Marine, The (2006) Movie Script

[ Man On Radio ] Ghost Two,
this is Echo One. Ghost Two, this is Echo One.
E. T.A. : : Four minutes.
Repeat: : Four minutes.
- [ Both Grunting ]
- [ Man Shouting In Foreign Language ]
[ Continues In Foreign Language ]
Intel confirmed.
Nine hostiles, three marines.
[ Man On Radio ] Ghost Two, you are not
to engage. Alpha Team is on its way.
No time.
[ Shouting In Foreign Language ]
[ Yelling ]
- You guys ready to go home?
- Yeah.
- How do we get around 'em?
- We don't.
We go through 'em.
[ Soldiers Shouting In Distance ]
[ Man ]
Atten-hut.! Look sharp, marine.
As you were, gentlemen.
- Triton.
- Sir?
Outside. Ten minutes.
Yes, sir.
[ Man ] We've approached
this thing from every angle.
The judge advocate's done
hearing your case.
- What about an appeal?
- They're not accepting more appeals.
Bottom line is, you disobeyed a direct order.
You're being discharged.
You served your unit, your corps
and your country with honor, son.
Walk away with dignity.
I'm a marine.
One of the best. Remember that.
On behalf of a grateful nation
and the United States Marine Corps...
I thank you for your loyal service.
- Thank you.
- Oh!
You're home.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I just- I can't believe you're here.
You know, the hardest thing...
about you leaving was not knowing.
You know, not knowing
where you were...
not knowing if you're coming home...
not knowing if I'm gonna get
that phone call saying that you wouldn't be.
You married a marine, Kate.
I know it's not gonna be
easy for you, John.
We'll figure it out together.
I'm home now, and I'm not goin' anywhere.
Good. And speaking of that...
are you sure about
starting this job tomorrow?
- Oh!
- I just think there's so many
other things you could be doing.
If I sat around here all day, I'd go insane.
I just want you to be happy, John.
I am happy. Come on.
- Oh! Geez. Where are we going?
- To make me happy.
- I'll be right back.
- [ Cuban Accent ] You got it, man.
You got it, man.
You know, Scarface. Come on.
Do it again.
Okay. You got it, man.
Wow. That's horrible.
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
- How you doing?
- Fine, sir.
Excuse me.
[ Customers Screaming, Gasping ]
Everybody down.
Everybody on the ground, now!
Ladies and gentlemen,
keep your heads down and your mouths shut.
I don't wanna see any eye contact.
I have severe intimacy issues and a gun...
so do yourselves a favor
and don't look up.
What I want is on
the other side of this door...
but that's gonna be a little tricky
because... it's bulletproof.
So here's how we're gonna do it.
Hi, honey. Can I borrow you for a second?
[ Screaming ]
- How you doin' in there, sport?
- [ Woman ] Oh, God.! Please.!
Oh, don't look at him.
He can't help you.
Please! I have children!
I don't think he cares.
[ Screams ]
[ Beeping ]
Fill it.
Get down!
Thank you.
You gotta hit me.
It's gotta look real-
For the cops.
That's real.
Well, the cops are comin'.
I'd love to stay and chat,
but, uh, I can't.
I apologize for that little
outburst of anger I showed earlier.
That's really more for dramatic purposes
than anything else.
I hope that what I've done here today
doesn't force you to have...
a negative opinion of me or how you think
I feel about the great state of South Carolina.
'Cause I love it here. I do.
I love the people.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
[ Sirens Wailing In Distance ]
What? Too much?
[ Tires Screeching ]
We know how they got in here.
Once they're in, they don't bother
with any small stuff.
They just go right for the vault
with 12 million in diamonds in it.
The same diamonds
that were delivered just 24 hours ago.
What are the odds of that?
And how did our guys know...
that they were gonna get
so lucky today?
We could ask our friend
on the floor over there.
I'll bet he knows.
[ Chattering ]
I don't care.
No, do you understand
what I'm saying? Oh, really?
See if you can understand this.
[ Chuckling ]
Is this what you do all day?
Hmm? I had a Game Boy...
but they took it.
Come on, man. This is a great job.
Good benefits. Great money.
A couple two, three years,
they move you to management.
How long you been working here?
Nine years.
How come you're not in management?
[ Phone Ringing ]
We'll be right there.
Psycho ex-boyfriend on 12.
Rick, have you lost your mind?
This is my job.
Oh, really? It doesn't
look like a whorehouse.
Where's all the other whores?
Where's your pimp?
You were with him. That's the reason you
didn't answer your cell phone all weekend.!
Sir, could you please come with us?
Don't mess with me, pork chop.
- "Pork chop"?
- You're causing a scene.
You think this is a scene? Wait till I tell
Daddy about the little whore he raised!
- Sir, I'm just gonna have to ask you-
- Ask me to what?
- Take a seat, flattop. I'll get to you in a second.
- Oh, really?
Get your hands off me!
Why are you so angry?
[ Cell Phone Ringing ]
You got the Drake.
Dude, let me call you back later.
Because I am trapped in an elevator...
- with a couple of jackasses, that's why!
- [ Elevator Bell Dings ]
We kindly ask you
to leave the premises, sir.
Seriously, just spit-balling here.
Tell me if I'm close.
Right out of high school,
straight into the military?
Realized you'd never be
all you thought you could be...
and that's how you ended up
as a rent-a-cop.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
- The genie tried to hit me!
- I know. I saw that,
and he shouldn't have done that.
You shouldn't have done that.
But he missed, and you're fine.
We deal with people like this every day,
and in order to avoid an incident...
sometimes you just
gotta let things go.
Yeah? Well, you better
tell your boyfriend to back off.
Unfortunately for the genie,
this is not one of those times.
[ Gasping ]
It's on now. See, you really messed up.
Somewhere, somehow,
somebody just got all this on video.
By the time you go to sleep tonight,
I'm gonna own this building.
And tomorrow...
don't be late.
'Cause when you clock in, you're fired!
[ Clears Throat ]
A toast.
To your first and last day on the job.
[ Chuckles ]
- About that-
- Dude, I told you, don't worry about it.
It's not the first time
I've been suspended.
That's not it. Um-
You'll find another job.
You got all that training.
Covert reconnaissance.
Close-quarter hand-to-hand combat.
Not a high call in the workplace
for skills like that, Joe.
Okay, but you're a smart guy.
You can do whatever you want.
You don't get it. It's not-
It's not about work.
It's not about a job.
Being a marine meant everything to me.
Now I go and get fired
from some bullshit security job.
I don't know what to do.
I'm not gonna try and pretend
I know what you're going through...
'cause I don't.
And-And your time as a marine-
Yeah, it's over.
And that sucks, man.
But your life's not over.
I mean, it's changing...
but you gotta learn to change with it.
Sometimes, it's good to just take
a step back and see what you still have.
You know, I think I'm gonna
go home and see my wife.
Yeah. She's hot.
What happened today?
We made a lot of money.
In the vault... with the kid.
That kid showed that
he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
And Morgan blowin' up that cop car?
He went a little overboard.
But in all fairness to Morgan...
I was firing an automatic weapon at those cops.
Dead cops, all those witnesses-
Doesn't that pose
a potential problem for us?
So does a prison term.
Bottom line is, we got away clean.
What's the matter, Angela?
Don't you trust me anymore?
Look at me.
That kid knew my name.
That's dangerous for all of us.
Baby, is there anything in these eyes that
makes you think I could ever hurt you?
[ Cell Phone Ringing ]
- What?
- [ Man ] Let's forget about what
you did to our guy in the vault.
You killed two cops today,
and that's a problem.
Don't start with me.
You arrogant bastard.
You've lost control.
That's where you're wrong, my friend.
You see...
- I've gained control.
- Is that right?
You bet your ass that's right.
What's the matter with you, Rome?
Have you lost your mind?
Have you forgotten
who you're talking to?
I know exactly who I'm talking to.
You see, I have the diamonds.
Therefore, I have the power.
You have no idea of the level of hell
I could bring down on you.
Yeah, but you won't,
not if you wanna see these diamonds.
Tomorrow, noon. I get my diamonds,
you get your money.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Beeps Off]
Listen. About what happened at work today-
I'm not tellin' anybody.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey.
- How was work?
- Fine.
Yeah? What? What happened?
- Talk to me.
- Nothing.
[ Man On TV]
They're hired to protect us.
But who will protect us from them?
- Security guards out of control tonight at 11:00.
- Mmm.
"Stuff." Like you throwing
a guy out of a window?
[ TVShuts Off]
I thought my days of worrying
about you were over.
- What happened?
- [ Sighs ]
- This isn't me.
- Well, you jumped into work
the minute you got back.
Kate, what was I supposed to do?
Come home, sit around?
- That's not me. I can't do that.
- I know you can't.
- What if we just took off?
- What?
Yeah, just... left. Gone.
Do something crazy. We'll get up
in the morning and we'll go somewhere.
- Where?
- I don't know where. Anywhere. It doesn't matter.
That's not the point. I just-
I've been thinking a lot about it.
- You have?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- What do you think? Just me and you.
I really wanna do this. Come on.
Say yes.
Say yes.
- John, say yes! Come on!
- Okay, okay! Yes, yes.
[ Buzzer Sounds ]
Hey, man! You're Lincoln Kennedy!
- Man, what are you doin' here?
- I don't know what you're talkin' about, man.
Oh, come on, 72. I know it's you.
Husky Hall of Fame,
three consecutive Pro Bowls.
Man, you even started
in a Super Bowl.
You didn't win, but you started.
Come on, man.
I know it's you.
Thanks, L.K.
Let's take a walk.
- Rock candy?
- Oh, man, you know I hate rock candy.
Oh, that's right,
because of that one time.
- Ooh.
- Yeah.
Let's walk it off, big guy.
- How'd you like that Benz I hooked you up with?
- Liked it?
Shit! 24-valve V-8.
Fourmatic all-wheel drive.
What's not to like?
If you like that, you're gonna love this.
- What's it gonna be, a Mustang?
- Nah.
- AJag?
- Better.
- Come on, man. Tell me, what is it?
- Right there.
Man, that's a minivan.
Rome said inconspicuous.
But how are you gonna send
a brother out in a minivan?
- Man, I'm a criminal, not a soccer mom!
- Come on, big guy.
If you want, I'll even have
Johnny throw some spinners on it.
- Fuck you!
- Or not.
Maybe I'm not making myself clear.
You see, I am a black man.
- Yeah, I got that.
- Okay.
Okay, and that is a minivan.
Black men don't drive minivans, Frank.
They do now.
Morgan, the five of you
are never gonna fit in one of those.
Take the van. Nobody pays attention.
You guys can just disappear.
What do you say?
Keys are in it. Knock yourself out.
[ Woman Vocalizing ]
[ Woman Singing Rand B ]
[ Continues ]
[ Kate ]
Mount Cedar. I used to go to camp there.
God, I haven't thought
about that in a long time.
But the mountains are hours away.
You sure you don't wanna
just stop at the beach?
- I think I've seen enough sand.
- Okay.
Besides, you're not the only one with
childhood memories of the mountains.
You never told me
that you went to Mount Cedar.
It wasn't Mount Cedar. Further up.
So are you gonna tell me where?
It was just a place that my daddy
used to take us when we were kids.
What'd you guys do up there?
Was it fun?
It was all right.
- Dad liked it.
- Why?
I guess it's 'cause he knew
it was far enough away...
where nobody could hear
me and my brother scream.
[ Chuckles ]
We gotta get some gas.
You want anything?
- Uh, a Diet Coke.
- Okay.
- Nice butt.
- What?
[ Doorway Sensor Chimes ]
Oh, man.
How you doin'?
Cadillac man, huh?
- What happens there stays there.
- What?
The Vegas sticker.
Oh, yeah. It's my brother's car.
- He lives in Vegas.
- You visit him much?
Couple times a year.
Me too. My mom lives there.
I just love it there, you know?
Especially downtown.
You ever go to the Olympus?
Oh, not since they tore it down last year.
Oh, man.
[ Gasps ]
- Don't move.
- [ Tires Screeching ]
Take the truck!
[ Screaming ]
Come here! Where you goin'? Come here!
- Stay down!
- John!
- Shut up!
- John!
- Get off of me! John!
- Where the hell did she come from?
- Do we kill her?
- No. We might need a hostage.
[ Kate's Voice, Distorted ]
Get off me.! John.!
Morgan, get in the truck.!
Okay, keep pressure on that.
I'm gonna call for help.
Highway Patrol, this is John Triton.
You have officers down at Manze's Gas.
Multiple assailants.
Four men, one woman headed
southbound on l-95 in a black Navigator.
They have a hostage. It's my wife.
"Kate Triton." Married toJohn Triton.
SergeantJohn Triton.
She married a marine.
What'd you marry him for? Benefits?
[ Chuckling ]
- Settle down!
- Get off me!
Settle down.!
You gotta be kiddin' me.
The cops.
That ain't the cops.
I hate cops.
And rock candy.
- Shoot him.
- [ Screams ]
Will somebody please shoot this guy!
- What does it look like we're doing?
- Missing.
Hey, slow down!
Look out!
No, no, no, no!
This guy's like the Terminator.
You murdering sons of bitches!
Somebody shut her up
and get her out of here.
You murderers.!
[ Yelling ]
Angie, baby, I know
you got a hair trigger...
but I said shut her up, not kill her.
We might need an insurance policy.
Get a rope and tie her up.
Put your hands together.
Front axle's history.
We're not goin' anywhere in this thing.
- Now, you figured that out all by yourself, huh?
- Actually, I did.
Yeah. But, hey,
you know what else I figured out?
What's that?
That you're a trigger-happy nut job
who belongs in a cage.
[ Fires Gun Twice ]
All right!
We are monumentally screwed here...
and the last thing I need is you two
bickerin' like a couple of little girls.
So as of right now, it's over.
Are we clear?
Because if we're not,
I give you my word...
I will absolutely shoot you myself.
- What do we do now?
- The way I see it, we got two options.
"A," we stand here
and try to kill each other-
and then no one gets paid
and someone gets dead-
or "B,"we get out of the swamp,
make our drop and collect our dough.
And maybe it's just the greed talkin',
but I'm stickin' with "B."
Yeah, well, I say we move, 'cause
every cop in the state heard that blast.
We'll follow the swamp downstream.
- Through there?
- Yeah, through there.
The trees'll give us
cover from the air.
The swamp will slow down the cops.
What do you wanna do
with our little insurance policy?
Oh, go to hell.
Angie, why'd you do that?
Now Morgan's gotta carry her.
Morgan's got-
Morgan's gotta do what?
Watch out for crocodiles.
What's the matter with you?
Ain't no crocodiles in South Carolina.
[ Siren Chirping ]
- Detective Van Buren.
- Sir.
- What do we got?
- Well, we got one deceased officer here...
and another found
seriously wounded there.
The guy who called in?
John Triton. He's an ex-marine,
and he's for real.
His description of the perps
sounds like the crew...
that hit the diamond store
in town yesterday.
- Roadblocks up?
- Yes, sir.
Choppers and search teams
are on their way.
- So what else do we know about these guys?
- They're sloppy.
[ Man On Radio ]
Unit four, come in.
- Go ahead.
- We got a report of a multiple car accident.
Shots fired five miles
south of your position.
That Highway Patrol car from your location
was involved. Check and advise.
I'm en route.
[ Branches Rustling ]
Detective Van Buren, Homicide.
I'm gonna assume you'reJohn Triton.
- They took my wife.
- That's a matter for law enforcement now.
Listen, I've seen 'em kill three people.
My wife will not be number four.
- I can't give you permission to pursue.
- I'm not asking for it.
You know, this whole area's tidal.
The way the water level changes,
these guys are gonna be impossible to track.
- I can handle it.
- Triton?
I've seen what these guys can do.
You better hurry.
Get the chains out. I want
this river dragged. Are we in the air yet?
[ Grunting ]
[ Grunts ]
If you and I are gonna be friends,
you need to learn some manners.
- [ Groans ]
- Bitch.
[ Grunts ]
Man, the hell with this.
What, do you got a problem, brother?
[ Panting ] My problem is walking
through this dirty-ass swamp...
with the entire county lookin' for us...
because somebody decided
that killin'cops was a good idea.
Genius, that somebody's you.
- You're the one that killed the cops.
- Yeah. Both of'em.
Oh, so now we wanna start
playin' the blame game, huh?
Always wanna blame the black man.
- [ Chuckles ]
- Somebody steals a car, the black man did it.
House gets robbed- Black man.
[ Chuckles ]
Cop car gets blown up
by an Israeli single-shot...
shoulder-fired rocket launcher-
Guess who.
The black man.
That's right, Vescera.
The black man.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Morgan, you are one crazy son of a bitch.
I like that. I do.
But no one's gonna get killed here
until I give the go-ahead...
and I didn't give it.
[ Screams ]
[ Whimpering ]
- What was that?
- The go-ahead.
[ Angela ]
Why Vescera?
You never know when
you'll need a crazy son of a bitch.
[ Growling ]
- I thought you said there were no crocodiles.
- Those are alligators.
[ Growls, Snarls ]
Do you think they're hungry?
Not anymore.
[ Growling, Snarling ]
- What do you got?
- Nothin' yet.
There's no way anybody
could have lived through this.
- Keep me informed.
- Yes, sir.
[ Dogs Barking ]
[ Panting ]
[ Cell Phone Ringing ]
- [ Ringing ]
- Yeah?
- [ Man ] Where are you?
- How ya doin'?
- How am I doing?
- Not so good, huh?
Well, you know that triple homicide
I was just involved in?
- The one all over the news?
- Yeah, right. That's the one. Yeah, I know. Bad.
Anyways, I think I can now add
kidnapping to my litany of atrocities.
As a matter of fact, I know I can, because
she's standing there right in front of me.
- Why are you telling me all this?
- Why am I telling you all this?
Well, because in the middle
of blowing up the gas station...
killing the marine and now kidnapping,
I had a great idea-
As a matter of fact,
it's such a great idea...
that I even came up
with a name for it.
It's called "you're out."
Which basically means
you get nothing-
No split, no diamonds,
no payoff, no nothing.
- We had a plan, Rome.
- I know we had a plan, but plans change.
At least, for one of us they do.
Now listen, if you think
for one second-
There's no way you can
get away with this without me.
- Can you hold on?
- Yeah.
- [ Beeps ]
- Yeah?
- [ Woman, Indistinct ]
- This is he.
I'm just calling to let you know...
- that your order has been approved.
- Yeah?
Now, does that include
all the premium channels...
- and the sports package?
- It sure does.
- [ Groans ]
- [ Helicopter Whirring ]
All right, the air show's over.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Go on.
[ Whirring ]
That's a creepy-ass snake.
Slimy and scaly.
It's terrifying, all these animals and bugs.
I hate this, man.
I'm not built for this stuff.
- What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong with me? Think about it.
How many brothers
you see in Deliverance?
The answer is "zero."
Do you know why?
'Cause brothers don't camp.
Why does everything always
have to be racial with you, Morgan?
Why do you feel the need
to confine us to these labels?
Why can't we just be people?
What do you think, Kate?
I think you're psychotic.
Ho, ho. Now, how can you say that?
You don't even know me.
That's very judgmental.
Is she looking at me?
I'm gonna be totally honest here. I, uh-
I thought that you and I, you know-
We could have had a future,
you know, if it wasn't for-
- Mmm.
- What?
- Mmm.
- You're insane.
[ Whispering ]
Good talk.
- Cops.
- Get the truck loaded.
[ Rustling ]
[ Sharp Click ]
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Clink ]
Hold it right there, cop.
[ Sighs ]
I'm not a cop.
I'm just looking for some people.
Boy, I will end you.
I told you, I'm not a cop.
[ Muffled Yelling ]
Wait here. And somebody shut her up.
- What do you got?
- Nothin'.
All right.
- [ On Radio ] Van Buren here.
- Sir, come in.
What's goin'on at the south fork?
There's nothing here.
We're headed for the marina.
I want every shack
on that riverbank searched.
- Find 'em.
- Copy that.
[ Engine Starts ]
What did you find?
There's a lodge up there.
It's swarmin' with cops.
- [ Muffled ]
- What do you want to do now?
We'll let the cops leave,
and then we'll cross the river.
[ Rustling ]
- [ Man, Indistinct ]
- [ Man #2 ] Get 'em loaded. We gotta move.
[ Chains Clanking ]
What the hell you doin' out here, cop?
You guys got it all wrong.
Save your lies, boy.
If I was a cop,
I'd have a badge. A gun.
I don't. I'm just out here trying to-
Just trying to what?
They got choppers buzzin' around here.
And I got you sneakin' up our asses.
And you're not a cop?
You're right.
I'm a cop.
They're tracking
my G.P.S. Right now.
G.P.S.? I told you to search him.
- I did!
- Find it!
- [ Helicopter Whirring ]
- Where's the goddamn bug, cop?
- [ Growls ]
- [ Grunts ]
[ Both Grunting, Groaning ]
[ Helicopter Whirring ]
[ Panting ]
What you doin', man?
No contact point. No alarm.
It's a freakin' shack.
Get in there.
Something die in here?
I don't know, but it smells like baked ass.
Morgan, see if you can
go find a generator.
- Why me?
- Why not?
- Why me?
- Why not?
What if there's some guy out there
with a hockey mask and a hatchet?
Or a group of country-ass crackers
cravin' some man love?
It'll be fun, like summer camp.
Yeah, but brothers don't camp.
Well, actually, I did go to camp once.
I was 13 years old.
And there was this camp counselor-
Cool honky.
Or, as he liked to be called,
Johnny Whiplash.
Well, tell us, Morgan,
what did this, uh...
Johnny Whiplash have to offer?
Well, at first, he offered friendship.
Then some rock candy.
Then he offered me something
that I never should have accepted.
[ Chuckles ]
Well, good luck with all that.
Now go find the generator.
Hey, what we talked about-
Ain't leavin'this room, right?
No. No.
Now go find the goddamn generator.
[ Motor Turning Over, Sputtering ]
[ Running Smoothly ]
[ Blues On Jukebox ]
[ Clanking ]
[ Both Grunting, Groaning ]
[ Ends ]
[ Phone Beeping ]
[ Ringing ]
- Hello.
- Yeah, hey. It's me.
Hold on.
- Frank.
- What?
It's Rome.
- So how's my Cadillac?
- Plan A's screwed.
- No shit. You're all over the news.
- We're switching to plan "B."
- [ Laughs ] What the hell is plan "B"?
- I don't know what plan "B" is.
- I'm makin'this up as I go.
- Great.
- You know that joint, Rita's, down by the marina?
- Yeah.
- I want you to leave a car there for me.
- I'm gonna need time.
- Give me till tomorrow.
- No. As soon as you can.
Looks like we're going to Phoenix.
What are you lookin' at?
Why so sad?
Don't like your new friends?
- You're pathetic.
- How so?
- [ Door Closes ]
- You're like his little puppet.
So what's the plan?
Where are we goin'?
What, no faith?
I have faith. I just need to know
if I'm still in the loop.
I have faith. I just need to know
if I'm still in the loop.
There's this guy in Phoenix-
I figure since we did 100% of the work...
why not keep 100% of the diamonds?
Can he move 'em?
That he can, my friend.
That he can.
- You grew up on the water, right? Louisiana?
- Miami.
Yeah, whatever.
See if you can go get
that boat started out there.
Hey, uh, Bennett.
Check out Morgan.
See what he's up to.
[ Groans ]
[ Both Grunting, Groaning ]
[ Groans ]
How many are left?
There's two upstairs.
- You wait here.
- I'm not waiting anywhere.
You don't know what you're walking into.
Listen. It's only a matter of time...
before they realize
these two aren't coming back.
I gotta do something,
and I gotta do it now.
[ Sharp Click ]
[ Generator Dies ]
[ Both Grunting, Groaning ]
Playtime's over.
There's a crazy son of a bitch.
Where is she?
[ Laughing ]
Oh, this just gets better and better.
Put it down.
All right.
Easy, big guy.
He's still got something I need.
Listen, I don't care what you do with him.
I just want my wife.
Oh, he's not gonna do
anything to me-
Not until he finds out what happened
to those stolen diamonds.
'Cause that's what he's after-
His cut.
Isn't that right, Officer?
Now, why don't you
just take a second...
and let that sink in there, champ?
- Where are they, Rome?
- Where's what?
Gimme my damn diamonds!
Whoa! Calm down, V.B.
I know our last deal
didn't work out too well...
but I'm willing to make a new one.
You see, I tried to kill this guy twice today.
Hejust won't die.
Maybe I'm having an off day.
I don't know.
But if you shoot him right now...
I'm willing to split
the diamonds with you.
What do you say?
- There's our ride. Let's go.
- Go where? What happened?
A marine showed up, that's what.
- John!
- He's still alive?
[ Groans ]
[ Rome ]
Let's go.!
Oh, no. You're not putting me in there.
You're not putting me in there.
[ Car Starts ]
[ Siren Blaring ]
Out of the water!
Get out of the water now!
Turn around.
Put your hands above your head.
Turn around.
- I'm John Triton.
- Shut up!
Down on your knees.
Lace your hands behind your head.
- I'm the guy that called you. They have my wife.
- Shut up, boy.!
You're under arrest.
You have the right to remain silent.
I suggest you use it.
[ Sharp Groan ]
You're dead, boy!
Look at that.
You don't mind if I keep this one, do you?
I'm sure we can work something out.
- Work something out?
- [ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
Whoa. Wait a minute, baby.
- Work something out?
- I gotta drive. Baby, I can't do this.
Say yes. Mmm.
Baby, I gotta drive.
Oh, yes. Yes.
What's the matter, baby?
Don't you trust me anymore?
[ Man On Radio ]
Unit 4, this is Command. Over.
We gotta get rid of this car.
Any suggestions?
- Van Buren.
- Yeah.
I got one.
[ Country On Radio ]
[ Ends ]
- Hi.
- Hey, girl.
- Nice truck.
- Wanna go for a ride?
[ Gunshot ]
[ Woman On Radio ]
Base to River Unit.
We have a positive
identification on your trucker.
Last logged in drivin'a gray semi.
A vehicle matching
that description was just seen...
five miles north of Rita's Marina,
heading southbound...
on Route 16.
So what's the plan?
We'll pick up our clean car,
and then we're home free.
[ Grunts ]
Get that bitch off me.
I don't see the car.
Let's check the other lot.
- [ Loud Thump ]
- What the hell was that?
[ Gasps, Screams ]
[ Groans ]
Gotta go, babe.
- [ Grunts ]
- John!
[ Moans ]
[ Moans ]
[ Groans ]
[ Screams ]
[ Explosion ]
[ Explosion ]
[ Both Grunting, Groaning ]
[ Explosion ]
[ Revving ]
Say hello to your wife!
[ Explosion ]
[ Panting ]
Come on. Come on.
No, Kate. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Wake up!
- [ Thunderclap ]
- Come on!
- Come on.
- [ Thunder Rumbling ]
Come on, wake up!
- Wake up!
- [ Coughing ]
That's it. Come on.
That's it.
[ Laughs ]
[ Groans ]
[ Siren Blaring ]
We should have gone to the beach.
[ Laughs ]
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Man Singing Rap ]
[ Continues ]
[ Continues ]
[ Continues ]
[ Continues ]
[ Ends ]