Manuel de Ribera (2010) Movie Script

Here, people always
make up stories about lonely men...
about lonely people...
oh yes.
Dum b stories.
Howmuch for crossing?
for crossing...
and $ 1.000
for your stuff.
Will it hold all this?
Yes, it will.
Is it that big island
in the back?
No, the other one,
the small one.
Are you from around here?
But I've been here for a while.
Five years or so.
Why do you ask?
You don't look like people
from around here.
You don't look like
someone from here either.
Where are you from?
Are you a relative
of the owner?
I used to work for her,
but she passed away.
And she left you this place?
So, these lands are yours now?
I'll have to make them mine.
She must have liked you then?
Come back in two days.
Don't you know how to row?
I didn't have oars with me.
I need to buy several tools.
I have some things to fix.
Are you a handyman?
Don't you know how to row?
I didn't have oars with me.
Are you going to
the cove tomorrow?
Did you need to buy something?
Some tools.
I can lend you some.
We cross over tomorrow.
And I'll hand them to you.
My dad has many he's not using.
Do you know
where can I buy some woods?
Yeah, sure...
Sure what?
And a bar... Do you know
where there is one?
Yes, around... around...
- Around where?
- Yes.
My mother married my father;
My father has been dead for years.
My mother is dead. She's been
dead for fourteen years...
My mom has family in the closest island,
Chope island, no, Chechi island
Chope, I think.
My mom has family there.
But also all my
mom's brothers died...
My uncle Efrain died,
my mom's brother.
My uncle Esaidro too... all those
brothers died. Dead.
And how do you
make the money to get by?
From my pension.
Like $ 50.000 pesos...
I need people to work with.
Yeah, sure...
Wanna go?
Would you like
to come and work with me?
Have your own land?
And a wooden house...
even if it is a small one.
Even if it's a small house...
Yeah... a little shack.
And tend sheep?
Sheep too!
No violence!
No violence!
Stop! Stop!
We like this.
Now, give him a kiss!
Give him a kiss!
Common! Marito,
come closer!
Cheers for the whole Calbuco!
To the best boatman,
Ismael Rain!
Ismael Rain is the best
boatman in Calbuco!
Who has a cigarette?
Sell me a cigarette, man...
This I say to you!
Atoast! To Ismael Rain!
Would you go with me?
I can't go with you.
I'm from Santiago, I don't know
my way around here...
What?! You're from where?!
Ahh, You're more full of
yourself than we are...
- But I don't know the area.
- Don't tell us that story again
That's why I'm inviting you.
You're more full of
yourself than we are...
in Santiago, they made me go to
apartments, strange shit...
I went and saw one and said:
This shit is like the South.
Have you been to the
South some time?
My friend, excuse me...
you can be a cameraman;
You can be a T.V. director.
You are mistaken.
But for a man to be a man
my dear friend...
if you know Santiago
and Calbuco...
you're just getting to know Calbuco,
but you knew it already.
Why are you asking? Why are you
making these questions?
Yes, you know Calbuco.
You're just playing dumb.
Look, when I went to
Santiago, a girl told me...
- What do you do for a living?
- I live my own life.
But for money?
How do you make a living?
- I'm just a loser.
- How's that?
Why am I a loser?
I was never a loser,
my dear friend.
I'm a person, man.
I'm a person.
I'm not a loser.
Shit, I am truly
a person, man...
How do you support your family?
- Ah?
- How do you support your family?
I left my home
for eleven years.
I went to Aysen and
made a living.
But with what money?
What money...
- Ah?
- With what money?
Just me.
Right here!
But where?
Where do you get it?
- From my own money
- Where?!
- Because I work.
- In what?
And if there's no work, I don't.
There's no money.
Man! If you
knew the way I am
What happens is they
don't want to pay me.
They don't pay me anything.
Look! They're paying me, fuck, I'm buying a
piece of land and, fuck, and I...
from Don Jose.
From Don Jose.
I lent my lough to Don Jose;
He hasn't given it back. He hasn't.
When is Don Jose going
to return that shit to me?
There' re many hectares,
aren't there?
How many hectares?
- 150.
- That's not bad.
Yeah... to see what it's like.
Don't you want to go and try?
Yes, I would like to.
I'd like to...
Can you get me people?
We have to see those lands.
Perhaps they have
something there...
They're good for livestock.
This, this board is...
let's talk about a
discount right away...
For you it's $ 800 pesos.
I should charge you $ 1.100,
but you can have it for $ 800 pesos.
For the floor?
The floor...
Well, here we commonly use
Yew for flooring... or Laurel.
But I don't have
that type now...
I only have pine flooring,
that is over there...
But I don't have the amount
you need rig ht now,
Howmuch would you need?
Besides working with wood...
I'm a minister in
a church right now.
As it turns out, I carry
five heart attacks on me...
and during the third,
I was dead.
But I came back to life.
And in that heart attack...
I went to a place...
I had never been before.
First, I went through a tunnel,
and then I arrived to this vineyard...
and in this vineyard...
My wings sprouted and I
flew to the third heaven...
and there
I heard...things...
tremendous things
coming from God.
I talked to God,
And there in heaven, He
designed a church for me.
A wonderful church
God designed it in
heaven, in the infinite...
and His voice even told me
its dimensions, 10x25.
..And take
people to live there.
I'm going to give them land.
- You are going to give them land?
- Yes, as their own.
And a house too?
Yes, that's why
I'm building them.
The faith...
in your heart...
that which made you, as you say,
get something out of nothing...
is something huge
that you can still get from life.
You're a young man;
You still have dynamism.
And, here...
there is...
a relic, we could say...
a piece of wood...
that I believe, God
apparently kept for you.
If I give it to you,
would you accept it?
It's from when this church was built,
and I want to give it to you.
If you offer it to me...
why not.
this simple piece of wood...
There once was a man that said:
"Lord, from these four pieces of wood...
hangs America's destiny."
On this piece of wood...
let all this man's good
intentions depend, Lord.
Let all the work from
his hands thrive.
I believe and I hope,
by Jesus Christ, my savior.
OK. Now we're ready.
Why didn't you come?
No, it's just that...
my friends hid my boat...
and what do they do that for?
Just to goof around.
Because I'm an outsider.
It does n't matter.
I'll get another boatman.
At least say
"thank you" for the tools.
Take them back, then!
How did it go in town?
Just as I thought it would.
Typical town full of
half-asleep jerks.
The town minister
gave it to me.
Are you an Evangelist?
I don't believe
in those things.
Hand me the handsaw.
Why did you come here?
It's all I've got.
Thanks for the tools.
What story do you want to tell?
Here, people are always
making up stories about lonely men...
about lonely people...
Because it's full
of empty places...
There's less people,
less things...
everything is just like
that, down to minimum.
But there are lonely
men everywhere...
and empty places too.
Why travel this far?
There're around 14
islands in the area.
A lot of islands.
People are born
on their island...
and there they are...
but they are not.
They are there,
and they are not.
Sometime they go far
to find their fortune...
This way and that way...
This way and that
way...and back again.
And, in the end, where
do they end up dying?
Just on their island.
Each one to his own island.
That's how it is.
Once, there on Huito island...
a gringo arrived, one
of those with red hair...
who had bought
a lot of land there.
The guy started to travel
around the other islands.
He came with a
very strange idea...
He wanted to rent all the animals in
the area, and take them to his island...
to make them produce more...
so everyone would win.
Even though he
didn't expect it...
everyone said yes.
They even signed
documents for him.
The gringo got excited...
and got more money...
and built a huge shed.
About one hectare,
there on one of the grasslands...
And the day came...
when the people had to show up
with the animals on their boats...
and no one came.
And there was the
poor gringo, waiting.
After a while, nothing
was heard from him.
And there lies his shed still.
with not 0 ne an im al.
From time to time, people
get together to drink there.
That's how it was.
Near those trees back there,
that is where I want the houses.
Let them go.
And you?
What do you do?
I work at night.
I service men.
And you?
I used to look after a place.
What kind of place?
Aland that belonged
to a wealthy lady.
And now?
Now I'm here.
Those clothes will never dry.
It's soaking wet.
I don't understand why
these assholes won't stay.
Want some?
You own a place
when you are on it.
Weren't you a caretaker?
You used to live in a place...
in which you
didn't own anything.
It does n't matter.
Want some?
Before I considered
coming here...
I once thought of moving
to Virgin Island.
Which one is that?
The farthest
island in the area.
Nearly no one lives there.
Just animals.
Why so far?
I didn't want any
contact with people.
I wanted to go with my mom.
But it's dangerous at her age.
You should have a look there.
What for?
I don't know...
It's an island.
Not many people live there.
It might be useful to you.
And you Rodrigo?
It's too far.
The sea is dangerous out there.
It's around here.
How long does it take?
About six hours.
I don't know if
I want to go that far.
As I am saying,
may God be with you.
Everything that
you are doing...
I hope that such is
the message.
I come from Santiago.
I'm here to stay.
One question...
What will you work on?
I have some land nearby.
It's nice working together...
if the children are
around, right?
That's the most important thing
I also want to work...
on my own things,
but in Calbuco.
Are these lands yours?
No, over there.
I live there.
But it's nice...but...
I only contribute.
Because the whole
thing is to work...
My cousin lives in this
land. I live over there.
But, you can feel at home.
Who do you work for?
I'm a fisherman...
I'm a boatman.
This is the flashlight
I'm carrying.
This one is
for working at the sea
Deep down.
Where you dive.
This is for that.
- I want to take people to work...
- Yeah.
- How about it?
- Yeah.
- I can give you a piece of land...
- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Yeah, yeah what?
Yes or no?
I don't accept impolite
people at my home.
The batteries...
Four batteries.
To talk.
I have two.
I have to charge them.
I charge them with electricity.
I have a cellphone.
Yes, I do. Youjust come,
plug it and it's charging.
If it is out of charge,
what can you talk? Nothing!
No charge, no talk.
I have a cellphone
here, with wires.
You plug it some place
where there's electricity...
it charges rig ht away.
Rig ht away.
I have no woman here. I have
nothing. I just do my stuff by myself.
Because I'm used to be alone.
There's people that
are used to be alone...
and that's it.
Aman that has been alone,
is lonely until death;
But calm, and
with good manners.
Educated people are worthwhile.
But some are too rude...
they're no good here.
I don't accept impolite
people in my home.
No, no, no, take it easy, dear.
Don't pull me so
hard. Take it easy, dear!
Are we going to Calbuco?
Have some bread.
Have some bread!
Have some Mate tea.
Are you the one
who serves the Mate tea?
No one else?
You! Have
some Mate tea.
Thank you.
Here's your food, little guy.
Are you having some coffee?
A little sun...
The weather is
going to be nice.
It's all going to be
for my son Beltren.
I live with him. I tell him,
get married, get yourself a woman.
When I die...
when I get sick
When I eat too much...
this... my glands...
and my liver...
It isn't working right.
I know myself.
They'll put me in a hospital, and then,
my son Beltren will be alone.
Our things are invested in land
and animals. There they are.
It's sad for those
who have nothing
The land never rots.
Because land is
eternal, my friend.
Because it has
everything in it.
It raises the animals.
What I don't like,
I told my son Beltren... pigs.
They don't give any money back.
They eat too much
and are dirty.
What's this?
I like the way you live.
You know how to live alone,
without bothering others.
What's your name?
Manuel Ribera.
Do you want to keep it?
What for?
It's useful for the land.
I'll install it...
and I'll leave.
It must be the antenna
It does n't matter,
leave it like that.
OK, there it is.
Want to stay for a while?
Do you live with your family?
Damn, you make a
lot of questions.
I used to live with a woman
and my daughter...
but I don't know why, at
some point I stopped caring about them
I got bored.
So I decided to look
for another job.
I heard a woman needed her
land looked after in Melipilla...
and one day...
I had my bags ready.
Without letting anyone know...
I picked up my bags...
and left to live alone
for fourteen years.
Without warning anyone?
Without warning anyone.
I left my place for
someone eases place.
But the lady died...
so I couldn't stay,
and I couldn't go back.
No one knows why the
lady left me this island.
And here we are.
Which story do
you want to tell?
In reality,
men are always alone...
and that's it.
He has something, but not much.
And with a little,
a little, no more.
That's fine.
A piece of land, and that's it.
What else?
Oh yes.
Alone you can
only have a little...
And that's the way
to have something.
And that's why it's a little...
but not so little.
You have to know
how to be at one place,
to fence your land in.
Afree man doesn't run away...
He knows how to
stay in his own place...
with dignity.
To tame, you must be there...
Animals must be tamed...
So with children.
Oh yes.
You can't keep beasts
in the backyard.
That's why those who travel
are only fooling around.
Just fooling around.
Because, if you're
not here nor there...
where are you then?
You're nowhere.
Long ago, in Quenu island,
a long time ago...
the people decided to put
a lighthouse on the dock.
And to make
the island famous...
they ordered a lighthouse
from the United States.
What a huge lighthouse it was!
The light was so bright, that it
illuminated the island across from it.
Even ships from
other places came here...
only to see it.
But the lighthouse lasted
no more than a month.
One day, a group of pirates
came from Argentina and stole it.
And the island was left
in darkness again.
And the ships stopped coming.
That's why it's important for islands
to have a lighthouse on their coastline;
To show that
there are people there;
Not to show off.
It's no good to
show off so much.
That's how it was.
Hey, Don Manuel, we're going
to need more batteries...
for this to work all night.
Hey, Don Manuel, we're going
to need more batteries...
for this to work all night.
Don't worry.
I am bringing a
generator. A big one.
This place is going
to be really nice.
Once, I was invited to a
party at a country house.
Halfway through the party,
the energy cuts off, and the owner...
pretty drunk by then, goes to check
the generator and confuses the cans...
and instead of fuel
he poured cyder into it.
No one knows how it
kept working all night.
But the next morning
it stopped working.
Why do you tell
us this bullshit?
Remember that I told you
about the mussel beds?
Sort of.
It's just that...
I got offered a job
there for 3 months.
You' re going to leave?
I believe so.
It's a good salary and they
need the money at my home.
Since the boats and
all shipyards disappeared, my dad...
he's not doing well...
he doesn't have a job.
When do you leave?
I don't know.
They have to confirm.
Anyhowl have
plenty of things to do.
They gave me some
money to fix the boat and...
and I have to buy my uniform,
sol don't know if I can come by.
Will you leave anyhow?
Yes, I already told you.
Otherwise, I would n't
have said a thing.
I'm here for the generator.
The generator?
I sent it to Lin Island.
But we agreed you
would sell it to me.
You never came...
But you gave me your word.
But... well...
I needed the money.
You know that money talks here.
Could you cancel the auction
and reserve it for me?
If you want it back, you must get there
first thing in the morning.
Because the auction
is around noon.
- Lin Island you said?
- Yes. Lin island.
I'll be there early
in the morning.
OK, I hope it works out.
- Yes, because you gave me your word.
- Alright.
We will arrive in no time
in your boat.
It's only going
and coming back.
You can always arrive
a little late to your job.
You recommended this generator.
Yes, but that doesn't mean
that I have to go and pick it up.
I have a lot of things to do...
I have to get up early tomorrow.
I must have my boat ready.
We have the people,
we are building up the place,
you can't just ruin it!
Hey, you know what?
I have important things to do as well.
I have to take care of them...
this is important to my family.
A boatman that might help you.
If you want I can help
you contact him.
You're mistaken, Don Manuel.
You're mistaken.
That's the law of men...
How much is your service?
Too m uch.
Do you do something special?
Yeah, mine is made of gold.
No, platinum is more expensive!
It even has marble laces on it!
No, I don't do anything special,
but I put the price
I want, get it?
You can't come here and say
it is too much ortoo little...
But the price is related
to the kind of service.
Well, that depends on the man...
if he likes the service he'll come back,
and if he doesn't, fine.
I already have my money.
- Manuel, you have any cigarettes?
- No! don't smoke.
What a miserable rat.
You must remain calm.
About ten years ago I wanted
to do something else.
Sol rented the second floor
of a downtown house.
I used it as a hostel.
I worked for about two years.
Everything went fine...
but on the second year...
for San Juan night...
I got scared, I don't know why
of so many drunk
people partying...
with so many lit candles.
Sol asked the residents
not to bring any more candles;
Specially lit candles.
That was my first
San Juan night with no candles.
Around six in the morning...
we were all outside, watching how the first
floor of the house was on fire;
And my hostel too.
I don't know
what is the point to all this;
Though you might have things,
they are not yours;
They are simply not yours.
You must learn
to let go, Manuel.
Just let the kid go
and do his work.
You will figure out
a way to get there.
May be.
Are these lands really yours?
This is what you get
fortresspasing other people's spaces.
Don't ever play
with people, Don Manuel.
Written and shot between august 21 and september