Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (1992) Movie Script

We hereby commend
our brother to you, Lord.
And so it remains
that Matthew Cordell...
can now live on
in your eternal presence.
We cannot sit in judgment
of this man...
any more than we might sit
in judgment of those responsible...
for his false imprisonment
and untimely demise.
In your mercy and love,
please forgive whatever sins
he may have committed...
through human weakness.
Hey, Mac.
Aren't you supposed to be off
at some political bullshit function?
That's right.
I'm just warming up.
So what's with the no headgear?
I love the sound of gunfire.
Why aren't you out celebrating?
Don't feel like it.
Go out, for Christ's sake.
It's your birthday.
Have some fun.
Go to a movie.
Anything but standing around here and
shooting at anonymous bad guys all night.
Maybe they're
not so anonymous to me.
Anybody I know?
Yeah, maybe.
Hank Cooney
from the mayor's office.
What's the problem?
He's calling me into deposition
to answer another citizen complaint.
Excessive force?
Seems to be
the popular complaint these days.
Broke the bastard's cheekbone.
What was the charge?
Attempted rape.
Next time wait a little longer.
Then you can kill the bastard.
Hollow-points, huh?
Where accuracy
is never a problem.
Well, you know they are
calling me Maniac Kate.
I wouldn't consider that
a compliment.
Hey, Mac, I'll see you later.
- What?
- Happy birthday, kid.
You crazy...
Hey, Mac, I love it.
Down at the end of the alley!
Get those bums
out of there!
We need
some more over here!
- Mac. Down here.
- Hey, Lieutenant.
Watch your step.
Sorry I had to call you out
of the function.
You did me a favor, Leo.
Yeah, we'll see.
It's some gruesome shit.
At least he died
with a smile on his face.
Very funny, Leo.
Newshounds are here.
Yeah, it's McKinney.
Should be good with him here.
- What is it? What you got?
- Homeless guy.
Well, how 'bout an angle,
- You want an angle?
- Yeah.
- How about 180 degrees?
- Come on, man. Give me a break. Huh?
It's a routine O.D.
You wanna check it out, go ahead.
But if you were smart, you'd go down
to 29th and Park. We got a jumper.
You're an angel.
Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
See what you get? Huh?
Fucking McKinney.
That son of a bitch. He really
gave us the shaft, that prick.
I knew there was no jumper.
I knew it.
Couldn't you tell he was trying
to get rid of us?
What else we got, huh?
- Okay, let's see what we got.
- Dispatcher, Indistinct
We got a bomb scare.
Long Island City and Kennedy Airport.
Maybe we could string
the both of them together.
No, no, they always turn out to be duds.
- What else?
- Drug-related homicide, SoHo.
Nah, that's no good.
Wait a minute. Is it a kid?
Black male, 18 to 25.
Couldn't be a fucking Irishman or a fucking
Greek? Don't they get high on drugs?
Next! Next!
- Got a four-alarm fire in Brooklyn.
- Forget about it.
- Wait, wait. This is big.
- Come on.
The networks won't even consider it
unless there's at least
three confirmed dead.
It's a warehouse.
A fucking mattress warehouse.
Forget it!
Fuckin' somethin' better happen.
What are you doing?
Praying to the news gods
to grant us just one good misfortune.
So, Mac, we gonna chalk this up
as a routine O.D., huh?
Well, let me ask you something.
What do you think?
Did they stuff the chicken
down this guy's throat
before he O.D.'d or after?
It's Palo Mayombe.
You're not thinking
about food now, are you?
It's a spin-off of Santeria.
They use the heads for their rituals.
How do you know
about this occult shit?
Ever since Cordell,
it's been an interest of mine.
They whacked this poor bastard
for his head?
No, they probably
found him dead.
They just got there
before we did.
So how does the bird play in this?
It's a courtesy to the stiff.
It allows the soul to take flight.
Does it hurt? Does it hurt?
This is Sullivan,
1084. Arrived at scene.
Cannot determine extent of activity inside.
Are now entering to investigate.
Over and out.
Come on! Next!
Son of a bitch!
We got us a shooter.
Officer Kate Sullivan?
Oh, that's beautiful.
I'll kill you all.
I'll kill all you fucking bastards.
Come on! Come on!
Who's next? Huh?
How does it feel?
Does it hurt?
Does it hurt?
Come on! Who's next?
Shoot me now, bitch!
Go ahead! I dare you!
You want to see her brains?
Why don't you come back here
and give me a smooch?
Get out of my way!
What the hell is wrong
with you, you stupid jerk?
The head...
carries the spirit.
The heart...
carries the soul.
A head with no heart...
is a spirit with no soul.
Did you see what went down here?
I see what you see.
I saw a symbol...
in the dirt.
Two triangles...
facing each other across a line.
You see...
the symbol of anti-justice.
You can't touch me!
- Stick with him. Stick with him.
- I got him. I got him.
You can't touch me!
No fuckin' Valium?
Give me a fuckin' break!
All right,
where's the good stuff?
This is nothin'!
Just fuckin' glorified aspirin shit!
Oh, yeah.
Oh, fuck! Dilaudid!
This filthy creep's
gonna make us rich.
Oh, man.
Hey, look.
Hey, we're on TV.
Wave... Hi, Mom.
Drop the gun!
You look like
you could use some downers.
This'll be
on the world news tomorrow.
Go ahead.
Help yourself.
- Let the kid go.
- No.
- I don't want to.
- I'll give you a count of 10.
Oh, is that what
you're gonna do? Huh?
Lady, you can't hurt me,
'cause I'm immortal.
- Look at this sick bastard.
- Four.
But she's not.
- You shot him.
- Calm down.
Backup's on its way.
Calm down.
- You shot Frank.
- You buzzed him in.
I'm buying a new foreign car.
She's got a pulse.
- It's fading.
- How bad is she?
- You know her religion?
- Catholic.
Get a priest.
I'm losing her.
Pulse is 32.
Oh, Sean.
Mrs. Sullivan.
What's happening to my baby?
She was involved in a shooting.
The police brought me here.
They said something about a chest wound,
but nobody tells me how bad it is.
Well, they don't know yet,
Mrs. Sullivan.
You've always been her protector.
Please make sure
she gets the best of care.
Mrs. Sullivan, I have some
important papers for you to sign.
If the Lord calls her,
make sure they let her go to him.
- I promise.
- Please, Mrs. Sullivan.
Mr. Jenner to
Mr. Jenner to Admitting.
- Lieutenant McKinney?
- Yeah.
Would you like to wait upstairs? I
think you'd be more comfortable up there.
Yeah. Thanks.
You are the first cop
to walk these streets in a long time.
These are dark days, my friend.
I need your very special
kind of darkness.
You want to kill me...
because I'm the one
responsible for your resurrection.
But understand,
I could not have brought you back
unless you allowed it.
Even I cannot overcome
the will of a spirit at rest.
And your spirit will never be at rest,
will it, Officer Cordell?
I ain't afraid of the
gangsters out there. It's the cops.
I'm afraid of the cops.
They're psycho, man,
every last one of them.
Check this out.
Uh, that Kate Sullivan?
She kills the hostage
and the perpetrator lives.
I mean, what is this? Iraq?
City officials are
concerned over recent...
Kate's lucky.
Myerson's on duty tonight.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
What makes her lucky?
He's top of the line in trauma.
Well, I hope so.
I oughta know.
I put him through med school.
Please call
the authorities. Let's go live now...
I hope it wasn't a correspondence course.
I'm standing outside LaRue's Pharmacy
at 125th Street and Lexington...
during an event which can only be
described as a black rainbow of terror.
What began as a
routine burglary call
ended in a gruesome
tragedy earlier tonight...
as a 19-year-old pharmacist's assistant
was brutally shot dead by police.
News cameras were on the scene
with this shocking footage.
Get out of my way!
In what could be the
most chilling example of its kind,
Officer Kate Sullivan is seen here
shooting both hostage and suspect...
with no apparent regard
for innocent life.
That's bullshit.
If you call
911 and Domino's,
we all know who's gonna
get there first. Right?
I feel safer with a pizza.
You know what I mean?
While the suspect,
Frank Jessup, is recovering...
in the lockup ward
at Queen of Mercy Hospital,
at the center of the controversy,
and fighting for her own life,
is Officer Kate Sullivan,
a six-year veteran,
well known among her colleagues
as fearless, opinionated and brash.
In recent months she'd earned
the nickname Maniac Kate,
a nod to another cop
with a knack for overkill.
A police spokesman stated that an
Internal Affairs investigation has been initiated.
But for this young pharmacist,
the last prescription she filled...
was the bitter pill of fate.
Son of a bitches.
Where can I find Katie?
Seventh floor O.R.
New Buy
American plan is just the deal...
I'm at Customs in Mexico City.
This guy says to me,
You got anything to declare?
I said, Yeah. I can't focus my eyes,
and it burns when I urinate.
- Oh, man.
- Can I help you?
Yeah, I'm looking for
a Dr. Myerson.
Who are you?
Lieutenant McKinney.
Well, I'm Myerson.
Can you tell me the status
of Officer Sullivan?
She's alive.
Can you be
a little more specific?
Reticular formation's intact.
- She's got primary cerebral cortex...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Hey.
I'm a cop, not a doctor.
She can respirate and eliminate.
- You're telling me she's brain-dead?
- Yeah.
What's the prognosis?
Stick her in a rock garden.
I don't like your sense of humor.
Help these people.
Hey, that cop's up there, right?
You know,
the one that shot the hostage.
Kate, uh...
What's her name?
Ask me,
she had it coming.
About time you guys figured out
this ain't the Wild West, pal.
Bunch of cowboys.
Yeah, that's it. Just a
bunch of funny cowboys.
Hi-ho, Silver.
how bad is the stench down at the
halls of justice these days, William?
Oh, pretty bad.
Um, look, um, don't tell anybody
where you got this from.
I never do.
The city is gonna roll over
on this case, big time.
Scumbag, he's already got himself a lawyer.
Now he's suing us.
So let him sue. He's a hopped-up junkie.
Nobody's gonna take him seriously.
Somebody already has.
He's got himself a case, Mac.
Your friend Kate,
she had herself an automatic drop gun.
Hollow-points in a service revolver?
Come on.
For Christ's sake, Willie,
you've been on the streets.
Every hitter out there's got that and more.
What are we supposed to
fight them back with? Pop guns?
Don't matter.
Those are illegal weapons.
Cops can't use them.
You know that, I know that,
she knows that, scumbag knows that.
That's why he's suing the city for 10 mil
for each slug we pull out of his sorry ass.
Which, at this point,
I think it's up to three.
What kind of deal are they gonna cut him?
Six months, suspended sentence,
in exchange for him
dropping his suit against the city.
What's that do to Katie?
Just pray your friend doesn't wake up.
Step back.
Couple of squirts of morphine
in my I.V. drip there, huh, beautiful?
We wouldn't want to turn you into an addict,
now would we, Mr. Jessup?
Oh, my mind would be
a terrible thing to waste.
Excuse me. Dr. Fowler?
- Can I help you with something?
- Yeah. I'd, uh... I'd like a minute.
I'm sorry.
I don't have the time right now.
- No, I mean with the patient.
- Oh.
Uh, I don't think
that's such a good idea.
I just need to ask him
a couple of questions.
- Can I have one minute?
- One minute?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
I told the story to your friends.
Well, you know what?
I don't want the story. I want the truth.
Then you can wait
for my memoirs.
I'd rather not wait that long.
I didn't know that girl Terry,
but I do know the officer,
and I know that when she puts a slug
between somebody's eyes,
it belongs there.
Now, I want you to mull this over. Okay?
I want you to think about it.
You don't have to answer me now.
But are you sure there isn't anything
else? I want you to tell me. All right?
Maybe there's something else
you forgot to tell the other detectives.
Think about that.
What's going on in here?
I didn't see nothin'.
It's terrible when you have
an itch you can't scratch.
Lieutenant McKinney.
What went on in there?
We had a little chat.
I have a feeling if it had been a
big chat, he'd be dead right now.
- Are you assigned to this case?
- No, not officially.
Then I'm gonna have to ask you
to stay away from my patient.
Look, Dr. Fowler.
Take him in here.
Come on.
Maybe I stepped out of line
back there. I don't know anymore.
But Katie is...
Well, she's like a kid sister to me.
Please try and understand that.
Nurse, there's some kind of reaction
from Kate Sullivan. Dr. Fowler.
I don't see any change.
Her eyes were open.
- You sure?
- I know what I saw.
That monitor was going crazy.
Well, there's nothing there now.
She grabbed my hand, like this.
- I'll go tell Dr. Myerson.
- You can't do that.
If he knows it comes from me,
he won't lift a finger.
Then he won't know.
Can you page Dr. Myerson,
Dr. Fowler.
So how come
you're so willing to believe me?
Because you don't strike
me as the kind of man
with much imagination,
Lieutenant McKinney.
Close him up.
Count the sponges.
Hello, gorgeous.
- I just came from Kate Sullivan's room.
- Mmm.
- Chest wound.
- Mm-hmm.
What are you doing talking to
one of my patients?
I thought I might find you there.
I love it when you pursue me.
- You miss me, don't you?
- Not as much as you'd like to think.
Anyway, that's not what
I came here to talk about.
My loss.
There was alpha activity
on Kate's monitor.
Mm-hmm. And?
She actually opened her eyes.
Her monitor was going crazy.
Going crazy. Would that be
your exact professional diagnosis?
Or could you be
any more specific?
No. I didn't stop
to analyze the readings.
Okay. How about crazy
as a simple neural seizure?
It's very common
in cases like this.
Take a nine-volt battery,
hook it up to a dead frog,
you get about the same result.
Peter, I want you to authorize
another brain scan.
I can't do it.
- Why?
- Because it is unwarranted.
It's a waste of money,
it's a waste of time,
and as far as I'm concerned,
it's a waste of a bed.
- She's Gumby.
- Peter!
Please, Susan, don't push me on this.
You know how I react
when you push me.
How about dinner?
You're unbelievable.
If you change your mind, beep me.
I'm on vibrate.
Dr. Fowler, what are you doing
down here?
Did you see a police officer?
Nobody down here but us.
But you better watch your step.
It's dangerous down
here with all these pipes.
Then I better get back.
- He's around the back.
- I'll go get him.
Hey, Mac, no smiley face
this time, huh?
Smiling on the inside, Leo.
What do we got here?
Looks like the doctor here
kissed something with a hell of a jolt.
Fried his brains right down to the nubs.
Oh, Christ.
- Friend of yours?
- Not in this life.
Round up the staff.
I want to talk to them.
Anybody... You know,
maintenance people who were working.
I never used to smoke around Peter.
I didn't want him to know just how much
he was worming his way under my skin.
So tell me, Detective McKinney,
how do you deal with pain?
Chocolate-chocolate mint ice cream.
About a pint with a ton of whipped cream.
Works every time.
I'm sorry about your friend.
Do you have any idea...
who might have a motive to
use that thing on Myerson?
Practically everyone
who works at this hospital.
That's a hell of a lineup.
Maybe I ought to
consider myself a suspect.
Well, then you'd have to
get at the back of the line.
I've been meaning to ask you.
Is there a cop assigned to Kate's room?
No. Why do you ask?
Because I saw one
leaving there earlier.
I don't know...
I didn't get a good look at him,
but he was huge
and kind of scary looking.
I don't know why, but I followed him
down to the tunnels under the hospital.
Where do they lead?
Well, they used to connect with
all the older buildings in the area,
but now I think
they mostly go nowhere.
I've been expecting you, McKinney.
I have a way of attracting
certain restless souls...
who find no comfort
in conventional wisdom.
I am a houngan malfaiteur.
Raiser of the dead.
Does that happen to include...
desecration of corpses and
stuffing them with dead chickens?
You are not here to...
nail a humble religious practitioner...
on a misdemeanor
corpse desecration charge.
I want to know about resurrection.
I am not a priest.
To some people you are.
Some people leave this world...
with an unanswered cry for justice.
Sometimes the echo...
don't die away completely.
And when it does?
One might be compelled to return.
But the resurrection,
it's far more painful
and terrifying than death.
You cannot imagine the torment,
the sense of loss...
to walk alone among the living...
and not be alive.
That must be
the most cruel injustice of all.
Then you'd know something
about that very justice,
wouldn't you, McKinney?
Where is he?
You'll find him.
What makes you so sure?
Because you both walk the same path.
Are we tied up
after work tonight or what?
God, I love the smell of
fresh plasma before breakfast.
- Dr. Powell.
- Ah, Mr. Cooney.
I'm hoping we might be able
to speak privately.
I've got my hands full this morning.
My top trauma guy didn't show up.
Whoa, sweetheart.
Tie off that femoral there.
He could lose the leg.
He already has as far as I'm concerned.
What's on your mind?
Kate Sullivan.
- I am familiar with the case.
- Mm-hmm.
- Vegetative state, chronic.
- Right.
And there is some legal precedent
to remove her from
life support at this stage,
if I'm not mistaken.
Yes, you're correct,
in certain situations.
- How we doing?
- B.P. dropping, going into V-tach.
50 C.C.'s digitox. Be prepared
with those paddles. Why do you ask?
Well, let's just say we can
save Kate a great deal of pain...
and save this city a great deal of pain
if we put an end to this episode.
We need permission
from next of kin.
- Fifty over 25.
- Pop another 50.
- What's this?
- That's a letter of consent.
- Signed by the mother.
- That's right. We've been talking to her.
She's a very agreeable woman.
In fact, she's a terrific lady.
B.P. 110 over 69.
I think he's coming around.
Welcome back, son.
Nice to get down to the trenches
every once in a while. Keeps you fit.
I would hope that we could accomplish
this in a timely fashion, Doctor.
I can handle this this afternoon.
Oh, that'd be terrific, sir.
I really thank you very much.
And I know Kate would too
if she could.
I'm sure she would.
- Ah, sewing up now, are we?
- Yes, sir.
About time.
By the way, now that you're here.
Uh, I have family coming in from out
of town. These are real Knicks fans.
Now, I don't know whether you
can do anything about it, but, uh...
Well, I certainly can.
Center court, floor, right next
to Pat Riley. How's that sound?
- Perfect.
- Hey, it's my pleasure.
Who's in there?
I don't appreciate my
staff using this hospital
like a goddamn Greek restaurant.
Come on out,
whoever's responsible for this.
Aah! No!
What the...
Oh, my God!
Where the heck are you driving?
Look at this neighborhood you're
driving through. What, are you crazy?
I wouldn't feel safe if we had a
police escort right now. I swear to God.
I hear you, man.
You need the fucking National
Guard to come through this place.
Hurry up. Come on.
Let's get out of here.
What do you suppose would happen
if we showed that cop shooting in full?
Like how?
I mean, like, don't cut out
the stuff that we usually cut out.
You gotta look at it this way. Cop
brutality sells, okay? Just ask Rodney.
Yeah, I know that.
But you don't understand...
You gotta find that one little twist
that you can sell it with.
we don't make a nickel, man.
- Drive-by shooting five blocks from here.
- Forget about it.
- It's a child!
- What?
That's it!
Let's get this.
All right, I want you to go...
get the body, shoot the body.
- All right.
- I'm gonna get some B-roll.
- Okay.
- I'll catch you back there. All right?
- Right.
Hey, did you see who got shot?
- Yeah.
- You did?
Do you mind if I ask you
a few questions?
Uh, was it a kid?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Boy or a girl?
- Girl.
Sh-Shot bad?
How bad?
Did you know her?
She's my sister.
Wow. Hey.
Well, life's a bitch, huh, man?
Where the hell is everybody?
Yo, Trib.
I should just get a shot of this.
This could be it.
Where'd you get the tape?
The buzzer.
You buzzed him in. Why?
We got something here.
- What?
- It was an inside job.
- Poor Katie.
You buzzed him in. Why?
This will clear her,
won't it?
I hope so.
Let's go.
I think my client will be
satisfied with the basic terms.
But along with
the suspended sentence,
I think we need to offer Mr. Jessup
the opportunity to benefit...
from standard commercial
exploitation of his story.
Literary rights, film rights,
TV appearances, that sort of thing.
So what more do you need from us?
When you reduce his sentence,
just delete any reference
to homicide or
manslaughter from the record.
Those distinctions would make it
difficult for him to benefit...
from collecting fees or royalties.
And you can understand how important
that would be to Mr. Jessup.
Well, I'll... I'll see what I can do.
Now have you, uh, presented
our offer to Mr. Jessup?
Oh, no.
As his attorney...
I feel I should be satisfied
with the general parameters first.
No need in raising false expectations.
Oh, of course not.
Then I can assume we're in
accordance. Mr. Jessup will be very happy.
Oh, yeah. Hello, Harry.
Listen, I don't see any reason why
I can't have access to those records.
And, uh, Ms. Lindsey.
- Yes?
- May I call you Gina?
Of course, Hank.
Once this is resolved,
maybe you and I can have a cocktail of
our own and, uh, do a little celebrating.
I think we can agree on that.
Save it!
Come on!
Oh, great. I shot my lawyer.
Fuck 'em. You can get
another one. They're free.
What's this?
Looks like a runaway stiff.
I thought I told you
not to mess with my patients.
Then don't leave their cages open.
I didn't.
I know.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
If you've got insurance,
maybe I should send you a bill.
How about, uh, dinner instead?
I don't know.
How long are you planning
to stick around?
In this place,
not long if I can help it.
Then I guess dinner
is out of the question.
Mac, I'm sorry.
- Oh, bad timing, Leo.
- Katie's missing, Mac.
She's gone.
- How long could she stay off life support?
- She can't.
Get me backup, Leo.
- I'll take it from here.
- I'm coming with you.
Stay here.
I think you need me.
Come on.
Welcome back, McKinney.
Your path has reached its end.
What we do here is good...
to unite two tortured souls...
in holy matrimony.
That's bullshit.
There's nothing good
or holy about this.
- Ashes to ashes...
- Take that shit away from her.
Dust to dust.
I can't imagine the kind of pain you
feel, Matt. I'm not gonna pretend to.
But don't condemn her
to the same fate.
She deserves better.
You cleared her.
She's at peace.
Let her go, Matt.
Let her go.
Finish it!
I cannot recover this soul.
She will not allow it.
Mac! Mac!
Here! Come on!
Hurry up!
Come on! Hurry up!
Mac! Hurry! Hurry!
He's coming!
Mac, hurry up! Hurry!
He's coming! Mac!
Goddamn it!
Oh, McKinney, it's you.
Get me an ambulance.
- Let's go.
- Queen of Mercy?
- No, the other one.
- Check.
Rest in peace, Katie.
Are you okay?
Get down!
What's going on back there?
Get the hell out of here!
I don't see him.
Son of a bitch!
Where is he?
I hate this!
Take the wheel.
- Just keep away from him.
- I can't.
- What are you doing?
- Just step on the gas.
Go on! Keep going!
I'm trying. I'm trying.
- You son of a bitch!
- I don't believe this!
Mac! Mac!
Go! Go!
Get the fuck out of here!
- Go! Go! Get going!
- I can't!
I can't! I can't!
- Move over.
- Oh, my God!
- Do something, Mac!
- He's clamped on.
It's gonna blow!
Get us out of here!
Hang on.
Hang on.