Mano De Un Hombre Muerto, La (1962) Movie Script

Here, take this. Calm down!
I hate Sundays.
- Go on in, you stupid-
- Okay, I'm going.
- Hi, Theo.
- Good evening, Margaret.
What's happening?
- Nothing good.
- Come on, tell me!
My personal assistant.
I'm the brain. He's the machine!
What a machine!
Not very modern.
Hanzel, don't help yourself to that.
You know
it's the most expensive stuff.
I know, but it's the best.
There you go. You deserve it.
It's very lively in there, eh?
They sing a lot
but don't spend much!
- And the boss?
- She's happy today.
It's been a long time
since I saw her like this.
- Wait for me here.
- Why?
You look like a beggar!
Hi, Hanzel.
Has Margaret paid you?
No, Miss Lida, but I'm in no rush.
I'm giving her a loan.
- Have you had a drink?
- Without your permission, not yet.
- Go ahead.
- Thanks!
You're a funny rascal, you are!
And you're gorgeous!
Can't you see
you're disturbing the doctor?
No, not at all.
It's not disturbing him, see?
I wonder how you can work
with all that noise.
You get used to it.
Besides, I prefer not to be alone.
I like the sound of young people
around me.
He's talking about me.
Listen, these articles you've been writing
for the last three months...
is it true what I've heard
about them?
What have you heard?
They say it's a very gloomy story
about ghosts.
With plenty of vampires
and big birds.
Not exactly, but kind of.
It's fascinating!
I could tell you things that would make
your blood run cold in your veins...
and I'm not kidding!
Unbelievable, but true!
He's heard everything.
He's a smart guy, you know!
Go on then, tell me.
Have you heard of Von Klaus?
The baron?
I know him, yeah.
He lives six or seven miles from here.
That's right.
It's a damp, swampy area...
in the middle of nowhere,
full of quagmires...
where thousands of bats
fly around every night.
That's where the current baron rules.
I mean the other one,
the one who died 500 years ago.
I didn't know that one.
I'm a bit too young.
Don't make jokes.
I'm talking about the first baron.
Centuries ago,
he was the lord of this land.
One day, he and his men
decided to kidnap a young girl.
She later died
from the atrocities they committed.
The father called down curses
upon the torturer...
and his lost soul now wanders
about till the end of time.
Not long afterwards,
the baron disappeared...
in the stagnant waters
surrounding the castle.
People claim he died...
but I know he didn't.
He often appears over the ponds
in the middle of the night.
His ghost comes from
the depths of the swamps...
and he comes to kill sadistically.
I say it because I know it.
Yes, it's true.
I've seen his shadow.
I haven't heard of crimes
here in this area.
I've seen the mutilated bodies,
the torn flesh of three poor young girls.
It's been a long time,
probably fifty years ago.
You must have been very young.
Yes,just a kid.
I'll never forget what I saw.
Baron Von Klaus, the father
of the current baron, was accused.
What is certain is
that the spirit of the murderer...
has been reincarnated
in his descendants.
It's a good horror story,
but a bit too fantastic.
That's not all.
Every time a young woman was sacrificed,
the same signs occurred.
There were blasts of wind...
and wild animals came down out
of the mountains towards the village.
The moon disappeared three times...
and dreadful screams
were heard in the forest.
You're about to see that I'm not lying.
Tonight, the signs have started
to manifest as before.
There are the same omens.
I know the killer
has come out of the swamps.
Come on, Hanzel,
stop bothering Dr. Kallman...
with your ghost stories.
It's not a story for children...
but it's certainly compelling.
The women here are pretty,
aren't they?
Beautiful, boss.
They're worth the money.
If you behave, I'll pass them on to you
when I'm done with them.
Thanks, boss!
Look at these brand-new boots
I found in the garbage.
You must have radar.
Every time you come across a trash can...
you find something good.
I've been at it a long time.
I'm a professional.
- Hanzel.
- Yes?
It's all because of your beard.
I want to be
as smart as you, Hanzel.
I wish I had your experience.
It's all a matter of intuition.
You dig about
in the heap and you say-
- This smells like new.
- Don't go too much by that.
The old man knows
what he's doing.
A thousand-year-old chair
is worth more than one made today.
Everything is worth something-
even a piece of bone.
- A bone?
- Yes, a bone.
Theo, come here.
It's him.
He's come back, Theo.
"Maidens and Murderers
Weekly Magazine"
Hello, kid.
What's going on
at this ungodly hour of the morning?
Where were you?
Chasing skirts?
No, this time it was pants.
A female bus driver.
She was beautiful.
Congratulations, Karl!
You're a lucky man.
Lucky? Nothing happened,
Here, take this money!
Where am I supposed to go
this time?
To Holfen.
To Holfen.
To Holfen, okay.
Holfen, a town noted
for its gothic style, its trout...
its food, and its crimes.
Which of these specialties
am I supposed to write about?
- The crimes, of course.
- Very well.
One young girl was murdered,
another has disappeared.
It's incredible.
These crimes have been recurring
periodically since the 17 th century...
and there's supposed
to be a ghost called Von Klaus.
Is this a picture of the ghost?
No, one of his descendants.
It could be interesting.
Doctor, is there any hope?
Good night.
My son. Where's my son?
Don't worry, he won't be long.
Excuse me, Ludwig, but it's urgent.
Your mother is in a very bad state.
Thank you, my God!
My son is here.
Now I can die in peace.
Don't say that. You'll see.
You're gonna get better.
That's her, isn't it,
your little fiance?
She's lovely. Very pretty.
I'm very sorry
I won't get to know her.
I'm sure she'll make you happy.
My God, I wish I could talk to you...
just you and I, in secret.
My son,
I must tell you everything.
A curse was put on us...
many years ago.
You admire the genius of
your ancestor, the baron, too much.
For many years,
I've hidden from you...
the fact that he was
a terrible murderer.
- I know.
- No.
You can't imagine
all the things he did.
The key! Yes, the key.
Over there.
In the middle drawer...
behind the false bottom.
It's the key to the cellar.
Nobody has gone inside
since the death of your grandfather.
The place is cursed.
You have to go in...
and see for yourself.
You'll feel
the same horror I felt.
Then you must escape from this place,
and take her with you.
You must escape the curse.
Promise me you'll go away from here.
Calm down, Mother.
I'll do whatever you want.
Last night...
I had a terrible nightmare.
A premonition...
that everything was going
to happen again,just as in the past.
I saw that the shadow from the swamps
had started killing again-
killing and torturing.
Remember, your uncle...
was the spitting image...
of your ancestors, my son.
Didn't you hear the horn?
Didn't you hear the horn?
Oh, yes.
Take the first left.
- The first left.
- Okay, okay.
Get up on the sidewalk.
Hey, babe.
Would you happen to have seen
an old, ugly, foolish...
little creep of
a police commissioner?
You're here about the crime?
What's going on?
This place is a mess.
They're all up there,
with the commissioner.
Thanks, honey.
See you later!
There's too many people here.
Get rid of them.
Right away.
Come on, move away from here.
This doesn't concern you.
Can't we watch?
Yes, my friend, of course you can.
But there's nothing to see.
Go home now, you hear?
Okay, we're leaving.
All right, we'll go.
You there,
what do you want?
Come on, can't you see
I'm not taking anything?
Let him through.
Hello, Commissioner.
Tell me what's going on.
Don't worry, you'll read about it
in tomorrow's paper.
- Have you found the other one?
- You already know there's another one?
May I look for a second?
If you like.
It's not a pretty sight.
Take her away, and send me
the results of the autopsy.
Tell me, Boro,
you got a suspect?
No, no one.
Come on, not even me?
I'm not in the mood
for jokes, Karl.
People around here
are all convinced it's a ghost.
They may be right.
There is a ghost.
It's the dead man
from the swamps, I know it.
Did anyone ask for your opinion?
He's right, sir.
He's a smart guy.
Why don't you question
all these people?
The murderer always returns
to the scene of the crime.
The next exam to join the police force
is three months from now.
You should take it.
In October, the exams
to be a journalist begin.
I suggest you don't take them.
I'm afraid you'd fail.
- Have you got your car?
- Yes. Brand-new.
Can you give me a ride?
Is this guy bothering you?
No, he might come in handy.
Meet me at the inn.
You haven't heard of
the old ghost legend, have you?
Are you kidding?
I've known about it for a long time.
It always ends up being a regular old
criminal, with flesh and bones.
But there are often crimes
that go unsolved.
Of course.
That's because I wasn't there.
I see you're a humble man.
If the sadist of the legend
is a Von Klaus...
there might be others
in the family.
Not this time.
The two Von Klauses
each have a strong alibi.
The uncle spent the whole night
with his sick sister...
and the nephew was
on a trip with his fiance...
What do you think of this car?
I bought it from Berger,
the American correspondent.
All right.
- What time are you free?
- Are you a cop? Not a chance.
So, what's new?
According to the autopsy,
the girl was sexually assaulted.
No kidding.
And the weapon used
was a dagger-
A dagger?
Well, there's a piece of news.
Let me finish.
A dagger of Damascus steel
with a curved blade.
Traces of rust
were found in the body.
- An ancient weapon.
- That's right. I've inquired.
"That kind of dagger
with a curved blade is of Arab origin.
They were used
till the 18th century...
but are no longer manufactured. "
The tracks in the snow
indicate a size ten.
In other words, a guy 5'5" tall.
He could be five feet tall,
wearing shoes that don't belong to him.
Or an old woman
with the feet of a giant.
Don't get angry. Nobody
told you it couldn't be a woman.
I'm sure the killer is a sadist.
- Are you a psychoanalyst?
- Yes.
What do you think of all this?
This kind of psychopath
kills for the pleasure it gives him...
to see the agony of his victims.
That's why the poor girl
was raped.
The crime
is connected to this act.
Are they conscious
of their behavior?
They know very well
what they're doing, I'm sure.
When they're no longer in crisis,
they seem completely normal...
even agreeable and friendly.
Like you, for example,
Mr. Kallman?
That's right.
Or like yourself, sir.
I see.
But knowing the area
like I know it...
it's not around here
that the right trail is found.
This kind of criminal
loves complication.
His instinct guides him to make
people believe in a natural death.
I'm a moron
when it comes to this stuff.
You're finally beginning
to know yourself.
What about you?
Where were you last night?
I'm sorry to disappoint you,
but witnesses will tell you
I haven't left this place.
Have you been living here
a long time, Kallman?
Very good.
journalists ask questions too?
No, thanks, I don't need
a go-between.
Sorry, I only ask
because I find it strange...
that you came to this specific place
to write your books.
Good evening.
This is terrible.
Come on, go to sleep
and don't think about it.
"I hope these memoirs will be used
by my descendants as a guide.
It's an initiation
into a passionate world...
of rare and unknown sensations...
a seductive and tragic world...
bred in pain and blood...
the tragic eroticism
of all the senses...
finally ending in death. "
Where are you going like that?
Pardon me.
I must seem very nervous.
Good night.
Good night.
"International Singing Star
Dorian Vincet"
Take me along
because I love you
Hold me tight in your arms
Our happiness is here
Without looking any further
You can find love
With me
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Dorian, you were terrific tonight.
Do you want a drink?
Not tonight.
I don't feel very well.
As a doctor, I can help with that.
Thanks. I think I need
to get some sleep, that's all.
Do you want a drink
before you go to bed?
A scotch.
Let's have lunch tomorrow, okay?
Fine. Let's meet
in the lobby at noon.
- Go and get some rest.
- See you tomorrow.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, my love!
Evening, Ludwig.
How come you're here at this hour?
I'm working, that's all.
What about you?
It wouldn't interest you much.
You're wrong.
Everything you do interests me.
Well, listen then,
I'm the only one in command here...
so I won't have anyone
asking me questions, understand?
And I won't have anyone
spying on me!
Nobody has anything to say.
Nobody saw anything.
You can all go.
But no one is to leave the hotel
for the next 24 hours.
Commissioner, excuse me...
but if you don't allow me to leave,
I'll be in big trouble, believe me!
I'm really sorry, sir.
Bring me the hotel registry.
The hotel registry!
You see, my wife doesn't know
I'm here.
Then you must let her know.
Otherwise I'll have to tell her myself.
- Make sure nobody leaves the hotel.
- Yes, sir.
Hurry up!
And there are also guests
just passing through.
Those who only came for dinner.
Or just to have a drink.
Were there a lot last night?
We're not in high season yet.
The big crowd arrives in two weeks.
So, my dear Borowski,
you left without letting me know.
Ah, I left. Sorry, Karl.
Rudolf Bender. Who is he?
He wasn't questioned, was he?
- Perhaps you should ask the concierge.
- Fritz?
What time did Mr. Bender get here?
Around noon. He didn't have
I- I-lunch, sir, n-n-nor dinner.
That's it. He's the killer!
- Oh, yeah? Why?
- Ghosts don't eat or drink, Boro.
- What time did he leave?
- Around midnight.
I can't say if it was
before o-o-or after-
- ... the crime?
- That's right.
Or the discovery of the crime?
What else?
I took his luggage to his car.
A b-b-briefcase.
He gave me a good tip,
and that's all, sir.
Wait a minute.
I think I can remember...
an important detail.
The man had a c-c-cane...
and the knob was
in the shape of a head.
A human head.
Human, I'm sure.
I- It was a Moor.
I remember it perfectly.
What does he look like?
Who? Mr. B-B-Bender?
in his 50s, I think.
Black suit, very-
Very well-dressed.
- Have you seen him here before?
- I've only been here for a month.
I used to work at the Hotel Negresco,
under the same management.
- What about the chambermaid?
- Somebody call Marta.
Can I have a look at the book?
Maybe Bender stopped here
on one of his previous trips.
Under that name he didn't.
- Did you check carefully?
- No,just a hunch.
If you think you're gonna find
the name of the killer on a hunch-
- Commissioner, I'm innocent!
- Tell that to these gentlemen.
I'm innocent!
Sit down, miss.
I'm not in the way, am I?
You're a bit like a chronic cold.
You're a nuisance,
but eventually we get used to you.
Don't be afraid.
I won't harm you.
I'm an honest girl. I'm not used
to talking to policemen.
All right, then. Listen carefully.
Yesterday, did you see-
I didn't see anything!
I didn't notice anything at all!
I just make sure my job is done.
It's my job to clean and dust,
that's all!
Just a second, okay?
I've told the truth, and that's all!
I'd never do anything wrong.
I can show you my references.
The best is Mr. Brunemberg's.
Do you realize all the pretty young
women in this area are in great danger?
You could be the next victim.
You really think so?
I like this girl.
If I can be of any help,
I'll be delighted to do so.
Have the doctor
sign his statement.
We'll check the time
he actually came back.
I totally agree.
Don't forget I volunteered
to answer your questions.
You didn't know I had been staying
at the hotel, did you?
What did you do last night?
- I slept.
- We're not here to make jokes!
The four of us were here together.
Margaret finished her work,
then she went up to her room...
and I had a talk with Hanzel.
- What about you?
- I was listening, as usual.
Did you see Dr. Kallman?
- Yeah, he came at midnight.
- That's right, at 12:00, precisely.
I'd like to speak with him in private.
- You were there last night with Lida.
- I was.
- You saw Dr. Kallman.
- I did.
- How was he dressed?
- In black, I think.
- Was he wearing a hat?
- Yeah, definitely.
Can I come in?
How was Dr. Kallman
dressed last night?
In a gray suit.
- Did he wear a hat?
- A hat? No, I don't think so!
- You fool!
- In that case, yeah.
You weren't there, you saw nothing,
and you're taking me for an idiot!
- I'd like to know why.
- The kid and I are innocent.
- We're innocent.
- I know nothing yet...
but if you're trying to hide
the killer, you'll pay.
Bye, Mister Boro-
Bolo- Bolero- whatever.
What about you?
Why didn't they ask you questions?
You often go out at night,
don't you?
Where's the book about Marienbad?
I don't know.
I'll go look for it.
Borowski, have you given yourself
over to drink?
That's right.
They're all bastards.
I can't get the truth out of them!
They're all lying!
Fine. If they lie to you,
you lie right back to them.
I can't.
I'm too honest.
You'll never get anywhere that way,
my friend.
I've just come from sneaking
around the ghost's castle...
and look what I found.
Please sit down.
I hope you will explain
why you asked me to come here.
The staff of the Kanburg Hotel,
thanks to this picture...
has been able to identify
the mysterious Mr. Bender.
I refuse to answer
in front of an outsider.
Mr. Steiner has my authorization.
Yes, I was at the Kanburg
last night.
Why did you use a false name?
- For personal reasons.
- What kind of personal reasons?
- I can't tell you.
- Why?
I told you.
For personal reasons.
Do you realize
the situation you're in?
No, not really.
I could arrest you for murder.
You'd be making a big mistake,
Commissioner. I'm innocent.
My friend, believe me,
it's not enough to say, "I'm innocent. "
You have to prove it.
And it's your job
to prove that I'm guilty.
What time did you get
to the hotel?
I don't know.
Around 7:00.
- Did you come in your car?
- Yes.
- Were you alone?
- I was.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
What did you do then?
I took a room.
And then?
I don't remember.
I went to bed, I tried to read,
and I fell asleep.
What time was that?
I wasn't expecting you to ask me.
I didn't look at the time.
You should leave your attitude outside.
It won't help you here.
I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
Fine. Then what?
I woke up.
It was still dark.
I couldn't go back to sleep,
so I got up and went for a drive.
- For how long?
- I don't know exactly.
What time did you come back?
It must have been 7:00 or 7:30.
A ten-year-old
could come up with a better alibi.
I'd come up with an alibi too
if I'd committed a crime.
Agent Norman has found the body
of the other girl, horribly mutilated.
Where did he find her?
Half sunk in the swamp,
close to the Von Klaus castle.
Good. We know everything
we need to know now.
Mr. Von Klaus, you're under arrest
for a serious crime.
You're making a mistake,
The judge will decide that.
I've nothing more to say to you.
Take him away.
You've been a big help, for once.
Don't thank me.
I must be the stupidest
journalist in the country.
Von Klaus is innocent.
What are you talking about?
Didn't you hear him?
I've never heard
a more ridiculous statement.
Von Klaus is an intelligent man.
If he was the killer,
he'd be full of alibis and easy answers.
You've read a lot,
but you haven't lived enough.
Your conclusions are good...
for detective novels.
Real life is different.
Think about it, son.
How about a cigarette?
It's me, Karine.
I brought you something.
- How are you doing?
- Much better.
- I just got in a panic.
- I understand.
My mother's death...
all these crimes...
Max's arrest.
Ludwig, I can't believe
your uncle is guilty.
All the evidence points to him.
But Max is a good man.
He can't be a criminal.
I loved my grandfather too.
He seemed perfectly normal to me.
He was also a great artist,
a wonderful musician.
And yet he was a murderer.
You never told me
about all these things.
I want to escape from them.
These stories haunt me.
It's a real nightmare.
I can't get free of them.
Why? You're not involved
with them in any way.
I'm a Von Klaus.
I'm their descendant, and I might
one day become a murderer myself.
How can you say that?
It's all happened so quickly.
I'll watch over you.
I'll take care of you.
We'll leave this place,
and you can live the life you want.
Yeah, I see you want to lock me up.
You know just how to do it.
I understand you very well.
No, Ludwig, that's not it at all.
I just want you
not to think of anything.
I want you to get back
your peace of mind.
Ludwig, please listen to me.
I love you.
I only want your happiness.
Believe me, my love.
Forgive me, Karine.
Of course you're right.
Everything has happened so quickly.
Forget what I said. Stay by my side.
We'll get married right away.
I need you by my side.
I've got nothing left...
and I can't live alone
in this castle.
All right, Ludwig.
We'll get married...
and then we'll take
a trip around the world.
You'll become a famous pianist.
I'll be your greatest admirer.
One day, we'll come back here,
to gather the spring flowers.
We'll throw the doors open wide...
and the flowers' perfume will fill up
this house, and the sunshine too.
No more shadows, no more ghosts
will haunt this place.
Thank you, Karine.
I've told you all about this family.
It was time
that bastard was arrested.
- Do they know who the killer is?
- It's Baron Von Klaus.
They took him
right to police headquarters.
Yeah, I saw him, and there's a crowd
in front of the building...
who want to take him out
and hang him.
- Shut up!
- How do you know it's him?
I've known it for a long time.
- Me too.
- Who else could it be?
Shut up!
- You've got a wicked tongue.
- Me?
Good evening.
Good evening, madam.
What brings you here at this hour?
Please have a seat.
Max Von Klaus is innocent.
You must set him free.
How do you know?
I was with him that night
at the Kanburg Hotel.
Do you realize the seriousness
of what you're telling me?
Yes. We stayed there all night.
- Is he your lover?
- He has been for over a year now.
Why didn't he tell me the truth?
He's a good man.
I have a daughter.
The divorce isn't final yet...
so we keep it our secret
to avoid involving me in a scandal.
How did you get in the hotel
that night without being seen?
It's not the first time
we've met each other there.
The chambermaid
opens the service door.
Well, that's a piece of news!
Why did they all lie to me
at the hotel?
To protect me.
They know my comings and goings.
I can't hide it anymore.
I'll have your statement
checked tomorrow.
I promise you
there won't be any scandal.
- Where's your husband?
- He lives somewhere in France.
Our daughter is in college,
and until Max and I-
Commissioner, I swear
I'm telling the truth.
Stop him!
Catch him! Hurry!
Follow me!
Are you crazy?
Don't go in there!
- The forces of evil will come down on us.
- It's the swamp man.
We are no match for a phantom.
If we went in there,
he could kill every last one of us.
No, not the cemetery!
"The Von Klaus Family"
- Come with me, please.
- What's all this about?
- You're free to go.
- Thank you.
Good evening.
Why did you do that?
You're the most important thing
in the world to me.
My love.
Hello. I'd like to see
Baron Von Klaus.
Please come in, sir.
just a moment.
I'll let the baron know you're here.
What are you doing here?
My name is Karl Steiner.
I'm waiting for the baron.
- Has anyone gone to call him?
- Yes.
You're Ludwig's fiance, aren't you?
How did you know?
My job is to find things out
and then tell what I know.
- Do you enjoy it?
- Sometimes I do.
Think of all the crimes
committed here recently.
There's a noble side to the job
that goes beyond just reporting facts.
It helps the public stay informed.
- Is that what a journalist does?
- It's you.
- What do you want now?
- Please don't go, miss.
Could you please give me a moment?
Baron, I came to apologize.
I made a mistake.
After your deposition,
I was convinced of your innocence.
- Is that all?
- I intervened on your behalf.
I also intervened on Lida's behalf
last night.
I'm not asking you to thank me,
but I'd like you to listen to me.
Please forgive my angry tone.
Come on in.
Thank you.
- Do you like to travel?
- Yes, I think that's why I'm a journalist.
I've dreamed of seeing the world
ever since I was a child.
The mysterious Indies,
Egypt with its ancient pyramids.
I love to travel myself.
- I can see we have similar tastes.
- Really?
How do you know
we have similar tastes?
Since you admire this house,
I should give you a tour.
Yes, I would like that.
There's a wonderful view
from the tower.
Ludwig's grandfather
installed this telescope.
You can see the swamps from here,
as well as the road that leads there.
Ludwig comes here regularly.
- With you?
- No, alone.
Alone? Why's that?
There's the road to the mountain.
The Kanburg Hotel is at the top.
It's a trendy place
for winter sports.
There's the path to the swamps
where Ludwig's grandfather died.
It's strange, but Ludwig seems drawn
to the place where his grandfather died.
Some kind of cult.
Ludwig devoted himself to music
to carry on my father's legacy...
who, despite everything,
was a great man.
Do you still need me, madam?
You can leave whenever you want,
Margaret. I'll close up.
- Very well, madam.
- How elegant you look!
It's nothing.
See you tomorrow. Good-bye.
Shall I escort you, Margaret?
Thanks, but I'm not going
home alone. Good night.
The killer's lucky. He's got
a great place to pursue his vice.
On the contrary.
Our murderer's taste is too vulgar.
The first Baron Von Klaus
must have been more refined.
That young girl you brought with you
is charming.
I can see why
you'd rather be with her.
She's my fiance.
It's different with her.
I have to keep my distance, understand?
She'll make a good wife.
And I wouldn't, right?
But you love me
more than you love her.
I don't know.
When I'm with you,
I love you to death.
But I have a duty to continue
the Von Klaus family name.
You're my only love.
I'm crazy about you.
- Where have you taken me?
- To the Von Klaus mansion.
So it's you.
You're the killer!
I don't know.
I really don't.
You're the killer.
Woe to her who comes near me.
Yes, I'm the swamp man!
Why am I compelled
to act this way?
What power do you have
to drive me to my death?
You're capable of anything.
Your voice rings in my ears,
screaming at me every moment.
I want to be rid of you,
free to live like everyone else...
surrounded by loved ones.
Why is your will stronger than mine?
- It's not working.
- No music!
I already put my money in.
- Where are you going?
- I've got a hunch about something.
If you do something stupid,
I won't get you out of it.
I'm sorry.
Good-bye, miss.
Hello, Karine.
I'm sorry to call you like that
but I need to talk to you right now.
What is it?
You've got to promise me
to keep this secret to yourself.
I promise.
Do you remember
the day you got here?
- I do.
- Were you with your fianc?
- I was.
- After a rather long journey.
About 180 miles.
What I'm going to ask you
is of the utmost importance.
Did you travel all night?
No, he came to pick me up
at 5:30 in the morning, I think.
We left in a big hurry.
I was scared and I asked him
to slow down a bit.
I was afraid of an accident.
This is Ludwig's first statement.
Read it.
"Where did you spend the night?"
"I came to pick up my fiance
at 10:00.
We had eaten dinner
and gone dancing before the trip. "
"How far did you have to go?"
"About 180 miles.
We arrived at five past 7:00.
I drove very slow because
my fiance is afraid of high speeds. "
- Do you understand?
- It can't be true!
It is. He's the killer,
I'm sure of it.
- No, that's impossible!
- Control yourself. Stay calm.
Try hard to remember.
When he came to pick you up,
how did he act?
He seemed tired and nervous.
Listen: This is very important.
Have you noticed Ludwig
acting very strange lately?
Yes. He spends whole days
locked in that cellar.
It was his grandfather's workshop.
It was closed for years.
He's the only one who has a key.
I don't know what he does
locked up in there.
He'll drive himself mad.
Have you ever gone inside?
No, he never let me.
Karine, you've got to help me.
I must see that cellar.
- But how?
- I need proof.
You've got to get him
out of the cellar.
Ask him to take you dancing
at the Kanburg Hotel.
Be very affectionate.
Don't be afraid of him.
In the meantime,
I'll get into the cellar.
If Ludwig is the killer...
I know I'll find the proof there.
Very well.
Tell me what I have to do.
Call the commissioner in Holfen.
He should be at home.
Tell him to send all his men to the swamps
if he wants to catch the killer.
Commissioner, Mr. Von Klaus says
to go to the swamps right away.
That's where the killer is!
Why did you bring me here?
We'll go to the Kanburg afterwards.
I like to visit the spot
where my poor grandfather died that night.
Let's get out of here, Ludwig.
I don't like this place.
- But you don't know it.
- Ludwig, please, come on.
Take me to the hotel.
If we go to the Kanburg,
it will all be over.
When that stupid journalist finds
what he's looking for...
I'll be arrested.
What is there to find out?
This is the realm
of peaceful silence and death.
Ludwig, you're scaring me.
Let's go, please!
I love you, Ludwig.
Forget them.
Forget everything.
Join me in the eternal peace
of the swamps.
Get him in the car.