ManSuang (2023) Movie Script

Towards the end of King Rama III's reign,
Siamese trades with other countries
were on the rise.
Many Chinese arrived
and settled down in Siam.
The Chinese settlers formed
a community called "Tua Hia"
to help each other, but they were
usually associated with crimes
because of their conflict
with Siamese officials.
Three months before the end of this reign,
the elites formed fractions,
each supported their own prince.
Their attempts to get arms from Europe
was considered high treason.
This movie is
from the creators' imagination.
All names, incidents,
and places are fictional
No identification with actual persons.
Here, your reward.
Such a beautiful dance.
Khem, your moves caught my eyes.
If you serve me well,
I'll let you perform for my uncle,
His Lordship Phraya Bodisorn.
What say you,
handsome Paet Riu fella?
Oh, no!
Muen! Sir!
- Help me!
- Muen! Sir!
We're buggered!
What the hell did you do?
I tried to stop the bleeding.
Bloody idiot!
Your mission is to approach
Cheng and Wichien.
But if you make a mistake
and get caught,
just give up you life.
Because even if you can escape,
you will be killed anyway.
No citizen number tattoos.
You thought you wouldn't be arrested?
You were caught red-handed
next to my nephew's body.
We were just trying to help him.
Should we be arrested for that?
No one saw us
kill him with their own eyes.
You have no eyewitness.
How can you prove that?
I believe in the truth.
The truth?
Whose truth?
Your truth?
Who would believe you?
But a good deed
can be exchanged for a full pardon.
I will give you a chance
to carry out an important mission
for the country.
But if it's not successful,
you will be punished
for murdering Muen Kijraksa.
The mission is to find evidence
to convict the rebels at ManSuang.
If you're finished, come down.
Other groups are waiting.
Don't get distracted, keep going!
Aunt Joo,
take these two to Thongmak.
Then take them to Madam Phikul.
go eat something before you leave.
Yes, Young Master Hong.
Take this.
Scrub your body with it.
Let me see your teeth.
Take this twig and brush
the betel nut stains off your teeth.
- Let him finish scrubbing first.
- Fine.
Are my teeth white already?
Not yet. Right there.
Do you feel better now?
An immense change is about
to happen in this reign.
Phraya Wichiendej of the Harbor Department
has joined hands with Master Cheng,
the owner of ManSuang.
They traffic weapons from Europe
in preparation for the revolt.
Khun Suthinborirak,
the Harbor Department's registrar,
is a broker negotiating
on behalf of the arms dealers.
They have weapons
and the Chinese gangsters
"Tua Hia" as backup.
The rebels can take action soon,
at any time.
And last month
Khun Suthin, European dealers' henchman,
was found dead near ManSuang.
I sent my men to search his residence,
but found no document.
It's possible Master Cheng
and Phraya Wichiendej
lured him out
to deliver the document
before getting rid of him.
I want you to infiltrate ManSuang
and find the contract document they stole
to expose those rebels
before it's too late.
When you get to work at ManSuang,
you can access all areas.
No one would be concerned.
But don't forget that people in ManSuang
who betray our country,
are hiding themselves there too.
You need to be careful.
Don't get caught.
We have done nothing wrong.
Why do we need to risk our lives?
Or you will look for that Chinaman
who you claimed killed my nephew?
If you choose to go to ManSuang,
I'll have you disguised
as a part of the dance troupe.
You can continue to dance on stage
without having to sacrifice yourselves.
And if successful,
you'll be rewarded with money
and a position
in the Royal Performing Arts Department.
What say you?
- Who?
- I don't know.
Bugger off!
Go bugger yourself!
Ungrateful dunce. Go back to China.
This is the last time I help you.
Never again.
Bow to Master Cheng now, you bastard!
Or get your throat slit!
Thank you, Master!
Your sleeping quarters are over there.
I'm Khem.
What's your name?
Want some?
Do the curved arm.
Not good. Practice all over again.
Who's your teacher?
I'm my own teacher, ma'am.
Train him to dance the male lead part.
Grovel and pay respect.
Get yourself something to drink.
The water jar is at the back.
Clean this place before getting your meal.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Take care of it. It's your job.
But you see, I can take care of you too!
Watch you mouth!
Go get the water.
As handsome as my Chatra?
he is a bona fide.
You can't tell he's in a lower class.
As for my handsome Khem,
he looks charming like Prince Inao.
Wan, the one who came with Khem,
looks cute too.
Look at you, Joo!
I want them all to myself,
Chatra, Khem and Wan.
Know your place.
You decommissioned harlot!
Watch your words, old hag dancer!
Can you spare us some of your food?
Of course! You can join us.
You two come sit and eat here.
Master Cheng doesn't like fishy smell.
Betel nut either.
Those things are forbidden here.
Except for Madam Phikul,
he allows only her to have it.
One more thing,
those girls in the whorehouse,
don't even think about
getting anywhere near them.
But you can always be near me.
You rookies,
why are you here cajoling my wife?
Finish eating and hurry back
to where you belong. Go!
I agree.
I mean you!
Remember she's my wife.
Okay, I'm going.
Take heed of the geezer's warning.
You two living here,
you need to be careful.
If you see something, keep it to yourself.
ManSuang isn't like other places.
Madam Phikul said to take them in.
Where did they come from?
The butcher from Sampeng
brought them here.
They look capable.
But I don't know what to do with them,
so I sent them to Madam Phikul.
Hong, a European merchant
came here this morning.
What's his business?
He was just selling wine.
But this time,
he brought a lot of gifts for us.
I'll let you handle them.
Take this too.
Don't open it!
There are some nutty snacks.
They will give me rash.
Hong, learn to handle things on your own.
If you keep depending on him,
when will you stand on your own feet?
Is this the right one?
Whore! Come with me!
Why can't I touch you?
Bloody slut!
I'm a person like you!
- What?
- Stop!
A whore like you
doesn't have any rights to stop me.
Or you want me to teach you how to behave!
Nosy bastard!
Young Master Hong,
this lowly lad picked a fight with me.
I saw it all from up there.
Jun, I saw you
harassing my underling first.
What you said can be taken
as a disrespect to my master.
You're the one
disrespecting me, Jun.
I apologize to you, Hong and Tiang.
My servant harassed your underling.
You don't need to apologize, my Lord.
I have never seen these two before.
They're our new dancers.
I promise you
they won't cause any trouble again.
Pay respect to Phraya Wichiendej now.
He is kind to you.
There's no need. I don't mind.
I'm not an arrogant person.
What's your name?
Khem, my Lord.
I dance the male lead part.
Gorgeous like Prince Inao.
Would I be fortunate enough
to see you dance as Prince Inao for once?
The fortune is rather mine, my Lord.
My Lord, I need a month
to train them first.
Of course.
Then next month,
I want to reserve
the whole place for a night
to see the performance
to my heart's content.
You're always welcome here.
You two, practice hard for the show.
Yes, ma'am.
Try to maintain this level.
I'm sorry!
My Lord,
we didn't find anything
at Khun Suthin's house.
This is the royal dance,
not some low class dance.
You mustn't improvise just as you like!
If you want to keep changing it,
just go and dance at the market.
And if you want
to seduce someone so badly,
you should work at Tubtim's brothel.
Don't sow your filth here,
and taint our maestros' good names.
Ma'am, you gave me a new life.
It was never my intention to do so.
I swear.
Remember this,
the royal dance is a high level art form.
You must not take it lightly.
If you wrong the maestros,
your life will face endless calamities.
Where are you going?
We're home, pal.
Are you thirsty?
You did a good job today.
Thanks to your drumming.
But I got an earful from Madam Phikul.
Your teacher used to be the dancer
in the royal court of the middle reign.
You're lucky
she didn't have a heart attack
while watching you dance.
I'm just a lowly worthless person
who stupidly defiles the high art form
descending from Ayutthaya.
The old kingdom collapsed
so long ago though.
I must go now.
Thanks for today, Chatra.
"You did a good job today."
So Phraya Wichiendej
doesn't have that document either.
I believe so, my Lord.
Then it must be somewhere in ManSuang.
You need to find it fast.
Front-Palace Vice King
hasn't been appointed yet.
We don't know
when the new reign will begin.
If that happens before
we get the document,
it would be too late for us.
Why? It's the truth.
You're a disgrace.
You made pledges to
maestros' spirits to practice the art.
A man copulating with another man
is worse than those disgusting harlots.
Can you prove that?
Who told you I copulated with him?
I dare you to show yourself!
Only you! You bloody schmuck!
You said those women are disgusting,
but they just try to earn a living.
You know what's disgusting?
A dickhead who has countless affairs,
a braggart who keeps belittling
other people!
Bugger off!
Hold him!
Stay out of this!
How come you all turn into mad dogs?
All you do is fight.
You didn't even bother to think.
See? Now you destroyed everything.
If you can't give up your lowly manners,
then leave,
and sow your filth elsewhere.
And those seniors,
why do you keep picking a fight
with the rookies?
If you are not satisfied with living here,
just leave.
Who ripped the curtain?
Come forward now.
There are a lot of goods here.
Feel free to browse.
You can buy now and eat later.
You are beautiful!
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
She said thank you.
You say "Bo Xiang Gang" to her.
You're welcome.
I will give you something.
You are a very good lad.
Thank you.
You're quite charming.
Thanks and sorry that
you have to fix the curtain with me.
I have something to tell you.
I ripped the curtain,
not you.
Why didn't you tell
Madam Phikul you did it?
So you could come to
the market with me like this.
Why did you come to ManSuang?
I'm from Paet Riu.
I'm an orphan.
My parents left only a piece
of cloth that wrapped me.
The old monk raised me.
I love dancing.
So when I was told that
I can be trained here,
I jumped at the chance.
And you?
What's your story?
My hometown is Songkhla.
My father is Chinese,
but he was born in Siam.
He was a bird nest tax collector,
but I didn't want to be a merchant.
I always have the beating
of the Taphon drum in my heart.
In the year of the Rooster,
the town was plagued with cholera,
and my parents died.
I didn't know
how to continue doing my father's job,
so I came to ManSuang to find work.
You and me,
we're both orphans.
Is this all right?
I have a secret I want to tell you.
What is it this time?
This is a very important secret.
Can you promise me
that you will keep it between us?
Yes, I promise.
I came to ManSuang
because my father said
that there's a clue
to our ancestors' treasure trove.
Ancestors' treasure trove?
The treasure they carried with them
in the ship from the mainland.
Think about it.
If we find it...
Why are you laughing?
You're a dreamer.
It's a true story.
I didn't say it isn't true.
I understand.
Lowborns like us need to have a dream.
Have you ever flown a kite?
Too much to the right. Pull to the left.
- Yeah. That's right.
- Yeah?
Right, further right.
I don't understand.
You lived in a big city,
but have never flown a kite?
Stop nagging.
Come on.
Those boys, I will teach them a lesson.
Help me pull it back.
Go get it!
Damn it!
We won.
Next time you won't win.
Oh, no!
I didn't think you'd know
how to climb a tree.
I don't know how to fly a kite,
but I sure know other things.
Besides Chinese,
what languages can you speak?
Since when?
Since I was a child,
my family did some business
with Europeans.
I also have a secret.
The truth is...
Phraya Bodisorn sent me to ManSuang
to find a secret document,
evidence that will help arrest the rebels.
Are you serious?
Yes, I am.
Even more serious than your treasure map.
What secret document?
A weapon dealing contract
written in English.
It used to be with Khun Suthinborirak,
but it disappeared when he was killed.
Don't tell me you're a servant
of Phraya Bodisorn?
Wan and I were framed
for his nephew's death.
If I don't or can't find the document,
I'll be sent to court.
Then what's the truth?
You didn't kill him, right?
He said I didn't have the evidence.
Who would believe me?
If that's so,
then why don't you escape?
I might be able to,
but Wan wouldn't make it.
I can't leave him.
Even if I manage to escape,
I still can't rid myself
of being a lowborn.
I love dancing.
Every time I dance,
I feel the elegant aura exuding from me.
I feel proud of myself.
But no matter how good I am,
how much hard work I put in,
what people want from me is just my body.
My pretty outer shell.
That's it.
If this mission is successful,
I will be given a title
and honor.
No longer a bloody lowborn
everyone looks down upon.
But if I give up now,
nothing will be better.
Why are you telling me all this?
I want you to help me
find the secret document
of Khun Suthinborirak.
And I'll help you
find your treasure map in return.
I have something to tell you.
I invited Chatra to join our mission.
- Are you crazy?
- Why do you have to shout?
That Tapone drummer?
He is clearly a Chink. Look at his face.
He might be one of
the Chinese Tua Hia gangsters.
That doesn't make him a bad person.
- Maybe he killed Khun Suthin.
- Hey.
He studied with European missionaries.
He knows English very well.
Can't we do this,
just the two of us?
It's almost a month
and we still have nothing.
If Phraya Wichien finds it first,
you and me,
we're doomed.
- I still don't trust him.
- Shut up.
I got it from the market today.
I will take care of him myself.
I felt like it was only yesterday
that your father invited me
to run a brewery together.
We took a blood oath
that we will be brothers
and be faithful to each other forever.
If he's still alive,
he would be very proud of you.
I hope Hong will learn
as much as he can from you.
Hong is already so much better than me.
I think it's time for him
to inherit "that."
If he has you and others help him,
I don't need to worry anymore.
Don't worry, Uncle.
You know I'd do anything for ManSuang.
The last time Khun Suthin was seen alive
was when the ManSuang people gathered here
for the Chinese acrobatic opera.
Look at the stage.
We'll use this as our starting point
to find out who was the last person
to meet Khun Suthin.
That night,
so many people
came to see the acrobatic opera.
I was backstage.
My cue was to hand them the halberd.
Then I heard a loud bang.
But I saw nothing.
I decided to look above
and saw the reflection on the halberd.
That's how I got to see everything.
What did Uncle Thongmak see?
I think I know.
Looking at the reflection
from a high angle,
I saw Khun Suthin bump into a lad
holding a tray full of chips.
The chips scattered on the floor.
Gamblers scrambled to grab them.
Khun Suthin had to avoid them
and stood there awkwardly
beside the stairs.
If that's so,
Khun Suthin would've been around there.
Then what about Aunt Yuean?
It's not a human.
It's a ghost.
The ghost of a courtesan wearing
a red breast cloth staring at him.
She must have come
for Khun Suthin's spirit.
I didn't see the face,
but that night,
none of the courtesans in ManSuang
wore a red breast cloth.
Wan, scoot over.
If she was there,
Yuean would have seen her face.
Are you sure
it's not a ghost?
Whether it's a person or a ghost
if it stood next to Khun Suthin,
it must have been here.
What about Aunt Phit?
She said Khun Suthin
was talking to a child?
What do you have to say about that?
Khun Suthin bent down.
He must have talked to
one of the servants' children.
They love to watch
the Chinese do somersaults.
Or maybe that night
both Khun Suthin and the lady in red
bent over to collect the chips?
I'm so confused right now.
Is it the ghost in the red breast cloth
or a child?
What about the tall lad
Aunt Erb told us about?
What was it?
I was pounding chili paste in the kitchen.
I briefly saw
Khun Suthin talking to someone.
A tall person,
very tall.
Can't sleep?
What are you doing here?
I can't sleep
so I came out for a walk.
What the hell is this?
It's puzzling.
Khun Suthin talked to the lady in red
and a child?
He collected the chips
and talked to a very tall lad?
Or who was it?
All of this might be true.
They just saw it from different angles
at different times.
I don't think it's a ghost.
And it's unlikely that he
would bend over to collect the chips.
And if the man was that tall,
Uncle Thongmak would have noticed him.
We're only left with the lady in red.
She's our best shot.
There might be someone else who wore red
that Yuean didn't know about.
Nobody wore red that night.
Master Cheng allows us to wear red
only on auspicious days.
That night all courtesans
wore purple breast cloths,
except Tubtim.
She wore beige-white.
Just wait and see.
Deeper, deeper, deeper!
Pass me the drink.
Gently hand it over
and look into the client's eyes.
Good job.
Did you meet Khun Suthin?
I met with him before he left.
What do you want to know?
Did he tell you something?
Were you close with Khun Suthin?
You mean,
did I serve him in bed?
Khun Suthin often came to ManSuang,
but he just wanted to chat.
He lived by himself.
He just wanted someone to talk to.
Did he leave you any documents?
If my words carry no weight,
feel free to search my room.
I don't think that's necessary.
With your permission.
If it's not enough,
you're allowed to search me.
I'll undress myself.
No need.
Thank you, Tubtim.
That's more than enough.
What are you fellas trying to find?
It's an ancestral treasure map.
Chatra's grandfather
told him it's hidden here.
When I heard Khun Suthin
was robbed and killed here,
I thought
he might've known something about it.
By the way,
which courtesan served him that night?
If you don't mind,
can I ask you something?
On the night Khun Suthin was killed,
did you get to meet him before he died?
I was the one who brought him tea.
He asked to see Master Cheng.
I told him Master Cheng wasn't there,
so he asked to see
Young Master Hong instead.
Did you inform Master Hong?
He wasn't in his room.
When I returned,
Khun Suthin was gone.
I don't know if they met or not.
I won't teach them.
All-female dance is a sacred art.
It's meant to be performed in
front of His Majesty in the palace only.
If I break the rules,
it will be a disgrace
to our spiritual maestros.
I'm unable to.
They secretly have this going
on everywhere these days.
Madam Phikul, I know you knew.
In that case,
you can go over my dead body.
What are you looking for?
Think carefully, Master Cheng.
Let's be honest with ourselves.
It won't be long before the new reign.
If that side wins,
those Europeans will take over our country
just like
how they invaded Burma right now.
If we don't come together and fight,
your very own people
will end up suffering.
I fled wars to find peace,
and to live happily on this land.
I built ManSuang
to be a paradise for everyone.
My Lord,
you can't expect me
to come up with the plan
that will set the whole country on fire.
I can't do that.
I took care of your belongings
as one friend would do for another.
Tomorrow I will return them to you.
Answer me!
The truth is
Phraya Bodisorn...
sent me to find
Khun Suthin's secret document.
Why on earth do you think I'd have it?
Because that night,
Khun Suthin asked to meet you.
But I didn't meet him.
That night
I went to see Madam Phikul
prepare for the performance.
Who are you actually?
We are just lowborns.
Do you think I'm stupid?
Phraya Bodisorn
sent you two here
not just to spy on Phraya Wichien?
He suspects...
that weapons are being kept here,
where the Chinese Tua Hia gang
are secretly building their armed force.
How is that possible?
My father won't do such thing.
Master Cheng!
From now on,
Hong would probably be the one
We are just lowborns.
You're still young.
you should help him.
Master Cheng didn't prepare
his son to take over.
He must have thought
he still had more time.
Have you ever thought of
leaving this place?
Why should I,
especially when you're still here?
I have nowhere to go.
As for you,
you're still young and beautiful.
You earned a fortune
from your late husband when he died.
I used to believe so.
But after I was sold off
to be Khun Phra's mistress,
I stopped believing.
Staying here is more dignified
than wandering outside.
Out there, whores have no dignity,
let alone be virtuous.
You're the person
who should understand me the best.
Be careful, Joo.
It bit me.
What a picky eater.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to feed the parrot,
but it won't eat.
That bird kept crying for food.
I told Joo to feed it banana,
but it kept biting her.
It seems only Uncle Cheng and I
can feed it without getting bitten.
It won't cry if it's not hungry.
Normally, it only makes noise
at 4:00.
Uncle strictly fed it banana
at the same time every day.
My father couldn't discipline me
so he disciplined the parrot instead.
Why do you think you are in danger,
Young Master Hong?
I don't believe
that my father's death was an accident.
The parrot didn't make any sound.
It cries at the same time everyday,
exactly at 4:00.
Then my father would feed it.
That day, after Master Cheng fell,
we heard the 4:00 gong.
Someone fed it before the gong went off.
To keep it quiet
when Master Cheng was murdered.
Had he already fed it?
No way.
My father was very strict about it.
There's another person
who can feed it by hand
and not get bitten.
It's Tiang.
You think he killed your dad?
I'm not sure.
There are so many things I don't know.
I just found out
about that Chinese Tua Hia.
Their base is here, just like you said.
I got a letter saying
I have to meet them tonight at 2:00
in the secret meeting room.
I want you three to sneak in
to watch my back.
Let us make a pledge
to be faithful to each other.
If not, we will die,
throat slit, like that chicken.
Let us make a pledge
to be faithful to each other.
If not, we will die,
throat slit, like that chicken.
You don't have to go there anymore.
Just keep an eye out for us
and report to me.
Every Chink here
belongs to the Tua Hia gang.
Evil bastards!
That's fine.
Before you know it,
they will all be wiped out.
When the sun is out,
we should leave at once.
To meet Phraya Bodisorn
so he can take them down.
Calm down!
I'll take care of this myself.
Phraya Wichien didn't ask for anything
beyond your effort.
He just needs his people
to infiltrate and spy
on those suspects in ManSuang.
If it's just only a few people,
I don't mind.
But he sent a dozen of them,
as if he wants to besiege this place.
Don't you think that's strange?
I feel like
we should do it for ManSuang's sake
and our Tua Hia brothers.
Phraya Wichien's prince
is about to lay claim
to this country's fortune.
If we are to side with him,
he will find a way
to support us and ManSuang.
Is this for ManSuang
or for yourself?
They say if you don't bend,
you'll break, Hong.
You don't understand.
I can bend, if I need to.
But I'm not stupid.
The Chinese Tua Hia,
they've gathered to perform a ceremony.
They will cause chaos soon,
I'm sure of that.
Are you going to wipe them out, my Lord?
Have you found the document yet?
Not yet.
And what about the weapons they keep?
Did you find them?
Not yet.
You can leave now.
What does that mean?
It means "Reason."
This character,
If reversed, it means "Armor."
Father once said
ManSuang's leader must protect
Chinese brothers and sisters
from danger like a shield.
He's here, sir.
If I get killed,
my Master won't let this slide.
I'm just worried about you
and your friends.
I want to warn you.
You could be tricked
into becoming a rebel yourself.
You're plotting the rebellion
with the Chinese
and collecting weapons!
Phraya Bodisorn told you that?
Wan, you're a good person.
I don't want you to be deceived.
Phraya Bodisorn isn't
the person you think he is.
True, you saw me at ManSuang,
but that's just my mission
to help the country defeat the Chinese.
Now, Wan,
only you
can help me.
You and your friends
will be safe.
What do you want me to do?
Whatever you think needs to be done.
I really don't know the true ManSuang.
Just like what Phraya Bodisorn said.
My father never wanted to commit treason.
But the evidence screams otherwise,
Master Hong.
It might be those things
Phraya Wichien asked him to keep.
If my father dared to commit high treason,
as his son, how wouldn't I have known?
I don't think you know everything.
This is getting worse.
I must report this to Phraya Bodisorn.
We should think carefully.
Now that the people
involved in the incident,
both Khun Suthin
and Master Cheng, are dead.
Only Phraya Wichien is left.
I think we should investigate him first.
And who's going to do that?
you know me so well.
Chinese food at ManSuang is unmatched.
It's an honor to serve you, my Lord.
Here, the jujube pancake.
It's considered a fortune dessert
as it represents wealth.
Thank you.
Let's dig in, you two.
Yes, my Lord.
I've just worshipped
father's ancestral tablet.
Now I understand everything.
I thank the heavens and you, my Lord,
who will lead us Tua Hia
to greatness again.
The Tua Hia is lucky
to have you as their new leader, Hong.
It's a shame
that my father never told me anything.
He might've thought
I was just an ignorant child.
Tiang too.
Are you going to keep it a secret
until the Europeans rule our land?
I heard it everywhere
that this kingdom is
sailing close to the wind.
We have both manpower
and weapons.
I think
we should make the first move.
Tell me the date, we're ready.
We've been hiding in the shadows
for far too long.
I'm glad
that you see what your father didn't see.
When the timing is right,
Tua Hia will certainly help
to protect this kingdom.
In fact,
if you help Tiang
find the document on weapons dealing
before our enemy does,
it'll help us complete
our mission more easily.
Yes, my Lord.
Master Hong!
Call the doctor!
Doctor Guang!
Doctor Guang, please help my brother.
Hong! Hong! Hong!
Master Hong is dead.
Which bastard poisoned my brother?
It's not poison.
His mouth and nails didn't turn purple.
It's an allergy.
It's the nuts! He is allergic to nuts.
ManSuang never uses nuts in our food.
Go get the chef!
What is this flour?
Flour made from peanuts, sir.
Tiang, isn't that too much?
Nothing is too much for Hong.
My father
was a sworn brother with Uncle Cheng.
When my dad became ill
and died,
Uncle Cheng adopted me
and taught me how to do business
like I was his own son.
Uncle Cheng and Hong are dead now.
I feel like I've lost the will
to keep on living,
but I've told myself
I can't give up
because I have everyone here
that I have to take good care of,
just like Uncle Cheng
had taken good care of you.
After the mourning period,
I want everyone
to help prepare
a grand Chinese New Year feast
for ManSuang to show our solidarity,
just like what my father,
Uncle Cheng and Hong
wanted to see.
Is this what you are looking for?
Do you like the show?
The person who brought you
and Wan to ManSuang
was the one chasing Khun Suthin
that night.
Last time you asked me about the document,
I lied because I was afraid.
But now,
two people I'm indebted to are dead.
If this document
can help you catch the culprit,
I'm willing to risk my life.
Help me read this.
Is this the weapons dealing document?
This one has
the signature of Phraya Bodisorn.
Another one has Phraya Wichien's.
But both copies have
Khun Suthinborirak's signature on it.
Khun Suthin is a two-faced traitor.
He sold weapons to both sides.
I must give this to Phraya Bodisorn.
Give it to me.
I won't it give to you.
Let me explain.
And I won't give it to you.
I beg you.
Don't give it to Phraya Bodisorn just yet.
I need more time to find out
who killed my father.
When elephants fight,
the grass is inevitably crushed.
It's inevitable for us.
Serving the royal court is dangerous.
People will do anything for power.
Come back here
and live peacefully with us.
If I keep fighting,
I may win.
But if I give up now,
I will have nothing.
I beg you, Father.
Please don't go back to the capital.
I need to go back.
Or else,
I will put our whole family in danger,
especially you.
You are Khun Suthin's son?
This document contains my father's name
as those Europeans' henchman.
It means he had illegally
sold weapons to both sides
without the seal of the royal treasury.
You understand now?
He wasn't just
an interpreter as I thought.
This document says
my father was a corrupt official
who made a deal with the Europeans...
and joined the rebels.
You know the punishment
for high treason, right?
It's all right if it's just me.
But my family would never survive this.
I'd rather die
than let them suffer
for my father's wrongdoing.
I'll give you two days.
Thank you.
It's good that you don't want
to be a civil servant.
But you must remember my words.
It's ill striving against the stream.
You will be ruined.
I may disagree
with them on certain matters,
but it's unwise to oppose them.
Wan, are you all right?
Hey! Take the injured to the nursing home!
That firecracker is an insult to me.
As if to say I don't deserve
to be the Master of ManSuang!
don't worry.
You just need the power of some higher-ups
to support you.
If those buggers see
that my people are here to support you,
they won't even dare to disagree with you.
It's time for us to use those weapons.
Calm down, Tiang.
Think of the big picture.
We can't afford to be reckless.
My Lord, I risk my life doing dirty work
as you command.
Now it's time for you to share the risks.
I never told you to do anything.
You did them yourself.
How could you say such a thing?
You said that you want me to help.
My Lord,
if you aren't going to be reliable,
I may not be able to wait any longer.
The current situation is dire
and it is still unpredictable.
We don't know
who will be in power in the future.
Weapons are kept here.
Making a single wrong move
can turn us into rebels overnight.
trust me.
I'll take ManSuang
and the Chinese Tua Hia
to the highest place for sure.
Don't think about threatening me.
You should be careful.
If someone suspects
the death of Master Cheng
and Hong,
what will happen to you?
Drink it.
Where's Cheng?
Uncle Cheng went out.
Anything I can help you with?
I have something important
for Master Cheng.
And I need to travel
to China as soon as possible.
Can you arrange that for me?
Tomorrow at dawn
there will be a ship from Pak Nam
going to Guangdong Province.
If you want, my servant can take you
to Pak Nam right now.
Thank you, Tiang.
I want to go right now.
As for the important documents
for Uncle Cheng,
please leave them with me.
I just realized
I forgot something downstairs.
Where are the documents?
Don't come near me!
Don't come near me!
You'll only
unnecessarily exhaust yourself.
Where are the documents?
In hell.
Go and get them in hell!
Dump him outside ManSuang.
Make it look like he was robbed.
Who lit the firecracker?
It's hard to tell.
What we know for sure is that
Tiang is the one behind
the death of Khun Suthin
and Master Cheng.
And mine.
I can bend,
but I'm not stupid.
Now I understand
that he's never been faithful.
Tell me
what do you want me
and our Tua Hia brothers to do?
Tell the chef
to use peanut flour in the jujube pancake.
This tonic was brewed according
to the Persians' formula.
You'll look like you're dead.
It is extracted
from the blue fruit of a Persian tree
called the nocturnal macabre.
Anyone consuming it
will look like they are dead.
My head hurts.
Help me.
Help with what?
Are you all right?
The drug will start
to take effect within minutes.
But it usually takes four hours
for the affected person to wake up.
I know
that Tiang is very ambitious.
But I never thought
he'd cooperate with Phraya Wichien
to deceive my father and make him
store their weapons here,
then order the Tua Hia to rebel.
When my father disagreed,
he killed him.
the firecracker explosion was probably
Phraya Bodisorn's doing.
I'm not sure.
Tiang is overambitious.
Phraya Wichien might
want to teach him a lesson.
They want to use secret documents
as a weapon to destroy each other.
We must not let any of them
get the documents.
What do you think
we should do with the documents?
Burn it?
Better than leaving them
in the wrong hands.
I got it now.
If we burn them,
you and your family will be safe.
That's right.
Aren't you a bit selfish?
Calm down.
I don't see how I'm in the wrong.
My family will be punished
for a crime they didn't commit.
But your father did it.
Are you any different?
You're afraid of being punished too.
That's why you blindly serve
the elites who have no morals.
You don't even care.
Yes, I'm just like a dog
that does whatever the master orders.
I'm just a servant.
I have no choice.
I'm not from a noble family like yours!
Can you stop wasting our time?
Tiang and Phraya Wichien
will frame the Tua Hia as rebels.
They'll be arrested
even if they're innocent.
I need to prove
that those weapons
aren't connected to the Tua Hia.
I want you two to help me,
and I will return the favor.
What do you think?
When elephants fight,
the grass is inevitably crushed.
It's just like that.
Before I make any move,
Phraya Bodisorn will put me in jail
and claim that I murdered Muen Kijraksa.
we must act fast
to get rid of them all at once
and not leave any time
for them to prepare.
Thank you, thank you.
May Master Tiang and ManSuang
be blessed with fortune
and wealth this new year.
Wait and see, Wan.
This will be
the biggest fireworks in Siam.
I want to give you this.
Imported cigarettes?
Where did you steal them from?
I bought them.
It must've cost you a fortune.
That's fine.
I know you'll like them.
I did a lot of things
that made you feel uncomfortable.
Thank you,
Have a sip, my Lord.
How does it taste?
Disguised as a loyal pet
But upon closely looking
Cunning viper disguises itself
As a dog no less
Wait until thy master is killed
Next usurp
Joining hands with the enemy
For the plan undeserved
How ungrateful!
Thy sin can find no match!
Weapons fill thy abode
How dare thee!
May the hideous gambit fail
And the wrongs be righted with glee
Master Hong,
son of Master Cheng
humbly request you all
to be my judge!
killed my father...
and tried to kill me.
is a traitor
who is very ambitious.
He conspired with the officials
to keep weapons,
which are bought illegally
from the Europeans, at ManSuang.
I'm going to return those weapons
to the government
to show that...
my father,
and all the Chinese Tua Hia...
aren't involved with his act in any way.
No, you are the traitor!
You betrayed us!
Stand up and fight
to protect our people!
You! Bloody bastard!
One more thing
that I want to expose today.
It's them, the Tua Hia.
They raped and killed girls.
You're a liar.
Just do what needs to be done,
I will ask
my people
to tell the truth
to all of you here
the real rebel who betrays Siam!
Master Hong!
You bastard!
Did you kill my father, Khun Suthin?
Are you his son?
I didn't kill him.
You father was deceived,
and he was stupid enough
to kill himself.
ManSuang will be
as great as my father wanted it to be.
Both your father
and you betrayed our brothers
and the motherland.
It's only right that your father died.
Being a patriot doesn't give you the right
to commit evil deeds!
Let us make a pledge
to be faithful to each other.
If not, we will die,
throat slit,
like that chicken.
Don't do it, Wan!
Put the gun down.
Trust me.
Trust you?
You side with the Chinks.
What about me?
Those Chinks...
raped my sister, Waen.
It left my parents totally devastated.
my only friend,
also betrayed me
and sided with them.
But the Chinese people here
don't know anything about that.
Even now
you still take their side!
You decide
what to do with him.
Master Hong, please let him go.
Just leave.
Go live the life you want to live...
and don't ever come back here.
I'll leave.
But you all will leave with me.
If I had known there was
a stockpile of gunpowder here,
I wouldn't have wasted my time
with those useless firecrackers.
Keep this.
It's a guarantee for your safety.
My name is Chatra.
I'm Khun Suthinborirak's son.
I have the important documents
that you wanted, my Lord.
Although the sky has not changed,
it's already clear, which direction
the ship is steering towards.
Therefore, the document
is not important anymore
to any parties.
I think you know
why I wanted to meet you.
My mission failed.
I'll accept the punishment
as you see fit, my Lord.
In fact,
people who plotted
the rebellion like Tiang
are already dead.
The weapons kept at ManSuang
were handed over to the government.
I think you've done some good work.
But no one knows
when it will come in handy.
Tell me
what you want in return, Chatra.
I never thought I would be so lucky
to have the lord director of the
Harbor Department pouring liquor for me.
For our country,
my master is ready to compromise.
If it's not meant to be,
you will never be in power.
Don't you agree?
if you don't have the support
from friends in foreign countries,
it would be quite a struggle.
So my master is very pleased
that we can finally work together
for the country.
it's not you or me anymore.
We are on the same team now
for Siam.
My Lord,
I want Khem to be a free man.
And for yourself?
My father committed
a crime against the country.
If you think this puts me in the wrong,
I will accept
my punishment as you see fit.
I agree with Phraya Wichien.
That's why
I'll give you the opportunity
to be a civil servant.
You will be given
the title and the fiefdom.
You will no longer need
a Phrai number tattoo.
What say you?
I've heard the good news.
Can I call you Khun Luang now?
And can I call you Than Khun?
I told Phraya Bodisorn that
I want to continue
working here as a dancer.
I once wanted to rise to the top
and get rid of the Phrai status.
But it doesn't matter anymore.
For the person I am now, a phrai,
can make changes too.
For you, it suits you better there.
As for you,
you have the knowledge
and talent,
you should serve in the government
and serve the country.
Khun Suthin would be proud
to see his son become a civil servant too.
A steamboat is made for the sea.
A sailboat follows the wind.
And a row boat
can plough through every canal
and river.
My father always told me
that it's ill striving against the stream.
But I don't think so.
Now Siam has steamboats
that can strike against the stream,
wave, and wind,
Do the curved arm.
Lower curved arm.
Upper curved arm.
I leave Ruang in your care,
And I leave the country in your care,
Khun Luang.