Mandrake (2022) Movie Script

[Bird chirping]
-[Breathing heavily]
[Chain jingling]
[Shouts indistinctly]
-[Shrieking loudly]
[Hissing stops]

[Birds cawing]

-[Speaks indistinctly]
[People moaning]
- [Speaks indistinctly]
-The least you could've done
was phone.
You need to start
helping yourself.
- I was sick.
- Yeah. What's that? Calpol.
-They don't want me
working there anyway.
-Did someone say something?
I can't do anything
unless you tell me.
-It was nothing.
-Fine. Let's go.
Leave the bottle.
-You know, you shouldn't even
be on this property.
-Just sit and drink your beer.
- Are you deaf?
- Come on. Last time.
-I'm talking to you, you cunt.
- Come on. This is the last time.
- Hey!
- [Gasps]
-Don't. Baggo, stop.
- Baggo...
- Get the fuck...
[Grunts] Fuck!
- Get off her!

-[Breathes heavily]
-She started it,
you useless, fat pig.
-You alright to drive?
-Ah, looks worse than it is.
-You should go to the hospital.
- Got to take him home.
- 'Course you do.
-We better go. See ya.
Let's go.
Get in.
- Cathy.
-Are you seeing anyone?
[Bird chirping]
Said he loved me.
-Did you give him
the boundaries chart?
-[Scoffs] He doesn't know
what a boundary is.
-You need to nip that
in the bud.
There you go.
- Julie gave me the Laidlaw case.
Seriously, Bill, you need to
sort this out right now.
I'm not going anywhere near...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.
Julie what?
-Gave me Bloody Mary.
-I don't want that name
being used.
-Who's this?
-Mary Laidlaw.
She just finished
a life term in North View.
-Bill, I won't do it.
There's no way
I'm going up there.
- I can take it.
- You sure?
-[Sighs] It's fine.
I'll have a read tonight.
- Cathy.
- Ah, you're a lifesaver.
You'll need to put a tag
on her today.
- I thought you had Luke tonight.
- Yeah.
-Were you here in '91?
-I was just starting out.
-What's with the nickname?
-Media shit.

She killed her husband
with an ax
after he beat her half to death
and set her on fire.
-Left for dead up there
in the moss.
It was a miracle she survived.
He'd caught her
with this young fella.
I never knew his name.
He used to wander the roads
in this strange getup.
Jim strung them up over a tree
so deep in the moss
it took days to find them.
That's when they found
all the other... stuff.
It's all anyone
talked about for years.
I like to think we've moved on.

- What are you doing up here?
- Nothing.
-You know it's private property.
-We've come to see the witch.
-You better not be here
when I get back.
- Maybe she's a witch and all.
- [Laughs]
-Go home
before I call your parents.
Go on.
-She fed her husband
to his dogs.

[Indistinct whispering]

[Engine shut off]

Mrs. Laidlaw.

Mrs. Laidlaw, it's Cathy Madden.
I'm your supervising officer.

Can you open the door, please?
I tried phoning ahead,
but your...
-Line's dead.

Where's the other one?
-Other woman.
Came up to North View
last month.
-Mrs. Toner. She's gone.
You got me now.

-Better come in, then.

You can bring that with you.


I'm really sorry.
The report passed this
as suitable.
I'll contact human resources,
see what they can do.
-Human resources.
-Have you got heating?
-Plenty of wood outside.

-I brought you a few things.

Oh, there's no need.

-Water, then.


-You didn't come
to bring me biscuits.
-I have to fit you
with a monitoring tag.
Stays on six months.
Then we review.
There's notes
in the folder there.
-Help yourself.

You've got cold hands.

-Don't try and take it off.
-I knew a man with hands
nice and cold like that.
-And don't go off your property
without prior permission.
You'll need to get
your phone sorted out.
I can get you credit.
-He took me walking on the moss.

-Put his hands on me.

The moment he came inside me,
I knew it'd be a boy.

You got kids?
-I don't talk about
my personal life.
-I can see you
with a little boy.
They took mine.
Put him in a home.

-Have a read of that.
You'll find everything you need
in there.
-No mother should have
a stranger bring up her child.
That's not right.

[Speaks indistinctly]

-Your first official contact's
on Friday.
-I sent him a letter every week.

11:00 at my office.

-Wasn't my husband on the moss.

-I'll see you Friday.

[Breathing heavily]

-Do I have to?
-Yeah, you do.
Come on.
-Don't say anything.
-Wasn't gonna.
-Hi, there.
- Hello, Cathy.
- Hi, Grace.
-Hey, go and get your bag.
There's a good boy.
-Come in.
We stand on the doorstep?
Take a seat.
-Oh, it's grand.
I wanna get him home.
-You're looking well.
-Honestly? No. I'm like a whale.
I keep bumping Jason
every time I roll over.
His medicine's all packed.
Have you gotten palm cups?
-On his bedroom shelf, yeah.
They work you such long hours.
-Last-minute thing.
Landed a new release on me.
-Mary Laidlaw?
A lot of people
been waiting on her getting out.
-Of course.
-I guess
you had to be born here.
- [Chuckles]
- Right.
-Used to tell stories about her
when I was a wee 'un.
Bloody Mary would get us
if we were bad,
take us out to the moss,
chop us up...
-Jason. [Chuckles]
-You sure you're okay?
-Yeah. Just tired.
-We could hold on to Luke
if you want.
-I could send you home
with something,
a lasagna or crumble...
-Dinner's already sorted.
Thanks, though.
-See that?
The witch put that there.
-She didn't.
[Bird squawks, wings flap]
-Who's there?
-You're not scaring us!

-Can we have witch's pasta?
-What's witch's pasta?
-Grace makes it with pasta.
It's from Italy.
It's Grace...
- Is that right?
I'll get some for next time.
-Is it true you put people
in prison?
Like Daddy?
-Uh, I help them
when they come out.
-Why do you wanna do that?
They're bad people.
You need to do it softer,
like she does.

Leon! Leon!

-[Inhales deeply]

[People screaming]

- Mommy!
- [Gasps]
-[Breathing rapidly]
I want Mommy!
-Okay, just break it up.
Good lad.
-There you go. Good boy.
- [Panting]
- Okay.
You're okay. Shh.
Oh, you frightened
the life out of me.
-Who's that?
-Uh, no one.
Someone I'm working with.
-Can I stay up with you?
-You're okay now.
-Come on. Back to bed.
[Machine whirring softly]
- [Breathing raspily]
[Lock clicks]
[Cellphone vibrating]
[Cellphone clicks]
- Hello?
- Sergeant, we've had a report
that the McGrath kids
are missing.
-Are they sure?
Have they run 'round?
-They checked with everyone.
I know you're off duty, but...
-Oh, ain't that right?
Did they say where?
-They were last seen
going into the moss.
-Have Massey meet me...
I'll take a run past the farm.

[Knocking on door] Mrs. Laidlaw?

[Knocks on window]
I can see you.
We've got two children missing.
We had a report they were
hanging 'round here earlier.
A boy of 12, a girl, age 10.

You seen them?
Nobody's been up here
disturbing you?

-Just your ex.
Put a tag on me.
-Do you mind if I have
a quick look 'round?

-Go ahead.

-Have you got no lights?
-Waiting to be connected.

-Is it just you here?
-That your car out there?
-I don't smoke.
-Not with a baby on the way.

-I won't tell.

[Lighter clicks]

[Police radio chatter]
- Leon!
- Leon!
-Laidlaw place isn't far.
-She walks on a stick.
-I've got... here.
Doesn't stop him
from being an evil fucker.
She comes back. Two kids vanish.
-A day out of prison.
-What they got up to up here
wasn't fun and games.
It was sick.
-I read all about it.
-Did ya?
Well, I sawit.
There's a reason
for the stories.
[Dog barking]
-Excuse me. Excuse me.

-She knew about Luke?
-Uh, it was just a guess.
-Oh, my God.
I'm so glad she's yours.
I have enough nutjobs.
You know Jerry Finnan
drinks his own piss?
-She was pregnant
when she went inside.
Put him in care.
-Some people
shouldn't have kids.
It's not in them.
[Cellphone vibrates]
Client keeps sending me texts.
[Cellphone vibrates]
Fucking hell.
[Cellphone clicks]
Mary Laidlaw just
went off property.
-[Exhales sharply]
Finish off
and then drive up, okay?


- [Shouts indistinctly]
- Oh.
[Indistinct talking]
[Both chuckle]
Don't do that again.
[Engine shuts off]
What do you think you're doing?
You're breaking the terms
of your license.
-I wanted to see the old places.
My daddy used to drive me
down here for Friday sweets.
-Whose car is it?
-My daddy's.
Officer found it.
Your ex. Big fella.
-Let's go.
We'll sort your car out later.

-This is your one chance.
You don't get another.
I'll see you Friday.
-You do a good job, Cathy.
Helping people.
Is it what you wanted
for yourself?


Jennifer! [Dog barks]

[Dog barking]

-You can't go in there.
It's not the kids.
-Fella called Shawn Duggan.
Lifted him a few times.
-[Sighs] It's not them.
-You get this whole area
roped off.
I'll call Dr. Walsh.
-[Breathing shakily]

-[Crying] Mum.

-I know we all wanna find
these kids,
but very soon
it's gonna get dark,
it's gonna get cold,
and if we stay out here,
we're putting ourselves at risk.
6:00 here tomorrow morning
for those of you who can.
Thanks for today.
Go home. Get some sleep.
-Did you tell Mary Laidlaw
we used to be married?
-Why would I?
- But you spoke to her?
- Yeah.
She said you went up
to put a tag on her.
That was it.
Stay away from her.
-It's my job.
It was in with the body.
Same as on her door.
-There's loads of it
'round here.
-It didn't grow like this.
Someone made that.
It's what these people do.
-[Scoffs] You sound like Massey.
-Well, you just don't
want to see it, do you?
-You said it yourself.
It's stories to frighten kids.
-Two kids are missing.

[Car door opens, closes]

[Lighter clicks]
[Candle holder clinks]
-[Breathes deeply]
[Cellphone vibrating]
What's up?
-It's Luke.
-Hi, there.
-Daddy said I should call you.
We can all go somewhere
next week
if you're not working.
-Alright, good boy. Now,
say good night to your mum.
-I've got to go back to bed now.
-Good night.
-Pretty shitty day.
Better tomorrow.
- Good night, Jason.
[Cellphone clicks]
[Cellphone vibrates]
[Cellphone clicks]

[Indistinct talking in distance]
[Lighter clicks]
[Dog barking in distance]
-Hey, Cathy, what are you...
-I get one more text from you,
you are going back inside.
Do you understand?

-[Whispering indistinctly]



-You don't want to get sick,
do you?

You don't.
There's a good girl.

Sweet like honey.

-The girl first.

[Line ringing]
-Cathy, I'll call you back.
-I'm in the woods
about a mile from where
you found Shawn Duggan.
There are all these holes...
- I can't talk right now.
-Remember how his hands
were covered in mud?
we found them.

All this...
stays between us.
We don't want it getting out.


-Hello, Tina.
I-I'll just pop these down here.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Is... Is there...
Is there anything I can d-do?
Did you put in
a good word for her?
- For, uh...?
- Bloody Mary.
-No, I-I... I di... didn't have
anything to do with that.
-You got the gall
to set foot in my house?
-It's horrendous what has
happened to your family.
- Get out.
- It's nothing to do with me.
-Get out!

[Door closes]

[Car door closes]
-Have you been in?
-[Sighs] Just now, yeah.
Without their wee ones...
how can they bear it?
-I don't know if they can.
-Head home.
[Engine starts]
[Engine starts]
[Tires squeal]

-There she is. Up back.
- [Screams]
[Siren wails]
-You people need to leave.
I'm not messing around.
Go on, get out.
[Grunting continues]
He's gonna lose his leg
if he doesn't get to hospital.
-I'll charge the lot of ya.
Do you hear me?
Go home, Nathan.
Be with your wife.
It's your own wife
you should be looking at.
Your ex cozying up
with that bitch.
-Do as he says, Nathan.
Go home.
-[Breathing heavily]
-She put traps out.
She knew they were coming.
-It's her land.
-What, that makes it okay?
-No, but, Jason,
she's up here by herself,
and this town thinks
she's the fucking devil.
They could've killed her.
- Well, maybe they should have.
-You don't mean that.
-Don't I? Have half a mind
to be with them.
When we get through this,
Grace wants to invite you
over to the house.
Luke's started
calling her "Mommy."
-I know.
-I told him
you'll always be his Mommy.
It's just, you know,
he sees her every day, and...
-Jason, let's go.
-You better go.
I'm gonna go talk to Mary.
-Why do you bother?
They're all lowlifes.
They all end up the same way,
back in North View.
-Not myclients.
Kids can be cruel.
-So they say.
-You know, they were spotted
'round here, those two wee ones.
-Who do you think took them?
-How should I know?
-I'm trying to help you, Mary.
Can you not see how it looks?
[Lighter clicks]
-Why do you stay in this town?
You could go anywhere.
- My son's here.
- Take him with you.

-What is all this?
-Things I found.

It's yours if you want it.

It's up to you.


-Do you think he'd have stayed
if you'd given him
another child?

If your insides
weren't all messed up?

What sort of mother were you,
lying in bed, crying all day,
thinking of ways
to kill your baby?

-Fuck you.

-They didn't suffer.
It was quick.

30 years in this skin.

Goes all the way down.
-[Breathing shakily]


[Gasping continues]
[Screams, grunting]

[Chain jingling]


[Clank] [Screams]



-You've opened up a vein.
Do as I say.
We'll do what we can to help ya.


[Whispering indistinctly]


-[Inhales deeply]


-Do you see?
Remember how Luke screamed
when he came into the world?
So does the mandrake.

Looks like a man
because his father was a man.
His mother is the earth.

-It can't hurt you
if you can't hear it.
-[Breathing heavily]

-Be quick,
or you'll bleed to death.


[Grunting continues]

[Grunting continues]

[Breathing heavily]

-[Shrieking loudly]

[Shrieking stops]
-[Breathing heavily]

[Chain jingling]

-Put her in.

[Yells, crying]

-[Groans, crying]

Aah! [Crying]

[Breathing heavily]

[Cellphone clicks]
[Humming continues]





[Knock on door]

-[Breathing heavily]




[Gagging stops]
-[Breathing heavily]
- [Gasps]
-Do you dare!


Your foot will heal.
[Panting] Your insides, too.
- Shh.
- [Crying]
-It'll shine out
through your skin.
She won't be able
to hold a candle to ya.


You won't have to do that
-[Breathing shakily]




Nice, thick hair.
Like your daddy's.
-Why did you give it to her?
-It can kill as soon as cure.
We'll know in the morning.

[Birds chirping]

[Exhales sharply]
[Exhales sharply]
[Breathing heavily]

[Boot zips]

[Boot zips]

[Door creaks]

[Exhales sharply]

[Cellphone clicks]
-Look who's up and about.

[Line ringing faintly]
I took mine with the sun.
[Ringing continues]
Thomas' turn now.
[Ringing continues]
Think about your leg.
You don't feel the difference
in your foot,
inside your belly?
[Ringing continues]
If you want another child,
you can.
-Don't you talk about children.
his coughing won't stop
and all your medicine
and all your tapping
won't make any difference.
[Ringing continues]
-What have you got there?
-It's Cathy Madden.
I'm at the Laidlaws'.
-Stop it!
[Both grunting]
-Help. Help. Help!

-It was Cathy. I swear.
- Why would she phone you?
- I don't know, but she did.
You got to believe me.
- Look, I know what's going on.
She told me all about
your sick messages.
-That shit wasn't me.
Baggo stole my phone.
-If he stole your phone,
how could she call you?
-I call her back often.
I would never do that to her.
Me and Cathy...
- There is no you and Cathy.
You get that
in your fucking head?
[Police radio beeping]
-It's unclean.
- [Wailing]
- Shh.
- [Gasps]
- Do you trust me?
-[Breathing rapidly]
-I will bring you, son.
-[Breathing heavily]
[Cellphone vibrating]

-[Exhales sharply]


-[Knocks on door]
-Shawn wasn't a bad fella.
Whatever problems
he might've had,
he didn't deserve that.
Your lot any nearer
to figuring this out?
-It's an ongoing investigation.
-Right you are.
Here he is. Duggan. Number nine.
-Whose room's this?
-I told him to take that down,
but he got all weird on me,
so I stopped bothering.
-Whose room?
-That would be Thomas Laidlaw's.

-[Exhales sharply]

She's not answering her phone.
-I've not seen her.
What is it? What's happened?
-Thomas Laidlaw
killed Shawn Duggan.
Maybe the McGrath kids.
-Hello? Hello?


[Whispering indistinctly]

[Match strikes]

[Whispering indistinctly]


-Are they coming back?
-No, Luke.
-Are they dead?
-They're in heaven.
-Why don't you say
a wee prayer, huh?
I'll be back in a minute.




[Breathing heavily]


[Breathing heavily]

Come on.

Oh, God.

Come on.

[Cellphone vibrating]
-You can't be here.
-I've met Mary.
It was a long time ago...
-Get in your car. Lock the door.

-Where's Cathy?

-Put the knife down.
-Come on.
- Put it down!
[Knife clinks] On your knees!
-I wondered when you'd come.
[Knife rends]
- Aah!

- [Breathing rapidly]



[Breathing shakily]

Where is she?

-Who is it you want?



- [Grunts]
- [Muffled gasps]

-Where's my wife?
-You left your wife.

- [Grunts]
- [Muffled gasps]
[Muffled crying]
[Body thuds]



I've never stopped thinking
about you.
We were the first.
You, me, and the wandering man.
-I remember.
-[Breathing heavily]
-I'm not for you.
You're not fit to eat the crumbs
from this table.

-I'm not.




[Breathing shakily]


Come on!

Luke. Luke, babe.
It's okay, baby. I got you.
I've got you.
I got you.
[Sighs] I got you.


[Police radio beeping]


-[Wheezing lightly]

- [Breathing shakily]
- [Grunts]
-[Breathing heavily]
Where's my son?

Where is he?!
-Sh-Sh-She took him.

[Speaks indistinctly]


[Indistinct shouting]

[Indistinct whispering]

[Indistinct shouting continues]


-We'll see light soon. Okay?
-Don't leave me.
-Oh, I won't.
I promise.

-Will Daddy come and get me?


- [Sighs]
- [Coughs]

- You're okay.


Give me your hand.
Come on. There.
Okay, just two.
Are you okay?
Good lad. Okay.

-She's not here.
You can tear this place
to the ground,
but it won't bring
your children back.
-Think I give a fuck?
What have I got left?
We already did the son
up in the moss.
-Best not say any more.

Luke's safe. Cathy's got him.
-Thank you.
Does Jason know yet?

You're okay.

-What's this?

- What is it?
- What is it?
-Put it down! Put it down.
[Breathing heavily]

Get back!

- It's alright. Sorry.
I wanted to make sure
you were okay.
-[Breathing heavily]
[Birds chirping]
[Doorbell rings]
-Hey, there.
Hey, Luke.
-Me and Mommy made you these.
-Homemade biscuits.
[Dog barking in distance]
-Shh. Shh-shh-shh.
-Sorry about the mess.
-Oh, it's fine.
-[Crying continues]
-Have you heard anything?
-Massey thinks
she might've headed down south.
-[Crying continues]
[Crying stops]
- Shh.
- Can I take her?
- Sure.
-Yeah? [Gasps]
[Fire crackling]