Mantra (2022) Movie Script

My heart's in pieces
Since the day you left
Your ghost is haunting
The cold side of my bed
I hope you're up all night
To avoid the dreaming
Of a true love left behind
My heart's in pieces
Hey, what can I get you?
Usual, Mike?
Hi, James.
I hope you're up all night
Ah... no thanks.
It's not for you,
you presumptuous fuck!
Of a true love left behind
Forgive me, Rose.
My heart's in pieces
To better times.
Of a true love left behind
Pot's busted.
My heart's in pieces
Of a true love left behind
My heart's in pieces
What's got your knickers
in the twist?
You're good,
you're good, you're good...
Come on, you're good,
you're fine.
You're fine.
Took me 20 years before
I could talk about Rose.
Taken by the cancer...
That's now taking me.
20 years I sat at home
with her ghost.
20 years...
pissed drunk on the sofa
talking to her,
apologizing for not taking her
to the doctor sooner.
20 fucking years.
How did you get it to stop?
I'd already told you.
Talking to Rose?
Talking to Warren.
And Warren is your...
I have his card.
I think you could use it.
Thanks, I'm good.
Stupid people think
they can
wrangle their demons alone.
When you go, boy...
go all the way.
The pale moon
was risin'
Above the green mountain
The sun
was declining
Beneath the blue sea
As I strayed
with my love
To the pure
crystal fountain
That stands in
the beautiful
Vale of Tralee
Hey, this is Nathan Kamber,
leave me a message
and I'll get back to you.
Hi, Evan.
How you doing?
Probably about as good as you.
God, I hope not.
What are you doing here?
I just wanted to give you
some of Nathan's things.
There's some family stuff
in here...
You should keep them
There's some things
from your parents
in here as well.
Evan, um...
Do you want to
grab coffee sometime?
We can talk.
Thanks, but I'm good.
You know the hardest part
of my day
is waking up in the morning
and knowing he's not gonna be
in the bathroom
brushing his teeth.
Evan, you should
really talk to somebody.
Even if it's not me.
Just find someone.
Stupid people think they can
wrangle their demons alone.
I'm getting a refill.
You want something?
Sorry... no, I'm fine
Oh, Mendoza, wait
did you get that statement?
From the Kamber boy yet?
- Who?
- The brother.
Um, Evan?
From the foreclosure homicide?
I told you there
was nothing there
Okay, there's no prints,
no murder weapon,
no known enemies...
How do you know there's
no known enemies
if you haven't spoken
to the brother yet?
Hey look, if you want to go down
this road, please, by all means,
but there is a perky
new redhead at that coffee shop.
I'm gonna go get that number.
Whoosh, whoosh!
Don't forget your Viagra.
Can I help you?
Who are you?
Dr. Warren Atherton.
This is my office.
That's my name
on the door there.
Do you have an appointment?
Do you need to talk
about something?
I need to get to my office,
if that's okay.
Thank you.
I need to talk.
And I would like to listen.
No thanks.
Suit yourself.
But I have to tell you,
that is very expensive tea
Wasn't expecting
anyone for breakfast.
Half a bagel?
No, I'm not hungry.
Well, let's start
with your name.
You can't tell anybody
about this, right?
That is correct.
Both legally and ethically.
Unless you are a danger
to yourself or others.
Are you in danger?
Why are you here?
Because I'm going fucking crazy.
You know, in my experience,
if a patient
has enough sense to think...
I'm not your patient
You came here for a reason
and I would like to help you.
Why aren't you sleeping, Evan?
You came here to talk,
so let's talk.
It's okay.
No, it's not okay.
Nothing is okay.
It's okay to talk..
When you're ready.
He's still here.
Who's still here, Evan?
Come by any morning.
Tell me in advance
and I'll have a bagel for you.
A manhunt continues for
the murderer of 27 year old
Nathan Kamber of Santa Ana.
Nathan was discovered
mutilated in the bedroom
of a Tustin foreclosure late
Tuesday night.
Our correspondent Tina McNamara
is live on the scene.
Thanks Doug.
I'm here with Samantha Murphy
who called in the disturbance
on Tuesday
Samantha, tell us
exactly what you heard.
I-I was readin' when I heard
the first scream.
I thought it was kids.
But the more I listened,
the more I could tell
that something was wrong.
I never heard nothin' like it.
Thanks, Samantha.
Even the dogs stopped barking!
They could sense it.
It was the kind of scream
that makes you think
that you're the victim.
You... can feel it.
When the screams
stop you wonder...
just how in the world
it is that you're still alive.
Back to you Doug
Thank you, Tina.
In other news...
Who is it?
Tustin PD.
Evan Kamber?
I'm Detective Stevens.
I'm investigating the murder
of your brother Nathan.
Do you mind if
I ask you some questions?
It's not really a good time.
It'll only take a second.
If you're uncomfortable out here
we could talk inside?
No, out here's fine.
When was the last time
you spoke with your brother?
We had a falling out.
Haven't spoken much
in the last year.
Weren't close?
It's complicated.
Family stuff, huh?
Something like that.
Do you know anyone
who would want to do him harm?
Uh, no, no.
Listen, I got to get going,
so if there's nothing else?
Of course.
Thank you for your time,
Mr. Kamber.
If you do remember anything,
don't hesitate to call.
Do you have any time tonight?
Well, you're very,
very fortunate!
Yes, you're lucky.
Okay, okay, listen, okay,
I am running very late
this morning.
It's my fault.
Yes, your fault, and so
I'm thinking to myself
today's the day I get fired.
It's gonna happen today...
And I finally get there
and I'm praying
he hasn't seen me yet.
Did he?
Wait for it.
So the minute I walk in the door
he calls me into his office,
and I am rolling
through the 50 excuses
I came up with on the way over.
Right, of course.
Um, I was gonna go with...
bed bugs.
Bed bugs.
Fell in the shower.
And he tells me
that he is very impressed
at how I closed
the Fisher account,
and he wants me to help him
run the region.
So proud of you, babe.
Can I get you guys
anything else?
Uh, yeah, keep 'em coming.
Easy on that.
That's cool, Myra,
we're celebrating.
Sounds good, I'll be right back.
I would like to propose a toast.
Oh, no.
Oh, boy.
Wait, just listen.
To Michelle, who has finally
gotten her shit together.
I'm kidding! I'm kidding.
It is true.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Michelle, you are awesome,
and you deserve this.
To all of us.
I love you guys, and...
I feel lucky to call you family
Shut up!
Hey! I thought that was sweet.
It was.
To family.
All: To family!
Well, hello, beautiful people.
It is so good to see you.
It's been forever.
It's good to see you,
too, Sarah.
Hey, I, um...
I heard about Nathan.
I'm so sorry.
Well, what can I get you guys?
I'll have a coffee, please.
All right.
And for you dear?
I'm good, thank you.
Are you sure you don't want
It's on me.
Yeah, I'm good
Well, regardless,
it's on the house tonight
Oh, you don't have to do that.
I insist.
It's nice to know
some things haven't changed.
I'm glad you called.
How are you?
I'm, uh...
Is that like your mantra?
What, I don't look okay?
Are you?
Thank you.
You still have that thing?
Uh, yeah, it's just a stupid
rock we used to play with.
It's nothing.
You know he talked
about you a lot?
I really wish you guys
could have figured things out
before, um...
Yeah, me too.
Come on, Evan,
I'm really trying here.
I know.
Evan, you're family.
You need to talk to somebody.
I am.
No, really, I am.
I'm seeing a shrink.
I'm in disbelief.
I'm proud of you.
I should probably go.
Are you sure you don't
want anything to eat?
No, I'm...
It's good to see you.
It really was good to see you.
You're late, Evan.
Listen, I didn't call,
I don't have an appointment,
I don't know
if you're busy but...
Mr. Kamber?
It's Detective Stevens
He stepped out, Detective.
Thank you, ma'am.
Are you a friend of Evan's?
I am. He's lovely.
Would you let him
know I stopped by?
Of course.
I hope you can help him
Help him?
He's troubled.
I think he's having problems
with a man named Nathan.
He yells at him all night long,
and this has been going on
for a couple of days
I see.
Thank you for your time.
You're welcome.
Come back anytime.
So what's happening, Evan?
Fuck me, where do I start?
Start anywhere.
Four days ago
my brother was murdered.
Four days ago,
by some psycho
in an empty house.
I'm sorry.
Do you have a brother?
"Well" what, Evan?
I don't know, man, aren't you
supposed to ask me something?
Like, "were you close?"
Were you close?
Why don't you tell me?
Why don't you tell me
if we were fucking close, huh?
You're the shrink.
Of course we were close!
Of course you were close.
That's why I didn't ask
Maybe you want
to switch seats, huh?
This was a mistake.
When I first went to therapy,
I froze up.
Couldn't say a word...
I just stared at my fingers
for 45 minutes.
You're already way ahead of me.
Yesterday you said
you want to talk, so...
How about you cut the shit?
Sit down, let's talk.
What was his name?
Have you spoken to anyone else
about this,
maybe your girlfriend or...
I don't have a girlfriend
What about your parents?
They must be taking this
pretty hard.
You know, they're not feeling
much of anything these days.
What happened to your parents?
They're gone.
I'm sorry to hear that.
When was this?
About a year ago
In that year
what was the relationship
like between you and Nathan?
There wasn't a relationship.
Yeah, it's okay
"It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay"...
What is that, Shrink 101, huh?
How is it okay?
It's not.
How you feel is okay.
You want to know
what I fucking feel, man?
I feel guilt.
You can see him, can't you?
Evan I want you
to listen to my voice.
You are hallucinating.
He is not here,
I do not see him.
But I do!
Evan, breathe.
Breathe, Evan.
It's okay.
You can open your eyes.
Evan, I want you to tell me more
about these hallucinations.
It starts as a feeling.
And then the smell comes.
What smell?
So much blood.
And then I see him.
I just wanted to stop!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Evan... Evan... Evan!
There is a treatment.
I need it.
It's experimental,
I can't promise results,
but I've had success
in the past.
I would try anything.
Meet me here tomorrow morning.
Get some sleep tonight.
And don't eat anything.
Lots of water though.
Okay, so what's the treatment?
Don't worry, I'll explain
everything in the morning.
Evan, before you go,
one more thing.
Let me give you some tea,
and if you start to smell blood
or anything tonight,
burn this.
What's in it?
Some sweet grass, lavender,
nothing psychoactive.
It's just a blend I give
my patients to help them relax.
I also recommend a long bath
I don't take baths.
Man: It's clean as a whistle.
Not even a parking ticket.
Something's going on there man.
The neighbors just told me
he was screaming
Nathan's name
all through the night
His brother just died, bro.
We need to look into this.
You're coming with me
to tail him tomorrow.
No way, man,
I'm not gonna spend a Friday
in a hot car with your ass.
Yes, you will.
No, I'm not.
Oh, yes, you will...
or I'll tell your wife about
that redhead in the coffee shop
Are you blackmailing me,
A manhunt continues
for the murderer of
27 year old Nathan Kamber
of Santa Ana.
Nathan was discovered
mutilated in the bedroom
of a Tustin foreclosure late
Tuesday night.
His brother Evan Kamber
is live at the scene.
Look up, Evan.
Look up, Evan!
Evan, Evan, Evan!
Leave me alone!
Who called in
the disturbance on Tuesday.
Samantha, tell us exactly
what you heard.
Samantha: I was reading when
I heard the first scream.
I thought it was kids.
But the more I listened,
the more I could tell
that somethin' was wrong.
Take it easy, child
The pouty face that you make
Ain't no way to get through
this life
Let's blaze it up right now
Jesus fucking Christ, Diane!
I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry.
This is fucking teak.
I got this in fucking Malaysia.
Can you try to be more careful
with my shit?
Oh, you know that jah jah
be ya strength
When you look your troubles
in the eye
Baby, I'm sorry.
Don't cha cry
No, please,
don't you cry
It's just, I have some things
that are very important to me.
What do we say about them?
What did we say?
Yes, now
Don't touch them.
Don't damage them.
That's right.
I am sorry, I overreacted.
And I can't wait to taste
your fantastic cooking.
Put your hands on my waist
and dance all your cares away
Could you clean up
the wine, please?
Jah give ya peace,
give ya joy
Give ya anything you desire
Don't cha cry
No don't cha cry
Oh, you know that jah jah
be ya strength
When you look your troubles
in the eye
Don't cha cry
No, please,
don't you cry
Oh, we tellin' lies
to the devil
Save our tears for
another time
You okay?
What the fuck?!
Jesus Chr...
Jesus fucking Christ!
No, no, no, no!
No, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
No, stop, no, no, no!
All of this just
to prove me wrong?
This is our job, Mendoza.
My checks clear too, buddy.
You know, I wish I knew you
back when you cared about
doing police work.
I care!
You care about that sandwich.
Look, I just know a dead end
when I see one.
Okay, say I'm right...
You're not.
And we drive back, we file this
as a cold case.
And two months later,
another similar body turns up.
Another kid.
Tell me you wouldn't be
kicking yourself.
Look, man,
sometimes things just line up,
you get a hunch,
and facts just start...
connecting in front of you.
You do some research
and make connections.
And you make
a satisfying arrest.
And your name in the papers
all your buddy friends
shaking your hand,
and you finally get to get
some fucking sleep at night.
And you don't think
this is one of those times?
Then yes.
Yes what?
All this to prove you wrong.
Here comes your dead end now.
What the...?
Welcome, Evan.
Can you see
what building that is?
Uh, it's a shrink's office.
Dr. Warren Atherton.
I'll alert the press.
I need a background check.
I don't believe in any of this.
You don't have to.
Okay, thanks.
Shrink's clean.
Surprise, surprise.
Where you going?
What is this?
What, shrooms or something?
Ugh! This smells awful.
It's different.
Drink it all.
It's disgusting!
So what now?
What? Uh...
I don't feel...
It's okay, Evan.
Evan, it's okay, it's okay.
Breathe, Evan.
Evan, it's okay.
It's okay... hey?
Do you know why we're here?
I don't know where we are.
That wasn't the question!
Hello, Evan.
Why am I here?
Nathan, you got to tell me
what happened man!
What happened?
Tell me why I'm here.
I don't even know where we are!
Tell me.
Tell him, Evan!
Tell him what?
I don't know anything!
Tell me!
I don't know!
Tell him, Evan! Tell him!
I don't know!
I can't.
I need help.
Well, I am here to help.
How much do you remember
about that night?
How much do you really...
Oh, Evan!
We need to be honest
about who you are.
what you are.
I didn't.
It's not true.
I couldn't have done it.
Oh, Evan.
Just... just...
say it.
Say it... say it...
Come on, Evan!
You know you love it!
Oh, Evan... let it out, Evan!
You gotta let it out!
I know this is hard for you.
But I'm here to help.
Tell me what you are.
I'm a killer.
"I am a killer."
I'm a killer.
"I'm a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
"I am a killer."
I am a killer.
I am a killer.
I think you're ready.
No, no!
Evan? Hey!
No! Nathan!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Evan! Hey! Evan!
How long was I out?
Most of the day.
Was it real?
Was it real to you?
What did you learn?
I am a killer.
What do you mean by that?
I killed Nathan.
Jesus Christ!
This medicine
isn't an exact science.
If the dosage is off
or the conditions aren't right
it can project
general manifestations
of your emotions, but...
It's just shades of truth, man,
you can't take it too literally.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
You hungry?
My wife Diane is cooking dinner.
And if I do say so myself,
she is an exquisite chef.
We're talking
traditional Punjabi fare.
How about a hot meal?
Is that a yes?
I can't really tell.
All right.
You, uh...
You want to go like that?
Eight hours.
Who sees a therapist
for eight hours?
Well, maybe he's got
a lot of problems.
Like his brother was murdered
or somethin'.
Please don't tell me
we're gonna keep tailing him?
My ass hurts.
I think you would have built up
a tolerance by now.
Oh, yeah.
Evan, this is
my lovely wife Diane.
Nice to meet you
Diane, it smells divine.
Thank you.
I hope you like it.
I'm sure I will.
Have a seat.
I hope you like aloo gobi.
I've never had it.
You spent any time in India?
No, I've never left California.
Oh, man, you're missing out.
I learned quite a bit in India.
Diane, you've outdone yourself.
Yeah, Diane, I think
that was the best meal
I've ever had.
I'm happy.
If you'll excuse me.
Don't do anything crazy
while I'm gone.
Excuse me?
You have to go.
You're so young,
so free.
You have to go.
You have to go.
You can't stay, can't stay.
Frog must jump, must jump...
Frog must kick legs,
kick legs, churn butter,
churn butter, milk boils...
Are you okay?
Frog jump before his brain
is braised and bloody
and then it's chop, chop, chop!
Jump, little froggy, jump!
Baby, baby, baby.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Why don't you take a drink?
Have a drink, please.
Have a drink.
You feel better?
I am happy.
Would you join me, please?
I'm so sorry you had
to hear all that.
No, it's fine.
It's just...
What happened?
When I first returned
from India,
I started volunteering
at a homeless shelter.
Diane was working there too,
in the soup kitchen.
I know it sounds corny but...
when we first shook hands
it was electric.
I never felt anything like that.
Not in school, not in India.
One year later we were married.
And everything was magic.
She was out...
when the phone rang.
It was her mother.
Calling to tell us
that her sister
Heather had fallen down
the stairs
and was on life support.
Diane held her hand
while they pulled the plug.
I lost my Diane that day.
Warren, I'm sorry.
Over the next few months,
her symptoms looked
a lot like yours.
I'm trying, Evan.
Hey, man...
Look, I haven't really
felt like myself lately,
but tonight was great.
Thank you.
I want you to come
by my office tomorrow.
Late afternoon.
Good night.
Good night.
What was that all about?
All right, I'm gonna
go talk to the shrink.
Can I trust you to put your
phone down and stay on Evan?
Oh, thank you.
I'm sorry.
I just...
No, no, no.
It's okay.
Dr. Warren Atherton?
Go inside, sweetheart.
I'm Warren.
Who are you?
Detective Ryan Stevens,
Tustin PD.
How can I help you, Detective?
I'm investigating the murder
of Nathan Kamber.
It's come to our attention
that you've been seeing
his brother Evan Kamber
as a patient?
Oh, Detective, you're not here
to try to convince me
to break doctor-patient
confidentiality, are you?
No, no.
Of course not.
Just have a couple of routine
questions for you, that's all.
Well, fire away, Detective.
But I have to tell you
I can't say much.
How long has Evan Kamber
been a patient of yours?
I'm afraid I can't say.
Best guess.
Oh, I know exactly how long.
I just can't tell you
Well, in that time
have you noticed
any changes in behavior or mood?
Again, I'm afraid I can't say.
Okay, let's try
a more direct approach.
Did Evan Kamber
murder his brother?
I'm confused about what you
don't understand
about doctor-patient
That confidentiality ends
when a serious crime
has been committed.
Is my patient under arrest?
Not at the moment.
But you and I both know
that he's involved.
Do I?
Yes, I think you do.
So let's quit playing games,
shall we?
So you think that just because
someone is troubled
that they're capable of murder.
So, he is troubled then.
Oh, we're all troubled
I'm sure that if we dug
into your head
we'd find ourselves
a trouble or two.
Tell me, is bringing
a patient home with you
considered standard practice?
Well, I care deeply
for my patients, Detective.
I think sometimes it helps
to remind them
what a healthy
living environment looks like.
And how healthy do you think
the living environment
is behind the doors of a cell?
I beg your pardon?
Because if you hindered
my investigation in any way,
I'll personally see that you
are named an accessory.
Well, thank you
for stopping by, Detective.
Don't hesitate to call
if you're ever...
Come on, Evan.
What do you got?
I'm not sure.
This kid's messed up, man.
He got in the car,
he's at King's Cup on Third.
Now he's just standing outside
freaking out.
Well, if he moves stay on him.
Do I have to?
Man, this place has
a killer IPA.
Stay on him, Mendoza.
What are you gonna do?
Shake the tree,
to see what falls.
Good evening, Miss Patel.
Detective Stevens.
Sorry to bother you so late.
No, no!
Come on inside Thanks.
Are you here
because you have a suspect?
No, not officially.
But I do have a couple more
questions for you,
if you don't mind.
Sure, whatever I can do.
How close are you
to Evan Kamber?
Just following up on some leads.
You can't possibly think he
has anything to do with this?
We're exploring this
from all angles.
He has nothing to do with
what happened to Nathan!
I'll be honest
with you, Miss Patel...
His behavior has been strange.
What do you mean?
He's volatile, emotional,
and the neighbors
complain that he screams
Nathan's name all through
the night.
He's traumatized!
If that's criteria for a suspect
then I should be
at the top of your list!
What are you gonna do?
Put me in handcuffs?
Of course not.
Then leave Evan alone.
Look, I know he's struggling,
but he's getting help.
You mean
Dr. Warren Atherton.
Frankly, I don't
trust him either.
Look, Myra, I want to find
whoever killed Nathan
and bring them to justice.
And I know you want that too.
More than anything.
Thank you for coming, Detective.
You know, we pulled
Nathan's phone records.
Did you know Evan was
the last person
he talked to before he died?
That's not possible.
They haven't spoken to each
other in at least a year,
not since...
Their parents died?
Yeah, Evan told me
the same thing.
Why would he lie?
I think he's hiding something.
From you, from me,
maybe even from himself.
Hi, can I help you?
Dr. Atherton?
I'm sorry to bother you.
My name is Myra Patel.
Okay, I...
I don't really have any time
right now, sorry.
It's about Evan Kamber.
Miss Patel,
you should know that
I can't discuss my clients.
Nathan was my boyfriend.
I see.
Yeah, why don't you come in?
Thank you.
Please have a seat.
Oh, yes, please.
So tell me, Miss Patel...
How can I help you?
Evan's like family,
the only family I have, really,
and I know he would never do
anything to hurt anyone,
Last night a detective came over
and he told me some things,
which made me think...
Maybe I don't know him
as well as I thought I did.
A Detective Stevens?
Yeah, he visited me as well.
This is great.
Thank you
Stevens is connecting dots
that just don't exist.
Evan's a good kid.
So you don't think
Evan has anything to do
with Nathan's death?
God no.
He loved his brother
I'd actually like to hear more
about what you just said.
What I said?
About being alone.
I didn't say that.
"Evan's my only family."
Now he barely talks to me.
I mean, we used to be
inseparable and...
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to, um...
Myra, this is what I do.
Please continue.
Everything's falling apart.
Nathan was my whole world,
and with Stevens
asking all these questions
about Evan,
I'm just scared
I'm gonna lose him too.
Thank you
for being open with me.
Do you really think
you can help him?
I think maybe
I can help you both.
You home?
Are you home?
Baby, baby, baby! Baby, look.
Drop the knife.
Please drop the knife.
Drop the knife!
It's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
I'm so sorry!
It's okay I'm so sorry!
It's okay.
I don't know what's happening.
I have you.
I'm broken.
I have you.
Do you remember Joshua Tree?
You woke up early when you heard
the coyotes and you got scared.
We walked outside
to watch the sun rise.
That's right.
And I told you
I would never
let anything happen to you.
And you asked me to marry you.
And you made me
the happiest man.
Even now?
Nothing has changed.
I love you.
I love you.
I need a drink.
Stevens, check it out.
And if you tell my wife,
I kill you.
You need to get out more, man.
You need to live a little.
Come on, let's go get a drink.
Thanks man, but I think
I'm just gonna retrace my steps.
There's something I'm missing.
I just know it.
All right, well, suit yourself.
All right, but I'm telling you,
this is a dead end.
Let's take a ride.
Why did you bring me here?
Evan, you gotta take this
You gotta take control.
What kind of hippie
fucking brain games
are you playing, man?
Warren that...
that is my nightmare.
You're asking me to go
into my nightmare.
Do you realize that?
Oh, I'm sorry, I can't.
You need to do this.
Because of some
fucking book you read?
Because of some temple
that you went to because...
Because you didn't
kill your brother.
You need to go inside.
You need to see for yourself
how foreign this place
looks to you.
You don't have
any memories here.
Or just go on living
with your brother's ghost.
And what if you're wrong?
At least you'll know.
Fuck it.
How we gonna get in?
It's kismet.
I know this is difficult, but...
Is it familiar?
No, there's nothing...
But still...
The vision.
It's... so real.
We need to go deeper.
What do you mean?
Oh, no! No, no, no,
no, no, no, no!
Evan, you need this.
You need to know
you didn't do this
I did do it!
That's what that shit showed me!
I am not going
through that, Warren, again,
I can't, I just...
There's got to be another way...
Hypnotherapy, pills, something!
Okay, Evan, you want to try
something else, we can.
We can spend years
in hypnotherapy.
I can dope you up
on every pill, patch,
and injection I have access to.
And maybe, maybe,
we can catch a glimpse
at the source of your illness,
While you try to sleep at night
with your wraith of a brother
whispering in your tortured ears
but this...
Right here, right now...
May be your only chance
to get what you need.
And what do I need?
You're out of your
fucking mind, man!
Yeah... pot and kettle, huh?
I'll be right here.
Nothing will harm you.
Evan, Evan?
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
Surrender, surrender...
Voices: Say it!
Say it!
I am the killer.
Yes, you are.
You are!
Here you are again...
Where it all happened.
Now you are free.
Share your gifts
with the world.
Oh, Evan, you...
Are a killer.
I am a killer.
You are a killer
I am a killer
You are a killer.
I am a killer.
You are a killer.
I am a killer
You are a killer.
I am a killer.
You are a killer.
I am a killer.
You are a killer.
I am a killer.
You are a killer.
I am a killer.
You know what to do.
Work your magic.
Good night, Carl.
Good night.
All righty, sir,
can I get you one more?
I don't know...
Are we gonna just sit here in
silence for another hour,
are you gonna talk to me?
Nathan, for fuck's sake,
talk to me.
I'll talk.
You're an asshole.
You're a selfish, selfish prick.
It's been... what?
A year since Mom and Dad died?
What the hell happened
to you, man?
It's not that simple.
What, you think you were
the only one hurting?
I had to identify the bodies!
I had to tell our families!
I had to make
all of the arrangements,
and I had to do all of it alone!
You didn't even come
to the funeral.
Like I said, you're an asshole
I'm an asshole?
I was an alcoholic
dangling by a thread!
Oh, here we go.
Where were you?
Don't put that shit on me,
Where were you?
My own fucking brother
abandoned me
when things got
just a little tough!
A little tough?
Nathan you were off the rails!
What the hell was I supposed do?
You were supposed to help me!
I tried!
How many times
did I bail you out of jail
or drag you out of a gutter?
How many times did you binge
and swear it was never
gonna happen again?
I woulda done it for you.
Well, I couldn't do it anymore!
I wasn't helping you anymore,
I was enabling you,
and you were never gonna get
clean knowing that I'd just...
be around to pick up the pieces.
Well, guess what...
I got clean.
For you.
I got clean.
And you never showed up.
What the hell
are you talking about?
We were supposed to
meet here that night.
I called you.
Told you that I was sober
and that I wanted to apologize.
You never showed up.
Hey, guys, it's Evan,
leave a message,
I'll call you back.
Give me a beer.
It wasn't my fault.
Nathan, what did you do
Are you fucking...
Evan, I...
I can't believe this.
A year!
A year I've spent talking to
the police,
trying to figure out
what the hell happened!
I tried to tell you!
To tell me what?!
That alcohol made you do it?!
You're gonna play
that excuse again?!
Well, fuck you!
You didn't show up!
If you had,
I wouldn't have gotten drunk
and they'd still be alive!
Your fucking mistakes!
Your fucking problems!
It should have been you
that died!
Well, I did...
The question is...
Did you kill me?
How much do you
remember about that night?
I-I... I don't...
How much do you really remember
Don't you see?
Go ahead...
Drink your beer.
I am a killer!
I am a killer!
No, no, no
Come on, Evan!
You would never do this to me
even with everything
we've been through.
You're my brother.
You love me.
It makes no sense.
Nathan, I'm so sorry, man!
I'm so sorry, Nathan!
Alright, alright,
get off me, dipshit.
Now, let's go back to where
it all started.
What did you miss?
What about him?
Does he look familiar
What about Myra? Don't you
dare bring her into this!
Does she fucking know about this,
have you told her about this?
She has nothing to do with this!
She has a lot to do with this!
Of course she does! She has nothing
to do with it and you know it!
Keep this between us.
It has nothing to do with her!
It has everything to do her!
How dare you, Evan!
Evan? Evan!
Hey, somebody help us!
Evan! Evan, wake up!
What the fuck?
Sleep... tight.
Son of a bitch!
What else, Evan?
Who else?
Pale moon was rising...
When you go, boy,
go all the way!
I'm here with Samantha Murphy.
It was the kind of scream
that makes you think
that you're the victim.
Evan, Evan, it's...
Eh, it's a little far-fetched,
don't you think?
He killed your parents?
That's enough to drive anyone
over the edge.
Besides, you really think
a small town shrink like me
would be able to pull off
everything your brother...
Everything your victim
over here is describing?
Evan, don't listen to him.
Come on.
I don't know, I don't know.
You're smarter than this.
I don't know, it's possible...
No, Evan!
It is not.
Your values and virtue
are trying to trick you
by conjuring up
these fairy tales
You're scared of what you are,
but, Evan...
You are beautiful.
You're a virtuoso.
You are a killer.
That kind of talent
is God given.
Just think of
all the masterpieces
we can compose together
if you just tell me
what you are!
Voices: Say it!
Say it!
Evan, look at me.
I am a killer
Ah, that's the truth!
No, Evan, that's crazy!
Stay out of this!
You're already dead!
And you killed him!
Now say it again!
I am a killer, I am a killer.
"I am a killer, I am a killer."
I am a killer, I am a...
"I am a killer."
I didn't kill my brother,
and you... you're a liar.
Evan, you...
Yes, Doctor...
I would like to switch seats.
I'm sorry, Warren,
but you're not
in control anymore.
You will never control me again!
Oh, sh... Sh...
David 24, Station 7.
Detective Stevens, come in.
Station 7 to all units.
Reports of an officer down.
Repeat, David 24 reported
down at this time,
1020, EMS is en route, code 3.
Any available units
also respond to code.
No description of the DP
at this time.
Can I help you?
Where's Warren?
I'm sorry?
Warren Atherton.
I've been seeing him
for the last five days,
where is he? Warren?!
I've been on sabbatical
for the past two weeks.
Uh, are you hurt?
Can I call somebody?
I'm Dr. Warren Atherton.
David 19, confirming your
10-6 on the suspect.
Yeah, I need backup
at 729 East Unalome.
Where's Warren?!
Okay, calm down
and maybe I can help.
No, you can't help me.
I need Warren Atherton!
Where is he?
Listen to me, I am
Warren Atherton
Where is Warren?
I already told you!
I am Warren!
No! No, you're not!
This is Warren Atherton!
It's impossible...
He was helping me!
Showing me what I am.
And what are you?
Say it! Say it!
Say it.
I am a killer.
I am a killer, I am a killer,
I am a killer, I am a killer.
Oh, yes
Where is Evan?
Don't worry about Evan.
He's got some things to do...
but he'll find us.
Or we'll come back for him.
He's a resilient one,
but he's family now.
Float away to a place
Where our troubles
can't slow us down
Chop, chop, chop, chop.
What's that, babe?
I want to see Heather.
You can't see
Heather anymore, sweetheart.
Maybe you'd feel better
if you had a drink.
No, please,
don't you cry
Drink please..
Oh, we tellin' lies
to the devil
Save our tears for
another time
That's good.
Yes now
Feel better?
I am happy.
I am happy.
I am happy.
Put your hands on my waist
I am happy.
I am happy.
I am happy.
I am happy.
Man: I am useless.
Woman: I am blessed.
I am blessed.
Woman: I am trash, I am trash.
Man: I am useless.
I am useless.
I am useless.
I am alone, I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
I am alone.
My heart's in pieces
Since the day you left
Your ghost is haunting
The cold side of my bed
I hope you're up all night
To avoid the dreaming
Of a true love left behind
My heart's in pieces
I hope you're up all night
To avoid the dreaming
Of a true love left behind
My heart's in pieces
Oh, this true love
left behind
My heart's in pieces
Of a true love left behind
My heart's in pieces