Manny (2014) Movie Script

ANNOUNCER: Let's get ready to rumble!
And fighting out of the red corner,
from Sarangani province, Philippines,
Manny Pacquiao.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Is it round one
or round 37?
Pacquiao starts off
with a straight left hand,
fires two jabs.
Neither fighter has landed yet.
COMMENTATOR 2: Good left hand
by Pacquiao backs Marquez up.
Another good left hand sock
by Pacquiao.
He's finding Marquez's chin,
hurling with his left hand.
And Marquez hasn't countered back.
[CROWD GROANS] Marquez, and for the first time,
in four fights,
Manny Pacquiao has been knocked out.
That's the first time in 39 rounds
that Juan Marquez has been able to
put Manny Pacquiao down,
and he did it with his signature
right hand, over to Dutch.
COMMENTATOR 1 : We got to be careful
though because once again,
Pacquiao is sitting down
on his punches,
and Pacquiao's giving him
some face.
COMMENTATOR 2: And there goes
the knockdown.
Manny Pacquiao evens up
the knockdown count
as he puts Marquez on the canvas.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Pacquiao's feeling
good now after knocking Marquez down.
And, his job is to get
out of the round.
can't retaliate.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Marquez is hurt bad.
Marquez is hurt bad.
Marquez won't hold.
Looks as though Marquez's nose
is broken.
These are big shots Pacquiao's
been landing on him.
There's another right there.
And, another right there.
COMMENTATOR 2: Marquez is
off balance again.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Marquezjust keeps back
and tries to lure back
to nail Pacquiao
with the right hand.
COMMENTATOR 2: And, that
seems like a knockdown.
He's not getting up, Jimmy.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Get up, get up, get up.
He's not getting up!
he's been knocked out!
A sensational fight!
MANNY: Why do I box?
Why do I fight?
NARRATOR: Boxing takes
so much from a man.
No other sport asks a man
to sacrifice himself so deeply.
Manny Pacquiao has been in the sport
for twenty long years.
He knows the ruthlessness of boxing,
better than anyone.
But, if you're a fighter,
truly a fighter,
then you get back up.
You fight again.
-How are you?
How you doing, boss?
Good to see you.
Knock 'em dead, all right?
As soon as you're ready,
we'll bring in about 1 0-1 5 guys here,
to talk to you for ten minutes,
All the way to the side here.
-Hello, hi.
-Hello, nice to see you.
MAN 1 : Manny, how do you
fight overconfidence?
You've got all these people here,
you've got so many people in your ear,
telling you how great you are.
MAN 2: Do you think you'll go down
as an all time great in boxing?
Mmm, l don't know.
MAN 2: Don't you care though
what people think about you?
People say Muhammad Ali
is one of the greatest evers.
Don't you want people
to talk about you like that?
People tell me about my greatness.
They want to know how l got here.
Manny, right here.
With the one and only, Manny Pacquiao.
Who else do you want to fight after...
Everyone around the world knows you.
You're a great humanitarian.
Do you need to win this fight
by knockout...
As l look back on my life, there have
been so many twists and turns,
The people who celebrate me now can't
really understand where l come from.
NARRATOR: Manny was born
on December 17, 1978
in General Santos City.
The Philippines was
in the midst of civil war.
The dictator, Ferdinand Marcos,
had imposed martial law.
The country was in bloody chaos.
In the 1970s and early 1980s,
rebellion raged
in the southern provinces.
Manny was raised in
the shadows of war.
All l can remember is
that we were very poor.
Our home was a small nipa hut.
The roof and walls were made of leaves
from a coconut tree.
Our house stood there - where
the small coconut tree now stands.
That was where our house was.
That was before, now it's gone.
So that's it...
it brings back memories.
My mom took care of us
because my father wasn't around.
All of my siblings worked
and looked for jobs
so we could survive and eat.
Sometimes we would go
days without eating.
There! They started
to pull in the fishnets.
At the crack of dawn, our mother
would wake us up to pray the rosary.
We would pray to the Lord...
"What kind of life will we have
when we grow up?"
We had nothing.
Then we would look for work.
l would go fishing.
l spoke to the owner of a fishing net
and asked if l could help
so l can have a share of the fish.
At first, they were hesitant, because
l was too young, and what do l know?
They gave me a chance because l was
desperate and really needed the job.
And we needed to eat.
Then l had a catch.
l had a share of the fish,
and then l sold half.
Then l brought the other half home
for us to eat.
One time, this happened between
the rebel and the army.
The rebel, first they ask for water.
Because our house is
on the top of the mountain
and it's hard to get there.
And then, after twenty minutes,
the group of the army
passed by our house.
They asked of my mother,
the group of people with arms.
And, my mother is like,
"No, we didn't see the group."
The army left and after maybe,
twenty to thirty minutes,
500 meters from our house...
l saw the army
cut the head of the rebel.
l was five years old.
We decided to go down
and live in the town,
which is Sarangani.
ln the town, the first time,
l saw a car and
l'm so scared of the car.
l said, "Oh, what is that?"
Then, the jeepney,
and the tricycle,
everytime that they pass,
and l'm hiding because l don't know
what is that.
The television, you know,
l was so amazed because,
you know,
l saw people in the, what is it,
in the screen
and l go,
you know, at the back
of the television and looking for,
you know, there's
a lot of people there.
l go, like, this is the TV, here...
This is the TV, and l go like this.
Looking for people.
NARRATOR:: Manny dropped out of school
in the sixth grade.
Going hungry week in and week out,
he sold warm donuts on the street
to survive.
He would go without eating
so his mother or siblings could eat.
By age 1 2, Manny had become
the man of the family.
No longer able to afford
to live on their own,
his family was forced to move in
with Manny's uncle.
Manny was the first person l trained.
Even without shoes, he jogged.
And l saw in him, his passion.
l also saw they didn't have money
to send him to school.
That's why l trained him.
These were the first gloves Manny used
when l started to teach him boxing.
When he used them...
...he was only 1 2 years old.
These are the memories...
...that he will never forget.
MANNY: One Sunday, he registered me
for the boxing match at the park.
Thank God I won the fight.
I made 100 pesos
which is about $2.
I keep on fighting and
I was always winning.
There was a tournament,
the Mindanao Open.
For one week, I fought every day.
I won on Monday,
then came Tuesday, I won again.
Then on Wednesday,
I fought for the bronze medal.
Thursday, I won for the silver,
then on Saturday,
I won the gold medal.
NARRATOR: Manny couldn't fight for $2
purses the rest of his life.
He had to leave his family
to help them.
At age 1 3, he stowed away on
a three day long boat ride to Manila.
He had no money and no food.
lt was Manny and l...
The two of us looked for ways
to get out of poverty.
l was really surprised
l received a letter saying,
"l'm already in Manila mom."
l cried.
But Manny said, "lf l asked for
permission to go to Manila
you will never permit it."
"l'm sorry mom but
l'm earning a living here... we can get out of our poverty."
"My perseverance isn't just for me...
...this is for all of us."
l asked, are you boxing
there in Manila?
"Oh, we're here in Malabon mom...
...we live here at the gym."
MANNY: I didn't have any relatives
to live with in Manila.
So I slept in the ring at night.
I wanted to become
a professional boxer.
So, I went to sign up
for a boxing license.
They told me that the required age
is 1 8 but I was only 1 6.
So, I lied and told them
I was 1 8 years old.
At that time, I weighed 98 pounds
which was 10 pounds
under the minimum weight.
So, in order to make weight,
I put heavy objects in my pockets
to make me heavier.
COMMENTATOR: Pacquiao, very impressive
young fighter.
RONNlE: At the beginning,
he had no finesse.
He threw punches from way out,
from the left and from the right.
He'd just go...
He'd just go forward,
attacking without any rhyme
or reason, or style, or finesse.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Pacquiao
with a good combination.
A little bit of trouble there.
And look at Manny Pacquiao
trying to psych out Armando Rocil.
RONNIE: But in any case, Manny had
a passion for boxing.
He saw it as a way of improving
the quality of life for his family.
NARRATOR 1: Pacquiao nails him with
a long looping right.
And another left.
They're really slamming it out
but Rocil is getting
a bad beating from Pacquiao here.
The crowd is roaring on its feet.
COMMENTATOR 2: Rocil is slowly
getting up, no...
He has been counted out.
RONNlE: His opponents were,
very often, much bigger.
They looked much bigger than him.
Every time he entered the ring,
then I get scared.
"Can he do this?
Can he handle this guy?"
And, he did.
Amazingly, he did.
ANNOUNCER: Manny Pacquiao.
Threw his body with a right
and hurt him.
COMMENTATOR: And that's why
Pacquiao is leaning against the ropes.
Pacquiao on the defensive.
[EXCLAlMlNG EXClTEDLY] Beautiful...
ANNOUNCER: Manny Pacquiao...
COMMENTATOR 1 : All out aggression
coming here from
the 19-year-old boy...
COMMENTATOR 2: Good move
by Manny Pacquiao...
He's looking for a coup de grce.
Holy cow, that's it! That's it!
is the World Champion!
The jubilant cheers
of the Filipino crowd.
ANNOUNCER: The new OPBF Champion!
I want to greet my fellow men
in General Santos City.
I wish you all well.
I know that you miss me.
I already won here.
l thank you for your support
and your prayers.
Because of you, l won by knockout.
Thanks to all of you who supported me.
Especially, my mom and
my girlfriend, Jinkee Jamora.
My mom, my dad, my siblings,
all my loved ones.
To all my fans,
please don't lose hope.
I was pregnant during his fight
in Antipolo.
That was my first experience
to see him fight.
They wanted me to leave because...
...I was 6 months pregnant.
At first, my uncle asked,
"How can a boxer be capable
of supporting you?"
But l thought it through carefully and
prayed to God
that he's really the one for me.
After we got married, l went
to practice with him every day.
COMMENTATOR: Good combination there by
Manny Pacquiao and a left...
He's down! Manny Pacquiao!
NARRATOR: Manny had
run out of opponents.
He and his team headed
to the United States
seeking new opposition
and opportunity.
Manny's manager Rod Nazario
looked for a trainer.
Their last stop was in Los Angeles,
at the Wildcard Boxing Club,
where they met trainer, Freddie Roach.
FREDDlE: I always said, "You never
know when the next
Muhammad Ali is going to walk
through your door."
You never know.
And then, one day,
this little Filipino kid
at 1 22 pounds
and he comes up and he can
barely speak English,
his manager, Mr. Nazario says,
"We hear you're pretty good with
the mitts." l said, "l'm okay."
And he says, "This is Manny Pacquiao.
Will you work with him?"
I said, "Sure."
After one round,
we clicked like we knew each other
our whole lives.
We didn't miss a punch.
I went over to my corner and I said,
"Wow, can this kid fight."
He went to Mr. Nazario and said,
"We have a new trainer."
GARETH: Freddie Roach follows
the line of the great trainers.
There's almost like the great art
has passed down from
master to pupil.
GARY: They are a dynamic duo,
the team.
You look at great fighters
of the past,
they often had trainers
that they trusted.
And you see it here
with Manny and Freddie.
MARK: I always felt like he was one of
the smartest boxing guys ever.
And when you're a fan of the sport
you pay attention
to who the guys are
behind the scenes, who have...
You know, taken fighters with a lot
of potential to that ultimate level.
He's the best at bringing it
out of fighters.
LARRY: Freddie Roach given the arc of
his career as a fighter turned trainer
and Manny Pacquiao as a fighter
who wanted to be as good
as he could be,
giving himself over to a top trainer,
who had learned under,
a kind of Zen master trainer,
Eddie Futch.
FREDDlE: Eddie managed me
up till the point when
he wanted me to retire.
I was 26 years old.
I thought I could still obtain
the chance to win a world title.
So, l fought those last six fights
without management.
I should've listened to Eddie
but I didn't.
And then, you know, maybe my life
would be completely different now.
Maybe l wouldn't have Parkinson's.
Maybe l wouldn't have
trauma problems from being hit.
And, but, the thing is,
it was my choice,
and other than that,
I just live life to its fullest.
And a full life for me is
1 2 hours a day at the Wildcard.
JOAQUlN: When Manny started
to train seriously
he had no fight lined up.
The lBF Super Bantamweight Champion
Lehlo Ledwaba of South Africa,
didn't have a challenger
for a fight at the MGM Grand.
It was two weeks before the fight.
They went up and down the rankings,
and they couldn't find anybody
in the top five
who wanted to take on Ledwaba
on short notice.
Then they went to number six.
The name was Manny Pacquiao.
COMMENTATOR: Tale ofthe Tape,
Lehlohonolo Ledwaba against
Manny Packai... Pacquiao,
I'll get it right, Pacquiao.
FREDDlE: We're such big underdogs.
It's like a 44-1 shot.
And people said, "Ledwaba
is the most feared
22 pounder in the world from
South Africa, he's a killer."
But, I knew I had something special.
l didn't know how special but,
the thing is,
l knew he could really fight.
I think this guy just hit so hard,
that Ledwaba is totally
on the defensive.
He took this fight on
only two weeks notice,
only came here to America,
ten days ago,
and he is banging Ledwaba
right now.
And another, big right hand upstairs.
And now he's got Ledwaba
bleeding badly.
COMMENTATOR 2: There's a weariness
and almost
a resignation in his eyes of Ledwaba
COMMENTATOR 1 : That's a TKO victory
for a very impressive, Manny Pacquiao.
COMMENTATOR 2: I have never seen him
and frankly, I've never heard of him.
But, I've seen and heard of him now.
COMMENTATOR 1 : You want
to see him again.
to see him again.
COMMENTATOR 1 : I do, too.
FREDDIE: When I tell all these sports
guys about how good Manny is,
and I say, "Watch him, he's going to
beat Ledwaba",
then people started believing in
Manny Pacquiao.
So, we're in Texas.
And we had a really good
training camp over there.
At the weigh in, there's a pool table.
So, Manny set up this shot,
it was six balls,
he's going to sink six balls
in one shot.
First try, they all went in.
l called up my friend
and l say, "Make the bet."
Bet Pacquiao by knockout.
COMMENTATOR 1 : I wouldn't send him
out for the 1 2th round, Manny.
I don't care how proud he is.
There's no way a great fighter should
have to go through
3 more minutes of this.
COMMENTATOR 2: Well, Pacquiao
is not backing off.
COMMENTATOR 1 : He's getting hurt.
Here comes Barrera's corner.
Barrera's corner man is up
on the apron.
He's going to step into the ring.
That's a good decision.
Finally, they could've done that
two rounds ago.
A great finish by Pacquiao.
A valiant effort by Barrera.
COMMENTATOR 1 : It sets Pacquiao up
for some huge
fights and big money in the future.
Good, it's reported that of
the $700,000 purse
that was directed toward
Pacquiao tonight,
he himself is only
going to get 300 grand out of it.
So he deserves the chance
to make big money in the future.
COMMENTATOR 2: He's going
to make a lot of big money
as a result
of this performance tonight.
COMMENTATOR 1 : A superstar
emerges in San Antonio.
Filipino star Manny Pacquiao.
FREDDlE: Manny really
changed my life also, because
l was content with him knocking
people out with the big left hand.
But then we fought Morales.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Pacquiao's trainer
Freddie Roach says,
"He's been too left hand dominant.
"To beat Morales, he'll have
to use his lead hand,
his right hand, more and better."
Morales very weary about
Pacquiao's left hand power.
And I think it's clear right now
Manny Pacquiao isn't going to deck
rik Morales with one big shot.
-Great right hand lead.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Wow, does Pacquiao hit!
FREDDlE: When we lost to Morales,
I said, "You know what,
"l can't be satisfied with
what l have here.
l got to do a better job, l got to
make him a more complete fighter."
l said, "l'm not going to stop working
on the right hand
until it's as good as the left."
He had no idea what I was up to.
Finally I said, "Manny, I'm just
working on getting you confidence,
in both hands."
And he just smiled at me
and, you know,
he just continued working,
and he knocked a guy out with
a hook for the first time,
I said, "We're here."
COMMENTATOR: Right hand by Pacquiao
drives Morales back.
Another right. He's been so good
with the right hand tonight.
Great victory for Pacquiao.
[ALL SlNGlNG] Happy Birthday to you
COMMENTATOR: Extremely effective
against Jorge Solis.
COMMENTATOR: Knocked out ofthe fight
by Pacquiao.
ANNOUNCER: The winner by
knockout victory,
the fighting pride of the Philippines,
JOSHUA: There were large
chunks of money,
that HBO is paying us a licensing fee
for a fight.
ln some instances, less than half
went to Manny Pacquiao.
Murad Muhammad
and his promotional company M & M
had entered into this secret agreement
with Pacquiao's managers.
At the time, the Nazarios.
He was funneling money
to a company.
Money that rightfully should've gone
to Manny Pacquiao, to the manager,
so you stop right there, and you say,
"Why is the promoter ever sharing
money with the manager?"
Especially without the fighter
knowing about it.
This is the Ali Act.
"Firewall between promoters
and managers.
"lt is unlawful for
a promoter to have a direct
or indirect financial interest in
the management of a boxer."
So, he tried to claim
that the Nazarios weren't really
Manny Pacquiao's manager.
That they were somehow
his co-promoter,
which would've made it okay for him
to share money with them.
There's no central agency
regulating this.
What other sport do you have where
a guy every second of every round
is risking his life, literally.
Putting it all on the line
and why shouldn't he get
every cent that he's owed?
THOMAS: A promoter's job is to make
as much
money as the promoter can for himself.
A promoter wants to make money.
That's why they're in business.
But it's the fighter's job,
to have the proper
business representatives
to negotiate with the promoter.
Certainly Bob Arum has done
a wonderful job
of building Manny Pacquiao
as a commercial attraction.
But, no promoter is Mother Teresa.
Golden Boy certainly
isn't Mother Teresa.
Don King isn't, Lou DiBella isn't,
Bob Arum isn't.
That comes with the territory.
l was spoiled
when l started promoting.
Because I started with Muhammad Ali.
As I spent more time
in the business,
I had attractions who
weren't Muhammad Ali.
And, therefore, I had to take
a larger role to bring attention
to the product that I was selling.
BERT: No matter what you say
about promoters,
good, bad or indifferent,
I'm sure Bob himself has heard bad.
But they have an eye for talent.
Bob Arum has become and has remained
one of the major forces in the sport.
Longer than almost any promoter
or anybody.
Because he has an eye for talent.
That's what gives us great fights.
How you doing?
You drive up?
No, we flew.
You know, Bob Arum, he's...
He's a character, of course,
first of all.
l fought for Bob for nine years,
so l know him well.
Everything good here?
Great. Best press we've ever had.
Good, let's hope it continues.
FREDDlE: He's been around boxing
for a long long time.
And for him to say Manny's the
best fighter he's ever had of all time
is a very, very,
very strong statement.
Call you when l get out of
the elevator.
Michael is very valuable
and without Michael it would be hell
promoting Manny.
l'd like to send you on an errand.
You haven't bought the ticket yet.
725 text messages.
l can't find yours.
As always, been a pleasure
Well, that's what l need.
Could you get somebody to
get me ten copies of 24/7?
l said, "lt's been a pleasure",
and that led you to say,
"l need ten copies of 24/7"?
Because Manny asked me.
Regardless of what Manny said,
there's no room.
There's no room.
l don't sign autographs,
l'll take a picture.
Oh, for Manny?
No, Manny's not signing.
Well, you guys can't air any of this
anyway till l sign a release.
FRANKLlN: Michael Koncz came out
on the scene in the mid 2000s.
Freddie introduced Michael to Manny.
Freddie has often said that it was
the biggest mistake of his life.
He would like to impose himself
and show everybody
that "l am next to Manny Pacquiao."
Of course, maybe it's just ego trip,
I don't know.
Look, you need to,
if you don't want to get paid,
then don't sign it but if you
want to get paid,
you got to sign the document.
-Sign away.
-Can we...
Very simple, not exclusive.
lf they want to sign more cards,
they have to come renegotiate.
When l first started approximately
eight years ago, l was
really not doing anything except
if he wanted to ask me something,
he would ask me for my advice.
And as time progressed,
l started handling the boxing.
We got rid of his prior manager
and then got more involved
in the boxing.
Now, I handle all the financing,
disbursement of money,
receiving of the money.
MlCHAEL: Just make sure
l get the money...
You will get your money,
you have Bob's backing.
MlCHAEL: That's right...
MICHAEL: Handled millions of dollars.
Everything is very well documented.
I can account for every single penny,
if I have to.
There really wasn't any documentation
on accounting.
Nothing was done.
No receipts were kept.
Nothing was recorded.
Everything was kind of
handwritten down.
You know, handwritten. "l spent
this on this, l spent on this."
That's enough box or you need more?
MlCHAEL: But we can't do it that way.
[SlNGlNG] I can stand on mountains...
Then this one with a smaller pen,
this is because they're making one
special card with your picture on it.
So, that's the signature line,
l need you to sign in the box
so they can scan it
and put it on the card.
lt makes sense?
l'm hoping that's going
to make dollars, not cents, dollars.
Michael Koncz is probably the
most miserable person on earth.
Anything that feels good
would kill him.
Sex has to be an impossible act for
him because that requires enjoyment.
ALEX:: When I first came aboard,
Manny had a lot of chronic problems.
He had shin splints,
he had plantar fasciitis,
he had shoulder problems.
He just did the same thing every day.
There was nothing
really challenging about it.
Concentrate, focus.
RONNlE: Alex Ariza has done
a lot for Manny,
in terms of strength and conditioning.
And, squeeze,
squeeze, squeeze... Time.
l like it, l like it.
RONNlE: The moment he came in,
Pacquiao put on power,
speed and explosiveness.
Just a little bit.
Squeeze as hard as you can.
Hold it.
-Last one.
l think Alex is the best strength
and conditioning coach in the world.
He's learned to be the best
in the world
and he's learned with Manny Pacquiao.
ALEX: Even Freddie says sometimes,
"Don't get too close to these guys."
But, when you wake up with them
and you eat with them
and you're with them all day,
I think that the relationship then
becomes no longer coach and athlete,
it becomes friends to
almost being brothers...
Because you're together for so long.
ALEX: Anytime he's hurt,
he comes to you,
when he's hungry, he comes to you,
He doesn't feel right,
he comes to you,
when some thing's not right,
he comes to you,
So, the relationship just evolves
that way, l think it is inevitable.
One moment of silence, please.
ALEX: The news broke that De La Hoya
and Pacquiao was going to go off.
He said, "Dude, l can't believe
l'm fighting my idol.
l used to watch Oscar
when l was a little kid."
Good shot.
ALEX: I had just barely got him
to 1 35.
Now, I have to make him jump
two more weight classes to 1 47?
And it's Oscar De La Hoya.
It's one thing if you're jumping
weight classes
to fight some cheeseburger.
We're fighting one of the best
fighters in boxing.
He was not only the face of boxing,
but a dangerous fighter.
Not to mention,
Freddie said it's going
to destroy both of our careers,
if Manny gets beat.
Looking good, bro.
Do your thing, man,
just wanted to say hello.
MARK: He's fast, he's fearless,
and he's got a lot of power.
and De La Hoya is a lot bigger.
But, he's got too much power,
too much heart.
Oscar fighting that little guy?
Don, get over here.
What is he trying to do, man?
Why would he want to fight him?
MANNY: We're focused on speed.
We're trying to develop the power.
l think it depends on what's
De La Hoya's style in the ring.
My motivation has been his skills.
My motivation has been
his youth, his speed.
His power.
My motivation has been
his relentlessness inside that ring.
That's what really drove me to go
to the gym every single day
to feel no pain.
Manny Pacquiao is a fighter.
That's why l'm looking forward
to this fight.
lt's going to be fun.
Everybody said that De La Hoya
was too big
and was going to massacre him.
And, there was a bill
in the Philippines,
to ban the fight because
he would get killed.
[TV COMMENTATOR 1 ] The objective is
to protect the pride of our nation.
Protect him from a possible
debacle that may be
detrimental to his health.
Some say this will be a circus.
Because we see a big man
fighting a small man.
De La Hoya was like Goliath
to our David, Manny Pacquiao.
People thought he was crazy,
I thought he was crazy.
But not to the point of going to
Congress to stop the fight, no.
Why would you stop a guy from
his march towards greatness?
Okay, Oscar, Manny,
you both received your instructions
in the dressing room
I want a good, clean fight.
Obey my commands at all times.
Above all, protect yourselves
at all times.
Let's go.
COMMENTATOR 1 : The height differential
did not show up so graphically
at the weigh in yesterday.
Today, they do look
four inches apart in height.
COMMENTATOR 2: He's bending his head
so that is almost no
height difference.
COMMENTATOR 1 : That's right...
COMMENTATOR 2: Pacquiao lands
a brilliant upper cut.
And, if there was doubt coming in
as to whether Pacquiao could
affect De La Hoya
with his punching power,
there shouldn't be
any doubt any more.
It's Pacquiao's quickness
dominating the slower De La Hoya
Now, you make it hard to find you.
And he's taking chances,
he's starting to make mistakes.
He can't handle your speed, son.
COMMENTATOR 1 : What is the feeling
of a fighter
when he's in there with somebody
who's always beating him to the punch.
This is getting embarrassing.
COMMENTATOR 2: Manny Pacquiao
looks largely untouched.
And, he's gradually reconfiguring
De La Hoya's beautiful face.
COMMENTATOR 1 : This fight's going
to probably end up being stopped.
COMMENTATOR 2: Manny Pacquiao
is annihilating Oscar De La Hoya.
Pacquiao is making De La Hoya look
old slow and ineffectual.
Brody has a tough decision
in front of him.
Listen, if you keep taking punches,
l'm stopping the fight, okay?
COMMENTATOR 1 : This could be
the end of the fight.
That's it. lt's all over.
COMMENTATOR 2: Manny Pacquiao
has beaten Oscar De La Hoya.
LARRY: Certainly, the furthest thing
from anybody's mind,
was that he was going to dominate
and stop Oscar De La Hoya
and end his career.
And, in effect, it was the beginning
of a whole new career,
for Pacquiao.
ANNOUNCER: Pacquiao!
CHINO: The millions of people from
Metro Manila, from all walks of life,
coming up, wanting a piece of him.
Maybe catching him on TV,
just to see his motorcade pass by.
That was one great proud moment
for this country.
You have to understand
Manny Pacquiao's mentality.
Manny Pacquiao believes
that he is where he is
because of God.
That what he's done is God's will.
MAN: Show time. Show time.
FREDDlE: "Manny, who's going
to win the fight?"
He says, "I think I will."
"You'll knock him out?"
"Well, that's up to God."
ANNOUNCER: The best fighter
in the world.
FREDDlE: He says God will decide.
I say the guy who's best
prepared will win.
So, l know l have both.
COMMENTATOR: And down he goes.
He's down for the second time.
Oh, my gosh.
What an amazing knock out.
That is the most spectacular
"one punch"
of Manny Pacquiao's
incredible career.
My favorite part, for me about Manny,
is when he's coming into the ring.
He doesn't look focused and he just
comes out with this big smile.
And he's just waving at everybody
and it's like...
He doesn't look like a man
who fears he's going to lose.
It's almost as if you feel
the light of God behind him.
And he knows that God
is following him into the ring.
You'd never know, ever,
that he's going to fight.
And that's his energy,
that's not a made up persona.
And then he can flip the switch.
COMMENTATOR: Round one begins.
Pacquiao hits with a hard left hand.
And another.
Manny landed another right hook.
And it's Cotto with his back
against the rope.
And he punches Cotto,
and he goes down.
...totally hurt by that knockdown.
You can sense the right punch
at the right time.
Cotto backs into the corner.
He's in big trouble now.
The fight could end
in a matter of seconds.
We thought Manny Pacquiao is great.
He's better than we thought.
MANNY: For now, we're going to enjoy
our very good victory tonight.
And, you know, I always thank God
for the fans who always support us.
And to all the people who
come here tonight.
To all the boxing fans
around the globe,
Thank you very much
for all your support.
Are we going to see
a Wapakman 2 coming out?
Wapakman, don't miss it.
lt's going to be a good movie.
He played a superhero,
I believe it was horrible.
We gotta talk to him.
Maybe do some stuff that is
worthy of him.
We hope we get to do
a movie together.
A nice action movie
that takes place, probably
in the Phillipines and
the United States,
kind of a big action adventure.
ldel! Surrender now!
Millions of hits.
His name is Manny Pacquiao,
and he is generating excitment
not seen in the ring since Mike Tyson,
Sugar Ray Leonard, or Muhammad Ali.
BERT: Manny Pacquiao has that glow,
that superstar charm.
And he's as close to, as l can see,
a worldwide figure
like a Muhammad Ali was.
Both of them were superstars
who knew how to handle it,
and represented something.
Of course, when you're famous,
many want a picture or autograph
but that's how it is.
Because when you have fans it's also
important that you are nice to them.
Of course we also know that
they are also instrumental.
Of course it's hard but...
l'm able to manage.
Manny! Manny!
ANNOUNCER: Team Pacquiao!
MARK: I follow Manny Pacquiao
around the Philippines
and it's like following Elvis Presley
and JFK
combined into one person.
JlMMY: As l started hearing
about his singing
and seeing little videos
on the internet,
we thought it'd be fun
to have him on the show.
We thought it would be fun
to have him sing,
while he was on the show,
and we were very right.
Here now, with their rendition
of the John Lennon classic,
Will Farrell and Manny Pacquiao.
Imagine there's no country
It isn't hard to do
No, it isn't, Manny Pacquiao.
Imagine all the people
JIMMY: Even though he doesn't have
what you would call
a "classical voice,"
he likes to sing.
And either he thinks
he's a great singer,
or everyone's too scared tell him that
he's not the world's greatest singer.
But, he loves to sing
and it's fun to hear him sing,
so in a way, he is a great singer.
And the world will be as one
Thanks, guys!
Will Farrell and Manny Pacquiao.
We'll be right back.
JlMMY: Yeah, Manny loves
these songs from
the 70's and 80's, these love ballads.
lt just seems so odd coming out
of a guy
who could punch you in the face
forty times while he was blinking.
And l think in a way,
that makes him scarier.
You might wanna try:
[SlNGlNG] Sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
-Just hold the "much", instead of...
-Too much...
JlMMY: The fact that this is what
he listens to,
and he has got this tender side,
to me, if I was getting in the ring
with him,
that would make me doubly terrified.
Too much
All right, you can do that, that's
fine, but you can also go,
The honesty's too much
I wanna hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
And cry
Till we both break down and cry
So "cry" is the same as "much".
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you
Till the fear in me subsides
Beautiful. That's fantastic.
I wanna hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
Okay, l'd like to just, yeah,
Just one another thing too,
l'd like to have,
just as a choice...
I wanna hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you
Till the fear in me
Beautiful. Beautiful singing.
What a pleasure!
-Thank you.
-You're amazing!
NARRATOR:: Manny had already won seven
world titles in seven weight classes.
But the people behind Manny needed
another way to sell him.
They hoped to take him from
a popular boxer to a legendary one.
The greatest credit to boxing,
Manny Pacquiao.
NARRATOR: To reach an unprecedented
eighth weight class title,
a feat never achieved in the sport,
he would have to defeat
Antonio Margarito,
a champion who weighed almost
20 pounds more than Manny.
BERT: One, what you've got, Sandy,
is a man who's got everything to lose,
and very little to gain.
He's already won seven championships,
seven divisional titles,
more than any man in history.
If he wins, he wins an eighth.
On the other hand,
Antonio Margarito,
he's got everything to gain,
and very little to lose.
He has already lost,
if you will, credibility,
having have been found to have
wrapped hands
that were basically loaded.
Suspended for a year.
Although l spent most of my life
as a boxing promoter,
l'm a lawyer,
and this hurt me more than anything.
Because, fair is fair,
and justice is justice.
And we don't convict the man
because of innuendo and suspicion.
As far as the record is concerned,
this man did nothing wrong.
Do you, in your heart, believe that he
knew that those wraps were loaded?
Of course. l know he knows.
Would you know if someone were putting
extra things in your hand-wraps?
-You would know that?
-Of course.
BERT: He's got a tough opponent.
Margarito almost dwarfs him in size.
Has a seven-and-a-half inch reach.
And everyone asks, every fight,
how far is that bridge
that Manny Pacquiao has to cross?
And he does it again and again.
The question is always,
what is the bridge too far for him?
FRANKLlN: Every time he fights, the
entire country is in a standstill.
You can't see anybody on the street.
Everybody is in their homes,
watching and waiting for the fight
of Manny Pacquiao.
Zero crime in the entire country.
The rebels, the secessionists...
Ceasefire. Everybody's in a ceasefire.
That's how it is when Manny fights.
lt's bigger than boxing.
It's bigger than
being a prize fighter.
His journey now is about fighting
and winning for a people.
Every time he goes out there,
he's winning for them.
Huge burden, but he accepts it.
MAN: Most of these people here,
they were so ashamed of who we were
as a race.
Manny Pacquiao helped us
to reclaim our true identity.
COMMENTATOR: The issue is not
Margarito's eye
at this moment, it's his brain.
How many clean head shots
can one man take?
Pacquiao looking towards the ref
asking him to stop the fight.
How much punishment
do you want him to take?
ALEX: If you're Filipino, your head is
definitely held high right now.
Knowing that the best fighter
in the world is a Filipino.
Let's go, guys.
NARRATOR:: Manny had just won
World Titles,
in eight weight classes.
He had taken more punishment
than he had ever endured.
He was cloaked in glory.
But the fight had changed him.
Really... this was the
hardest fight of my life.
lt can't always be like this.
You know...
l've had many boxing fights, but...
l didn't think
it would be this hard...
NARRATOR:: The life in boxing
was fulfilling,
but uniting people through twelve
rounds of fighting felt short-lived.
Manny's journey would soon take
another direction.
My dream is to focus as a politician.
Lot of politicians is corrupt so,
I don't want to be like them.
I want to serve people honestly.
MANNY: Mr. Speaker,
my dear colleagues,
ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!
The victory over Margarito
the eighth championship belt
in the different weight division
is not mine alone.
It belongs to every Filipino.
The Filipino people have shown
once more to the world
that the Filipinos can excel
in a world-class arena.
Because of hard-work, dedication
and faith in God Almighty.
As your colleague,
let me thank our President,
His Excellency, Benigno Aquino
because of his promise
that he will help
the province of Sarangani
build its first public hospital.
FRANKLlN: One ofthe promises of Manny
as a Congressman
is the promise to people
to give them a hospital.
The promise has been there
for some time,
and we don't have a public hospital.
So this is a promise that was
made to the people,
and a promise that it will be done by
Manny Pacquiao.
MANNY: l have a responsibility,
to serve people,
to give back
what God gave to me.
FRANKLlN: A lot ofpeople
are saying
that Manny Pacquiao will become
a resident of Malacanang.
lt's the White House
of the Philippines.
I think it will happen.
WINNIE: Manny has done Filipinos proud
because he is a tremendous boxer.
But l cannot say that he is
going to be as good a politician
as he is a boxer.
Doesn't work that way.
He will have to make a choice as to
what his priorities are.
You've got these loves in your life.
You've got boxing.
You've got politics.
You've got gambling.
You've got mistresses, all right?
And then, you've got
your people of Sarangani.
What priority are you gonna give them?
That's the question he has
to decide first.
Unless of course you think that he
can do everything at the same time.
We welcome him to SportsCenter,
the former No. 1
pound-for-pound fighter in the world,
Floyd Mayweather.
Floyd, welcome back.
-We've missed you, Floyd.
-Hey, how are you doing?
l'm not the former No. 1
pound-for-pound fighter.
l'm just saying l'm the best fighter
in the sport of boxing.
No one has dethroned me.
So how am l not pound-for-pound
the best fighter in the world?
-Because you retired?
-But have l been beaten?
Floyd has the right to talk shit
because he has never been beaten.
And he's that good.
l don't think it's a no-brainer that
Manny goes there and beats him.
But it's the fight.
l would love to see that as Manny's
last fight, and then retire.
Because, you know what?
There's nowhere else to go.
Why go any further than that?
He avoided no one.
He's a throwback.
He's like the old days,
when people fought the very best.
Every time he stepped up,
he fought the best available.
And he continues to do
what boxing fans have always wanted
Floyd to do.
Make fights against the biggest,
most threatening opponents,
and once the bell rings, go to war.
The whole boxing world, Floyd,
has been clamoring for this
Mayweather - Pacquiao fight,
lt's Pacquiao and Mayweather.
l mean, that's the fight.
lt's one of those fights
where it's very competitive,
that's why it's compelling to
people all over the world.
What is it going to take
to get these two boxers
best pound-for-pound in the ring?
No, l'm not going to dodge anybody.
You know what it is.
No, what is this?
Bob Arum?
You gotta talk to Bob Arum, not me.
l would love to do that fight.
Love it. Manny would love it.
But it takes two to tango.
The first time, we had
a little issue about the blood test.
Second negotiations.
We agreed to everything.
There was no...
Floyd said no.
Who's this guy?
He just pops up and becomes good?
And just punches hard out the blue?
Just out of the blue?
Now how in the hell you beat
a guy at 1 50 pounds,
that can fight way better than the guy
you was fighting at 1 05 pounds?
lt ain't no way possible.
You can't use rational thinking
with a Mayweather.
MANNY: The allegation is...
They're trying to ruin my, my,
my name in boxing.
-Who might be next?
-lt doesn't matter.
-All right. How about Manny Pacquiao?
-lf he wants, he can get it.
l want the fight because
the people want to see a good fight.
But it is up to him,
if he is going to fight with me.
He is saying that he has capitulated
to any and all drug testing mandates
that you have incorporated.
He has called you out.
Did Floyd duck Manny Pacquiao?
l have to believe
that Floyd is ducking.
l have never ducked nor dodged
no opponent,
so stop, so stop.
lf Floyd wants to fight him,
the fight will happen.
lf Floyd doesn't want to fight him,
the fight won't.
He'd rather turn down
forty million dollars,
than take a chance to get that
one lost.
-Who hits harder, him or Mayweather?
Do you think Mayweather
is afraid of you?
Do you think he doesn't want to fight
you and that's why he's trying to...
l think he's not really for the fight.
When they mentioned Pacquiao,
l said who's that?
They say that's the guy we're trying
to get fight Mayweather.
When l say Floyd Mayweather,
they say "all-time great."
Everyone's gonna always question him,
why didn't you fight Pacquiao?
Are you ever going to fight
Manny Pacquiao?
Once again, Bob Arum is
Manny Pacquiao's boss,
Floyd Mayweather is his own boss.
So once he's free from Bob Arum,
will the fight happen? Absolutely.
Mayweather's promoter wants it,
Manny wants it.
The only person that is holding it up
is Bob Arum.
Boxing doesn't need this fight.
And in my opinion,
that fight will never, ever happen.
Ever, ever happen.
No matter how much those two guys
want to fight each other,
the politics won't let it happen.
MAN: To lead you through today's
press conference,
the Hall of Fame promoter,
and CEO of Top Rank, Bob Arum.
When they first fought, I was
Juan Manuel's promoter.
ANNOUNCER: The bout is a draw!
Second fight, I was Manny's promoter.
ANNOUNCER: A new champion,
Manny Pacquiao!
Now this fight, I promote
both of them.
Hi, I'm Manny Pacquiao.
I beat him once, I beat him twice.
And this time will be
the third and final.
FREDDlE: There's no set schedule.
Not too many fighters l would
wait for, in my life,
but he's won eight world titles,
so l will wait for him.
But that's how it goes.
l can describe the schedule of
Manny Pacquiao as hectic and erratic.
You'll never know when
we will be there...
Of course there are a lot of things
you are obliged to do.
But sometimes l wonder can l do this?
Can l really take this?
lt's frustrating at times,
but you have to understand
the time schedule that Manny creates
for himself is unbelievable.
There's times where
the only sleep we get
is while driving from one city
to the next in the car.
We wish you all the best of luck
against Juan Manuel Marquez
for the third time.
All right then, thank you.
MlCHAEL: I tell Manny,
your body is like a car.
I don't care if you buy
a $200,000 Ferrari,
you drive it every day, and don't take
it for maintenance, it's gonna break.
ALEX: He was always an expert
at dividing his time.
Knowing how much to give to this,
how much to give to that.
Did you read the bill?
Did you study the Bill?
How come you say it's abortion
when the Bill's not?
MANNY: I'm saying that the Bill is
not abortion.
l'm saying that this Bill
is totally abortion.
ALEX: When being a Congressman
didn't come as
easy as maybe he thought
it was gonna be,
he found himself having to apply
more of his attention in studying,
and researching and reading
and staying up nights learning.
l think that's why it
affected us in the ring.
And that took away from boxing,
and I think we paid for it.
We did. l think he did.
ALEX: You can have so many things
going on in your life.
But when your relationship
is affected...
We can't go without Jinkee.
ALEX: You're not there.
Manny who is used to having such
the same routine...
Jinkee gets down on the week
before the fight.
Her not being there
in the hotel room with him,
not being in the same bed with him...
That's Manny's Kryptonite.
NARRATOR:: Most people look at boxing
as a physical competition.
But it's mostly a mental battle.
When a fighter steps
between the ropes,
he carries everything into the ring
with him.
And if his mind doesn't follow,
neither does his heart.
COMMENTATOR: Marquez's corner
thinks he's winning.
Freddie Roach wants to see Pacquiao
put this guy on his ass.
And the crowd seems to think Marquez
is winning.
ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,
from the MGM Grand,
we go to the scorecards after
twelve World Championship rounds,
the winner, by majority decision,
and still WBO World Welterweight
Champion of the World
Manny "Pacman"
BOB ARUM: Be calm,
because l promise you
l'll bring the fight back in May...
BOB ARUM: And we'll do it again.
We'll do it again!
My question is very simple.
Are you more convinced that you won
this fight
more clearly than the other two?
I think, I won this fight
more clearly.
I don't know what happened.
What do I need to do
for the judges to give me the fight?
I don't know what happened.
Good evening.
Thank you for this
another opportunity.
I know,
I did my best, but
the expectation of the people is...
The fight is not that happened,
but thank you.
MANNY: After the fight,
I had a dream.
I was in a jungle.
I saw the light brighter than the sun.
It penetrates my bones and my body.
I heard God's voice.
He said to me,
"Son, why you leave me?
Why you away from me?"
l woke up, and when l touched my hair
and my pillow,
it was wet,
with tears, l'm crying.
l told him, you have to leave
all the...
The worldly things,
so the gambling...
Having a...
Being unfaithful,
all of that, so,
you have to change that.
I told him that you are now
a new creation of God.
A new man, a changed man, so...
You better leave those things.
MANNY: Yeah, I have a casino
and I sold it.
And I have a bar,
sold it also,
and I stopped drinking, stopped good
times with friends, like that
and I stopped gambling, everything.
l want to perfectly follow
God's Commandment.
JINKEE: I hope, or I believe that you
have to gonna push through
to become a good creation of God,
a good person to the people.
A good husband,
a good father to his children,
and that's it. That's...
For the family, yeah.
For the family.
lt's true. lt's real.
So that's why l was...
That's why l am blessed.
You know, I grew up in boxing,
I love boxing.
But, maybe one more fight,
and that's it.
After the fight with Mayweather,
win or lose, last fight.
Of course, we're gonna win.
But after Mayweather, yeah.
FREDDlE: There's one thing
about my fighter.
When it's time, it's time.
You know, the thing is,
l went overboard
and l pay for that now.
So the thing is, when it's time,
l will tell Manny,
and he will...
l'm almost 99% sure
he will listen to me,
because we have great rapport
with each other,
and he knows l'm an honest person,
and l would never tell him
something that wasn't true.
So, if l see him slowing down
or slipping,
the first time l see that,
l'll say it's over.
Well, in his talks with me,
he's given me a date in 201 3,
where he's gonna hang it up.
And so l expect that
after this Bradley fight,
that he'll probably have about three
more fights,
and that'll be the end.
ALEX: Manny is just a dog,
that keeps running
or a horse that keeps racing,
or anything else like those guys.
That's just business that they're in.
Use you up, throw you away,
and get the next guy in there.
Make him, promote him, make him the
next biggest thing in boxing, and...
MICHAEL: Even if Manny retires from
boxing, I'll still be with Manny.
As long as he wants me to be around,
I'll be there.
That's why I spend so much time
in the Philippines,
even when he's not boxing.
What I want
and what I am striving for is
I want to be in a position
to supplement Manny's income
so he can sustain the same lifestyle,
after we're not making 60, 70 million
dollars from boxing a year.
For him and his family.
ALEX: I'd be happy for him,
you know what I mean?
I'd be happy for him that he is not
being used,
and that he gets to go off,
and do his own thing.
And do what he feels that he wants
to do.
lf he feels like changing his life,
and focusing on his political career
and his religion is what
he wants to do, l'd be happy for him.
But he is not my meal ticket,
like he is for these guys.
BOB: People have asked me,
why did I match Timothy
with Manny Pacquiao.
Timothy Bradley has the hand speed,
he has the foot speed,
he has the game plan
to be very, very competitive
with Manny Pacquiao.
ALEX: It's important to Bob
as a gentleman...
That's the only thing that's
important to Bob.
If you're my fighter,
and he's my fighter,
I walk in, and you lose,
I'm still winning.
And I get 30% of you,
and I get 30% of him.
I get the whole pie.
I get it all.
Because you're coming with a champion,
you're leaving with a champion.
You don't lose.
COMMENTATOR 1 : One night,
this incredible ride
that Pacquiao has taken us all on,
this devastating unbeaten streak,
in the heavier weight classes,
will come to an end.
Can Tim Bradley make tonight
that night?
COMMENTATOR 2: Hard left-hand
by Pacquiao down.
Best punch of the round so far.
Yet another slick left hand
on Tim Bradley's jaw.
Two big pops for Pacquiao.
COMMENTATOR 1 : And the best
punches of the fight.
Another straight left hand.
COMMENTATOR 2: The difference
so far has been,
Pacquiao can hurt Bradley,
Bradley doesn't seem to be able
to return the favor.
This is a Pacquiao fury.
The right hook lands.
He's moving his head down to survive.
Another mark of the power differential
in favor of Manny Pacquiao.
What must it be like for a
Champion of the World like Tim Bradley
undefeated in his prime,
catch a guy just at the right time,
fight as hard as he can,
and it's just not good enough.
COMMENTATOR 2: And lose every round.
ANNOUNCER: Scores about 1-15, 1-13,
for Pacquiao.
1-1 5, 1-1 3
for Bradley.
And 1-1 5, 1-1 3
to the winner by split decision,
a new WBO Welterweight
Champion of the World,
The Desert Storm,
I don't think we are blind.
And I think that is a terrible,
bogus decision.
COMMENTATOR 2: I have no comment.
I'm totally confused.
COMMENTATOR 1 : Timothy Bradley has
scored an upset split decision victory
over Manny Pacquiao,
God only knows how.
BOB: Respected people
scored it 11 to 1 , 10-2,
and then to hear scores
like we heard tonight,
and it's just unfathomable.
What we saw tonight was ridiculous.
That's the only word to describe it.
It was ridiculous.
This wasn't really a close fight.
But I'm happy for Tim,
because he's a lovely young man.
and he can make
a lot of money now.
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
Keep thanking God, praise God...
You know, God has good a plan.
God has a good plan for this.
The plan of God is better
than what we think.
-ALL: Amen.
The plan of God is better,
better than what our plan is.
Okay? Don't be sad, rejoice!
And be glad and happy, okay?
That's how we love this boxing.
you know,
I respect the decision.
100% I believe that I won the fight,
it's okay.
But anyway, in your heart,
you know who win the fight.
It's okay. That's part of the game.
We accept that.
I'm still here, I can fight.
I can fight.
until next time, thank you, thank you.
NARRATOR:: Boxing is a cruel sport.
You leave your blood, heart
and soul on the canvas.
But you can't always control
your fate.
In the eyes of the world,
Manny Pacquiao defeated his opponent.
But once victory is stolen from you,
what are you left with?
Loss is always a reminder of what
matters in life.
Your people, your family, your faith.
WOMAN: We are here to praise,
to worship God,
not only for Mr. Pacquiao,
but his use
as an instrument
for these people...
To spread the gospel of God.
He inspires the young people
because he came from nothing.
He didn't have a name before.
Then he became one of the biggest men
here in our country, in the world.
As long as he wants to fight again,
he can do both,
because he still has his potential.
But he can also be used in the
ministry, because of his influence.
Like what happened to me
in my last fight.
l prayed. l believed 1 00%...
...that l would win, l prayed.
But what happened to me?
You saw the result.
But l was not sad.
Because what is important to me
is my relationship with God.
Before l could not resist the devil...
When sexy ladies would pass...
My eyes would follow them...
But now that l have a strong spirit.
l feed my spirit,
l am blind to other women.
But the only and most beautiful woman
that l keep my eyes on is my wife.
JlNKEE: I'm happy people
look up to him.
Being a Bible Ambassador is
something that I can be
proud of him forever.
But the most important thing is
that he can encourage people
to read the Bible,
to be a good leader for the country...
A good public servant, yeah.
MANNY: What difference can I make?
What gives life meaning?
I came from nowhere,
and now I am everywhere.
But we are all just men.
We are imperfect.
I'm still learning what God's plan
is for me.
MANNY: Boxing gives people
power and hope.
Boxing has given me my voice.
But why do I box?
Why do I fight?
Is it my true purpose?
I know what I am.
I'm a fighter.
Whatever life brings me,
whatever arena I enter,
I will always be, a fighter.