Manjhi: The Mountain Man (2015) Movie Script

So... You think you are too big?
...Too proud?
Very powerful?
It's an illusion...
Now Watch!
L-low I break your arrogance!
You ruined my whole life...
I will slice you through!
Now watch the show!
Your game is over...
Now watch the show!
Hey Dashrath!
...Have you lost your mind?
Why have you started this fire?
You will die in this fire.
Even your body won't be found.
...Have you lost your mind?
Now watch the show!
Now watch the show!
You sold off the last goat
to buy a hammer and chisel?!
I'm asking you...
Son of a pig... I'm your father!
Where are you going?
This is the most backward
region of Independent India.
Nothing has
changed here for centuries.
It's 13 years since independence
but not a whiff of it here.
No school, no hospital,
no road either here.
Do you see this mountain?
It has enslaved Gehlore village.
Nearest town Wazirgunj, is
just 4 miles across the mountain.
But one has to go 4O miles around
the mountain to reach there...
So many have died...
trying to cross this mountain.
What is this?
So you want to wear shoes
& feel like a lord?
I made a mistake, Sir
It won't happen again.
L-low can we believe you'?
I swear on my mother.
Make him wear such shoes that
he doesn't need them ever again.
Forgive me Sir.
Nail a horse shoe onto him.
Get lost.
Forgive me Sir.
L-low are you Mukhiyaji'?
We are honoured sir...
l-low are you'?
What is going on here?
Just some minor repairs.
Your first visit here
...since winning the election!
What do I say Ivlukhiyaji?
Politicsl... It just sucks you in.
You literally have to hold on
to the damn chair.
But then you get to eat
the cream too don't you?
Just win the election once...
Your house turns
into the Taj Mahal!
Shukla ji... get a ticket for
my son Ruab in the next election.
Yes... yes... oh meet him.
Who is he?
Alok - a very good journalist!
He's asking me to get a road
made from Gehlore to Wazirgunj.
Now think.
If the project is so big,
how "big" the planning will be!
You are having a lot of fun!
Take a picture...
Come son.
Name - Dashrath Ivlanjhi.
Village - Gehlore.
District - Gaya.
State - Bihar.
The first time I saw him...
I knew-he was crazy.
Hey Dashrath.
Lower your head !
Can't you see who is sitting here?
What are you doing Ruab?
Atleast don't hit him
in my presence!
I am a Legislator
and he is my vote
I was doing it out
of respect for you.
Forget the respect.
You don't know the reality.
Yesterday that fool set the
whole mountain on fire.
He's eaten so many rats
that they've got into his brain.
We know how too handle
these villains Leave them to us.
For your sake.
Dashrath, what are you doing?
Breaking the mountain.
What! You'll break the mountain?
Have you gone mad?
You will die...
The devil has got into him!
Dashrath was born in a very poor
farm |abourer's house.
...The lowest of the low caste-
'Moosahar' - or 'The rat eaters'.
As per tradition,
he was married off as a child
3O bottles of liquor & 5 pigs
that was the deal.
Get up Dashrath. ..
Making a fool of me are you?
The name of his child bride was
What happend?
Sir, you called
me and I came running.
When will you repay the money
you owe Ivlukhiya ji?
I don't have anything sir.
You can check.
Not a single penny. See...
You have money to get drunk.
What are you saying sir?
If I don't drink, how do I live'?
& if I don't live,
how will I repay you'?
Idiot, talking nonsense.
My lord the child
will hurt his hands
I'll hit myself.
You wretched Ivlagru... you worm...
Son of a pig...
Take this!... and this.
Get kicked...
Get kicked and die.
Hey drama queen!
Are you going to pay up
or you want to be shod?
I'll pay up... I'll pay up.
Stay away...
But how?
My life is already bonded to you.
Well then get your
son's bonded now!
Take him... take him...
Now he will pay your debt.
Mother I won't go.
Ivlukhiya beats me.
Shut up you bum!
You have fun and I get kicked?
You are now bonded to the Ivlukhiya
I won't go.
Won't go?
And who will repay the debt?
Your father?!
I won't go.
YQu Xtt
You won't go?
Come on...
Run Dashrath... run...
Catch that son of a Swine.
Going to break the mountain again?
Its been 2 years now-
has anyone come to help you?
Don't you understand?
Or has your brain turned to stone?
One day you'll die
breaking those rocks.
Once there was a monkey king
who lifted a mountain
and now we have Dashrath here
who'll break one! Mad man! Mad man!
Here - I'm back.
ls everything fine?
You thought I won't return?
I will not rest till I break you.
We are in for a very long battle...
You and I.
So are you ready?
He's ready!
Being smart with me?
I'll not leave you,
I'll never forgive you.
See what you have turned me into.
I can't forget any thing...
That's the damn problem.
Like a film it's got into my head.
It starts playing from any point.
Backwards, forwards
forwards, backwards...
Damn thing keeps dancing around
in my head...
I remember everything...
As if it was yesterday...
...Yesterday. ..
Toys... magical toys
to stop the kids crying.
Toys... soft toys
to keep your wife smiling.
Toys... toys...
Elephants, horses, palquins...
how great is my lord...
Toys... toys...
You blind scoundrel!
Wait till I cool you down...
Great! Fantastic! Alive!
First wash your face.
Hello brothers!
"The back of
untouchability is broken."
"All are Equal...
Equal... Equal..."
What are they celebrating?
End of untouchability!
The Government has passed a law.
All are equal.
What? We can touch anybody?
See! It's printed
in the news paper.
Oh my god.
We can touch anybody!
"All are Equal...
Equal... Equal..."
"Untouchability is
Gone with the wind!"
"All are Equal...
Equal... Equal..."
Dreaming of entering the temples...
The won't pipe down
until 1O -20 of them are hacked.
"All are Equal...
Equal... Equal..."
"All are Equal...
Equal... Equal..."
"All are Equal...
Equal... Equal..."
Want to come up?
You an outsider?
No, I'm very much from here...
Ran away as a child to Dhanbad.
...V\/orked in the coal mines.
...Coal mines...
They call it "Black Diamond."
It's hard work...
If you do it well - you get money!
Hard cash
and if you work hard,
you get respect too.
But I am free spirited.
Just felt like it...
so coming back home.
Which village?
- Yes.
You'll cross the whole mountain?
- My God...
What name did you say?
What name did you say?
When did I say anything uncle?
Now I am saying it.
Dashrath is my name.
After 7 years when he returned, the
village had not changed a bit...
...As if it had been
forgotten by time.
Your shoe... keep it on my head.
What are you saying Ivlukhiyaji?
Keep it... keep it...
Please don't make me sin, sir.
It is not your fault.
What happened?
The Government has abolished
the 'caste system'...
Next they will
abolish the landlords.
The country will burn.
Has everyone gone mad?
Don't worry.
So what if a law is made'?
Who will implement it?
Damn fools...
Good Morning Ivlukhiya ji.
L-low are you'?
You have not changed a bit.
Still the same glow...
And you!
You have changed completely.
Handsome... healthy...
Manly smile on the face.
Forgive me.
I... didn't recognize you.
L-low will you recognize me'?
We are meeting after 7 years.
I'm Dashrath.
...|\/Iagru Manjhi's son.
You WI
Get away! You scum
I heard, the government made
everyone equal...
We can touch anybody.
You son of worm,
Can a frog become a horse
by wearing a horse shoe?
Government loosens the grip...
so will you piss on my head?
Give him such a thrashing that...
...he never ever...
...forgets his caste!
Eyes down... eyes
Hey the government has said...
What government?
The government says
we can touch anybody...
What did it say?
That all are equal...
You scum.
Hey the government has said...
They ruined everything...
Hey! Who is this?
Dash rath!
I'm Jhumru.
L-low are you brother'?
Great... Fantastic... Alive!
What happened to you?
Got a great welcome
from the villagers! See...
So did you get hitched or not?
Bhura come here.
Hey unclel!
L-low are you father'? Long live!
Where did you go...
You ?
My fate is bad...
Your mother died and left me...
I heard...
The cursed one...
Now how will I live'?
I'm here now babe... I'm here.
Hey Uncle!
I won't live... I will die.
Why are you worried?
Now that he is back
we'll get his bride.
She'll feed you hot food.
In a week you'll be fine.
Hey... Lauki.
She is mine.
Which one?
- This one.
And this is mine, the slow train.
Get lost...
Oh My goodness,
Who is this?
We thought some English man
has come,
But this is a local rowdy.
You are looking absolutely
Come wash up.
Did you find a girlfriend?
Torn his clothes while having fun!
Yes I met up with your sister!
Here eat some food.
Eat first - then have your fun
Hey what is life...
without a wife...
Eating and sleeping...
Eating and sleeping...
Eating and sleeping...
Eating and sleeping...
Eating and sleeping...
Eating and sleeping...
We have come to take
DashratHs wife.
He ran away...
What's the guarantee,
he won't run away again?
Let it be...
I've seen a better boy in the city.
He has a government job in Gaya
a watchman in the municipality.
What does this wastrel do?
You bloody pig thief,
You steal pigs from villages & sell
them to the butcher in the city
and you dare to call
my son a wastrel!
You drunkard! Don't make me lose
my head or I'll thrash you.
What's the problem?
- Hold your tongue
or I'll pull it out you cheat.
They gave 100 rupees for her.
If you have any guts,
pay up 200 and take her.
Forget it baba, I don't want her.
- No... no.
What does he think of himself?
I spit on him...
God knows who you got
me married to as a child?
Let's go.
You keep your princess at home.
That's your wife. ..
This is Phaguniya?
This is my wife?
L-low is it possible'?
She is mine...
You dare marry her to anybody else.
Just now you said
you don't want her.
When did I say that?
Where did I say that?
Must have said in as a child.
Hey Phaguniya...
You understand, don't you?
You come with me.
Kalua... Bilua
come here quick.
Get lost or your corpses
will leave this house.
You watch!
I will carry her away.
You dare marry her to anyone else!
A fair is not meant to be
enjoyed with one's father!
Come with me, we'll have some fun
I thought you were going to
take me away.
Working on it
I'll throw money on your
father's face and take you away.
Phaguniya... Phaguniya.
What is it mother?
See this.
L-low much for this'?
- 1O Rupees
I have only 5 rupees.
Leave it.
2nd one we will buy next year!
I got a gift for you.
This is the Taj Mahal.
An Emperor built it
in the memory of his wife.
So small?
This is a toy.
The real one is
as big as our mountain
I can't bear it any more...
Tell me one thing...
Are we not married?
Are you not my wife?
Then why does you father not
send you with me?
Baba says you don't earn.
L-low will you support me'?
You don't worry,
I'll go across
the mountain to Wazirgunj
I'll beg, borrow, steal
I'll sell myself
but will Keep you happy
I know... but...
No ifs and buts...
I can't live without you...
You come now.
Or I will eat you alive.
What are you doing?
...Someone will see.
Let them see...
I'm on fire...
Tell me the truth.
What is in your heart?
Show me.
Where are you?
ls there an animal in the bushes?
Yes mother...
When do I see you again?
What for?
To play with toys?
If you want me,
speak to my father.
Or if you have the guts
then elope with me.
Oh how she drives me crazy!
Hey Bhura what are you doing?
It has been two years.
You still don't have any brats.
We'll see when your wife comes -
how many brats you produce!
You'll go straight into the pit...
Water, Jhumru bring some water.
Bring some water.
Hey idiot, you want
to put off the fire?
If the bricks get wet,
I'll throw everyone in.
Get back away...
He is dying sir...
He will die.
Let him die if he
doesn't know hovv to work.
What you will do? Eat him?
You'll have to give compensation.
Get back.
What will she eat?
L-low will she live'?
- wants to be a leader!
The chicken is trying
to be a tiger...
You want compensation?
Get back.
Damn it!
What kind of life is this?
Bhura's life is made.
At least he is out of this hell.
What game is this?!
L-low much more will you torture us'?
What's the use of killing the dead!
If you have the guts,
then stop the powerful!
Want to be called God?
ls this your world?
If you give life,
why this torture?
ls there any kindness or not?
You make mistakes
& we get punished!
Hey! Look at that...
See-that's Bhura. ..
Our Bhura. ..
He died & become a star.
His whole life, he was bonded...
He's shining after his death...
He is shining...
Are you a man or a mouse?
Mouse... no man.
Your father in law is marrying
off your wife to a city man.
Then you can keep shaking it.
What did you say?
- Then you can keep shaking it.
Scoundrel! You'll marry my wife
to someone else?
Let's see.
Hey-Kalua! Bilua!
Catch him.
Move away,
I want to speak to Phaguniya.
Phaguniya -
What do you say?
Go-go inside.
Don't you dare!
You think I'll
give you my daughter?
Don't know where your next
meal is coming from.
L-low you will take care of her'?
With Love.
Love will fill her stomach?
Open the door Phaguniya.
Get lost you looser.
Hey... you villagers.
He is marrying off my wife
to someone else.
Tell me... is it fair?
This greedy old man
is selling his own daughter.
Tell me... is it fair?
He'll ruin her life...
Tell me... is it fair?
Tell me Phaguniya...
Will you come with me? Or
rot here for the rest of your life?
Tell me.
What are you thinking?
Get up.
You dare come closer,
I'll hack you to bits.
I'll cut you.
Stop him!
The rat has bitten off our nose.
Let's go.
"Oh my beloved!"
"I want to tell you."
"I'm covered in your colour."
"I'm wearing your colour."
"My body is adorned."
"With your arms."
"Oh my beloved!"
"Oh my beloved!"
"Oh my beloved!"
"Oh my beloved!"
You laugh after making me cry?
Now laugh!
As I break you from top to bottom.
There's a limit to everything.
L-low long can we bear your madness'?
Till the mountain is broken.
What have you achieved in 5 years?
Have you even
scratched the mountain?
What the British couldn't
do in a 100 years...
the Government couldn't
do in 2O years...
You think you can do it alone?
Stop it old man, I'm tired.
You aren't bothered about us...
Atleast take care of your self
I can't bear to see you like this.
You feel sad looking at me?
You won't see me any more.
"Phaguniya... Phaguniya...
Calls out your beloved."
"You live in my heart."
"You are my world
l-low much for this toy'?
I'm not a toy.
But I want to play with this.
Let go of my hand.
Leave it or I'll cut off your
you know what?!
Then you can play with it forever.
Come on you'll have fun.
Leave my hand!
Come on stop resisting.
Dash rath.
Dashrath leave him.
Don't you trust me?
C)' Phaguniya!
You are my life... life
I love you so much,
so much, so much...
l-low much do I love you'?
Should I tear open
my heart to show you.
Get away.
For you.
A soft, soft pillow...
If we sleep with our heads together
on it-it will be so much fun!
Why get a pillow? Get a
stone to break my head instead.
When you are angry,
you get wild...
Don't touch me.
Why? I am your husband.
If I don't touch you who will?
You think I am some lemon tree?
Squeeze it whenever you wish?
OK. I made a mistake.
I lost my head.
If anyone touches you,
can I just sit and watch?
L-low many will you beat up Dashrath'?
Ivlukhia, the land lord,
the merchant, priest?! Who all...
Everyone has an evil eye.
Whoever looks at you with
an evil eye l'll pull his eyes out.
- Yes.
You are so powerful?
Big wrestler eh?
- Yes.
Let me check your strength.
Hey! Hey! What are you doing?
Hit him!
He deserve It...
The pig brings a pillow
I was stupid to elope with him.
You will remain an animal!
I won't stay another
minute with you
I am going.
To hell...
I'll come with you.
We'll play pillow games.
Where are you going in the dark?
Some wolf will eat you.
Atleast I'll be rid of you.
A scorpion will bite you
I don't want to talk to you.
Listen, Phaghuniya.
Forgive me.
Stop or I will jump off from here.
ls that why you eloped with me?
If anything happens to you,
what will I do?
He has brains in his heels
and wants to become a father.
Oh what a miracle!
Show me, show me...
Hey this is your father speaking.
He says 9 months.
That's too long come out soon...
"Boom Boom?"
"Boompati -
Boom - Boom!"
C)' Phaguniya...
Where is Dashrath?
Come out...
Where is the rat hiding?
Find him!
Get every one out!
I'll burn down
the whole settlement!
Come out.
You dare raise your hand on me?
What is it?
Get him.
Check there.
The rat scuttled away.
Only this bag of bones is here.
You've bred a snake!
Where is Dashrath?
I swear I don't know.
You don't know?
- No.
Leave him.
Why are you looking for Dashrath?
A broken nose wasn't enough?
Want your leg broken too?
You damn swine.
Hey Jhumru, stop.
Go inside...
Hey Lauki -
Now here is a delicious one!
Everything is public property.
Get her.
Leave me... leave me...
After few years when I
went back to Gehlore
I heard he was still breaking
the mountain
I was amazed
& felt like meeting this crazy man.
Are you Dashrath Ivlanjhi?
L-low are you'?
Great! Fantastic! Alive!
I'm a journalist.
Name is Alok Jha
I write for the "Bharat Samachar"
Heard you've been breaking
this mountain for years.
DiQQing my own grave...
You are joking...
What should I say?
That I'm making a Taj Ivlahal?
You are offended.
Everyone says that I'm a mad man.
Wasting my life...
You don't waste your time.
It is an internal wound.
Till I break this mountain...
It won't heal.
You have taken on a big task...
Let me know when
you are finished...
I'll print
your photo in the newspaper.
Trying to be a well wisher'?
Then come.
I end me a hand...
Hold her... hurry.
The baby is coming out!
Hold her in water.
Careful... careful...
Call her husband! Hurry!
What happened?
Don't shout! Hold her.
Breath heavily, once more...
Once more...
What are you doing?
Dear Goddess.
One request...
Give me one daughter just like you.
Then you can take my life.
Get lost.
It has been a long time...
I really want to...
Let's play pillow games.
Your games lead
to my bloated belly.
Nothing to eat &
wants to breed a battalion!
Don't worry
I got work across the mountain.
Once the daughter is born.
We will go to the city
and earn a lot.
We'll make our son an officer
and daughter a teacher!
Life will sparkle.
Come on...
Now when we go to the city.
My baby...
I will take you to the city.
So you'll never
need to climb a mountain...
You wont need to
stay in the dark...
We'll eat good food.
Drink sweet water.
And have a lot of fun my baby.
Dash rath!
Your wife has fallen
from the mountain!
What happened, Phaguniya?
The mountain was too high
I couldn't climb it
I slipped.
Doctor. .
Hold on, don't give up.
Soon we'll reach the hospital.
Move! Move!
Where is the doctor?
We couldn't save her...
But your daughter is saved.
You think you are too big?
Too powerful?
Very proud?
It's an illusion...
Watch! Hovv I break
your arrogance!
You ruined my whole life...
I will break you.
You watch the show now!
Your game is over...
Must admit.
He is true to his word...
He's cut the climb
by at least an hour.
So Dashrath?
L-low m uch longer'?
Till I break it.
The brave one!
Keep it up kid!
When you finish the road,
We'll name it after you.
l-low many times have I told you
not to climb the mountain.
You may break your leg...
get hurt...
What will I tell your mother then?
Mother has gone to God's house.
You eat quietly.
Stop this tomfoolery!
Driving me crazy!
Can't you see?
Do I take care of myself...
or your kids?
Get married again.
Or find some work
& look after your kids.
Don't ever talk
about a second marriage.
What will I tell Phaguniya?
Moron! She is dead.
Not for me.
And regarding work...
Now this is my work.
What will you feed your kids?
These rocks?
Here! Nurse the buggers
and feed them rocks!
I can't handle your kids
I will take care of my kids!
I Will!
Do it then!
I'm off!
You don't need to go crazy.
Come Bhagirath,
See I am nursing them! Happily!
Stop... Stop...
mountain cutter.
Why are you blocking
my path like a rock?
Move aside
I can make you profit.
Takes you 4 days to lug
goods from the market?
In a bumpy Bullock cart ride?
And additional expenses?
Yes so?
I'll get them across in a day.
Really? How?
The mountain is my friend.
"The earth is his seat."
"And sky, the tent."
"He is covered with dust."
"And still remains pure."
Little more.
Why does everyone call you mad?
Those who do can't see.
What babe?
Want to see?
Then close your eyes.
"Abraca dabra"
Show magic to my kids,
Show them a path
through that mountain!
See it?
See the Bullock cart racing!
What else do you see?
Motor car! ! Bike!
"God is great! God is great!"
"God is great! God is great!"
Babe, what was mother like'?
Exactly like you.
When will mother come back?
When the road is ready.
Mother will be back too.
L-low are you brother'?
Great! Fantastic! Alive!
Tell me one something.
There are so many
jobs in the world.
You found nothing better than
breaking the mountain?
Every one has their own skills.
You read and write
I break mountain.
L-low do you get so much strength'?
It's love.
First for my wife.
...Now for this mountain.
Such a deep thought
and you put it so simply.
Look at me,
I wanted to be
an honest journalist.
But became a pimp
of the politicians
I hate myself.
Why not start
your ovvn newspaper?
You think it's easy?
ls it more difficult than
breaking a mountain?
Long live the saint in the sack!
Let the earth split...
the sky fall... the floods come.
But the saint in the sack
...remains unaffected!
Great is the saint in sack.
Let me fall at your feet!
What are you doing baba?
You fool.
There is a drought you !
All the villagers are leaving.
There is no water
and you are still digging!
Come to the city.
You won't remain alive here!
I can't leave the mountain.
I can't leave the mountain.
Are you completely crazy?
Trying to be a hero?
In this scorching heat,
you want to break a mountain'?
What Will
you eat? Whafll you drink?
Fool! You'll burn to death!
So you go!
Here's some money...
Don't give them any grief
I will stay here
and break the mountain.
Then break it you idiot! I'm off!
Don't know what treasure
he'll find here.
A path...
I will find the path.
Come on kids! Let this fool die.
Tinkle... tinkle...
Tinkle... tinkle...
Tinkle... tinkle...
I had only one dream.
To buy the second anklet
for your other foot.
Don't have food to eat and...
dream of ornaments!
With the tinkle of your anklet...
I've spent my vvhole life...
Tinkle... tinkle...
You saved my life!
Now you've become a true friend.
Come... let me give you some love.
"You fair maiden of Geh|ore."
"Will you come with me?"
"For you I made this path."
"Which goes to Wazirganj."
O my God... wonder of wonders.
The power of passion.
Cutting through hard rock.
Great my son -
You have shown the world.
We were blind.
Couldn't see the road
hidden in the mountain.
For you.
Saved it for you hammer
& chisel.
Thank you my child...
Long live!
Long live!
Shut the door! Hurry!
Babe! The Naxalites
are here!
Go to your posts.
We are attacked.
The damned Leftists are here.
Shut up! As if you didn't
have your fun...
Come inside!
Leave none of them.
So what did you think?
That I ran away?
See ! I'm back.
To fix you.
This is a revolution.
It's spread like
fire in the country.
Now everything will change.
No more rich! Or poor!
No high... No low.
All equal!
We do the slogging...
...and he has the fun?
We sweat and cry...
...and he makes the money.
No more!
Today you will decide.
Speak up.
Anyone wants to say anything about
this 'landlord Nirbhay Singh'?
This village head
gobbled up my land!
He killed my father and burnt him.
His son Ruab kidnapped
my daughter.
You have anything to say?
Forgive me.
Appeal rejected.
The people's court
sentences the accused to death!
Long live... revolution.
- This is wrong!
This is wrong.
Dash rath.
Stop right there
or I'll forget everything
is a blood sucker!
Killed my Lauki!
Ruined our lives
I'm not going to spare him.
Gun gives one power, does it?
" Power flows from
the barrel of a gun."
If I can break the mountain
I can break your head too.
Leave the Ivlukhiya.
The time to talk is over.
Now it's time to act.
Hang him.
Long live revolution!
They hanged my father.
Dashrath... brother.
What happened?
Great, Fantastic, Alive. ..?
Got scared of the guns?
I came to report
...about yesterday's incident.
But no one is saying anything.
Tell me one thing.
Whatever happened...
was it right or wrong?
Hey! Dashrath brother!
I'm a mad man.
Why ask me about right or wrong.
Am I responsible for all
the filth in the world?
I don't even know
what I am doing here
masking me about
right and wrong...
Go mind your own business.
You asked me.
Why I don't start
my ovvn newspaper?
I've published my own
news paper.
"The New Dawn."
Alok babu.
Great! Fantastic! Alive!
Can I take a photo?
Sure... how do you want it'?
This way?
- Yes...
Long Live! Long Live!
He said if I ask "Madam",
the road will be made.
Fool-see all the cops here?
They'll put you in jail!
Long Live! Indira Gandhi!
Long Live Mother India!
Long Live! Indira Gandhi!
I've come here to you,
To fulfill the dreams of
Mahatma Gandhi and Panclit Nehru...
It's a tragedy that even after
25 years of independence.
are fighting for basics like
food, clothing and housing.
Whenever I say "Remove Poverty."
The opposition says
"Remove Indira"
I want to know from you,
What do you want?
Help! Hurry!
Lend a shoulder... its falling.
This hand is your hand.
A symbol of your strength &
your labour.
This is the hand that will
bring about change.
This hand will write the
golden future of India.
This very hand
will eradicate poverty.
the entire nation is screaming -
Remove poverty!
Indira Gandhi...
Long Live!!!
Mother India...
Long Live!!!
Long live Indira Gandhi.
Long live Mother India.
Long live Indira Gandhi.
Madam, I'm breaking a mountain...
please make a road there.
Madam, he is Dashrath Ivlanjhi.
He's been breaking
a mountain for 12 years.
for the well being of people.
If you can help him...
Move... Move away.
Dashrath... brother!
Come here.
See this.
You have become famous
my friend.
See this...
Your photo in the paper.
You have aged.
Sit. Sit down. Relax.
Now you need government help
I will help you.
There's an officer -
very big - the BDO
I've spoken to him.
You'll get a government grant
to break the Mountain.
The Government will help?
For making the road?
Then it'll break in a jiffy!
Of course.
Now I am the village head.
Can't see just
my own profit & loss.
Forget whatever
happened in the past.
If the road is made,
everyone will benefit.
Yes, then a proper
road can be made.
Motor cars will zip around
in our Gehlore.
Reaching the hospital
will get easy.
Zip! & you'll be in Wazirgunj!
Zip and you're in Vvazirgunj?
Dashrath is doing a noble job.
He's breaking the mountain
in memory of his wife,
She was like a... Goddess.
Sit brother Dashrath, sit.
You're very hard working.
We are happy with you work
I'm writing to the government
to help you.
You'll get money.
The Government is like a parent.
Once the road is made
I can die in peace.
Now everything will change.
Everything will change!
Now you go.
And listen, work diligently.
When the money comes from Delhi
I'll send it through Ivlukhiya
I am an illiterate
...Don't understand money matters.
But I will break the mountain.
Just get a permanent road made.
Consider it done.
We are sanctioning two million.
He won't know, hovv many
zeroes in two million.
BDO sir, this is called finding
a diamond in a coal mine.
Hello baba.
Bless you.
Baba recognize me?
I'm Gopal.
As a Kid, I used to
throw stones at you, Babe.
And call you
"The mad mountain man"
I was wrong.
Bless you
I want to say something to you.
Yes tell me.
Even I love someone as you did.
So do it.
Want to marry her.
Do it with elan.
But my parents are not ready.
What should I do?
I eloped with Phaguniya.
Love has a lot of power, my child.
Can I say something?
You won't mind?
Why are you talking in riddles?
Tell me.
The one I love... Rajkumaria.
Great! Fantastic! Alive!
Shut up dimwit.
You'll fix my son's marriage'?
Stupid, I'm not fixing it.
They have fixed it.
I've just come to give you
the good news.
Here! Have some
I don't agree... Get lost.
They are new age kids.
What if they elope or
jump into the well?
For 16 years I've been
breaking the mountain
I can break anything
but not the kid's hearts.
Understand? Don't insult yourself
& eat some sweets.
You're threatening me?
Why are you getting irritated?
Even I have a daughter.
Who will marry her without money?
L-low will I get the money'?
Will you give it'?
Two birds and one stone!
Tell me one thing.
Your son my daughter...
and my son your daughter?
So what are you thinking?
Have some sweets!
Live long...
Make your own path.
Phaguniya would have danced...
all night.
Why don't you dance?
Dance... dance.
Why are you standing like a statue.
The kids are getting married.
You need to bless them.
You are even older than me.
You won't change.
Let me x you.
Let it be today?
OK I'll leave you today...
No more than 2 sips...
now you come.
Go... throw the stones.
You'll get more sweet water.
Remove all the stones.
We'll have more stones.
Come next week and collect them.
To maintain peace and order,
all necessary steps will be taken.
Anyone who protests
will be jailed.
The Govt has declared
a state of Emergency.
Hello Reporter Sahab.
Tell me.
A grant was approved in his name.
We've come to collect the money.
What is the name?
Dashrath Ivlanjhi.
Dashrath Ivlanjhi.
For breaking a mountain right?
But You have already
taken the money.
I... didn't get any money.
Must be a mistake,
do check again.
There's an entry in the register.
Here see "paid."
But I got no money.
Trying to cheat the government?
But I didn't get any money.
Wolf in a |amb's clothing eh?
- Trying to teach me?
Go away.
OK... understood.
- Understood.
We'll speak to the BDO come on.
But I didn't get money.
Ruaab babu...
BDO sir...
Why are you pissing fire?
The money the Govt sent to
break the mountain, where is it?
What nonsense are you talking?
I went to the office.
They said the money's gone!
So where's it gone?
Gone'? l-low would I know'?
Do you think I'm stupid?
Can't I see?
New car... This gold chain...
I want the money to
break the mountain.
What money?
Which money?
Go. Bang your head against
the mountain.
Does the govt have no other work?
You are trying to cheat me?
What will you do?
There is an 'Emergency
in the country.
If I put you in the jail
You won't come out in this life!
I'll complain.
- To whom'?
There's no government in Bihar.
Go-go to Delhi... Go bang
your head there.
The government is listening everyone these days
I'll go to Delhi... If I have to.
But I won't spare you!
Delhi is very far you moron...
Do you even know
which country it is in?
I'll find out and I will get there!
Go find it.
- The a dog.
Trying to cheat me?
Throw him out.
Yes ticket.
That... I don't have sir.
Where are you going?
Delhi... to meet the Prime minister
2O Rupees for ticket
& 2O Rupees fine-shell out 4O
I've no money sir.
ls this your dad's train?
Look at his guts!
They want a free ride!
Get down you bum
I'm going to meet
the Prime minister, sir.
beggar! Get down...
That was a little extreme...
Have some tea.
Doesn't matter
I'll go to Delhi.
On foot.
Are you out of your mind?
It is 1300 km.
Think it's a joke'?
...wall to it!
I need to go, so I will.
"Longing for a glimpse,."
"An ecstatic Fakir."
"Standing alone..."
"Embracing the sky."
traveller... C)' traveller."
"The soldier of light."
"Walk, and a path will emerge."
"Your dreams will
illuminate the world."
"Come, get up you fool."
"Make your path."
"Smile, and celebrate life."
"The world will change."
"Only if you change."
"The story now
will start with you."
"if there is a spark,
there will be a fire."
"Destination is just a limit
of your determination."
"Desires too many
& Wishes boundless."
"Who know what will happen...
& when."
"Only you know what
you will do now."
"Your deeds will create
your story."
Come on. Move from here.
This useless government...
...Took your votes in the name of
removing poverty.
But removed the poor!
This poor villager...
...all by him self
...has cut a path
through the mountain!
He has walked with us all the way
from Bihar.
If it can't give
us food or clothing
...the government is useless!
Break up all of you!
Get lost! Get away!
What is it?
I need to meet the prime minister.
I know her... look at this.
Thousand comes here every day!
By the Kilo!
Crazy coot!
It's their job to get photographed.
And you useless sod!
Get one photo clicked and you think
you are a leader?
"Long live mother India."
Take this!
And after today,
If I see you here, I'll shove you
into the jail.
Load him onto the train to Bihar.
The ...take him away.
Dash rath.
You've come... after so many days!
What happened?
You were making a road,
weren't you?
Enough... enough already...
No hope anywhere.
Nothing will ever change.
Every one called me Mad...
Everyone else was right.
I was wrong.
A little stumble and
you shatter?
The world is a web of deceit...
ruled by the powerful.
And l? I'm alone...
I'm tired...
And old.
Can't do this anymore.
Remember Dashrath.
You took an oath to make the path.
This path will be made and
you will make it.
It's no use..
No one cares...
Nothing will change
I thought.
You are making me a Taj Mahal.
Why are you staring wide eyed?
Pick up your hammer and chisel
and break the mountain.
Or I will never talk to you again.
Babe, you are not alone anymore!
Everyone is with you.
This path will now
be made very soon.
Great! Fantastic! Alive!
He broke the damn mountain.
And that's their leader
You start the proceedings.
Hey! Stop it.
With whose permission are
you breaking this mountain?
This property belongs
to the Forest department.
You trying to grab it?
Who is this Dashrath Ivlanjhi?
Catch the bugger!
Tie him up.
Bring him here.
ls this your dad's mountain?
And where are all the stones?
. .. gobbled them?
Sold them?
He wants to become
the stone mafia...
No sir,
We were making a path
for the village make it easy.
Make it Easy eh?
Easy. ..
Let me make it easy for you.
Stealing a mountain?
You think it's a joke?
If anyone even steps here again.
Your properties will be confiscated
and you'll rot in jail.
Take him.
Get in...
Messing with the law eh'?
Bloody mountain thief.
For 2O years he's been breaking
governmenfs property.
Politics of the hammer!
Prosecute him in such a manner
that he dies in jail.
Hanged till death.
on, die!
Now sing your hymns.
Your story is over.
Once you mess with the govt.
Even God has to surrender.
I feel I have lost...
I'll die before the task is done...
May be my love lacked something...
Maybe I was too weak...
May be the God didn't want it.
May be...
It makes no difference.
Release Dashrath Ivlanjhi!
Release him! Release him!
Who are they? What do they want?
Don't know.
Then don't just stand!
Go find out!
Yes sir.
Calm down.
Why've you arrested him?
He's innocent.
Until you release him,
nobody'|| go from here.
Sir they have come
to get him released.
They say he's falsely implicated...
he's a saint.
They'll go on a hunger strike
until he's released.
Sir I think he is a political man.
Release the joker! Hurry.
What about the forest department?
They stuff their
with bribes and we face the crap.
...Get him out.
Move... move.
Dashrath Babe!
Long Live!
Come on!
With all your might...
All together...
Louder now...
Dashrath Babe!
Long Live!
An age has gone by...
In your memory...
l-low much I love you!
So much...
"That no mountain can stop it..."
That sky can not contain it...
...That no one can imagine
I know...
You've performed a miracle!
Dashrath Manjhi you are
a super man! You are Mr. India!
Alone with a hammer and chisel!
Tell me... after making
the impossible, possible.
What would you like to say?
What can an illiterate
man like me say?
Say something
I say - Don't depend
too much on God...
May be God depends on us...