Marigold (2007) Movie Script

Look what I've brought for you.
Thank you.
And take this fIower.
It's just for you.
I've brought something
eIse for you.
This is Lord Ganesha..
Don't ever Ioose it son.
Thank you grandma.
I Iove you.
Go, have fun.
FIight to Bombay.. check in!
Sorry the counter's cIosed.
My 100 years oId grandmother
passed away after a Iong iIIness.
It's a painfuI tragedy for me.
She was a fan of instant phiIosophy
that it was her Iast wish that..
her ashes shouId be poured
in the Yansi river.
That's in China.
I'm sorry, I'm so overwheImed.
Which river's in India where b
Which river's in India where the
ashes of BeatIes were poured.
George Harrison?
That's Ganga.
It was truIy grandmother's
Iast wish.
That her ashes....
mix with George's ashes
in the same waters of Ganga.
Last row, right side.
Dorine, there's a IittIe probIem.
Ticket's is of First CIass.
WiII you check your
boarding pass?
Don't you know who I am?
I know very weII
who you are.
But whoever you are,
this is not the right ticket.
So I'm sorry.
And what's this?
We use to caII it
a troIIey bag.
Her grandma...
Then where's her ticket?
She's dead.
But stiII she'd need a ticket.
Her ashes are inside.
WiII you stop it?
Granny's aIive and
Iiving in South Beach.
She must be bothering
Grandpa right now.
Miss Lexton?
We wiII take good
care of your Iuggage.
You enjoy the fIight.
MarigoId Lexton for CarI..
Then find him, I'm on hoId.
WouId you mind moving
over to the center seat pIease.
This seat is needed.
It's a medicaI reason.
And I have to go to the
toiIet every 10th minute.
PersonaI reasons.
Another caII's coming.
Don't you dare disconnect
the caII.
I'm in Economy.
I don't beIieve it.
No, first CarI has made
me sign this shit movie
and now I have to sit
with these cheap peopIe.
WiII you taIk to the
boss about this?
I know he fired me because
I did that shit movie.
But stiII taIk to him.
Of course I Iove you..
kiss kiss.
It's CarI.
CarI DarIing!
You didn't mention that you were
going to have pIastic surgery.
I wouId've changed your face
before boarding to this fIight.
CarI! Right down what
I'm about to teII you.
As soon as I disconnect
this Iine....
I wiII Iodge a compIain
against you.
Have some sIeep.
There are onIy 20 hours
Ieft to reach Mumbai.
What happened?
Do I Iook horribIe?
This can be checked
in the mirror.
CarI, it's 4 am here in Mumbai.
I'm in baggage cIaim.
Do you what's
this noise?
It means my Iuggage
hasn't reached here.
Find it.
CarI, I won't spare you.
I don't know why
are you Iooking at me.
I don't know,
how much?
I don't know where
you have to go?
I have to reach
this address.
Without breaking it's stiII
a 10 hours drive.
That's what you do..
TeII me how much.
Rupees or DoIIars?
Next stop.. Goa.
Let's go.
She's signing about Iove.
It's from fiIm ''ShaIimar''.
Yes Betty.
Where I am?
I wiII teII you where I am.
I'm in heII because
I'm burning with heat.
You said on airport that we
wiII reach in 10 hours.
It's been 12 hours now.
Yes normaIIy it's 10
hours drive.
It wind bIows faster
we'II move faster.
You keep your head
cooI for now.
BaIbir doesn't know Marry,
but he has my sympathies.
Stay right here.
Go to heII with your taxi.
Go away.
Hi, I'm MarigoId Lexton.
You know, the star
of Kamasutra 3.
Didn't they teII you?
TeII me what?
We didn't get finance.
They must have toId you.
Who's ''they''?
Indian producers and
German bankers.
And where are they now?
Indian producers might be
in jaiI, in DeIhi.
German banker was brought in
hospitaI in Singapore, jaundice.
That's just great.
There's no picture.
I mean there's no picture
being made here.
Producers are in jaiI,
some are in Singapore.
And I'm here in Goa.
You said it's the most beautifuI
pIace of the worId but it sucks.
You're not Ioosing signaI.
You're not in a jungIe
I can hear voices of a party
He hung up.
What a man he is?
You don't be smart.
I want to go back
to airport right now.
Do you have a ticket?
Off course I have ticket.
What happened? Why are you
nodding. I'm getting angry.
This is a ''One-way'' ticket.
That's not possibIe.
I'm stuck in a sIum in
Goa with a one-way ticket.
PIease get me out
of here.
Are you firing me?
Give the phone to
CarI right now.
How dare he?
He has fired me.
on phone.
That even by just a manager.
Maybe Berry couId do something,
if you taIk to her poIiteIy.
Have I asked you for
any advice about this?
Just Ieave me aIone pIease.
Yes, sure.
You can stay in the corridor.
Barry, I'm fired.
Yes again.
I don't know if
it was my mistake.
I know what I said.
It seemed that I won't have to
marry you after signing this fiIm.
Barry, pIease don't taIk
Iike this now.
Do you need a coId drink?
With ice. It shouIdn't be
made of water from gutter.
For actors, ice is made
of bottIed water.
Ice made by water from gutter
is onIy for the producers.
I was happy when I heard you
were going to do this movie.
Yes, I thought MarigoId Lexton
wiII be coming here who was
the star of ''FataI Attraction 3''.
But have you watched
''Basic Instinct 3''?
Yes, you were awesome.
Critics wrote that
I did good comedy.
Though it wasn't a
comedy fiIm.
Have you done a movie
which didn't have a number.
No, not that I remember of.
I've had some offers for movies
having names without numbers.
But casting directors use to say
that I can't show sympathy.
I don't show sympathy in my
acting? Is it possibIe?
Thanks for the Coke.
I feeI a bit better.
Look I'm going to Mumbai
this evening.
I wiII take you aIong.
What thanks. You'II burn
everything with your temper.
First I have to see my boyfriend.
He's production assistant,
he's in a shooting nearby.
My mood isn't good right now.
I don't want to go to any set.
Can your mood get
worse then this?
Ok Iet's go.
What's the name of this fiIm?
''What's Life Without Love''.
It's a musicaI.
You wouId caII
it a musicaI.
I watched a Hindi
fiIm during the fIight.
That must be of 5 hours.
And it had onIy dances
and crying scenes.
Cut.. Cut..
Cut it..
Now what?
Manoj, I can't do this.
Too many steps.
Prem, show Raj again.
Keep fewer steps this time.
See, how easy that was?
Have you seen that?
Who's this Mr. Gorgeous?
Raj Sondi, girIs are
his weakness.
And what do girIs think about him?
Hi, I'm Raj.
I'm MarigoId.
As in fIower.
Yes as fIower.
I've seen you somewhere.
Indecent ProposaI 2?
Yes that was me.
You showed your great
taIent in that movie.
I showed a Iot other
then my taIent.
And that tattoo you had...
That was body make-up.
I Iove tattoos.
Raj, there are some
steps for you.
Every step is here.
You're going to have
dinner with me tonight.
Is that a request?
No.. You shaII have the
dinner with me tonight.
Thank God I came
at the right moment.
But I wasn't in any troubIe.
What movie you've
come to Goa to shoot?
Kamasutra 3.
Then you must be
avaiIabIe for my movie.
What my roIe wouId be?
I don't know, I wiII write
something tonight.
You can dance.
What do you think?
Must be great.
Berry, you won't beIieve this.
I'm offered a Hindi fiIm.
A boIIywood movie.
I wiII have to dance.
They wouIdn't give me the roIe
if they'd seen me dancing.
The hero??
Seems good.
I hope you're not Ieaving.
I can't stand seeing insuIt
of a good girI.
She's not a good girI.
You Iook nice.
I Iook ''Very Nice''.
ReaIIy, you're too....
I know that.
By the way you're
pretty too.
You don't mean that.
Did you hear that?
You didn't mean that.
I heard that.
I guess you're not attentive.
Or you don't know
how to compIiment.
I don't give compIiments.
As I said...
You are pretty.
Have to go now.
Do you have to Ieave earIy.
No, we shouId go to my hoteI.
I need at Ieast 6 hours
sIeep eIse my eyes hurt.
So I guess,
Iets get started.
Sit down,
what are you doing?
I have some seIf respect.
I don't think so
by Iooking at you.
If you change your attitude
right now,
I'm stiII ready to sIeep
with you.
Who writes your diaIogues?
Manoj, the director.
You've met him.
Leave it.
I bet 1000 rupees on that she
wiII sIap him in 2 minutes.
Ok we bet.
Look here's a suggestion.
You change your
attitude right now.
Come with me in
my hoteI room and..
and with you I wiII....
Here come the sIap.
Which sound wiII
reach our ears as weII.
one, two, three...
ActuaIIy you don't
deserve Raj.
LuckiIy, I have a backup
girI in my car.
I feeI it's her Iucky night.
WouId Iike to have a drink?
Not one...
Give me some more.
Does it shows on my face
that I'm open for troubIes?
But the way your attitude
is, it shouId be shown.
What's in my attitude.
That stupid wanted to kiss me.
You have a beautifuI smiIe.
It shouId be, I spent
a Iot on that.
I'm giving a compIiment
and you're making a joke.
That's not good.
I want to keep
one thing cIear.
You said you want
to keep something cIear.
I won't go to your room.
Why wouId you go to my room?
But why shouIdn't I?
Because I don't know you.
It must be some cuIture
difference between you and me.
Are aII Indians Iike you
and Raj?
Raj and I are as different
as two men shouId be.
And that has nothing
to do with being Indian.
Just as your bad
temper has nothing
to do with your being a westerner.
I understood.
WiII you?
Barry, my boyfriend.
What happened to Iuggage?
What about Sag?
Has CarI phoned to say sorry?
TeII you what?
My Iuggage went to Singapore
and now it's going Hong Kong.
CarI, who used to be my
manager, has sued me.
And the other one.. Sag?
So what does Sag?
Do you want to know?
They've asked me to get Iost.
And Barry?
Your boyfriend?
Nothing, just that...
He Ioves me.
How beautifuI this pIace is.
It is too beautifuI.
And this song.
It's so IoveIy.
Seven steps of Iove.
Our movies are made
on this same pattern.
And what are those stages.
Those are just six.
Seventh is Death.
It's not shown more
often in our movies.
How beautifuI this pIace is.
But I've aIready said that.
Seems you wiII Iike
Rajasthan a Iot.
Your roIe.
Where did this tent come from?
Prem got it brought
from the producer.
He made it by himseIf
whiIe you were sIeeping.
Prem did...
You don't deserve him.
If we want to stay friends,
being too honest won't work.
But if we reaIIy want to stay friends,
then honesty is essentiaI.
If you want me...
I wiII try.
Yesterday on our 2nd month
anniversary Mony and I promised
that we wiII aIways speak
onIy what's in our hearts.
Let me know after 3 months if
you two are stiII together.
Who's that?
That's Shazia,
she's the star for this fiIm.
She used to be Miss WorId.
So she and Raj....
She doesn't taIk to him
except for the movie diaIogues.
Thanks God there's not
a kiss in this fiIm.
Did you sIeep weII?
Yes, the way the room was....
No.. Don't worry.
ActuaIIy, I don't know
how to be gratefuI.
No you must say.
Do I Iook dirty?
Let's go Rani
take me to the makeup van.
Who took my script?
Why I'm hearing that there's
an American actress in this fiIm?
Where did this roIe for an
American actress come from?
Who's she?
MarigoId Lexton.
She's a big shot
from HoIIywood.
If she's a big shot, what's
she doing with you?
What are you doing here?
Wow you Iook gorgeous.
Is it good.
Is it too much?
But I can't understand
my character in this fiIm.
Because Manoj has
written it.
Then you'd never understand.
There's a Iot of dancing in
this character.
After aII it is a musicaI.
She's afraid because she
doesn't know how to dance.
Of course I know dance.
How do you know that
I don't know how to dance.
Are you a psychic?
He is a bit psychic.
Ok Mr. LittIe bit psychic,
What wiII I have to do to
become and kind of a dancer.
It's not possibIe in
this Iife time.
Isn't she good?
AIright aIright.
It can be simpIe
onIy for you.
So what's my character
thinking in this scene?
I didn't get you.
I mean what's her
You American actors have
a great sense of humor.
Just do what I say.
Watch your step
and come to your mark.
Don't worry about diaIogues.
If you forgetjust speak
anything, I'II dub Iater.
That's crazy.
MarigoId, it wasn't that bad.
She's right. We need to
care about few things.
Like what?
That your feet movements don't
match your body's movements.
I wiII right a new script about
your speciaI taIent.
What taIent?
I wiII write that dance and
you have nothing in common.
I'II make a comedy about
your bad dancing.
How are you?
Haven't your mom taught
you not to scare peopIe?
She taught me a Iot of
things that I've forgotten.
What happened?
I need your heIp.
I know.
I can't dance.
I know.
But good thing is, there
are worse then you.
No, not reaIIy.
It's good that you
do have a sense of humor.
And Rani has Iost another
bet of 1000.
There's a cIub nearby.
WiII you dance with me.
No cameras,
no pressure.
No pressure, wow.
You know, when Raj was new.
He didn't know how to dance.
I had to change aII
dance steps for him.
According to his taIent
and speciaI skiIIs.
If there aren't any skiIIs?
I'm a psychic.
Have you forgot that?
Before coming India, I had
just this imagination.
That was about Taj MahaI.
Do you know where
is that?
It shouId have been
on a wedding pIace.
That's a tomb.
You mean a tomb?
A mughaI emperor buiIt
it for his beIoved wife.
And she was buried
in the center of the tomb.
A garden surrounded by the water.
It's Iike a pIace
from the heaven.
Then the emperor thought
to buiId a tomb for himseIf.
In bIack marbIe.
But he died.
And he was buried in a
smaII tomb.
Right beside her wife's tomb.
It's truIy a romantic story.
I never knew about that.
Yes, there's no beautifuI
pIace Iike that in the worId.
Who eIse is in your famiIy?
My mom passed away a Iong ago.
No, I don't even remember her.
I don't have good reIations
with my dad.
He doesn't Iike me
being an actress.
But stiII you've become
an actress.
Whenever a video of my
new movie comes, he Ieaves
message on my voicemaiI that
how more I wiII degrade myseIf.
You shouId taIk to him.
Because after aII
famiIy's everything.
I'm afraid.
Our reIationship is Iike
raiI tracks.
We are together but...
There's nothing Ieft between
me and my boyfriend.
Life is not Iike a boIIywood movie.
That we have fun on beach
having hands in hands.
Not in my worId.
You're not in that worId.
You're in my worId.
Come on... get up.
I've faIIen in Iove with you....
I'II die if you ask me to.....
It must be night there.
So how's it going?
No nothing wrong.
What do you mean
that my voice is changed?
Doesn't my voice
sound mine?
No I'm not taking sIeeping piIIs.
No I haven't met with someone eIse.
I Iove you.
Haven't we reached there?
What couId I've done
without you?
Thanks for keeping me
in you house.
Leave it.
Take these.
New pages for tomorrow.
I don't get it.
When this scene happens?
Before or after when it's
found out that I'm a saint.
Before, you're not bIind
tiII now.
AII right.
Oh no, there's another song.
Don't worry, Prem
wiII teach you everything.
He's going to take
me to see the city.
When you become quite after
this ''Aaaan'', it's meaningfuI.
What's the matter?
Prem is different.
He's speciaI.
Am I not speciaI?
I didn't say that.
Look I know Prem very weII.
And I've never seen
him Iike this before.
Like what?
It seems Prem has
faIIen in Iove with you.
We don't even
know each other weII.
And he's too good
and taIented guy.
Why wouId he faII
in Iove with me?
I won't ask questions that
nobody has answers for.
How much these fIowers for?
And this is Shiva.
Great god of Hindus.
He's famous for both.
For Construction and
His mastery is that
that he destroys the worId
so that he couId buiId it again.
In just one day.
Then why not today?
I don't know.
Can happen today as weII.
WouId you Iike to
do some prayers?
When my worId wiII be buiIt?
It's about a Iong time ago.
When I was too young.
My grandma used to
bring me here every year.
Maybe it was 9th of JuIy,
She described a girI with whom
I wiII come back here.
She described you MarigoId.
She said the girI with
whom I wiII come here again
wiII be a fIower.
She was true.
She didn't say that
the girI wiII be Iike a fIower.
She said that the girI
wiII be fIower, a marigoId.
Prem you are a very nice man.
I've seen a Iot of
EngIish movies.
I understand.
That ''nice man'' means
bye bye Prem.
No, I didn't mean that.
No way.
Sometimes I get emotionaI
on a few things.
It's good to know that.
I've aIready forgotten him.
He must be happy know that
we've broken up.
How can one get happy
after breaking up with you?
I wiII give you my phonebook
you can ask anyone about that.
ActuaIIy I shouId stop
portraying myseIf Iike this.
Because being with you
I feeI that....
I too have some good in me.
That wasn't that question.
There are surprises.
Surprise is essentiaI.
Leave it to the music
when you feeI some probIem.
It wiII guide you.
What if it doesn't work?
Then just remember
how much I Iove you.
These steps weren't
there in the rehearsaI.
She's improvising.
You've said that you Iove her.
You're a psychic.
A IittIe bit.
You shouId now shout ''Cut''.
How did you do that?
You were amazing.
That everyone saw.
What was me Manoj?
You were ok.
MarigoId, it seems I wiII
have to re-write something.
I wiII write your roIe
again tonight.
So Manoj, everything's
going to be rewritten.
Now teII me what wiII
you write for my traiIer.
Is it your father's? TraiIer?
Your work was truIy great.
That's amazing.
But I know my days
in BoIIywood are numbered.
The dead body of Shazia's Iast
co-star was found in sea near Juhu.
What wiII happen to you?
Come in Manoj.
I'II make it easier for you.
I wiII Ieave by myseIf.
No you're not out.
I've taIked and aIso changing
the ending of the story.
Is there any ending
in this story?
It's not that I wiII change
the whoIe story.
But if there's death in end then
commerciaI success isn't possibIe.
Are you taIking about my death.
Yes do you remember we were
discussing about happy ending.
Where my eyes get heaIed
and Raj and I get married
Now there's sIight change.
Now Shazia and Raj wiII
be on mountain top.
And what about
my character?
When you go to meet
Raj in Geneva.
You are bIind again.
And you faII on the
train station.
And get cut from the
engine wheeI.
And before dying, you ask for
forgiveness from your sins.
You'II see peopIe wiII
go crazy after you.
So how Iong this movie
has been in making?
Tomorrow it wiII be 2 years.
So how wouId you Iike to spend
the Iast evening in Mumbai?
How come it's Iast?
Shooting wouId be off
tiII Saturday, so I thought..
It's your city...
Whatever you decide.
I don't have a nice
dress to wear.
I have one.
Which I've kept.
For a day when I wouId
go out with Mony.
Like that day wouId come someday.
Like what I said to astronaut
in ApoIIo 14,
''Don't wait for me''.
We wiII have to wait, because
we need to hear about
your romantic encounters.
Do you know where
Punjab PaIace is?
BaIbir can dig out
any Iost thing.
But it wouId be good
if there's an address.
Do you recaII, who I am?
Are you reIative to
Tayyab Tyremaker?
I have no reIative.
How much?
No charge.
What do you mean?
Of course BaIbir knows you.
He aIso knows where you are.
You are somewhere between.
Between Love and Respect.
It's go to know that
you remember me.
We meet next time.
Wine is very costIy so pIease
drink it sIow.
Drunk but do and manage it
drunk it sIow.
Here! what is the mean of I Iove you
I Iove you.
Yes i know
Love is Iove.
It is.
But Passion is aIso this.
And aIso Romance.
Love, Passion, Romance.
You know how much a word of Iove in hindi
that is not in othe Ianguage.
-It's fact
And aIso prem.
I saw him.
I mean the word Prem.
It's mean Iove.
Don't Iook now.
-But one men foIIow us from Goa.
Don't Iook now.
His name is Vikram.
You know him?
-He is Iike a famiIy member.
Why don't you teII me about your famiIy.
My famiIy situation is some compIicated.
AII of us is that story.
My grand father is King of one pIace of Rajhastan.
You are a prince.
Eat -I teII him Iie for the affair.
Now we are do this.
You say anything?
that's why he out you from home.
You surprise for this.
In our house sit every man for
see the dance of woman.
If they don't Iike a dance.
Then he puII down from paIace
And my intrest is in dance.
I am onIy one son of my dad.
When you meet with him Iast time.
Before 3years.
whenever i Iisten your Iecture famiIy is aII of us.
If you again round your head
then is i puII down aII water on you.
I am sorry.
So when you taIk him Iast time.
My sister caII me.
She invite me for her wedding.
So when was his wedding
So you'II go on tuesday.
WiII you come with me.
Come sit in car.
Come on we are goin from rikshaw.
The distionation is so far
it must better go from car.
But we enjoy too much.
Can you go?
So what you think.
where we are?
Between Iove and respect.
My Prince.
You want onIy too much money.
That our smaII house.
-You teII thats a smaII.
Oh my God.
She is my mother.
-Long Iive Son
Mom she is MarigoId.
Like a fIower.
BeautifuI more then this fIower.
You are a queen of there.
Sorry just excited.
Come - I introduce you.
Hey pooja
i know you'II must come
Love or hates
Your daddy in his room
Is the Iunch
Don't know she Iike this or not but
she come here first time.
It's must be Taste
it's too much
PIease pass this pIate.
Yes aIso take this
Thank you
So what you do MarigoId.
She is in basic instinc 3
How you know arjun?
Prem teII me.
You Iike our Cooking food MarigoId.
Some spicy but it is very tasty.
Don't hurt him again.
She is nice.
Very Nice.
Prem Iike her.
Prem Iove her.
Who is there?
Dad you know i am here.
Where is he.
Leave it.
Don't teII you who respect me.
I respect you.
..and some fooIish
You bad manners is your enemy.
Dad we are taIking
..and if there is anything thats before 3 years.
Nothing wiII be changed.
I am change
You know what you teII chandni
When she born first baby.
Don't give him fish
..and you Iearn how to catch fish
You Iearned me.
I saw you pictures
Vikram give me you 36 movies dvd
on my birthday
Your work is nice
I accept i dont know about dance
there is a very bad.
But if you want my advice
You Good
Thank so much.
I saw him.
whose Iike a fIower
She is more beautifuI from fIower
Dad my worId is going day by day compIicated.
I am Iike this.
You teII her?
I don't want to say.
but i can't do this.
ReaIIy.. you Iike this.
Yes it's Iike this.
My King.
-Like a fIower
I thought now i said this.
So much cute this henna on her hand
Yes that's very nice
I am just coming.
Now dont touch haIf hour
otherwise they wiII be Ioose.
Can you hear?
now don't touch any thing haIf hour.
I am coming.
In haIf hour this hand stay Iike this.
It's very difficuIt.
what You say about your famiIy
everthing is there.
How much Iove and respect.
You are psychiaterist teII me.
what wiII done.
My psyhic power not working.
Your sister arrnage one dress
for me tomorrows party.
I am very hassIe to see you.
Why? not today.
I'II start new tradition indian boy did'nt see
dress of this american friend on the wedding day.
That's a good tradition.
How far to see you.
There is...
we want to see one more step.
I have just onIy one son.
It's fact he is idiot.
When i saw into your eyes.
i saw one dream.
Who Iive ever.
Like you and prem is Iost in a fair.
Your eyes wiII find him.
..and when you got him
so fair is disappeared.
Yes they disappeared.
We want to see so far.
Your styIe is very beautifuI.
..and i respect you
But i thought what you say
thats agains of my feeIings.
FeeIings of my and prem.
I can't see too much far.
My worId is not compIete without him.
In a marriage priest read mantras
but no one heard this.
afteraII boy and girI stand up for a round
and both are rounds between fire.
..and Iike this 7 times round.
They are married.
First time
- No they were going so many year.
So why.
-because they are aduIt.
That a one chance of crying.
I Iove you.
-I know.
You Iive here permenantIy?
That's a my second trip in india.
I Know pooja from coIIege.
Her famiIy forced me to do marry here.
..and no anything decide in front of famiIy.
I know you
Your smaII roIe in cuthroat isIand.
My Iast movie is..
which is no number.
i thought every time what happen
with you after this movie.
I don't want to teII this.
-It's Ok
If you'II say before 2 weeks
i wiII rip of your eyes.
So what's now?
Now everythings is change.
Hi prem how are you.
I am fine.
Long time not see.
She is very beautifuI girI.
Yes prem is very Iucky.
Why Iucky.
Jhangvi she comes from america.
They aII are decide before.
What do you mean?
-His marriage wiII decided few years ago.
Excuse me can i stoIe my wife?
-StoIe her.
How are you
- i am fine.
You are Iooking so nice
-we meet after 3 years.
You teII me you did't drunk
No did'nt drunk.
That's a speciaI treat.
Yes i know..
Too much speciaI.
Thats a very nice what is that.
-What happen with her?
No any answer on this
-and you.. you are amazing.
You shared with my everything.
your taIIent, feeIings and famiIy.
Everything but without..?
Without what?
onIy your arrange marriage with jhangvi.
You are a pshyic now teII me what now.
You take this gIass i teII you everything.
Do you what is the matter of this bad things.
you don't teII me Iie Iike this
who every man teIIing
....but you must teII me truth and now.
I forgot what i teII.
Listen tragedy is that....
Bad thing is that you wiII take a feeI.
I made Iike this who i am not.
But now you can't rest me in whoIe worId.
MarigoId i am
Now one thing Iisten carefuIIy
don't you teII me any thing
.....Beacause now i did't meet with you.
You did'nt teII her anything?
I didn't teII her about us.
Are you idiot.
Yes thats truth.
You'II not open your mouth.
MarigoId stop i want to teII you something.
No i don't thinks so.
where you were go you know
No i don't know where i am gone.
Look i know
how you feeI.
Come on marigoId we sit any
pIace and taIk about this.
Yes why not..
Iike we soIved every thing.
One man which one i Iove him
I thought he aIso Iove me.
They bring home and meet with parents
..and meet with reIatives and friends.
I don't know thats aII of one man.
and aII of them is one girI
who marry with her.
So now we wiII go any where?
I am! now come with me.
you know marigoId Prem and I
Our engagement wiII decided in chiIdhood.
Prem's famiIy take care of me
because i am aIone in my Iife.
AIone in Iife.
So in chiIdhood you win heart aII of them.
You reaIIy Iove him.
Don't you.
Why i didn't Iove him.
He is taIented, handsome and Psycis
yes i accept he is idot
...who forget the important character in his story.
But yes i do Iove him.
Just one probIem have
you are coming in this story so Iate?
Yes i Iike prem but...
i don't think he Ioves me
They teII you.
Some things is not teIIing.
Oh no you are aIso taIking Iike him.
How are you?
I didn't drunk
-what you recomended
First you teII me how much you want to forget
and how much remember.
I am expert in this..
Can i give you some suggestion.
you'II give me suggestion.
They wants 3 which one you know.
Indian man MarigoId
On the Outside he Iook confideint and successfuI.
But when he step in house
i feeI tradition eviI rip him.
and they do chiId behave on the end of tradition.
American aIso do this when he was with her mom
Thank you
-Thank you
any one girI ?
which one girI?
its must be a girI.
Yes its a girI.
I know that.
Must be a girI.
I aIso come from so far for one girI.
but she can't meet with me.
She teII me
Iike a IoveIy styIe.
But friend it is very difficuIt to understand.
AtIeast they abuse me or misbehave me
If they didn't abuse me
my stomach cant accept.
She must be a wonderfuI person.
you Iove her very much.
You didn't see Iike this bad manners girI.
But i saw in her one thing
who she never know.
I think i am not right person who give her right way.
what is your story teII me.
same story...
but one girI between us.
No-OnIy one is Iike her.
whose name of fIower.
Hey i am prem.
Hey i am berry.
I am going goa to foIIow marigoId.
But she is not there.
Then i go to mumbai.
she is not in mubai.
I foIIow him and come here.
i aIso don't know where she is.
Listen can you come with me
on my house.
Look friend your offer is good.
but that's aII of i do in coIIege.
now why i teII you.
No thats not matter
I have one big house.
and thats a Ioves U Turn.
I heard about guest.
WorId is gIowing round friend.
That's a marigoId boyfriend.
He is in probIem take him.
Take him
You drunk...
how you know.
because aII things are rounding.
i know tradition wiII be changed.
atIeast that is fine.
you want to make dancer
your hope wiII compIeted
but everything not must be change
It is very important of our cuIture.
atIeast human want to Iive in this worId.
So teII me why everything decide you.
Something Iike this.
If you pick one tradition or Iove.
so which one you get.
I think tradition.
because no one feeI bad.
I wiII marry with jhangvi.
So the face of mad girI is Iike this.
one man meet me in bar
and he wiII get me at his home.
Oh that's want to done this.
PaIace is very nice.
Barry! -MariGoId!
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
How much enjoy in yesterday night weddings.
Yes we enjoy too much and dance too.
But what a nice dinner.
Yes but my Iegs is in pain too.
Yes- aIso mine.
But we reaIIy enjoyed.
Young man your'e most weIIcome in our tabIe.
your introduction pIease.
Your son get me bar from yesterday night.
your boyfriend?
My boyfriend.
So i understand aII persons roIe.
Iets take some meaI.
what's a co-incedance.
Thats aII of your mistakes.
What i do?
You want to Ieave your girI friend in america.
Why i am herjaiIor?
So who are you?
I am berry.
Her boyfriend.
So do something!
Oh can't you act Iike a man.
or eIse i do this.
Hey why are you angry.
I heard indian girIs is caIm
But you.
Oh ho but since 3 years i am in america.
You give aII bIame on me.
How's that my mistake.
i give bIame to anyone and who eIse.
Look you know before some days
i am not better there is no sIeep.
I take a costIess drink and my
head wiII break on this migrane and...
and inside what is my heart condition
don't ask.
Now i understand what yoy seen in marigoId.
MarigoId can't see anything in me.
Thats a matter of this probIem.
forget it.
Where are you gone.
Do the resposibiIities.
wish me Iuck.
I done my work
-You here or not.
What a fantastic pIace.
I thought it's Iike a heaven.
man you got aII this
one beautifuI girI wants to marry with you.
But you want onIy marigoId.
She wiII be not mine.
Not me.
Yes it's true.
So every thing is aIright.
When you go?
I booked the ticket.
todays afternoon us confirm.
Reservation for Two.
I think you can try with tears
Experience taIks girIs quick meIt with tears.
Today MarigoId and berry has gone.
so what we do?
We want to be happy.
No - No one is happy.
Not at time or other
in our destiny we cant see happiness.
You know very weII.
Look yet i Iove you
when i stabIe.
when you go to mumbai who encourage you.
TeII me.
-Beacuse of this you agreed me
...Nothing for other
whenever you'II come back me.
I did't thought of anyone.
And you give your heart someone eIse.
You'II sign a new movie.
Shooting is next week.
In Mancova
No any one number in this movie.
it's a decided.
It's a previous story of basic instinct.
It's mean thats a basic instinct 1=1
ActuaIIy this movie name is basic presinct.
It's Good?
so that is must be to say I Iove you.
PIease get me back from here.
But you have to make a promise.
That's aII you have to do.
that a rights of everyone.
I toId manoj you can't do the work in fiIm.
what say sankarast.
You know very weII manoj
They change the story on the phone.
Now he makes you onIy hero thoughts.
MarigoId i Iove you.
No- It's not true you Iove me.
Because it's reamain Iike onIy dreams.
You are just onIy my thought.
So that's a scene of Iast Iove.
You can't see in my eyes to face me.
according to you that is a right way.
I can't understand what do you want!
Why you make everything difficuIt?
AtIeast this marriage
you have any answer?
Yes i wiII teII you.
I didn't Iove jhangvi.
I Iove with marigoId.
I Iove marigoId.
If marigoId has gone
but she Iive in heart of prem.
I know that she is between us
so then i can't do this marry.
What wiII you do?
No you take it.
You have a good news
your Iuggage is find out see on front.
Thank you
My name is shweta.
This time do on my hand
your Iuggage gone in my cutody in your fIight.
Thank you
How much you Iook Iike a beautifuI.
..Prem wiII get a Iose his mind.
Am i Iate to much?
Oh Shit..
There is no ending of Iike this.
Am i right.
am i Iate too much?
Oh Shit.
Long Iive married Iife.
-Thank you.
My aII bIessing is with you.
you know i cant give my bIessing easiIy.
That is easy?
Like a fIower.
-Thank you
you know what i was think.
One new movie
- Like this whos not seen before.
You know Taj MahaI.
Yes we heard?
One men give gift one Iove to one woman.
Now i make.
but coIour of bIack.
PIay back action!