Manifest Evil (2022) Movie Script

[eerie music]
[dramatic musical sting]
[woman speaks in Latin]
[eerie music]
[woman 2 whispers]
[woman 2 whispers]
[door creaks]
[music intensifies]
- [dog barks]
- [cricket chirps]
Mom, please!
Please, Mom!
Please, please!
Please, help! Ple...
Speak my spoken to,
you understand?
It will be over soon.
[eerie music intensifies]
[woman speaks in Latin]
[in English] God of deception,
make yourself known.
Make yourself known.
- [sizzling]
- [screaming]
[scary music]
I love you.
[music fades]
[eerie music]
[whip cracks]
[metal clinking]
[eerie music intensifies]
[eerie music fades]
Come in.
What are you doing here?
Trust me.
[door opens]
[light laughter]
Sorry to interrupt, Senior.
I just need you to sign this.
Hey, Carl.
They're almost ready.
We're in the male barracks.
[door closes]
What's his problem?
I don't know.
I got to go,
but, uh, I don't want to.
I love you.
So, why'd you stop by?
Oh, you know, just to see you,
have a lot of spontaneous fun.
All right. I knew tonight
was weighing on you
and I just wanted
to make sure you're okay.
You are going
to do the right thing.
I know it.
See you at home.
[eerie music]
- Report! Report!
- [indistinct yelling]
- Scream it! Aah!
- [female recruit] Recruit reporting
- Marine Corps!
- Aye, ma'am! General Allen...
- ...Marine Corps! Basic Marine Corps! Louder!
- Aye, sir!
- It's an order! It's an order! They're General Orders!
- [indistinct yelling]
- ...Order. The 1st General Order!
- I am responsible of...
- I can't hear you! I can't hear you!
- [indistinct] Sir!
- Three strikes knock her down.
- Write about what you did!
- [cross-talk]
- Aye, ma'am! Yes, ma'am! Aye, ma'am!
What's wrong with you recruit!
What's wrong with you recruit!
Show me your kill face!
Show me your kill face!
- I am gonna get with you! That's what's wrong!
- Aye, sir! Aye, sir!
[indistinct yelling]
- [instructors yelling]
- What's going on?
- Answer!
- Sergeant major! It's a simple question!
- Too confused, eh?
- Why are you here, if you don't wanna listen?
- Move!
- Louder! Louder!
Is that that hard a question?
You wanna be set up?
- Third General Order. Sir, that's right.
- Do you want to be set up?
- [instructors continue to yell]
- Fourth General Order. Chief of Staff.
How many locks
are on your footlocker?
- One, sir.
- I can't hear you!
- One, sir!
- Then why can't you lock it?
Top your locker.
[yells] Top your locker!
[yells] Stand up!
Can you not follow directions?
- [unintelligible]
- Are you deaf?
- [both] Respond!
- Yes, ma'am!
- Scream! Scream! Louder.
- Yes, ma'am.
[indistinct yelling continues]
Sergeant Reeves,
what's around her neck?
You heard Gunny,
what's around your neck?
- Respond!
- Faster!
- Respond!
- Faster!
- Respond!
- Here.
[eerie music]
Where'd you get this?
- Where did you?
- [woman] Respond!
Make the room sweat.
[instructor yells]
Get your canteens!
[woman speaking in Latin]
Get drink!
[eerie music]
Carry on, carry on!
Get down!
- One, two, three!
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Three!
- One, two, three.
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Three!
- One, two three!
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Three!
- One, two, three!
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Three!
- One, two, three!
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Three!
- One, two, three!
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [all] Three!
One, two, three!
- On your feet!
- [all] One!
- One, two, three!
- [coughs]
- [all] Two!
- One, two, three!
- [yells] On the line!
- [all] Three!
That's enough! That's enough!
Next time will be worse.
Aye, sir.
Get them cleaned up
and then chow.
Get on line!
Go line, get in line.
[loud scream]
[eerie music]
- [scream]
- [gunshot]
[eerie music]
He kept saying, "She wants me
dead." I don't know what happened.
I don't know how he got
the key for the lock.
[Susie whispers] I want you
dead, I want you dead.
I want you dead,
I want you dead.
I want you dead,
I want you dead.
I want you dead,
I want you dead.
I want you dead.
I want you dead, I want you
dead, I want you dead,
I want you dead, I want you
dead, I want you dead.
I want you dead,
I want you dead.
I want you dead,
I want you dead.
I want you dead,
I want you dead.
I want you dead.
My will be done.
[eerie music]
Damn you!
Damn you!
[exhales angrily]
[music intensifies]
[eerie whispers]
[eerie music increases]
[eerie music decreasing]
Only your blood can deliver me.
Just a minute.
Hey, Susie, sorry about the
knock, I'm just kind of in a rush.
This was delivered to my place.
Thanks, Tony.
That's sweet of you.
No problem.
- You okay?
- Oh, yeah,
I was just trying to do
a little cleaning up,
that's all.
Well, if you need anything,
let me know.
I will.
[eerie music]
[phone rings]
[caller] Gunny, it's Sergeant Major.
Give 'em a couple of days
to process the suicide,
then push on.
[scary music]
- What are you waiting for? Knock him out!
- [woman] Headshot!
[recruits yelling]
[man 1]
You hit like a sissy.
Let's go! Let's go!
[eerie music]
[eerie whispers]
- [thud]
- [blows whistle] That's enough!
[man 2]
Come on!
- Think I wouldn't take you on?
- Break it up!
- Don't leave.
- Yes, sir.
- [grunts]
- [Matthew] Tanner!
Marines, fight to the death.
Even when we lose
one of our own.
It does not matter
the size of our opponent.
It doesn't matter how tired we are.
We fight because we must,
and this is
the place we learn it.
Do you understand?
Yes, sir.
Do you understand?
Yes, sir!
- What's your weight?
- 190, sir.
- Yours?
- 130, sir.
Take your stance.
Marine corps.
What are you doing?
Training my marines.
[whistle blows]
- [grunts]
- [thud]
Hey, are you okay? Tanner?
Don't listen to her.
I have more power.
[female instructor]
Here, come on.
When all that you love
has the right things...
[terrifying music]
[engine cuts]
[car door closes]
[Jessica hums]
- Hey, honey.
- Hey.
How was your day?
Could be better.
You want to talk about it?
Come on.
Look what you got your daughter.
Go put it in her room.
[giggles] Later.
Go put it in her room,
I've got to finish dinner.
[light instrumental music]
[eerie music]
[eerie whispers]
Hey, Jessica?
[yells] Jessica?
Hey, what's up?
- Sweetie, the gift you gave me, I was going through...
- [door opens]
[light door slam]
- Hey, honey.
- Mom.
- Sweetheart.
- What's for dinner?
You'll know soon enough.
- Uh, Dawn?
- Yeah, Dad?
Is there anything
you wanna tell me?
Like what?
[eerie music]
You sure?
Yeah, Dad, I'm sure.
I'm going to get ready.
What was that?
You tell me.
[birds chirping]
Be careful with Gunny.
Trust me.
You're a...
Find out more tonight.
[female instructor] Cleaning the
female barracks next. Understand?
Yes, ma'am!
[Jessica] So, Mom,
how do you like the flowers?
Love it.
And the food, and the company.
Well, the flowers are
actually from Dawn.
[clicks lips] Grandma,
I love you and all, but...
[light laughter]
[Susie] You're probably
too old for this,
but I want you to have it.
What are you doing?
It's just a toy, Dad.
Nothing she does is just.
[female voice whispering]
- [thud]
- Matty!
I've wanted to do
that to you for 27 years.
- [exhales]
- Excuse me?
Fuck your excuses.
This toy, the gestures.
Is that how you respond
after all these years,
still trying to control
I let you in this house
because I hoped you had changed.
I wanted to erase the past
and actually hear
that you love me, that you have
some fucking humility
or empathy, or say sorry for all
the shit that you put me through!
Instead it's the same old games.
I won't let my daughter
fall for your shit.
And I'll be damned
if I let you continue
stringing me along
like you did in that garage.
So apologize to my wife
for wasting her time.
She made this meal for you
and she bought these flowers.
And say sorry to my daughter
for trying to manipulate her.
everything you have in here
is because of me.
- [eerie whispers]
- Get out.
- [yells] Get out!
- Daddy, stop.
Honey, calm down.
Honey, just calm down.
Honey, calm down.
[door closes]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[door creaks]
[metal clanking]
[high-pitched ring]
[high-pitched ring]
[high-pitched ring]
[mysterious music]
[paper rustling]
[eerie music]
[whispers] Elliot's in the head.
[ominous music]
[dramatic musical sting]
[door creaks]
I found Gunny's journal.
I'm not doing this.
I read your letters.
He has a demon.
There's some weird shit
in his journal.
His body heals
and then it doesn't.
Something with his childhood.
It's only going to get
worse for us.
He's going to come after me
Something with witches.
Look, we have to do
something about it.
Report him.
Are you stupid?
No one's going to believe us.
Yeah, well then what?
[eerie music]
Leave us alone while graduating.
Put all of this behind us.
[ominous music]
May his fears be exposed
as we have exposed ourselves.
May his fears be exposed
as we have exposed ourselves.
As it is in the fire below.
So it is in the heavens above.
God of deception.
We worship you.
God of deception.
We worship you.
God of deception.
We worship you.
- [terrifying music]
- [dramatic musical sting]
are you okay?
I don't know what happened.
[sighs] What was that?
She just really gets to me.
You scared us.
You know I'd never
hurt you, right?
I don't want you hurting
yourself either.
I love you.
[lips smacking]
[ominous music]
[soft eerie humming]
[ominous music intensifies]
I'm gettin' a fuckin' drink.
Work again, huh?
- What do you want me to do?
- Actually open up.
Tell me how I can help. Look, I know
things are bad between you and your mother,
but at some point you
need to move on and get help.
- Or, let me help.
- I just need more time,
- please.
- [sighs]
Mm-mm, nah.
[cricket chirping]
Sir, Private Brooks is here
to see you.
Tell her to talk
to Sergeant Reeves.
I tried, she really needs
to speak to you, sir.
Sit down.
I need to get out.
[eerie music]
Dr. Reeves.
Please, sir.
All right.
It'll all be over soon.
What'd you say?
[eerie music]
It will be over soon.
[whispers] Relax.
You need to go.
[mutters] Damn coy a platoon.
[ominous music]
[Susie hums]
[dramatic musical sting]
[ominous music]
[glass clanking]
[Matthew] Honey,
I think someone's in the house.
Stay here.
[glass clanks]
[glass clanks]
[glass clanks]
- [Susie whispers] Matthew.
- [terrifying music]
[music fades]
[dramatic musical sting]
[music fades]
[terrifying music]
- [ominous musical sting]
- [eerie whispering]
Did you hear that?
Honey, what the hell?
Sleep downstairs.
[eerie music]
[eerie whisper]
Want to talk about it?
You can't be serious.
You ran around this house
last night with a gun,
seeing shit that wasn't there,
and now you want to talk
about it?
- Hey, Mom.
- Hey, Dawn.
I'm going to the gym.
[sent chime]
- Good morning.
- Good morning, sir.
Until 1100, you can spend
the day how you want.
If you're religious, there's
a list of the full bulkhead
of services you can attend,
which the Department of Defense
recently expanded to include
new age and Wicca.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
If you feel left out,
talk to the chaplain.
- Say, "Aye, sir."
- Aye, sir.
As you know, all services
are held in the chapel.
From my understanding,
they're still working on diversifying
the religious symbols
in that space.
In the meantime,
you have to deal with the cross.
- Understand?
- Yes, sir.
The Wiccan service at 0800,
all of the services follow.
Any questions?
See you at 11:30.
[ominous music]
[yells in anger]
[eerie music]
[whispering voices]
[dramatic musical sting]
- [screaming]
- [with demonic voice] Your journal won't help you.
[frightened voice] No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[grunts] Oh, what the fuck?
I'm sorry.
You know I'd never put my...
...hands on you.
Senior, what's going on?
Just working
through some things.
Stuff it all.
You need to talk to somebody?
Where is everyone?
Uh, some of the recruits
are at chapel,
the other ones
are doing group PT.
Are you okay?
[music fades]
What happened last night?
I have no idea.
Hail and welcome.
Hail and welcome.
Gods and goddesses of our
fathers and mothers be with us.
Guide us
as we seek to maintain
Mother Earth
and to bring about healing
for all humankind.
Please be seated.
We are here today,
expecting forgiveness
for the burdens we carry.
The gods are
with us to relieve our guilt.
This is not a place for shame,
judgment, or bitterness.
Here, we offer to our gods
all that holds us back...
- [priestess talks in background]
- [whispers] Who are you looking for?
The old lady who's
answered the phone.
- What lady?
- Nothing.
[priestess] our fathers and mothers.
Wanna know what nothing mean.
- [priestess] the light...
- She gave me the pendent.
[priestess] ...and peace of
mind, which these candles...
The journal, she's the one
that told me about the journal.
...represent. The white candle
represents peace and purity.
By faith, we light this candle,
knowing our gods hear us.
Will remove our burdens
and strengthen us
to be even better people.
The green candle
represents the Earth.
We are here to be good stewards
of Mother Earth,
she takes care of us.
We must bountifully
take care of her.
As we light this candle,
we are recommitting
ourselves to the Earth.
In doing so, we will be...
[priestess talks in background]
[whispers] I don't have
a good feeling about this.
[whispers] A shame,
now it's too late.
[priestess] Both our
gods and Mother Earth...
- Watch what happens later.
- What?
[priestess talks in background]
...for doing good.
Pay attention to what I'm doing!
This is not a reason for you to relax.
Let us pray.
[eerie music]
What the fuck was that?
- Good morning.
- Good morning, ma'am!
Let me see your dog tags.
Aye, ma'am.
Good, you're learning.
- Proud of you.
- Aye, ma'am!
Serial number?
- Creed?
- This is my rifle.
There are many like it,
but this one is mine.
My rifle is my best friend.
It is my life
and I must master it as I was...
- Ma'am?
- It's good enough.
you did a great job.
It's okay.
I know you know the creed.
You got a minute?
Talked to Brooks last night.
She told me what happened.
Last night?
That she came off
and tried to seduce me?
[Sergeant Reeves]
That's not what she said.
Private down, private down!
Somebody do something!
Senior, senior.
Eyes ahead!
[eerie music]
I'll be in my office.
I think
you need to take a break.
A break from what?
From work.
You're here all the time.
Almost every other department
leans on you for help
'cause they know
you won't say no.
You take leave,
we'll take care of the platoon.
It's the first of its kind,
we got to be careful.
And clear your head.
Clear my...
what are you talking about?
Every recruit just saw you
hold a person
who wasn't fuckin' there!
I just need a little rest, that's
all, Carl, I was up most of the night.
I'm having some family problems.
[eerie music]
Don't close the door
on your way out.
[keyboard beeping]
[message chime]
[phone vibrates]
It's been
in our family for years.
It's yours.
It means, um,
light, like light of the world.
Your father has one too.
He got his when he was six.
It's part of our religion.
Isn't that why you're here?
To talk about your dad?
What dad?
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
Your father is not
what you think he is.
He's dangerous.
And if we don't do
something now...
[dramatic musical sting]
Are you ready to listen now?
[dial tone]
Damn it, Susie,
pick up the phone.
you're the hero.
[knocking on door]
[heavy pounding]
Open the door!
[ominous music]
- [pounding]
- [Matthew] Open the door!
Just a minute.
Let's go.
Let's go!
[keys jingling]
[engine starts]
[door creaks]
- [light knocking]
- [eerie music]
[Matthew] Sweetheart,
all I want is what best for you.
- Honey.
- All of a sudden you care?
Now you're paying attention?
Come on, I know why you're here.
These stupid pictures
got your attention.
Is that what it takes?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
This, this is what we are.
I... I am...
Don't you dare touch me.
I deserve that. I wasn't
going through your stuff
trying to find those pictures. I...
I just wanted to surprise you.
Hold on a second, please.
[eerie humming]
Grandma told me everything.
What the fuck are you?
Watch your tone, young lady.
- What's going on?
- Your husband's threatening me.
Your daughter's being deceived.
What did you do?
What did you do?
He slapped me.
[engine starts]
[door creaks]
Honey, I'm so sorry
that he slapped you.
There is no excuse.
[car approaching]
[engine cuts]
Maria and I appreciate
you coming forward,
no one likes this,
but it had to be done.
It was not easy.
[ominous music]
Sergeant major?
How are you doing?
Are you sure?
- Can we talk about this privately?
- No.
I'm listening.
Is it all true?
I don't know.
But come on, let's go find out.
Some 15 years
of honorable service.
No one can do what I do here.
No one.
I wouldn't throw it all
the way for a piece of ass.
Did you know about this?
I tried to talk to you.
She has scratches
on her arms and legs, Matthew.
[dark music]
Check in the drawer.
You need to take a leave of absence
while an investigation occurs.
You cannot interact
with any of your recruits
or come back on base until
the investigation is complete
and your name hopefully cleared.
You'll be required to submit
a statement.
Someone will be in touch.
It's time for you to go.
I'll gather some of my things.
Sergeant Blanchard?
Is this what you want?
[ominous music]
I don't want you
around my husband
nor my daughter.
Don't call, don't come around.
Leave us the hell alone.
Did you tell your mother...
...that you have
a noose in your drawer
and you want to hurt yourself?
And that I talked you out of it.
Tell her.
[clicks tongue]
Come on. Let's go.
It's true.
I know it's hard,
but I need you to trust me.
I talked to Dawn
because she can help us.
She knows everything.
We just need you to believe.
[eerie music]
There are only
two keys like this
and Matthew has the other one.
When you find the right book,
use this key.
Look at shoe boxes,
he always hid things there.
That book is
all you need to know.
the next time you see him,
give him this.
If it turns black, leave.
[door slams]
[door creaks]
Wait here.
[ominous music increases]
[Matthew voiceover]
Hell lives inside me.
Mom put them here.
I guess all the little boys
have demons put in them.
It's a sign of their coven.
It's supposed to help you
convert at 18, but I didn't.
Apparently there's
a grace period, till I'm 35.
If I don't convert by then,
I'm told the demon
will haunt Susie like prey
because she failed to bring in
another convert into the coven.
That's why she's after me.
She wants to kill me
before Dollas kills her.
When I get angry,
I feel him most.
Mom told me he's controlled
by violence,
sometimes willpower.
She never meant to tell me that.
I guess she had
a moment of conscience.
This is my secret. The corps,
my wife, my daughter, no one knows.
- Fuck.
- Hopefully, it'll all be over soon.
[ominous music]
Mom, what?
[dial tone rings]
You found the book.
Did you do this to him?
That's irrelevant.
Don't tell me what's relevant.
Did you put
a demon in my husband?
Technically, no.
What do we do?
Remember the quartz.
[door slams]
- [door slams]
- [phone vibrates]
[eerie music]
[screams angrily]
[loud thud]
[eerie whispers]
[painful grunting]
[Matthew cries]
[frantic music]
[Matthew grunts]
[eerie yelling]
[Matthew cries of pain]
[screams] Leave!
- [knocking]
- [screams] Aah!
[Matthew screams]
[painful cries] Aah! Aah! Aah!
[whip cracks]
Aah! Aah!
- [whip cracks continue]
- [Matthew cries out]
- [eerie music]
- Aah! Aah!
Aah! [panting]
[yells] Aah!
- Aah!
- [glass shatters]
[gun clicks]
[eerie music]
[gun clicks]
- Matty?
- [clicks]
- [door slams]
- [terrifying music]
[gun clicks]
[doorknob jiggling]
Matty, open this door!
[doorknob jiggling]
Matty, please open the door!
[doorknob jiggles]
[Jessica screams]
Please, Matty!
- [rattles the door]
- Please! Please!
My God! Go!
- What's wrong?
- I'm trying to figure that out.
[terrifying music]
- [door opens]
- [door slams]
[door creaks open]
[door closes]
What's dragon's blood?
That's for exorcisms.
I'll, uh, I'll need that...
...and these items too.
You'll find the sage down there.
[dramatic musical sting]
[music fades]
- [dramatic musical sting]
- Follow me.
- Excuse me?
- [music fades]
I can help, now follow me.
[door creaks]
[eerie music]
[eerie whispers]
Let me see your hands.
I think this was a mistake.
It's your mother, isn't it?
You blame her?
Let me see your hands.
The lines in your
hands tell a story.
What kind of life you've led.
Where you might be going.
When you're going to die.
Put it in your case.
Who's tried to kill you?
Our spirits lived in the realm.
We cannot see.
Joined by the gods
of this world...
[yells] ...who can inhabit
our bodies to communicate.
Come now, come now!
I see the Manifest.
Your job, your family ruined,
all ruined.
But that's just a diversion.
You have a secret.
It's not just you in there.
He wants to take over.
People are going to die
because your mother failed.
[speaking in tongues]
[eerie whispers]
[music fades]
Open your hands.
- [eerie music]
- [muffled scream]
You have to go, go!
Go! [yells] Leave, leave!
- How much? How much?
- [woman stammering]
[music fades]
[door creaks]
My son just left his receipt in here
and he asked me to get it for him.
Uh, uh, okay.
[door creaks]
[dial tone]
It's what we thought.
[eerie music]
[breathing heavily]
Blessed be above all others.
Keep me from disaster.
Help me in times of calamity.
Still my fears.
See to it that...
God, can you hear me?
Help me, please.
[door slams]
[eerie music]
[paper rustling]
[door creaks]
Oh, Dollas.
Hear my prayer.
Forsake me not.
Forgive my transgressions.
Renew my spirit!
[unsteady breathing]
You wanted to see me?
It didn't work.
I used the candles,
I lit the sage,
why didn't it work?
You read the note.
Permission to speak freely?
You need faith.
You don't seem like
the kind of person who has it,
but if you want any of this
to work, you have to believe.
In what, ghosts and goblins?
I know this shit is real.
- I didn't mean to offend you.
- You didn't offend me,
just say something that makes
some damn sense.
Maybe I didn't
get the right things.
Everything's here. Um.
Spell book.
[eerie music]
Onyx, that wasn't on the list.
It's quartz.
You could have avoided this.
All your son needed to do
was convert.
Now the blood is on your hands.
So you're in danger.
The quartz turned black
because the demon
is taking over your body
and it will kill
anyone who gets in its way.
In this hour I call upon you,
god of the shadows,
cast her spirit
into utter darkness
and bind together with her.
Okay, we need, we need
to get blood from your thighs.
Empty this rotting body
and breathe new life into her.
It signifies new birth.
The same spirit that entered you will
be the same spirit that leaves you.
Get on.
May this, your covenant,
be ratified in blood.
[music intensifies]
[yells] Now answer me!
[yells] I am the answer!
[eerie whispers]
You ready?
God of deception,
ruler of our coven,
we call on you.
[eerie whispers]
Father of shadows,
we beseech you.
Remove your son from this cross.
I command you
to depart from this man.
Loose his chains, restore to him
all he feared he would lose!
[yells] Get me off this cross!
- [eerie music]
- [screams]
[muffled screams]
Mm, your letters.
Did you think the Marines
would absolve the guilt you feel
from being raped by your father?
[muffled screams]
- Only death can.
- No!
- [Matthew] Now take it.
- No!
[eerie dramatic music]
[ominous music]
What did you do in here?
I don't like this
when I was a kid,
Mom gave it to me.
She used it to distract me
from what was coming.
Do you know my mother?
She gave you a job, didn't she?
To make my life a living hell.
To distract me
from what was coming.
My death.
Go like this, ah.
- [scuffling]
- [smothered snap]
[eerie music]
[quartz clattering]
- [terrifying music]
- [screams]
- [doors slams]
- [Jessica] No, please!
- Let me in!
- Aah!
- [doorknob jiggling]
- [Matthew] Let me in!
911, what's your emergency?
My father's gone crazy.
I think he's trying to kill us.
Let me in!
[operator] ...patrol is in your area.
Are you somewhere safe?
Please stay on the phone.
[tense music]
Shit, shit!
[heavy breathing]
[eerie music]
[Jessica screams]
[eerie music]
[door creaks]
[music intensifies]
[yells] Mom!
[eerie humming]
[eerie whispers]
[yells] Mother!
[door slams]
[dramatic musical sting]
[door slams]
[eerie whispers]
Hello, Mommy.
[dramatic music]
Stay down, Dollas.
[eerie whispers]
This is my covenant,
satisfied by the blood.
[eerie music]
- [thud]
- [flesh squelches]
[yells] Aah, aah, aah!
[yells] Aah! Aah!
[music intensifies]
[ominous music]
[yells loudly]
[heavy breathing]
This won't work.
The bullets are covered
in my blood.
- It's over!
- [gunshot]
[yells] Aah!
- [gunshot]
- [yells] Aah!
[soft music]
[somber music]
[eerie music]
[eerie pop song]