Mancora (2008) Movie Script

Well arent you a fucking idiot!
What the fuck are you doing here?
-No nothing...
-You looking for something huh?
Take it easy man...
-Youve been having fun huh?
-Chill dude...
Grab him!
Look at me punk!
-Hold him tight.
-Fuck him up!
Shit my hand. Fucking pussy!
Make sure no ones looking!
There are blows in life... great...
...l dont know!
Blows as if from
the hatred of God
As if before them, the backlash
of everything suffered...
...were to damn up the soul.
l dont know!
They are few, but they are
They open dark furrows
in the fiercest face...
...and in the strongest side.
Perhaps they could be
the horses of barbarous Attilas...
...or the black heralds
Death sends us.
There are blows in life so great.
...l dont know!
Lima, Sunday 6am.
Two weeks before.
Who is it?
No one.
Hello Santi, its your father.
lm sorry for having to
tell you like this...
Before your mother died, l...
...lm not sure how to say this.
Your mother left me
for being a failure.
l didnt realize this
until after she died.
Forgive me.
Youre a grown man now and...
...l know l have never
been a good father.
l guess what lm trying to say is...
...l want you to know,
that l love you son.
Forgive me for leaving
you by yourself.
l have to go now.
Forgive me.
Hey sir!
What are you doing?!
-Cmon Santi dont take so long.
-Yeah, yeah.. dont worry.
-How much longer?
-lm almost there...
For fucks sake!
-Santiago who the hell keeps calling?
-Just leave it...
-Stop messing around...
-Mariana! No dont!
Hello? Yes, speaking...
Come again?
Santiago whats the matter?
My father...
ln the name of the Father, the Son,
the Holy Spirit, Amen.
May the grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ...
...the love of the Father...
...and the communion
of the Holy Ghost,
may He be with your spirits.
-Pautrat? Santiago Pautrat?
-Thats me...
Sign here please.
Thank you.
-ls this all of it?
The Black Heralds
And with this track
from The Vagabonds
we have some spicy
news for you.
The police determined that the reason
for the recent suicide of the...
60s bands lead singer was
due to chronic depression and an...
...economic and personal trauma.
The 58 year-old lead singer,
Jean Pautrat,
lept off the Miraflores bridge...
...last Sunday the 12 of July
with that ending his life.
l dont know if you remember
but his wife of 10 years...
left him for a Spanish diplomat.
The towns gossip said that was
the cause of the groups breakup.
What a shame right?
He being so talented an all!
Hello Santi...Santi?
lts me Xime...
...l see youre not in...
...l just found out about
your dad and...
...lm so sorry...
...l still cant believe it...
l really hope youre doing better.
l know it must be tough and all.
Everything here in New York
is fine but we really miss you.
ligo sends you a hug...
...and l a ton of kisses.
lll call you back soon. Bye.
Based on your file...
...your academic and
social performance...
...leaves a lot to
be desired Pautrat.
How can l justify
a scholarship for you...
...if you havent even paid
your academic insurance.
You come from over
four private schools...
...from which youve been expelled
from for bad conduct...
Here you have
been suspended three times...
...for physical aggression
against other students.
l really need your help right now...
...lm going through
very hard times...
...and yesterday l lost my job.
But according to your file,
you live with your father.
No, we no longer live together.
Why dont you look for
educational opportunities... other institutions that are
more adjusted to your budget.
Maybe you werent born to
be an economist, Pautrat.
Hey leave a message
and lll call ya!
Answer the phone!
-Chips sir?
-No thanks!
Sir...only five soles
for this toy dog. thank you lm good.
Son of a bitch!
Sir... How are you?
Sir can l have twenty soles
on ninety gas please.
Santiago! No! Leave him alone!
Stop being an animal!
You fucking whore!
l tried calling you! Let go!
l tried calling you a hundred
times but you never answered.
So you start dating some asshole?
Santi...are you there?
Pick up the phone...
...its me, Xime again. l dont know
if you got my message yesterday...
...well the thing is...
l mentioned to ligo that it
would be good to come see you...
...and he thought it was a great idea.
l know its a bit surprise but
well be arriving on Thursday!
And ligo says that
even though were just... and sister through marriage,
hes dying to meet you.
l also really wanna see you... long has it been?
Five or six years?
l think the last time was
at your mothers funeral.
Seems like only sad
times bring us together.
Hopefully we can change that.
Guess who?
-How are you?
-Better, doing better.
lm so sorry about
your dad and all...
Dont worry about it,
lm much better now. You?
Good, great.
Married as you can see.
Youre so grown up!
Last time l saw you you were a
fifteen year old squirt full of pimples.
-Where is ligo?
-Whats up?
-lm so sorry about your father.
-Dont worry, lm fine now.
How was
your flight from NY?
Well lm kind of jet lagged
with the time change and all...
-lts only one hour, ligo.
-lt was only a joke, Ximena.
Shall we?
-Got everything?
Wow, your place is nice.
lt needs a girls touch
but that can be fixed.
Yeah its quite...retro.
lt belonged to my mother.
l moved in after high school.
lve prepared my bedroom for you.
The bed is big and...
...l just changed the sheets,
and theres also clean towels.
Let me know if you need anything.
-And you, where do you sleep?
-On the sofa.
You can close this door if you want.
Youre going to sleep there?
Yeah, l always
pass out there anyways.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, dont worry.
-Smells good...
-l got you a welcoming chifa.
l hope its not too cold.
-What the hell is Chifa?
-Chinese-Peruvian food, my love.
-You owe me for this one.
-Hey Santi, wheres the bathroom?
-Over here.
This is in Mancora right?
l used to love going on these trips.
Howd it go? Howd the song go?
lf the queen
of Spain were to die...
...Charles V would...
Cmon help me, l dont remember.
...then Charles V would want
to rule and Spanish blood...
...would spill and flow like
the waves flow in the sea.
l cant believe l still remember!
Hows the chifas?
Chifa, without the s.
Alright guys lets set the table.
Can l have one?
-Just one.
-No, no.
Shame l missed the wedding.
Wouldve loved to have gone.
Well you really didnt miss much.
lt was a small wedding.
-l still havent told you how we met.
-No, dont think so.
After one long year in New York,
l was finally able to do an exhibition.
And this nut came in and
bought the entire show.
lt wasnt gentry,
her show was spectacular.
-What can l say, shes talented...
-Youre such an idiot!
And you? Any plans?
l was thinking about going on a trip.
Taking a little break from Lima.
-Cool. Where are you going?
Mancora? What a great idea.
Yeah... l leave tomorrow.
Tomorrow?. dont want to spend
some time with us?
Thing is l already had it
planned for some time now.
So youre leaving?
Baby, leave him alone.
Santi, go ahead with your plans...
lts a shame, l was really looking forward
to spending some time with you.
l feel real bad. You guys can
stay here as long as you like.
-lm going to leave you a set of keys.
-Santi, dont worry about us really.
Thanks, but dont worry about it.
Well maybe we can see
you when you return?
Well l think lm off to the shower.
lll pick this up.
-Dont worry about it...
-You guys take the rest.
Santi, thanks...
Not even a five-star hotel
treats us this well.
Are you ok?
l really need to get out of
Lima for a couple of days.
All this, the winter and all,
its suffocating me a bit.
l think thats kind of the reason
why my mother left.
No one knows about this but... father...
...just before he jumped,
he called me...
...and l didnt even answer.
l hadnt seen him for...
...six months...
...and l didnt even pick up...
My father killed himself
because of me.
Santi, he didnt kill
himself because of you...
...that was his decision.
l hadnt seen him in six months,
l had to wait till his funeral.
No Santi, please.
What are you doing here so early?
Someones in a mood.
Since you dont want to
spend time with us here...
...lve decided well
do it in Mancora.
-Are you serious?
Youre leaving ligo here?
The hell with leaving ligo here!
ligo goes to Mancora.
Open up, its cold!
-You dont mind right?
-No, of course not.
Open up! lm freezing!
Open! Before l freeze!
-Leave it.
-You got it?
lts heavy.
Theyre your things anyway.
Open the trunk, this weighs a ton!
Hey you, if youre going to be
so serious stop and lll get off.
Cmon, gimme a little smile...
Hey Santi, what type of
music did your dad sing?!
Youre speaking too loud!
Sorry. So what kind of
music did your dad sing?
You know, old school stuff...
No, a bit more funky, you know?.
Like the Puma?
What Puma?
Shit dude, the Puma, you know...
Jose Rodriguez! The Puma.
lll have another one please.
Look how cute those kids are.
Do you mind taking off
your sunglasses,
l cant see your eyes.
Whats wrong?
ligo, l told you not to
come if you didnt want to.
Xime please, be grateful
for the effort huh...
Effort is what l do for you.
People dont change.
Get that into your head.
Anyway, lets try to enjoy ourselves.
-Wow the food looks great!
-lts all for you...all of it!
Why didnt you stop?
-Why should l stop?
-Because they were asking for help.
And why should l stop to help the
first asshole whose car breaks down?
Because thats what people do.
Maybe in Madrid or
New York but not here.
l dont get it, thats
the mentality of a child.
Who helps you?
Who helps me?
Who helped me
when my mother left?
Who helped me when
my father decided one morning... throw himself off
a goddamn bridge?
No one, because no one helps!
Thats life. Everyone has
to survive on their own.
l take care of myself...
...lm sure they will too so
dont worry for them so much.
l agree with Santi...
...fuck em.
Survival of the fittest.
Youre a lot like me Santi.
A lot...
How are you doing in school?
At my pace...
...l think lm going to end
up being a singer like my dad.
-Dont wanna be an economist?
-l was told lm not cut out for it.
-Couldnt you piss somewhere else?
-Where the hell else? Sorry!
Excuse me,
may l take a picture of you?
So what are you up to? Working?
-l did.
-Doing what?
l was a waiter.
And? What, they fired
you? Like a dog...
Well thank God that lve
never been fired from a job.
Because you havent
worked a day in your life.
Thank God!
So whyd they fire you?
My boss made some jokes about
my father that werent very funny...
-l knocked him out.
Fuck him...
Leibovitz. Lets go!
-Lets go!
Where have you been?
Your shirt is filthy with grease!
Leave me alone,
you fucked up my piss...
Hey guys...
Excuse me, can you please
tell me exactly where we are?
Well, somewhere in between
Lima and Mancora.
-Youre going to Mancora?
lm also going to Mancora.
Can l get a lift?
Yeah sure, why not?
Great! Thanks!
My name is Andres, but
my friends call me Batoe.
-Batoe, with an accent on the u.
-Oh, Batoe.
lm Ximena.
-How are you?
The smiling fellow over there
is Santi...
...and thats ligo, my husband.
-Hey bro.
Shall we?
One sec, lm going
to go get my surfboard.
Dont rush well wait
for you in the car.
Hey what the fuck are you doing?
Seems like a nice guy, no?
-ls he coming with us the whole way?
-Yeah till Mancora, so?
So bohemian.
-Hey, leave that song on.
-So youre Cuban?
-lm Cungo.
-lve never heard of that.
-Just made it up.
-Do you guys mind?
-You speak Portuguese dont you?
-No, but l do speak weed.
So why do they call you Batoe?
Because lm the reincarnation
of Batoe... know who Batoe is right?
He was the creator of Kung Fu,
-So you do karate?
-No, no.
How long
have you been traveling for?
A long time.
l left Rio de Janeiro over a year ago.
And youve come from Rio
Thats right. And since
what counts is the...
...journey and not the destination.
May the road be welcomed.
Nothing...Our Batoe is all talk.
What counts is the journey
not the destination? What?
The world isnt as fucked up
as you imagine it to be, Santi.
The world, as l observe it... little grasshopper,
is how you see it and...
...and more than that,
how you want it to be.
-Thats some good weed, right?
But this isnt the weed talking...
its the voice of the Shamman.
The masters of the Ayahuasca.
What the hell is Ayahuasca?
lts a beverage that the indigenous
people take in Peru.
ln Brazil too.
Where can we score some?
Youd have to go to the Amazon.
Even though you might
find it in Mancora...
Piura is Perus Shamman capital.
Ayahuasca is not a game.
lts not peyote or San Pedro...
...its much stronger.
lts a ritual that converts you
into the animal you carry inside.
Ayahuasca is much
more than that.
lt puts you face to face
with your daemons.
For some, its the answer to all
their problems... understand?
Shit! No music.
-Nothing huh?
-Just crappy news.
-Give it a rest?
-Kill it.
(in portuguese)
The longest wave in the world.
Cant understand
a damn word you speak.
Chicama. lts the beach with the
longest surf break in the world.
-Get out of here!
-No joke dude.
lts a tube of water, two meters
high and two kilometers long.
(in portuguese)
l dont get it.
Me neither.
That wave is phenomenal!
Two meters...
Longest wave in the world huh?!
Whereve you been baby?
Craziest wave lve seen in my life.
Hey were spending the night.
You have to come see it!
-Sorry man but lm going to Mancora.
-Fuck, one night?
l cant stay, if l do
lll lose the hotel reservation.
Ok whatever, you go to Mancora.
So how about it?
We stay here, you and me?...
-l dont understand you ligo.
What? What dont you get?
Cmon what the hell is wrong?
(in portuguese)
Fight! Yes!
Ximena loves to fight!
-And where do you plan on staying?
-ln a hotel.
-And the board?
-lll rent it!
-They dont rent boards here.
-Well lll rent Batoes.
-lts not for sale brother...
No, no. Not sale, rent.
l give you money...
Help me out here man.
(in portuguese)
Presente? A gift?
So youre leaving?
l cant believe it...
Thats enough! Please!
Lets go Xime!
Thats enough! Please!
-Cmon! What are you doing?
-Lets go.
-(in portuguese) Thanks man!
-Your welcome.
So thats it?
You coming?
Later guys!
Lets go. Thats it!
Move, lm driving.
-You sure?
-The hell with it! Batoe lets go!
l hate those impulse reactions
he gets.
Guys addicted to adrenaline.
He shoots it up eh?
-You smoke a ton...
How old are you again?
Twenty? Twenty-one?
-Youre such a little squirt.
-Shut up.
Xime, honestly...
what are you doing here?
l wanted to see you.
Thats it! Almost got it!
Easy does it!
Do you need a hand?
-Cmon! We got it!
-Easy sir.
-Thanks kid! How can l repay you?
-Not necessary sir.
How about a lift?
lm on my way out...
-Sure...why not?
Hey are my panties there?
No clue...
Dont worry.
Where can they be?
Theyre right here.
You didnt even look.
-What are you looking at?
-Me? Nothing.
Cmon perv! Hit the shower.
-Hows it going?
-Xime is almost ready.
-Nearly. Five minutes.
So wheres the party?
ln the next town over, El Alto.
Hemingway used to live there.
Sounds good huh?
Can l have a drag?
-l thought you werent allowed to.
-How funny...
Five seconds right?
-Hey how are you?
-Fine and you?
Guys this is El Mono.
Welcome folks!
Lets go!
Damn this tonazo is sick partna!
Tonazo? What language
are you speaking?
ln Peruvian sweetie.
Tonazo means party. Dig it?
-Dig it?
-Dig it means get it.
Lets get a couple of cold ones.
lt will loosen you up.
-Thats our stop.
Some beers would be nice!
Hey mam, some iced icle ones
as if they were for you.
lced icle?
Youre screwing me up Mono!
Whatever, its all good.
You order, lm buying.
-No way. l wanna buy.
-Then you buy all the rounds!
As long as theyre icy icicle,
lm buying!
Check it out!
Baby are you bored?
Whats wrong? Now you want
to dance with that clown?
Yeah, would it bother you?
-You think lm an idiot?
l may not be from the city
but lm no idiot!
Watch it bitch!
-Easy whats your problem?
-Had to be a city faggot.
Hey whats your problem huh?
Who the fuck are you calling
a city faggot you fucking indian!
Bitch ass city boy!
l wonder what wouldve been of
me if ld have lived in Mancora.
Whats so funny?
l would have set up a little bar.
Would take my pictures...
...and would be completely free.
But then you wouldnt have met ligo.
lf it werent for ligo my life
wouldve gone to shit.
After your mom passed,
my dad split and abandoned me.
l got my things and took off
to New York to see if...
...l dont know, do something
with my photography.
Once there, l met some guy,
a photographer and... was a disaster...
...l got myself into a hole.
And just like that, l met ligo.
He was there, took
care of me and l guess...
...l fell in love with him.
And now l feel
as if lm lost in his world.
What world?
-What world?
ln ligos.
He doesnt give two shits,
does what he wants and... frightens me.
You know?.
To be honest, its a bit deep for me.
l shouldve moved here.
-What are you doing?
Cmon Santi!
Going to Mancora?
lts not bad.
What are you doing here?
-Howd you know we were here?
l ran into him last night.
-Last night?
-Yeah, last night.
-Hey gimme a sec.
Forgive me.
l saw the wave, got excited
and threw one of my famous tantrums.
No worries.
l missed you.
-How was Chicama?
And l rented this beauty!
What do you think Santi?
Hey what happened
to you, you look like...
We went to some party in
the town next over and...
...this one started fooling around with
some girl and almost got beat up.
She fooled around with me
and there was no beating...
-Well did you fuck her?
No, he just got wasted
and l found him passed out
on the beach...
...and waited for him to wake up
and ended up sleeping there...
So you two slept, together?
-Yeah, l just couldnt move him.
-ls this sand?
Yeah l just drank
too much and got sick...
lm gonna go ahead to the
bathroom. See you in a bit.
l missed you.
Forgive me, lm an ass.
lts a cool car...
Yeah right. Hey and Batoe?
lve got his board...
These beers are hot as shit! Hey!
Professor! Commander! Boss!
Hey whats wrong with this asshole?
He missing a nut?
Hes concentrated on the game.
That tatoo?
Her idea you know.
Get a tatoo for me.
Stupid move.
l love kids.
Do you guys plan on having one?
Do you guys plan on having one?
At the moment Ximena
prefers not to, but...
...its best l guess. Theres enough
people that hate me already.
Ximena always says:
it isnt hate, its jealousy.
But its hatred alright.
lts different you know?.
-And you?
-Me what?
You got a girl
or are you a fag?
l had one but, she
turned out to be a whore.
Theyre all whores!
My grandmother was a whore... mother was a whore,
me, lm a son of a whore!
One whore more,
one whore less doesnt matter...
Hey pay attention.
What matters is whats fucked,
because no one
can take that away from you.
Whats with you?
You look really pensive.
These beers are really warm.
Sir, these beers are too hot!
Thats all thats left.
You two drank em all!
Suck on this.
Lets go.
May l?
-Where are you from?
-Cabo Blanco.
-What are your names?
-Vicente Jacinto.
Thanks Vicente.
-Thanks Carmen.
You dont look too good bro.
Whats wrong?
Wow, wow, stop, stop now this
guys gonna puke! Go get out!
Dont trip!
Hey that fish is a real beauty.
Yes, thanks.
Thats my cousin.
And him?
-Thats my dad.
-Yeah you look alike.
And this is my uncle,
the Shamman.
A real one? Because l
want to visit one but...
...l dont want to wake up and realize
lm missing a kidney, you know?.
-No, no sir hes a real one.
-Real one huh?
-Youre not Peruvian are you?
-Yes. Gringo.
-Nice to meet you sir.
Hey Santi, this guy speaks English!
Let me see... you look horrible.
Lets go!
So partner, the Shammans,
where do they live?
Well they live in the dessert,
many tourists see them for San Pedro.
No, no. lm not interested
in San Pedro or Peyote.
lm looking for Ayahuasca.
Thats hard to find
around here sir.
-You cant hook me up?
-No sir not me.
You should travel to the bush,
theres many there.
Whats that you get there? Braces?
Ones gotta better their smile right?
Hey baby!
Ok Sonia, sounds great!
Big hug and thanks!
-Who was that?
-Youre jealous huh?
-lts a surprise.
A surpise huh?
We have everything?
Now this is a house!
What do you think?
-Looks cool.
-lts more than cool its out of control!
-How did you get it?
-Little secret. Like it?
Santi thats you down there,
and this room is ours.
Youre gonna love this...
...a little basket for your apples.
How cool.
lts great babe.
Hey city boy, why the long face?
What, did the indian frighten you?
A bit l guess.
What you got there?
This? What?
You smoke?
Once in a blue moon l guess.
Well this ones pretty much dead...
...but if you want we can go over to
a friends where well surely find more.
Lets do it.
They call me La Chachi.
You only have
the look of a burnout huh?
Yeah l really dont smoke much.
lts good shit right?
So wheres the fam? You look
pretty chill smoking around the crib.
My dads in Punta Sal
and my sister is with Chicho.
They get back tomorrow.
You can tell they dont
know your snobby ass...
Whats so funny?
Funny thats all.
l forgot your name...
My name? Santiago.
And what the hell
are you doing here?
Looking for something.
-l guess escaping from life...
-Shut up! Youre boring me.
Lets do something fun tonight,
perhaps party at my house.
-Obviously, its my idea idiot.
So, party tonight?
-You open yet?
-Yeah, what do you want?
-A beer.
-Sure, come in.
Thanks. So where are you from?
Where do you think? Mexico!
Good deal.
Whats up man?
-Good night.
l want a Mexican michelada.
Michelada coming right up!
-And that?
-Yes, that.
lts a secret.
Sounds interesting. What is it?
Didnt your mommy teach you
that curiosity killed the cat?
-Hey there!
-Hello to the two of you.
-And you are?
-lm ligo.
-lm Ana Maria, and this is La Chachi.
And you?
Left your tongue at my place?
-We already met.
-Youre a quick one huh?
Anyway, theres a party
at my house tonight and...
...youre all super invited.
Youre coming with us.
Look whos here!
My little grasshopper!
Ok, just a little drag...
What you dont say hi to me or what?
Puff, puff, pass hommie.
-Thanks Mono, such a gent.
-As always. You wound me Xime.
Wheres ligo?
No clue. He left to the kitchen
awhile ago and never came back.
-Hows it going cheater?
Wanna do a little cheating with me?
lm saying it because you never
mentioned you had a girlfriend...
And l dont...
Why you want to be my girlfriend?
Ok but we better run it
by my wife first.
-Youre an asshole.
So how was hanging with ligo?
-Yeah? He wasnt a pest?
-No not at all. All good.
Whats wrong?
-Xime, what happened...
-Dont worry, its ok...
lt happened.
On the contrary...
...l dont regret it.
Nor do l.
-Whats with you?
-Me? lm fine. You?
-lm fine.
-And you Santi, everything ok?
Hey quick question...
...your dad
was he really famous, or not?
-Cmon, drop it.
-l wanna know.
-No worries.
-lts unnecessary.
Why keep mourning right?
So was he famous or what?
-ligo, drop it!
-Yeah, you can say that.
So what was his biggest hit from
the top Peruvian top twenty.
Sing it for me... sing it.
Tonight it rains like never,
and l dont have a desire to live...
...heart of mine.
Yeah great song.
Cmon l wanna dance!
Thats the most popular.
You were looking for
something werent you?
So look...
l think l need another one.
-Another whiskey!
-No more whiskey!
Water, water.
-Water doesnt exist.
-Water with whiskey!
And you?
-Whats on your mind?
-That you fucked Ximena.
My wife. Your sister.
-Youre crazy man.
-Crazy am l?
What are you talking about?
You, youre a gullible fucker!
Look at that little scared look...
-You look suspicious a shit!
-Youre crazy.
Now lm fucking worried.
Your brother is an idiot.
-Trust me he is one.
Gimme a little drag.
-Enough with the cigarettes.
-Drop it, its a party.
Shes got a French complex...
Go ahead take it from her.
-Hey kid, you relax.
Stay out of it. lts between us two.
Why are you always bitching
about the cigarettes?
Because l dont like
you smoking so much.
So drop it then...
...drop it...
...drop it!
l have a little propostion for you...
Remember what we did in Mallorca?
Who is she?
Thats her.
lts all ready.
-When were you planning on telling me?
-lm telling you now...
l told you l would
never do that again.
And with her?
Youre a pig!
l was looking for you.
Come, we have a surprise for you.
Look who l found.
Hey there.
-Whats the plan?
-Were playing squash. Wanna join us?
Too bad you wife couldnt join us...
...l really liked her.
Forget my wife.
Hey there!
What are you doing here?
Couldnt sleep.
No clue.
He hasnt come home yet.
-Xime whats wrong?
-lm fine.
ln the end youre like all the rest.
Hey if youve had a fight
with ligo, leave me out of it.
-And youre a saint?
l never said l was a saint but... least l dont go
around using people.
Cmon, stop pretending, you
know exactly why youre here...
...youre using me.
Youre using me... get away from your shitty life.
And youre not?!
-Thats life right?
-Thats life?!
What the hell do you know about life?
Youre nothing more than a little snot
who cant wipe his own ass.
Well maybe youre right...
...but at least its not me who takes
it in the ass and has to say how nice!
Fuck off!
Fuck off!
Hey Santi, welcome man.
How are you?
Where have you been?
l thought we didnt ask
each other those questions.
Until when are you
staying in Mancora?
Not sure.
Hows your search coming along?
One cannot run away
from his problems... thinks that the problem
are those around him...
...and doesnt realize that
the problem is in fact oneself.
Just like l told you...
...the world is
however you want it to be.
My little grasshopper.
And its not the weed talking!
-Whats wrong?
-l need you to come with me.
Can you please tell me
where the hell were going?
-You want some?
-No thanks.
-Whats wrong? You scared of me?
-Yeah, lm shitting my pants.
Yeah youre scared.
Aya means ancestors in Quechua...
...and Huasca means plant...
...the plant of the dead.
The ayahuasca is beautiful... must not fear it.
Take it.
Without fear.
Here its prepared all
natural, without alterations.
lt consists of two plants,
the ayahuasca and the chagropanga.
The ayahuasca tells one the truth... cleanses oneself.
lt brings out all
the beautiful and all the ugly.
Help me!
Help me!
What are you looking at?
What the fuck are you looking at?!
l know what happened...
...l know because l saw it.
l saw it!
l saw it!
You disgust me!
Are you all right?
ls this normal?
Your friend is full of daemons.
He took some coke earlier.
He took some coke earlier.
-We must take him to my home in town.
l dont have anything
here but we must hurry!
Lets take him.
Are you feeling better?
lve been calling all night!
Why didnt you
answer my calls?
Thing is that we were
outside of Mancora.
ligo is fine, we both are.
Where are you calling from?
lm in town. l just bought
a ticket and lm off to Lima.
Wait dont go.
What time do you leave?
This afternoon.
Xime wait, theres something
l need to tell you. l screwed up...
Where can we meet?
Alright. Lets meet at the dock?
Pertect. Dock it is.
Well arent you a fucking idiot!
What the fuck are you doing here?
-No nothing...
-You looking for something huh?
Take it easy man...
-Youve been having fun huh?
-Chill dude...
Grab him!
Look at me punk!
-Hold him tight.
-Fuck him up!
Shit my hand. Fucking pussy!
Make sure no ones looking!
Lesson learned.
lf before each action
we could foresee all of its reactions,
lm sure we would think it over.
l believed that because of my parents,
the world was indebted to me.
Perhaps others werent
necessarily the problem.
On the contrary, perhaps the problem
has always been me.
What has been of my dreams?
lve had to reach rock bottom
to realize the one in debted,
is in fact me.
l now realize l have
my entire life ahead of me
and l cannot lose it or abandon it
like my father did...
Not me!
There are blows in life so hard...
l dont know!
Madrid, one month later.
Thanks so much.
The expo is gonna be great.
Theyre gonna love it!
-As long as someone actually comes...
-lts gonna be great!
Hey Diego can you
take that downstairs?
Hey Xime, from these stills,
which ones your favorite?
All of em.
l like them all the same.