Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas to All! (2022) Movie Script

oh, oh
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Mariah: I love you!
the herald
glory to
the new born king
peace on earth
and mercy mild
god and sinners
ye nations rise
of the skies
with angelic
host proclaim
Christ is born
in Bethlehem
the herald angels sing
glory to
the new born king
to the new born king
in excelsis deo
in excelsis deo
the herald angels sing
glory to
the new born king
peace on earth
and mercy mild
god and sinners
all ye nations rise
join the triumph
of the skies
with angelic
host proclaim
Christ is born
in Bethlehem
the herald angels sing
glory to
the new born king
to the new born king
For coming and celebrating and
joining us all tonight to
I've been missing being out here
in New York singing with the
people, particularly around
Christmas time.
I see you in the coat.
I had an ensemble on like that
earlier, darling.
I did!
We're going to get to all those
other little moments.
But I just wanted to say that,
on a serious note, this is the
time for sharing and goodness,
joy and hope.
We really-- a lot of us really
need hope around the holidays.
And I'm always festive and no
matter what we push, we push and
we press on and we get through
But what we really need to do
right now is give you a little
tiny bit of joy for your life,
if you like.
Would you like that?
To the world
the lord
has come
the lord
has come
let earth
her king
let every heart
her king
let every heart
prepare him room
And heaven and heaven
and nature sing
Mariah: I see you over there!
Joy to the world
put your hands together!
The lord has come
let earth receive her king
let every heart
prepare him room
and heaven and nature sing
and heaven and nature sing
and heaven
and heaven and nature sing
joy to the earth
the savior reigns
let men their songs

repeat the sounding joy
repeat the sounding joy
repeat, repeat
the sounding joy
joy to the world
all the boys and girls
joy to the people
everywhere you see
joy to you
and me
he rules the world
with truth and grace
and makes the nations
the glories of
his righteousness
and wonders and wonders
and wonders of his love
and wonders
and wonders and wonders
of his joy!
Mariah: You all know this
Mariah: Come on!
Everybody just sing it
everybody just shout it
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
everybody just sing it
everybody just shout it
yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah!

to you and
Maybe something I would wear.
I like your crown.
Thank you, choir.
That was beautiful.
A little spot o' tea.
I know we're not in London, but
maybe next year if they get on
it earlier.
You know?
Okay, so I'm just going to talk
to you for a minute, because
that's what I do.
If you've been to one of my
shows, you know we have an
experience, darling.
That's what we do.
It doesn't have to just be like,
"what's up, New York?"
It's easy to hear it.
I just wanted to say, like, the
whole idea of a sleigh ride,
We know that "sleigh this,
sleigh that, sleigh everything."
But in terms of, like, an actual
sleigh ride, it's like a
It's like a real fantasy.
And you know, I do this every
year-- bundled up in blankets,
horse-drawn sleigh.
Not lying.
And it's one of my favorite
things to do.
So, we decided to do a rendition
of this great song called
"sleigh ride."
Take it any way you want.
Just feel festive with it.
All right.
Here, okay.

just hear those sleigh bells
jingling, ring-ding-dingling too

come on
it's lovely weather
for a sleigh ride together
with you

outside the snow
is falling
and friends are calling
"yoo hoo"

come on
it's lovely weather
for a sleigh ride
together with you

with you
[ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh
our cheeks are nice and rosy
and comfy and cozy are we
we're snuggled up
like two birds of a feather
would be
let's take the road
before us
and sing a chorus
or two
come on,
it's lovely weather
for a sleigh ride
together with you
with you
with you
with you

Mariah: I taught them
everything they know.


Oh, oh!
our cheeks are nice and rosy
and comfy and cozy are we
we're snuggled up
like two birds of a
feather would be
let's take the road
before us
and sing a chorus
or two
come on,
it's lovely weather
for a sleigh ride
together with you
Oh, whoa!
It's like my own little party.
And I enjoy it!
How is everyone tonight?
This, but we are filming this
show here live from Madison
square garden.
To tell you what I really do
because I need just a minute to
acknowledge-- acknowledge that
you guys are here, like-- and
been here.
We said-- and the lambs were
like, "yeah, right, she just
asked my opinion, she's not to
really going to listen."
There have been many versions,
many renditions of this classic
Christmas song, but this is our
version of "Christmas."
Do you know it?
I know you love when I ask you
The snow's comin' down
I'm watchin' it fall
lots of people around
baby, please come home
the church bells in town
are ringing in song
full of happy sounds
baby, please come home
they're singing deck the halls
but it's not like Christmas at
'cause I remember when you were
and all the fun we had last year
pretty lights on the tree
what'll I do?
You should be here with me
baby, please come home
Mariah: Daniel moon on the
keys, ladies and gentlemen!
Baby please
baby please
they're singing deck the halls
but it's not like Christmas at
'cause I remember when you were
and all the fun we had last--
Mariah: Who is this guy?
Get over here!

Mariah: This is a gentleman
over here!

Mariah: Is it?
come on!
La la la la
Festive, try to make it festive.
So much for being here tonight.
One of my all-time
favorite, favorite Christmas
songs, "silent night."
Silent night
silent night
holy night
all is calm
all is bright
'round yon virgin
mother and child
holy infant
so tender and mild
sleep in heavenly peace
so tender and mild
sleep in heavenly peace
sleep in heavenly peace
silent night
sleep in heavenly peace
silent night
holy night
son of god
holy night
son of god
oh, love's pure light
radiant beams from
thy holy face
with the dawn of
redeeming grace
lord at thy birth
oh, Jesus
lord at thy birth
sleep in heavenly peace
sleep, sleep
sleep in heavenly
heavenly peace
sleep in heaven,
heavenly peace
We love you!
Mariah: I'm going to tell you
a little story you may or may
not know.
So, the next moment is obviously
very special to me.
And i-- I don't have birthdays.
We all know his, right?
We can recognize that.
We can acknowledge that.
So, when I had my greatest day
ever was my birthing day
when I gave birth to my twins,
Moroccan and Monroe.
Miss Monroe, here.
Can we get a nice light on her
while we see her pretty dress
See that?
I love you, girl.
Will you help me put this
together so it looks nice?
She's into styling, too.
She's very stylish.
Hold on, let me pull the silver.
Look how nice she is.
Give it up for the tiara, the
All right.
I can't...
This is our first tour.
Again, this is my daughter,
Monroe, and she helped mommy
with the dress.
Can we give it up for that
first, please?
We started singing it, like, a
week ago together, and we just
thought, let's try it.
Why not?
So, it's called "away in a
Away in a manger
no crib for a bed
the little lord Jesus
laid down his sweet head
the stars in sky
looked down where he lay
the little lord Jesus
asleep on the hay
be near me, lord Jesus
I ask you to stay
close by me forever
and love me, I pray
bless all the dear children
in your tender care
and fit us for heaven
to live with you there
My daughter, Monroe.
How's everybody doing?
I can't hear you!
Merry Christmas, everybody!
How you all doing?
Thank you, miss Carey, for
having me!
This next song I'm going to sing
is dedicated to my mama, my
Come on, Christian.
A little lamb
of god
was born
two thousand years ago
but some things
haven't changed so much
the wind,
the snow
the glow within
a mother's touch
Jesus had
a mama like mine
to keep him
from the cold
with a humble bed
of straw
and a heart
of gold
holding him,
holding him
Jesus had
a mama like mine
to treat him
like a king
and even with
no heavenly sign
every mama's child
is divine to her
mamas don't change
mama is love
'specially a mama like
'specially a mama like
oh, my mama
thank you, mama, mama, mama
for loving me
you love me
I couldn't imagine life
without you, mama
thank you lord
for a mama
like mine
thank you.
Christian on piano.
Do you like the ensemble?
I hope you'll sing it.
Christmas time is in the air
Christmas chimes reminding me
of when
we fell like the snow
so deep in love
high above us
the evergreens
sparkle with light
and feel the breeze
as we made future
Christmas memories
Christmas shoppers
glance at us and smile
'cause the mistletoe is
and the dream is to share
this Christmas cheer
with you all year and not wait
till the moment when
Christmas time
is in the air again
Mr. Grinch simply can't resist
warming up when he looks our way
even old scrooge makes a
Christmas wish
for a honey to hold Christmas
and to feel love like ours
but do you like the tree?
Da da da
and the dream is to share
this Christmas cheer
with you all throughout the
and not wait till the moment
Christmas time
is in the air
Christmas time
is everywhere
Christmas time
is in the air again
we love you, Mariah!
With my friend, Marc shaiman,
the legendary Marc shaiman.
Okay, so this is a song I wrote
for my first Christmas album,
and it did actually win the fan
favorite "please do this song,"
so I wasn't lying.
You know, sometimes it's just,
like, I literally do this on my
first Christmas album, so it's
kind of my first Christmas love
song-type thing.
And then you asked, and so here
we are.
I'm going to listen to the piano
for a minute and see if anybody
recognizes this.
The fire is burning
the room's all aglow
the December wind blows
away in the distance
the carolers sing in the snow
oh, oh
everybody's laughing
the world is celebrating
and everyone's so happy
except for me tonight
because I miss you
most at Christmas time
and I can't get you
no, no
get you off of my
every other season
comes along and I'm all right
but then I miss you, oh
most at Christmas time
I've never stopped missing
you, baby
I miss you most at Christmas
You're beautiful, and I love
By the way, please, everybody,
raise your hands up because I
need to feel you a little bit.
All right, good.
Let's keep that energy.
We're going to go into this one,
and let's see if there's any
real fans, or locals-- we love
you as well, we love everybody--
but I need a lamb.
You're not smiling.
Next to that leg, you've got to
Come on!
the whole world
feels a little bit more love
when Christmas comes
when Christmas comes
and everywhere that you go
is people singing 'let it snow'
and hanging up
that mistletoe
and me and you gonna have
ourselves a holiday
and we don't need nobody else
to celebrate
and we gon' kiss our worries
and our cares away, I can't wait
because this Christmas time
get together
it's gonna be so nice
better than ever
because this good love
last forever
good love makes our hearts
open more
when Christmas comes
Mariah: When does he do it?
When Christmas comes
all the way."
jingle all the way
listen to him play.
Mariah: Is everybody, like,
into the Christmas spirit yet?
Traveling and stuff and
rehearsing, and I really wanted
to spend the first moment here
with you guys.
But, you know, that didn't
I don't do the scheduling!
Not the queen of scheduling,
Write that one down.
Please, somebody!
Anyway, getting back into that
solemn kind of vibe, I was like,
I really want to do a plethora,
a variety of things.
I wanted to do, like, you know,
festive up-tempos and stuff,
and then I said, "I have to do
some of the songs that grew up
making me love the spirit."
And the spirit is what it's all
about, for me.
The spirit and just feeling the
spirit with all of you tonight.
So we want to do our rendition
of "oh holy night," which we
first did on "merry Christmas."
Of y'all tonight.
Danny Moore is going to guide me
through it, because I love him.
Come on, choir
May we welcome the choir back to
the stage?
The stars are brightly shining
it is the night
of our dear savior's birth
long lay the world
in sin and error pining
'til he appeared
and the soul felt its worth
a thrill of hope
the weary world rejoices
for yonder breaks
a new and glorious morn
on your knees
o hear
the angels' voices
o night
o night
when Christ was born
o night
o night
o night divine
yeah, yeah
yeah, yeah
o night
o night
[o nigh divine
o night divine]
[o night divine
o night divine]
[o night divine
o night divine]
[o night divine
o night divine]
[o night divine
o night divine]
O night divine]
"Bah, humbug"
no, that's too strong
'cause it's my favorite
but all this year's been a
busy blur
don't think I have the
deck those halls,
trim those trees
raise up cups of
Christmas cheer
I just need to catch my breath
Christmas by myself this year
la la la la
la la la la la
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
but I think I'll miss this one
this year
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
but I think I'll miss this one
this year
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
but I think
I'll miss this one this year
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
but I think
I'll miss this one this year
hardly dashing through the
'cause I bundled up
too tight
last minute have to do
a few cards a few calls
'cause it's "r.S.V.P."
No thanks, no party lights
it's Christmas Eve,
gonna relax
doing Christmas right this
la la la la
la la la la la
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
couldn't miss this one this
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
I couldn't miss this one this
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
couldn't miss this one this
merry Christmas,
merry Christmas
couldn't miss this one this
Is that a diamond?
Is that a diamond?
That ain't no diamond.
That's a fake crystal.
Ooh, i'MMA tell Mariah you
call her crystals fake!
Hey, are you all talking
about my mama?
My mama ain't wearing nothing
Sorry, rocky!
Yeah, all right.
Hey, rocky, can you show us
the "NBA 2k"?
What you know about "2k"?
All right, let's go.

And make you mine this Christmas
Santa's gon' come
and make you mine, mine
oh, Santa
Santa's gon' come
and make you mine this
Santa's gon' come
and make you mine, mine
Santa, if you get this letter
won't you help me out?
I know you're kinda busy with
your elves right now
and I don't know how
you do the things you do
while I sleep on Christmas Eve
but it's amazing
and I bet that you could bring
me back my baby
because every time
I see Christmas lights
I feel this burn inside
and I just can't take it
I saw them shopping last week
and his new girl was so bleak
and then I swore to myself
Santa's gonna come
and make you mine this
Christmas night
Santa's gon' come]
Mariah: Sing along if you
know it!
[Santa's gon' come
and make you mine, ho-ho-ho]
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine this Christmas night
oh, Santa, I heard that it's
really gonna snow this year
so I hope Rudolph and them
other eight reindeer
get you safely here
so you can scoop him up
and scoop him right down my
I've been really, really,
really good this year
so put on that red suit and
make him appear
make this Christmas
just ain't the same without my
come on, oh, kris kringle
send me
they say it's unrealistic
but I believe in you, Saint Nick
so Grant this wish for me
right quick
Santa won't you come and make
him mine this Christmas night
Santa's gon' come]
[and make you mine this
[Santa's gon' come
and make you mine, ho-ho-ho]
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine this Christmas night
Mariah: Come on kids

come on, Santa
Santa gon' come
and make you mine this Christmas
Santa gon' come
and make you mine, mine
Santa gon' come
and make you mine this Christmas
Santa gon' come
and make you mine, mine
oh, Santa claus
if you get this letter
please don't make me wait
'cause all December
I'll be counting down the days
so hop on your sleigh
I promise that I won't
forget the milk and cookies
the trees all sparkly and gold
but inside I feel so cold
so soon as you leave the north
Santa, won't you come and make
him mine this Christmas
oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine, ho-ho-ho
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine this Christmas
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine, ho-ho-ho
Santa's gon' comeand make you
mine, mine
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine, ho-ho-ho
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine this Christmas
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine, ho-ho-ho
Santa's gon' come and make you
mine, mine
It's the rockettes!
Come on!
Never did I ever dream when I
was growing up in New York, the
actual rockettes would be here
at my show.
Come on!
All right, ding dong!
Mariah: I want to say, I love
you back.
I love you back!
And we're going to feature an
incredible artist who really
needs no introduction and should
not need an introduction
especially in New York City, as
well as one of my best friends
and collaborators.
And my son, rocky.
So I'm going to let them start
things out.
And here we go.
We got-- I got to thank them
first, but let's see what we can
do together.
Is that Jermaine dupri?
Here comes Santa claus
here comes Santa claus
right down Santa claus Lane
Vixen and blitzen
and all his reindeer
pulling on the reins
bells are ringing
children singing
all is merry
and bright
hang your stockings with
Christmas cheer
'cause Santa claus comes
oh, ho, ho, who wouldn't go?
Oh, ho ho, who wouldn't go?
Up the housetop, click, click,
'cause Santa claus comes
so gather 'round
gather 'round
until night becomes the day
gather 'round
gather 'round
we're gonna have a good time
Mariah: You guys, you guys!
I've got the ultimate Christmas
Come on.
Come on, over here!
Yo, Rick!
Yo, Rick!
I got my crew with me right now.
Tell them the story that you
told me.
Knock 'em out, Rick
knock 'em out, Rick
knock 'em out the box, Rick
knock 'em out the box, Rick
hello, my name is Santa claus
hello, my name is Santa claus
and this don't fit properly
so gather 'round
gather 'round
until night
becomes the day
gather 'round
gather 'round
'preciate it, see ya later!
We're gonna have a good time
appreciate you.
See you later.
Mariah: My favorite rapper of
all time.
And everybody else, this is
Santa claus is coming to
Mariah: I'm admiring the
whole ensemble.
Santa claus is coming to
Mariah: J.D.!
Don't abandon me.
For slick Rick, the ruler!
Mariah: And m.C.!
hey, hey, Santa claus is
coming tonight
oh, yeah!
Those glam moments all the while
maybe creating a new style.
I can't tell you how good it's
going to be.
But we're just going to do
this is my hair
you see, it's right in this
is anybody out there naturally
curly or textured?
Textured hair, I said
I guess everybody got slick,
straight hair out in the
audience tonight!
But my hair will be wet
and it will be a mess
and I'll be like, oh,
then you set a little bit...
Can you just pull it up
pull it up a little bit
so it's Madison square garden
December 16 with all my peeps
and we will celebrate
I know I can go there right now.
Mariah: Typically at
Christmas I only do Christmas
songs, okay?
Even at home, they're not
allowed to play anything but
Christmas songs until after
new year's.
Like, you know, we had a little
bit of a moment this year, so
we're going to do some hits for
you that are mine.
Couple little ones.
Yo, New York in the house
is Brooklyn in the house?
uptown in the house
Shaolin, are you in the house?
boogie down, are you in the
in the house
Atlanta, Georgia,
are you in the house?
west coast,
are you in the house?
are you in the house?
are you in the house?
baby, baby, come on
baby, come on, baby, come on
imagine, I could be your
I can tell you got big think
it ain't too many of them that
can handle me
but I might let you try it off
the hennessy
make 'em sing, make 'em sing
like a melody
and if your girl ain't right,
I got the remedy
it ain't too many of them that
can handle me
imagine, I could be your
oh, when you walk by every
talking sweet
and looking fine
I get kinda hectic
oh, baby I'm so into you
darling, if you only knew
all the things that flow
through my mind
but it's just a
sweet sweet fantasy baby
when I close my eyes
you come and you take me
it's so deep in my daydreams
but it's just a sweet, sweet
fantasy baby
oh oh come and say
oh oh come and say
y'all know it!
oh oh come and say
oh oh come and say
sweet sweet fantasy baby
when I close my eyes
you come and you take me
it's so deep in my daydreams
but it's just a sweet, sweet
fantasy baby
How'd you get me hooked on you
you got the best of me
but I just keep on coming back
oh why did you have to run
your game on me
I should have known
right from the start
you'd go and break
my heart
oh honey, you can have me
when you want me
if you simply ask me to be
and you're the only one
who makes me come runnin'
'cause what you got is
far beyond compare
you got the best of me
but I just keep on coming back
oh why did you have to run
your game on me?
I should have known
right from the start
you'd go and break my heart
uh uh
how'd you get me hooked on
I am thinking of you
I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
if it's wrong to love you
then my heart just won't let me
be right
'cause I've drowned in you
and I won't pull through
without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
just one more night with you
I'd risk my life
[feel your body, feel your
body, feel your body]
'cause I can't go on
living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love
I'd give my all for your love
New York, this is the part where
I need everybody to get to the
dance floor.
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that-that-that-that,
it's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that-that-that-that,
it's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that-that-that-that,
it's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that, y'all!
It's like that-that-that-that,
it's like that, y'all!
I came to have a party
open off that bacardi
feeling so hot tamale
boy, I know you watchin' me
so what's it gonna be?
Purple taking me higher
I'm lifted, and I like it
boy, you got me
baby come and get it
if you're really feelin' me
'cause it's my night
no stress, no fights
I'm leavin' it all
no tears
no time to cry
just makin' the most of
everybody is livin' it
all the fellas keep
lookin' at us
me and my girls on the floor
like what
while the dj keeps on spinnin'
the cut
it's like that y'all
that y'all
it's like that-that-that
I like that y'all
it's like that y'all
that y'all
it's like that-that-that
I like that y'all
here we go now!
Here we go now!
Mariah: J.D.!
Yeah, m.C.
You've got me feeling emotions
higher, higher
you've got me feeling emotions
higher, higher
you've got me feeling emotions
deeper than I've ever dreamed of
you've got me feeling emotions
higher than the heavens above
I feel good
I feel nice
I've never felt so satisfied
I'm in love, I'm alive
flying high
it feels like a dream
when you touch me tenderly
I don't know if it's real
but I like the way I feel
Mariah: But you know this
one, though?
It's inspirational.
It works for Christmas for me,
for this moment.
It's called "make it happen."
If you believe, you can actually
make it happen.
Yo got to keep the faith,
that's all it is.
I once was lost
but now I'm found
I got my feet on solid ground
thank you lord
if you believe within your
just hold on tight
and don't let go
you can make it
make it happen
weeping may endure for a night,
weeping may endure for a night,
trust me.
That there's a place up above
with no more hurt and
free of all atrocities and
because I feel the
unconditional love
from one who cares
enough for me
to erase all my burdens
and let me be free to
fly like a bird
take to the sky
I need you now, lord
carry me high
don't let the world
break me tonight
I need the strength of you
by my side
sometimes this life
can be so cold
I pray you'll come
and carry me home
da da da da da
he said he's never forsake you
trust in him.
da da da
I need you
da da da da da
I want you right by my side
keep your head
up to the sky
with your love
I'll survive
fly like a bird
take to the sky
I need you now, lord
carry me high
don't let the world
break me tonight
I need the strength of you
by my side
sometimes this life
can be so cold
I pray you'll come and carry
me home, carry me home
oh, carry me home!
oh, carry me home!
Carry me higher, higher,
carry me higher, higher,
carry me higher, higher,
carry me higher, higher,
carry me higher, higher,
carry me higher, higher,
carry me higher, higher,
carry me home
carry me higher
Mariah: I hear someone coming
out to do something special.
People want to keep me-- keep me
surprised, and I'm like, what is
Well, hello, darling!
Mariah: Oh, my gosh.
Look at you!
Mariah: Look at you!
Look at this one!
Mariah: Well, is that a good
thing or a bad thing?
Can I look at this one?
Because we're doing something
similar here.
Mariah: By the way, that was
so beautiful earlier.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me.
So listen, no one flies like a
bird like you, miss Mariah
And I'm so happy to take this
moment to present you with the
12-time diamond r.I.A.A. Award
for "all I want for Christmas."
This celebrates-- this passes
last year's accomplishment.
A diamond for a diamond, girl.
Mariah: I brought you a
diamond earlier because
I thought it was--
you did!
Mariah: But I threw it out in
the audience.
No, I promise you.
Didn't I say that?
Mariah: You got it?
You got it?
You have my diamond?
Mariah: Yeah, yeah, he has
your diamond, baby.
Mariah: Thank you for this.
We celebrated this diamond last
thank you for being here gracing
the stage for us tonight.
We love you so much.
Thank you to all the fans that
made this happen!
I can't even believe it.
And I thank you from the bottom
of my heart.
So let's dedicate this song to
Sorry for me taking my time.
I'm just taking my time.
If we could go around a couple
of times, and we can't.
We'll get to the point.
It's from "the emancipation of
Mimi," another one of my
favorites, written with my
friend and partner, Jermaine
sweet love
yeah, I didn't mean it
when I said I didn't love you so
I should have held on tight
I never shoulda let you go
I didn't know nothing
I was stupid
I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I could not fathom I would
ever be without your love
never imagined I'd be
sitting here beside myself
'cause I didn't know you
'cause I didn't know me
but I thought I knew
I never felt the feeling that
I'm feeling now
that I don't hear your voice
or have your touch
and kiss your lips
'cause I don't have a choice
oh, what I wouldn't give
to have you lying by my side
right here, 'cause baby
when you left
I lost a part of me
it's still so hard to
come back, baby,
please come
we belong together
who else am I
gon' lean on
when times get rough
who's gonna talk to me
on the phone
till the sun comes up
who's gonna take your place
there ain't nobody better
oh, baby, baby
we belong together
I can't sleep at night
when you are on my mind
Bobby womack's on the radio
saying to me
[if you think you're lonely
wait a minute
this is too deep
too deep
so I turn the dial
trying to catch a break
and then I hear babyface
I only think of you
and it's breaking my
I'm trying to keep it together
but I'm falling apart
I'm feeling all out of my
I'm throwing things,
trying to figure out where the
hell I went wrong
the pain reflected in this
ain't even half of what
I'm feeling inside
I need you, need you back in
my life, baby
when you left
I lost a part of me
it's still so hard to believe
come back, baby, please come
we belong
who else am I gon' lean on
when times get
who's gonna talk to me
on the phone
till the sun comes up
who's gonna take your place
there ain't nobody better
oh, baby, baby
we belong together,
when you left
I lost a part of me
it's still so hard to believe
come back, baby, please
we belong together
who am I gon' lean on
when times get rough
who's gonna talk to me
till the sun comes up
who's gonna take your place
there ain't nobody else
oh, baby, baby
we belong together
we belong together

Life into that song.
And we're going to try to do the
same thing with this one.
Used to be-- there's a special
guest in the audience who
actually suggested that I do
this little moment, like medley
of other non-Christmas songs.
And the only one that felt right
to me initially was this one,
because the message of the song,
because I've been doing it for
so long, and I was like, I don't
But then, when people would tell
me that it helped them get
through crises in their lives
and loved ones that they've lost
and, you know, we're going to
get through the holidays--
whether you're festive or not,
please think of me and just know
know, just give me, like, a
festive thought because i'm
going to be giving it back to
you, so we can share it
And this is my song, "hero."
Tonight, New York City.
If you remember this, or you've
learned to know it, we just love
to see those lights in the air
There's a hero
if you look inside your heart
you don't have to be afraid
of what you are
and there's an answer
if you reach into your soul
and the sorrow that you know
will melt away, yeah
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is
look inside you and be
and you'll finally see the
that a hero lies in
when you face the world alone
no one reaches out a hand
for you to hold
you can find love
if you search within yourself
and then that emptiness you
felt will disappear
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
'cause you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is
look inside you and be
and you'll finally see
the truth
that a hero lies in you
oh, oh
lord knows
dreams are hard to follow
but don't let anyone
tear them away
just hold on
there will be tomorrow
in time
you'll find the way
then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and then you cast your fears
because you know you can
when you feel like hope
is gone
look inside you and be
and then you'll finally see
the truth
that a hero lies in
[A hero lies, a hero lies, a
that a hero lies in
a hero lies in you
a hero lies in
oh, oh!
Mariah: Thank you so much!
Merry Christmas!
We love you!
Hello, everybody!
And that is one impossible act
to follow.
That a hero lies in you, well,
you believe her, you know?
Especially when you're on the
rough side of that mountain,
wherever your personal mountain
may be.
Yeah, we believe her, you know.
That is the magic of Mimi.
She grabs you by the heart and
she does not let go!
She is an anthem machine.
And if "hero" makes us believe
that we are stronger than we
think, then "all I want for
That's right, the festive finale
is here.
The most wonderful song of the
And it has broken every record,
topped every chart list.
It is sung in places where
Christmas isn't even a thing!
And when it's played for goats
on a farm, it makes them produce
more milk than usual.
That is a real science fact.
I don't know why we tested that,
but we did.
Now, fasten your seat belts.
It is time for the grand finale.
And to everyone here, merry
Christmas, and happy, happy
new year.

don't want a lot for Christmas
there is just one thing I
I don't care about the
underneath the Christmas
I just want you for
my own
more than you could ever
make my wish come
all I want for Christmas
I don't want a lot for
there is just one thing I
don't care about the
underneath the Christmas
I don't need to hang my
there upon the
Santa claus won't make me
with a toy on Christmas
I just want you for my
more than you could ever
make my wish come true
all I want for Christmas
is you
come on!
oh, I won't ask for much
this Christmas
I won't even wish for
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list
and send it
to the north pole
for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
hear those magic reindeer click
'cause I just want you here
holding on to me
so tight
what more can I do?
Baby, all I want for Christmas
is you
oh, all the lights are shining
so brightly everywhere
and the sound of children's
laughter fills the air
and everyone is singing, I
hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa, won't you bring me the
one I really need?
won't you please bring my baby
to me?
oh, I don't want a lot for
this is all I'm asking
I just want to see my
standing right outside my
oh, I just want you for my own
more than you could ever know
make my wish come true
baby, all I want for Christmas
is you
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
is you, baby
Mariah: I know I said I won't
even wish for snow, but I always
I can't reach it!
All I want for Christmas
is you
Mariah: How did everybody get
so lovely?
Is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
Mariah: Thanks to my guests!
Billy Porter!
All I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
is you, baby
come on, Monroe!
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
Mariah: What do you want for
Christmas, though?
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
that was awesome!
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
Mariah: This is your first
snowstorm, New York!
Your first snowstorm!
Mariah: What do you want for
Christmas, though?
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
that was awesome!
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
Mariah: This is your first
snowstorm, New York!
Your first snowstorm!
All I want for Christmas
is you, baby!
All I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
Mariah: Santa, please?
One toy?
All I want for Christmas
is you, baby
we love Mimi!
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
we love Mimi!
We love Mimi!
We love everybody!
All I want for Christmas
is you, baby
it's my birthday, and this is
the absolute best day of my
Is you, baby
Mariah, you're on fire, baby!
Mariah: Merry Christmas to
all, and to all a good night!
All I want for Christmas
is Mimi.
We love you!
All I want for Christmas
is you, baby
Mariah: Good night!
Merry Christmas!
Have the best holiday ever!
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas
is you, baby
all I want for Christmas...
Is you.
merry Christmas!