Mapla Singam (2016) Movie Script

'In Tamil Nadu, Nelaiappar and
Thiruvarur chariot festivals...'
'...are famous for their chariots
used in their processions'
'But this Veerapandi chariot is
famous because it is stationary!'
'The 2 groups standing here
are the main contributors'
'At least this year let's see
if they pull this chariot!'
Sir, no problem
Just a tin sheet that fell
in a strong gust of wind
Just a tin sheet?
If it had fallen on your head
you would've known
Thangavelu, have you
arranged tight security?
We've arrested 100 men
including the chairman's nephew
That means our chariot
will finally move this year
Sir, you're very optimistic!
These arrests and warnings
are only for our satisfaction
They'll continue to do whatever
they want to their satisfaction
Are you never positive?
I've told our higher-ups
somehow we will do it this year
Even delivered punch dialogs
Ensure there's no problem
Not possible, sir
I can do something
only if a problem arises
Is this how a police officer talks?
Talk according to your stature
Sorry, sir
Why is there such a huge crowd?
Did you bribe them
with 'biriyani' packets?
Half of them are
They've come to watch
the fun if a problem arises
It's like watching
a circus for them
He's the new Collector
I believe the old Collector has been
admitted in hospital for chest pain
Today we'll admit
the new Collector
Usually after prayer
sacred water is offered
But here you're serving tea?!
They are real barbarians!
I can see that
They will be quiet as mice
during the initial preparations
But when the chariot is
being pulled they will raise hell
Have both the groups assembled?
Yes, sir
The one on this side is
Chairman Seva Pandian
He has held the post
for past 20 years
Nothing happens here
without his knowledge
His men are the majority here
The gentleman standing
over there is Mahesh Babu
His father's name is Kothandam
He contested elections
for 20 years and lost
Dejected he died, sir
He's in a frenzy to achieve
what his father couldn't, sir
Let's see
Please come, sir
All of you stop screaming
Allow the officer to talk
- Greetings, one and all
- Welcome, sir
Why are they greeting me
in a chorus like school kids?
And you malign them as barbaric
This is how they'll begin
Temple, festival and chariot
are common for everyone
You've been fighting
for many years
We don't even know
if this chariot will move
So this year stop your fights
and pull the chariot with unity
Today this temple maybe
common to everyone
But this temple was
built by my ancestors
We should be given
the honors to pull the chariot
And the welcome ritual
has to be only for us!
Maybe they built the temple
but this property belongs to us
Not only that
We own the 18 villages
surrounding this area
At one point my family
ruled this land
Family that ruled the land
should be given the honors
That is our tradition
I'm not willing to give up
our tradition at any cost
Did you rule at a stretch?
We also ruled in between
We ruled as much as you did
You think you ruled brilliantly!
Don't make me malign you!
Stop it
Given a chance you will
go on flashback mode
If your ancestors have built
the temple in their ancestral land...
...what does it mean?
It means they didn't even
have land to build the temple!
They co-existed peacefully
You are the ones
fighting like cats and dogs
We can't give up
our rights for anyone
You're enjoying the rights
we relinquished, I say
Why are you wasting time
talking to him, bro?
Don't talk
All of you dance
to a folk song!
Bro, just say the word
and I'll chop him to pieces
First chop your matted hair
Jobless jerk!
Don't shout
Allow sir to speak
Listen to me
What nonsense is this!
Just keep quiet
They started this and
you're yelling at us
- Are you their stooge?
- I'm not on anyone's side
He's being disrespectful
Tell him who I am
He's the Collector
Pull your dhoti down
I knew when you wore
a rose colored shirt... are not one of us
How do they identify
the clan with the shirt?
Sir, just an underwear
will do for them to forecast
They can't do that
I don't wear one!
I wear inner short pants
They are not barbaric
They are eccentric
I now understand why
the old Collector fell sick
Either agree
or disperse
I'll draw the chariot
with the help of cops!
Thought he'll ensure
the chariot is pulled
But he's dragging us in
Watch me now
You better leave now
Or else the Collector will head
the function and we'll pull the chariot
My head!
Have they started?
You guys, take over
Let's leave this place
Go carefully
I'll talk to you later
Usulai, uncle is coming
Stop crying and tell me
From when has your
daughter been missing?
She went to school
yesterday morning
She hasn't come back since then
It must be love related
She has been seen with
Narasimhan's son yesterday
My daughter is very young
She is very innocent
That boy has brainwashed her
and lured her away
I never imagined my daughter
will do anything like this
Will any dad think
his daughter will elope?
Just consoling him, uncle
If girls don't marry at the right age
and they study, this is the outcome!
Thought after her 12th grade
this year I'll get her married
We've sent our men
They'll find her in another
few hours for sure
Okay, I'll inform him
Head constable just called
The girl and the boy
are in the police station
Then let's go
bring her
News has gone
right up to the DSP's ears
The new Deputy Superintendent
of Police is a little weird
Nothing can be done
Nothing can be done?
Take off your uniform and wear
cotton dhoti from tomorrow!
Don't laugh
He's taking a dig at us
You go to the police station
What can we achieve single handed?
I'll send Anbu
If he accompanies you
it's as good as me coming
When the constable said
he can't do anything...
...I called Anbu
He said he'll go
to the police station
Even if I scold you,
your father will reprimand me
You brought him
to the police station!
Has that boy become more
important to you than us?
Listen, that boy has lured you
just to disgrace our family
Please go home without
humiliating your parents
Whatever it is we can
talk it over at home
I won't come
I'll go only with him
That girl is very stubborn
She isn't paying heed
to her parents at all
This DSP is annoying us
with his rules and regulations
That boy is talking
arrogantly too
I'll handle him
Please listen to me, Selvi
Come back home with us
Look what happened
Okay, stop crying
Who are they?
Anbu, chairman's nephew
He has come to mediate
about that school girl issue
She's young
She did this without knowing
You be quiet
I'll take care
Hello, sir
Why are you making a school girl
sit in the police station?
Instead of settling this at home-
Bro, I know all about you
This isn't a councilor's office
to do what you wish
Everything happens
according to law here
Sir, I'm such a law abiding
citizen of this town, sir
Even now I don't
want to make trouble
I wanted to talk to both the families
and settle the problem
Looks like this will
take a long time
Bro, go buy tea
for all of us
Hello, I'm Selvi's boyfriend
Shouldn't it be a perfect match
even if you elope with your catch?
Bro, you go
and get tea
Treat me with respect
I'm the boy's lawyer!
Retain the coat with you
Or else you'll pass off
as an accused!
That girl isn't listening
to her parents
You think you can
persuade her?
If she doesn't heed your advice I can
send her only after getting them married
- Let me talk to her
- Try your luck
All of you wait outside
Wait till you reach home
I'll talk to her
We've been looking for you
from last night, worried sick
Sit down
- Did you eat?
- Yes, I did
Drink water
Were they too harsh on you?
Crying nonstop
your face is swollen
Even otherwise her face
looks swollen!
I'm not here
on behalf of your parents
I heard what happened
and came here for your sake
I don't weigh relationship with
caste and status like your parents
I'm prepared to get you
married to this boy right away
But you are still in school
Tell me as soon as
you pass out of school
And you still feel
the same way about him
I'll perform your wedding
in the grandest possible manner
Education is very important
In the blink of an eye
6 months will fly
It's my responsibility to get
you both together, okay?
This is how you promised
Viji akka when she was in love
You fooled her and finally
got her married to uncle Chandru
Why do you think I split
Viji akka and her lover?
Think I brought Viji akka
and uncle Chandru's together!
Selvi, you know no one
will go against my words
Trust me and go home
Selvi, don't believe him
When you go home, they'll change
your mind with black magic
Is she a rat to faint
swallowing some medicine?
Did you attract her
with such a potion?
You wait here
Let me talk to him
I'm not here to
poison her mind
You're right if I had
told her not to marry you
I'll myself get you married
once shes out of school
What's your problem?
Who are you to get us married?
How are you connected
to this problem?
French connection!
Dude, he looks like a China phone
And you're letting him
wag his tongue!
You can't talk so loudly
inside the police station
Okay, I'll take care
I agree I'm related to the girl
But I'm also talking
on your behalf
This problem magnified
only because you brought a school girl
You waited all these days, right?
Wait for 6 more months
I can't do that
I want to get married today
Don't you trust your love?
I don't believe you
This boy is giving
instant answers!
This won't work, sir
Both of them are adults
Get them married today
Even if she wants to study,
she can continue after marriage
He isn't letting her study now
Catch him letting her study
after they are married
Listen Mr Lawyer
Boy is jobless
Girl is still in school
How will they run a family?
Will you feed them?
It won't affect you
in any which way
You'll get your money
if you split or unite them
If we get you married now...
...after 6 months
you'll be filing for divorce
We have seen
so many cases
If you listen to me and get
married after 6 months... can live
happily ever after
It's your call
All that's fine
- But how can I trust you?
- Fine, you don't trust me
But don't you believe Selvi?
You want a written
statement from her?
I trust Selvi
Our love is very deep
Only his love
is deep it seems
Then wait for 6 more months
Selvi, are you wondering
if your parents will accept?
It's my responsibility
to get their consent
Don't decide immediately
because I said so
Think about it
and then decide?
Have you thought about it?
Tell that boy and leave
You must be the state topper!
Girl has accepted
to go back home
The boy has
given his consent
- Are you okay?
- How does it matter to me?
If the girl is willing
I'm fine with it
- Thanks a lot
- Don't worry
Look, how he handled it
Bring the girl along
Listen, take her home
without hitting her
Don't scold her
And buy her
whatever she wants
- What about the boy?
- I'll take care of him
- You go home
- Buy her things to play
Cook her favorite
mutton recipe for her
Bro, got a vehicle?
- Get dropped in our vehicle
- No need, it's okay
Moustachio! Drop him
at his place and come
Go and drop him, I say
Let's go
- Anbu
- Sir?
So many spoke ill of you to me
That's why I was also biased
To speak ill of good people
is a fashion statement now
You don't know him
His policy is to protect law
and establish justice somehow!
He'll bend backwards
to get what he wants
Leave it
Why blow our own trumpet?
Who is this?
He's our friend
Photographer from London
- He looks different
- Yes, he's white
Let's go, Bill
We'll take leave, sir
Said he'll come
after 6 months
But is back in 6 minutes
Get up
Think you're very smart
if you go to the DSP's office?
If we can convince
a girl in 5 minutes...
...and take her away
from the police station
...can't we make her
forget you in 6 months?
Think you're Cupid?
With your beard, do you
think you resemble... Sasi Kumar
in the film Nadodi?
If I see you going
behind any girl...
...I'll pickle you to pieces
in that very spot
Not only did you elope
with a school girl
But you went
to the DSP's office?
You dared to step into
our area and fall in love?
If I see any chap here
I'll skin you alive!
Is it wrong to
fall in love in India?
Does it mean you'll hit me
in this same way too?
Are you in love?
How are you and
your girlfriend qualified?
I'm a male and
she's a female
Look how he's taking a dig at us
You have to ask him
in a way he understands
What caste do you and
your girlfriend belong to?
Then there's no hassle
In our town, falling in love with
different nations isn't wrong
But it's a crime if people from
different castes fall in love
Like this one
Scoot from here
What is next?
There's a sacrificial offering
at the Aiyyanar temple
Let's go there
and make merry
By hitting them
only my hand hurts
- Where to, dude?
- For a song, dude!
"Here comes our friend, in lion-king mold
He's a gem of a man, 24 carat gold"
"He's our lion-king, behold!
Never tarnishing, 24 carat gold"
"Loved by all, he's an achiever
Like Kamaraj the king maker"
"Without a flurry or fuss
guards us, he's our boss"
"A popular face
Like Jyoti Basu"
"A case slapped on this boy bright
who fights for justice as his birthright"
"Street smart and swell
Smart cookie in a nutshell"
"Here comes our friend, in lion-king mold
He's a gem of a man, 24 carat gold"
"Like Atlas with the world on his shoulder
he lives life to the fullest forever"
"Talking too much like world war 3
he'll add on enemies like an army"
"Like mustard seeds he'll splutter
when he sees lovers however"
"Love is a disgrace, he'll exclaim
All parts of your body he'll maim"
"Caste conscious is not wrong
He'll protect it for a mile and furlong"
"No one to oppose him
Even if so, he'll win"
"He'll be silently seeing
through posters smiling"
"Mother, father and God to honor
Pearls of wisdom he'll favor"
"Here comes our friend, in lion-king mold
He's a gem of a man, 24 carat gold"
"He'll guard without stepping out
his women folk no doubt"
"His fame spread like wild fire throughout"
"Without competing he'll work 24x7
He's a wave that doesn't waver even"
"Your worries if you unburden
to solve your problems he'll yearn"
"If anyone stirs trouble
he'll hit double and treble"
"To the poor and needy
he'll lend a hand steady"
"Not counting every penny
he'll appease the hunger of many"
"He'll be silently seeing
through posters smiling"
"With tender loving care
he'll bond and share"
"Here comes our friend, in lion-king mold
He's a gem of a man, 24 carat gold"
"He's our lion-king, behold!
Never tarnishing, 24 carat gold"
Don't look at it superficially
because they are our folks
Enquire thoroughly
about the girl's background
I've enquired thoroughly
They belong to our caste
It's hard to find
a bride for your son
And she sifts and sieves
Don't talk off your rockers
Shouldn't that girl be
familiar with our customs?
Is she landing from Venus
not to know about our customs?
Broker, are there any defects
in my son's horoscope?
If any defect
it must be in mine!
I've shown 139 photos of
prospective brides to your son
He comes up with excuses saying...
'She ran away with him' or
'She's in love with some chap'
He dodged 75%
of the alliances
The remaining 25%
you've disqualified
Finding fault with
the girls' features
Can we just say yes to all
the random photos you show?
Come here
Come here, I say
They have ganged up again
Was your mission successful?
As usual it got done
in a bad way
Sarcastic retorts wait
at the tip of your tongue!
Will you prosper if you go to
the police station on an auspicious day?
But without going there
have you prospered, uncle?
Why should it matter if some
random boy and girl elope?
What can I do?
You brought me up saying
I should question injustice
Don't over react
Only good people
do such good deeds
One who plays dirty shouldn't
preach about fair play
Will you keep quiet?
Your brother is
the one to blame
On this auspicious day, if your brother
hadn't called why would he go?
It's many years
since I spoke to him
If he keeps going,
won't he call him?
He doesn't call me
because I go
Because I'll go even
if he doesn't call me...
...he calls me
Try to understand
Dude, it's okay even if
you don't answer him
But don't make him mad!
I'm bored yelling
at you 24x7
Why do you gang up with him
and be maligned by our society?
What wrong
did my son do?
He advises girls who eloped
and unites them with their parents
That only adds to good karma
- Do whatever?
- Okay
- You go that side
- I'll only go this way
You do whatever
How do you manage him, ma?
Keep quiet
Bro, look at this girl's photo
How long should I keep
looking only at the girl's photo?
For your sake, can we
bring the girl home?
Do you think he is
a marriage broker?
Or some other broker?
She isn't an ordinary girl
the way you assume
I found her
with great difficulty
Was she lost?
I was about to say
she's as pure as gold
Her character is
like Goddess Sita
You know what?
Even her neighbors won't be
aware she lives next door!
At least does her family know?
Will they ask me to
look for a groom then?
He and humor
are poles apart!
You know that girl?
Not just us
The whole town knows her
Sister, please bring
some water for the broker
Please get me
a good coffee
Why coffee? We'll pour
milk as in a funeral ritual!
Dude, look at this Sita
You'll like her very much
- How did you find her?
- Searched and found her
You can only search and
find a girl who has eloped
Stop it
Do you want him to
marry a runaway girl?
If you want a bride,
a girl child has to be born!
You don't want that girl
to marry her boyfriend
You don't want to
marry that girl either
So what's your logic, master?
Dude, you won't
understand all this
Hey fair chap! You are
too fair in your thoughts
They won't let you live
peacefully in this town
Please run away
to your country
Get lost
I won't step into
your house again
Hello anna
Vino, what are you doing
with your Bell computer?
It's Dell!
You rub it in every minute
that you are educated
Where is your father?
You sent him to God, huh?
Jinxed mouth!
Your uncle was just now
asking for you
He had to attend
the Panchayat meeting
Is he ready or not?
You can eat by the time
he gets ready
We've already eaten
I've made 'dosa' and your
favorite tomato 'chutney'
My favorite 'chutney'
That's a style statement
Get up
As if you'll forego
the coconut 'chutney'
Look, he's heading
for the dining room
I'll reserve a seat for you
Why is your dining table
as far away as Madurai?!
Forever making fun!
Help yourself?
Have you eaten?
I got through the 1st round
of the campus interview
They want me to go for
the final round in Coimbatore
Why go so far?
In the evening you can
walk on your terrace itself
Final round interview
It took me 3 years to get
my first job after I graduated
Like me
Dude, brilliant means
being a brain box
Trying to be funny?
Finish your 'dosa'
with plenty of 'chutney'
Bro, my father is not letting me go
to Coimbatore for the interview
Please convince him
He's waiting for you
to graduate to get you married
How will he agree
to let you work?
Your father should be persuaded
to let you go for the interview, right?
I will handle it
But you promise me
you won't take up the job
Tasty, who made it?
She should take up a job
once she graduates
Why get her married?
What kind of practice is this?
First go back to your country
You're corrupting our folks
Our family hates the word 'job'
Eat without pouring
pearls of wisdom
I'm better off
than my friends
My friends were forced to
stop studying and get married
Girls shouldn't act, study, play
once they get married
How many restrictions?
This isn't too bad
They say a man
should marry only once
In the name of tradition
Aren't you the least bit ashamed?
Our whole family
has no shame
Are you trying to create
trouble in our family?
Just eat to your
stomach's content!
Tackle my problem first
Why are you insistent on a job
when you're born in an affluent family?
Have I ever insisted on working?
One who has failed school finals
can't get a job in any company
Only because they will call me
I decided to fail my final exam
If he had passed, the school building
would have collapsed in shock!
I meant the 'sambar' has
too many chicken pieces!
Haven't you've allotted
the contract to Uthaman?
Let me go and talk to uncle
You've stuffed enough
Come fast
They intend demolishing
all the houses we built...
...because it's Govt land it seems
Who is that scumbag who said so?
Commissioner, uncle
Ask our men not to vacate
Okay, uncle
I'll talk to the commissioner
You seem to be having
a round table conference?
We were talking to Vino
Eat 'done'?
He doesn't understand
English I guess
I believe Vino wants to go to
Coimbatore for a job interview
How can you join hands with her?
When I'm saying
our girls shouldn't study... can I send
my daughter to work?
My policy will be affected
What policy do-
Keep quiet, uncle
It's a prestigious company
She just wants to work for
6 months, having studied so far
There lies the fault
If I hadn't sent her to college
she won't have such dreams
Why should my daughter
go work elsewhere?
All that won't work out
Ask her to stay put at home
Come along
Stop gawking
What, bro?
You heard him?
What could I do?
Let's go
Good morning, sir
Sit down
Good morning
Good morning, bro
How are you?
Please sit down
They are not councilors
How can you let them in?
Do you know the man seated
next to you gaping at all of us?
Do you know him?
Commissioner of ward 5
In your dreams!
He's been our driver
for 5 years
You couldn't even identify him
Sit down
Let them explain the corruption
in the road contract issue
Tell us
Whatever our sir speaks
will only make sense
What's wrong with it?
Why do you talk
utter nonsense to them?
In a democratic country everyone
has right to voice his or her opinion
Speak up
4 members have
requested tender for road
My brother Mahesh Babu
has quoted 7 lakhs
But you've given the tender to one
who bid 9 lakhs since he's your man
Explain this move of yours
Even then he gave it
only to a gentleman
Not goons like you
If you'll prefer only your caste
why pretend to be impartial?
You know now
our clan gets preference
Then why ask for a tender?
Just to make problems, huh?
You dare do something wrong
and then justify in a loud voice
Don't wag your fingers at me
You know who I am
Have you come to see
a prospective bride here?
For us to feel shy?
Don't try to shy away now
and bring the roof down
They speak without
an iota of shyness
Hey! You sit down now
Not just 9 lakhs
I'll select them even if
my men ask for 1900000
(raised voices)
Don't shout and
ruin your health
Clear out
No use talking to them
We'll walk out now
Let's go
This is atrocious
How can you walk out?
Let's go
We thought they will
make the walls tremble
But they are walking out quietly
We've seen men who don't
get involved in a fight
But even though we spoiled for
a fight, they refuse to take the bait
They won't pay heed
to our words
Fling eggs at them
Opposition is playing unfair
Don't aim at their heads
Watch me in action
Trying to hit me?
Hit them
Don't hesitate
Don't you dare hit me
You have 1 foot in the grave
And who called you here
to give your opinion?
Give me that tomato
You are behaving atrociously
Someone will come
to put you in place
You deserve only tomato pickle!
Off you go now
Who pushed this old man?
He's asking as if
he doesn't know
My savior!
You are here
Good people's blood
shouldn't be wasted
Take that egg out
Bad enough you pushed him
and now you're ridiculing him!
What about you?
You mistook
betel leaf stain as blood!
What's your 'ha ha ha' in aid of?
He must have added
too much 'chunam'
Now I'll hit him
Watch him bleed
Look at him now
You moron!
He is one of us
Hit one of your men
and show blood spurting
Knock him down flat
Showing off?
You think you're a big shot?
Celebrity, huh?
Let go of me
Put me down
Where are you taking me?
Everybody is busy fighting
Where are you taking me?
Put me down
(raised voices)
Who is that?
Clear off
We are here to fight
just for fun
You're taking it too seriously?
Some of them may die
Shouldn't let them off easily
Won't you listen to me?
You're reveling in rowdyism here
What do you want now?
Clear out
Don't act smart with me
How dare you
create a ruckus here?
You call yourself a cop?!
Go and ask them
You have the gall to
be rude to me?
Didn't you hear me
asking you to clear off?
Let me see how
you win this election?
In just 6 months
I'll bring you to your knees
And show you
what power means
Bloody blockhead!
Your father has been saying this
for the past 20 years
Listen to me
Get lost
Whatever the court says
I know all about our law too
Get lost!
You'll grease the palms
of the police, huh?
Then you put them
into your pocket!
Clear out
My sister's daughter's birthday
Need God's special blessing for her
Vinodhini's birthday?
Taurus, right?
I'll do so most gladly
Please recite a 'sloka' for me too
Otherwise we have to
spend on 2 offerings
- Sssssh!
- Okay
The decorations were
beautiful on God, right?
Sorry, my aim misfired
M cousin's birthday
So please distribute it
Little one, come here
Can you see that 'akka' over there?
Hand this over to her
And tell it is from me
Is it a love letter?
Leave letter
Walking dictionary!
Go and give
What are you thinking of?
Give it to her
Taste God's offering
Letter for you, akka
What is this, child?
Love letter
Who gave it to you?
That uncle sitting over there
'The little devil tattled'
Sonny, did you give this?
Yes, sir
He agrees!
Hold this
How dare you give
a love letter to our girl?
Is this the house?
Yes, partner
Who is at home?
Who is in-
- Let go of me
- Who is it?
Come out, madam
Where is your son?
Who are you?
Why do you
want to see him?
Even if a husband gives a love letter
to his wife my friend won't approve
You think we will rejoice
if the same happens to our girl?
You should talk
gently with ladies
Your turn
Madam, if this boy here
gives a love letter to that girl...
...will you keep quiet?
What are you saying?
Immature fellow!
Even the old lady
doesn't like you
If I pick up my kitchen knife...
...I will slice each one of you
to bits and pieces
Just about to croak and you still
twirl a bun out of your hair...
...imagine how much energy
we will be burning in our bodies
Uncle, shut up
'With your silly smirking face
find a girl of your own accord'
Is this what you told your son and
asked him to loiter around temples?
You've got the wrong son
Someone has
misinformed you
Who has barged in indecent-
Were you the one to
hand over a love letter?
He looks like a white rat
clad in pant and shirt
Did you give any letter
to a girl in their house?
I didn't give any letter, ma
I'll pickle you to pieces
if you lie about this
I gave only a greeting card!
Look at his temerity
Forgive him
He did this in ignorance
Yes, ma
Is this something you can
do in ignorance, grandma?
If I did the same
to your sister...
...will you keep quiet?
I will keep quiet
As if you will?
Seems to be a shameless family
But my sister won't keep quiet
Will your sister return the favor?
Just whistle
That will do
If their son has been raised
in this indecent manner... think their daughter
will be well brought up?
Don't let your tongue run
If she hears you...'ll be in a royal mess
- What will happen?
- Problem it seems!
We've taken God's permission to mess further
The it's your bloody fate
Good heavens!
Where is she flinging it from?
If we are shameless... don't have
an ounce of shame
My brother gave
a single greeting card
You sister has given him
an entire post office load of cards
'After you saw me
I am not just 'me' - Vinodhini'
Check with your girl first
before you barge in here
When the men are not at home
Shailu, I am here
Okay, when only 1 male is around
We should have realized
when Vino was not affronted
If you come dressed like politicians
can you talk whatever you like?
Don't stop me
I'll make you count bars
on account of eve teasing
We were only talking
to this old lady
How can you have no mercy
and call her 'eve'!
She might file a case
that I misbehaved with the old lady
We are better off
with eve teasing!
Let's go
I held your hand by mistake
Whackos of the worst order!
You just flung these away
Such memorable gifts
I should have
hit you instead
The pitcher got dented
Will you go in please?
Break every damn utensil
in our kitchen!
You just throw whatever
you lay your hands on
If tomorrow it becomes a big problem
who will deal with it?
The way I dented them
they won't step in here again
They are back!
If you intend making any more-
No, we didn't come back
to make any trouble
In the chaos and confusion here
my friend's car is missing
I mean, his car key is missing
If you tie your hands
without hitting us...
...we will look for it and scoot
Is that so?
Then I will also
help you search
"One look at you, my dear
My life melted to disappear"
"Like the udder of the cow
my mind too is sore now"
"What did you do to me?
My breath is hot, I feel dizzy"
"Like the story of the mad elephant
that got tamed in an instant"
Hey! Listen
I found it
Let's go
You found the key?
We've all been looking
Where did you find it?
Right here
Let's go home safe
Maybe she hid it
It's cold outside
Go in and search
Sir has gone out
I'll inform him
as soon as he comes
What happened?
You found out
who the boy is?
We did
We know about the son now
We also found out
more about your daughter
Where is she?
She is lying down in her room
scared after the temple incident
Naturally, she is
incarnation of innocence
We were praying when this boy
chased her and gave her a letter
Good heavens!
Did you check
who chased whom?
Shut up
Aunt, we have dealt with it
It was a case of
mistaken identity
He fell at our feet
and apologized
The boy fell at his feet and
your nephew hurt his head
Keep quiet
Don't tell uncle and
blow it out of proportion
I'll take care
I'll go and question her
Ignore it, uncle
She's still a child
Is this what a child does?
There's a limit to indulgence
Tomorrow a passer-by
will ask our chairman...
'...are you raising a girl
or something else...?!'
Get lost
Do something that's taboo
and now watch TV happily
If our family dignity should not fly
in mid-air, what should a girl do?
Switch off all the fans
and TV inside the house
So if your parents' minds
should be cooled...'ll store them in the fridge?
Punch dialogs after
punching us in our hearts!
Did Satish give you a love letter
following you like a lost pup?
Did I say so?
Did I come and
complain to you?
His sister told us
Then go and ask your sister
Don't yell at me
Not letting me watch TV in peace
You can say what you want
and deride me, I don't care
You are to blame for
giving him a love letter, right?
Why did you?
Tell me
Grown physically
Not mentally?
If I am not gifted a phone
we have to resort to love letters
Wretched female!
You know what will happen
if your father gets to hear of this?
He's right here
Go and tell him
He'll forever be parading
from room to room in his house
What happened?
Rubbing your eyes?
Nothing, bro-in-law
I'm hearing people
praise Vinodhini sky-high
So I'm shedding
tears of joy
I thought you were
cutting onions for a feast!
If you get to know, you'll shed
blood instead of tears!
Your mouth might just
get stuck like that forever
How do I get out of this mess now?
Stuck between the devil
and the deep sea
We've come till the district court
Not adjourned it
nor won the case either!
Call the lawyer, uncle
He himself is calling
It's the lawyer
- Hello, sir
- Where are you?
Inside, of course
Has the verdict been given?
If you keep arguing like this,
verdict will be given very soon
'Inside' doesn't mean jail
but inside the court
Oh! Inside the court
Stay there, I'm out of town
on an urgent work
Will send my junior
Sir, are you sending your junior?
- Are you kidding me?
- Why should I?
I've briefed him
Case will definitely
get adjourned
All that will not...hello
- He disconnected
- What happened?
I believe he won't come
Sending his junior it seems
He himself argues like a junior
Junior's junior, huh?!
Shailaja, they are involved in
the assault case sir briefed us
Collect the details from them
I'll wait for you
in the courtroom
We don't have to
come every week
Straight inside
to count bars!
You chopped
just his hand, right?
Man is still alive, no?
She's talking casually
as if he cut a cake!
She was in a good mood that day
We escaped with just that pitcher!
I'm in court now
Call me later
Okay, who assaulted the victim?
Our team
I just gave him the stick
He was the one
who cracked his head
You didn't do anything?
I asked if you
didn't do anything
I told them not to
But you-
He said not to...
...stop with just one blow!
The 3 of you have hit
a 60 year old officer
We shared 20 each
What's the big deal?
In front of the judge say yes
to any question I ask
Is that clear?
Should I say 'yes'
even if my name is asked?
Come now
That way
No adjournment for sure!
What happened to him?
Thank God!
Didn't expect the case to
get over so fast, right?
She squashed it to pieces
Anbu, I would like to
talk to you alone
Of course we can
Why are you dragging me?
She might hike her fees
by 100 or 200 bucks
Don't take the pitcher throwing
to heart and do the needful
Keep quiet
I've already told him
He'll take good care
Don't feel shy to ask
See you...go
- Tell me
- Who are they?
Are they your relatives?
Oh no! They are jobless, lazy louts
They hang around
to be of some help
Oh! By the way
what do you do?
I do a lot of service
for our town
Actually the other day
I was a little too rash
It's our fault
Without verifying
we came to create problems
I've been like this
from my childhood
If I get upset, I'll throw
whatever I can get hold of
That's okay
Your advocate struggles
to even get adjournment
But you argued effortlessly
and got us out
Not just a pitcher, you can
hit us even with a pot!
Do you know something?
This is my first case
Please ask your advocate
to become your junior!
Oh no!
Even though 2 offenders
walked away scot-free... argued firmly for
an innocent not to be punished
You'll become
a famous lawyer
Don't make fun!
I also thought maybe
I was generous with my lies
Not bad, you seem
to be quite a nice guy
- See you
- When?
Won't you come again
for another case?
"My mind is blank totally
Dude, what has hit me?"
"I wish I could glance
into her eyes just once"
"In my mind casually
she planted flowers calmly"
"With her breath in the wind
her claim on me she pinned"
"Immersed in her beauty
I no longer feel hungry"
"My mouth forgot every single word
Tongue tied, I'm in a new world"
"Thought emptied completely
What has happened to me?"
"I wish I could see
her eyes once directly"
"Her usual route I don't favor
Neither am I her neighbor"
"Still memories of her
around me hover"
"I didn't hit on her either
I'm not arrogant like her"
"She ties me up like a plait
My mind cannot combat"
"Even if many goons by my side
her scent kills me, I'm stupefied"
"For the sacred thread
and wedding sari red"
"You order as if I'm your betrothed"
"The way she glances generally
Intoxicated I slipped into her reverie"
"Submerged in her beauty
I no longer feel hungry"
"My mouth forgot every single word
Tongue tied, I'm in a joyful world"
"My mind is blank totally
Dude, what has hit me?"
"I wish I could glance
into her eyes just once"
"Thanks to her
I didn't comb my hair"
"I didn't get to know her family
I didn't blame her unnecessarily"
"I didn't get flustered undue
I didn't sing her praise new"
"She made both my feet
stand rooted to the spot complete"
"Seeing her gestures and signs
young gray cells sizzle with designs"
"Hearing her words honeyed
I float with senses varied"
"The way she speaks generally
I merged in this love feeling gradually"
"Drowned in her beauty
I no longer feel hungry"
"My mouth forgot every single word
Tongue tied, I'm in a love-struck world"
Why did he call
for me urgently!
When has he told you
to come at leisure?!
Come, my dear nephew
Our minister Kalapandi's brother's family
are here to see Vinodhini formally... a bride-to-be
Why all of a sudden?
We've been talking about this
They came suddenly, that's why
I sent word for you, come
We can have a feast today!
My brother's son, Anbu
I know him very well
He's the epitome of affection
Anyone in this town will
only sing his praises
Laying it thick!
Come here for a second
I'll be right back, uncle
Your sister is refusing to come out
If your uncle gets to know, he'll kill her
Okay, you take care of the visitors
I'll convince her
and bring her
Get ready soon, people are
waiting for you there
Why did they arrange this
all of a sudden?
I can't come
Why are you refusing?
Vino, are you not
ready as yet?
You carry on
I'll bring her
Your father is yelling
at your mother
Come out fast, Vino
Brother, I love Satish-
You know everything, right?
Listen, Vino
Will they get you
married immediately?
This is just an initial formality
An engagement will follow
and so many other rituals
Just show your face
If they ask whether you
like the groom, say no
You think my father will ask me?
Definitely not!
You know, right?
Then why did you fall in love?
Okay, stop crying
I'll handle uncle
You will marry the person you love
I take full responsibility
Be brave and come
Bro, don't tell me the same dialog
you tell all other girls
Hey madcap!
You're my sister
I'm not like how I used to be
Trust me and come
- You are...?
- I'm the bride's maternal uncle
Oh! Okay
And you?
Groom's maternal uncle
How long have you
been her uncle?
From the day she was born, naturally!
Oh really?
What about you?
From the day my nephew was born
We are both sailing
in the same boat
What unity!
You both studied hard
to get the 'uncle' degree!
Keep quiet
Welcome everyone
What have you studied, my dear?
I was so proud thinking you
would've passed 8th or 9th grade
Forget it
My dear nephew
Take a good look at her
- Do you like the bride?
- Yes, we do
All of us like the girl
Is that right?
You go inside
Come, dear
Let me say it once more
We all like the bride
Totally satisfied
We are also satisfied
Then let's make
this alliance formal
If you say so
Uncle, come in for a minute
- I'll be back
- Please go
If you want to discuss
anything in this gap-
Tell me
Let's check with my sister
if she likes the groom
What is this new practice?
Don't we know
what's good and bad?
Why ask her?
But she's the one
who will be living with him
Did I marry your aunt
with her acceptance?
Aren't we happy?
It's not that
Times have changed now
My cousin sister is also educated
That's why it's better
to ask her if she-
Shouldn't make a habit of this
Tomorrow if I see a girl for you...
...and ask you to
marry her, won't you?
I will
When a boy is saying yes,
why can't a girl agree?
It is a good proposal
We shouldn't let it go
Let us finalize it
Hey, explain it to him
I already did
We'll formalize it now
But we'll perform the wedding after
the election for the chairmans seat
Restrictions even to
exchanging plates, huh?
Please take this
Everything went smoothly
We would like all of you
to stay and eat
Serve generously
Bone and meat together
In your custom, don't you
ask the girl her opinion?
We don't
If we do half the males in our town
will remain bachelors!
Even when you sacrifice a goat
don't you get its permission?
In your country they get married in
the morning and divorce the same evening
Have we ever asked you why?
- No
- Then zip your lips!
What's the trick?
I've been sucking for so long
with no luck at all
You won't get any juice
I was the one
who sucked it hollow!
What is your next plan?
Bro said he'll take care
That's what your brother will say
He'll then separate you both
without your knowledge
What do you want me to do?
This is your life
You should only
take a decision
Shailu, I want to share
something important with you
I'm busy now
Tell me later
You're just seeing
Facebook, right?
Listen to me
Tell me
They've found a groom for Vinodhini
So what?
I'm planning to
kidnap her today
Oh! And then...?
Who's Satish here?
Tell him I am not here
- Are they back again?
- Please come in
Got a courier
Please sign
You're delivering a parcel, right?
Why do you raise
your voice like this?
I always speak like this
Good riddance...go
It's so bloody hot outside
You got petrified
of an ordinary postman!
You've made plans to kidnap
I changed the plan
We'll elope and get married
in a registrar's office
If others elope they will be
caught only in the bus stand
But if you elope you'll be nabbed
right outside the house!
- Is that so?
- Claims he can kidnap!
I'm scared to even
think about her family
You should only help me somehow
I love her intently
If she isn't in my life...
...I'll die
That's the truth, Shailu
Tea or coffee?
No, thanks
Horlicks or Boost?
No, I'm fine
Green tea
I don't drink tea at all
Then why come
to a tea shop?
- Serve me 'chutney'
- That's all
Just a little
Have you been
waiting for long?
No, just now
Only 2 hours
This is my favorite shop
Even when Im not working
I come here to drink tea
Very good habit
Attend to your work
You're okay with drinking tea?
I love tea
I do too
You wanted to talk to me?
Just like that
What do you think of 'love'?
When we fall in love
or someone else falls in love?
Tell me in general
Generally speaking...?
Love is like this tea
In some shops it is very tasty
In other places
really yucky
Then why do men like you want
to shut down all the tea shops?
School going girls get lured
at such an impressionable age
So if a groom is fixed by
the family for the same school girl?
That isn't wrong?
That's wrong too
I'm not referring
to puppy love at all
Will you accept if the girl
falls in love after she's mature?
You mean as in
attaining puberty?
No, I didn't mean that
As in being grown up
Grown up?
How do I make him understand?
Take Surya and Jyothika for example
Will you split that kind of love?
If I had been asked
I would have tried
No one can do that
If a girl falls in love
when she's grown up... one can ruin that love
That's right too
So make sure my brother
and your sister get united
You are saying it
in such an ordinary way?
Do you know
what a mess it will be
A girl and boy falling in love
is an ordinary matter only
Only we blow it
out of proportion
Shouldn't the elders agree?
Why drag them into this?
You can do it
if you set your mind
You got me a glass of tea
and muddling me up like this
Let me tell you clearly
If we are unable to decide
our life partner...
...then what's the use of living?
I'll be there immediately
You give it serous thought
See you
Bro, don't let him
pay for the tea
He is my friend
She's my friend too
See you?
What is this song?
Whenever I listen to it
I get into a romantic mood
You are truly blessed
You get into love-mood
by just listening to a song
It took me 1 week to realize
there's such a feeling called love!
Do you have a girl friend?
Oh! You got a girl?
What's caste got to do with love?
When you're in love
only love takes center stage!
You say you get romantic
listening to this song
I think what little love-mood
I have, will vanish into thin air
Play a song I can relate to
"To our earth an angel of love landed"
Gem of a song
"A romantic epic to me she handed"
Who stopped the song?
I did
Why did you switch it off?
You don't believe in love
Then why listen to a love song?
Did I tell you
I don't believe in love?
You didn't say you do
Bill, right from my childhood...
...he has been telling this
to the whole world
Now I have nothing to do
with the female gender!
Otherwise are all the top heroines
queuing up at your door step?
When I was 10 years old... day I said I don't
want to drink tea
From that day onwards
he told everyone I hate tea
Oh! So you like tea?
Who are you to decide
if I like tea or not?
They muddled me up so much
now I'm myself in doubt if I like tea!
My uncle is even worse
Even if we think of
flirting with a girl...
...he'll ask us to ensure
she belongs to our caste
How can you link
flirting with caste?
Then how can you link
love and caste?
Friend, how can you
link us and love?
The 2 are connected
My sister is in love with whom?
My girl friend's brother!
So the relationship works, right?
He means that girl
who threw the pitcher
She can file a case for you
She can't be your life partner
File and life are just
letters mixed up!
Go ahead
Are you being fair?
Why not?
She came up
with some dialog
If Surya and Jyothika
fall in love it's hunky-dory
If Ajith and Shalini
fall in love it's fine
But why is it bitter
if we fall in love?
Is Ajith going from station
to station separating lovers?
Not my fault
I acted on your instigation
If the lovers we separated
come back and ask us why... will we tackle the issue?
No one can ruin
a strong love
No one can unite
a weak love
Repeat this dialog to them
Writing on water that flows
and taking a decision... a drunken stupor
won't work out well
Whatever it is
let's decide tomorrow
I decide day after tomorrow
for what I intend doing tomorrow
What I intend doing tomorrow
I will decide today
I've decided
I'm going to the court tomorrow
Bill, if uncle gets to know this
they will ring the bell for our funeral!
He isn't deciding
after getting drunk
He decided even before
he started drinking
He never let me drink at all!
I don't want
Looks more like a shirt
a watchman will wear
Looks like a politician's outfit
Will this look good?
This looks like a school uniform
Blue is my lucky color
Choose the tea you want
I don't want any tea
Just water will do
Hey! Wait
You're complaining to a Brit whose
clan made us suffer for 200 years...
...that we're harassing you
In what way did we hassle you?
It was just a figure of speech
Then if you drink
you'll talk as you please, huh?
I didn't drink even a drop
of alcohol last night
It was all an act, huh?
If I had spoken like this
without drinking...
...won't you say
I was blabbering?
That's why I didn't drink
Is he confusing us
or are we getting confused?
That's why I drank last night
That's what I said
He's the one confusing us
Don't blabber
- What disrespect!
- Hey! Get lost
Hey you!
Come here
What a surprise to see him
wearing a colored shirt?
He doesn't like wearing
colored shirts
Did he say so to you?
No, he didn't
Whatever he didn't like so far
he will start liking now
Whatever he likes so far-
He won't like?
He will like all that too
If you ask anything more
you'll go mad and run in circles
Ever since he was hit by
the pitcher, he's like this!
See you, sister
Whatever he said
went above my head!
Where are you?
- Temple, huh?
- What's up?
Good news
I'll tell you in person
Wait for me
Good news?
Is it your birthday today?
No, why do you ask?
You're always in white and white
as if it's your uniform
Today your uniform has changed
Am I in school still to wear color dress
and distribute sweets to everyone?
I just asked casually
What's the good news?
Are you in love with anyone?
No, I'm not
Why do you ask?
You spoke in favor
of love in the tea shop
Daily in court I favor
even murderers
Does that mean
I kill people?
Even if I do, I swear
I won't kill our people
Don't swear in a temple
Anything can happen
tomorrow, right?
True, take yourself for example
I first thought you are
a scumbag and a rowdy
Now I don't think so
How do you feel now?
I'm blank
- Black?
- BlaNk!
Whenever I see you
a thought nags my mind
Why didn't I see you
all these years?
1 minute
This chap has a terrible
sense of timing
From when I was a kid I've never
thought of anything for myself
I just led my life based on
what others told me
First time in my life, I thought
for myself only yesterday
Forget it
What can you do if you get
enlightened only in the interval
I want to say something else
We wake up in the morning and hum
the 1st song we hear that whole day
Like that?
Like that from the day
I set eyes on you... heart is also
murmuring a tune
That is why-
Shall we get married?
Why are you glaring at me?
Missed call, huh?
Oh! I was wrong
What, ma?
Where are you, my dear?
I'm at the temple, ma
Everyone is saying, your brother has
eloped with the chairman's daughter
What are you saying?
Come home safe and sound
without being seen by those goons
What, uncle?
We've been deceived
That boy Satish who gave
a letter in the temple to your sister
Your sister eloped with him
What are you blabbering?
I saw them in the railway station
Not one member of his family
should be spared
Come immediately
Pamper your girl
to kingdom come
What's the point
of crying now?
Okay, stop crying
I think Anbu has come
Where did you all go?
Look at our predicament now
Who told you
my sister eloped?
I saw our girl and that boy
in the railway station
You could've got them water
and biscuits and bid them farewell?
Moron! Why didn't you stop them?
The train moved before I could
Can I cut across and stop?
I've sent our boys
You have already
warned him earlier
What nerve he has, not to
pay heed to your warning
Couldn't have snitched better
What did you say?
Has he warned him before?
Why didn't you tell me?
Thought if you knew, it might
be blown out of proportion...
...I suggested to
keep it under wraps
You have all made me
bow my head in shame
Had I known this earlier,
would I have let it go this far?
You've shown how
immature you are!
Start the car
It wasn't intentional
Dude, let's check at
Vino's friend's place
Who is inside?
Come out
Come out, I say
- Where is your son?
- Why do you want to know?
If he elopes with our girl,
will we zip our lips?
First talk with respect
Why respect a man who has
a casanova for a son?
Don't talk without enquiring
I haven't raised my son that way
Hey, listen
Your son has lured my daughter
in a systematic manner
I'll give you time until tonight
If your son does not bring
my daughter back home...
...then I'm warning you
I'll burn your entire family alive
Son of a mongrel
Let's go
(reality show)
Change the channel, ma
Hey! Keep quiet
Look how she's anchoring the show
See when and which program
they are glued to the TV!
Clarity of mind!
Someone is at the door
Go and check
You won't even
let me eat in peace
Is that girl coming-
Shut your bloody mouth
What brings all of you here?
Vinodhini has left the house
without informing us
If she had, would you
have let her go?
What kind of a question is this!
What else should I ask?
So you were aware of
Vinodhini's plans?
Our entire college knows!
News has spread
even in her college?
Is this how an educated girl behaves?
We went to college
only for this!
Are you starting a revolution?
Is this some new trend?
Better cough up the truth
Where is she?
To spoil her career, huh?
Don't be obtuse
If my uncle gets to know,
he'll kill her
Will you kill for
such a reason?
He'll resort to murder
for the sake of prestige
How is prestige
connected with murder?
You won't understand, Bill
If his daughter goes to work
why should his prestige go for a toss?
Has she gone for a job?
She has gone to Coimbatore to attend
the final interview in Tidel Park
If it is work related
why should she go to the park?
Uncle, Tidel Park is
an IT infrastructure and office
She didn't elope with that Satish?
With Satish?
Didn't she go for the interview then?
Why are you
confusing us like this?
You're the one confusing me
Do you understand now?
Shut up, you bungler
Punch him
on his mouth!
Tell me, partner
Oh my God!
We are also going
in search of the same boy
It seems our men went and
ransacked Satish's house
What's worse, our uncle
has hit his father
Matter seems to have
got out of hand
Hey blabbermouth!
Did you see properly?
Was it our girl and that boy
in the railway station?
I saw them with both my eyes
Did you see them together
or next to each other?
You blockhead!
Both are the same
Both are as far as
Earth from Pluto!
Think again
I saw them together but they were
standing next to each other
Commotion starts hearing rumors
Arundhathi, Rudramadevi,
Hope our girl has really eloped
I know how your
gray cells are churning!
If only we find out
Vinodhini hasn't eloped...'ll be buried alive
- What if she has eloped?
- Even then you only die!
So where are we going now?
Check into a hotel
Shut up and come along
Get down
I haven't seen such a huge hotel!
Uncle, it isn't a hotel
This is Tidel park
They've built it entirely with glass
In a riot won't the glass
get smashed to pieces?
In a riot?
Look at those
gearing up for a riot?
Are you developing
that girl's arms?
Get your hands off
Take it off I say
Get lost!
Looks glossy, right?
Naturally, created by a foreigner
I was talking about that girl
Me too!
Bill, I don't know
anyone here
Leave me
Convey my regards
to your father
Let's go
If you continue to talk
like this, I'll go outside
Then it will stink!
Why are we not allowed?
Are you provoking me to retort?
Dhothi not allowed, sir
Tell me, buddy!
It seems you can't enter
clad in a dhoti
We can't wear a dhothi
and go inside, right?
Wish you had told me this earlier
Let's see how you run the company
Come, my boys
What a set of silly rules!
You come
They've humiliated us
What ruckus are
you creating here?
You went inside royally
Did you look back?
He didn't let us
enter in a dhoti
You're unusually
wearing pants today
They let you in
What could we do?
Don't you know
how to carry yourself?
First get dressed
He insulted us and you are
not taking him to task
Did you check
where your sister is?
This building has offices
all over the place
Don't know which office she is in
Let's split up
and search
What are you doing here?
My sister is here
for an interview
We are trying to find out
which office she is in
Why are you here?
My office is in this building, bro
In which office is
your sister's interview?
Easy or difficult
Some name like that
If you ask at the front office,
they will guide you
Your friend's office, huh?
No, bro, front office
That's why I'm asking
is it your friend's office?
Front office means reception
Uncle, can't you keep quiet?
Come and show us
Dude, whose reception is this?
His grandma's reception!
Which floor is ECS?
Whom do you want to meet?
A candidate named Vinodhini
is attending an interview
No need to ask
Look over there
Why is she coming alone?
Brother, how did you come here?
Sukanya told you?
What does it matter whether
Sukanya or Khusboo informed us!
I did very well in the interview
5 lakhs 'cost to company'
I can join after 2 months
Here's the job offer letter
Are you upset with me?
Uncle, bring her with you
You are rattling all this
without a care
Without any festival
your father is walking on fire
Plus thinking you eloped with him
they've ransacked Satish's house
All because of you
Is it because of me or you?
How can you blame-
Are you a big shot?
- Do you eat crap?
- Why are you staring at me?
Am I responsible
if she didn't elope?
Ask her
What's the point
in blaming anyone?
Come, dear
They've scattered
the chillies to be ground
And coconuts for sale
all over the place
I'll smash them-
Uncle, already Anbu came
and threatened us
If you had told me then,
would this have happened?
I myself came to know
about this only now!
These 2 hid it from me
Even Shailu?
Forget your father
Shouldn't you have
at least informed me?
Why did you hesitate?
What would you have done?
I would have-
Not moved even a pin!
Aunt, where is Satish?
Please call him
I am not able
to reach him
Very good
Must have switched it off
Why is he walking in like a groom
back from his father-in-law's place!
Why are you all here?
Where did you go?
What business is it of yours?
- Arrogant ass
- Old hag!
Why have you strewn
all our stuff outside?
Are we moving to a new house?
House-warming ritual
for an old house again!
What happened to your phone?
It got switched off
Did Vinodhini also go with you? is here
I know everything
Tell me what happened
I went for my friend's wedding
and got back straight home
Didn't I tell you
he isn't the kind to elope?
Till now no one has dared
to raise his hand at me
But today Sevapandian
insulted me in front of everyone
All because of this fellow
How is that fair, uncle?
For Sevapandian's mistake
how is our boy to blame?
Satish, don't worry about anything
I'm not worried
But I'm worried, uncle
With this election
their game will be kaput
I know very well where to hit
and make them wince in pain
I'll hit that weak spot
Take her inside and
tell them what happened
I'll be back
Won't you get down?
She has already gone?
Stop right there
You stepped out without
telling anyone and humiliated us
Who embarrassed whom?
If I don't tell you,
does it mean I eloped?
Why are you so rude?
If a girl walks away like that
what will people assume?
If a man does the same
you won't be flustered
Don't you trust me at all, ma?
Heard you ransacked Satish's house
Tomorrow I will
really elope with him
What can you do?
Even then we'll smash
only his house
There is a fairness
in all the injustice we do
This is how people react
when their girl is missing
Is it a big crime if we inquired
because of our doubts?
Are you totally brainless?
You don't even realize
you're justifying your mistakes
You aren't even showing any respect
for his age and talking so rudely?
Does he deserve any respect?
His livelihood is to constantly
wait for problems to happen
And a moustache to top it all!
Do you know what a struggle
it is to get a job?
Don't know
If you had been educated
you would've known
'Even then wouldn't have known'
- Bro
- What?
What is your goal in life?
Tell me
What's your aim in life?
Don't know what to say
if you ask me suddenly
As if he can answer
2 days later!
At least she asked me
She didn't ask you at all!
Don't laugh
Listen, my only aim is this job
I am also born
in the same house
So I share the same arrogance,
obstinacy, everything
I'll definitely
take up this job
Go but they will bring you back
Shut up, uncle
Hasn't my sister
come back, aunt?
Why are you scolding her
for no reason?
- You go inside
- Keep quiet, bro
You also suspected me, right?
I know you better than
you know yourself
You don't have to
answer anyone here
We can sort it out later
Go inside first
From now on inform and go
What arrogance!
Aunt, we are to blame
Influenced by this madcap
how can we doubt our own girl?
Why are you also talking like this?
This problem has blown up
because of her immaturity
Exposed to the outside world for a day
has made her so arrogant!
Should've stopped her in grade 5
and forced her to learn to cook
If she had been
pulled out of school...
...she would be
in the kitchen
Because she went to college,
she kept the stove under you!
Uncle, you're standing
on top of red hot fire
Anbu, call the groom's house
Tell them our girl went
only for an interview
Also tell them to
fix the wedding date
Uncle is always right
Get lost!
If we thrash him
things will be alright
Why are we waiting here?
What else to do!
Planning to confess to
Shailaja and apologize
Oh! Apology
Don't think she'll forgive you
Your uncle has maligned
her parents face to face
On top of it, he grabbed her
father's shirt and disgraced him
Don't do it now
Let things cool down
When have you ever
left things to subside?
Even if there are some signs
of cooling, you stir it all over again
We stir it all up and
you are the good Samaritan!
Shall we leave at 10:00 a.m?
She should be convinced you are not
to blame and you're a nice chap
That's all, right?
I'll handle it
Dude, you go and
talk to her yourself
Let him do the honors
I'm telling you
I'll handle it
Foreign dude,
I'll hit you flat
Can't be patient forever
Give me some respect, I say
He will handle it
slick as a whistle
I thought it was my scooty!
Look here
I apologize
for all the hassles
How can he be blamed
for uncle's mistake?
If you want, stop talking to his uncle
But talk to him
without bearing a grudge
If not-
If not... will become a huge problem
Get lost
Did I ask you while coming here?
Don't I know how to get back?
Did you see for yourself
how arrogant she is
I don't think she can
fit into our family
Better think about it
Is this the way to apologize?
Do you want me to fall
at her feet and lament?
How many families
we have split?
How many houses
have you broken personally?
Has anyone questioned you?
You paid them peanuts
and they left
I gave up my pride and apologized
She walks away
caring a damn
Daughter of a dictionary
My God!
Okay, time is 8:45
Time for dinner
If we go late, we will
miss the intestine soup
'Vaigai Rani Hotel'
Bill advised me right then
To talk directly
And not send you
A white man knew you inside out
But I didn't know
Why don't you eat?
Hey, I'm talking to you but
you're continuing to eat
Aren't you ashamed?
What should I do?
What do you want me to do?
That girl and you won't get along
You can pour sauce on a 'parotta'
But will 'sambar' taste good with it?
- Of course
- Moron!
None of you understand
my pain, right?
Eat to your stomach's content!
"Why fall in love, pain inflict?
No need this silly conflict"
"Don't flip for love, dear chap
Love loves to crack-up as mishap"
"Why this love, painful misfit?
In this clash there's no benefit"
"Don't flip for love, dear chap
Love loves to stack-up as mishap"
"I want this love-addict
There isn't any conflict"
"A friend for life, partner as well
A girl is your guardian angel"
"You're being stubborn, falling flat
Grinning like a Cheshire cat"
"Love-struck in your affair
you want to vanish into thin air"
"I don't like your advice
I'm not acting, guys"
"I haven't as yet built
my fort of love to the hilt"
"Why this love, painful misfit?
In this clash there's no benefit"
"Don't flip for love, dear chap
Love loves to pile-up as mishap"
"If you hit on a girl all day through
people will start maligning you"
"Don't walk into this trap, dude"
"Your mind generally
derides girls easily"
"Zip your lips, buddy"
"Even the best of kings fell to dust
thanks to a woman, love and lust"
"A girl isn't worthy of your trust"
"If she gave up her mother
nothing else will matter"
"Don't go overboard, partner"
"Don't crave and then fade
So said sages, love they forbade"
"Don't dump a girl and then regret
So said Kannadasan the poet"
"Because of your love-mode
you'll be stranded in a road"
"I want this love-addict
There isn't any conflict"
"A friend for life, partner as well
A girl is your guardian angel"
"First she will give a go-go
Later she will say a no-no"
"This is Love of the day
Let it go away"
"She'll lend her hand very willing
She'll wipe your tears most loving"
"Thanks to her, I'll become
Superman so awesome"
"Didn't Majnu suffer dear
because of Laila's behavior?"
"Don't blow the conch of love, here"
"But for Laila's love
this earth won't revolve"
"Don't lie so glib
And stand here to crib"
"Don't grin stupidly
or be insulted badly"
"My 2p worth, listen to me"
"Love is not bound by time
Will never be a crime"
"So I will say for my love sublime"
"Because of a girl, trust me
stranded on the road you'll be"
Shailaja, please stop for a minute
Think about what I'm saying leisurely
I wasn't even in town
I knew about it
only much later
Had I been there, I wouldn't
have let this happen
You would've resorted
to murder, huh?
Why are you also
talking like them?
You feel proud killing people,
separating lovers or getting into a fight
I don't feel proud
Uncle was angry because of
his love for his daughter
How am I to blame?
Is it love to gatecrash into
his daughter's boyfriend's house?
It's called frenzy
Don't call it love
and degrade love!
I'm not like before
Only now I realize
what I did was wrong
I've changed
You don't have to change
for anyone's sake
Continue your social service
just like before
Forget me
Listen to me
for a minute
How can I be blamed for
an event in my absence?
Maybe you weren't aware of this
But you're responsible
for bringing it this far
Take your hands off my scooty
The other day I came to
talk to you only for my brother
I had no other intention
Don't come to see me again
Anbu is here
We'll come back later
- We came only to kill him
- Right, come on
They are fated to end up
as only dead bodies
Considering the election
is round the corner-
10 goons have hit him
What if it had been fatal?
Losers don't think of all that
Having the upper hand
we should be patient
Say some nonsense
and zip my lips!
I want to talk to you, anna
- What?
- Let go of Anbu
Don't drag him into politics
To further your career
don't make him a scapegoat
How can you be
so rude to our boss?
He's my one and only son
I just want him to be happy
I don't know about your wants
I think of Anbu as my son
If he has a problem
you will shed tears
I will be boiling mad
As if he won't be
fond of his nephew
Which room is he in?
# 6, uncle
- He was a changed man
- Try this fruit
Hello, uncle
I was wondering why
he hadn't shown his face
What's all this?
Just minor injuries
Only the bandages are big!
What did the doctor say?
I'll be discharged
tomorrow morning
Leave right now
I'll get you out of here
Okay, uncle
Chief doctor's verdict
My shirt, ma
Uncle must be right
Give him the shirt
Inform the doctor
and go home
I'll come home soon
Come along, uncle
Take care
What's that big dot
on your forehead?
Did you carry out my orders?
We slashed his limbs
and his forehead, bro
Only thing we didn't do is
garnish him with spices
He's floating in blood
It will be a miracle
if he survives
You've cut him to pieces
like you're a tailor!
Must be a professional butcher
How can we not comply
to your orders, bro?
So what?
I asked you to tap him
in a few places
Not dissect him to pieces
If I had paid you
Rs 50,000 more...
...looks like you would've
even chopped his uncle
We'll do anything for you, bro
Don't go overboard
Then the election will
come to a grinding halt
Instead of announcing
to the whole world...
...get your money
for services rendered
I meant sis-in-law!
Why trouble yourself?
I'd have come over
if only you had called
I didn't want to trouble you
Are you aware
Anbu is in hospital?
Will I spare the fellow who steps
into our house and creates trouble?
I asked my boys to
beat him up
But they bruised him
black and blue
No one will cause
any problems hereafter
They barged into
my house, right?
How does it affect you?
Why do you poke
your nose unnecessarily?
Shailu, why are you
treating me like a stranger?
Thank God only minor injuries
Otherwise it would have
blown out of proportion again
You call this 'minor'?
Anbu is floating in
a stream of blood
Hanging on to his life
by a slim thread
That tuft head is waiting to
get his balance payment
I don't want to be
the cause of his death
Last warning
Stop with this
Or else I'll myself
complain against you
Shailu, I did all this for you
Even if you scold me
I'll gladly accept it
She loves you a lot
She's threatening to
register a case against me
It looks like love to you?
Though grown up
you're still a blockhead
If a child does
something wrong...
...don't we tell the teacher
to reprimand the child?
Same way, it's election time
Who will face the brunt
if you are in a soup?
That's why she is warning
her future husband
Like a nutcase, you are
oblivious to even this!
Take that tuft-ie inside
I must learn a lot from you!
I get hit for being honest
Told you to slash him with a knife,
you nicked him with a blade
He admitted himself
in hospital for a few nicks!
Why did you bring me here?
Nomination for the election-
Good morning, sir
How are you?
I'm fine, sir
Sign here
Why should I sign, uncle?
I'm not standing for
chairman's post this time
You are
Sign here
How can I stand
superseding you?
Does he want
his uncle to die?
I've thought this over
Go ahead and sign
Trust your uncle and sign
From now on you are
our beacon of light
Keep quiet
1st must show him
the way to the cemetery
2 minutes, let me take your
nephew aside to convince him
Listen to me
What's this?
Come aside please
Listen to us
You don't realize
your own strength
Come out and
see for yourself
You'll know why
we want you to stand
Come out
Think you're our
evergreen hero MGR!
Even the 2 stray dogs there
might get up and go away
You bragged about my strength
and I can't see a single soul here
That's why, listen to me
If we should have...
...a fan following and
influence of our own should stand
in the election
And win
Most important, do you want
to marry Shailaja or not?
How the heck are
the 2 connected?
Come aside please
Your uncle is the one preventing
the 2 groups from merging into 1
When you become the chairman
you will have complete authority
You can do
whatever you think
If you merge the 2 groups
not just Shailaja...
...marriage, kiss, kids
All that's possible
Look at me, partner
I can't look
Just speak up
There will be a 1000 good reasons
for a single bad deed by your uncle
Knowing or unknowing he has
done something good for you
Think of the good in this
- Confusion confounded!
- What are you saying?
Grab this golden chance
That's all I can say
Politician Anbu Selvam
Long live!
He's standing
for chairman's post
You don't even know
what you're cheering for
Dude, count him as 1 vote
You say so?
Chairman Anbu Selvam
Long live!
Dude, you're contesting
in the coming election?
Yes, I am
In your town anyone
can contest, huh?
- Told you to pack him off
- What are you hinting at?
Taking a dig at me?
I'll tear your passport to pieces
You won't be able to
go back to your country
Who is rejoicing so soon?
Must be our boys
Shailaja is only opposing you
in this election, dude
Are you joking?
Candidate Shailaja
I swear I didn't know about this
The auspicious time will pass
Think yourself to be
hero Mohanlal from 'Iruvar'!
Anbu is contesting this time
Is that so?
Then we are sure to win
You promised to unite us
and now we are lifelong rivals!
If you're opposing Sevalapandian,
then you can think twice
The whole town
knows Anbu's calibre!
Sweeping victory for us
Go ahead and sign
Don't you agree?
This is the same dialog
you spoke to your father
I spoke this same line
even to my grandfather
We belong to
the 'Ghajini' family
That's why you keep losing!
She has signed
We've won
Let's go
"Youre a jewel in the crown
Precious crown of our town"
"We pull and push with devotion
Our graceful chariot in slow motion"
"You are a brick of gold
Lions cub bold"
"Youll from now on be
Talk of the town celebrity"
Take grandma's blessings
Think of me as your son
and vote for me, grandma
Our votes are for you
Bless you, my son
Where are you going?
I requested them
to vote for us
There's more to come
I'll get porridge from
one of these houses
You'll drink it
We'll click photos
And print it in every
newspaper possible
Votes will pile in heaps
Can't enter an unknown hous-
I'll organize all that
Let me get you
the porridge
Don't barge into
an empty house
I need to finish
2 more streets
He's a real pain!
Drink it up, bro
Click a good snap
We should get
a blow-up tomorrow
You goddamn thieves!
Why did you barge
into my house?
Didn't you hear me?
Answer me
Wretched fellows!
You drank up whatever
porridge I had saved for myself
You'll rot in hell
Bloated like a buffalo
Why can't you work hard
than steal my food?
Are you brainless?
Why do you make us starve?
Sesame oil, kerosene,
castor oil, whatever
If my opponent loses
why should I bother?
His symbol is a lamp it seems
If the wind blows
you'll be snuffed out
If the wind blows
we'll fly high in the sky
We'll fly even with our tails
snipped or our strings snapped
With wind as our ally
we'll fly and touch the sky
If you vote for Anbu... them that video
Our land that's in a state of
drought without water...
...will transform into
a lush green environment
You changed our green pastures
into dry, hard, brown lands
Bloody scoundrels!
Send them out
Because volunteers from
the opposition camp barged in...
...I request our boys
to send them out
A gentleman,
a big shot asked...
'...Why have you
ruined a good town?'
They beat him up and
sent him to a hospital
Uncle and son are
together looting our town
Violence, bloodshed
paid Panchayat, rowdyism
Murder, suicide, should you
get your hands dirty like this?
All of you remember to vote
What he said was, our Anbu
will win with a maximum margin
Obama has prophesied this
They claim that foreign fellow
is Obama's personal secretary
Let me share the honest truth
about that fair skinned boy
He came here to see
Suruli hills like-
They grabbed his passport
and making him run in circles
They claim he is
Obama's right hand
But they don't know
his parents are looking for him
Into the enemy's den
enters this lioness
Stop the car
What temerity!
She has a genuine law degree
under her hat, your sister
She is Jhansi Rani
of South India
She will address you now
Why are you standing
behind a female?
To protect her from
scumbags like you
Go ahead, talk
Till now no one has come
from our party soliciting votes
We haven't let anyone in
- We are here now
- She might get angry!
I believe you will vote according
to one's capability and not caste
Rub it in!
Are there good schools here
for your children to study in?
Shouldn't your children study well and
secure good jobs outside our town?
- No need
- Of course they should
Without discriminating on caste basis,
regard me as one of you and vote for me
For sure
For atrocity to be assaulted
For peace to spread
Vote for the lamp
You're the only politician
to support the opposing candidate
Did you see how she kept
waving her hand at me fondly?
In your dreams!
To get votes, she's waving at
octogenarians to toddlers
You're taking her calculated
gesture so personally
Won't you say a few nice words
just to make me feel good?
Having you with me is
a bane than a boon!
Didn't she wave to me?
Yes, she did
- Tell him
- We'll win
Will he spare you
if you say no?
Is this crowd enough?
Do you want more?
Is this army enough for you?
Or you want more for us to prove?
Cast your votes
for our kite symbol
We'll address them from here
Why did you ask him to stop?
We are the center of
everyone's stares!
If that girl could ask
votes in our area...
...shouldn't we have
the same guts she has?
That's why I asked him
to stop here
I haven't come here
to solicit votes
That's common knowledge
Whatever you think happened
with my knowledge...
...all that happened
without my knowledge
Cast aside the anger you feel
against me for a moment
And think deeply
You'll get enlightened
I don't know what more to add
I am hoping you'll understand
I end my speech
with this, thank you
Vote...we came here
to ask for votes
Greetings to all
Vote for the lamp symbol
Our symbol is kite, dude
I meant in Telugu!
Very clear!!
Lamp is our symbol
Can I announce?
Have you double checked?
Go ahead and announce, sir
At the end of the last round
Anbu Selvan has got 24100 votes
Shailaja, his opponent
has got 24101 votes
She has won with
a margin of 1 vote
Why are you still seated here?
Leave now
This land that made Kamaraj lose...
...hasn't spared you either
- Go...go
- Uncle wants me
Come on
Show your strength now
Justice has won
after 20 years
Ask the police
to shoo them
Not one of them
should be around
(general uproar)
What's your problem now?
They cheated us
You think we'll lose by 1 vote
- True, I agree
- Answer me
Nowadays no one can do
anything hanky-panky
It's all electronic now
Ask them to count once more
Will you shut up?
They are big time frauds
Shut up!
They will keep creating a ruckus
You go in
I'll handle this
Even if I have won, to make
my dreams come true...
...I need your cooperation
You don't even have to ask
My cooperation is
always guaranteed
Aren't you feeling sad you lost?
I never thought I should win
I am very happy you won
Only grievance is you never
understood me till the very end
What makes you say that?
Of course I know
Even though I was
mad at you... didn't hold
that against me
You came all the way to
my area and said all that
I've opened my heart out
You're the one
still tongue-tied
I told you I understood you
How else do I make it obvious?
So...okay, huh?
I won only in the election
But you won my heart
"Your smooth waist like yam typified
My eyes by your bosom mesmerized"
"Your waist like yam symbolized
My eyes on your bosom hypnotized"
"Like a thread don't splice me
Don't resist me daily, my sweetie"
"Your smile like coconut grater alluring
Sweet as honeyed toffee appetizing"
"Don't get me wrong anyway"
"Night and day
don't shirk me away"
"I'll pamper if you come, birdie-bride
Sideline me for a lifetime to your side"
"Fix a good date and willingly
tie the sacred thread, marry me"
"Your waist like yam symbolized
My eyes on your bosom hypnotized"
"Like a thread don't splice me
Don't resist me daily, my sweetie"
"I'm a bull from Kangeyam wild
I turned into a cow thanks to you, child"
"My sari covering my fevered chest
thanks to you is at its blushing best"
"Till the sun goes to bed, dear
you'll be a treasure superior"
"When the moon comes to play
you'll open my treasure chest to inlay"
"You'll tremble and quiver when I tease
You'll steal me whole and enjoy the feast"
"Your smile like coconut grater alluring
Sweet as honeyed toffee appetizing"
"Don't get me wrong anyway"
"Night and day
don't shirk me away"
"I'll pamper if you come, birdie-bride
Sideline me for a lifetime to your side"
"Fix a good date and willingly
tie the sacred thread, marry me"
Hari, Sivakumar, Saravanan, Kar-
Tell one name at a time
How can I write if you
rattle off names like this?
I was in a hurry
in case I forget
Okay, write
Hey! Where are you slinking out
with the wedding in a week's time?
I am going to
see Sukanya, ma
You don't have to go
Ask her to come here
If she wants to go to the temple
will you ask God to come here?
How silly of you, akka!
If some madcap talks ill of her
the way you blabbered that day...
...what do we do then?
We shouldn't suspect
our own children
If you don't trust me
send uncle along with me
That sounds like a plan
Come along, uncle
Lets go, dear
What will I tell my husband
if he asks where she is?
Tell him I am chaperoning her
Don't dash into the flower stall
Why did you stop here?
I need to buy a garland?
For what?
My friend's wedding
I had promised
to get the garlands
Why can't they buy?
I had volunteered to buy
the garlands on behalf of the bride
You take responsibility
for everything
What am I here for?
Good afternoon, bro
How much is a garland?
Rs 100, bro
2 garlands?
Rs 200
I'll come back and pay you
Speed up, dear
The auspicious time
shouldn't pass
They will be waiting
for the garlands
Don't go on
blah blah blah
Just get down
Why are you here?
Not going to
the wedding hall?
No, uncle
Is your friend getting married
without the folks being aware?
Not really
Her uncle knows
Then it's fine
I thought maybe the uncle
is kept out of the picture
Where is your friend?
Here he is
Good afternoon
He is the groom?
Then the bride?
Me of course
What are you saying?
Vino, I hope no one
saw you stepping out
No one did
My uncle brought me
safe and sound
I brought you here?
Are you pulling a fast one?
Who else?
Who bought the garlands?
Wretched female!
If your father gets angry
he'll beat me to a pulp
You're taking revenge
bottling it within you
Thanks, brother-in-law
Uncle, thanks in plenty
You'll end up in the cemetery!
You have a phone?
You didn't get me a phone
No one will even believe me
My phone is in my pocket
And I forgot in
my agitated mind set
I'll be right back
He might call your-
Get lost!
What if he calls your father?
Won't you listen to me?
Yes, uncle
Anbu, without my knowledge
Vinodhini is marrying Satish
Are you joking?
I swear this is true
Trust me
Come immediately to
the registrar's office
If I don't tell my brother-in-law
he will chop me to pieces
We've been duped
Fill in the register
Are you the chap who gets
all these runaway-lovers married?
What do you think of yourself?
Vino only!
Don't shout and bring
the whole town here
Your father wants you to be
married in front of the whole town
Wait till Anbu comes
Aiyo! Vino, come this side
Your uncle-
Not only did she get married
behind our back
She made me
buy the garlands
When she asked you to buy the garlands
did the cat get your tongue?
Why didn't you call us then?
I told you she fooled us
Ask her about it
Her uncle-
Give me the garland
Hold it, dear
You're encouraging them
instead of ending it
Even if she hadn't
taken this decision...
...I would have
got them both married
If I should weigh
my uncle's prestige...
...versus my sister's happiness
...her life wins hands down
You exchange garlands
That's it!
Who will sign as witness?
I will, sir
He has signed!
Another witness?
Oh not me!
Hope it doesn't get worse
What trouble will she brew?
He's the one who-
No one is here
to make trouble?
Come with me
Is this a sudden plan
or premeditated plan?
What's your hassle?
You did this rashly
Do you know the repercussions
if your uncle finds out?
I am ready to face
any consequence
But we don't want
to be thrashed
Have we ever done
any good deed till now?
Let our 1st good deed
be for my sister's benefit
If your uncle knows
he will chop you to pieces
You'll be the 1st to be pickled
You chaperoned her
Looks like you'll join hands
and make me the scapegoat
Why are you flustered?
Keep quiet
I'll tackle everything
Save me from-
He has come, huh?
Famous for his non-stop chatter!
Look at the groom
He's like a great warrior
Give me your hand
I wanted to
but you did it!
Whole town knows
you don't have the guts
They just brag
No action
You tossed our
enemy's dignity in mid air
What's that snigger in aid of?
Good lord!
Your uncle is here
Now this will blow
out of proportion
'Father of the girl'
I'm leaving
You bring Vino home
safe and sound
Before we stepped in
they got married
Why should we be scared?
Nowadays even a bad man
leads a good comfortable life
You're by nature bad
So only bad things
will befall you
Your sister has eloped!
Shut up
How dare you
malign our girl?
I'll thrash all of you
Hey! All of you keep quiet
No one eloped
No one was forced
They got married
because they wanted to
Don't create any
problems unnecessarily
Let them have
that pleasure!
You lost your position
Then your daughter
Now your dignity
Why do you raise your tone
at the drop of a hat?
You'll pounce whenever
anyone falls in love?
You humiliated me when my son
ran away with your daughter
Barging into my house
you brought the roof down
Now you're standing
silently here
Are you ashamed?
Why don't you get a rope
and hang yourself?
How dare you?
Take whatever action
you need to according to law
Hold on!
They only know
to raise their voices
Pin drop silence here
like watching a horror film
When lovers elope this man
will wander in a murderous rage
Now it is his own daughter
who has got married
Wonder what he'll do
I'm also trembling in fear
But am I not acting
like I am confident?
You do the same
They have abducted our girl
because his daughter is the chairman
If we ignore their atrocious behavior
we'll lose our respect
Just say the word
We will kill the entire family
during the temple festival
I meant it as figure of speech
And he is agreeing
Shut up
Anbu, because of my daughter
I've been made to bow my head
Same way I want him
to bow his head in disgrace
Bring his girl here
Marry her
How can I marry a girl
from that fami-
I know you wouldn't be inclined
But do what I say
Get married to her
Let us challenge him
In the history of
Indian cinema...
...your uncle is the 1st villain
to unite the hero and heroine
How majestic!
Did your uncle rant and rave
to chop all of us into pieces?
I can't tell you all that now
Meet me at the temple
tomorrow at 6:00 a.m
We'll talk in person
I can't come
Tell me right now
To take revenge
on your family...
...thinking he's very smart
he is making huge plans
Your uncle is being smart?!
Will you meet me
tomorrow or not?
Yes, I will
But why so early in the morning?
Will it be decent
if I call you at night?
Whatever happens I'll see you
tomorrow early morning, okay?
Now hang up the phone
See you tomorrow
I'll tie the sacred thread
around your neck tomorrow
What the heck?
Don't be scared
He's our Bill
His face flashes
gleaming white at night
That's why I blackened his face
How do you
like my idea?
How do I kidnap that girl
with these imbeciles around?
Okay, fine
Why were you late?
I ironed my dhoti
Are we here to
look at a bride for you?
We're here to
kidnap a girl
Some of us have even forgotten
to wear our underwear
You're bothered about
creases in your dhoti?
This can be an 'action' block
Or an usual comedy
Be prepared for either
Are we doing the right thing?
Who knows!
Have you ever seen me
bend my head in disgrace?
I have
I didn't ask you
I'm asking you
So we can assume
I bowed my head in disgrace
at the registrar's office yesterday
Our own friend has changed
after splitting so many lovers
Why shouldn't we change?
We owe it to him to kidnap
his girl and unite her with him
What do you mean?
No time now
to explain
Finally we've been pushed
into kidnapping a girl, dude
Don't feel bad
At 6:00 a.m she will step out
to draw the 'kolam' at her porch
Right time to grab her
and drive away in the car
If she screams?
Whisper 'silence'
Stay right there
Don't fall into the gutter
Watch your step
Hey! Pull your 'dhoti' together
Especially when
it has been well ironed!
Don't ring the neighbor's bell
You hide now, come out
when I ask you to
Tell me when she comes out
I'll grab her
We planned everything neatly
She fainted in the blink of an eye!
I know how tough it is
to kidnap a girl only now
So heavy!
Careful, my skin might peel
Why is he calling me
at this unearthly hour?
Tell me
Seized successfully
What did you seize?
Instead of 'who'
he is asking 'what'?
Your girl, dude
We kidnapped your girl
Come and make her your wife
This is my gift
with all my love
Why did you kidnap her?
Can we kidnap
her mother instead?
Isn't Shailaja your girlfriend?
Shailaja loves me
She was about to
meet me at the temple
I am waiting for her
Why did you butt in like this?
Shailaja is in love with you?
Why didn't you
tell us this earlier?
Why didn't you tell me
you intended kidnapping her?
Only if we tell you
we plan to kidnap her...'ll tell us
she loves you, huh?
Where are you now?
'Tree shop'
In our timber depot
Be right there
I'll land up now
You bloody blockheads!
You've tied her up too tight
Give me some water
Standing like a stupid statue
Gawd! Throw that away
You'll never reform, moron!
Why did you kidnap me?
You're educated, right?
I wanted to meet you at
the temple, you agreed
Then why would I kidnap you?
All thanks to this
You joined hands
with him, partner
Why did you kidnap me?
When you were on your way
to meet him, we gave you a lift
At 6:00 a.m you left with
your face layered in make up
Kidnap it seems
My uncle asked me to
kidnap and marry you
I asked you to meet me
only to share this news with you
These blockheads
were too hasty-
Anbu is here
Let's come back later
Shall we come back
2 days later?
Wherever you go
Finished reading the paper?
Get down
Damn you!
We have a purpose, remember
Anbu, do you remember?
Slashes on your limbs
and forehead!
I will first
slice your tongue
They have got themselves
in the right spot to be smashed
A lamp that's about to
extinguish will glow brighter!
The gate was open and
you zip zap zoomed for effect
My boss never breaks
anything with permission
Now he'll rip you apart
piece to piece
You're not even
in my list, fatso
Anbu, is this revenge time?
Not like that
Then what is this called?
Wind will ask me permission
before it touches Shailu!
How dare you touch
and kidnap her?
How can you lift her
without touching her?
Listen to me for a moment
I'm not one of your boys
to listen to your orders
I'm Shailu's fiance-
I hope these rowdies didn't
manhandle you, darling?
He's acting like a joker
And you're reacting
to his nonsense
I won't mess with any of them
You are the only target of my anger
Will you listen
to me for a mo-?
You don't have to say a word
I'll give you 5 minutes, finish these
boys and take them away
Isn't this what
you wanted to say?
You've seen me stand,
walk and run
Even watched me sleep
...partner, have you
seen me fight?
Sit in a corner and watch
What's happening here and
why are you playing the fool?
I am playing
The game you began!
I begin and win the game
He is acting over smart
Leave him
Don't hit
He isn't hitting you
You haven't seen
the old Mahesh Babu, right?
Go and roll in the mud
I'll see you as a grubby old man
Thrash him
Why are you pouncing on me?
Come on
All of them are busy fighting
Why are you lifting me around?
Put me down
Shailu, only 4 minutes left
I got cheated
I say this dialog always
You've stolen it from me!
Anbu and Shailaja
are already in love
They are in love?
He'll marry her
after we kidnap her?
That's enough for me
My nephew is truly a lion
Like uncle
like nephew!
Another 3 minutes left
He breaks all barriers
without permission, huh?
Take this with pleasure
Or else this will
come flying at you
I won't spare you
You might get hurt
Move aside
Hey! Nutcase uncle
Listen to me
I won't because there is
only 2 minutes left
Get lost!
In 1 minute flat,
your chapter will be closed
Anbu, he's my brother
Oh sorry, to-be-bro-in-law!
Don't get in my way
Will all your relatives be
henchmen all their lives?
Your family lacks even
the slightest decency
You're a fine one to
talk of decency!
Why waste time
talking to her?
Tie the sacred thread
Hey! What's that?
My uncle has helped us
knowing or unknowing
We won't get a better
chance than this either
So you'll marry me
in this crooked way?
If 2 people are willing
you said it is a mature love
I did
Then what?
Pray to God
He has married Shailaja there
They are hitting
each other here
He isn't giving me
a chance to explain
Don't hit your husband
God will be annoyed
Let us pray
Wrap up your game
Hey blue shirt!
Hey dumbass!!
I'll take care
Why are you here?
Sit in the car
I will join you
Can't you hear me?
Only 1 minute late
Why did you hit me?
Are you mad or what?
You think you're the Telugu Superstar
just because you share his name?
Anbu and I loved each other
Now we have
even got married
Hello uncle, come
What's all this?
I should be the one asking
They were minding
their own business
You provoked him at
the registrar's office
And instigated them
He married Shailaja
After everything is over... come and ask me
'what's all this?'
Let's go
When the groom's side
has accepted...
...won't the bride's side agree?
Let's get your father's blessings
Bless the couple, uncle
Get the blessings
of your bro-in-law too
Fatso, don't add fuel
Bless us
You made my fiance
fall at my feet, to be blessed!
I won't bless you
In the end
what a climax!
This was how it was
from the beginning
We knew the climax rather late
- Bro?
- Tell me
He pulled away your girl
Will you at least pull
the chariot tomorrow?
Before I pull the chariot
I'll pull a few punches on you
You muddled me up
by calling her...
...sis, sis-in-law...girl friend
Get lost
You sit in front like
as if it's your due!
Oh! No, it wasn't
a dig at you, uncle
- Where did you disappear?
- Don't add fuel to the fire!
I was shouting for help
and all of you ignored me
That blockhead lifted me
and stripped me of my 'dhoti'
All problem solved, right?
The biggest problem
is about to start
Tomorrow is the chariot festival
Even in ordinary times
they will act pricey
After this problem, both sides
will be on a murderous rage mode
- How will you sort this-
- Don't obsess too much
Come to the temple festival
and see for yourself tomorrow
Looks like it will result in
undiluted violence this time
I anticipated this
In my present condition
if I get hit on my head again...
...that's the end of me
Give it to me
Is he playing cricket?
I'm prepared this year
I'll definitely pull the chariot
How, sir?
The ones who were creating
the problem are willing to support
Welcome, sir
Anbu, will everything
go as per our plan?
I've trusted you
and taken this risk
Can't be more risky than
being here as Collector?
Follow our plan
I'll manage the rest
Let me repeat
my statement
This temple was
built by my ancestors
We should be given
the honors to pull the chariot
And the welcome ritual
has to be only for us!
Right, uncle?
Maybe they built the temple
but this property belongs to us
Can I speak instead
of you this time?
Not only that
We own the 18 villages
surrounding this area
At one point my family
ruled this land
Family that ruled the land
should be given the honors
That is our tradition
You are not willing to give up
our tradition at any cost
Collector must be right
What's right in what he said?
Did you rule at a stretch?
We also ruled in between
We ruled as much as you did
Only those who ruled
should pull the chariot?
That's all?
I'll ensure only those who ruled
will pull the chariot this year
What injustice!
When we locals are here...'re asking foreigners
to pull the chariot?
Quit our land
A tourist cannot become
a temple chariot puller
This is so goddamn unfair
You're talking of being unfair
It's more than 60 years
since the British left India
Even he has stopped
bragging about ruling us
You are not capable of
pulling a charity in unity
What the hell will you achieve?
In our democratic country
every voter is a ruler
I'll give you 5 minutes
Join hands and
pull the chariot
Otherwise I'll ask
all those foreigners to pull
The whites will pull the chariot
And we'll sell popsicles
in the crowd, huh?
If they want to pull, ask them to
push the road roller at the back
Will you shut up?
We can solve
our problem any time
If the foreigners pull the chariot
who will be humiliated?
This Collector seems
to be oblivious of this
That's why I am
asking you to pull
This year, all of us will
pull the chariot in unison
Will we be okay
with all this?
How can we?
Then let's join hands
and be united
Let's pull the chariot
All of you pray and
pull the temple chariot
(Holy chant)
May this chariot always
be pulled every year
Dude, not me
Don't worry
You pull
I'll deal with it
"With the grace of our Goddess
no discrimination between us"
"She is extremely generous"
"Her auspicious face
radiates confidence always"
"The people join hands to embrace"
"Thoughts to enhance
Progress and advance"
"Sky will shower profuse
flowers of many hues"
"Riches to grow
River of joy to flow"
"Love, happiness as a constant halo"
"Light of bliss is here to glow
Everything good will follow"
subtitled by rekhs
assisted by harini