Mang Shan (Blind Mountain) (2007) Movie Script

Watch carefully. Open your hand.
Two rooms. Our I.D.'s.
My back kills.
All this just for a few bucks.
I can't take much more either.
Hey! Hu!
How much money are we going to make?
At least five hundred.
If we're lucky, even nine hundred.
Really? Then I'll be able...
to pay back my family's debt.
Certainly. After a few trips.
Hu, I'm so lucky to have met you.
I couldn't find ajob even
after looking for a month.
My family spent tons
of money on my college,
But I still couldn't find ajob.
If I can make some money,
I'll have to thank you.
Forget it. After all, we're friends.
Don't be silly.
I like helping others. It's my way.
Why be selfish?
Bai Xuemei, listen up.
You got to be tough for this job.
It's not bad. Sounds like a fun way
to make a buck. Easy!
If the money is good,
I don't care how hard the work is.
That's good.
We found rare herbs for making medicine.
Let's see how well you'll do.
Manager Wu, don't worry.
She's got good people skills.
Just smile at them.
Those herb-picking
hicks will be all yours.
Then we'll get a top price.
You're the one who'll make them go crazy.
Oh, what a turn on!
Stop it!
Hey, not so hard.
Play somewhere else.
We're going to look
for the herb pickers.
Wait here. Keep an eye on our stuff.
Hello. Where's Manager Wu?
Who's that?
From the Chinese medicine company.
What company? Never heard of it.
Here's his business card.
Have you seen my wallet and I. D?
I swear, we didn't take your stuff.
Thanks. I'll go look for them.
Where are you going?
You can't leave.
What do you want?
Miss, I'll tell you.
Your family sold
you to be my son's wife.
That's impossible. They're not family.
They hired me to work for them.
You could be lying.
The fact is I bought you for 7,000.
Now you're my son's wife.
Mister, they really aren't my family.
They lied to you.
I'm going to the police.
You're not going anywhere!
This can't be happening!
Miss, all girls end up married.
You married my son,
so we'll treat you as family.
Are you out of your mind?
You can't go.
I beg you, let me go.
Grab her.
They are not my family.
I promise. Please, let me go.
Just ignore her. She'll tire of yelling.
What do you want?
Get out of here!
Drink or remain a bachelor!
Same for your son and grandson!
No women, ever!
Drink up or else no women
in your next life either!
A pack of cigarettes.
How was it?
How was what?
How'd it feel?
You know, in bed.
Real good.
You're full of it.
How do we know you really did it?
Because I did.
Oh yeah? Tell me, are her tits big?
Shut the fuck up!
I can tell he didn't do it.
I know you're a good person.
Please let me go.
Eat first.
If you let me go,
I'll thank you for the rest of my life.
I'll be good to you just
as long as you stay.
No way.
Then give the 7,000 back to me
and I'll let you go.
I'll write a letter to my father.
I'll ask him to send the money, okay?
You think I'm stupid?
Your father will bring the police.
I'll have wasted the money on you.
You know you could go tojail
for buying a wife?
Fuck jail.
Everyone does it.
City people spend even more.
What are you doing here?
I can come if I want.
Not in bed with your wife?
You'd rather hang out with us?
What's it to you? I'll come if I want.
Your damn temper hasn't changed!
I bet she won't sleep with you.
If she won't sleep with you,
just beat her.
Is this girl faking
marriage to rip you off?
It doesn't seem like it.
Be careful. People are up
to no good these days.
Don't let her run away.
Make sure you sleep with her first.
Get her pregnant,
and she won't want to run.
All you do is smoke.
Go use your dick for a change.
Go back to your wife
and take care of business.
Snake eyes!
I won!
Out all night! What good are you?
Stop! Where are you going?
She's too strong.
You can't even handle a girl.
Aren't you man enough? Get in there.
My girl, all women go through this.
You have to get married too.
If you do this, we'll treat you well.
Get out!
We can't let her get away with this! Go!
Damn it! Come and help.
Hello, Teacher Huang.
- Hello. - Decheng,
- off to school? - Yeah.
Degui, did you do it?
You bet. Come over for a drink soon.
Damn, look at how happy you are.
Mister Degui, where's our wedding candy?
Get lost. What stupid candy!
No wedding candy,
the groom wets his bed.
No wedding candy,
the groom wets his bed.
Get to school!
Fourth graders, work on homework.
Third graders, read with me.
Confucius goes to Lao Zi.
"Confucius was a famous teacher
early in his life."
"He never felt he had enough knowledge."
"At the age of 30,
he left his hometown of Qufu."
"He went to Luoyang to ask the
philosopher Laozi to teach him."
You can't change things.
You might as well take care of yourself.
I'm sorry, but I really had no choice.
When you have a child,
you'll know what I mean.
Our family spent so much money on you.
I hope you can do your duty as a wife.
Who married your son?
Animal! You're all animals! Get out! I
What? Want a beating?
Go on, beat me to death!
Degui, forget it.
Forget it. That's enough.
Get her!
- Help me! - Get her! Stop her!
Help me!
Where are you fucking going?
Come back.
Hey, what's going on here?
Village Chief, she's trying to run away.
Help me! I was kidnapped!
Stop yelling. If you were kidnapped,
what proof do you have?
You want to run away even though
they handed over a dowry?
Aren't you the one who's cheating them?
She must be faking marriage
for the money.
I never took their money.
If I had, then you could
throw me in jail.
Who'd fucking do that?
Who'd pay me back?
Please help me. I'm telling the truth.
Who knows if you're telling the truth?
Where's your ID?
My ID? It was stolen.
You don't even have an ID.
How can anyone believe you?
Go on back with them for now.
The village council will look into this.
It's settled. Go on back.
Go on.
I won't chain you up if you stop...
trying to run away.
Fourth Uncle! Fourth Aunt!
Have a seat. Get some water.
No thanks.
We're here to collect the pig tax.
The total is 38.40.
That's right.
I sold the pig two months ago.
Really? Did you pay any tax?
Show us the receipt.
Go get it.
Pig tax, pork tax, income tax.
Got to pay them all.
You still owe 18.20.
But we don't have any pigs now.
It doesn't matter.
That's the rule from above.
Don't make things hard on us.
Ignore her. My woman's gone crazy.
Help me!
We don't handle family matters.
You're damn lucky!
Control her. Words alone
can't fucking get the job done.
It's just like tax. Got to be forceful.
Help me!
Stop yelling or
I'll beat your fucking mouth in.
Okay, that's enough.
Bitch, I can make you obey me.
Go on. That's enough.
Mom, how's she today?
She's been quiet.
- Decheng, I need money.
- What happened?
My wife slit her wrist.
Go back inside and study.
Hurry and take her to the hospital.
She slit her wrist.
To the operation room.
Go on! Hurry!
Doctor, please save my daughter-in-law.
What happened?
She slit her wrist.
Put her on the bed inside.
Where's her husband?
Did you bring money?
Yeah, but not much.
Go pay.
Doctor, is she going to die?
Save her first.
You have to pay first.
Why's medicine
so fucking expensive now?
Hospitals are all the same.
Doctors all get a cut.
This hospital is okay.
Larger ones are more corrupt.
Ok. Don't worry.
Do you feel better?
I'm Chen. She's Deng.
Your mother-in-law asked us
to talk to you.
She's not my mother-in-law.
Hold him.
we were bought like you.
Want to sit?
You can't change things now.
Accept it or you'll make things worse.
That's right.
Just look at the mess in here.
Do you have a comb? I'll comb your hair.
Four years ago, I felt the same way.
I couldn't take my husband's beatings.
Chen, help me to escape.
You'll never make it.
Who doesn't want to escape?
There's only one road out.
It is blocked. There's no way out.
If I can't escape, I'd rather die.
Don't do anything crazy.
It's easy to die. Living is what's hard.
Just think of your parents.
You owe it to them...
to keep on living.
Wait until you can go about more freely.
Then think of a way to run away.
Chen, want a drink?
No thanks.
We have to go. Come see us soon.
Take care.
Come and see me.
Why'd you buy two piglets?
Why not? We have to pay the tax anyway.
Where'd you get the money?
Borrowed it.
You always borrow money.
See if you can pay it back!
Women don't understand shit.
Fourth Uncle.
You've come. Come in.
Did you buy these piglets?
Borrowed them.
Where's my cousin?
In the field.
Cousin, are you feeling better?
I'm not your cousin!
Sorry. I'm your husband's cousin.
My name is Decheng.
My name means "integrity."
You're that teacher.
Thanks for saving my life.
I didn't do anything.
I've wanted to stop by.
Teacher Huang,
just call me by my first name.
I shouldn't. Don't call me 'teacher.'
You were in school longer than me.
I brought you a few books.
I hope you'll like them...
I don't have any good books.
Uncle, see you!
You just read these stupid books!
Feed the pigs!
Are you trying to burn the pigs?
If anything happens to them,
I'll beat you to death!
Village Chief! Village Chief!
Village Chief!
What is it?
She wants to see you.
Oh, your case.
I'm still looking into it.
I still haven't heard back
from the police.
Go on back.
I'll let you know when I hear something.
Thank you.
No problem.
Get back to your game.
Take care.
Snake eyes!
Royal flush!
Chen, I can't take it.
Which road should I take to run away?
Don't take the big road.
Take the small path out.
Once over the mountain,
you'll see the main road.
Then you'll have made it.
Which mountain?
The tallest mountain over there.
Auntie, what are you singing?
Do you like it?
What's your name?
Li Qingshan.
Are you in school?
Which grade?
Don't call me Auntie.
Call me Sister Bai, okay?
Go on. Say it.
Sister Bai.
You're here.
So this is your college-educated wife.
You owe me a drink.
Then come over for a drink.
Next time.
- See you.
- Take care.
She's listening to you now, right?
I told you she just needed a beating.
It's 15.80.
Put it on my tab.
Come and get this.
Come if you need anything.
What do you want?
A bag of salt.
See that woman? She tried to run away.
Same thing would happen to you.
Chen, I'm going to run away.
Be careful.
If you make it, tell my folks I'm here.
Ask them to come save me.
Where are you going?
To pee.
Have you seen Xue Mei?
Not good for much,
but sure knows how to pee.
Your clothes got washed away.
You two follow the road.
Er Hu, follow me.
Excuse me, which way into town?
Have you seen a woman run by?
- Have you see her?
- No.
To the town.
Hi, can you give me a ride?
- Where to?
- Into town.
- Three bucks.
- I don't have any money.
Then forget it.
I usually charge five bucks.
Please help me. I don't have any money.
No way. If everyone wanted a free ride,
I'd be broke.
Help me.
You thought you could run away!
Let me go.
Come back.
You still run away?
I give you stuff to eat
and buy you new clothes.
What else do you want?
- Stop beating her. You'll kill her.
- Stay out of it.
Bitch, I can make you obey me if I want.
Sister Bai, here you are.
It's still warm.
No, thanks.
Take it.
Thank you.
Fourth Aunt.
You're here.
I wanted to come earlier,
but I've been too busy.
Are you better?
I borrowed some more books for you.
The people here aren't well educated.
They're barbaric.
I'm the only one
who went to high school.
I always dreamed of going to college.
I wanted to leave this mountain village.
I never did well on the entrance exam.
I could only come back to teach.
Isn't it good being a teacher?
But the pay is low,
and we don't get paid on time.
I've had it. I feel like quitting.
Don't laugh at me.
I'm a teacher
but haven't even seen a train.
I've seen a train.
Look what happened?
I was still kidnapped.
How could you have believed those guys?
I really don't know.
I had just graduated
and couldn't find a good job.
My folks owed lots of people money.
My brother also needed tuition.
I wanted to help
my folks pay back the money.
And help my brother pay tuition.
They said I'd make lots of money
by selling medicine.
So I came here with them.
After I came here,
I drank a cup of water.
Then I don't remember what happened.
Tell me,
What was it like to live
on a college campus?
Nothing special.
What a waste marrying him.
I didn't marry him.
Decheng, can you help me?
I do feel great sympathy for you.
I do want to help you.
Really? Then can you help me to escape?
That's hard.
You do know that he's my cousin?
De Cheng, you're here.
Uncle. Cousin.
- Cousin, hi.
- What are you doing?
Nothing. I brought some books.
So she's not bored all day.
She does nothing but read.
You're still not satisfied?
She's just a fucking waste of my money.
It's going to take a while
to pay you back.
No problem. There's no hurry.
Can you mail this for me?
I don't have any stamps,
but I'll pay you later.
Chen, why haven't you come by to see me?
I'm bored out of my mind.
We were just thinking
of going to see you.
How's it going with her?
Nothing new. She can do some work.
Is her tummy getting larger yet?
Why not? It's been months
and she's still not pregnant.
Who knows. We're worried sick.
Just make your son take some medicine.
Make him work extra hard at night.
Can you lend me some money?
I've been here years
and have never seen a cent.
When I have money,
I'll pay you back double.
They always pay for things.
They're afraid
I'll run away with their money.
Can you go to the police station
and make a report?
It's not so simple.
They side with the locals.
When Gui Hua filed a report,
the police didn't care.
They said it was a family dispute.
Her husband beat her until
he broke her leg.
None of us have succeeded at running away.
It's best to accept our fate.
I no longer want to escape.
I've got two kids.
What if I did get out?
What about the kids?
What man would still want me?
Life can be so hard.
It's best not to think too much.
Look after your health first.
Aunt, hello.
I've got some books for my cousin's wife.
She's inside.
Stupid books!
You're here. Come in. Sit down.
I borrowed a few more books for you.
You're welcome.
I just want you to know that
I really do want to help you.
I know. You're different from them.
You're educated.
But you must not rush.
You know what things are like here.
I've got to come up with a good plan.
Stop fighting. Eat your own.
Aunt, I got to go.
Listen up.
This is an important announcement.
Party officials are coming
to inspect the village.
Every home must be cleaned and tidied up.
Respect the leaders. Watch what you say.
Whoever ruins the village's reputation...
will pay a price.
We will not let you off lightly.
Listen again.
Whoever ruins the village's reputation...
will pay a price.
We warmly welcome you!
We're here. Get down.
That's the village council.
After you, please.
The Party officials have left.
Let's go back. We're damn starving!
- Do I have a letter?
- No.
Can you help send another letter for me?
You're welcome.
De Gui.
What is it?
The school would like
your wife to help out. Okay?
Just for a bit.
What can she do?
Her education is better than ours.
Then keep an eye on her.
Don't let her run away.
Don't worry.
I'll definitely bring her back.
Hey, come on and help them at school.
Why'd you come get me?
We only have two teachers.
One just went home.
Some tea?
I'm not thirsty.
Actually the school doesn't need you.
This is the only place
we can really talk.
Can you help me get out of here?
I will. I promise.
I'll help you leave this place.
Don't lie to me.
I would never lie to you.
Lunch is ready.
Come down and eat.
You're crazy!
I can't stop thinking of you.
They're always watching me.
I can't get away.
I'm going crazy!
Let's get out of here!
Not now. It's not the right time.
De Cheng! Time to eat!
Want some alcohol?
No thanks.
We'll drink tonight.
Tomorrow they will come
and help your family.
He won't.
He gets two people to help. Good deal!
Let's run away now.
No, it'll be bad.
If they find us both gone.
Don't you really love me?
Of course I love you.
You said you'd take me out of here.
I'm still looking for the right time.
We need money.
I'm saving up.
I don't need so much money.
I just want to leave.
I know. Be patient. Trust me.
Don't hit him!
You slut!
Decheng, What should be done?
Uncle, De Gui, I'm sorry.
Fuck! That's all! Now you're forgiven!
Shut up!
There are two possibilities:
We can ask the village chief decide
He can decide what should be done.
Orjust forget about the money
De Gui borrowed from you.
You decide.
Hi, what do you want?
Toilet paper and a bag of salt.
Add it to our tab.
What else?
Nothing else.
Can I borrow some money?
This small shop doesn't make much money.
Just a little. Promise to pay you back.
You don't have a penny.
How are you going to pay me back?
How'd you like for me to pay your back?
How much do you want?
That much!
That kind of money doesn't come easy.
Then forget it!
Wait a moment.
My wife keeps tabs on me.
How about forty?
Have you mixed in the medicine
for the pigs?
Xue Mei! Where is she?
De Gui, get up!
- Where to?
- Into town.
Excuse me, where's the bus station?
Over there.
When are you leaving?
In forty minutes.
Be careful. Let them off first.
Stop pushing.
When's this bus leaving?
Soon. Get on.
Into the city.
Don't stop! I beg you!
Don't stop! I beg you!
My life will be over!
Mister! Mister! Open the door!
What is it?
My wife ran away. Let me take a look.
Have a cigarette.
Open the door.
Get up! Running away?
This is his wife. Stay out of it.
Don't hold us up with
your family problems.
You never thought I'd find you.
What are you doing?
This is my wife.
Don't mind them. Let them get off.
Help me!
Help me!
What's going on?
His wife's gone crazy.
Yes, she's having a mental breakdown.
Save me! I've been kidnapped!
Then take her to a hospital.
Don't hold up traffic. Get going!
Save me!
You're welcome.
Slow down. There's more.
Isn't your period two months late?
It's often late.
Are you?
Don't touch me! Get away!
Please! Stop hitting yourself.
Get out! Stay away from me.
Fuck, do you want to die?
Stop hitting her!
She's pregnant with your child.
Get out of here!
If you hurt my kid,
I'll beat the shit out of you.
Hit me if you want,
but don't hit the baby!
I beg you. Please! Stop hitting yourself.
We will always be grateful to you.
Go out.
Li Qingshan.
Why aren't you in school?
Tell me, what happened?
I can't pay for school.
My dad won't let me go.
Wait a minute.
Do you want to go to school?
You can come here.
I'll be your teacher, okay?
Hi, sister Bai.
You're here.
Check my homework.
Which question?
This one.
One and five-eighths minus
three-eighths equals?
What happened to the "One"?
It should be one and two-eighths.
Be more careful!
My god! It was a baby girl.
Of course. Who'd get rid of a baby boy?
Bury the baby.
Don't let the dogs eat it.
Do you think it's a boy or a girl?
Don't worry.
Look how pointy your tummy is!
It's got to be a boy. Don't worry.
- Did I get a letter? - No.
Help me to send another one.
You two get out of here!
Push harder!
Boy or girl?
A boy. The mother's fine.
Thanks so much.
My grandson's a good boy.
Look at my cute grandson.
Hold on.
Do you have a letter for me?
I really can't smoke.
My pal, this is for you.
Thanks for your help.
Glad to help. It's tough having a wife.
Here's the letter she wrote.
Take care.
- See you.
- Take care.
Fuck! She hasn't given up!
Hi, Sister Bai.
The mailman gave your letter
to your husband.
Don't feel sad.
I'll mail the letter for you.
Give me the towel.
Did you hear me? Give me the towel.
Are you fucking deaf?
What's taking you so long?
Are you trying to make me go blind?
Did you finish it?
Goodbye, Teacher Bai.
Goodbye, Teacher Bai.
Does anyone know?
No, I mailed it in town.
Where are you going?
To see Chen.
Give me the baby.
Where's Huang Degui!
Working in the fields.
Is Bai Xuemei here?
Are you Bai Xuemei?
My daughter! It's me... your dad.
What took you so long?
Let's go home.
Give me the baby.
This is my child.
The baby belongs to us.
Leave the baby,
otherwise we'll never get out of here.
Someone help me!
The cops are taking the baby!
Please come home first.
We'll get the baby later.
Help me!
Let's get going.
Hurry up!
The police are taking your wife away.
Stop them!
Move out of the way.
This is ourjob. Let us through.
Move out of the way.
It's against the law to buy people.
What law? You'll have to shoot me first!
The selling of people
is strictly forbidden.
It's illegal to steal away her rights.
She's my wife. Give her to me.
Many people buy wives.
Have they all broken the law?
I bought my wife too. Lock me up.
My friends, you are all parents.
How'd you like it if your daughter
was stolen and sold?
We need to understand her situation.
If she pays me back, then she can go.
I paid 7,000 for her.
Give me my money or she stays.
That's right.
If you want to leave,
you'll have to run me over first!
You're too old for this.
What are you doing? Get up please.
I don't want to live!
Okay, we won't take her yet.
We'll go to the village council
and discuss this...
You can't go.
Open the door.
Why didn't you let me know first?
You think you can just come
and take her away?
You don't consider
the village government at all.
We didn't want to...
trouble you.
Like I'm not used to trouble?
Ourjob as leaders is
to take care of trouble.
What else would we be doing?
If something happens to you,
who would take the blame?
This is just the damn
way people are around here.
They lack education. What can I do?
Please help us out.
The villagers are up in arms.
What can I do?
We're here to enforce the law.
Okay, I'll see what I can do.
Damn! He's lying between his teeth.
Doesn't look like we'll get out of here.
What should we do?
We must get in touch with
the local police,
and leave with all the women
who were bought.
I wish it were so simple.
Do you know how many women
were sold here?
Why don't they just run away?
Do you want to leave?
There's no way I'll stay.
They're all animals. They're not human.
This place isn't even worth peeing in.
Okay, if you want to go back,
then you must do as we say.
Today stay with them.
Hold out for a while longer.
Sir, you have to take me away today.
Otherwise I'll end up dying here.
You can't go. Please!
I had to rescue my daughter.
It wasn't easy to finding
the money needed.
If we fail this time,
I won't have the money to try again.
I beg you!
Get up. What are you doing?
I can pay if you will save my daughter.
Who said we're not going to save her?
We're just thinking of a plan.
I'll stay here with my daughter
and wait for you.
Dad, go back first.
You have no idea how barbaric they are.
Don't be afraid.
I won't leave until they rescue you.
Okay. But you must stay here
no matter what.
We'll be back within three days
to take you away.
Let them through.
Director, you can take care of them.
You must make sure they are safe.
Don't worry. I promise.
Discuss this with the other family.
It's best to find a peaceful solution.
It's easy to solve.
My daughter-in-law stays.
Move out of the way.
Let them go.
Please let them pass.
Please, stop! Where are you taking her?
We're not going anywhere.
It's okay, they'll only be gone two days.
No way.
We're not leaving.
Get out of the way.
We have to leave today.
- No matter what.
- No way! Don't hit her!
Who cares!
Don't hit her! We're not leaving.
You want to wait for the police
to rescue you?
No way!
We'll stay! Don't hit her!
She's my wife, for the rest of her life!
Help! Please!
Don't hit her!
Don't hit her!
Someone! Help!