Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2021) Movie Script

Okay, are you ready?
I guess.
And speeding.
What's that?
I want to start
with some questions.
Oh, got it.
Is it hard for you?
Has it been hard
for you since...
Not in the way that I think you
would think it would be, but...
Uh, it's pretty much
common knowledge
that it takes
at least 20 shells
to have a community.
That that's about the minimum
that you need to survive, so...
I think at first
I was thinking
we're not gonna make it.
But sometimes you just have
to disregard those rules
and think, "Well, actually,
the rule is
"that I want to be
having a good life
"and stay alive, and...
And not just survive,
but have a good life.
Tell me about
what's life like now?
It... Me? Uh...
I appreciate
its different beauties,
but it... it's not the way
I would've done things
if I was still in the group.
But they're not here.
So, that's why I have
the electric mixer.
- Ready?
- Mmm-hmm.
I mean,
I don't want my voice in it.
Well, that's up to you.
So, stop asking me
questions is what I'm saying.
Oh! Oh, okay.
Do your parents work?
Have you ever met a chef?
What happens
if you break this?
Have you ever eaten
a raspberry?
Um, and what was that like?
Are you gonna ask me
Oh, man, this is weird.
I don't want
my voice in it.
How am I supposed
to ask you questions?
There are actually
only two of us now.
...and my grandmother,
Nana Connie.
Back when the man
and the woman lived here,
there were a lot of us.
More sounds and smells
and, uh, things to say
'cause there were
more people to talk to.
- There... A stage.
- All right!
Ah! Up.
These days, it's quieter.
Give me some levels.
Give... Give you some levels?
Just, like,
talk a little bit.
Like, oh, uh...
- Hello, my name is...
- Darn it.
It's not the first time
I've done that.
My name is Marcel,
and I'm partially a shell
as you can see on my body,
but I also have shoes,
and, um, a face.
So, I like that about myself,
and I like myself,
and I have a lot of
other great qualities as well.
That was perfect.
Is this
the wild tone right now?
- Yes.
- Ugh.
Just stay still
for 30 seconds.
How long you gonna...
What are you trying to do
with all this?
I'm making, like,
a little documentary
that I might put online.
- Online?
- Yeah.
Eh, you lost me.
Are you okay?
Itchy. Are you recording?
Right now?
Well, what should
I be doing?
Just, well,
don't do anything.
Just do whatever
you'd normally be doing,
like if I weren't here.
Where'd you
get the rope?
Uh, It... I... I'll show you.
I come to the bathroom,
I get these curly hairs.
They're the strongest
'cause you have to uncurl it,
but, um, then you can see
it's really long and strong.
Hey, what are you laughing at?
We call 'em hardy hairs.
This is the arboretum,
a collection of trees
that a community keeps alive,
but I do like to talk to them,
and plants like to have
classical music played for them.
Mozart and Brahms,
it helps them grow faster.
This is my bread room.
Uh, it's a bedroom,
but I sleep
on a piece of bread,
so I...
Whoa, sorry.
He's just saying hi.
I actually
like the concept
of having a dog.
Oh, God, I can smell his face.
But I just tie a hair
to a piece of lint,
and I drag it around.
I love you.
Come on. Come on.
That's it.
Sometimes, people say
that my head is too big
for my body.
And then I say,
"Compared to what?"
Sometimes, if I don't have
a way to itch my itch,
the only thing I can do is
I just stand there.
I just let it get me
and I just...
I just have to scream it out.
He's your best friend?
Don't you know any other
guys or...
Hmm. I never get it
the first time.
Oh, dang it.
Oh! Go, go, go!
Boom! There it is.
You miss a 100% of the shots
you don't take.
That's a quote.
I didn't make that up.
It's by a famous sports player
named Wayde...
Wayde Gansdy...
What is it?
Way... Whale...
Whale Gensky.
Are you thinking of Wayne...
Gensky. Whale...
Could that be his name?
Whale Jetski?
- Wake... Lake... Jake?
- Well...
Wayne Jet... Jet... Get...
This is my stockpile.
All right,
so, we got your basics here.
I got couple of almonds.
I have a dozen peanuts.
It's basically your dry goods.
You got a craisin
with the raisins,
but the craisin
sits to the side
because it is a treat. Uh...
Is this an inhaler?
It's like... It's like a slide
or something...
Like, I don't even actually
know what it this is.
Where did
you get that from?
From one of the people
that stayed here for a night.
Did you take anything from me?
What is wrong with you?
I didn't know.
Give me that.
I didn't know what it was.
So, these are
all the parts put together.
And then now what?
I'm gonna put it
on the Internet,
and people can watch it.
Oh, no.
Your soda can
is almost empty.
Hold on one second.
All right.
I don't know
why you would...
What... What is
cleaning the house
if all she does is
move things around,
and disturb
the entire environment?
She doesn't.
She's doing dishes right now.
She's the harbinger
of the vacuum.
I can't tell her
to go home.
I mean, that's her
scheduled cleaning.
But why?
She was hired
by the lady that is, like,
the Airbnb host.
What? The...
Mmm, what is Airbb?
To clean.
Oh, that's you! Oh, who's she?
Oh... I don't...
Oh, wow, wait, what?
That's outside of here.
Somehow, this has
kind of turned
into like a computer hotel?
Sort of, yeah.
Why did you decide...
Why are you here?
I had to move
out of my old place,
so I'm staying here
until I find a new one.
Why did you have to move out?
Uh, that's personal.
You never talked to anyone
who stayed here before?
People don't usually
notice us.
Aw, dang it.
I got to go check
on Nana Connie
if this lady's gonna
be running the vacuum.
This is the rover. Ow!
It's a good thing I don't,
like, "care" care
about this car because I can't
figure out
where I'm going in this thing.
Oops, what was that? Sorry.
No, no, no. Arthur.
Hopefully, she's right
around the corner here.
And there she is.
That's a load off.
Can you just wait here
for one sec
because I do think that
with you and with the camera,
- it's just I... That I...
- Okay.
I just want to warn her. Yeah.
Brown head-hair,
and he has glasses.
You want me to leave?
No, no, no, no, no! I want you
to stay is what I...
- Yeah.
- Just careful
- where you step.
- Yeah, I know.
- I just brought him by.
- You're making what?
A documentary.
It's like...
Oh, it's like a movie,
but nobody has any lines,
and nobody even knows
what it is
while they're making it.
That's sort of a way
to put it, yeah.
No, I just am making
a little video portrait.
- About Marcel?
- Yeah.
- A... A film?
- Uh, yeah.
It's like the truth, kind of.
It's a...
And it's the truth
about Marcel?
I mean, I hope so.
I guess
he could really spin it,
and make me
look like a total...
So, this is your garden
out here, huh?
- Yes.
- Beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you for the aromas.
My house
was very popular.
I had lots of friends.
And if you told me then,
many years ago,
that I would've spent
so much time in a garden,
I would've said,
"Are you kidding?"
Okay, you see these ones?
You can feel them.
They're not quite ripe,
but in a few days,
they would be.
It wasn't easy.
I didn't know anything
about farming.
Because when the couple
still lived here,
there was always food.
In the pantry, in the kitchen,
there were stacks
here and there.
But when they went away
the food disappeared.
So, I had to taught myself
how to farm.
"Planting, harvesting..."
She's always been
a pretty tough cookie.
Everything has a function
with her.
There's no one button
that's there for decoration.
- You know what I mean?
- Mmm-hmm.
She's just
like a backhoe.
But I will say you can
really see her tender side
when she's working
with the bugs.
Is she okay?
Yeah, she's okay,
she's a little loopy.
She had a little bit too much,
uh, nectar.
Vino fiore, right, Franny?
My community
found the bugs
to be deeply unlikeable.
Okay, we'll put her
here in the sun.
And in a few seconds,
she'll be dry.
But Connie's
made friends with many of them,
and in return, they actually
help her with the gardening. first,
found them a little yucky
but now I see their beauty.
I cannot
stand this thing.
Because they turn the soil,
they break it...
It's wonderful to have them.
His whole body looks
like his pants are off.
It reminds me
of Whoopi Goldberg
in Sister Act,
how she helps them
to do graffiti
in a meaningful way
or something, and...
Oh, there she goes.
- Oops!
- Ow, ow, ow.
She's gone.
Uh, sort of.
Oh, wow.
What is, uh...
What is this?
- Hmm?
- What's that?
What are you doing now
with Marcel?
Oh, I'm making a movie.
A documentary.
- About Marcel?
- Yeah.
A documentary? Uh, a film?
Ah, Marcel.
You remember, Nan,
we were just talking about it.
It's a movie,
and we're doing it
together, but...
- what I just said before.
- That's what you...
And we just joked about it.
- Yes.
- It's the truth,
but it's the truth about me...
She has lost
a small piece...
...of a very large puzzle.
Once or twice a week,
I'll find her in here,
snoozing in
the laundry basket and...
Is it bad for her
to be in here?
Yeah, it's not
the safest place to be.
You know, my cousin
fell asleep in a pocket,
and that's why
I don't like the saying,
"Everything comes out
in the wash,"
because sometimes it doesn't.
Or sometimes it does,
and they're just like
a completely different person.
'Cause after that,
my cousin would
just sit by the window
and wait for fire trucks
to go by.
Guess what I use
to tie my skis to my car.
A hair.
Guess what my...
Guess what my skis are.
Toe nails from a man.
Wait, hold on.
So, you're telling me that
84 different people have
just watched?
Yeah, isn't that cool?
I mean... Geez.
Just... Wow.
What do you
do when you get bored?
Uh, I move around.
I could tell
he's performing
a little bit for you,
- you know?
- Mmm-hmm.
Da, da, da, da.
You're giving him a stage.
It's good for him.
One, two...
The stage makes him feel good.
Playful. He needs that.
He hasn't been able
to get that
since the others
were taken from us.
Okay, so do you just want me
to start at the beginning?
I don't actually know
how it started,
but the man and the woman
started to yell at each other
more often than they would
talk to each other.
You'd just hear
these big noises from the sky,
and my cousin's house
fell down this one time
when the office door
got slammed.
We started
to have a shelter plan.
We all go to the sock drawer,
and so everyone
will be safe there.
This was a Sunday,
and everybody gets together,
and we all watch 60 Minutes
as a community.
60 Minutes, the...
Yeah. So, this is
where we were...
- And...
- Every week, all of you?
Yeah. We love it.
We just call it "The show."
That's how much we love it.
Who's Lesley?
Lesley Show.
She likes Lesley Stahl.
I'm Lesley Stahl...
She blows cases wide open,
and she's got class.
...tonight on 60 Minutes.
We could tell
that something was the matter
because the clock
started ticking...
...and it was just
the two of us there.
It was a big one.
And we had...
We had no warning.
What we think is that
everybody scooted
into the sock drawer,
and, uh...
And the man just...
...dumped all the drawers
into a suitcase.
And then he left.
And that's...
That's how they got moved.
Do you want a tissue?
Do you mind if I just
plop into it real quick?
This can be
our last thing.
It's always what they say
on the days
when you have
a really keen sense
of being lost
or losing something,
that it...
It often feels like
the sun shines the brightest.
And then the next day,
there was a really sunny day
with a good breeze.
And I just remember thinking,
"if I was somebody else,
"I would really be
enjoying this."
Whoa! Geez.
Okay, here it is.
So, tell me a little bit
about who you put on here.
I put,
first and foremost,
my parents,
Catherine and Mario,
next to each other
with a heart.
My brother is here and here...
...and I put my music teacher,
The Maestro.
I love that one,
it sounds like Taps.
Do you know that?
Yeah. Do you want
to hear Taps?
Do you feel angry?
Uh, I just feel angry
that we didn't have
a better goodbye.
Who would you
say goodbye to?
I'd like to say goodbye
to my neighbors, the Costas.
Goodbye, the Costas,
even though we had
a language barrier.
You were my neighbors.
You always liked to garden.
Goodbye, Richard, you were
the worst singer in our class,
but I loved how you let me
cut you in line.
Goodbye, Anka,
your sense of timing
is one of the worst.
Bye, Sandra,
you were my favorite author.
Goodbye, Mrs. Kim.
The time that you ate
a pepper flake
and it made you fly
into the wall
was one of the funniest
yet most serious accidents
any of us ever witnessed,
and you bore it
with great grace and bravery.
Goodbye, Brad.
Thank you so much
for rolling that marble
into my bread room.
I still keep it to this day.
Yep. And that...
And there they all are.
- Guess why I smile a lot.
- Why?
Uh, 'cause it's worth it.
Uh, whatcha doing?
Looking for apartments.
So, do you have
any plans tonight?
I'm gonna...
- Give me that.
- No! No!
Marcel, look at this.
It... Aren't I...
Wait. Is this normal for you?
No, this never happens.
- It's so cool.
- 22 million?
It's wonderful.
Yeah, it's, uh, broad...
Broad spectrum of emotions.
I didn't even know
there were that many people.
now jump really hard.
Have you guys seen
Marcel the Shell?
It's a YouTube video.
My name is Marcel,
and I'm partially a shell.
My name is Marcel,
and I'm a shell as you can see
on my body, but...
Oh, so nice. a beanbag?
A raisin.
The wildly popular
online character,
Marcel the Shell
With Shoes On...
Marcel the Shell
With Shoes On.
"When the kush hit..."
"Kush"? What is kush?
It goes so deep, and...
They got tattoos.
It's just
so many people, I...
I kind of regret this tattoo.
Here it is.
It's like a snail.
Um, I just saw it online,
but it was like super puffy
the day after,
and I don't know why,
and the tattoo guy
couldn't say why.
And then,
a couple of months later,
I found out that I...
Today, I'm going to be
popping popcorn
with a magnifying glass.
So right now we have...
all these people,
and... And we're all
looking at the same thing,
and we're all doing
the same thing.
We're watching the guys...
It's beautiful. And...
And it feels like...
I don't even know
how to describe it.
It feels like something.
Move, move, move!
It's really lovely.
Are you okay?
Yes, yes. I'm okay. I'm okay.
So, are you
going to eat it?
You can eat this stuff?
Yeah, dude!
What does it taste like?
Oh, my gosh,
you're gonna love it.
So good, isn't it?
It's all been really fun,
and having
all this happen, and...
And, uh...
You know, it's so big feeling,
and it's so nice.
Let it go! Let it go!
The other part of it
is I think I find
my mind wandering a bit
just thinking,
what would my family think,
and really noticing
that they're not here
to share it with me.
I do wonder what...
What my dad would say,
what my mom would say,
and, yeah...
I think they'd like it a lot.
Oh! There she goes.
Oh, beautiful.
There must be
so many others like me.
It's impossible
that there wouldn't be,
and not just my family.
They're out there.
Somewhere out there.
Every time I do this,
that dog goes totally crazy.
He sees something
truly elegant in the sky,
and this is his reaction?
What a sad type of idiot.
Wow, this is...
Well, yeah, I don't
think that's gonna yield much.
No. Right, but...
- Probably.
- You know...
What's the matter?
Do you think
they could be out there?
Uh, I mean...
All right,
I think that's it.
We are live streaming.
And do I look at you,
or should I look
right into the thing?
Quick, uh, no, the camera.
It's gonna take a picture.
Okay, well...
Hi, everybody.
It's Marcel from before,
and I'm recording this video
because I'm looking
for my family.
They were last seen
with this man.
His name is Mark.
They disappeared
from the house
owned by a woman
named Larissa.
Here it is.
What we do
is manage properties
that are on the short-term
rental market,
so if somebody's
out of town for a long time
and just wants to rent a place
for a while, we do that.
So would you
give me her number?
If there's a problem
with the property,
I can send someone out,
but I can't give you
any personal information.
Uh-huh. Hey, have you
ever eaten a raspberry?
Darn it.
Just go for it.
This is what they
look like. Uh, right here,
and here and here.
Um, I made this
just to give you a sense
of who to be
on the lookout for.
Sorry. I think I need
a little help here.
Oh, Dean, come on.
Because of what you're doing.
It's exciting.
It's a good scene.
You could...
You could still film it.
You can just put
the thingy on the thing.
How would you do it
if I wasn't here?
There's a lot of times
where I just don't get stuff
that I need.
You are here. That's actually
what the truth of it is.
Yeah, but I don't
want to be in it.
That's, like, defeats
the whole point of this.
You know, Dean,
have you ever thought that...
your life might be
a bit less lonely
and a bit more integrated
if you took the time
to connect with somebody
and not just make videos
about them?
Thank you.
And lastly,
this picture here
shows the car
that Mark drove away in.
It is a teal Mishibibi.
- Mitsubishi.
- Mitsi-ibitsy.
- And...
- Mitsubishi.
What is it?
Please leave any tips
or any helpful comments
in the section below.
Thank you. Have a great day.
Update, guys,
I think we found it.
It's Marcel's house.
It's Marcel Shell's house.
Do you think you can
get in there right now?
- Oh, someone' s coming.
- Go.
We got to go.
Follow for more
- celebrity homes.
- Just keep going.
Are they...
Are they here to help?
Don't feel that
this is the task force
I was hoping for.
There's so much nothing.
"She's the best."
"She"? What?
But my dad has pink shoes.
So did my grandfather.
So cute.
Ugh. Peace.
Uh, yeah. Obviously peace.
What a weird thing
to try to test
to see if someone else
is into.
Like, of course
I'm into peace.
No, sorry,
I'm a real war person.
No, war actually.
I sign all
my personal letters, "war."
"Let the battle begin.
You know, there's...
There is nothing in here
about finding them.
It's still a group of people,
but it's an audience.
It's not...
It's not a community.
Oh! What about the car?
What do you mean?
Mark drove away in a teal car.
So we can go look for it.
Like, if we find the car...
I don't think that's like...
That's not the way to...
Wow! Okay, so it actually
doesn't even seem that big.
I mean, it's big
but what we just need to do
is get up high,
and then maybe
we'll be able to spot his car.
What's, like, your mantel?
Like, when I need to
look out over the whole rug,
I get up high.
I get up on the mantel.
Do you see what I'm saying?
'Cause I can see...
Yeah, no, I got it.
Great, so we'll just head up
to the top of this thing,
and then
we'll be able to see it.
I don't think
we'll necessarily be able
to see it.
I actually disagree.
I don't think
it's a good idea because
if we're... if we don't
have, like, a plan,
then we're just,
sort of, flying blind.
And we might just
waste a lot of time
going around in circles.
Just put that there...
What's that for?
It's just in case
we get in a fight.
We're not
gonna get in any fights.
You said it was dangerous
out there.
It's dangerous
in a different way, so...
And you know what else?
I should probably
bring this match.
You don't need that.
Uh, just give me
one more minute.
I need some sort of a helmet.
All right,
so you've got the book.
You've got
a little bit of a raisin,
which I really don't think
you're gonna finish,
but you can go to town.
Go to town.
Also, you have
two drips of...
Look over here.
You have two drips of water.
You got an LED flashlight
in case the power goes out.
You just got to step on it
like this. See?
See how it... Whoa.
Sorry. But don't stand
right in front of it.
Finally, this is
the sparkler.
What you do is you light
this end on fire,
and then you step back.
This can act
as a flare, all right?
Why would I need it?
That's if you need
to signal for help.
And Dean's gonna leave you
his phone just in case.
What? No, I'm not.
Who will see the flare?
You know what? Now that
I'm thinking about it,
why don't we just
put the colander over you now
if you want?
All right, how's that?
You must let me out of here.
Do you want
Alan in there with...
- Oh, my God.
- It's okay.
I'm so sorry.
It's not a big deal. It's tiny.
I think I'm okay.
God, I am so sorry.
Oh, my God.
How many times a day
do you throw up in your car?
There's a car. That...
That's a teal, but, uh,
but that's more like, mmm...
I've never seen a lake
except for in a picture.
Let's do it.
Uh, I think I'm gonna cry.
It's very beautiful.
There's fountains in the lake.
And another car. And a car.
And a car. And a...
There's a lot of places
to get tattoos.
"Psychic love expert."
Wow, I bet... Wow.
I could use
one of those.
What would you want her
to say?
Uh, I don't know.
There's more fish in the sea.
Look, you got a lot of
smoocheroonies in your future.
- I can see it now.
- Yeah.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, yeah.
Ooh, baby, baby.
Ooh, baby.
I've seen people kiss
on television.
I'm so sorry.
Up here, yeah?
Oh! Is it?
Oh, this is it!
- This is it.
- Let's check it out.
Whoa, we're really going up.
Up, up, up.
This is gonna get high.
What are all the little dots
on the hills?
Those are houses.
Yeah. Those are houses
like yours.
What's all that?
That's the rest of the city.
Oh, right.
Right, right.
I had no idea.
Is this all there is
for out there?
This is like one part
of one big city.
And the...
But, uh...
But there are many big cities.
There's lots of them.
I mean, you've seen,
like, you know,
in movies and when it says,
like, "Tokyo" and...
..."Antarctica," those are
all different places.
Oh. Right.
There's so many places
that they could be.
Do you think it's impossible?
I don't think
it's impossible.
I think that's just, uh...
Look at that lady's dress.
I know.
It's really nice.
Thanks for the ride.
Yeah. It was fun.
Oh. Look at this.
They're right on the...
They're on the lawn.
- They came right up.
- Stop it!
You wouldn't get it.
Hey, guys. Guys.
I wanna be first.
- Hey.
- Stop it!
No, no.
Would you mind
just moving a little bit
so we can pull the car in?
Nan! Nan!
- Nan!
- Yes.
Oh, my God.
Nan, are you...
I'm just hurt
a little bit...
Oh, my God.
- ...but I'm okay.
- You are?
Please just...
Just lean
your whole self on me.
Put all your weight.
Don't worry, I can take it.
And I guess... Okay.
let's just take it easy.
I'm really not sure
exactly of what happened
because she won't tell me.
It could just be
that she doesn't remember,
and I think
that's probably the case.
Do you want me to stop?
But what I've been able
to piece together
is that she did get startled,
then she fell off the dryer.
No! No! Arthur!
Arthur, come here.
- Arthur!
- Dean...
Arthur! Come here.
He... He... He has got to go.
I cannot have him here
with Connie like this.
It's not that
I don't like Arthur.
Stop, Dean. I'm not kidding.
Stop that.
No! Oh, my God!
- No! No. Off!
- Arthur! Arthur!
All right.
A little bit more.
What's he, uh...
What's he being charged with?
Is he going to the jail?
Oh. Oh, phew.
'Cause I'm sorry. I thought...
I'm going to take him
to my wife's house.
Uh... You...
we got separated recently,
so that's why
I'm staying here.
I've been looking
for a new place.
That's why I'm here.
Why wouldn't you tell me this?
Uh, I don't know.
I didn't think to.
I told you so much. I...
I'm making a movie about you.
I'm not making
a movie about me.
But you're also here.
And I was sharing.
You didn't
also think to share?
And then you're just
pointing that around.
I do think about it.
It's not...
Why do you... Do you
always need to be filming?
I think you'll be glad
I have it, though. We have it.
Hold on.
Can we pause
the videos that we made
so people can't see them,
I can take 'em down.
I just can't have more
people coming to the house
like... Like how
it happened today.
I can't believe
I let this happen.
Well, you know,
she sleeps a lot.
And she hasn't been eating
very much.
It's looking good.
You just gotta keep on moving.
You're just one more little...
Let me do...
I can do it.
She's just not able to do
a lot of the things that
she used to be able to do.
- Yeah, that's...
- Hurts.
...over again.
Sorry, did you
shut the window?
I shut the window.
Don't help me here.
I don't need help.
I'm not even doing anything.
The skater rink,
you know, is usually
just for the holidays.
- Want to try...
- How am I looking?
You need, uh,
maybe once or twice more.
But I set it up just to...
...try to cheer her up a bit.
Pump it. Pump it up.
Come on, Nan.
All right!
Nana, pump it up.
No, no.
No, no, I don't think so.
Don't you wanna pump it up?
No, no.
When I say "jam,"
you say "Nan." Jam.
Well, she won't skate with me
anymore, that's for sure.
Get into it, a little bit.
Stop it.
But you know what?
She... She really
does like the dust.
For her, it's special.
She's not from here.
She's from the garage.
That's why she has the accent.
It's this wonderful smell.
She traveled here
by coat pocket
when she was really little.
I just feel...
And so I think
it reminds her of home.
Nan, look at this. Ready?
Grandma Connie,
we need to move!
Not that way. This way!
Get it out!
I'll get the rover!
Did I hit it?
Not coming over here?
Come follow my voice.
- Your left or my left.
- Your left.
At this point,
the good days
are harder to come by
with her.
I mean, he's right here.
He's on the couch.
Yeah, I'm looking right at him.
And then the bad days
are just actually astounding.
Oh! He can jump.
There he... There he goes!
- Ah, all right, all right.
- Yay!
I'm trying not to
treat her any differently,
but it's, uh, keeping me on
my toes, I'll tell you that.
I'm gonna close this.
Wow, look at this.
- You might be interested.
- Right?
Oh, my gosh.
I know.
With Lesley Stahl.
Oh, my gosh.
Ugh. This is a...
This is...
Oh, my God.
- It's amazing, isn't it?
- Mmm, yeah, yeah.
It's really...
We can't show this
to Nana Connie.
Absolutely not.
I mean,
I could ask them to keep
the crew really small,
then they wouldn't make
a big footprint.
No. No, no, no.
Can I ask them
how many people would come in?
I'm not taking the risk.
- There are a lot...
- What is the risk?
The risk? Look what
already happened to Nana Connie.
"We're wondering
if you might be interested
"to discuss doing an interview
piece with Lesley Stahl."
We can't do it, Nan.
The real Lesley?
it's the real Lesley.
Don't do that.
"Please let me know
if you're interested.
"We'd love to make it work."
This recovery
is not happening fast enough,
and now she has attitude,
and I feel bad.
We'll just do it
once she's feeling better
and moving around better.
How many of those
do you take? Don't take a lot.
I'm not taking,
'cause I don't know how...
when I'm gonna get
another one.
This is how I live.
We just had to work so hard
just to do this,
just to find
new ways of doing things
and learning
how to survive on our own.
And I guess it's...
I don't wanna end up
with less... than what I have.
I can't make
this decision for you, but...
No, you're not. I've already
made it for myself.
...this is a really
good way to find them.
I said no.
He's no fun to be around,
is he?
Do... Do you have
any corner pieces over there?
I want you to do it.
No. Nan, no. And we already...
We told them no.
But don't you want
to meet Lesley Stahl?
We need quiet, Nana.
We don't need a lot of people
coming in here and...
You don't...
You don't need quiet for me.
I don't want quiet.
I think you should do it.
You know, we're just
flying blind. I don't...
I don't even know what we're
supposed to be making here.
What is this
even a picture of?
Do you have any blue pieces?
He seems...
He's bound up, isn't he?
I think he's afraid of
Especially after
what we went through.
But life's not
gonna go on unless...
if you don't.
If you don't open up, right?
Do you know that, Dean?
Heh, heh, heh.
Who among us hasn't wished...
...we could read
someone else's mind?
Know exactly
what they're thinking.
Well, that's impossible,
of course...
I want him to...
I want him to dive in life,
you know?
I'm not gonna
be here forever. Hmm.
You know what I mean?
Uh, yeah, I think
he's just worried that...
Maybe he'll feel...
He'll sort of lighten up
when you're feeling better.
Feeling better.
Better. Better. Better. Hmm.
T-t-t-t-t-tch. Better.
It's weird because I did think
I heard her up. Listen...
What the...
Are you...
Look how fun this is. Look.
You're just out here?
I had forgotten how fun...
Yeah, how long
have you been out here?
Look, I can...
Oh! What is going on right...
Nan, you're really...
I have to work on my aim,
but look, look, look.
Yeah, I see that.
I've been trying
to get it.
I never understood the words,
but I could do it with...
I don't wanna
get ahead of myself,
but she seems to suddenly
have a lot more energy.
Do you know
what that is?
- It's the...
- They play that
- before the sports.
- Yeah, before sports.
It means
the sports are starting.
What kind of sports
do you watch?
They like running after balls
or squash them.
Put them over, like, a net
sometimes, they do that.
But the net is a hole, so
it comes right out.
Right, so it's just like,
why do you put it back in?
- It's really strange.
- I do notice,
I think, that she's definitely
been eating better.
Mmm. My favorite.
Nope, not for you.
Bup. Nan, you really...
Did you just eat
that whole thing?
Oh, yes, of course.
I love shish kebab.
- Wow.
- No, we're still friends.
Why did you
divorce her? Was your wife...
She's great.
We just grew apart.
You okay?
I'm totally fine.
Are you sure?
Maybe you should
be resting or...
Nan, maybe we'll think of...
Who decided to leave?
- You or her?
- It was pretty mutual.
You don't fool me.
It's never mutual.
And she's... she's got
some of her color back.
You're broken.
You're making
- this documentary to...
- Oh, my...
So you don't
have to think of her?
Is that why?
'Cause he's heartbroken.
Are you heartbroken, Dean?
He's laughing, so maybe
he's not so heartbroken.
Look at her.
She's just completely
bounced back. It's like...
- 100%.
- Wow.
I hope I get that...
those genes.
I mean,
that's not part of the deal.
Do you want me
to be happy?
- Yeah.
- Do the interview.
She got you there.
All right. For you.
I like you brave.
Come on.
Uh, six...
Over to the left, yeah.
And now just the green button.
Boom, baby.
You got this.
Oh, uh... hello?
Put it on speaker.
Hello, is this...
Is this Shari?
Yes, it is! Is this...
Hi, Shari, uh, this is Marcel.
This is Dean.
I'm also on the line.
Hi, nice to speak
with you guys.
Nice to speak with you.
Sorry. Go ahead.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I just said it was...
That it's also nice
to speak with you as well.
It's nice
to talk to you, too.
He was acting calm
and collected,
and I knew he was, like,
the front, Mr. Serious Face,
Mr. Cucumber,
but inside, butterflies.
Absolutely, yes.
Talk about your family
and your search to find them.
Sometimes we'll learn
something as we're shooting,
and that can lead
to new discoveries.
And, uh, do you think it's...
It's a possibility
that something could,
uh, come from...
Yeah, I mean,
there's no promises,
but if you have information,
we'll see where...
Where our reporting leads.
Um, and, Dean, one other thing
I wanted to ask you is,
you know, I think
it might be really interesting
to interview you
as part of the story as well.
Is that something
that you're comfortable with?
Uh, I don't know.
I mean, I'm generally
behind the camera.
Ah! Ah!
Somebody doesn't
wanna do it. Oh!
Uh, I'll get back to you
on it. How about that?
This is a little doorbell.
Good morning, Nan.
Just one second.
Good morning, Nan.
- Today's the day.
- Yes.
Oh, Nan.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
I was just going to...
Are you sure that's...
Does it hurt still or...
No, adjusted.
Getting better already.
Look, look.
All right.
I'm gonna
grab you some water.
Oh, thank you.
Got your water here.
thirst-quenching water.
Who wants it? A water, water,
who wants a water?
Thank you, Marcello.
You're welcome.
Quite a day for Lesley Stahl.
definitely a storm rolling in.
I can feel it.
I can feel it because
my shell feels tight.
Do I seem nervous?
- It's okay to be nervous.
- Ugh.
Let me get that.
Yeah, I guess.
- Is that...
- What? What is it?
That's the shish kebab
from the other night.
Where is she?
Do you know where she is?
You took away my vote.
You didn't ask me.
I can't believe you lied.
- You lied to me, Nan.
- You took my...
You wrote me off.
I did not write you off.
Did youask me?
No, you didn't.
You just said no
to 60 Minutes,
end of story.
I made a decision for your
health 'cause I was worried
about you.
Should I get the door?
That's what I want.
Well, I...
I want that too,
- but this is...
- All I want...
- Nan.
- All I want
is for you to try.
- I want you...
- No...
It's a big wide world.
I don't wanna
lose everything
in the hope of something.
That's already gone.
You break my heart
if you don't.
You can tell 'em
we need to cancel
if you want to do that.
what's the option?
- Dean?
- Mmm-hmm?
can you shut up?
Let's forget
about being afraid.
Is Lesley afraid?
Mmm, no,
Lesley is fearless.
It may be good,
it may be not,
but just take the adventure.
Don't use me as an excuse
not to live. Hmm?
But what if...
What if everything changes...
Marcello, oh...
It will.
Come here.
Okay, well...
let's do it.
Come on, go, go.
Hello. Come in!
Hi, it's so nice to meet you.
It's good
to finally meet you.
You're Shari, I presume?
You have a camera.
Oh, I do have a camera.
Okay, then.
Is that okay?
Can I film while you guys
- are setting up?
- Sure, sure.
- Yeah? That's great.
- Whoa.
Those gentlemen were not
wearing bee-odorant.
- Whoa, whoa! Whoa!
- Whoa!
- Did you see that?
- I did.
Just those boxes walking.
And then behind them,
there were men.
Look at ponytail over here
looking around
for the bathroom.
Trying to act like
it's not an emergency.
It's over there!
What are you...
What are you doing to him?
I'm just sort of giving Marcel
a little bit of bronzer
just to kind of warm up.
That tickles.
I'm just gonna
do a little bit here.
Sorry, I spit on you.
Close... That's okay.
Close your mouth.
Hey, now look,
now he's on TV.
Okay, but now
he's back in real life.
This guy over here, look.
Real life, on TV.
Oh, look at that one.
That's Toolbelt.
And that one?
That's just
Mr. Headphones.
Do you wanna
see what you look like?
Oh, my God.
Don't you look rested?
Yeah, I look like I, like,
only drink olive oil.
This guy over here, look.
Real life, on TV.
Marcello, look.
How was your flight?
It was okay.
You know, long.
All right,
well, we have a fun day...
Nana, make the noise.
All these stories and more
on 60 Minutes.
60 Minutes. Tik-tik, tik-tik.
Marcel, can I get you
to stand in real quick?
Oh, yes. Uh, Nan,
uh, are you gonna be...
Go, go.
Yes, of course. Go.
Coming through.
I'll bring him right back.
- Yeah.
- Be right back.
On real life,
on TV.
Wow, I think, uh... Yeah.
I think that's the brightest
thing I've ever seen.
I know that you like
these kind of things
for your movie.
- It might... might be good.
- Mmm.
I found this the other day.
Mmm... Here it is.
It's about season changing.
This book... This book
I had for many, many years.
But I had not noticed
this... This part that
I would like to read you.
"The trees
are coming into leaf
"Like something
almost being said..."
All right, guys,
five to four minutes.
Four minutes, everybody.
"The recent buds
relax and spread,
"Their greenness
is a kind of grief."
Let's reset.
Let's go to one, please.
"Is it that
they are born again
"And we grow old?
No, they die too..."
Oh, hello. Hello.
You are beautiful.
"Their yearly trick
of looking new
"Is written down
in rings of grain."
- Sound, please.
- Quiet on the set.
And mark.
Camera B marker.
And we're rolling.
When you're ready.
"Yet still
the unresting castles thresh
"In fullgrown thickness
every May."
Not ready, no, I'll stay.
Well, if you insist.
"Last year is dead,
they seem to say..."
Slow down, come on.
"Begin afresh..."
Wait for me.
Wait for me.
"...afresh, afresh."
- Shari, done?
- Yep.
We're done.
All right, everybody.
That's a wrap on Marcel!
I think they had
to get to the outlet,
but we can get them
to move it back.
Yeah, but if something
moved and nobody noticed
Nana Connie, she could be
behind something.
I just... Sometimes she goes
to the toilet
and sits on the rim.
- You checked her room, yeah?
- No.
Yeah, do you want... I mean,
should we go over...
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm glad
I got to meet her.
Me, too.
She probably felt tired.
Especially after
being very excited.
Have you ever
done that before,
like, when there's a party
in your house?
Sometimes it's easiest to rest
when you go off by yourself
and you can still hear
the noise of the party,
and you feel safe knowing that
so many people are around...
...that you can have a rest?
That's good. And now this one.
She was exactly what you would
want a grandmother to be.
She had a...
A vibrant past,
and a colorful personality,
and she didn't get sanded down
by life.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Why're you in the tree?
- Sorry?
- That's my tree.
- This is yours?
- Yeah.
Oh, I'm sorry. It looked
like it was on hers.
Well, do you mind if
I stay up here for a minute?
- I'm just... It's a short...
- I do mind.
I don't have insurance
for whatever you're doing
up there.
Okay, coming down.
- Okay.
- You fall,
something happens, I'm liable.
What is it
that you're actually...
Is it... Not with a studio
- or, uh...
- No.
Whoa, all right.
Okay, and I made her
look like an everything bagel.
Ow, darn it.
It doesn't seem to...
No, no.
I don't know what you want.
I can't help you.
I don't know what it is,
and she's not here,
so you gotta...
- How you doing?
- Mmm, good morning.
Can you teach me a song?
All I... I don't know...
Will you do it?
Do you wanna do
the mmm-mmms?
Well, you're really not
singing the note at all.
You can't sing any notes.
No, I can't.
But how do I do it?
Well, I can't teach you
how to sing.
You do it,
and then I'll copy you.
Okay, you...
I really don't know
what to do with you.
I gotta say...
No, none of those
are the right notes.
Do you like sitting halfway
on a chair?
Uh, yeah,
go home and think about it.
This is unbelievable.
What can I do
to practice?
She just kept everything.
So, are...
So where you...
You gonna go now?
Aren't you leaving?
No? Oh.
No, why would I do that?
Well, I guess
'cause of the suitcase and...
Oh, no.
I'm just looking for my tie.
Oh. Oh.
Where am I gonna go?
I don't know.
You're it, baby.
Oh, okay.
Hey, Dean. Hey, Marcel.
This is Shari from 60 Minutes.
Um, I wanted to let you know
that the interview went great.
We've been looking
at the footage
and I'm wondering
if you would be willing to do
another day of shooting
with us.
So, um,
we've made some discoveries
that I'd love
to share with you.
It's kinda all happening fast,
so if you could get back to me
as soon
as you get this message,
I would really appreciate it.
Um, hope to talk
to you soon. Bye.
Good things
come in small packages... old idea, but one you'll
see tonight in a new light.
In the only interview
he's given
since becoming
an Internet phenom,
Marcel the Shell
shares his unique perspective
on what we take for granted.
He adds new meanings
to the simplest of ideas.
a 1 inch-tall shell,
reminds us of
the true value of community,
the transformative power
of friendship,
and the most ingenious use
for a tennis ball.
But if you
wanna make sure
that your parking space is,
like, perfectly flat,
because otherwise, it's not
gonna be where you left it.
And... And I don't have
the model...
For years, Marcel
and his grandmother Connie
shared this old house
with their pet lint, Alan,
and an ever-changing array
of human guests.
I just stay
out of their way and...
And stay out of sight,
and it worked.
But all that changed
when an amateur filmmaker
moved in. kind of on all the time.
And so, I felt like
I could just roll
and roll and roll.
Um, Dean, what were
your first impressions?
Uh, I guess
I was impressed with his, um,
- ...his spark, you know?
- Wow.
Uh, pfft.
No, I... I like it.
And maybe you needed...
Needed the connection,
needed the friendship.
Yeah, maybe you needed
the friendship.
Marcel, how long has it been
since you've seen your family?
Well, I don't do the clock
the way that you guys
do the clock.
Uh, but I think
I'm watching the changes
in the trees and
the flowers that have bloomed
and the blossoms
that have fallen.
The buds that have come
and bloomed again.
So I... I couldn't tell you,
but I, uh...
The space in my heart gets
bigger and louder every day.
Mmm. Dean,
do you know how long?
It was two years.
- Two years.
- Yeah.
Oh, that's nice to know.
- Given all the new information
- Marcel shared with us...
...and he had just, like
the same kind of man face,
like two eyes,
that kind of thing.
A mouth and all the teeth.
...we were able
to track down Larissa Geller.
We found her here
in the highlands of Guatemala
working for
an environmental NGO.
Geller then returned home
and helped us locate this man,
her former boyfriend,
Mark Booth.
I don't even wanna do this.
You're really putting me
in a tough spot here...
All right, I'll see you soon.
...come on.
Okay, bye.
This is ridiculous.
Wait, are you still...
After some
brief introductions...
- This is Mark.
- Hey, sorry.
It's kind of messy.
I'm just sort of...
- So I was cleaning earlier.
- Right.
...the search efforts began.
I mean, I don't know.
This is...
I don't even know
where else to look.
I honestly don't know what
to do. I don't know the area.
This is definitely
the bag.
So that... That is good news.
I'm not gonna get... I'm not
gonna start to feel down...
And then
Marcel heard a familiar sound.
Yeah, and then
you just came over...
What our crew heard
was an argument.
You were on
all of the emails...
But what Marcel heard...
...was the sounding
of an alarm.
I'm a child?
Oh, dur, the sock drawer.
Did we check the sock drawer?
An alarm
he knew would send
any shells
into a shelter plan.
Geez, it's over here!
Hey, guys! Over here!
Over here, I need a boost.
Hey, I need to get to the top.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Open the top drawers,
Be careful.
Be very, very careful.
Open, open. Careful.
What followed
was something we rarely see.
A family reuniting.
Marcel was
always a performer.
He always wanted to, um...
Always wanted to be on stage,
make people happy and smile.
And as his mother...
Oh, Mom.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah, I told you, you're gonna
get right into the real stuff.
Oh, yeah. Okay.
Uh, well,
we can do this thing,
pick it up later or...
Let's talk
about something else.
Talk to Mario
for a minute.
It's really hard.
Do you see?
Yeah. I'm... I'm sorry.
I was thinking
about something else.
And that's us
in a nutshell.
Yeah, I just...
I just was being...
Most of the innovations
Nan and I came up with,
you know,
they're just
not necessary anymore.
One, two, three, ho!
All right, blue!
Then again, some of
them have really taken off.
Okay. Thank you very much.
Look at you.
I missed your little face,
I missed you so much.
I just want to squeeze you.
Um, I'm just moving on.
More so, I cried
from the beauty.
Aw, Mr. Costas,
you're making me blush.
Okay, but just put your weight
on the front foot...
...and then you unstick
the back one.
Yeah, yeah, I can do it.
I know. Right,
but you have to keep doing it.
I'm fine.
Well, all right, but
do you see what's happening?
- I know.
- Okay.
She is really good, especially
for such a little one.
But you know what it is?
She has that thing that's like
when you're young,
you have no fear 'cause you
haven't injured yourself yet,
and you don't even know
what risk is.
You just zoom around
all the time.
Marcel, I'm being patient.
Marcel, come on.
If you're trying
to be patient...
Come out here with me,
and shake that little tush.
Come on.
I will.
I really promise I will take
a turn around the rink.
I'm just kind of observing.
Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean.
This is the stock
that I come from.
You can see a direct line
to Nana Connie with this one.
Could you tell
your friend Marcel
I'm not gonna wait forever,
It's nice to see you
back with everyone.
You know, you're welcome
back here any time you want.
You're welcome to
my house any time you want.
You don't have a house.
I will soon.
- I signed a lease.
- Pay attention.
Each of you...
Oh. Well, then, I accept.
One, two, three.
Come on,
Marcel. Come on. Let's go.
We're going ice skating.
We're going
on the ice skating rink.
I saw you skating before.
It is different now after
living alone for so long.
I find that sometimes
being in a big group is...
This is what
I wanna be doing.
I want to slide down.
Good. I didn't know
that that's what you were
trying to do. I thought
you were asking me how I...
...can be
overwhelming to me.
You guys, there's...
I need to learn.
I needed somewhere
that I could come and just...
I found myself coming down
here more and more.
Such a lovely smell
from the dryer sheets.
And I... I like it because
there's a window
that is always opened
a little crack there.
I would stand there,
and sometimes I'd tell her
things, ask for advice,
or just let sounds
come out of my mouth.
And one day,
I was just sitting,
and the wind blew in,
and it blew just over the top
of my head in such a way.
And the wind blew over,
and it made
a beautiful whistling sound.
What kind
of noise is it?
Wait, shh, shh. Listen.
Can you hear it?
That's it.
That's going through my shell.
It felt just like her
to lead me to a place
where I would experience
something new and special.
It connected me
how I felt like to everything,
because if I wasn't there,
the sound never would exist.
And I felt like
everything was in pieces,
and then I stood there,
and suddenly,
we were one large instrument.
I like to go there a lot
because it reminds me
that I'm not
just one separate piece
rattling around in this place,
but that I'm part of a whole.
And I truly enjoy
the sound of myself
connected to everything.
I'm gonna let him out.
Are you ready?
All right.
Release the hounds!
Come on, do it.
I'm actually really excited
to see him.
Here it comes.
Hi, bud! Oh, boo-boo.
Come here, bubba.
How are you, pal?
Aw, he remembers you!
Ah! Ugh. Ew.
Oh, you remember Marcel?
Oh, you smell.
Oh, my goodness.
He has a new smell.
It's... Is he sick?
I switched him
to wet food,
and it's made
his breath go crazy.
It is a very dense,
very rich aroma.
- Arthur!
- Wow.
So, you guys got wet dog food.
- Yeah.
- You got a balcony.
- Yeah, we got the cool view.
- That's nice.
I see you have
some flowers here.
Oh, yeah. They're nice.
They're from, uh, a bike path.
There's a bike path that goes
in front of my place.
Who gave you these flowers?
No one gave them to me.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- I picked them myself.
Oh, really?
'Cause we had a garden
at our place. I never
saw you picking any flowers.
I wanted
to make the place nice.
A friend was coming over.
- Ah, a friend.
- Yes, I had a friend.
What kind of a friend?
- She is a girl.
- Really?
Would you like to
see the rest of the apartment?
Would you
like to change the subject?
Yes, I want to see it.
- Hop on.
- Oh, thanks.
All right,
so, here's my room.
More flowers in here, huh?
more flowers in here.
Hit... Hitting
that bike path pretty hard.
Actually, those are
from the farmer's market.