Mariana, Mariana (1987) Movie Script

The past is a foreign country;
they do things differently there.
L.P. Hartley
The Go-Between
Based on the novel
"Battles in the Desert"
By Jos Emilio Pacheco
Dedicated to Pepe Estrada from
everyone who thought...
planned and made this movie
with and without him.
Rest in peace.
May your eternal soul be
welcome next to the Creator.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Old men are over, Carlitos.
Your father is gone.
We go next.
- Do you need a ride?
- No, thank you.
- I'm glad you came, Carlitos.
- Aunt, how are you?
I haven't seen you for
a long time, Carlitos.
Carlitos, see you at your
mother's house.
- We'll wait for you.
- Alright, thank you.
Let's go.
- Did you rent it?
- Yes, at the airport.
You look exactly the same!
Strong and you haven't lost hair!
Not even a gray hair!
What's your secret?
OK. Let's see.
Who am I?
Uh... you are...
You don't remember,
just look at your face!
Don't worry I'll take you
wherever you want.
I'll tell my driver
to change the tire.
Well, thank you very much.
Damn, Carlitos! I'm Rosales!
Your brother Hector tells me
"Damn Rosales, why are you so fucked up?"
I'm in the big leagues now,
we can do important business together.
Here I am. I started from the bottom
and now I'm rich...
Fuck off!
Jump over me, asshole!
This city is truly a mess.
Is it like this in Caracas?
Do you remember when Mondragon
said this would be cool in the 80's?
The mushroom cloud.
Although the war ended
three years ago...
we're still afraid to think of
the most powerful weapon ever:
The atomic bomb.
But the atom is not
entirely negative, kids.
Its power can be used
for scientific purposes...
for the progress of man.
In about forty years
you will see it...
I'm not sure about me.
We'll live in clean cities,
without smoke, without garbage.
Each family will have a comfortable
and ultramodern house.
We won't lack anything.
Machines will help us.
They will do all the work.
Thanks to the atomic energy
transportation will be easier.
We have an outstanding future.
Look at the map.
It's no coincidence that Mexico
is shaped like a cornucopia.
Besides, we have vast beaches...
You don't understand English,
stupid native!
- You'll see, Rosales!
- What's going on over there?
What are you doing?
What do you have there, Jim?
Bring it here!
- No, professor!
- No? I'm not talking to you.
You, shut up!
Bring it here!
Come Jim, quickly!
- Where did you get this?
- It's from the United States.
The United States?
See you tomorrow!
Here he comes!
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
A strawberry ice cream, please.
- Four o'clock, don't forget!
- I have to ask for permission.
- Really?
- I'll get it.
A strawberry ice cream, please.
Whoever sells these machines
will be a millionaire, no doubt.
- How do you call this thing?
- Blender.
- Why is it called like that?
- Because it liquefies!
- How is it, dad? Liquefy or blend?
- Blend.
There you are!
- Ma'am, may I take the water?
- Yes, put it on the table.
Isn't it beautiful?
And surely the owner is a politician.
Florita, give me a glass
of water please.
Yes sir, of course.
So mom, may I go with
Jim to the cinema?
OK, but only if
Isabel goes with you.
- You! Switch it off and wash it.
- Not me, ma'am.
Don't worry, Esteban will
pick me at 3:30.
Let's go.
Do you think he is that big?
- How many?
- Four, please.
The urban center "President Juarez"
built by the Pension's Office...
and inaugurated by the President
and Mr. Esteban Garca de Alba...
Sir, please put out
your cigarette.
- Yes sir, excuse me.
- Thank you.
It's an important step to
solve the problem of housing.
The building...
- It's my dad!
- Who?
My dad, next to the President!
That was my dad!
Did you see him?
Jim's dad is a very
important person...
he works in the government
with the President.
He was there!
Alfonso Martinez and
Engineer Robles...
and the Pension's Director,
Mr. Esteban Garcia de Alba...
show their gratitude.
The children of the urban center
"President Aleman"...
participate in the festival
giving to the President...
No! Esteban!
Nobody touches my sister!
Did you hear?
Hector, calm down!
Let him go!
Hurry! It's going to stop!
It's in English.
You don't understand.
Carlos lies!
If Jim's dad were truly
a rich politician...
Jim would live in a
big house at Las Lomas!
So, who is his real father?
He was an American journalist,
who took Jim's mom to San Francisco.
He never married her.
- And Jim was born there?
- Sure.
That's why he's pocho!
- So Jim's mom...?
- Jim's mom is the politician's lover.
Just the lover.
Stop bothering Jim!
We're not bothering anyone.
I heard you! 'Chinese, Chinese,
Japanese, shut up and eat shit.'
Be careful!
He knows jujitsu.
Our next guest in the show is a young man
who sings...
You mean a singer?
- What? Did I scare you?
- Stop!
What were you doing?
Oh! You're training to beg for money.
Stop clowning around!
Or were you jerking off?
Am I right?
It's none of your business!
- Did you see the new maid?
- Yes.
Maid meat... nice and cheap.
Everybody up!
Let's go, lazy boys!
Get up! Come on!
Two flowers.
Floor room...
Honey! The tortillas are ready,
go ahead.
Hey you! Eat all your food
or you won't grow up!
I saw that you didn't
talk to your brother.
You still don't talk to each other?
Don't you wanna talk about it?
Hector is super cool!
Yes, that man is so clever
for business... the dirtier, the better.
That catholic knight, father
of eleven legitimate children...
and four bastards.
The Great Lord of the Right,
Columbus knight...
- who swindled his own father!
- Go ahead damn it!
You had to be a woman!
Go sew socks!
Let's talk about something else.
Do you remember when I kicked your ass
because of Jim the pocho?
Do you know what a pocho is?
A pocho is a motherfucker who pretends
to be an American son of a bitch.
So I was telling you
I kicked your ass because of Jim...
one time we were playing
Arabs against Jews, remember?
What was the name of the game?
Battles in the desert.
Of course!
Battles in the desert!
- Suicide mission, Angel!
- Yes, Captain!
Suicide mission!
Run, run!
Do you prefer a cream sandwich
or a concha with beans?
No, I brought my sandwich.
Look, I haven't shown you this.
To the bombs!
Who is he?
This is the President and this is my dad,
he looks much better now.
Like I said.
To the bombs!
We won!
We are the best!
What's up with you?
What do you mean?
Why do you never play
Battles in the desert? Queer!
- Hit him, Rosales!
- Hit him!
Boys, fight!
Go ahead, hit him!
Boys! Calm down, boys!
Calm down!
Boys, in line!
Come here!
- He's a native, he started it!
- Shut up! Don't insult him!
- Totonaca!
- You'll see!
You will see!
Here are your things, Rosales.
Jim has yours.
Here are the tests, Principal.
Yes, thank you.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.
Well, you can go now.
Carlos, I want to talk to you.
Don't go.
You, clean your mouth!
Don't go out like that.
I want you to understand
one thing, Carlos.
Being poor isn't a flaw.
No one is to blame for their
economic situation.
Besides, the word native,
you must never say that, do you hear me?
Never use it like an insult.
In this country, all of us are natives.
You can go now.
- See you, Don Lencho.
- See you tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- What for?
- You fought for me.
- For the two of us.
Anyway, thank you.
- And one hundred, I've finished.
- Let's see.
- Alright.
- Mother, may I ask you something?
Jim invited me to dinner
at his home on Friday.
Jim? Who is Jim?
My friend, the one who
knows a lot of English.
Please let me go.
I'll be back before eight thirty!
I'll think about it.
I don't want you in bad company.
You know, "A man is known by..."
Our family, when we used
to live in Guadalajara...
I know! You only hung out with
high society...
- but in this damn Mexico City...
- Yes, but it's no joke.
Your father doesn't have money for us,
but he has for other expenses.
"Prince in public..."
Poor boy! You're in a school for rascals.
And this is my house!
That's Cuate!
The thread trick!
Jump madam!
Little rascals!
How dare you to make fun
of that Madam?
Do you know who she is?
She's Mrs. Madero.
The one and only Sara P. de Madero!
The widow of the great national
hero of our Revolution.
- How could you?
- I'm sorry, Don Sindulfo!
This is my friend Carlos.
Come on, Cuate!
You'll see, Carlos.
Go ahead, Cuate!
Is he going to open the door?
Do you have keys?
Yes, my mom isn't always home,
she goes out a lot.
Look for Mariana!
I'll be right back.
Do you remember Jim's mother?
You are Carlitos!
- Yes.
- Well, nice to meet you!
Go to Jim's room!
I'll serve dinner in a moment.
Go ahead!
Come on, Cuate, go with Mariana!
We want to play alone!
Don't bother us.
- Those are all my toys.
- They're so many!
Look I'm going to teach you
how the string works.
Carlitos, James!
Come have dinner!
Cuate, get down.
That's my place.
They're called flying saucers.
So easy to prepare,
flying saucers.
Ideal Bread, ham,
American cheese...
butter, mayonnaise, mustard...
and ketchup to taste.
Have some ketchup.
Jim has told me a lot about you.
He says you're his best friend.
Of course!
I love how you two get along.
- Do you have siblings?
- Yes.
- Brothers and sisters?
- Three sisters and one brother.
- Are you from Mexico City?
- No, they're from Guadalajara, but...
- What a fool!
- I'm sorry!
- Don't worry.
- Forgive me.
It's nothing, I had to
change my clothes anyway.
I'll go change,
they're going to pick me up at 8.
I really messed it up!
Don't worry,
eat your flying saucer.
Nothing, just that
you call your mother Mariana.
Sure! Mariana.
And you?
- What do you call your mother?
- Mom.
- And I address her formally.
- Really? Formally?
And she addresses my grandparents
formally too.
How is Tequesquitengo?
Listen to this, Mariana.
Carlos has never been to Tequesquitengo.
Really? Everyone goes there.
We're building a house there.
I hope you do us the honor of
joining us some day.
We go there all the time.
I'd love it if you came with us.
That's what I told him!
- How do I look?
- Beautiful, Mariana.
- And you smell so good!
- Thank you!
You know, Carlitos,
this is your home.
- Yours is on 22 Campeche street.
- Thank you. Be good, James!
Your stepfather,
but you worry about him.
Worry? About him?
With all the hate I feel for him?
- Maybe...
- Not maybe!
I've always hated him,
ever since he married my mother!
She only cared about him!
About holding him!
I was in their way!
I felt like a stranger in my own house!
Who is it?
- I'm home.
- This late?
You gave me permission!
Yes, but not this late.
My heart was in my mouth!
- It's fifteen before nine!
- It's the same!
And don't talk back to me, kid!
As if it wasn't enough for you
to come home this late...
you still have the nerve
to talk back to me.
Like I would've loved her if that man
had never set foot in this house.
I don't like your
friendship with Jim.
I was talking about this with your
aunt Luisita, the other day.
It's not a decent family.
His mom is a woman...
how can I explain it to you?
She isn't married to that man.
It's what people usually call...
a second front.
Do you understand what I mean?
Besides, that man has his
third and fourth front too.
Listen to me, son.
Your sisters and I...
are going to Guadalajara for a few days
to visit your Aunt Licha.
I trust that the men of this
house will behave properly.
Go to sleep now,
it's a school night.
H. Steel and company brings you
the "Panzon Panseco's Show'.
No matter how high the sky is
No matter how deep the ocean is
There won't be a barrier in the world
That a deep love can't break
Love is the life's bread
Love is the holy grail
Love is something without a name
That obsesses a man with a woman
What is that romantic music, fapper?
- Are you having an erection now?
- Stop it!
No matter if destiny is against us
You'll be mine
No matter how high the sky is
No matter how deep the ocean is
There won't be a barrier in the world
That a deep love can't break for you
Get your hand out of there!
You will electrocute yourself!
I'm obsessed with you
And the world is witness of my frenzy
No matter if destiny is against us
You'll be mine
No matter how high the sky is
No matter how deep the ocean is
Keep it!
There won't be a barrier in the world
That a deep love can't break
Kids, pay attention.
Let's see.
You over there, can you see?
Don't you block each other?
Right? You Toru? Alcaraz?
You see? OK.
Let's see. Attention!
Right. Silence.
Everybody watch this.
Well, today you will
have the opportunity...
for the first time in your life...
to witness an experiment
with this little animal...
I used chloroform
to make the bunny sleep...
so you can see the experiment.
It won't feel anything,
he is already asleep.
I'm going to open it...
so you can see...
Watch over here!
Pay attention!
So you can see...
all of the bunny's
gastrointestinal tract.
It's not going to suffer
it's sleeping thanks to the chloroform.
And once it's ready...
we proceed to open it
with this scalpel.
So you can watch the whole
gastrointestinal tract.
Attention! Let's see.
Once it's ready...
You know?
Mariana really liked you.
She says you can go visit
whenever you want.
Let's make a longitudinal cut...
watch carefully.
- He fainted!
- Carlitos!
He fainted!
Easy, boys. It's OK.
These things happen.
Let's see. Carlos!
Let's go!
- Call me later!
- Yes, mom!
- Goodbye!
- I'll call you when we get there!
Good trip Mom.
Send regards to my uncles!
- Be good!
- Goodbye, Isabel!
- Behave yourself!
- Behave yourselves!
- We love you very much!
- Goodbye!
Now, just machos left here.
You could even have an affair, dad!
- Two packs of stickers.
- In a moment.
- Two packs of stickers!
- In a moment.
The Lady in disguise, again!
What's up with Tequesquitengo?
We leave this Saturday morning.
You wanted Laurel and Hardy.
Tequesquitengo? Yes, man.
Now that your mom isn't here...
I'll be with you when you ask
your dad for permission.
Look, this is what we make.
- Where is my father?
- In his office.
They'll sink us!
With the publicity and
the massive production of this bullshit.
They'll kick us out of the market!
It's bullshit!
No, just second class chemistry!
It's sandpaper for the
hands and clothes!
With the advertisements,
those gringos sell everything!
And if it's useless,
they sell it anyway!
I'm not going to take
offers from gringos!
As you wish... Why don't we eat
at Prendes on Thursday?
Yes. Thank you. On Thursday.
What did you want?
- About Tequesquitengo!
- What?
Jim's parents are inviting me
the next week.
To Tequesquitengo?
Yes? Who is it?
Hello! Yes, tell me.
I have a lot of work,
wait a minute.
I'm very busy!
What did you want?
- To go to Tequesquitengo.
- Mister, let him go.
It's on the weekend.
I won't be absent at school!
- Well, OK, you can go.
- Thank you, dad!
- Thank you, mister!
- You're welcome.
Will you eat at the house?
How can I go?
Can't you see how busy I am!
Go, behave yourselves!
We had an agreement!
As you wish! Of course!
Finally Carlos the Terrible was caught!
- Let's torture him!
- Yes!
That's why I couldn't find my ribbon!
Right? Let's untie him.
So we can go in the water.
Yes sir! Splish splash!
- Carlos the Terrible! Yes!
- No!
- Be brave!
- I can't swim!
He said he can't swim!
Calm down.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Are you all right?
Madam, the mister just arrived!
- Thank you.
- Need any help?
No, thank you, Jose.
Are you all right? Sure?
Are you all right?
- Don't go away! Don't go away!
- I'll be right back.
Take me every afternoon
To your orchard
-And sit down next to me
-Rub lotion on me.
Between the roses
Please tell me those things
That make my dead heart beat again
Let me lean my tired head
When Cuate comes we go
all the way up there!
Of hope
Why didn't you bring him?
My father gets angry
when he comes.
I've been born again
Because you love me
Do you remember the magazines
we used to read in secret?
The Vodevil, The Best, The Pigalle?
- No, I read The Billiken.
- The Billiken.
International Cinematography.
Carlos! Hector was
caught inside Clara's room!
Should we go?
Let's go see them!
Take your clothes and get out
from this house! Easy girl!
No ma'am please, I beg you!
You have no shame, Hector!
How many times did I warn you?
Lazy bum!
What are you doing here?
Go to your room!
- And you, get out!
- Come on, put your clothes on!
- Get out!
- Ma'am, please!
Get dressed!
Go away!
The worst part is...
she backed out!
She was just starting to give in
when... bam!
She started to yell!
Fucking maid!
- This is the atomic pen.
- Atomic?
It doesn't drip,
but it smells like hell!
It can blow up like
the atomic bomb?
Yes it can!
Everybody down, it's going to blow up!
What's going on?
Go to your places, quickly!
Go on, quickly!
Let's go, quickly!
- What happened?
- Jim brought an atomic pen!
And we heard an explosion!
It's atomic!
- Like Hiroshima, right?
- Right!
Don't be foolish!
Good Lord! These things
don't blow up.
I've heard about them.
Don't bring those things here,
they just make a mess.
Take it to the principal.
Go ahead, quickly!
This is the past perfect
conditional tense...
of the verb 'to love'.
It's a very difficult tense.
Pay attention!
I would have loved.
I would have loved.
You would have loved.
You would have loved.
He would have loved.
He would have loved.
We would have loved.
We would have loved.
Alcaraz, not just the tune
but also the lyrics!
We would have loved.
We would have loved.
You would have loved.
You would have loved.
They would have loved.
They would have loved.
Do you want to conjugate
the verb by yourself?
No. I want to go to
the bathroom.
Fine, go, hurry up.
Who's the brave one who wants
to conjugate it by himself?
Let's see. How many of you?
I would have loved.
You would have loved.
He would have loved.
We would have...
Watch it kid!
Carlitos, what is it?
Is Jim OK?
Jim is fine.
I need to talk to you.
Come in.
Don't lie to me, Carlitos.
Nothing happened to Jim?
No, it's something else!
Let's see...
Did you escape from the school?
If they find out they'll kick me out,
don't tell anyone I'm here.
Not even Jim!
I won't.
Is everything fine at home?
- Are you in trouble?
- No.
- Do you want a soda?
- No.
I don't want anything!
What I want...
I came...
Forgive me...
I came to tell you that
I'm in love with you.
That's why I came.
I understand, Carlitos.
I really understand you very well.
Now you have to understand me.
You are a kid, like Jim...
and I could be your mother.
Do you understand, Carlitos?
I don't want you to suffer!
You still have a lot of bad things
to go through.
Just like everyone.
Think of it as something funny...
like something you can
remember with joy.
Without regret.
Do you understand me?
Like nothing happened.
Forgive me.
No, there's nothing to forgive.
On the contrary.
Wait, Carlos!
May I ask you a favor?
First, turn it on and then
lean it hard against the floor.
OK. Done.
Like a cat's purr.
Lean it hard forward and softly backward.
- And this little lever, for what?
- Must be the reverse.
Let's see if says... reverse?
- Read it.
- Let me see.
This is to turn it on.
I don't know.
I can't find it!
Carlitos! What are you doing here
so early?
Where are your things?
Look! They just brought it!
It's a wonder!
I got a credit to pay it.
Besides, it cleans faster!
I want to see if I can
take out the garbage.
- I'll help you.
- I think we understood very well.
- There, a bit harder.
- Careful! Carlitos, bring a newspaper!
- Look at all that dust!
- Careful, don't drop it.
And it didn't look that dirty.
That's it!
Oh, look an earring I had lost!
It's a lot of dust! Well it's easy.
I think we understood it perfectly.
What a horrible fuss down there!
- What?
- Your teacher came. It's all your fault.
As he didn't come back from the
bathroom we went looking for him.
We realized that he
had escaped from school.
I saw him!
Yes, then we found out that he
had been in Jim's mother's house.
I told them. I guessed it
since that trip to Tequesquitengo.
Which trip to Tequesquitengo?
- The one...
- Yes, I talked to her because she said...
- You went to see that woman?
- Yes, I spoke with her.
She was very discreet.
But she accepted that Carlitos
had been there...
to pick up a book or
something like that.
But Jim says that's not true.
I don't know, ma'am.
Everything seems too weird for me.
That's why I came.
Is something wrong?
- Carlitos made a mess!
- What?
Where are you?
Don't hide because it'll be worse.
Get out of there!
Get out of there!
Lazy bum!
No, you get him out of there.
I never thought you'd be capable
of doing such a terrible thing!
When have you seen bad examples
in this house? When?
The only thing we've cared about
is that you were a good boy.
And look what you have done!
Answer me!
Answer her!
I think that what I did wasn't that bad.
On top of it all you're cynical enough
to say it wasn't that bad.
You embarrassed us!
This kid isn't normal.
He must be crazy.
Do you remember when
he was six months old...
and he fell on his head
at Plaza Ajusco?
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hollowed be Thy name...
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed are thou among women.
And blessed is the fruit...
of thy womb, Jesus.
- What else?
- Nothing else.
You haven't told me the details.
Was she naked?
Wasn't she naked? Sure?
She had a Chinese coat. Red.
Was there any man in the
house when you arrived?
- Sure?
- I'm sure, Father!
And you think...
and you think that
before she opened the door...
she committed a dirty action?
A what?
A dirty action.
A dirty action with herself,
a bad thing.
I don't know.
Don't you know what a sin
against our own body is?
- You've never committed a bad touch?
- Bad what?
Rubbings with your own body, son.
You know it well.
When you jerk yourself round there,
to cause spillage.
- You've never done it?
- No.
I tell you this because we have
to keep our eyes open, son.
Wide open.
Because of the original sin the
devil is the prince of this world...
and he lays traps
forcing us to fall.
Besides, you can be turned
into an idiot.
We will get him out of this.
See you next Tuesday.
- One moment, Azucena.
- Calm down, Azucena.
Ready! How is it?
Give this to your parents, it's the date
with the psychiatrist tomorrow at six.
Now, focus. l'm going to show you
several drawings.
You'll see them carefully one by one...
and you will tell me what you think,
what you see.
- Two horses kissing each other.
- Kissing?
What do you see?
Two ducks dancing.
Yes, two ducks dancing.
A big bird flying.
What is that?
You are growing up,
you have to eat.
- But mom...
- Ignore what your mom said.
Eat in your room in silence
so she won't hear you.
- Did you sell the factory?
- Yes... to the Americans.
- But I will be the manager.
- But we aren't the owners anymore.
No, we're not the owners anymore.
- Is your brother Hector home?
- No.
Well, let's go.
Carlos, wait for us outside...
in the sofa back of the corridor.
The Oedipus complex
is clear to me.
His intelligence is below
normal parameters.
The boy is very smart.
Astute, extraordinarily precocious.
I agree he's precocious.
But he's over protected.
He is too docile.
The results are so clear, doctor.
- Castrating mother.
- Jocasta.
- Weak father.
- Agamemnon.
His sexual identity isn't clear.
Surely there is a primal scene.
The boy went to this woman's house...
to see if she was with her lover.
Excessive severity of both parents.
Severe inferiority feelings.
That isn't so clear to me...
because the boy suffers of
Early Storytelling...
No, he's a very candid boy
to make up stories. No!
What happens is this:
The boy identifies himself with
victims, with animals...
with his helpless friends.
He's looking for the love
he can't find...
in the family constellation.
So, basically we agree.
Basically, we do, Doctor.
Do you want
me to call the parents?
Call them.
I will talk to them.
I told you, I never liked
that school for Carlitos!
- It's decent.
- If it were a decent school...
they wouldn't admit the son
of a public woman!
- Don't exaggerate!
- Immorality!
Immorality isn't just in the school...
it's in the country,
it's everywhere!
But listen to me:
Carlitos won't go back to that school!
- Where will you enroll him?
- I don't know, we'll have to see!
For now, you heard the doctor...
he needs a club, a lot
of sun and fresh air.
And lots of sports!
A balanced diet, a lot of vegetables
and less meat.
No meat!
He could go to the YMCA.
It's a very good club!
But it is protestant!
No, he'll go to Vanguardias
with Father Perez del Valle.
And so it was, this little
motherfucker was all over the woman!
- How's she? ls she hot?
- Really sexy! She's a hottie!
Do you know Rita Hayworth?
You don't need more explanations.
- Come on, please!
- I swear it!
What won't you do
when you grow up?
Grow up? He will remain short
because of the self pleasure!
- You didn't catch up with her?
- Almost!
Doesn't matter, it's OK to
start fucking right now!
Yes, instead of masturbating...
or a big hair will grow
right here on your hand!
Just like yours!
Even if you're too young,
go for her!
We were lucky Carlitos!
With all those sisters we could've
been queer... but quite the opposite!
Yeah right!
Now I'll tell you something,
beware of that guy!
If he finds out he'll kick your ass!
Don't scare him.
Now have a smoke...
you've earned it!
Second bus, get in a line!
Attention! I want the line in order!
Silence, gentlemen!
Candy sellers please don't
approach the boys!
Carlos! Carlos!
I see you!
I see you!
Give me an apple, hurry!
What's up, Rosales?
Don't you remember me?
- Of course!
- So why did you start running?
Because I thought maybe
you were mad at me.
- Angry? Why?
- Because...
- Because of our fights!
- Fights? What fights?
Are you in this school, now?
Did you leave the school too?
Yes, right after you.
Last year my mom got sick...
and I had to work.
Doing this.
But don't be embarrassed!
Helping your mom is cool.
I'll buy you a banana split
in La Bella Italia, OK?
No, I'd rather have a sandwich,
I didn't eat breakfast.
Damn! Move, asshole! Do you
have lead in the butt or what?
Crap! It's like shitting
oneself with the coat on!
I also invited you to lunch, remember?
And we talked about Jim's mother.
Now, fucking Rosales,
tell me what happened to Mariana.
Are you sure you want to know?
It was horrific, truly horrific.
One night, there was a big party
in Las Lomas...
Jim's mother and that man were there.
So Jim's mother started talking...
against politicians.
The robberies in the government
and how they wasted poor people's money.
The man didn't like to be called out
in front of all those people.
So he slapped her.
And he yelled that she couldn't talk about
honesty because she was a whore.
So Jim's mom stood up...
took a book and went
to her house.
Once she was home,
she cut her veins with a razor blade.
The next day, Jim found her dead body
covered in blood.
Everything you said is a lie,
right, fucking Rosales?
That's the truth.
I would have known!
I would have seen it in the newspaper!
The man didn't want a scandal
in the newspapers.
But everybody at school
knew what happened.
- May I help you?
- Is Mrs. Mariana home?
She doesn't live here!
This is the Morales' home.
- How long ago have you lived here?
- We moved in here two months ago.
What a weird name!
Can you repeat it again?
- Mr. Sindulfo!
- No, never. I would remember!
I started working here as a doorman
just last year.
Why don't you ask in apartment 201?
I think...
Since 1939, to be precise.
But, there's never been a Mrs. Mariana
in this building.
And Jim? A boy my age.
The only boy your age is in apartment 402,
and his name is Everardo.
- It can't be true!
- It must be another street or building!
- No!
- Excuse me but l'm cooking!
You have no idea how terrifying that was
for me.
I never knew what to think about
what you told me.
- About Mariana?
- Yes, about Mariana.
It was true!
How can I feel nostalgic
of that world?
Do you know they demolished your house?
And the school too. Almost the entire
Roma neighborhood was demolished.
In order to build parking lots and
And then, to top it off,
came the earthquake.
Yes, to top it off.
It destroyed everything,
our world was over.
And nobody cares,
as if it had never existed.
I still live in this damn city because...
because of politics and money...
that world, as you say,
doesn't exist anymore.
But you exist.
Jim existed.
Mariana existed.
Cuate, Cuate, Cuate!
His name is Rommel not Cuate.
His name is Cuate and he's
my friend Jim's!
His name is Rommel and his mine.
How long have you had it?
Who gave it to you?
I've had it since it was a puppy.
No matter how high the sky is
No matter how deep the ocean is
There won't be a barrier in the world
That a deep love can't break
Love is the life's bread
Love is the holy grail
Love is something without a name
That obsesses a man with a woman
l'm obsessed with you
And the world is witness of my frenzy
No matter if destiny is against us
You'll be mine
No matter how high the sky is
No matter how deep the ocean is
There won't be a barrier in the world
That a deep love can't break for you