Marilena de la P7 (2006) Movie Script

You go straight home, or I'll kick your asses!
Yeah, right!
No, seriously. I'll kick your asses big time!
Hey, boss, shall we roll?
Yo, smartass, cut the crap, okay?
Or maybe you wanna walk!
Come on, Mihai, take care of your brother!
Never mind, i can take care of myself.
- Yeah, daddy.
Okay. Bye now!
Hey, you kinda like Elena, huh?
Are you stupid? How can I like that four eyes?
Come on, bro, I saw you staring at her.
You're hanging together all day long.
No, i don't like her.
Come on, drop it,
I'm sure you'd like to bang her.
What does 'bang' mean?
'Feel her up', bro, play with her pussy,
show her the one-eyed snake!
Here's that sissy on the 2nd floor.
Let's go get him!
Come on, you, Tiny Dick, how are you?
Did your ma send you to the market?
If you don't leave me alone, I'll tell on you!
Tiny Dick is gay! Are you a bum bandit?
Let's check his bag!
Ice cream.
Look what you have here for me.
How do you talk to me?
Respectfully, boss!
- That's it.
Come on, we got something here.
Fuck your dead relatives!
What did you say?
You're a sucker if you don't beat him up!
Hold on! Why are you moving?
What did you say?
Kick his ass! Break his neck! Come on!
Do you want some more?
Marilena from P7
C'mon junior, hurry up.
Oh, hello uncle Costel!
Hi there! Did you come back here again?
You have some big nephews there, uncle Costel.
It seems like only yesterday they were as big as a needle.
Well, they grow up, the little devils.
You kind of forgot it.
- I did.
The chicken, it speaks.
What's up? I thought you'd never show up.
Yo, Sausage, didn't i tell you not to come here alone?
I'll tell mama that you're smoking!
And I'll tell her you asked me for a cigarette
and I didn't give you any.
Stupid bitch!
Uncle Costel, what have you planted here?
This and that...
Some tomatoes, some cucumbers...
Things that everybody grows.
It went to hell...
- Where did it go?
Andrei, you little bugger!
Who's your favorite uncle?
You are, uncle Costel.
Come on, get a cigarette for your favorite uncle.
They're all gone.
Come on, bro, here come the peaches.
I like the one with big tits,
that bitch is hot.
The one in the blue dress and boots
is not bad either
What about that one, isn't she nice?
Check out the legs on that one!
They are so fit, man...
Check out the one in the short skirt.
Yeah, she's fucking hot.
She is super-fucking-freakin' hot!
Look at them sexy legs.
They're gross.
Marilena is the hottest, then...
I'll leave you with those peaches.
Go ahead, you don't belong here anyway.
Andrei likes that girl with orange hair.
No shit! Now you know what I like.
Cut the crap. You love that orange haired one.
He's mad about her.
What a shitty car!
- The yellow racer.
He's gonna take the one Andrei likes.
Come here, you!
- I don't wanna!
Come here at once! Move it!!
- Don't you get it? I don't wanna.
Check it out. She doesn't wanna go.
- She's got higher standards.
Honestly I rate the one in blue the highest.
You can't be serious.
Check it out.
- Make way for the Mercedes.
Butica's wife is going for the Mercedes.
That Mercedes is so cool.
This is cool.
I still think the big-titted one is the best.
Look at the skirt big tits is wearing.
But the curly one... oh man!
What a ride on him!
- I bet he'll get the best chick.
It's that slick Giani.
What are you talking about?
The Blond can take him down with one hand!
Does not.
- Are you looking for trouble or what?
Sit down or they'll see us.
How are the little peaches?
- I don't know what's in your head.
You wouldn't wanna know what's in my head.
Wanna go for a ride?
I don't know. Let's see...
- See what?
Come on. Wanna go for a ride?
I don't know, talk to the boss.
What's up?
If i had one of them fancy cars,
I'd take that cool chick in black...
and i'd bang her like that.
If i had a car like his
I'd take that bitch with the curly hair.
I'd fuck her good and proper!
That curly has some schemes that drive you nuts, bro.
Give me a break. I like that Elena.
Go play with your dick in the sand,
or we'll turn you in, to the pros.
Hey, big teeth, did anyone ask you?
The fat one is on the hustle.
Look at the tits on this one.
- These ones are gonna do it.
It's gonna get crowded in there.
- Look at the old hag.
She knows her shit.
- Chill out, granny!
Finish already! I wanna sleep!
Hey, the teacher told me in school
you can go blind if you do that.
Don't be stupid!
Shut up!
Hey, cut it out!
Nicu, take this meat and jelly
to cool down a bit.
Come on, Nicu, my stew is on the stove.
Come on, love, I'm watching TV.
Good evening, and all the best, my dears.
The mating season started for the
Memestra Brassicelli butterflies this week.
You look very pretty like this.
You don't say. Do you really think so?
Yup, I like those little ears.
What? I think it was like a short circuit.
It's because of me.
It happens to me every now and then.
You? Come on...
I swear.
Don't you tell me you're one of those
with weird energies.
Where are your girlfriends?
- What girlfriends?
I don't know. Those girls you fancy talk
with those schemes.
I have no girls. What got into you?
I can't belive you don't have
some pussy at home.
I don't, but look at this little cock here,
all for you.
Nicu, are you listening to me?
Why don't you take care of
the kid's education?
Look at him, doing that thing in our home,
in my home!
Don't you have toys to play with?
How can you do such a thing?
You taught him to drive the trolleybus...
Like that's education!
I want him to go to university and you teach him
to drive the trolleybus.
You jerk, go to your room!
You're not going anywhere,
to start doing that thing again.
Go outside and do 20 push-ups,
till your guts spill out.
Move it!
Get this crap out of your head.
You even ruined my meat and jelly.
Come on, Nicu, say something.
What? You're feeling guilty, huh?
If I catch you with these magasines in my
home again, for the kids to see them,
I don't know what I'll do to you...
And tell me what you do with your salary!
Why don't you bring it home?
Where is the money?
Don't make me go to the depot and
see how much you earn!
Or do you have a weetheart?
- I told you before
I'm not seeing anyone.
- Then what do you do?
'Cause you don't do anything to me,
for quite some time now...
Maybe the kid is taking after you.
You assholes.
Listen, do you mind if i drop you here
'cause i have some things to do.
You're a princess.
Come on bitch, wanna fuck?
Suck my dick, bitch!
Hold it, kid, there's no need to worry.
There's nothing wrong with that.
But your daddy asked me to talk to you.
Well, son, it's tough with the girls.
All they want is money, and then more money.
How much money?
- A lot, a lot...
So if you have the money,
they stay with you?
Well, just a while, 'till they eat it up
and then they look for another sucker.
They eat it up?!
- I mean they spend it on crap.
Listen... Do you have a girl?
Do you think i have any money, kid?
None of them want me.
To hell with them bitches!
So... I guess you need a car, right?
A car, and a home.
Well... I have a home.
- You don't. Your father does.
You think your mom would stay if
your dad had no home?
She's be long gone, what the hell.
Mom loves dad.
Did you see that? Listen to him
Where are you going?
Tell me where you're going!
I have some stuff to do, okay?
- I'm coming with you!
You can't come. I'm busy.
What's up, little dick?
Got something on your mind?
And what do you want me to do?
- Hey, bro, this is not good, i gave you the money.
Listen: I'll give you half the money...
I was wrong.
Take half the money, take your toy too,
and go home.
What's up with him?
Huh? What are you doing here?
Get the hell out of here, you pedophile!
Move it!
So the girls don't want?
- Want what?
- What money?
Wanna spend it?
Fried meatballs, sausages,
Hello, miss. What's the deal?
Going in without ordering?
We'll order boss, when we get out.
- Nice pussy.
I'll wait outside.
Ok, that's enough for you.
Good evening and welcome to the pub
where Elvis Romano sings.
Let's choose a song.
What does the dice say?
Song number ech...
Song number ech...
Kamav Mangules.
Love Me Tender.
With a sweet dedication to miss petronela,
from mister nicu,
who filled my guitar with coins.
Shall i bring you anything else?
- Some juice.
One champagne cocktail and some juice.
Listen, girl, what's the thing with this Giani?
You ain't got a clue! We're in love.
You're getting married, girl?
Girl, you're in the mood for trouble?
- I was just asking. What?
What's your name?
- Andrei.
What grade are you in?
- Ninth grade.
How old are you?
- 17... almost.
So how come you're a ninth grader at 17?
Are you a repeater or what?
My folks sent me to school a bit later.
He's lying girl, he's barely 14.
- But I am!
So where's your ID?
- At home.
What about your dick? Is it at home too?
No, I have it on me.
- "I have it on me". Where is it?
And what do you wanna do with it?
- Well, you know...
I don't, tell me.
We go to your place and get laid.
That's impossible.
How come?
Well... do you have a car?
- You see?!
Come on, enough talking.
Let's go.
Will you go with me when i'll have a car?
We'll definetly go together when
you'll have a car.
Come on, Marilena.
Hey, get hor phone number, sucker!
What? You already got a car?
Give me your number.
Why do you need it?
So I'll call you when i get my car.
I don't have any paper.
Are you goint to the bitches from P7?
Looks like we don't communicate.
You're crying for nothing! I didn't go to any bitches!
I don't know anything.
- So where's the money?
I don't know. I'll find out.
"Went to the bitches..." I didn't do anything.
This fell down, got broken!
To hell with everything!
Yo!! Run! The tits are attacking us!
...and how are you all doing? This is
Bobi Digital on XXL FM with the best music... can call for requests starting from now...
...this is still Bobi Digital, lethal lover,
you can ask for requests at 0743...
Eh... Hello. I'd like to dedicate a song.
Go on my friend, say it.
I'd like to request a song of Elvis Presley's.
Is that possible?
- Yeah.
For Marilena from P7.
Hey, check this out! I have a criminal idea.
Absolutely crazy.
All the bitches in the world
will be at our feet.
The curly one too? The one i like?
That one too, man. I'll personally get it for you.
Check it out. My dad's a trolleybus driver.
He sometimes takes me with him
to teach me how to drive, right?
He took me too.
He took both of us to drive, right?
Come on, daddy... That's it! You see?
That's it, my boy!
No, wait a minute.
You don't pressit like that, but gently...
You see?
Get the steering wheel, sonny.
Come on now, you're my son!
Yo! Come on! What are you doing?
You don't press the brakes so hard.
Come on.
Turn the steering wheel to the left, to the left!
That's it.
Sit down over there, you're driving
him crazy.
What are you doing here?
Don't you wanna come see the match?
We'll come later. Leave us alone,
we have things to do.
Guys, here's the plan:
Mihai, Cristi and Matei attack...
It won't work, man.
Why so, my friend?
Last time I went there, I saw
two dobermans inside.
My God. If one of them gets you, you're done, bro.
And there was another watchman in the back!
And dad won't let me out of the house
after nine o'clock.
Yeah... the same with us.
I'm gone, man. I want to watch the game.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, right?
What do you want?
You still want to steal that trolley tomorrow?
Go! Go!
Get lost!
The number you have dialled is not in service.
You are so dead! Hold it!
We'll get it big time at home...
Take the curve.
Left, take the left.
- It's ok!
Hey, you, come here!
Come on, please!
Hi there.
...and at the end of this show with the one
and only Florin Salam...
- They wanna stop our broadcast.
Keep going. It's OK.
Keep going. Keep it this way!
Faster! Faster! Faster!
I'll run the red light!
Come on man, run the red light!
Come on. It's okay! Let's hurry!
Drive, drive.
Faster! Watch that car on the left!
Run the red light.
- It's green.
Press harder.
- Fuck you, assholes!
Fuck you!
Fuck you in the... in the!
One, two, three,
I'll shove it up your sister.
What are you doing?
I'll do the talking, ok?
- Enough.
What's up?
What are you doing here?
Where's Marilena?
Marilena is writing an essay.
A short one.
Yeah, right, where is she?
Upstairs where?
Come on, tell me. Why did you come here?
Stay here!
- Let him go!
He's my son! I wanna take him home!
He's my son! My son.
Quiet! Quiet or I'll kick your asses!
What's with this noise?
He's my son, right, He is my son!
What the fuck are you doing here?
Fuck off!
You wanna call the police into our house?
Is that what you want?
I want to get my kid back. Leave me alone.
Wait a second.
So... tell me... Do you love me?
Of course i love you, kitten.
Aren't you my little peach?
Yup... So... how much do you love me?
Come on! Are we starting with these again?
Fuck it!
What's up?
What is this?
Get out of here!
What have you done, bitch?
What did you do? Fuck you, stupid bitch!
What have you done?
Get the fuck out of here! Move it.
Get the fuck out of here!