have
a place to live, yet.
They don't give you
an apartment?
Yeah, but I'm looking for one
with an extra room.
Or room
for a pull-out sofa.
What for?
So you can come
visit sometime.
Or if you're going to look at colleges
in Boston, you can stay overnight.
I'm not going to college.
Well, I'll have an extra room
for all my shit.
Do we have to talk
about this now?
Great throw.
Just let it go.
Heads up.