Mark colpisce ancora (Mark Strikes Again) (1976) Movie Script

Paul! Help!
That music is beautiful.
- He seems crazy to me.
Where did you learn to play like that?
Have you got a smoke?
- You never have any!
Hello? - Will you call Mark to the
phone, please. - Yes, just a moment.
Mark, you're wanted on the phone.
- Coming.
- Ciao, Mark.
- Ciao.
- Ciao, Mark.
- Ciao.
- It's Mantelli, get back here right away.
I leave you alone for 2 seconds and you get in trouble.
- What if someone sees me?
That's your problem!
- But...
Fuck you!
What you staring at?
- That's a stupid question.
I've got nothing to stare at with
your gut blocking the view like that.
Your coming with me!
- Get your hands off me!
Arrest him! - Your coming with me
- No! I haven't done anything!
It's his fault! I was only teasing!
Let me go! I don't want to go to
the station, I haven't done anything!
Leave me alone!
Hey let him go!
Where will it end?
He was provoked. - That doesn't matter,
they did well to arrest that kind.
Did you think it did any good arresting
those four poor fellas?
We're wasting our time with them,
we'll never find the big cheeses...
...the ones who organise the entire drug scene.
I don't give a damn about the big cheeses.
You're not after the organisers.
It's not what you're paid for!
There's an anti drug squad to do that.
Your job is to clear up all the layabouts
and the trouble makers in the district.
I don't know why you don't put
on a suit and tie and play lawyer.
It's not what I'm cut out for.
It's no use.
Do me a favour, will ya? Don't call
me in unless it's absolutely necessary.
If they find out who I am I'll be in hot water.
I'm trusted and they don't like traitors.
Besides, there's no point risking my neck
all the time for things so unimportant.
Sure, you have reason to be.
Of course a man with an university degree
naturally feels superior to guys like us.
Why not?
- Ciao. Got a smoke?
I saw those cops beat the hell out of you.
- There's something about me that drives them crazy.
My name is Olga.
- Mark.
You feel like taking a stroll around?
I would prefer to go to my place first.
That's if you want to.
- Sure!
Okayl! Then lets go.
Just a minute. Gio! Your turn to work!
I've got better things to do.
We've arrived.
At last!
You told me it wasn't far.
You know I haven't got a lira.
Beautiful, you've made a mistake.
- No.
No you made the mistake. You Italians
always have the same thing on your mind.
Those cops let you out pretty quick, didn't they?
With Italian law today, it's
easy to get out of jail.
You've chose a real humdinger!
Offer him a drink.
According to me, he's okay.
I didn't have much choice.
Choice? What are you on about?
Help yourself.
I have work for a good boy like you. But
do what you're told and don't ask questions.
A simple job but well paid.
That's your job.
- Yes, but we need to talk about cash.
- What do I do?
Comfort him a little, stay with him.
He's wounded very badly.
If you think you can do it?
And if I don't think I can? - Amen!
- You'll be out of work.
I know a capable Doctor who could help him.
Come with me.
Bloody hell! So much blood!
Did they shoot him with a cannon?
- He's got two bullets in his chest.
What do you intend to do?
I'll try that Doctor I told you about.
But I don't think he can do much for him.
That's the place.
I see, in that apartment there's three terrorists, right?
No, but you...
- These thing are not in our line of work.
We're not anti-terrorists it's Interpol's
job to deal with terrorists not ours.
They're dangerous. - I know, but it's not
my departments job, it's Pappatato's.
We've got enough on our plate. - Then what?
- I'll give you Pappatato's number.
You can call him up, give him a nice report
then you return to the hunt.
The hunt? - Of purse snatchers
and kids missing pets.
All I'll catch is a cold.
I called you over half an hour ago.
- It was very good of you.
Have a look at these.
They're the ones.
You've been very lucky
to establish this contact.
If you don't feel up to it just disappear out of
circulation for a bit and let my men deal with it.
Mantelli, I don't think he'll let me work for you.
Leave him to me.
There's a problem, I said I'd get them a Doctor.
You mean you want to be on this case?
- Yes.
Leave me to find the Doctor, but when?
- Immediately.
You'll have him in two hours.
- And he better look the part or he'll give us away.
He will.
- Where did you learn to paint? That's awful!
Can we trust him?
- Yes, he's done abortions for a lot of women.
That's not what I mean. Will he talk?
- He won't talk.
He won't give the police the time of day.
- It's 4:30 exactly.
Here give him one of these every
two hours beginning at 6:00.
I just put on a clean dressing and gave
him an injection to relieve the pain.
If you ask me he won't last 48 hours.
Don't breathe a word or you won't
last 48 hours either.
Hans seems worse.
What the hell have you done?
- Hold still, idiot!
Do you want to end up the same way?
Your too stupid to be here! We've
put it clear since the start...
...if one becomes too much of a weight for
the others, he's eliminated. Now you know.
When you've calmed down I'll remove this.
- I'm calm.
Now to the most difficult work.
Stealing cars is hard work!
Hey, have seen two terrorists around here?
- What?
They were carrying a dead guy wearing
glasses and a hat. - No I've seen nothing.
One was tall, the other was short
and had crossed eyes. - Leave me alone.
You don't have to get angry yourself!!
- Some people!
Come here and help!
You open the car door.
Come on! Quick!
Lets go!
- Stay calm.
I'm sorry.
How pale you are!
Are you feeling alright?
What's wrong with him? - Nothing, he drinks
too much. The light's just turned green.
Son of a bitch! Where are you taking us?
- I have an idea.
Shit! Let's get out of here.
Next time tell us what
your idea is will you?
You nearly got a bullet in the head!
It was a good idea. - Just imagine
the chief of police's face!
Want a drink?
- No, I want my money.
Your leaving us?
- The job'ss finished.
I'll take the cash and go.
I thought you wanted to say with us.
I have the opinion you're cut out for more important
things than selling beads in Santa Maria piazza.
...killing isn't my line.
- I didn't say I needed a murderer.
I know what people you are.
What people are we?
- Tell us!
There's something special about you too.
I didn't make a mistake.
The organisation will pay you well.
Very well. Right, Paul?
That sounds like a serious proposal.
A gentleman's agreement.
Bravo! We are serious and
cannot make mistakes. - Very well!
Where do we work?
- Wherever
The red circles indicate terrorist activity...
...which Interpol attributes to
Paul Henkel and Olga Kube.
Also in Vienna we retain that those two
...have collaborated much of
the terrorist activity there.
I've invited you to Roma because one of our
agents has succeeded in penetrating this group.
- Yes.
Interesting... my compliments.
If that man succeeded to obtain there
trust we've got ask ourselves...
...would we be content with ourselves
just to arrest the two of them...
...or whether to give them enough rope to
hang themselves as well as the organisation.
I believe the answer is obvious.
- Pity is, he's not a Special Squad agent.
He's not had the necessary training.
- It doesn't matter, we'll back him up all the way.
He knows what he's up to...
...but lets hope he hasn't bitten
off more than he can chew this time.
Well? - I've seen anti-terror police
everywhere. - It's logical.
But it's nothing to worry about.
Are you ready? - Yes. - Then go.
Don't worry it'll be easy.
- Easy.
The forces of law and order didn't
have time to intervene.
The terrorist that shot the minister
and several of his party was killed...
A good job! - Perhaps they'll increase
the price of oil as a result.
So what? - Don't you get it? It's the
only possible way to overthrow the system...
...system of government in western
Europe is to strangle it.
No system can survive in a atmosphere
of terror and confusion.
- Destroy the old way!
- Yes!
To build the new! We must destroy it. Create
panic so the man on the street is on our side.
First the people will be afraid to leave the house.
Then his discontentment will drive
him to rebel against his leaders.
Then it'll explode into revolution.
Then people like us will have plenty to do.
I guess I was unfortunate to have
picked the wrong gang.
No! Nobody made a mistake...
- Paul, is it decided? Is it tomorrow we leave?
Yes, tomorrow morning at 11:00
- Where we going? - To the north.
Well, I better pack my bags.
Don't feel responsible for what happened at the
airport. It was inevitable, don't worry about it.
It's your job to arrive at the top of the organisation...
...and pick up all the information
you can on the way up. - Okay.
Have you memorised the means
of communication with us? - Sure.
I like you young man. You don't waste words.
Take good care not to get yourself killed.
Touch wood that won't happen.
I want a pair of grey trousers.
- The woman's section is over there. - Thanks
Bravo! You'd make a good shop
assistant. It's a nice quiet job!
Do you speak German?
- A little, I had a romance with a Hamburger.
I'm glad because you'll have to brush
up on it quick. - I do?
We're splitting up:
We're staying in Milan and you go on.
I continue? What is this?
- Listen...
We must split up. You just follow the
instructions you'll be given. Come on.
Don't look so worried, it won't be long
before you see us again. Ciao. - Very well.
You'd better wait for their instructions.
- I know but things are getting complicated.
Catch the next plane back if your getting cold feet.
No, I feel things are heating up. If you give
me the go ahead I want to see it through.
What if it's a trap?
- Then I'll be in the shit!
Will Mr. Mark Patti please come to
the information desk at once.
I'm Mark Patti.
There's a package for you.
- Thanks.
Would you mind coming with me for
a minute. Just a formality.
You can get dressed now.
- Fortunately!
My name is Bruno Palm of Interpol.
Welcome to Vienna.
Not much of a welcome so far.
- It was necessary.
It was the only way of contacting
you without arousing suspicion.
Have you got any instructions for me?
- No, only a phone number.
Repeat it. - Altman, 3355.
- Okay.
If you need me call me.
Take this if you want it.
It might come in handy.
Thanks, but I prefer my own.
How did you get that through customs?
- It's a secret!
I'm Mark Patti, have you got any
messages for me? - One moment.
Yes, there's a driver for you.
He's waiting over there.
- It's nothing.
How come you took so long to come through?
- Well, I got held up at customs.
- Why do you think?
Give me the envelope.
The Austrian people themselves should
rebel against this kind of provocation... isolating those responsible
and rendering them harmless.
The menace they represent is merely
one of creating disorder and chaos.
Because it's the only way they can
undermine our democratic way of life...
That's the man we're after. - Who is he?
- It's not necessary for you to know.
He's a target as far as your concerned.
You'll be the one to make it Fritz...
...togetherwith Karl.
And you, Mark... - First I want to
make contact with Olga and Paul.
We already have. The orders came from them.
Fritz and Karl will make the
necessary preparations tonight.
All you have to do is wait for the explosion.
If our target doesn't die, you must
finish him with your gun.
Very interesting.
- I wouldn't say so.
What's up?
An assassination. They want to kill
a man with white hair...
...I don't know his name.
It won't be too difficult to figure out,
he was on TV last night.
When is the attack?
Tomorrow morning.
That should give us enough time.
Stay calm! Your information wasn't
as much as we thought.
By the time we identified him we were too late.
A kid could have got to him in time!
I'm surprised at you!
The reason you didn't intervene was because
you didn't want to lose the contact I made.
And if that was the case?
- You're playing with human lives.
You had the addresses, the names, everything!
I don't understand why you did nothing
Why? Terrorism is fought in
ways few people understand.
You want to know who Mullerwas?
He was a son of a bitch
and we're glad to be rid of him.
Killing him, did us a favour.
You're not any better than the
terrorists you're hunting.
You just be careful, you understand?
Now go to your hotel and don't move.
It's an order!
Hey! Taxi!
- Ciao!
- Ciao.
Your more fortunate with girls today than
taxis. Get in, I don't charge for the ride.
I have to go to the Hotel Krone.
- I'm going that way too.
It would be nice if we stopped off for a drink together.
Yes, but not today. I have to go to the hotel.
Excuse me a minute, I have to talk to a friend.
I'll be back right away. - Okay.
Wake up!
- You said you'd be back right away.
I'm glad you didn't have much to do.
- Don't worry, I'll take you back now.
Excuse me, what's this all about?
A shooting.
I think the police shot a few terrorists.
You still feel like going some place for a drink?
Naturally, lets go.
The terrorists killed today at the hotel
Krone have been identified. common criminals all with
previous records for robbery.
Their political motives for their attempted
terrorist action at the hotel is still unknown.
The police seek to discover connections...
...with foreign organisations.
Now go to the hotel and do not move.
It's an order!
A naked man is what you need in this
wax museum of yours. - You think so?
You could be my model and I
would dress you up in my designs.
Isa, I'd like to ask you if you know a quiet place
where I could stay for a couple of days.
Perhaps, yes.
Come on.
Paul and Olga are revolutionaries?
No! They're just a couple of thugs.
However, I haven't seen them for a year.
Well, if you happen to run into them again...
...tell them to get in touch on this number.
- Very well. - Thanks.
Surprised to see us?
- Not as much as you are!
It doesn't matter what colour the cat is
what matters is that you catch the mouse.
Is that philosophy? - No, just a thought of mine.
- There's several things I'm not clear about.
What the devil did you send me to Vienna for?
And I'm not sure whether you and Paul are real
revolutionaries or just a pair of troublemakers?
You're a special person.
- You're teasing me.
You should learn to relax. It's
essential in our line of work.
Paul is nearly a nervous wreck and
nerves can cause you to make errors.
Then, would you mind telling me why
he's so important to the organisation?
Patti! It's about time!
Where the hell have you been?
I should see you immediately, say about 6:15
- Where?
At nine over the place there's an
import-export company called "Enterprise Euro".
Don't you think afterwhat happened yesterday
it would be a little dangerous... - It's an order!
But... - There's going to be an important
meeting I'll be there myself. - I'll come.
One your right is a television camera.
Please look into it for identification.
I've got an appointment with Altman.
- He's armed. - He's got a fine eye!
Leave it with the others under the window.
Where you going? - My car is getting towed
away. Open the doorfor me. - Be quick.
Excuse me...
I'm sorry that's my car. I didn't know,
I'm Italian. Can you let it go? - No.
One your right is a television camera.
Please look into it for identification.
Leave your guns under the window.
- I want to see you immediately.
Who is it?
It's Patti. - Patti?
I got tied up in the office and...
- Never mind.
You won't believe this but it's
like a slaughter house in there.
Don't go through it on the phone!
I'll send someone to get you.
- I want to see you alone.
Where? - In 15 minutes
at Schonbrunn palace.
I'll be there.
- Very well.
What happened?
Everyone who was there was killed.
How did you escape?
- By pure chance.
I've never seen them before so I don't
know which organisation they belong to.
Alright, just do your best to find out.
Just continue like nothing happened.
I don't understand you people.
The time has come to arrest them.
They should be questioned and made to talk.
Arrest them? Interrogate them?
You think a couple of thugs like Paul and
Olga can tell us what we want to know?
Fanatics like them are a dime a dozen.
If they didn't exist...
...we'd invent them
You religious? - Yes.
Do you believe in the devil?
- I don't know.
Well, millions of people do.
The concept of the devil is
inculcated on them by priests.
Do you know why? You see the idea is if the devil
didn't exist god wouldn't make any sense.
The more risks a nation runs...
...the stronger the power of
the police has to be.
And if no danger exists?
It doesn't matter, it's invented.
That is the most cynical thing I've ever heard.
You don't give a damn about human lives.
It's not cynical,
it's a price that has to be paid.
What's a matter? Something wrong?
No, I'm just beginning to understand.
What are you trying to prove?
If Altman was in contact with
Paul Henkel and Olga Kube...
...evidently he betrayed his superiors.
- Your mistaken.
He was in the secret services and
tried to use them.
Paul Henkel and Olga Kube
alone are just two of the tiny cogs...
...that make up the huge machine called terrorism.
It doesn't matterwhat a cog thinks about
what's important is that it turns.
You hampered him and for this
he wanted to eliminate you.
The information you've collected so far is worthless...
...or at the very least already known
by our Federal officers here.
I don't doubt yourword, I've discovered
nothing you don't know more fully.
However, I've reached a conclusion.
I'm certain that this terrorism has a mind.
Not just a man at the top but a central
headquarters that controls everything.
I want to find out if my intuition is correct or not.
Your asking me forfreedom to act on your own.
Do you want to stay in contact?
They're organising something important.
- You want to organise something more important?
Here, take this and hurry. We've got to be
in Milan before 10:00 tomorrow morning.
An interesting job?
- Yes.
What are we going to do?
- I'm not sure that your really one of us.
However your useful to us for the time being.
We are the true strength...
- Yes, but what are we doing here?
A bus. A bus full of important people...
...big cheeses
industrialists, financiers...
...the ones that govern the world.
And you know what we're going to do?
- No.
My bag! Stop!
- Stop!
Run Olga, the police are here!
Hold it!
- Help!
- Hold still!
Get inside! Get in!
That little bitch bit my hand!
- Inside! - No!
Come on.
That's our train.
Now we're fucked!
Olga will talk.
We're without a car...
...without guns, without ammunition
and without cash.
Nobody can get us out of this shit?
I don't know. Perhaps...
Perhaps there is someone,
that is if he wants to.
From this moment on the train is mine.
You drive on until I tell you to stop.
Drop to the floor.
Don't do anything silly if you
don't want to get hurt.
Look ahead! You imbecile
Keep your mind on the job.
Eh... How's it going?
Well. And the hostages?
- Not too well, a lot of them are scared.
You can stop the train as soon
as it passes the station.
What you doing? Keep quiet
- Stop it...
...or I'll fill you with lead.
- Stay calm, have a smoke.
No trouble with these.
Scaring them is dangerous.
Yes, we stopped it.
- With the brakes!
They've hijacked the train.
- No one hijacks a train.
It's true. They're terrorists they
want to speak to the magistrate.
Block off the line.
Yes, it's all clear.
About a quarter of an hour ago four
terrorists took control of a train for Milan.
What do they want? - The release of
Olga Kube, a car, and a plane.
I thought Patti was in on this?
- Yes.
You must inform Milan to get ready.
I think we'll have to give in. - Very well.
Come down! Quick, move!
Hide between the bushes.
Move it, lads!
Hold you fire!
Can you hear me?
Don't play games with me I know
you can hear. Answer the phone.
- No reply?
- No. Respond!
Ah! I want to know who I'm speaking to.
Judge Ferri speaking. I want to know if there
are any injured amongst the hostages.
No, they're alright and they'll stay that
way as long as you follow our instructions.
We're forced to accept your requests.
The coach is ready.
As is the plane. But we're
seeking a pilot to volunteer.
We will find one soon. Stay calm.
You bloody idiot!
You've ruined the negotiations!
He was armed.
- It's true. He was a cop.
He was quiet up till now but at the right
moment he was going to pull his gun on us.
Marcel didn't make a mistake.
I made the mistake listening
to a crazy like you.
What are we gonna tell the judge?
- Tell him there's 50 other hostages...
...and I won't hesitate to kill women and children.
I'll kill everyone on this train.
In fact, I'll start with the children!
That's what you can tell the very kind judge.
You go on, tell him what I just told you.
Outta the way.
Hey! What's happening we heard shots.
He's a maniac.
He'll kill everyone.
Anyone hurt?
- A cop tried to pull a gun...
...he's dead.
Climb in.
Get up.
You too.
You come too. - Where you taking me?
- Never you mind. Walk!
Get up. - I don't want to.
- Come on! It'll be over in a hour.
Stay calm.
- Get down!
- Stay together, close together.
Stop complaining and walk, you shit!
Get in.
Take the walkie talkie to the man at
the door. You take it.
If anything goes wrong we'll kill all the
hostages and the same goes for you.
Keep in touch with us.
This is Ferri.
Inform all the traffic control posts.
Lift all the road blocks.
The pick up has just left.
And make sure the plane is
cleared for take off.
Come on!
- Get out! You imbecile!
Go on!
Ciao, Olga, how are you?
- Ciao. - Get this thing off the ground.
Everything went well.
Hurry, they're waiting.
Quick! - Thugs!
- Come on!
Hurry, bitch,
Come on! Quick! Hurry!
They shot them. - Lets go.
- What did it matter to let them go?
- I'll kill them all!
It was those bends wasn't it?
- Yes.
It's all ready. - Try not to make
the same mistake. - Thanks
We've got to land somewhere. There's
something wrong with the engine.
There's a small airport near Vienna.
No small airports!
We're not falling for a trick like that.
You'll land and they'll all be waiting for us.
Mark. Afterwhat we've been through
you better decide now.
Is there a meadow where you can land?
- Are you crazy?
A race track! Could you land there?
- You give me no alternative.
Olga, quick! Go! Run!
Did you see that? They were armed
and stole the car. I'll call the police.
Three armed individuals stole a Ford Capri...
...colour sky blue and white. Heading for Vienna.
One of them is a woman.
- That's them!
Watch out!
Give it me.
- Stop!
Don't you want me to fix the coffee?
You can fix anything but that.
I like my coffee Italian! - Ciao. - What's new?
Go to the airport.
At 6:00 a plane will arrive from Cairo.
You'll be carrying this to identify yourself.
Go to the information desk with the
suitcase and put it on the ground.
On the Cairo flight there will be
a man to collect it. Clear?
- Then go to the hotel Old Vienna...
...where you'll be given
a suitcase containing $450000.
Good morning.
Stop there.
Do you want me to give you a list
with all the crimes you've participated in?
If you want you can also read a list
of the results of yourwork on this case.
We've decided to send you
immediately back to Rome!
Just give me 24 hours, then I'll return to Rome.
You want to visit Vienna?
- I've got to meet someone.
I'll give you another 24 hours but I'd like
to see your heading in the right direction.
Otherwise we'll be forced to close the case... a way which is not favourable to you.
- Okay, but you must give me a hand.
I want two of your men ready to
help me if the need arises.
Very well.
There's $450000.
Count it.
I trust you
- Count it for courtesy.
It's an excellent carpet.
- Excuse me, I'd like to see Mr. Dan Lin.
Down there and on the left.
- Thanks
Who are you? - I'm Patti
We agreed on $450000, real dollars.
Not this funny money.
- Who told you I was in on this?
The man who brought it.
- What do you want from me?
I told you, I wanted to meet the boss in person.
Youngsters today are a little too impulsive.
I don't like it, it means trouble.
I must kill you, you've become
a danger to my activities.
Pity, Olga spoke very well of you.
Now it's all over perhaps
you can satisfy my curiosity.
Who's the boss?
- You really believe terrorism has a boss?
You must be a fool to ask such a question.
Terrorism serves to cover up
drug trafficking, contraband...
..., and prostitution.
And that's not all!
Terrorism serves to bring down
governments, unbalance world politics,
...and influence public opinion.
I don't know if I'm a boss or not.
It's not that simple.
No, I beg you, don't shoot.
Today an arrest was made of a well
known importer of oriental carpets.
It seems the man is responsible for
the latest terrorist attacks.
The dangerous operation was carried out
by a young Italian plain clothes officer...
...called Mark Patti.
At a press conference this afternoon...
...the Minister of the interior denied that the arrest
had anything to do with international terrorism...
...but confirmed the collaboration with
Italian anti-terrorist police.
He has declared that... was one of the most important arrests
made in the history of international crime.
You betrayed us, you son of a bitch!
Inspector can you hear me?
- Yes.
What do you want me to do with all this cash?
How am I supposed to know?
I'm not a part of the anti-terrorist squad.
Your contacts with those
terrorist shits has finished... you better get back to catching bag snatchers,
exhibitionists, and school kids bunking off.
Return to Rome tomorrow.
- No, I'll be seeing you in 15 days.
Signorina! - Yes? - It's raining, could
you give me a lift? - Yes.