Marcia trionfale (1976) Movie Script

One, two, one, two, one, two
Platoon, stop!
Platoon, at ease!
You! Introduce yourself!
Private Paolo Passeri, 2nd Company, 2nd
Platoon, 3rd Section, awating orders!
Have you heard him?
No, no, no! FonNard march!
Stop! About turn!
l'm listening!
I can't hear anything!
Slower, slower, pronounce it
more clearly, and slower. About turn!
On the double!
About turn!
Once again!
About turn! FonNard march!
lmbecile! Son of a bitch!
About turn!
l'm listening!
Pronounce better. I can't hear
anything. l'm listening.
Don't shout! l'm listening!
About turn!
FonNard march!
Ass-hole!... Ass-hole!... Ass-hole!
About turn!
l'm listening!
I don't understand a word!
Slower and louder!
About turn!
FonNard march!
Around turn!
l'm listening!
I want to hear you!
I can't understand a thing! Again!
Another time!
I don't like it!
Forward march!
One, Iwo, one, Iwo...
Why aren't you doing
the exercises?
I can't make it anymore!
l'm going to write you down!
Come on!
One, two, one, two...
Come! Get up!
Fall in immediately!
"The powers of the Captain according
to military rules"
Don't lower your eyes!
Captain, sir, I feel...
Don't gesticulate! Remain in attention!
- So, you want to go home.
- No, Captain, sir!
- Ah, you don't want to go home!
- No, Captain, sir!
Say you want to go home!
- Captain, sir...
- Say you want to go home!
I want to go home, Captain, sir!
You'll go when your 12 months
will be over!
When will you go home?
l'll go home when my 12 months are over,
Captain, sir!
Play the wise guy again,
and l'll crush you!
Who taught you to salute
without your beret!?
Listen carefully:
If until this evening you don't find
a new beret...
.. l'll throw you in the disciplinary
regiment, got it?
I don't care how!
Steal, kill, but do it!
Wake up!
Are you ready?
Come, come, let's go!
Look, look, how many
little stars grandpa's got!
Have you finished this shit
of a national service?
Let go, he didn't do it on purpose,
did he? He made a mistake.
What's bothering you?
Have you lost your beret?
Take mine.
- And what about you?
- Don't worry, l'll find another.
- But l'll pay you for it!
- Come on...
- But I won't feel it's mine! - Come on,
cut it off! - Thank you!
Platoon, a-tten-tion!
At ease!
A- tten-tion!
At ease!
Don't move!
A... And again...
Platoon, a-tten-tion!
At ease!
A- tten-tion!
At ease!
.. And again...
Lower your heads!
Platoon... a-tten-tion!
On my command, first row one step
fonrvard, third row one step backward.
- Fall in line! Fall in line!
- Go!
- Go!
- Go!
Heads straight! Rise your heads!
Fall in line! Come on!
Order them at ease!
Platoon, at ease!
Platoon, atten-tion!
P/atoon, at ease!
P/atoon, atten-[ion!
Fall in line! More! Come on!
Commander of the regiment?
Colonel Confetti.
Mr. Colonel! Go!
Who's higher, the chief warrant officer,
or the adjutant?
- Let me think!
- Go!
A sergeant is an officer,
or a noncommissioned officer?
- A noncommissioned officer!
- Do you call him "sergeant, sir"?
No! Because he's a
noncommissioned officer!
What does a footsoldier do
after he's dead?
- I guess he...
- Go!
He makes three more leaps.
- Who asked you? - Go!
- The regiment's devise?
- Don't ask, do!
- That of Vittorio Emanuele II?
- For the glory of the name!
- Light dragoons of Alessandria?
- Danger strengthens me.
- Light dragoons of Monferatto?
- Semper utu quondam. - Meaning?
- Light dragoons of Lodi?
- Lodi makes the sacrifice!
- Light dragoons of Saluzzo?
- I gallop, I rule!
- Montebello lancers?
- Shoulder to shoulder with Death.
- Toillet paper!
- Yes, sir!
- Regulation length?
- 125 cm, Captain, sir!
- Go!
- Yes, sir!
Come here! Come here!
How much do you have, soldier?
Come boys, we'll do it together!
We'll have fun!
Hey, handsome!
Want to come with me?
No, please!
- What did you understand? I...
- Go away!
A democratic army sewing the citizensn.
The soldier only serves whores and fags!
- Come on! Come!
- No, damn it, l'm going away!
No, wait!
You should have come!
You'd have felt better aftenNard!
- I told you I don't want to.
- You shouldn't be afraid!
Who told you I was afraid?
Don't I have the right to chose?
I don't have to do it with whores!
And, then, I don't want to get sick!
- Better claps than wank it!
- You wank it!
The nerve you have!
What do you know about me?
About my sexual activity?
I do it! I do it on my own,
yes I do!
And then, you'll never see me in such
a dump queueing with 100 others!
I got it! But look carefully
at the figures...
Hello?! Hello?!
Speak louder!
Illustrated postcards?
I fuck illustrated postcards!
Yes... because l'm runing out of coins!
You'll force me to be mean, mother!
Don't tell me to resign myself,
or l'll go cazy!
YesL.. He//o ?L..
Not even in the police?
With the tramways?!... Road sweeper?
If I get it,
nobody notices l'm around!
Yes, that's so! Because others
manage it, go on further!
There are less and less jobs,
more and more graduates,
till they'll decide for a
numerus clausus!
Diplomas, diplomas, diplomas!
The fuck with diplomas! Others improve,
morons get diplomas!
After all, l'd like to know what the fuck
for have I studied for 20 years?
I know city administration has changed,
I don't give a fuck, I wanna come home!
Here, Passeri!
- l've kept you a chair.
- There's too much noise...
- Come on, we're all together...
- Sorry, I prefer staying on my own...
No, let's swap places!
Bring my pizza here!
Take a bite!
No, better not...
Don't over do it...
My dear, I control myself! Weight,
temperature, I know when I have to stop!
I want to go home,
haven't you got that yet?
l've figured that if I go on like this in
- Yes?!
- Yes!
I don't eat, don't sleep, don't drink,
I smoke 40 cigarettes a day,
I take amphetamine...
They have to re-form me!
It's automatic!
l'll die if I remain in the barracks!
Everybody hates it!
Big find...
Me, I must! I must make it!
Collective life kills me!
Eat together, sleeep together,
always someone to the right, to the left,
someone in front, someone bacward!
- Never a moment alone!
- You're always alone, can't you see that?
Always lost in the clouds, dreaming...
Lucky thing I am, or l'd have
already shot you all!... Yes!
On the contrary, you're a guy who needs
to be among people,
to understand a little the problems
others have!
What the fuck, d'you think you're
the only one suffering?!
Try being a little less selfish.
- Come, have a piece!
- No!
- Come, a little piece!
- No, no, and no!
- Where did you get this radio?
- At the station, for 6,000 lire.
- You got robbed.
- Me, with 6,000 I do it twice!
- What can you buy with 6,000 lire?
- With 5,000 I had one of those fucks...
- Cut the crap!
- You always talk shit.
- You always say...
- Keep it to yourself!
Sorry, but you always fuck with 6,000,
but you ask us for cigarettes!
- Stupid!
- You're right!
Sleeping or what?
- Get off my back!
- Don't answer back, toad!
Don't you worry, grandpa always
respects his toads.
By the way, kiddie,
l've got a present for you.
Here it comes!
Stay calm! Stay clam!
Come here so I may baptize
you in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
- l've baptized him again.
- Now he'll go to Paradise.
l'll keep an eye on this one,
don't worry
Do it calmly, don't be embarrassed!
Stay calm, I said, don't worry!
- No!
- At ease! Attention! At ease!
Wait, there's something on.
- You go first. I said enter!
- You go first!
l'm Sir God, your grandpa here, get it!?
And you must enter!
Better take the other one.
- Come on, you go!
- But why...
- Why should I?
- Calm down, don't worry!
Courageous boys enter
the first ones!
Fuck you! Shit soldiers!
Eyes to the trinity!
Down from your beds!
Down from your beds!
Down from your beds!
Officer's coming!
- Toad, wank me!
- Go fuck yourself!
- Fuck you...- To me!
- To you!
He still doesn't know us!
You're mad! Saying this to grandpa?!
Ask forgivenes on your knees!
If not, you'll get it tonight!
You're joking with fire!
Attack them, Nicco!
Good night!
Hey! Who are you?
- l'm the toad on duty.
- What the fuck do you want?
l've come to say "good night" to the
tired grandpas.
You're a good guy! Bring the chair!
Make a nice cuckoo!
Please, take care, don't make me
be ashamed! - Get up!
- Toad!
- Toad!
A- ttentionl At ease!
A- ttentionl
- Grandpas, was he good?
- Very. - Ok.
Come, do the cuckoo!
Open your palms!
The panties...
Good night, grandpas.
The leave is near.
More elastic! More elastic!
Once again!
Good night, grandpas.
Going home is near.
Near for you
Faraway for us
For you it's over
We still have a lifetime.
- Alright for you, grandpas?
- Yes. - Very well.
Kiss the stick!
I/Wth respect sensua/im
enthusiasm. . . /0ss id
- You can go!
- Go away!
Come on, don't take it to heart...
Tomorrow it'll be fine.
- 'Night.
- Good night.
Hands up!
Have mercy, commander, sir!
I was doing that so I don't fall asleep!
I don't always do it, sir.
l've caught you, dickhead!
You're gonna get it!
Get down! Get down! Hands up!
Get down! Move! Move!
Hands up! Hands up, I said!
Hands up! Hands up!
- My pants...
- Get down! Move!
Hands up! Get down!
Hands up! Get down!
Get down!
Come! Move! Move!
Hands up!
Hands up! Down!
The rifle's loaded, sir!
- It's not nice doing this to me!
- Move! Move!
- Keep your hands up!
- Yes, sir, in the air, sir!
Down! Move!
Keep your hands up!
- Don't push me.
- All you know is wank it!
Hands up, l've said!
Come! Move! Move!
Move it!
At your orders, Captain, sir!
What has this imbecile done?
- Take this wanking moron!
- Come, move it, come on.
Stop! Who's there?
Don't come near me!
Step fonNard for identification!
Show me the rifle!
- Captain, sir, you know I mustn't give...
- Are you disobeying your Captain?
The rme!
Captain, you're not in inspection!
The Corporal of the Guard isn't with you!
First thing you learn in the Army is
follow orders without questioning.
Follow orders first, argue them later!
Give it!
Captain, sir, you want to trick me!
Please, don't bust my leave, please!
- Shut up! Is the rifle loaded?
- Yes, sir.
- Are you sure?
- Of course. - Why "of course"? Show me!
No! I know you want to trick me!
Tell me the truth, Captain!
I only want to see your rifle!
I won't eat you!
Do you think I enjoy this?
l'll shoot, Captain! Go away!
Stop persecuting me!
Shoot, if you think you're right!
You must shoot!
Sure, as if it was easy!
I know by heart the sentry's duties.
Military regulations allow no exceptions..
Military regulations are not the Gospel!
There always are exceptions!
You know these barracks are in the middle
of an subversive area!
I don't want to trick you!
I only want to check on your rifle!
I give my word as an officer!
Don't make me lose my time, idiot!
What an imbecile you are!
Chicken! Dickhead!
Do you really want
to get destroyed?
Come to the Corporal of the Guard.
What is it?
What have you hidden?
Open this.
It's a pharmacy!
What are these?
l'm anemic and also
have heart troubles.
If you're a soldier,
it means you're healthy.
I got sick while under arms.
I believe you. You go intentionally
without sleep...
Keep your eyes open,
or you'll have big problems!
Open the door!
It's shit. Go ahead.
What the fuck!
You like jokes, don't you?
It means you like it in the Army!
Have you gone to school?
l've got a degree in literature.
Would it disgust you
being an officer?
Not at all... l've applied, but...
But what? Come, speak.
Maybe I didn't have all
the qualifications...
"When... when lost you'll sleep
Under the so rich earth,
Straight, upon your coffin,
God's cross will stand... "
"When fested cheeks through
Your unclenched teeth'll crawl... "
"When fested cheeks through
Your unclenched teeth'll crawl... "
Louder! Louder!
"And in the stinch of
your voided eyes... "
More! More! More!
"And in the stinch of
your voided eyes...
teeming the worms will be... "
Slut! Whore! l'll throw
you in the the street!
You must shut up and obey!
I am in command] I am!
a new agony...
.. and dogged remorse will follow, cold... "
You must shudder, hear me!
a stabbing, unspeakable remorse... "
Slut! Whore!
l'll break you!
l'll annihilate you!
l'll cut you in half!
l'll change you!
l'll change you how I want!
- "I will be... "
- You7/ see /711 capable to do id
"I will be that remorse, looking for you
into the night, woolf howling!
I, with these nails the earth shall
dig the earth for you... "
No, no, please...
Come, stay calm...
You won't even notice it...
I don't want to... no, no,
not tonight, please...
- l've taken Mogadonn.
- Be a good girl...
- Please, I beg you... why?!
- Be a good girl...
I don't want to! I don't want you!
I don't want you! l'm not a hole!
Stop it!
Stop it!
How ridiculous you are!
How ridiculous you are!
I feel nothing, really nothing!
I feel nothing at all!
What a man!
You've busted my balls!
Slut!... Slut!
SargeL . .
- Sarge!... It's raining!
- Calm down, calm down!
There's no place, don't you see
there's no place?! Enough!
Don't break the lines!
Don't break the lines!
All, fall in! Move!
A- ttention!
At ease!
Your berets, shitty garndpas!
There's no more beefsteak!
I have only processed cheese.
- Alright, it doesn't matter.
- You're kidding!
- Give me the beefsteak, is it clear?
- It's finished. - Do you give it, or not?
Talk to the seargent,
why take it on me!?
Fuck you moron!
What is it? What is it?
- There's no more beefsteak!
- Attention!
- What's the matter?
- The beefsteaks have finished, sir.
We've been left without!
The beefsteaks are numbered, if some
have taken two, what can I do?
And then? We don't eat no meat?
Hear this!
He's right!
Everyday the same thing!
We've been cheated!
Toad, you've wet me!
- What's his name? - Handsome.
- Handsome!
Handsome, tiny handsome
has onbl got a tiny pecked
He's got no mortadella today!
Now, grandpa we'll give him this meat!
Eat this beefsteak
Leave me alone, fuck you!
l'll cut open your bowels!
Shitty moron!
Hey, maffia, take the
kiss of death!
Silence my foot?!
You give us shit to eat,
and then you want silence!
That's a good one!
And we're all soaking wet!
What are you doing?
l'm throwing it away. l'm throwing
away my beefsteak. I do what he does.
So, it's a protest!
Take it as you wish!
You've had your beefsteak today,
didn't you?
l'll take your name down!
- Are you talking to me, or to him?
- To him!
- What...
- Name!
Paolo Passeri, but I didn't do anything,
lieutenant, sir!
- You're confined!
- Yes, sir.
This.. this... is rebellion!
A real Rebellion!
Enough! An organized sabotage!
A rebellion!
You'll pay it dearly!
- Why don't you go outside?
- You'll pay it dearly!
l'll send all of you in a punishment
Come on, go outside! Go!
Further! Further!
Cool yourself!
One, two, one, two!
Yours is a very serious case...
The report is mandatory.
You're crime is called "incitement
to insubordination"
An offence punishable with at least eight
years in a military prison.
- I... I.. swear, Captain, look I...
- Keep silent
Without mentioning all the rest...
"Up to five years imprisonment for
whoever tries to elude
drafting by simulation. "
Why don't you call your mummy?
Youth without backbone!
You need a lesson.
Do you agree?
Well... yes.
Now, l'm going to hit you.
Did I hurt you?
Did it hurt you?
Come, react! React!
Defend yourself!
Don't be a coward!
Come here! Come here!
And l've only begun!
Now, l'm not your commander anymore!
We're equals!
Nobody sees, or hears us!
Do you agree?
You're normal! You've got normal muscles!
And your fists can harm, no?!
Can't you use them?
How do you do it? Eh?
You're always afraid? True?
You agree?
Strike back!
Defend yourself!
Why don't you defend
You prefer taking it?
l'm gonna break your face!
l'll make you spit blood!
Shit of a graduate!
Hit me!
- React!
- No! - Aren't you a man?
Hit me, for God's sake!
l'll crush your balls!
Captain, sir, go away!
Go away!
Go away, enough,
Captain, sir!
Go away!
You're stronger,
I can't!
Idiot, you fell for it!
Don't hope l'll stop!
l'll destroy you,
l'll break your ass!
I surrender, Captain, sir!
I surrender!
I take no prisoners!
You either become
a man this evening,
or you won't get alive from here!
Did I hurt you, Captain, sir?
I didn't mean to...
No, no, well done!
Come on! Come on!
- Where?
- Where it hurts most! Hit!
- Like this?
- Like this!
- Oh my God!
- Sweet Virgin!
Shall I call the lieutenant doctor?
We need a picture boys!
Fuck, we have to write
to the newspaper!
Besides that we should
denounce him!
Whom to? One who's
even more of a fascist?
He must pay for this!
Yes, change jobs.
Next time l'm on guard, l'll shoot him,
there's nothing else to be done!
How much blood!
Give me the mirror.
Go to sleep! Go to sleep!
Run! Come on!
Heels up!
Run! Run!
Put a little heart, sheep!
Platoon... stop!
Hey, you!
Right... turn!
So... while your officer we'll enjoy
a nice ice-cold beer,
you'll reach the strongest
of orgasms learning by heart,
the anthem of our regiment...
.. that you still haven't learnt.
Fuck you!
With your legendary enthusiasm,
pack of morons,
you'll hold high the honour
of the 61th.
If not, nobody goes on
leave on Sunday.
Anyone volunteer
to command?
A volunteer!
A beautiful voice!
Then, you're forcing me to chose!
If you go, we ?e gonna
fuck you up!
Here's an example,
infantry men of the 61th!
You'll have a commendation
and you'll soon be a Specialist!
Specialist, specialist
do a wank!
Specialist specialist
do a wanld
Soldiers! I can leave in peace,
'cause you're in good hands!
And now all together,
like one:
Long live the soldier!
Daring will see us through...
Can we have a little silence, please?
Let's start all over again.
Specialist, specialist
do a wank!
Specialist, specialist
do a wank!
But... sooner we learn it,
sooner we can leave.
These applauses are for you!
The joker should have the
courage to come fonrvard.
Nicco, take care!
Nicco, take care!
Here I am!
l'll report you.
Heis threatened a grandpa!
Be careful, I mean it.
If you squeal, l'll bash your
head in, got it?
- To me?
- Yes!
l'm not afraid of you!
l've put up with your
bullshit up to know,
all your dumb-ass shit of an
initiation! Enough, now!
Your seniority
counts for shit!
The duty is the same for all!
Now we must sing, you'll sing!
- You must die, toad!
- You must break your ass like I do!
Please, fall in line like the others!
Drop dead!
Lui' come with me!
From the begining!
Daring will see us through,
This is our onbl dum
History gives us the path to follow
Come in.
Come forward
Read this.
And tell me on your
conscience if there's any truth in it.
Soldier battered by his Captain
Then? What do you have to say?
Is there any truth in it?
Everything's true, Colonel, Sir.
But l'm very grateful to my Captain.
His lesson has proved
very salutary for me.
And if there was an inquest?
l'm at your disposal, Colonel, Sir.
A/right You can go.
Can you write the
address for me, please?
- What's her name?
- Caputto Rita.
Passeri at the phone!
Excuse me.
- Hello?
- Listen, Passeri
- Good evening, Captain, Sir.
- Don'! talk
Open your ears.
Tonight someone wants
to surprise you.
The showen got it?
Bye, Passeri.
Don '[ disappoint me, please!
I have great expectations #om you.
Thank you, don't worry.
- Want to drink something?
- No, thanks, l've just had a coffee.
Listen, I need you
to do me favour.
Could we change beds tonight?
- I know everything. l've got a cold and
I don't want to catch a pneumonia.
How much do you want?
Give some names, then!
- No, I won't tell you any name.
- l'll give you anything you want!
Come on, cut it off...
For me it's important to con the grandpas
and this is it, don't make me blow it!
Sorry, but l'm not Jesus!
Why should I get soaked for you?
Because? Because you
busted my balls...
.. that I should confront life
without fear,
that I should... that I mustn't close
myself to the world,
and now the moment's come! Help me!
- Or are you an altruist only in words?
- That's not the way to help you!
Nice music, no?
Easy, easy!
Make less noise.
We got the wrong bed!
Doesn't matter!Let's beat it!
What's done is done!
- Take it, take it! And thanks!
- I thank you! Bye!
They did it to me!
Wait in my office!
They've done it to me
They've done to me, to me,
the cynical and beastly grandpa!
To me!
To me, damn toads!
Go to bed!
- Captain, si...
- To bed!
l'm mad... l'm goin' mad!
l'm mad!... You got it?! To me!
Me, their God grandpa!
Look here! A sea!
l'm floating!... l'm floating!
Come here.
Well done.
Thank you, Captain, Sir.
But it's only thanks to you!
This morning also, with the Colonel,
you did what you had to.
You are a loyal boy.
That's why l've decided to give you
a rather delicate mission.
You can refuse it, of course.
I only ask to be useful to you,
Captain, Sir.
Good. Go get dressed!
Who knows where she was...
l'd give anything to know
what's in her mind!
Maybe she has someone else...
.. or maybe not.
But, then, where the fuck she goes?
What does she do?
Is she catching birds or what?
What do you think?
I don't know...
That's what I want
you to do:
- You must follow her!
- Yes.
Tell me exactly what she does,
where she goes! - Yes.
Control all her steps,
all her moves!
And report everything to me!
You got it?
- Yessir!... And for leaves...
- Don't worry, l'll take care of this!
She goes to the bathroom, and leaves the
windows opened! Go, go.
- If you please, miss...
- Yes.
l'd like a lipstick for
my girlfriend...
Not here.
You must go to the department
right in front.
- Thank you.
- With pleasure.
- Play the Jack.
- 5,000.
l'm in.
- I say 10,000. - Come on, 10,000
on the irs! caret don'! push iL..
Ills your problem.
Shut the door.
What the fuck are you
laughing about?
It's a woman...
Have you never seen a woman?
- Come, come, play, he passed.
- You're so childish!
- What is it?
- Go play, go play...
What do I do now?
You wait... Can't you see we're playing?
But we had agreed!
Come back this evening.
Anyway you ain't got much else to do.
Don't be nasty!
Take this.
Another 2,000.
Alright, l'll see you.
Look who the fuck I have to play with!
And I even lose!
Get down #om your pedestal]
even ugy
Hello? Would you mind calling
the soldier who's in front of the door?
/711 captain Asciutto is wife.
- What!? - Please don't tell my husband
where I was this morning.
Come on, you know what
/711 talking about]
That house. . .
- Look, you're wrong, there must be
a confusion - There isn'L you know IL
You know my husband is very jealous,
and even very violent
- Do you want to have a drink?
- I wouldn't know what to tell you.
Well? Nothing interesting?
No, nothing much...
Go take a bite. There's a really good
restaurant near-by.
- You shouldn't...
- Take it, take it.
Meet me here at three, yes?
Why don't you answer
when l'm calling you?
I... I didn't hear you.
Don't you come to eat?
No, l'm not hungry.
But everything's ready.
I must calm down, I must calm down,
or l'll kill her! Calm down!
What are you doing?
Going out?
I don't know.
You don't know...
A very satisfying reply...
I don't know! Haven't decided yet!
What is there to decide?
I already know what l'll be doing
today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
And I had forbidden you to drink!
Where are you going?
Is my presence bothering you?
l'll finish my make-up
in the bathroom.
Open up.
Open up, I won't do anything to you!
I wan'! do anything to you!
Open, or l'll break the door!
Get out, you're annoying me!
Are you getting ready to be fucked by
someone with a bigger dick?
Go away! I said you were
busting my balls!
Impotent animal!
l'll throw you out!
Then do it! Do it!
Do it already!
Do you think I won't find
someone to support me?
For what you give me?!
- Come here!
- Let me go!
Come here!
Open up! Open up!
I beg you! Open up!
I won't do it anymore!
Open up!
Move it!
l'll change you! l'll change you!
When I tell you to do something,
you must do it, got it?
Have you got it?
So/died A call for you!
Excuse me!
Yes, it's me again!
l've made coffee. Come up.
But, ma'am, how...
- How could I? Put yourself in my shoes...
- /711 waiting for you.
Can I?
Come in.
In there.
Only one minute, to set things straight,
then l'll leave...
Agreed, but take a seat.
Beautiful house.
It makes me puke.
Do you mind if I...?
- No, no, go ahead.
- Would you like one?
Take this.
Keep IL
No, look, I couldn't accept...
Take it, I haven't even paid for it!
I... haven't spoken to your husband...
.. because I believe you... I trust you.
Can I help you?
Come again?!
I like you, even if you're in uniform.
Look... I...
.. l'm rather a particular soldier...
.. l've graduated, but this doesn't
help in the barracks...
To survive in here you don't need...
.. studies, you need to know how to defend
yourself, to be cunning...
.. and that becomes a positive thing.
In the begining, it was very hard for me.
Till I had the luck to meet your husband.
And l've changed!
l've become stronger, more aggresive.
At first I was everyone's victim!
And now l'm respected!
I understand.
And... it's by gratitude that you do him
this kind of favor?
True... l'm grateful to him.
I respect your husband, he's a good
officer, he does well his job.
And after, what will you do?
You won't enlist, you wouldn't want to
be an officer, would you?
Why not?
l've applied in several places...
I have to work.
I should also work.
l've bought a knitting machine,
and I haven't used it even once...
I sell my friends some jumpers...
.. and I steal.
By despite, by boredom, because
I want things I can't afford, understand?
Do you know how much an honest
captain makes?
A captain that doesn't steal?
No... haven't got a clue.
Sure, I could work!
I could be a manicurist, a shop
assistant, a typist... a massagist.
I should muster the courage
to do it!
In life, ma'am, you must always make
sacrifices, in the begining.
Sacrifice what?
I don't even have the guts to give up
this shit of a house!
Touch! Skai!
l'm even afraid l'll lose Asciutto!
Of not being Captain Asciutto's
wife anymore!
Can you imagine?
l'm not even thirty!
I must go!
We'll see each other
often anyway, won't we!
Thank you.
Don't tell your husband anything!
Please allow me... Look...
For me... Captain Asciuttou.
.. is like a father.
Go away... go...
Good evening.
You don't see...
You wank too much.
Listen, please let me play,
or l'll leave!
/711 serious!
Play, play!
Now you're gonna tear the felt!
You'll hit a nice seven!
You'll see you'll tear it!
A new felt is expensive.
Here it is! Let's see you!
"Self-praise is no praise at all. "
Easy go, ocarina!
Daddy sees the birdy, takes aim...
- Won!
- Learn, vassals!
Submit to Baio the Insuperable!
I apologize! I...
Go, go and pay, that's the only
thing you know how to do!
You're busting my balls!
Let's play poker!
Baio, didn't you have a date,
or have you forgotten it?
What squalor!
Four rounds, and we'll go check it out.
Ok with you?
Come here.
- You are cold, aren't you?
- A little.
But there's the rules...
It's forbidden to wear the winter
uniforms till the 1st of October.
Unfortunately, you know
I can't invite you in...
But, don't mind me...
.. if you want to go away for a
little while, l'll wait for you.
No, there's no need, I...
.. l'll walk up and down...
I mean, don't make things
hard for you.
Excuse me!
Three hours late!
It happens!
Sweet whore!
Are you ashamed?
l'll undress you!
Do you like it?
You're a big slut!
You kill me! A big whore!
My slut!
My love!
Say you like it! Say it! Slut!
Say you like it!
- Baio... Baio is great!
- Very.
I have a hard one!
We'll have to fuck afteward.
Say you love me!
- I love you!
- Louder! - Yes, I love you!
- Say it louder!
- I love you! - Louder!
- I love you!
- I can'! hear! Louder!
I love you!
- llove you!- l've had enough listening,
I want to watch!
I love you!
I don '[ understand . .
What the fuck am I doing...
- lmbecils, I won't take you here anymore!
- Let's hear a little more!
No! Let's go!
- How horny you get!
- I need no advice!
My undenNear...
Won't you stay a little longer?
But you treat just like you'd
treat a whore!
Another woman would have
dumped you long ago!
Oh, yes?
What's keeping you?
Look, the door is there.
Don't I mean anything for you?
Not even a little tenderness?
A little sweetness? . ..
You're begining to annoy me!
What more do you want?
I made you come, didn'[ I?
And then ?!
Couldn't you be more gentle?
That's the way I am.
Or like this, or at all!
If you want to leave,
you're free to do it!
Sit down.
Got an ID?
- Children?
- No.
What does your husband do ?
- He's a captain.
- Alright...
The total is...
I can pay, I assure you!
I really don't know what
made me do it!
It was the first time...
Ills the irs! time you got caught
Ma'am, l'm sorry, but l'll have to
denounce you. Call the police.
From the "Cori" department store.
Can I have the Inspector on dug'?
- Yes, yes, /7/ wait..
- Don't say anything!
Don't say anything!
Don't say anything! No!
How dare you?
Has anything happened?
Where the fuck has she gone?!
What are you doing?
I saw you were crying...
Yes, but you mustn't get like this...
- Captain Asciutto's looking for you.
- Why? Anything happened?
I don't know.
Come in.
Ah, Passeri, come in.
Sit down.
Thank you.
What do you have for me, then ?
Nothing, nothing new.
As a matter of fact l've...
.. l've written down...
.. everything...
.. the lady did.
If... Here it is...
If you want to throw a glance over it...
No, leave it.
Today she has behaved we/L
Don '[ you agree ?
Still, one shouldn't be forced
to shadow his own wife.
We're wretched, we're beggars.
Always anxious, always agitated,
it can't go on.
When one gets here,
better shoot himself.
And then shadowing her,
you could be wrong, couldn't you?
Should I stop?
What do you think?
Give me an advice.
I don't know.
A pity you're not an officer,
you and I get along fine.
On the other hand, hierarchy
should be respected.
Othenrvise, everything would go to ruin.
You understand me, don't you?
Captain, Sir, l'll so everything
you'll tell me to!
Let's forget it! Yes, yes!
We'll do as you say.
Listen, Passeri, do you want...
.. a leave, a special one?
Do you want to go home?
You onbl have to tell me!
No... really... I feel fine in the
barracks, Captain, Sir.
What will we do, Captain, Sir?
Wait, wait.
Come here. Don't be afraid.
- You go to the right door.
- Yessir!
Stop him!
It's useless runing away, Cieroni!
l've recognized you!
What do I care?
And what do you? Stupid brute!
We'll settle this in the barracks!
- Stupid!
- Move!
Take this. Go and fuck.
And remember, you must always squeeze
your buttocks, not open them!
- Scram!
- Yessir!
Listen, fag, you must stop bothering
my soldiers! - Calm down.
I don't take orders from you,
l'm a free citizen, not a soldier!
- Give up my soldiers!
- What "your soldiers"? Do you own them?
l'll denounce you!
Denounce who? l'm as in my home here.
This is illegal entering.
- There's a sentence.
- Shut up!
If I catch you yet again with one of my
soldiers, l'll smash your face!
You're soldiers are grown-ups, they can
do whatever they want!
- You take advantage they need money!
- Pa y them batted
- l'm warning you l'm running out
of patience! - Because you're wrong?
You're mistaken! Know who's right? Me!
Because I can beat you up!
Try it!
If you were a man...
Going with women makes you a man?
Is fucking the only sign of virility?
- Enough!
- What are you doing?
How dare you?
Let him have it! Let him have it!
Hit him! Hit him!
Enough! Enough!
Let him go!
Come, come.
She's sleeping!
Come again please?
My wife's sleeping.
Would you like some spaghetti?
How is it... If I may...
What can I say? It could...
It could be worse, but these last days
she's less annoying...
.. she gets less on my nerves.
Can I...
- Can I help you set the table?
- No. Listen...
Go and bring the whiskey.
The second door.
l've hidden it in the display cabinet
with trophies. Go!
He wants the whiskey.
- Here it is.
- Sit down.
Do you want some?
Yes, thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
After all, l'd need so little...
That she'd bear me a son.
To have something to mould, to form.
To make him exactly like you want!
To train him from the first
day of his life!
You can turn a man into whatever
you want, can't you?
Correct me if l'm talking bullshit,
I dind't go to no university!
On the contrary... on the contrary...
lt'd be great seeing people change
under your eyes.
You could put it down on the job...
See the soldier putting on weight,
taking a healthy colour...
.. the shadows under
his eyes go away...
He learns walking, saluting,
having a straight posture!
When he arrives, you know, he's dazed,
clumsy, a mummy's boy!
A/ways leaning on the walls!
Have you noticed? - Yes.
They change in 12 months...
Imagine having a son for life!
When small, letting him cry
during the night!
Then sending him to state schools.
Cold water, no heating!
And then, after elementary school, all
summer abroad, so he'll learn the ropes!
And in high-school, whores,
l'll take him! So he skips wanking!
Why are you running?
Why are you running?
You're hitting me with the foot!
You're dirtying my face!
- Go slower! What do you care?
- Fuck you!
Weren't you the one hating
military life?
- You'd have cut yourself an arm to
go home! - Can't I change my mind?
Passeri, come fonrvard!
Passeri was the best.
Follow his example!
Sergeant, take over.
Platoon,.. at ease!
P- latoon, a-ttention!
Left turn!
FonNard march!
Unfortunately you've become
an exemplary soldier!
- It's my fucking business, if you don't
mind. - Yes, but take it easier,
because sooner or later,
they'll nail your ass.
Let them try!
You've surely gone a long way!
And you've remained the same nuisance!
Go fuck yourself!
Znd P/atoon, 1st Section! Awaiting orders!
Znd P/atoon, 1st Section! Awaiting orders!
Go further away! Further away!
Go that way!
I don't want to anymore.
- l've got it!
- No, I swear, I don't want to anymore!
I only came to say it, and that's all!
- You can't leave me like this!
- l'm going!
Don't be stupid! If you do this to me I
won't forgive you! Come!
- Let me go!
- Easy, easy!
Speak quietly.
If you don't stop it, l'll shout!
I won't eat you, you know...
Let's not play around,
listen to me!
- l'm already horny, should have told me
- Don't you get it?
- I don't want to see you anymore!
- What have I done to you?
What have I done to you?
I 've fallen in love with someone else.
That's all.
When does this fuck begin?
- Quiet!
- Boys, he's right, it's been 10 minutes!
Come on, letis go!
Wait] Baio never disappontsl
Tell me you love me!
Tell me you still love me!
- Louded
- Yes, I love you!
- Say it louded
- I love you! - Louded - I love you!
- I can'! hear you! Louded
- I love you! - Again! - I love you!
- Again!
- I love you!
What are you doing?
All alone?!
Go awaaay!
Go away!
With Captain Asciutto, please!
Yes. Hello?
Listen carefulyl
You're a royal deer,
a giant elk, an ibex!
You're the greatest cuckold
in the world!
You're the only one that doesn't know
that l'm banging your wife 3 days a week!
Anytime I want!
Who are you? Say you're name!
And if you don't believe me, I can send
you her hair in an envelope!
I knew it! I knew it!
The slut!
Don't be afraid, don't hide!
Here it's Ok!
There... there's someone!
- Don't you see it?
- They are two like us!
- Please, let's go further!
- "Please, let's go further"
Here. Here it's alright.
- Here!
- Yes! I got it!
What are you doing?
You're mad! You're hurting me!
Why don't you and Asciutto
have children?
I heard the other day the dumb
things he was telling you.
A child fixes so many things.
A child doesn't fix anything.
He has every right to demand it.
l'd abort immediately any
Asciutto's child!
I don't understand what has he done
to you, so you'd hate him so much!
Keep out of all this, it's my business!
It doesn't concern you.
I don't know, I don't know, whenever
you want you spit the venom!
What for must you seek vengeance?
Explain yourself!
My love, stop defending him! You don't
know but he has done me only harm!
I don't know, Ok, it's not only his fault,
l've got my share of responsibility...
But, at this point, it doesn't matter
knowing who's right, and who's wrong.
At first... At first I was afraid
he'd throw me out...
I took the blows, then sought revenge,
he'd make me suffer, l'd make him suffer,
and I liked it!
Anything's better than
living with Asciutto!
I can manage on my own,
I don't care!
l'm tired... but really tired!
Two beings that don't respect each other,
should live together, do you understand?
I... l've talked to Asciutto.
And I assure you...
He's head over heels in love!
I don't care he's in love with me!
If he rapes me, if he abuses me,
if he strikes me whenever he wants,
this isn't love, it's fascism, isn't it?
What the fuck's got fascism
to do with it?
What do you know about fascism?
What is fascism?
You always read that shit...
magazines and all that trash!
l've never seen you open a book!
What the fuck are you talking about?!
No, what are you talking about?
I say...
I say, for instance, that you don't
do a fucking shit all day long!
And he's busting his balls in
the barracks, supporting you,
and you fuck with everyone,
not only with me or him!
And, then, always playing the victim,
when he's the real victim!
For God's sake!
Now, l'll kill you.
Come here! Come here!
Where were you?
Where were you?
Where were you?
Who is he? Who is he?
Who is he?
Whore! Whore!
Who is he?
Come, speak! Speak! Speak!
Speak! Come, speak!
EnoughL . . Enough!
Enough!... Enough!
Stitch IL
I must stitch your cund
I must stitch your cund
Stitch id
I must stitch your cund
I must stitch your cund
I knew it'd end like this!
I knew it!
Don 'U
It's Passeri.
I came as quickly as I could,
Captain, Sir.
Sit down, Passeri, sit down.
She has run away, Passeri.
I can't live without her!
I don't exist.
Find her!
- Convince her, talk to her!
- Yes.
Help me, will you!
Help me! You're the only...
.. you're my only friend!
l'll try... l'll try to do my best,
Captain, Sir!
Give me the whiskey.
- Close it! Close it!
- l'm sorry.
l'm sorry. Here it is.
- l'm sorry.
- Thank you.
l'll go right now!
No, no, l'm not going back to Asciutto!
Maybe we ?e wrong,
on at least I am,
- after all he's done for me!
- What has he done for you?
You know very well he has helped me!
Has hewed you how?
He has given me... self confidence!
He was the only one that...
He often tells me that if a man wants,
he can bring the world to its knees!
- I know it's rethoric, but...
- Why should you do that?
What bullshit!
/711 not going back
l've thought about it...
I thought that, maybe, we might get
along well, you and I, together.
You and me? Alone?
- Yes, why not?
- No...
Why not? You hurt me!
Then l'll go away alone.
Where are you going? Without a man
to help you? Without a job?
Shut up!
l'll give you an advice:
Stay away from Asciutto, he'll
only harm you, do you understand?
You won't be able to hide
behind him for ever.
You can'! stay a boy for even
I... I don't understand anything,
Bring him back the car.
Where are you going,
Rosanna, please!
Look, what do I know?
Be careful, it's dangerous!
You can never tell who
you're dealing with!
Where're you going?
Be careful crossinu.
Are you leaving me a/one ?
Then? It is for good?
Passeri, tonight I want to do something
I want to set a record!
I want to fuck all the sentries!
You'll come with me!
l'll teach you something new!
We'll take them all prisoners!
And you'll have a rifle!
Agreed? Agreed?
Listen, Guaccio!
Please, don't chase me away!
I must speak to you!
Who's sending you away?
- Asciutto, wants me to...
- Hey!
Go to bed!
l'll close the lights in two minutes!
Asciutto, wants me to go with him,
you know he likes disarming sentries...
He says he wants to teach me.
He's totally insane! I...
- I don't know what the fuck to do!
- It's easy: don't go!
- It's not at all easy, I...
- Look, I won't say anything more.
Decide for yourself!
From now on you must learn
to do on your own.
And you?
Why are you still dressed?
Move! Get in bed!
And put the cigarette off!
- Are you going out?
- Yes.
What are you still doing here?!
Go away!
- Get lost!
- We don't want you with us!
He's pushing on!
Do you stop following us,
yes or not?
- Fuck off! - You're through with us!
- Spy! Go away!
l'll bust your balls!
Let him be! We threw shit on him,
we're even!
- Give it up! - The nerve he's got!
- Stupid!
The coast is clear!
Asciutto's patrolling!
No! Be careful!
Who's there?
Who is there ?
Captain, l'll shoot!
l'll shoot!
Hey, Passeri!
What have you seen?
You aren't going to rat on me,
are you?
Don't be afraid.
You went by the rules.
You've seen I first fired in the air!
Yes, you've first fired in the air,
haven't you?