Maneater (2022) Movie Script

Can I get you another?
Yeah, I'll get another one,
Coming right up.
Ugh, they're almost done.
Good, what's taking
them so long?
Something about insurance
or whatever.
Yeah, we should've
handled that weeks ago.
Well, all I know is
the captain's a real hoot.
Is that a good thing
or a bad thing?
I don't know.
Hope it's a good thing.
Aw, you doing okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
You know,
you have us here, right?
I promise.
Girl, we have
a whole week of fun
with Captain Wally or whatever
the hell his name is.
We have sun, snorkeling, booze.
Dude, we have our own boat.
What more could a girl ask for?
I know.
I'm so grateful for you guys.
If I had to stay at home
one more day,
I think I would've
killed myself.
Oh, girl, fuck that.
No, that is over and done with.
And I suggest you take
this thing, put it away.
And when we get home,
you sell that son of a bitch.
I can't do that,
I gotta give it back.
Sis, fuck him,
he broke your heart.
So you break the bank, okay?
Put it away girl.
You want me to sell it?
I'll sell it.
Don't leave it to me.
Ladies, we sail
into the sunset within hours.
- Everything went smoothly?
- Smooth enough.
It was pretty amazing,
if I do say so myself.
- Will made an addition.
- Oh.
Just a little one.
He got us
the new Booze Cruise option.
-What's that?
-I don't--
No seriously, what's that?
Some add on
where the captain supplies us
an entire bar
while we're on the boat.
Yeah, apparently
Will still thinks we're all 21.
Yeah, yeah,
I'm still clinging
to my youth over here, okay.
Hey look, we're on vacation.
We're here to have a good time.
-I don't know, but...
-With our good friend, Jessie.
We needed some bottles to pop.
Now we have some bottles to pop,
so there you go.
Hey, no complaints from me,
Will. You spend away.
It's gonna be amazing,
I swear to God.
Leave it up to him.
I remember when I couldn't
get you outta bed before noon.
Now you're beating me
out the door every morning.
Morning, Dad.
Going out for a surf?
I'm gonna catch some waves,
see if I could spot some whales.
They're having
their calves right now.
Be safe, Kiddo.
Love you.
So it's a five-day trip.
Wally knows the route,
everything's in line.
I wanna make sure that you guys
have the paperwork
before we set sail.
Thank you.
Damn tourists.
You can't say damn tourists
because, well, you only
been here three months.
Look, this island
has a economic generator
and it is tourism.
When I used to work at--
It's been a week, Sheriff,
since I buried
what little they gave me
to bury of my daughter,
and not a single phone call
telling me
what you're doing about it.
Look, the part of me
that might radiate a gentleman's
missing today, I'm afraid.
So I apologize
for any choice words I may use.
That's completely
I'm so, so, so sorry.
Thank you.
This conversation
doesn't come easy, Harlan.
Well, it shouldn't be easy.
I know this is
a very difficult time.
You understand that, do you?
You don't understand shit.
And don't patronize me.
A shark killed my baby
and I want to know what the hell
you're doing about it.
Look, we live
in a tourist destination.
Do I look like a man
that came in here
to talk to the hired help today,
let alone one that doesn't know
his ass from his elbows
around these islands?
Are you writing my daughter off
as just another statistic, Kula?
Is that what
you're fucking doing?
No, I'm grieving with you.
We are so sorry.
You know,
it's a tragic situation.
God, if I hear tragic
one more time.
Tragic is when your daughter
dies in a car accident,
or tragic is when your daughter
dies from an overdose,
from some bullshit.
My daughter was eaten alive
by a fucking fish.
She was alone.
That's not tragic, Sheriff,
that's fucking horrifying.
Look, I've been sport fishing
these waters for years,
I built a respectable business
around it.
I know these waters and
there's something I've learned.
I'm gonna let you in
on a little secret.
When a shark tastes something
it likes, it doesn't leave.
You know what I'm saying, Kula?
I do understand
what you're saying.
We're doing the best we can,
We're doing everything we can.
We have to answer
to the City Council.
-We gotta answer to the--
-Fuck 'em.
Fuck the city council,
fuck the conservationists,
fuck Animal Rights,
fuck all those people.
You've got a man-eater
on your hands, Sheriff.
And it's just a matter of time
before he finds his next meal.
You better hope
it's not one of yours.
If you don't want to do
something about it,
then I will.
So that's the infamous captain
everybody talks about?
Yeah, that's him.
Let the good times roll
We don't have a care
To see
We don't care about
We are the bad, bad things
I hate your shoe.
I hate your shirt.
I hate your beard.
I hate your hat.
I like your honesty,
you wanna know why?
'Cause my wife makes me wear it.
She says it's good for business.
You wanna know
the moral of the story?
Don't get married.
Take my advice.
Okay, gee, thanks.
And here's
our wonderful captain.
Well, okay, hi, how are you?
I'm Wally. This is my hat,
this is my Beth.
Really good thing about Beth,
is that she's strong,
she eats well,
so she can carry heavy stuff.
-Hmm... okay.
give all your stuff to Beth.
We're gonna head out
to a small boat,
gonna take us to a bigger boat,
all right?
All right.
I got it.
We don't know
Where we're going
All we know, we don't care
If we ever get there
We don't know
Where we're going
All we know is that we try
To live without any cares
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
This is so good.
Wanna roam around the world
Take my heart
Where it desires
All right, be careful.
I kick my fear to the curb
I'm taking off
I'm starting over
I gotta plan, take my hand
Meet some strangers
Thank you.
Hey, oh, we don't know
Where we're going
All we're know is that
We try to live
We try to live
So since when do groups
do honeymoons anyways?
Originally I just thought it was
supposed to be the two of you?
It was supposed to be
the two of us,
but sometimes things
don't work out that way, so...
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Shit, sorry, that's a bad
first impression of me.
My name's Beth.
We're gonna make sure
you see the sights
and have some fun, all right?
And this here's your captain
and his father
calls him Wallaford.
Unless you wanna
get thrown off this boat,
you do not call me Wallaford,
thank you very much.
Now we're gonna make sure
you guys have as much fun
as possible.
That's exactly what she needs.
Yeah, actually, um,
is there an island here
with just single men on it?
Hey, what are we,
just chopped liver?
You know what?
I do know a couple of islands
like that actually,
but they're filled
with wrinkly, old men.
Naked, wrinkly old men.
Hey, since when
you been to those beaches?
Pass for me.
So do we call you Captain?
I suppose it's tradition,
but nah.
I mean,
Wally will do just fine.
A lot of these old sea captains
get their egos bent outta shape,
if you don't refer to 'em
by their title,
but shit, it's the new
millennium, right?
So you got your heart broken,
Yeah, you could say that.
Yeah, it happened to me once.
It heals. Don't worry,
you'll find someone new.
Yeah, that's what
they keep telling me.
So is, uh, Beth your wife?
Yeah, you know,
she keeps me in line
from time to time, I guess.
Look, it's none of my business,
but you see the sea out there?
It's got a way
of making us stronger.
It heals wounds
and hardens hearts.
Your friends make you do this?
They did.
They were trying
to turn a shitty situation
into something special.
It was already paid for,
so you know.
-That's some good
friends to have.
It's often hard
to find people to stick by you
during turbulent waters right?
Don't mind the pun.
Um, I'm a sea captain.
I take every chance I get.
do you like dolphins?
-I do.
We're about to show you some.
Let's go, everyone. Time to go.
Billy Degreat in the house
Wezelle in the house
Come on
What, what, what, shout
She's a woo
She's a woo
She's a woo, woo, woo
She's a woo, woo, woo
She shake that ass
Like Shakira
Roll her eyes like Rihanna
Bounce her booty
Like Beyonc
Got me, got me going crazy
She shake that ass
Like Shakira
Roll her eyes like Rihanna
Bounce her booty
Like Beyonc
Got me, got me going crazy
She's a woo
She's a woo
She's a woo, woo, woo
Girl, what is that out there?
I think that's a turtle.
Oh, my gosh.
This is just all so beautiful.
Thank you, Sunny.
For what?
For making me come on this.
Oh, you thought I was gonna
let you sit at home
and sulk all by yourself.
Girl, if you gonna sulk
and be in a pity party,
you better do it right here.
Seriously though, thank you.
No problem,
you know you my girl.
Hey, Wally,
where are we headed?
I'm gonna take you
to a secret island.
It's a small island with a reef,
We're gonna anchor there
for the night.
It's a really beautiful spot
and hardly anyone goes there.
Is there dolphins there too?
By the end of this trip,
you're gonna be sick
of the damn dolphins, trust me.
Ay, see, that's my thing,
he knows I wanna ride
the dolphins.
My thing. This right here.
They do that out here, I heard.
Based on the bite radius
and the tear direction,
can anyone identify
what type of shark this is?
How about this?
That's a Carcharodon carcharias.
That's right.
Carcharodon carcharias,
otherwise known
as the great white.
The most feared predator
in the ocean, outside the orca.
Which is also quite mysterious
in its own right, correct?
Correct. Yes.
The orca is, but the, um--
the species of the great white
has evaded scientists for years.
W-- W-- Why is that?
Oh, many reasons.
First of all,
we don't quite understand
their migratory
or their breeding patterns.
We don't understand
why they travel
thousands and thousands of miles
over many different
oceans and seas.
We've actually
never seen 'em mate.
We don't know
when they fully mature.
We don't quite understand
at times
why they dive
to such great depths.
By the way, if there's
deep water to be found,
they're almost impossible
to track.
And why do they eat people?
What makes 'em target people?
Well, sometimes they
mistake a human being
for a food source.
We're flesh and blood and bone.
We are a food source.
Well, that's true
but they prefer fish and seals.
Oh, a cheap hamburger
or a 32-ounce rib eye.
Which one would you rather have?
No offense.
I think that's all for today,
if you'll excuse us, please.
Harlan, I don't know
what to say, I'm sorry. I--
Thank you.
It's been hard, Sam.
You know, I lost my wife,
but now losing my daughter...
I mean, especially like this.
What's this?
Open it.
I've been on the water
most of my life, Sam,
and I've seen a lot of sharks.
But I've never seen
anything that's done that.
I thought maybe
you could help me identify
the kind of shark that did this.
Wait a second here.
I thought she was attacked
on Kuina Beach.
She was.
Well, that's impossible.
Well, this ecosystem,
it supports warm water fish.
And you know all the big sharks
that occupy this.
Tigers are the only sharks
we have around here
that attack people on occasion.
But you are not saying
that this was a tiger shark.
These photos are-- Well, they
look more like a great white.
Great whites don't come
to these waters.
It's not impossible.
- It's not impossible.
- No.
A couple years back
a research team outta Woods Hole
tagged a great white female,
they named it Lydia.
She crisscrossed
the Atlantic back and forth,
after about 35, 40,000 miles,
ended up in The Bahamas.
Bahamas with tropical waters
and warm water?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hmm.
There's a lot
about the great whites
we still don't understand.
Sam, my daughter's body
was found in pieces
on the goddamn beach.
Well, the majority of sharks,
they kill for survival,
for food,
and they eat their kill.
They don't leave it in pieces.
So you're saying this thing's
killing for sport.
Yeah, so anyways, Brie
couldn't even find her
way back to the hotel.
Yeah, and then-- and then,
she starts yelling at this
German cab driver in English
and then projectile vomits
all over the guy.
Yeah, it was in his hair,
in his gear box, in the seats.
Okay, thank you,
that's enough, thank you.
I'm sure he liked his
stomach acid infused cologne.
I've worn that scent
a time or two.
So you guys have all known
each other for a while, huh?
Quite a while, yeah.
I've known Will and Sunny
the longest.
No me, she's known me.
And I met Brie and Emma
in college
and Ty just--
Just kinda drifted in
with the tide.
And he never left.
And there are no couples here.
Whoo, Captain Wally, right down
to the nitty gritty, huh?
Calm your hormones, Brie.
The man is taken.
-She's right here.
-I'm just saying.
I didn't mean anything by that,
I'm just saying
that mostly couples
come down here, that's all.
It's refreshing to see
a group of friends
who have just been
that, you know? Friends.
Well, actually,
Sunny and Ty dated once.
Shut your mouth.
Okay, listen, it didn't go well.
It's kinda gross,
but it didn't.
Listen, it didn't.
I was the, uh, test bunny,
You mean test dummy.
What about you, Wally?
Have you always been out here
living the pirate life?
Ah. If only,
I wish I was a pirate.
No, I grew up in Minnesota.
Yeah, I worked in a garage,
fixing motors,
most of my young years.
So what brought you down here?
My cousin had a boatyard,
I came down here one winter.
And that was that.
So how did you two meet?
It was actually
turtle mating season
and a big guy thought I was like
the flavor of the week
and it kept chasing me while
I was snorkeling in the water.
And then big Wally came in there
and he showed
that turtle dominance.
- That sounds kinky.
- Oh.
It definitely was not.
So careers, change subject,
what do y'all do?
I just graduated.
I'm gonna get this.
-How'd you know?
-Got it.
-Well you have that
doctor look about you.
We're all open books here.
This one also takes care
of her mother. She's disabled.
Oh, that's tough.
Oh. Oh, well,
I'm the sleaze of the group.
Okay, okay.
Club promoter?
No, I'm a lawyer, litigation.
Okay, cutthroat.
Yeah, blood in the water
all the time.
Shut up, Will.
No. It's not like that.
What about you, Sunny?
I work in real estate.
There's nothing shiny
about that.
I know my name is Sunny,
but it's not that shiny,
you know. Yeah.
I'm gonna grab some more wine.
So what does tomorrow
bring for us, Captain Wally?
Okay, so tomorrow
I'm gonna take you
to that special island
I was telling you about.
It's got amazing beaches,
some out-of-this-world
gonna see turtles and dolphins.
It's one of my favorite places
here in the islands.
-And most importantly...
...not a lot of tourists
know about it,
'cause it's just
a little bit out of the way.
Okay, well that sounds amazing.
-It's magical.
Harlan. Harlan!
what do you think you're doing?
Going fishing, Sheriff.
Fishing with a goddamn rifle?
Well, everybody has their
own way, Deputy Do-Right.
That's illegal, Harlan.
You're gonna stop me, Kula?
- I didn't think so.
- -Let me get this straight,
you're gonna go cruise
all the islands,
looking for the shark
that killed Jen?
That's not how you do it.
Well, if you would have
at least devised
some kind of plan,
maybe I'd have listened to you.
But you sat on your ass
and didn't seem
to give a good government shit
about the fact that there's
a rogue shark out there.
So I guess I'm gonna have
to go out there
and remind that goddamn fish
exactly where he is
on the fucking food chain.
You guys wanna see some sharks?
Oh, shit.
Wait, for real? Where?
Ahoy, hey, you assholes.
See him throwing that line over?
It's to attract sharks,
which in these waters,
is extremely illegal.
Why the hell would you wanna
bring sharks closer to the boat?
they pay big money for it.
See that right there?
It's a white tip reef shark.
It's actually smaller
than I thought.
Harmless, mostly.
Should be more of that coming.
There they are.
So cool.
And they don't bite?
I mean they bite, but you're
just not food for them.
That, see that.
There it is again, you see it?
That's a small tiger shark.
Now those are responsible
for most of the attacks here,
but still that's not so common.
Well, still, it's a small fish.
Oh, Will, are you trying to see
like a really big, big fish,
a shark, what?
I mean, no, I mean,
look, I've seen pictures,
seen it on TV, and look,
they're huge, yeah.
Getting pretty big down here.
I've seen one before, Will.
When I was snorkeling
in The Bahamas
we had one cruising right
through us. They're beautiful.
Sometimes you get one
that swims close to shore,
but it's rare.
How big do they get?
I don't know,
I've seen about a 15-footer.
-God damn.
-Now that is a big fish.
-They're a sight all right.
Once they understand that
there's food in the water,
they can hang out for hours.
Sometimes days.
- Wow, it's beautiful.
- Yeah.
All right, here she is.
- Yeah, wait 'til you get off the boat.
- -Gorgeous.
The reef in front of us
is protected
and the water's too shallow
for a boat this size
to go on through.
So, Beth,
can you do me a favor?
-Can you get the raft?
-I can.
Thank you very much.
Island's all yours
for the next 24 hours.
Nothing but peace and quiet.
Now on the backside
of the island are some palapas
with some fresh cots,
if you wanna sleep inside.
But if you want my advice
and look at the stars at night,
you want to go in front
of the beach right there.
Go, go ahead, go.
Go get some towels
and fresh blankets
and pillows below deck.
Enjoy yourselves.
Oh, yeah.
We are bringing more business.
Honey, you wanna help me?
Hey, Jessie.
Ain't you glad
you didn't bail on this now?
- It's not like I really had a choice.
- -Yeah.
Are you complaining?
Not at all.
Well, I think this is amazing.
It's all of us together,
turning a crap situation into...
So what's your mom
think about all this, Jess?
- Brie.
- What?
I'm serious.
Nobody's talking
about this shit.
For good reason.
No, it's fine. It's all right.
You know my mom's
just as upset as me.
She really liked Dave.
That's his name.
I'd forgotten it
about it already.
- What was that?
- Um...
What was that?
-Oh, Jesus Christ.
Did you guys see Brie's face?
Okay, okay.
Your face.
How could we not?
Guys, it's fine,
dolphins are a good sign.
Really, really?
What do you mean?
Why? How? How so?
When dolphins are around
it means there's no danger.
- Okay. So you talked
to the dolphin.
- Good.
- He's just protecting
everything. Okay.
- Yeah, that's right.
Oh, good. Well, that's good.
Good to know now.
-Now I feel better. Good.
Jessie, you copy?
Jessie, you copy?
Jessie, you copy?
Yeah, this is Jessie.
There's no cell coverage
out here, no landline,
so this is how we talk
to one another
between the boat
and the island, okay?
That's correct.
Have Will row back
and I'll get them
on the raft with him.
so you're not staying out here
on the island with us tonight?
Someone needs to stay with the boat at all times,
but Beth and I can always
be reached via the radio.
Hey, Jess,
what, are you moving in
on the captain?
He's kind of old for you,
don't you think?
-Shut up, Will.
-No, it's not like that.
He's got Beth.
Well, he's a handsome man.
Not Captain Ron, Captain Ahab,
-well, I can see Captain Wally.
-Shut it.
So good for you, right.
I got the beer.
Thanks Beth, Wally.
You guys are real gems
out here on the high seas.
Here you go guys,
food, booze and the works.
I got the beer.
No, wait, that's not a--
- Oh, shit.
- Get inside.
Sit down.
Shit, bad move, pal,
that's not what you
wanna have happen out here.
It's deep, but I still
think I could wrap it.
Beth, do me a favor,
give me the first aid kit.
Listen to me.
When you go ashore,
you stay on the beach,
you do not go in the water.
Do you understand?
Hey, look, so I can understand
just a little bit more,
why can't he go in the drink?
We're an ecological
marine system
that thrives
off of blood in the water.
Okay? One drop of blood's
going to attract small fish,
it's gonna attract
some even larger fish.
I don't wanna freak
you guys out.
Just do me a favor and keep him
out of the water, understand?
There, that should hold.
Look at me,
keep it dry, understand?
Hey, Jack.
Harlan, good to see you
out and about, buddy.
Well, it's good
to see you too, Jack.
How's the bite?
Not so great.
Harlan, what are you
doing out here?
Stupid question, sorry.
Jack, you fish these waters
even more than I do.
Anything been going on
out here the last week or so
that I might not know about?
Well, like I said,
the bite's been bad,
which is odd, you know.
Hey, you know, I know you
like to fish the shallows,
but you're usually out there
on the edge of the trench.
What are you doing way
the hell in here today?
We hit a reef this morning.
Can't believe you hit a reef.
Yeah, check it out.
Looks like you've seen a ghost.
What are you looking at?
What's the matter?
That wasn't no reef, Jack.
Tell me exactly
where this happened.
When you're on your way out,
you know where the edge is,
where you take
that swooping turn
into the shallows,
heading toward the point?
-Toward the point.
-Right there at the edge.
-Right there
-Right there.
You ain't gonna make it
out there before sunset.
Not gonna happen.
No, I don't reckon I will.
Tomorrow's another day,
my friend.
-Good to see you, Jack.
-Always good to see you buddy.
Earl. All right.
Trouble's gonna
Eat you alive
Trouble's gonna
Eat you alive
The pain's coming for you
Rains gonna make it
All right
There's no use
In feeding the lies
A broken heart
Will heal over time
It might be painful
But pain says
You're doing it right
'Cause you told yourself
You wanted this so badly
You run away, run away
In your soul
You run away, run away
Jessie to Wally, over.
If only
You're so out of control
There you go,
you're getting the hang of it.
How's it going
out there?
It's all good.
Just doing some scrubbing here,
that's all.
Sorry for my friend.
Yeah, that's okay.
How's his hand doing anyway?
Well, you did a good job
bandaging that thing up.
I mean, of course,
I had to rewrap it,
but I give you points
for your effort.
Well you're the doc.
Never was really good
at using medical supplies,
usually just used
duct tape and super glue.
Spoken like a true sailor.
Thanks again, Wally.
Over and out.
Good night, Jessie.
Oh, you run away
You run away
Don't let go
You run away, run away
Oh, you're so out of control
So that girl's fond of you.
Ah, she's hurting is all.
We've been there before, Beth.
-Some captain, my love.
Oh, no.
Oh. Oh, God.
Only a few inches
too short there.
- Story of my life.
- Oh.
-Oh, my God.
-You wouldn't wanna lose that.
No, no, no.
In you go.
Oh, look at you,
You need me to help you out?
Wally, you need to come now!
- Where are we going?
- Shh, keep your voice down.
-You're gonna wake
the whole damn island.
I'm gonna go for a swim.
We can't do that
when everyone's awake?
Warm, isn't it?
Yeah. It's like bath water.
So why are we out here, Emma?
You ask too many questions.
Just enjoy the view.
A girl can't enjoy herself
in paradise?
Oh, my--
Just water.
Biggest tease in the world,
I'll just wait.
Damn it.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God! Help!
Help, help!
Morning sunshine.
aren't we on vacation?
Aren't we supposed to be
sleeping in or something?
You know,
I wanna explore the island
a little bit.
Oh, my God.
Why must it be so bright?
How's your head feeling, Brie?
Two sizes too small.
Yeah, I bet.
All right, you know what?
I'm gonna cook us breakfast.
With what, Will?
Watch this.
We have a frying pan right here.
And we have a fire pit
right there.
That's some Neanderthal shit
right there, Will.
Skill is what it is.
Why don't we just go eat
on the boat
where there's
an actual kitchen and curtains?
Hey, Will, you got
that radio that Wally gave us?
Then whose is this?
Hey, Will to the skipper.
Maybe it fell overboard.
I mean, maybe, but,
I don't know, the captain
just doesn't seem that...
No, he wouldn't be
that irresponsible.
Yeah, well,
we could all agree on that.
All right, I tell you what.
Why don't you three
check out the beach,
I'll take the raft
back to the boat,
see if the captain made
off with another wench
in the middle of the night.
Or maybe he just hit the bottle
a little too hard last night
and is sleeping in.
Like we should be.
- Good?
- Yeah.
Sound good?
Sound good?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Wait, did we lose Ty and Emma?
Oh, looks like someone went out
to play a little game
of hide the sausage.
- You nasty, bro.
- I'm just saying.
Okay, you know what?
I'm gonna go look for them
as well. You wanna come?
Oh, yeah, and catch them two
in the act? I'm all for it.
-Can I have it? Yeah?
Well, I'll just stay here then.
You took one bite,
'cause you weren't looking
for something to eat,
you were looking
for something to kill.
I swear to God,
if you've been hiding
some girls on that boat,
we're gonna have to have a talk.
Where are all the damn dolphins?
Where do you think they are?
Curled up under
one of the palm trees, probably.
Can't get mad at them
for wanting some privacy.
Yeah, you're right.
Are you doing okay, Jess?
What do you mean?
Well, I know we kinda just
invited ourselves
onto this thing
and forced you to come with us.
We just wanted to cheer you up.
I know, thank you.
I appreciate you guys,
I really do, thank you.
As long as my girl
is having fun.
Life is short.
We only get one crack at this
bitch and then bam, it's over.
You're right.
That's one way of looking at it.
No way.
Wait, wait.
Wait, are they running
around here naked somewhere?
Will was right.
Hiding the sausage
is the game of the day.
Oh, my God.
-I mean.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Sunny help me.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh. Oh, God.
Oh, oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
No pulse.
-No pulse
-Oh, my god.
-There's no pulse.
-Oh, my God.
Sunny, I need you
to go and get Captain Wally
and Will, right now.
-Where's Emma?
-Sunny, now.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I don't want to be
out here right now.
Will, hurry up!
Oh, my God. Jessie! Ty!
They're dead.
Oh, my God. We need help.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God. We need help.
-What happened?
-No, you don't understand,
-we need help.
-What's happening?
I came here for Will.
Will, Will, come here, please!
Will, please! Will!
This is so bad. We need Will.
Please, come on.
Help me get him, please.
Will. Will, row, row!
-Hurry up!
-Will! Will, row!
-Hurry up!
Oh, my God.
Will, hurry, please.
He's over there, Will.
Oh, my God.
What are we gonna do, what are we gonna do?
We're gonna die.
- Will.
- Will, freaking swim!
Oh, my God.
Will. Oh, oh, oh.
- Oh, my God.
- Will.
-What are you--
-You take the other end of that.
When I have him, pull
like your life depends on it.
No, no, no. No, Brie.
You can't go in there. No.
-Sunny, get it together!
Pull when I have him!
-Okay, wait.
Oh, God, I can't, I can't.
- Pull now!
- Hurry.
- Sunny, pull!
- Brie!
Will! Will!
I think I broke my leg.
I need to turn you over.
You're gonna have to
let me help you, okay?
How bad is it?
It's bad.
Can you patch me up?
Of course I can.
It's okay, honey, it's okay.
I'm gonna be right back.
Stay awake, okay?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm waiting.
Okay. It's okay, honey. Okay.
-Here, open up.
I'm gonna try
and stop the bleeding.
Do what you have to.
Why don't you give me
some of this
so we can stop the pain.
I can't do that.
-Alcohol's gonna
thin your blood.
You'll be safe, Will.
I just have to get your belt,
I need to get your belt, okay?
This is gonna hurt, okay?
And stay looking at me.
Okay, you ready?
One, two,
It's okay, it's okay.
You did good, you did good.
Please stay with me,
look at me, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
I need you to do this
one more time.
Stay with me, Will.
Stay with me. Look at me.
-Okay, okay.
-Okay, yeah.
Okay, one more time.
I'm gonna pour
some of this on you, okay?
I'm gonna die here, aren't I?
-I'm gonna die.
-You're not gonna die here.
-I'm gonna die.
-No, you're not, Will.
Look at me.
You're not gonna die here.
Look at me,
you're not gonna die.
Look at me.
You'll be fine,
you're not gonna die.
Stay with me, okay?
Stay with me.
That was-- That was
a big fucking fish.
Oh, yeah.
Can anyone hear me?
Please, can anyone hear me?
Can anyone hear me?
We're stuck on an island,
I'm not sure the exact location.
Please, if anyone can hear me.
Please, if anyone can hear me.
I can hear you,
but you're breaking up.
Where are you?
We are stuck on an island.
I can hear an engine.
I don't know the exact location.
There's a catamaran.
It's outside of the reef.
if you can hear me, please.
All right, I can hear you,
but I can't find you.
The tide's getting low.
I'm not gonna be able
to get around these reefs
if I take a wrong turn,
so you gotta help me out.
Where are you?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. I'm, um-- There--
I don't know the exact location.
We're outside
of inside the reef.
There's-- There's a boat
just on the outside. Please.
Okay your signal's
getting stronger,
so I know I'm close to you.
Pop a flare if you have one.
I see you, kid.
I'm coming.
Pop me another one
in about 30 seconds.
You all right, kid?
You're not hurt?
I'm assuming that that fish
is the reason
you're stranded on this beach.
Will tried to get out
to the boat.
It just kept attacking the raft.
I've never seen
anything like that.
There's a girl
floating out there.
That's my friend.
Is this your friend too?
It's that fucking monster,
did this.
It's not a monster,
it's the devil.
Devils don't bleed,
it's just a fish.
You the only survivor?
Yeah, I think so.
So it was just you
and these two?
No, there were seven of us.
I think I'm the only one alive.
I'm gonna get on the radio
and I'm gonna call
the coast guard,
they'll come get you,
take you back to the harbor.
I'd take you on my boat
but I don't know
if it can take much more
from that thing.
This is civilian charter,
the USCG.
I have any guard on this line?
I repeat,
civilian charter
in need of medical care.
Is there any coast guard
on this channel?
Coast guard vessel,
Richmond Lee, go ahead.
I'm in Mokulua Island,
about two miles
off the Southwest side
of Dorsey Point.
I need urgent medical
attention immediately.
Copy. What is
the nature of the emergency?
There's been a shark attack.
Copy you.
Emergency services
are en route,
please leave all channels open.
Copy that.
what were you doing out here?
My name's Harlan.
What's your name?
Well, Jessie,
that fish out there,
I believe it killed my daughter.
So I came out here to find it
and rid the world of it.
Well, it seems that shark
killed all of my friends.
So if you don't mind, Sir,
before I go home, I'd like
to see that thing fucking dead.
Okay, kid.
So he circles
around the perimeter
and then comes back
to the center.
And that's where he goes down.
My guess is,
he can't get out of this bay
because of the low tide.
Can't get over that reef.
And when he goes under there
in the center,
that has to mean
some dip in the sand there,
a trough or something,
where he can get some depth.
All I need is just one good,
clean, shot, close range.
If I can get him in the brain,
or better yet, in the gills.
So we need him to smile at us.
No, this fish,
he's a special one.
He's not hunting for food,
he's shown you that.
He's... He's playing,
like a cat plays with a mouse.
So we need to give it
something to hunt.
This island made you crazy,
You said that it dips right here
and then it goes down before
it gets to the dip, right?
So we need him
to swim across there
to make a straight attack.
That's what we need.
So that's where we kill him.
That's the kill hole.
That's it?
Do you think
you can wear him down?
You mean bleed him out?
Maybe, but if he takes a couple
more shots at my old boat,
I don't know
if she's gonna handle much more.
I can get him
to come straight to you.
Just need to position yourself
on the channel.
Just don't miss.
You okay?
This is gonna sting
a little bit,
you shithead.
Swim, girl, swim.
Jessie, where are you kid?
I thought I lost you.
Come on.
Some vacation, huh?
It was supposed to be
my honeymoon.
I'm sorry about that.
My daddy used to say,
"If you feel like
you need a drink,
you probably
shouldn't have one."
We're gonna make
an exception today.
You did good.
we've called your uncle.
He can't get here
'til tomorrow morning.
We can get you a hotel room
if you'd like.
Did you get a hold of my mom?
Yes we did.
Is she okay?
She's fine.
There are some people
that we could call.
If you would like
to talk to somebody.
She just needs some good company
and a good meal.
My daughter,
she liked blueberry pancakes.
You like blueberry pancakes?
I do like blueberry pancakes.
Let's get outta this cop shop
and get some blueberry pancakes.
You know, Harlan--
Hey, you remember what happened
the last time
you led with that, right?
Hey, Harlan.
Long time no talk, Sam.
Who the hell is this then?
Oh, this is Peter.
Harlan, you think we'd have
a little chat with you?
Well, for you, Sam,
I'll give you a few minutes.
Sam, you know I'm not
a big fan of unfamiliar faces.
Yeah, I know that Harlan,
and I apologize.
But, well, I think you
should hear this man's story.
He's not a reporter, is he?
No, I wouldn't do that
to you. You know that.
A friend of mine recently
told me about your exploits.
And he advised me that I might
be able to seek your help.
My help?
Well now you are
a bit of a legend.
Is that so?
My family and I own a small
business in Southeast Asia,
in the islands,
a vacation getaway to be exact.
And recently
business has plummeted.
Harlan, his son
was killed by a shark.
My condolences.
And I empathize with you
but how does this concern me?
Two other tourists
were vacationing
at our property.
They were also killed.
I believe all three of them
were killed by a shark.
What are the local authorities
doing about it?
Well, they sent
a group of fishermen out.
A few days later,
no sign of anything.
Boat was sunk,
never found any bodies.
Okay, so let me
get this straight.
You want me to kill
another big fish
in a part of the world
that I never really
wanted to go back to?
That's why you're here today?
Quite frankly, yes.
We live on such a remote part
of the island,
nobody's gonna help us.
And the locals are now talking
about whatever's
in those waters, is a spirit
coming back for vengeance.
that's just fucking stupid.
This was the last place
that I saw my daughter alive,
right here.
How old was your son?
He was 10.
And you say this fish
took down a boat?
Yes, Sir.
We're gonna need a bigger one.