Mariya. Spasti Moskvu (2021) Movie Script

Hit him!
Where were you aiming?
Look what you hit!
Get the fascist!
You can't hurt me!
Don't worry, Katya.
All of this will be over soon.
Got it. Here.
-Excuse me.
Date of birth?
start to march!
We'll crush the arrogant enemy!
A plane flew by, a machine gun went off.
Powerful tanks came to life.
The infantry started
its victorious march.
Let's do it.
On the ground, in the sky, and at sea,
Our song is strong and stern.
-Let me through.
-Hey! You're cutting the line!
-I'm on business.
-Really? There are kids here, too!
Excuse me. Let me through.
-What a remarkable lack of shame!
Can you step aside? Thanks.
This is my second time here.
-Did she help you?
-All my kids have left.
But I won't go anywhere.
I lived here all my live,
and I'll die here too.
Calm down, Mom. It's going to okay.
Hey, what did she say?
She told me to pray.
-Come in!
-I'm scared.
-Don't go then.
-Come on, what are you waiting for?
Is he alive? My son.
-He is today.
-And tomorrow?
Faith will save him.
What does that mean?
Will he come back home?
Pray, and he will.
I will.
-I will pray.
Grandma, will her son come home?
He will. But it will be a different home.
All of us will return there.
Who are they?
Nice people who live here.
They took me in.
Ask your question.
There's a huge line outside.
What will happen to Moscow?
Whatever you believe in.
I believe a lot of things.
Answer properly.
Will the city surrender or not?
Should I leave, or can I stay?
That's not why you're here, sweetie.
Not for the answer.
My words mean nothing to you.
You tell everyone the same thing.
Believe and pray. Pray and believe.
Only I don't believe in God.
And I don't want to pray.
I want to know.
Ask then what you want to know
about yourself.
I have nothing to ask about myself.
Is that so? You love someone.
Your love is unconditional and unrequited.
Few are capable of that.
We're at war.
Matters of love are not even on the list.
They are. It goes: hope, faith, and love.
Love is right there after hope and faith.
You will see him today.
And then again, after you leave Moscow.
When will I leave Moscow?
You will have his child.
Give me your hand.
What are you, a gypsy?
-Reading palms like that.
-Listen quietly.
You've done a lot of evil.
And you'll do more,
but you will be absolved.
-Absolved of what?
-All of it.
-What is this?!
-Go, sweetie. You should go.
-Let me through.
-Watch out.
What's with her?
-Is she seeing people?
-What did she tell you?
Crazy idiot.
-Let me help you.
So heavy.
-So she urges people to pray?
-That's right, Comrade Commissar.
When asked
whether Moscow will hold, she said,
"The future is
whatever you believe it to be."
Like everything will be okay
as long as you believe in God.
Typical religious propaganda.
Sitting on a trunk in someone else's room
and spewing nonsense.
Her face hidden behind a screen, too.
She has no eyes.
She's hiding so as not to scare people.
-Does she have a lot of visitors?
-There's a huge line.
Women in tears,
their husbands and sons at the front.
And she's telling them all to pray.
But never mind her. She's probably insane.
But the hostess
definitely has ties to the clergy.
Turned her room into a chapel.
Stands there quietly at the window,
like she didn't do anything.
I know her sneaky type.
Thank you for your service, Ivanova.
-Petrova? Sorry. Good job.
-I serve the Soviet Union!
-You can go.
Come on, guys.
-Throw it in deeper.
-Yes, sir.
Pavel! Minaev!
Careful! That's not wood.
Maria Petrova, Special Department.
Don't you recognize me?
Oh? Hi, Petrova. Come here.
So nice that you're here.
It's like a miracle.
-I have an important favor to ask you.
-Go on.
-Can you remember an address?
-9, Drovyanoy Drive, apartment 2.
-9, Drovyanoy Drive, apartment 2.
-Lyuba. Got it?
-Lyuba. Who is she?
-Wy wife. Lyuba Minaeva.
-I see.
I left a note for her at the front desk,
but I'm not sure it will be delivered,
so please go to that address
and tell Lyuba
that I was sent away
and I had to leave immediately.
-To the front?
-The front is everywhere.
But most importantly, tell her
not to wait for me.
She should go
to her aunt in Kuibyshev. Okay?
-Thank you!
-Thanks, Dasha!
-Mommy, will we go sledding today?
-Of course, we will.
Let me help you.
-Don't trail behind.
-Coming, Grandma!
Good. You're doing great.
-Can I help you?
-I'm looking for Lyuba Minaeva.
Come in. Lyuba! It's for you.
How can this be?
He didn't even stop by to say goodbye.
He couldn't.
That's why he asked me to come.
He said you should go
to your aunt without him.
With a baby in my hands?
I'm barely carrying him around as it is.
But with all the belongings
-How would I go?
-Same as everyone.
Or should I carry you
to Kuybyshev in my arms?
Attention! Attention!
The area is being shelled.
All vehicles are to stop.
People are to take cover.
Velocity 140. Insert the ammo.
Five shots.
Attention! Attention!
The area is being shelled.
All vehicles are to stop.
People are to take cover.
Come on, come on, keep moving.
Air raid alert.
Check the nightstand.
-Look! What is this?
-Take it, we'll figure it out later.
Careful not to break it.
-If we get busted, we're so screwed.
-We won't. Hurry up.
Who are you?
-We live here.
-You got ID?
Here. See?
Drop the knife. Hands up, both of you!
-Hey, lady
Shut up, scum.
Do you even know who lives in these dorms?
-NKVD staff.
I said, hands up!
Air attack is over.
Air attack is over.
Air attack is over.
-Get over here.
What happened?
Dear Lord!
There's another one outside.
Call the police.
Dear Lord.
Oh my. Another one.
Holy Mother of Jesus. Dear God.
You're crossing yourself
for a low-life marauder?
Should we also sing him a requiem
or maybe declare him a saint?
Call the police!
Wouldn't be my first saint.
In the recent months,
the congregation in active churches
has increased.
That's understandable.
In the current situation,
people are feeling anxiety and
They are drawn to religion.
A certain psychic has took up residence
in Khokhlovsky Lane.
People line up to see her.
They all want to know
what tomorrow will bring.
They seek a firm footing, so to speak.
Where is she?
I'm here, and you're here.
Everyone else should leave.
You're not blind then? You can see.
Not like you, of course, but I do see.
I see your question, too.
If you see my question, answer it.
The red rooster will defeat the black one.
That's what must and will happen.
And you need
to allow church service to revive faith.
Don't interfere with that.
Don't be afraid.
You think I'm afraid?
Very afraid. For yourself, for your life.
For your vanity. It's a bad kind of fear.
You should fear God,
fear answering to him.
Do you know
who you're talking to, old hag?
Today you're in charge of the country.
And tomorrow?
What's tomorrow to you?
Another day in the calendar.
Have the Theotokos of Tikhvin
carried around Moscow.
Then the city will hold.
Grandma, Sir Stalin has already left.
-He didn't hear you.
-He did, thank heavens.
Yes? Oh, Petrova.
-You're from Torkhov, right?
-That's right, Comrade Commissar.
You know your way around the town then.
The streets, the buildings.
-And your father
-I don't have a father, Comrade Commissar.
Yes, I know. But that's not the point.
Look here.
This is a church in the town center.
I need to know how to get from here,
quickly and with minimal casualties,
to outside the city limits.
Can you tell me?
Here, draw me the route.
Was I unclear, Petrova?
I asked you how to get from here
to outside the city limits.
What is this?
That building has an underground passage
that leads to a monastery outside town.
An underground passage?
And it's not a legend?
No. It was installed in the 17th century
to connect the monastery
with the parsonage.
The clergy saving their hides.
Can you tell the Theotokos of Tikhvin
from other Theotokos icons?
To me, all icons are the same.
Just as we are to them.
Here's a memo from the patriarchy.
A traditional waist-high depiction
of the Mother of God
holding a baby in her left arm.
Blah, blah, blah. What is unique
about the Theotokos of Tikhvin
is that the baby's heel
is facing the praying people.
Maria's right palm is open
and points at her son,
showing the path to everyone's salvation.
The golden hues of baby Jesus's robes
symbolize the Kingdom of God. Got it?
No, Comrade Commissar.
You'll have to.
Your mission, Petrova,
is to bring the said icon
from Torkhov to Moscow. Is that clear?
Comrade Commissar,
just send me to the front.
I already am. Behind the front line even.
What if someone recognizes me?
Who would recognize you?
You left town eight years ago.
And in any case, the way you look
It's the best you can have in our trade.
We had our man in the church
before the war,
but we lost contact,
so you'll have to work alone.
A special unit consisting of seven men
will be ensuring your safety.
You're running point.
The more careful you are,
the more likely the group is
to return home.
-Any questions?
-What do we need that icon for?
A personal order
of the Commander-in-Chief.
It will be carried along Moscow's
defense line to stop the enemy's advance.
No more questions, Petrova.
Sergeant, from now on your report
to State Security Jr Lieutenant Petrova.
Yes, Comrade State Security Major.
Well, as they say,
off you go, guys.
Get in the car!
First time behind the lines,
Comrade Jr Lieutenant?
None of your business, Sergeant.
Got it.
Comrade Jr Lieutenant,
in our trade emotions are unnecessary.
I don't have
anything unnecessary, Sergeant.
Go back to sleep.
Are you okay?
Who did we lose, Sergeant?
The driver
and three guys from the support group.
Damn it. We need to move.
Once the guys come round.
Come on.
It's okay.
Over here!
Grandma! Grandma!
I'm scared.
Come over here, sweetie. Don't be.
Don't be afraid.
Grandma, when will the war end?
Not soon at all, sweetie.
Why did God allow it?
Quite a question, that.
No one asked for his permission.
People have simply started it.
That is not God's work.
-What now?
Ask God to end the war.
I pray every day, Grandma.
Me too. But we're not enough.
There's a German patrol at the church.
We'll go through the gardens then.
-Check the street.
-Yes, sir.
-Is he dead?
-He might recover. Remove him.
And if he doesn't, who cares.
-But he's one of us.
-Look, Jr Lieutenant,
this is my third time behind the lines.
I've see my fair share of his type
who first split wood next to the occupants
and then kiss their asses.
-We've yet to deal with him after we win.
-Why are you screaming?
Me? My order is not to make noise.
I'm silent.
The street's clear.
Let's go.
There'll be an alley on the right
leading to the church.
We'll move one by one.
You and I rendezvous in the church.
The rest wait outside.
If you run into the patrol, just say
that you came to pray
to the icon of the Mother of God.
-Mother of God, eh?
-You know the sign of the cross?
Cut it out. As you approach the church,
cross yourselves,
or no one will believe you.
Forehead, navel,
right shoulder, left shoulder.
-Like this.
-Where did you learn that?
None of yours. Do it, now!
Forehead, navel,
right shoulder, left shoulder. Good.
Let's go.
play your beautiful music, have fun,
dance your traditional dances.
Working together with Germany,
you will learn what the happy future is.
Victory, work, construction
that is Europe's motto
in its fight against
Stalin has erected a stone wall
around you.
Anna Ivanovna!
at the first encounter
with the outside world
you'll wake up to the disgusting lie
that is the Bolshevik regime.
The wall has fallen.
You're looking
at the new and bright future.
-I'm here.
-I can see that. Take off your hat.
-What now?
-I don't know. The icon's not here.
-What icon?
-The one we're here for.
-Excuse me, can I ask you something?
-Of course, go ahead.
I came from far away.
To see the Theotokos of Tikhvin,
our protectress.
Our protectress.
But I can't seem to find it.
You'll see it when the liturgy begins.
You'll show it to me right now. Go.
-Go where?
-To the altar.
No, no, no. Women are not allowed
to enter the altar area.
How about now?
Easy, easy. Don't make any noise.
What took you so long?
Your altar server is really slow, Father.
Father Vladimir, I told them
they can't enter the altar.
-Who are you?
-Angels. Can't you tell?
Preparing for the service?
The icon should be on the analogion.
Where is it?
-You know the canons?
-None of yours. Where's the icon?
Why do you need it?
To pray.
Talk, fascist turncoat. Or I'll shoot him.
Don't shoot.
It's right here.
So the Germans went all out to add a safe.
In the past, all valuables
were stored in a cabinet.
Left arm, right foot, blessing the scroll.
Yes, it's the right one.
The commandant comes to the church
every Sunday.
He's probably already here.
There are always guards with him.
If you go out right now, they'll stop you.
You'll go with us. Get your coat.
I said, get your coat.
You're coming too!
-Go on.
Make a sound, and you're done.
-You'll get shot too.
-Yes, but you'll go down first.
Save and protect us, Lord!
Father, what's going on?
The altar server is sick.
I'll walk him home.
-What about the liturgy?
-The liturgy is still on. Wait.
Stop squirming.
Partisans! There are part
Why were you walking with them?
They forced me to.
They were armed.
I didn't want any blood shed.
What did they want?
I don't know.
Two of them got away. A man and a woman.
Set up roadblocks. No one can leave town!
Yes, sir! I'll go get the doctor.
We need to get out.
Why the hell are we heading to the center?
Because I said so! Move!
Damn it. That icon's getting in the way.
Why do we even need it?
It's our order to bring it to Moscow.
So many men are dead because of it.
-Maybe there's something valuable inside?
Come on.
I'm curious to know how we'll get out.
There was a house here.
Is this a grave?
It's a memorial cross.
In honor of Father Alexander,
a parish priest,
and his wife Mother Varvara.
Father Alexander was executed
on the charges of anti-Soviet activity.
But you probably know that.
His daughter renounced him.
But his wife didn't.
So she was also shot,
at the start of the war.
In the retreat, the house was burned
and the underground passage buried.
So don't bother looking. It's not there.
Why would we be looking for a passage?
You know all about liturgy preparations.
You know that the safe
wasn't there before.
You must also know about the passage.
It wasn't hard to guess.
You want a bullet in your brain, guesser?
-A shot will attract attention.
-What do you want?
Give me back the icon. Please.
And I'll help you get out of town.
Hand us over to the Nazis, more like.
I know a partisan liaison,
he lives in the outskirts.
He knows how to slip past patrols.
Please give me back the icon.
And I'll help you.
First, take us there,
then we'll talk about the icon.
-Go on.
-Don't try any tricks. I'll be faster.
Making noise is okay
when you've nothing to lose.
You'll go first.
-It's clear.
-Cross the street and wait for us.
Which way now?
Walk through.
Dear Father Alexander!
They are looking for you all over town.
The altar server screamed, 'Partisans,"
and you've vanished.
The church is sealed off.
Your house is being watched.
-Keep walking.
-It's okay, you should go.
Bless me, Father!
I won't bless you for snitching.
-God be with you.
He needs to take off his dress.
-It's a cassock.
Do you think there's underwear,
or he goes around butt-naked?
Save your witticisms for later. Go!
Hey, here's the thing.
If they are looking for you,
you should take off your cassock.
And shave off your beard.
What should I shave it with? Gunfire?
Great idea.
Don't move.
Who are you?
I live here. At 2, Lesnaya Street.
-You got ID?
I forgot to take it.
Please let me go.
Don't shoot, Sergeant.
Do I look like a sergeant to you? Move.
-You should've taken his rifle.
-To hell with it. Let's go.
Are you sleeping there? Let's go.
-Hey! You two! Check that yard.
-Yes, sir!
Spiridonivich, it's Father Vladimir.
-I guess he stepped out.
-He did. To split some firewood.
I guess he didn't recover.
Is this your liaison?
Well, it's not like he had "liaison"
tattooed on his face.
We'll stay here until it gets dark,
and then you'll search for a way out.
-What do we do with the priest?
We'll get out of town and let him go.
-Don't be stupid, he's a Nazi.
-He's just a priest.
Ah, that's the icon's influence.
Take it off.
-Get it out!
-Shut up!
You're here to follow my orders.
To protect you, and you're not letting me.
We don't need that priest.
We didn't need that man either,
except that we did.
Where are you going?
-To inter the body.
-We're not a funeral home.
I can do it myself.
-Stand down.
-You're an idiot, Jr Lieutenant.
A dud.
They happen.
Take it.
You and you, that way! Go, go!
Drive on! Go!
Hurry up!
Who are you?
Father Vladimir, parish priest.
You're lying.
No, it's the truth.
Did you learn combat at the seminary?
No, I didn't go to the seminary.
I went to the Leningrad Infantry School.
I've embraced faith later.
Right. That's how it is.
I lost my temper and hit you back.
Forgive me.
God will forgive you.
I hope so.
Your path to faith sure was interesting.
The state provided for you.
Gave you education.
And you just defected to the church.
To now work for the Nazis.
I've never worked for the Nazis.
And I'm not working now.
Right now I'm burying a person
who was needlessly killed.
Not by the enemy,
not by the Nazis, not on the battlefield.
So just let me see him off with dignity.
Go ahead.
-Search! Search!
-Come on, there's no one here.
Search! Follow me!
Hurry up!
Sergeant, it's time.
I can't leave you with him.
I'm not allowed.
You'll be leaving me with a gun.
This time it won't misfire, don't worry.
Carry out my order.
Open the wardrobe.
Find something for you to change into.
-Turn around.
-Absolutely not.
I can't undress in front of you.
I won't look,
but I won't turn away either.
-You also need to shave off your beard.
-Using what?
Look around.
The old man must've had a razor.
Put your cassock on the floor
while shaving
and then burn it together with your beard.
Did the priest tell her where they went?
What did the priest tell you?
He gave me his blessing.
No one gives a damn.
Did he say where they were going?
He said, "God be with you."
-And I knew that he was in danger.
-Unfortunately, nothing.
It means,
they are in this together.
-We need to find him.
There should be his picture
in the commandant's office.
I think we should make posters.
Yes, that's right. Let's go.
You should wash the blood off your face.
Hoping I'd put down the gun?
Hold it tight, don't put it down.
Hands off!
I won't do you any harm.
I'll just wipe away the blood, Masha.
So you've also guessed my name?
I used to visit your mom.
Mother Varvara.
She talked a lot about you.
Showed me your picture.
She kept it until her last minutes.
It wasn't hard to recognize you.
Don't lie! You couldn't have
recognized me. That's impossible.
Why is it impossible?
You're Maria Petrova,
daughter of Father Alexander Petrov,
a parish priest,
and his wife Mother Varvara.
I'm not. I'm the daughter
of my motherland.
-Your motherland didn't breastfeed you.
-Shut up, priest, or I'll shoot!
You won't. You're wearing an icon.
I don't care.
It's a painted piece of wood.
If so, then just give it to me.
Why do you need it?
Masha, give it to me.
This icon will be carried around Moscow.
To stop the enemy.
You believe the icon can do miracles?
This is not about me.
It's the Commander-in-Chief's order.
My job is to bring the icon to Moscow.
Has Comrade Stalin become a believer?
Stay away from Stalin!
Joseph Vissarionovich, everything's ready.
The train is waiting.
I'm not leaving Moscow!
Koba, this was decided
by the Defense Committee.
Staying in Moscow is risky.
Damn it.
Bastards. Fascist pieces of shit.
How did you do at grenade throwing?
-I failed the obstacle course.
-That's bad.
GTO level 4 for servicemen.
-When was the test?
-Four years ago.
Can you give the grenade a good throw
to create a distraction?
Search! Search!
This way. Step aside.
What is it?
Shit. It's a corpse.
What's upstairs?
Check this place.
You go right.
This is the only way out of town.
Let's create a distraction.
Let's go.
Come on, let's go!
-There was an explosion. Go over there.
-Yes, sir!
Come on, come on!
Come on, come on!
Keep moving!
Sir Oberleutnant! They left town.
Continue their pursuit. We need dogs.
They'll be here soon. But it's nighttime.
It's impossible, Herr Obeleutnant.
It's too dark.
Yes, that's true.
Shut your mouth!
-Carry out the order!
-Yes, sir!
-Damn it.
-Come on, up you go.
-Are you hurt?
-I'm fine.
You're okay, priest. Once we're in Moscow,
admit to your sins,
and you'll be pardoned.
That way!
German Shepherds, we're screwed.
Tell your god to remove the dogs.
Tell him yourself. He'll hear.
-God! Can you hear me?
-Come on.
Search! Search!
Wait, stop. Stop!
That way, we'll shake them off.
Like hell we'll shake them off!
-Go, I'll play with the dogs.
Go. If I can, I'll catch up with you.
-Stop it.
-The icon is needed in Moscow.
I said, go!
Masha, come on. We have to go. Come on.
Unleash the dogs!
Come on, get up.
God, if you exist,
get rid of these filthy bastards.
Come on, Masha, keep running.
Don't stop.
Get up. Come on, get up, Masha.
-We need to keep moving.
-How heavy is it?
-What is?
-That Mother of God icon!
-I never put it on a scale.
-Well, I put it on me.
-Let me carry it.
-No, I'll do it.
Do you really exist?
This is a Russian. He's dead.
-This way.
-The sergeant ran out of ammo.
The sergeant is a real hero.
Let's follow the creek.
It will be faster this way.
Where are the rest?
The woman and the priest.
-Where are they?
-We're looking for them, Sir Oberleutnant.
Continue patrolling.
Yes, sir. Go back! The search continues.
Clean up this shit.
Everything's okay?
That's it. That's it.
That's it.
God rest the souls of your servants
needlessly killed.
Forgive them their sins,
-knowingly and unknowingly committed.
The sergeant didn't believe in God.
He did talk to him.
And God hears everyone who talks to him.
Even if it was like that,
in his very last second.
We're in the woods, not in church.
Spare me the preaching.
All right. All right, okay.
We'll rest for five minutes
and keep going.
All right.
You were sent some bread and a herring.
-Thank you.
-Put it on the table, sweetie.
Ahh You're so clumsy.
And what is this artistry here?
-Your work?
Who allowed you to draw Comrade Stalin?
You're coming with me. Get your coat.
And you too, madam.
I'll go anywhere you tell me.
But leave them alone.
That's up to me to decide.
-No, I won't go! I won't!
-Please don't! I'm begging you!
Listen to me! Your mother is sick.
She is in a bad shape.
What are you on about?
Doctors are blaming a hernia,
you know that.
-Will she get better?
Because it's not a hernia.
Leave the child,
don't add another sin to your soul.
You'll help your mother this way, too.
-How long was I out?
-About ten minutes.
Why didn't you wake me up?
I felt bad for you,
wanted you to have a little rest.
Don't feel bad for me, okay?
Let's go.
I can't feel my legs.
Me neither.
-If you're cold, go back.
-That's not what I mean.
There's a village nearby.
It's my congregation.
We can go there
and ask for a place to sleep.
You mean, take me to the Nazis?
Sergeant's gone, I'm unarmed.
And you're GTO level 4?
Listen, Masha, you've just been asleep
for ten minutes.
I could've done anything to you.
Kill you. Tie you up, take the icon.
Yet I didn't do any of that.
Can you figure out why?
I'll think about it.
Don't be stubborn.
We'll just ask for a place to sleep.
Get warm, have a rest,
or we won't make it to Moscow.
So now you're going to Moscow with me?
Not with you.
With her.
-Who's that?
-Vasili Stepanovich, it's Father Vladimir.
Please open the door.
It's me, just without the beard
and in someone else's clothes.
Did something happen?
-Something did.
-I don't want to know.
I don't want to tell.
Just let us spend the night here.
We'll get warm, rest a little.
We'll be gone at dawn, I promise.
-Who are "we"?
-Me and
Masha? Maria!
Don't lock the door!
Maria, wait! Wait!
-Where are you running? What happened?
-Away from you. Let me go!
If it's about the icon,
I promise I won't take it
against your will. I promise!
I just want to make sure
you make it to Moscow, okay?
Liar! You're lying!
-And back there you also lied!
-Quiet, Masha.
-About my mom's execution!
-Quiet! Please!
-Please, be quiet!
-Commissar said she died in a hospital.
Masha, I didn't lie to you.
Please be quiet!
A serviceman who passed GTO tests
four years ago.
How did you get out of military duty?
They just let you become a priest,
no problem?
-You're no priest. You're a Nazi agent!
You don't give a damn about the icon.
You just want to enter Moscow with me.
Talking like that to a German agent
isn't very smart, Masha.
If I were you, I would keep that to myself
and turn me in at the first checkpoint.
And you're showing your hand like that.
If I'm a Nazi agent, what would I do now?
There you go. What do you think?
Come on in.
This way.
Put her here.
-What happened to her?
-Got a little tired.
Put your shoes on the stove. I'll go get firewood.
Okay. Thank you.
Just please leave before dawn, Father,
like you promised.
-I'm begging you.
-We will, don't you worry. I promise.
-I'm not afraid of you.
-You shouldn't be.
I'm sorry I was so rough to you.
But there was no other way to stop you.
I didn't lie to you, Masha.
Your mother was executed.
Everything else was also true.
But I didn't tell you all of it.
Three years ago, I was working
for the same agency as you're now.
I wasn't allowed to become a priest,
I was appointed one
after your father was executed.
More lies.
My name is Vladimir Sergeevich Stroganov.
Perhaps your superiors told you about me?
My superiors told me that they had a man
in the Torokhov church,
but the communications stopped,
probably because he died.
He didn't die, as you can see.
You got me in a tight spot, Father.
Stay quiet, keep your heads down.
It might just blow over.
Lord have mercy upon our souls!
There, stop.
Here, take them. Put them up
on every wall in the morning.
And be quick. German commandant's orders.
I have five more villages to cover.
-All right, will do.
-You better.
So that's what happened, Father.
You scum.
What are you looking at?
You killed Spiridonovich.
I'll never forgive you that.
Vasili Stepanovich, I didn't kill him.
This is a mistake.
She did, then. It doesn't matter.
The Germans are after both of you.
-Let me explain, hear me out.
-I've heard enough.
I believed your sermons.
I'm done listening to you.
I see everything with my own eyes.
No cassock, no beard. The cross is gone.
-I'm still wearing the cross.
-Shut up.
Go to the barn.
One wrong move, and I'll shoot.
The Germans won't mind if you're dead.
-Vasili Stepanovich, let me explain.
-Keep walking.
Shoot! Cross yourself
in front of the icon and shoot!
Shoot, swine! What are you waiting for?
Do it so she would see!
All-holy Virgin,
Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Grant us thy protection in this life
against enemies, seen and unseen,
against sorrows and misfortunes,
save us from temptation and sin,
and in the future life,
at your son's judgement,
be our protectress!
Get out of here.
Come on. Let's go, Masha.
God be with you, Vasili Stepanovich.
I don't know what got into me.
And that prayer
It almost came out on its own.
That's how your mother prayed.
Mother Varvara.
In a non-canonic way.
Mixing prayers and hymns.
When I asked her about it,
she said that at first
she was doing it for you,
to make the prayer easier to understand.
And then she just got used to it. Yeah.
Were you there at her execution?
-Did you see her being executed?
I saw her afterwards.
When I found her body and buried it.
Why did they kill her?
Did they kill your father for a reason?
He was engaged in anti-Soviet activities.
Which is what, Masha?
All of it. His words,
his sermons, his actions.
He wouldn't let me join the Pioneers.
And when I joined the Komsomol,
he beat me up.
He'd meet with churchgoers
on community service days.
And if court found him guilty,
then that's how it is.
Mom is different.
Mom didn't do anything wrong.
Will you stay in Moscow?
There's nothing for me there.
Why are you going there then?
I want to make sure you're okay.
Or the icon?
You know,
-I probably shouldn't be saying
-Who are you?
Who are you?
We are asking questions here.
-Hands in the air!
-Get up!
We'll circle around
and set up base here. Like that.
Comrade Commander, we've got the scum
who killed Spiridonovich.
We wanted to finish them right away
but then brought them here.
It's up to you now.
You did right.
The party doesn't approve of mob justice.
Let's go.
Add some butter, will you?
Add some butter!
Pavel! Minaev!
Pavel, it's a miracle that we meet again!
She knows you then? How?
I don't know her. Shoot both of them.
What do you mean?
-Pavel! Pavel Minaev!
It's me! Masha Petrova! Wait!
Just hear me out!
Wait! You asked me to visit your wife.
-Pavel Minaev!
-Lyuba Minaeva!
-Masha, don't.
At 9, Drovyanoy Drive.
-You'll regret this.
You asked me, Pavel!
-Masha, come on, stop it.
-Keep walking.
-They are going to shoot us.
Even more reason for regret.
He didn't recognize me.
He didn't recognize me.
It's the way I look.
No one ever recognizes me.
He did recognize you, Masha. He did.
How about here?
-Let's get further away. Come on.
-Keep walking!
Turn around. Aim.
Everyone, take cover!
Take cover! Take cover! Move, move!
Masha! Masha!
Take cover!
Masha! Masha.
You're alive. Masha.
You're okay. Let me take a look.
You're okay.
Jesus! The bullet!
In the icon.
All right, we need to go.
Move, move!
Get in!
Move, move! Faster!
He didn't recognize me.
Lord rest the souls of your servants
needlessly killed.
Welcome them into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Masha, let's go. Come on, Masha.
We can't stay here,
it's too dangerous. Come on.
Come on, let's go. We need to go.
Get up! Get up! Get up!
Die, scum!
Get up! Get up!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Lord, please forgive me.
Forgive me. Forgive me.
The shelter of the orphaned
and the protectress of the wanderers,
the joy of the grievers
and the patroness of the wronged,
behold my misery, behold my sorrow,
help me like a cripple,
direct me like a wanderer,
do with my wrong as thou will,
as there is no one else
to help me but thou,
no other refuge and protection
but thee, Mother of our Lord.
Do thou save me.
Hey, beautiful, what's your name?
Great job, Petrova.
I knew you could do it.
I serve the Soviet Union.
There, there.
Come on.
Come on.
It's okay.
It's over.
It's over.
I'm finally going to the front.
-I can't wait.
-I know.
-Morning, ma'am.
-Morning, ma'am!
I won't see him again.
Are you rested? Can I call the next one?
Get the one from the back.
The last in line.
The last one? What about the first ones?
Many who are last will be first, Mom.
Let's go, Mom.
It's my first time. I'm scared.
There's no reason to be scared.
Come, she's expecting you.
You wait.
I came to tell you
that the icon is in Moscow.
Thank God. Thank God.
Go now, sweetie.
The child is waiting for you.
I don't have a child.
And there's no way I possibly could.
I said, the child is waiting. So hurry up.
You should go. Do as she said.
Today, like the eternal sun,
Your Icon appears in the sky,
O Theotokos.
With rays of mercy
it enlightens the world.
This land accepts
the heavenly gift from above,
Honoring You as the Mother of God.
We praise Christ our Lord
who was born of You.
I gave him bread wrapped in a cloth,
but he wouldn't stop crying.
He misses his Mommy I guess.
Where is she?
She died, poor thing.
She kept having
those stomach aches, and now
An ambulance car picked her up yesterday.
They promised to come back for the boy
and get him into an orphanage.
I've packed up his things.
Got all the papers.
But no one has come yet.
Maybe you can take him there?
I'm just so weak.
What's his name?
That's Vladimir.
Sir! My sled got stuck. Could you help me?
Let me finish here first,
and I'll come over.