Marley & Me: The Puppy Years (2011) Movie Script

[ Grunts ]
Hi. I'm Marley.
Some people say
I'm the world's worst dog.
[ Clatter ]
Ooh! The mailman!
[ Panting ]
[ Whimpers ]
I saw that!
Bring that back!
[ Barks ]
[ Grunts ]
That package is ours!
It could be my new ballistic
nylon chew toy!
Oh, you better retreat,
or I'll rip a hole
in your blue Bermudas!
Hey, Marley.
[ Chuckling ]
Thanks for breaking in
my new kicks.
That's my specialty.
[ Woman ]
[ Marley Narrating ]
That's my boy Bodi.
I'm hanging with him
this summer 'cause
my parents are working.
Hes cool.
I can mess up his bed.
shred his leather chew toys.
He doesn't care.
[ Whining ]
[ Chuckles ]
Bodi, it's time to go.
- Are those your new shoes?
- Uh-
[ Chuckles ]
Marley did
a little work on it.
[ Sighs ]
Bad dog, Marley.
Bodi, I told you you can't leave
your shoes lying around when
there's a puppy in the house.
I mean, when are you gonna learn
to take responsibility
for your things?
No biggie.
I can still wear them.
Oh. Good.
'Cause I'm not buying you
another pair till college.
[ Marley Narrating ]
That's his mom, Ms. Grogan.
She's a little tense.
She found out I was playing
with those doggie-sized pillows
on her coach.
and it sent her on this kick
about Bodi needing to be
more responsible.
uh! Whatever that means.
[ Chuckles ]
Oh. I see you haven't found
his leash.
Yeah. We gotta go.
A long drive
to Grandpa's.
You mean the wrinkled guy?
Okay. Let's go. Want to go
for a car ride, Marley?
[ Barks ]
Get the door.
Car ride?
Oh. Right.
[ Barking ]
[ Pop ]
[ Man ]
Get ready, set, go
Nothing will get
into the way
Get ready, set, go
Keep runnin'
and enjoy the day
Let nothin' get in your way
Oh. Marley.
Bodi, don't let him
climb on your face like that.
- Hey, hey, Dad.
Yeah. We're on our way.
- Are you gonna be late?
No. We're good.
My flight doesn't leave
till 4:00.
I don't know why she has to go
to a leadership conference.
She could organize
the Super Bowl blindfolded.
Oh, Marley!
Was that you?
[ Grandpa ]
Is Bodi bringing a friend?
Oh, no, no, Dad.
Marley is John
and Jenny's new puppy.
I told you we're dog sitting
while they're on that
writing assignment.
It's a big mistake,
by the way.
[ Insect Buzzing ]
[ Chomping ]
- Mmm. Crunchy.
- Get ready, set, go
Nothing will get
into the way
[ Doorbell Rings ]
- Hi, guys.
- Hi. Dad.
Hey, Grandpa.
Yep. It's the wrinkled guy.
Come on in.
Oh. Watch it. Marley.
All right.
So. here we have some
general information...
on Marley's naughty habits
that you should be aware of.
Keep in mind that he does
really like to chew
pretty much everything.
so keep your favorite things
oat of reach.
Hey, look at
this backyard!
And- Where is Marley?
He's right-
He was just-
[ Chuckles ]
I'll find him.
[ Barking ]
There you are.
Hey, Bodi.
Check this out.
[ Farts ]
Ahhh! Jacuzzi!
[ Chuckles ]
Come on.
Come on. Marley.
And make sure he gets out
and meets some of
the neighborhood kids.
[ Bodi Chuckling ]
Stop it.
You are such a troublemaker.
Mom, when you get back,
can I get my own dog?
Uh, when you prove you're
responsible enough. we can talk
about it. Why is he wet?
I'm totally responsible.
Uh-hah. You've already lost
Marley's leash, let him chew
one of your new shoes,
and I don't even want to know
why my pillows
are suddenly smelling fanny.
What if I can train Marley
by the time you get back?
Well, that would be
a miracle.
- So it's a deal?
- What?
- If I can train Marley.
- Sure.
Now you-
You be good for Grandpa.
Don't let him play
too many video games,
and, you know,
maybe you can work with him
on his follow-through.
It would be really-
I'll whip him into shape.
You just worry about
catching your flight.
Oh. Right. Okay.
Okay. Bye.
Thank you.
Okay. Bye.
Love you.
Love you too.
This is gonna be great.
We can get away with
all kinds of stuff with Grandpa.
Hes old.
I heard that.
Now listen up, cadets.
I may look like an old geezer,
bat I'm a decorated war hero,
and I don't take flak
from anybody.
So you toe the line,
and we'll get along just fine.
[ Marley Narrating ]
Aw. the wrinkled gay.
I was pretty little
when we met.
but I remember
he got really bent
when I gnawed on his arm.
I was teething. you know.
He hasn't changed much.
Still grumpy
and still wrinkled.
Follow me.
Who spiked
his prune juice?
I heard that too.
[ Grandpa ]
All right. Now-
When I'm sitting in this chair
and the game is on,
the remote is mine.
Copy that.
And no dogs
on the coach.
- Right?
- [ Marley Barks ]
- This way.
- [ Whimpers ]
There's an auxiliary
toilet in here.
Come on. I'll show you
where you can store
your skateboard.
Extra drinking fountain,
[ Sniffing ]
I smell leather shoe toys!
[ Sniffing ]
That smells like Spam!
I love this place.
Ooh. Ooh. Spam!
Ooh. Spam!
[ Chuckles ]
Ooh. Spam!
Now, the bedrooms
in this house are kept neat.
There it is.
And that means
the bed's made,
clothes and shoes
properly stowed.
There are some extra
towels in here.
I thought this was
supposed to be summer vacation,
not boot camp.
Did you hear that?
[ Marley Grunting ]
I was just making a sandwich.
Do you want one?
Weill, that's strange.
What happened to my Spam?
[ Murmurs ]
- Lucky dog!
- This might be a good time
for a dog walk.
Come on, Marley.
[ Barks ]
Yeah, Marley!
You've got some serious torque!
Inhale, exhale.
Oh, yeah! I'm bad!
Hey! Wait ap.
Thank you.
Whoa. Slow down!
Watch out!
[ Groans ]
Huh. Airmail.
[ Groaning ]
- [ Girl ]
Are you gays okay?
- You again!
That's our package!
[ Groans ]
[ Growling ]
Marley, no.
Marley, get out.
Don't touch the mail.
[ Barks ]
[ Barking ]
I'm really sorry.
Marley can get
out of control sometimes.
That's all right.
I'm Kaycee Ellis.
Bodi Grogan.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Giggles ]
Your grandfather lives
down the street, right?
Hey. Was that crazy, or what?
Not funny.
Whoa! Easy.
You almost got me
into trouble.
I had to battle
the evil mailman.
[ Growls ]
Well. I'm in training.
That's my girl Godiva.
Ahhh, that's good.
Right behind the ear.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
She's the leader
of the agility team
called the Burkaneers.
Agility team?
Yeah. We leap,
we jump, we weave-
- And chase cats?
- Uh, no.
Yeah, we're getting ready
for the Ultimate
Pappy Championship.
They're holding it
at Summerville Arena.
- That sounds fan.
- Yeah, it does!
It's awesome.
- Hey, maybe I could
enter Marley.
- You could,
but you need two other dogs
to make a team.
They just can't be
older than a year.
I totally want to run, jump,
leap and chase cats.
Hello. Theres no cats.
You could try Mrs. Crouch.
She has two Lab puppies.
It's the white house
at the end of the block.
Maybe I'll do that.
Come on.
Just don't get any ideas
about beating us.
Come on.
What do you think,
[ Murmurs ]
Yeah. youse a good dog.
[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Female Voice ]
Hey, tubby?
[ Male Voice ] What?
I hear someone.
Why don't you stop feeding
your face and see who it is.
Why don't you get off
your lazy butt
and see for yourself?
'Cause I'm sunbathing.
Well. I'm snacking.
Okay. fine. I'll go.
Maybe it's somebody cool.
Wait a minute.
I want to see.
You know, they're probably
oat back here.
Oh. [ Chuckles ]
There they are.
[ Bodi Chuckles ]
Who's he?
Don't know.
Hi. guys. Hey, pap.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Barking Playfully ]
So what do you say,
Mrs. Crouch?
[ Sniffing ]
I could pick them up
in the morning for training.
Uh, what are you doing?
I smell Spam. Mmm!
[ Chuckles ]
Wow. Youre good.
No, he's just
obsessed with meat.
It sounds like this competition
might be just what
your puppies need.
Well, I guess I don't see
any harm in them joining
your agility team.
- Awesome.
- And I gotta wear this thing
for another three weeks.
- We're gonna be a team?
- What?
I'm not teaming up
with that woof.
Hes a total goob.
No, he's not.
Uh, hello. I'm right here.
Sorry, bro.
My name is Moose.
You know, like the dorky,
furry beast.
And that's
my annoying sister
I'm Marley,
like the reggae singer.
''Yah, man.''
Who da man? You da man.
- We're jammin'!
- Oh, brother.
You're Marley da man.
You're Moose da man.
[ Groans ]
I think I'm gonna toss my biscuits.
[ Marley ]
We be jammin', man!
[ Man ] Taylor's got to
get through the tire,
hurdles. teeter-totters-
What am I looking at here?
It's the Ultimate Puppy
Championship I told you about.
Marley, off.
National competition-
Isn't this cool?
And the winner gets
a huge sponsorship.
[ Grandpa ]
Well. that sounds good.
...thirty-five seconds.
I was thinking if I could train
Marley for this competition,
then Mom would let me
get my own dog.
Well, that's a lot of work.
You make a commitment.
you're gonna have to see it through.
I will.
[ Bell Dings ]
Can I...
build a practice course
in the backyard?
Sure. After you finish
your chores.
What chores?
Hey, wrinkled guy!
I'm on the couch!
I can do that!
...making it that much
more difficult.
[ Crowd Cheers ]
In the dive competition,
a dog will do anything-
I'm so agile,
I will stupefy you!
Whoa! Oops!
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Whimpering ]
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Whining. Whimpering ]
[ Whimpering Continues ]
Sorry, Marley.
Grandpa says you have to
sleep in here.
[ Whimpers ]
It's only a little thunder
and lightning.
[ Whimpers ]
Works every time.
[ Bodi Laughing ]
[ Barks ]
Shh! Keep it down.
Grandpa's got
Spider-Man hearing.
[ Clears Throat ]
No dogs on the bed.
No worries. I got this.
[ Whimpering ]
Time to man up, pap.
[ Whimpers ]
[ Marley Howling ]
[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Grunting ]
My work is done here!
Now I'm thirsty.
[ Grunting ]
[ Snoring ]
Marley! Hey!
Marley, what are you doing
on the bed?
You're all wet!
[ Marley Narrating ]
Hey. What's with the face?
I thought Grandpa would like
an early-morning splatter.
He's a marine, isn't he?
They're used to getting wet.
[ Groans ]
[ Shouts ]
Help me!
[ Screaming ]
If anyone needs me,
I'll be oat mowing the lawn.
[ Chattering ]
Hey. Are you
throwing that oat?
[ Pop ]
[ Barks ]
[ Woman ]
I see you just about
every other day
- [ Whimpers ]
- Sometimes you look at me
- Whoa!
- At times you turn away
- I think it's kind of cute
- [ Whimpers ]
This little game
that you play
[ Grunting ]
Just about to
change your world
What you have been
looking for
- The world is rising up
- [ Barks ]
Just about to
change your world
[ Tires Squealing ]
What's this?
I thought you were building
that agility course.
I am.
How? By remote control?
Come on.
You gotta finish
what you started.
[ Murmurs ]
Agility weave poles set.
[ Whimpers ]
[ Murmurs ]
[ Whimpers ]
Duct tape.
[ Grunts ]
Is that a beaver?
I think it's a chipmunk.
No, it's our future.
Tire jump.
- Teeter-totter, weave poles,
walk-over. jump--
- [ All Whimpering ]
[ Laughs ]
Well, team,
who wants to go first?
[ Sighs ]
[ Murmuring ]
[ Barks ]
Weill, go ahead and say it.
Your dead chipmunk
is squashing my azaleas.
Anything else?
Yeah. You didn't finish
the lawn, and you forgot
to make your bed.
Other than that,
it was a good effort.
Okay then.
Come on, guys.
You want to see
something cool?
[ Barks ]
[ Grandpa Clears Throat ]
- What?
- You call that making a bed?
Now that's how you make a bed.
Stupid to make the bed
if I'm just gonna
mess it up again.
[ Grandpa ]
I heard that.
[ Sighs ]
[ Water Burbling In Pipe ]
[ Murmurs ]
What is it?
Don't know.
Whatever it is,
it's not edible.
I've already tried.
[ All Gasp ]
Whoa! Whoa!
[ Fuchsia ]
Aaah! My fur!
[ Grunting ]
[ Marley ] Go ahead, Moose.
I dare you to look
through there.
- Hmm.
- [ Fuchsia ]
Moose, what are you doing?
- What's over there?
- Let me see.
[ French Accent ]
My name is Cat!
[ Farts ]
- [ Coughing ]
- [ Groans ]
[ Sniffing ]
Oh, oh!
You did not blow
that nasty in my-
[ Coughing ]
Let's book!
Yeah. it's stinky
over there!
Sorry, gays!
Cats give me gas!
[ Dogs Barking Playfully ]
Oh. That's just great.
- [ Groans ]
- Ooh. Not good.
Gays, I think we might be
in over our heads
with this competition.
[ Dog Whimpers,
Murmurs ]
Is he bailing on us?
Sounds like it.
No way.
Bodi's not a quitter.
See? He came back
to clean up.
Hey, come on, guys.
Let's help him.
Check this out!
This could be us and Bodi
with the trophy!
Could it really?
[ Whimpering, Barking ]
Hey. You've already
had breakfast.
''ans von Weiselberger
and the Woof Gang,
Ultimate Puppy Champions.''
Yeah. Would have
been great. but-
[ Marley Whimpering ]
[ All Whimpering ]
I tried, guys.
It's not gonna happen.
What's all this?
Complete failure.
I can't train Marley.
I can't even build
a stupid coarse.
Well, maybe you're trying
to do too much.
Mom does like
a million things at once-
She wasn't always perfect,
you know.
She wasn't?
No, not even close.
I remember when
she was your age,
she wanted a hamster.
Mom had a hamster?
Yeah. I think
his name was Ernie.
[ Laughs ]
But first she had to
prove that she could
take care of him,
and believe me,
she had a terrible time.
You know how hard it is
to train a hamster?
[ Chuckles ]
Probably not as hard
as these gays.
[ Chuckles ]
Don't give up, son.
I think Marley's
a lot smarter
than a hamster.
Yeah, he is.
I think you can do it.
Thanks, Grandpa.
[ Lawn Mower Whirs ]
All right.
I'm not completely useless.
I can still mow
a stupid lawn.
I accidentally
killed your Times.
Way to shred, Bodi!
Ah, forget it.
Come on. Let's go.
Where are we going?
First thing you learn
in the military
is always know your enemy.
- What enemy?
- The mailman!
The Woof Gang
and their trainer-
''Weasel Barger.''
You're not the only one
that knows how to Google,
you know.
[ Chuckles ]
Come on.
Bat it's Weiselberger.
All right, men.
Get in, get the intel
and get out.
- Wow.
- [ Grandpa ]
Pretty swanky.
Those sponsors must pay
some big money.
- [ Barks ]
- Shh!
Sorry. A little excited.
[ Panting ]
- Wait. You aren't coming?
- Me? This is your project.
Here. Keep in touch.
Hey. Come on. Marley.
[ Man On Radio ]
Here comes the 3-1 pitch.
Curveball outside.
Thats the second walk
this game for Hansen.
[ Marley Grunting ]
[ Grunting ]
We've moved around back
to get a better visual.
Roger that.
[ Gasps ]
Scary big dog!
- [ Whimpers ]
- Gotta tarn off
your magnifiers.
[ Shudders ]
Scary little dog.
Like I was saying,
we mast maximize oar training.
The competition
is only a few weeks away.
and we have not enough time.
You there,
I don't pay you to suntan.
That mast be Weiselberger.
Let's go!
We have the enemy
in our sights.
How do they look?
[ Barks ]
Freaky fierce.
- What are they doing?
- I think they're training.
[ Man On Radio ]
Fernandez leads off--
Move, move, move!
You ran like an old lady!
[ Sighs ]
Faster. Stronger.
Turbo, more revolutions.
[ Panting ]
This ans gay
looks like a real creep.
I want to see some effort.
Oar sponsors expect perfection.
We must win,
or we will lose all of this!
Don't you think,
[ Panting ]
- Marley?
- [ Grunts ]
- Herr von Weiselberger?
- Ja.
Pace. Pace, pace!
The new dog collars
have arrived.
Woof Gang, continue.
You, come.
[ Dogs Panting ]
Aha! Entry point!
[ Panting ]
[ Grunts ]
[ German Accent ]
Turbo, why do you always
get the gerbil wheel?
[ German Accent ]
I don't. It's Liesl's turn next time.
It's not fair.
I'm faster than her.
[ German Accent ]
Are not. Let me on that thing.
I'll ran circles around you.
[ Panting ]
Hey. I think I heard something.
[ Gasps ]
Creepy stuffie collection.
Come on.
Axel. Liesl, this way.
Marley! Marley!
Mayday! Mayday!
Pappy missing!
Where are those freaky
little doggies?
Hello. Right behind you.
[ Gulps ]
- Who are you?
- Uh, if I tell you,
will you promise not to kill me?
[ Chuckles ]
Kill you?
Why would we do that?
Because you're the Woof Gang.
Don't worry. I'm Turbo,
and this is Liesl
and Axel.
Pretty expensive
for a little thing. I-
Where's the Woof Gang?
I'm not sure,
bat this look like
it's got a little light in it.
[ Scoffs ]
Oh, no. Hans is coming.
You better hide.
[ Whimpers ]
[ Gasps ]
Here he comes!
What are you doing here?
[ Growling ]
[ Whimpering ]
Put the collar
on the test subject.
Pat it on-
I am invisible.
- [ Whimpering ]
- That one!
You're not happy
with the voltage collars
the dogs are wearing now?
- No. I want to go stronger.
- Ah.
- Und-
- [ Beeping ]
Oh. Maybe that was
a little too strong.
We use the ones we have.
Yeah. Get me a refund.
[ Whimpers ]
Marley, ran!
Look out!
Wah! Whoa!
[ Grunts ]
After them!
[ Beeps ]
[ Growling ]
- He's going to zap us!
- What do we do?
Follow my lead.
[ Barking ]
Go, go. go!
[ Grunts ]
Marley, come on!
Come on, Marley! Come on!
Go, go, go!
Get that little dog!
Come on!
I got you, Marley.
I got you.
[ Barking ]
Come in, Bodi.
Come in, Bodi.
- You gotta be kidding.
- Hey. Ease up.
We don't want to catch him.
Come on! Get in! Get in!
[ Engine Sputters ]
What are you doing?
I just filled
the tank yesterday.
Gets terrible gas mileage.
You dummkopf!
That is one
wild and crazy pap.
You can say that again.
I like him.
[ Giggles ]
[ Seagulls Squawking ]
Come on!
Are you gonna
wake up or what?
[ Chuckles ]
I'm up. I'm ap.
[ Whirring ]
No way.
Way! Grandpa's
turned into MacGeezer.
- What do you think?
- It's awesome!
I'll go get Moose and Fuchsia.
Come on, Marley.
[ Barks ]
It's more than cool.
It's arctic.
I wish someone would have
consulted me
on the color scheme.
A little pink
would have been nice.
[ Barking ]
All right, guys.
Who wants to go first?
[ Bodi Laughing ]
[ Marley ]
Get Bodi!
Yeah! Dog pile!
[ Barking ]
Gonna get you!
Looks like fan.
[ Bodi ]
Hey, are you spying on me?
Hey. Nice course.
I thought you could
use some help.
Oh. Great.
Guide wires.
For your weave poles.
[ Chuckles ]
Yes! Yes!
- [ Bodi ]
This way.
- Yum. Yum. Yum.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
[ Bodi ]
Hey. Over here. Come on.
Oh, no!
I think I chipped a nail!
Aw .
It's all right,
Go, go, go, go. Marley!
[ Kaycee ]
Good girl, Fuchsia. Yes!
Yeah! That's it, boy.
That's it.
[ Barking ]
[ Laughing ]
Over here. Come on.
There you go.
There you go.
Come on, Moose.
You can do it.
Go to the light!
There is no light.
It's scary and dark in here.
And I thought I was
a drama queen.
[ Whimpers ]
Oh! Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Hey. I got ya.
I got ya. Come here.
Come on. Moose.
I got ya.
Come here, buddy.
[ Moose ]
When's dinner?
Your dinner.
Bratwurst and sauerkraut.
- Again?
- [ Groans ]
Ja, it gives me gas.
- Belch!
- [ Growling ]
Oh. Turbo, I'm sorry.
Have I offended your palate?
Axel, Liesl,
would you prefer that
I ran down to the 7-Eleven...
and get you
some Kibbles 'n Bits, ja?
Hes yanking your chain.
Oh, wait!
I have a better idea.
enkle, elga,
take their plates away.
No food for you dogs tonight!
[ Whimpering ]
[ Barks, Growls ]
[ Barking ]
- I don't think that
they're happy about this.
- Oh.
- Really? Well, try this.
- [ Beeps ]
- [ Electricity Crackling ]
- Oh!
- Ow!
Well, I am the master,
and I will decide
who's happy!
[ Growling ]
[ Barking ]
[ All Barking ]
[ Beeps ]
[ All Scream ]
[ Man On TV, Indistinct ]
[ Engine Revving ]
[ Cell Phone Rings ]
[ Beeps ]
[ Mother ]
Bodi? Hi. honey.
Hey, Mom.
Hey. How are you
and Grandpa getting along?
We're great.
I'm making serious progress
with Marley.
I entered him
in the Ultimate Puppy
Grandpa's remote.
Maybe the Dog Whisperer's on.
- And Grandpa helped me
build a coarse and everything.
- He did?
- Well, that sounds amazing.
- Yeah. it is!
Do you think you can
come home early to see it?
Aw, honey, I-
I don't think so.
It's okay.
We can video it for you.
That would be perfect.
[ Grunting ]
don't even think about it.
Mom, can I call you back?
Yeah. Sure. honey.
Thanks. Love you.
[ Gasps ]
[ Marley Narrating ]
Talk about agility!
I didn't know Grandpa
was so flexible.
[ Chuckles ]
He must do yoga.
[ Ticking ]
- Let's go, Marley.
- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!
- All right. Fuchsia!
Oh, I'm impressed!
They're doing really well.
- Come on, Moose.
- Too high. Too high.
[ Screams ]
[ Chuckles ]
Well, two oat of three
ain't bad.
[ Chuckles ]
All right, Moose!
[ Insect Buzzing ]
[ Chomping ]
No, no, no, no-
No! Oh! He ate it.
That is disgusting.
Fueled up and ready to go!
What the heck
is going on here?
What happened to my teeth?
[ Growls ]
[ Muffled ]
Hey! Those are my teeth!
- [ Yelps ]
- Bad dog, Marley!
[ Shouts ]
Come here, Marley!
Little bandit.
These teeth will never
be the same.
[ Growing Playfully ]
So, those aren't
his real teeth?
I know. right?
[ Both Chuckle ]
You can't tell.
[ Chuckles ]
Oh, look at those guys.
How can you not love them?
Youve gotten really good
with those pups.
They've taught me a lot.
Hey. How come
you don't have
your own dog?
My mom doesn't think
I'm responsible enough.
Bat I'm gonna prove to her I am
with this competition,
or at least
crash and barn trying.
[ Chuckles ]
I hear you.
This puppy challenge
is super-important for us.
If the Burkaneers
can place at least second,
we'd win a cash prize
and a year's supply
of dog food.
It would help my family
keep our Love Pug Rescue open.
Your family has a dog rescue?
That's cool.
Well, here's to us
giving it our all.
Okay. All right, guys.
[ Chuckles ]
We've only got
one week left.
[ Kaycee ]
Only one puppy from the team
can compete in the pool dive.
so we're gonna have to see
which one of them
can jump the farthest.
Is that water chlorinated?
'Cause that would really
mess with my far color.
Spread oat!
I'm going big.
[ Shouts ]
Hey! Watch it, Orca!
Awesome splash, dude.
Good boy, Marley.
Come on.
[ Grunting ]
Yeah. Come on.
Okay. Fine.
That was impressive.
Come on.
[ Shudders ]
[ Grandpa On Phone ]
I think you'll be surprised.
He's really improving.
Getting quite responsible.
He is? Sounds like
my boy's growing up.
[ Chuckles ]
Ow! Ow!
[ Bodi ]
It's okay.
Sweetheart, are you all right?
Yeah. I got your message.
I'm trying to change
my plane ticket...
FIXED BY BSpidey87
so I can make it back
in time for Bodi's
competition this weekend.
Oh. That's terrific.
Yeah, but don't tell him.
I want it to be a surprise.
- My lips are zipped.
- Grandpa?
- Is that Mom?
- Hello?
I gotta go. Bye.
[ Chuckles ]
you're a disaster.
He's gettin' better.
[ Sighs ]
He is.
Let's try one more time.
[ Chuckles ]
So we can show Mrs. Crouch
when she gets here.
Where is my paper?
[ Clears Throat ]
[ Growling Playfully ]
[ Clears Throat ]
[ Clearing Throat ]
[ Barks ]
[ Clears Throat ]
[ Whimpering, Barks ]
Your Daily Press, sir .
[ Sighs ]
''The Thunder From Down Under
to compete in Ultimate
Puppy Championship''!
- Who?
- The Australians!
Oh! I-
Ah, they must be
a last-minute entry. I-
[ Groans ]
We must beat them,
or we will be disgraced!
And lose our sponsorship.
Do you understand my meaning?
mm? Ja. Ja.
Oh! Ja.
[ Chuckles ]
I understand you
load and clear.
[ Dog Barking ]
[ Chuckling ]
Come on, guys!
- I'll race you
to the chipmunk!
- [ Fuchsia ] Hey. don't push!
The Rasta Rascals
are in the house!
What do you think?
Oar team name.
Why would you
call them that?
You know,
'cause Marley is named
after Bob Marley.
It's a reggae theme.
Oh. Well, okay.
And Mrs. Crouch is helping me
make the puppies' costumes.
She's pretty cool!
- I've been reading about
the puppy competition.
- Yeah, I know. I read it.
You're up bright and early,
aren't you?
And you should see my bed.
[ Dog Barking ]
You could bounce a quarter
off of it.
- Let's go, gays. Gotta train!
- Hello! Who made you
team leader?
And he's off!
The crowd cheers!
Ahh! Whoo! And he's-
- Cat!
- [ Farts ]
Uh, where?
[ Meowing, Growling ]
Uh, what's he doing?
Activate super powers.
When I walk like this,
I am invisible.
[ Laughs ]
You're kidding, right?
I can see
your furry, ugly mug
right in front of me.
Oh, man!
But I can still chase you!
- Catch me if you can!
- Gonna get you!
- Come on, puppy!
- Hmm?
- [ Marley Grunting ]
- Alley-oop!
[ Barking. Grunting ]
Oops. Whoo!
[ Chuckling ]
[ Panting. Whining ]
Hey, doggie!
Is that all you got?
- [ Murmurs ]
- En garde! [ Laughs ]
[ Marley Narrating ]
Sometimes I forget
I'm just a dog.
I think I'm a superhero
and Cat is my archenemy.
But right now instead of flying
it looks like I might be headed
for a gnarly belly flop.
Hes obsessed.
He's insane.
Marley, you've gotta
control yourself.
Marley, the puppy challenge
is in two days.
We're never gonna
make it at this rate.
You're completely untrainable.
Are you sure
about that?
Did you see
Marley's dive?
If he could do that
in the competition,
you could rack up
some serious points.
- How?
- [ Cat Meows ]
[ Chuckles ]
Um, w-wait,
am I supposed to be
counting or something?
- Okay, Grandpa.
- Set.
- [ Meows ]
- Cat!
Don't even think
about it, Moose.
[ Whimpers ]
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Chuckles ]
That-a-boy. Mm-hmm.
[ Marley Grunting ]
I'll be back!
Thank you!
Aw, that-a-boy, Marley!
Come here, boy! There ya go!
That'll work.
Bat how are we gonna get Cat
onto a pool platform
at a dog competition?
I'm a marine.
is my specialty.
[ Shuddering ]
Yeah, guys.
[ Barking, Yipping ]
Come on.
This way.
Doggy Day Spa!
Over here.
Up, up, up!
What's up?
- What's goin' on, baby?
- Give them the full treatment.
They have
a big competition tomorrow.
We're gonna
have 'em back tonight
looking like rock stars.
- [ Laughing ]
- Be cool, man.
All right, man.
We got you.
Yo, yo, yo!
I wanna look like Pup Daddy!
[ Hip-hop, Indistinct ]
Hurry up, man.
[ Continues ]
- Take good care of 'em.
- We got you.
[ Boy Rapping ]
Marley and me
Best friends can be
- Gotta learn and grow
- Come on, man!
Taught things
I never even knew before
Accountable for actions
through interactions
Finish what we start
Give it all in your heart
Like skatin' on the street
Now my shoes
he likes to eat
unnels and jumps
all are through
as we pump out the chute
Passing through tires
Go as we desire
And pursue, we go for it
Whoa! Moose!
You've changed.
I told them I was a boy.
Yo, Tom, what's up with the bow
on the dude dog, man?
- What is up with that, man?
- [ Barks ]
Man, you're not happy.
Now that's what
I'm talkin' about.
Hey, guys,
meet my new friend.
G'day, mates. I'm Dundee.
I ran with
the Australian agility team,
Thunder From Down Under!
We're the Rasta Rascals.
You're gonna drive
the little pups...
and I'm gonna drive
the rottweilers.
Man, why I do always get
the wussy dogs?
Did he just call us
[ Hip-hop Continues ]
- Excuse me.
- Yeah?
Don't worry.
I will take care of them.
Yeah, sure.
[ Engine Starts ]
[ Truck Departs ]
- Who was that?
- I don't know. The new guy?
So now we both
get the rottweilers!
What's up?
[ Ends ]
[ Thunderclap ]
Well, that should
last you the night-
[ Whimpers ]
[ All Whining ]
[ Thunder Rambling ]
[ Grunting ]
Ja. Ja.
Pat this in there.
[ Thunder Continues
Rambling ]
Well. that's just great.
At least
we're safe here- mm?
[ Load Crash ]
[ Growling ]
- [ Gasps ]
- Or not.
[ Growling, Snarling ]
- Hmm?
- [ Whimpers ]
[ Whimpering ]
Who are you?
I'm Trouble.
And I'm Chipper.
[ Nervous Laughter ]
Hey! You got a problem
with that, cupcake?
- [ Whimpering ]
- [ Growling ]
Uh, no problem.
[ Nervous Chuckle ]
Forget about it?
You're on our turf,
You know what that means?
We're gonna
claw your eyes out.
Thats not a claw.
This is a claw.
[ Whimpering ]
- [ Barking ]
- [ Whimpers ]
Man up, pap.
Man up, pap.
I'm the team leader.
Take me. Take me!
- Spare them.
- [ Barking Stops ]
Take me?
[ Both Laughing ]
''Oh, take me! Take me!''
[ Laughing Continues ]
[ Trouble ]
Oh. yeah!
That's- That's-
That's nice.
You know,
you're pretty funny,
[ Trouble Sighs ]
''Take me.''
Hey, hey, hey.
We're just messin' with ya, puppy.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
- [ Exhales ]
- No danger here.
Good-to-go green.
Oh! [ Chuckles ]
Oh, green. Whew!
That's a much better color.
Don't you think?
Oh, yeah.
So, ah,
how you pups plannin'
on getting out of here?
- Yeah.
- I know.
We're going to use
our athletic skills.
[ Thunder Continues
Rambling ]
Come on!
Uh, what skills?
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Screaming ]
Ew! Gross!
- Good on ya, mate.
- Thanks! Your turn. Moose.
- Eh, ap.
[ Grunts ]
- [ Grunts ]
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I don't think I can do it.
Yes, you can!
You're a Rasta Rascal!
This is what
you're trained for.
[ Grunts ]
[ Whimpering ]
- Oh! Whoa-whoa-whoa!
- [ Screaming ]
Hey! Watch where
you're landing!
Oops. Hey!
Was he ready?
[ Moose ]
Ooh! There's pizza in here!
[ Orchestra: Fanfare ]
[ Whimpering ]
What is it?
I have Dundee,
the Australian team leader,
under lock and key.
[ Chuckles ]
Without him,
the Thunder From Down Under
will be disqualified.
Very good, enkle.
Thank you.
Now get off. I mast practice
my victory tomorrow.
Thank you.
Thank you.
More enthusiasm!
Yes. Yes.
- The Woof Gang, myself,
we thank you.
- [ Whimpering ]
Thank you.
Him too.
And enkle.
Thank you very mach.
Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
No. Please.
It's from the heart.
Oh, brother.
[ Clanking, Rustling ]
[ Fuchsia ]
Hey, watch it!
[ Marley ] Sorry.
Thanks for the help, guys!
Hey, you got it,
little guys.
- Thanks for the grab!
- See ya!
[ Trouble ]
Yeah. Later!
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
Come on. Let's eat.
I'm hungry!
[ Phone:
Busy Signal Beeping ]
That phone at the spa
is still busy.
Something's not right.
They should have brought
the puppies home by now.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
We should drive
over there.
[ Dogs Barking ]
[ Whining. Whimpering ]
Oh, am I glad
to see you guys.
Boy, that's gotta be
the worst spa ever.
Who is this guy?
Guess I'd better
call his owner.
And you'd better get
these pups washed ap.
Come on, guys. Come on.
Come on, Moose. Come on.
[ Barking ]
Yeah. Come on.
Mrs. Crouch said
that Moose and Fuchsia
can stay...
All right, I'll let you
break the rules,
bat just this one time.
Get a good rest, guys.
Tomorrows your big day.
[ Door Shuts ]
[ Whimpers ]
Hey, Marley?
Sorry to wake you.
I just wanted to say...
you were pretty awesome tonight.
- Nah.
- You were.
Standing up to those scary
junkyard dogs like that...
was really brave.
Well, can I let you in
on a little secret?
I was petrified.
You'd never know it.
I was wrong not to give you
a chance. Marley.
You make a really good
team leader.
- Really?
- Yeah. [ Sighs ]
Thanks. Fuchsia.
[ Barking, Yipping ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls.
welcome to
the Ultimate Puppy Championship.
[ Woman ]
Yeah! All right!
[ Growling ]
- Whoa.
- Ridiculous!
Oh, snap!
Wow. this is awesome.
It sure is!
Well, you'd better, uh,
get the team ready and, ah,
I'll take care
of oar secret weapon.
- You sure
this is going to work?
- Of course it is. Trust me.
All right, team. come on.
[ Chuckles ]
Welcome oar first
agility team on the course,
the Tailblazers!
[ Cheering, Applause ]
All right! Whoo!
Whoo! Yeah!
[ Grunting ]
This is awesome!
Whoo-hoo! I did it!
And now, heading over
to the pool dive,
is Jazzy
from the Tailblazers!
[ Cheering, Applause ]
[ Marley ]
Come on. Moose.
Gotta loosen up.
Okay, fine.
I'll stretch.
[ Grunting ]
[ Whistling ]
[ Gasps ]
Gee- Ow!
Don't touch!
I was just admiring
your. uh, statues.
Don't look!
[ Cat Yowling, Snarling ]
What is in that box?
Don't ask.
Cheers, mate.
How ya goin'?
Henkle? Henkle!
The Australians
are here!
What? No, but I
took care of--
We must do something.
I don't care.
But whatever it is,
don't let anyone see you.
Your stradel,
Herr von Weiselberger.
Not now!
Oh. yes- Oh.
Could you hold this for me?
[ Rubber Bone Squeaks ]
That's nice.
[ Cheering, Applause ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls.
from the Love Pug Rescue,
let's give a big, warm
Summerville welcome...
- to Kaycee Ellis-
- Go, Kaycee!
and the Burkaneers!
Hey, it's the Burkaneers!
Oh, I love their hats!
[ Cheering, Applause
Continues ]
All right, guys,
are you all warmed up?
[ Barking ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Panting ]
Let's go watch Kaycee.
Come on, guys.
[ Barking ]
[ Announcer ]
Kaycee will lead off--
Hi! Come on.
with Godiva!
[ Crowd Cheering,
Applauding ]
Oh, yeah.
I'm looking good.
- They're not the prettiest dog,
are they?
- [ Judge Murmuring ]
Okay, jump!
- [ Panting ]
- Jump!
[ Grunts ]
[ Yipping ]
Come on!
[ Grunting ]
With me. Keep going.
Now tunnel!
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Cheering, Applause Continue ]
All right! Push!
Chute! Great!
Good girl, Godiva!
[ Laughs ]
- [ Moose ]
- Way to go, Burkaneers!
[ Barking ]
Nice run, Kaycee.
- Good luck, Bodi.
- Thanks.
That's my pen.
Well done, Kaycee!
Oh, Fred!
Cat and the disguise
are in here.
Thanks for helping out
with this.
Oh, of course.
Oh, and could you
give this to Bodi?
It's the puppy costumes.
Oh, right.
And there's a little something
in there for you too.
Hey, you got
your cast off.
Oh. Yeah.
[ Giggles ]
Hey, good for you.
I, uh-
I'll see you later.
Nice ankles.
[ Announcer ]
The officials have
reset the course...
and we're ready
for our next contestant.
Oh! And the cat
is oat of the bag!
Oh, what's this
over here?
Next up, for the first time
at the Summerville Arena,
the Australian champions,
the Thunder From Down Under,
starting with Dundee!
[ Crowd Cheering,
Applauding ]
There you guys go.
Now you can watch
your baddy Dundee.
All right, Dundee!
Unleash the thunder!
[ Dundee Barks ]
[ Announcer ]
Dundee's trainer
is now in position...
and will give him the signal
to start his run.
- [ High-frequency
Whistle Blowing ]
- [ Dundee ] Huh?
Pausing on the course.
[ High-frequency Whistle
Continues Blowing ]
that bloomin' noise?
What's gotten into Dundee?
Something's messed ap.
[ Whines ]
[ High-frequency Whistle
Continues Blowing ]
[ Whimpers ]
Where's that sound
coming from?
[ Barking ]
No, no. Go away, please.
Bye-bye. little doggie.
No, no, no. Shoo.
Oh, shoot.
No, no, no!
- [ Grants ]
- That was odd.
I've gotta go!
Weird whistle neutralized.
[ Grunts ]
[ Crowd Cheering,
Applauding ]
What is happening?
The Australians
are winning.
enkle! enkle!
It was an ambush.
I don't care!
You get
those dogs ready,
and you set
their voltage collars
to 1 1 !
[ Steam Hissing ]
[ Dogs Whimpering ]
What are you looking at?
Don't you look at me
like this!
[ Dog Barks ]
Don't bark!
[ Whining ]
I will not lose
my sponsorship!
[ All Whimpering ]
And now, for the Ultimate Puppy
reigning champions.
[ Crowd Applauding ]
It's ans von Weaselburger...
and the Woof Gang!
How many times do I have to
tell them it's Weiselberger?
- Did you tell them?
- I am certain that I told them
it was Weiselberger!
- I heard him say
- Enough!
[ Dog Murmurs ]
Oh, yes.
[ Electronic Beeping ]
Babies, now you will win,
or else.
[ Beeping Continues ]
[ Whimpering ]
Now go have some fun,
shall we? Ja! Come on!
[ Whimpering Continues ]
[ Applause Continues ]
[ Dogs Granting ]
[ Whimpering ]
- Watch this.
- [ Granting ]
[ Crowd Cheering,
Applauding ]
More power!
More strength! Faster!
[ Granting Continues ]
Win, win. win!
[ ans ]
What are you doing?
Go, go, go!
Very good!
[ Granting, Panting ]
[ Announcer ]
And that was an outstanding run
for Hans von Weaselburger...
and the Woof Gang!
[ Announcer ]
Next up, the Psychedelic Furs!
Excuse me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Please excuse me.
Dad. Dad!
Sweetheart. I almost
didn't recognize you.
I know!
I'm so glad
you could come.
Bodi's gonna be
so surprised.
I wouldn't miss this
for the world.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry. Oh!
That's... nice,
Yeah. Hmm.
[ Laughs ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,
and now our last entry,
Bodi Grogan
and the Rasta Rascals!
- Oh!
- [ Dogs Chuckling ]
[ Reggae ]
Yeah, man.
[ Scoffs ]
Look at 'em.
[ Laughs ]
[ Dogs Grunting ]
Oh, my goodness!
[ Barks ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Record Scratching ]
[ Marley Narrating ]
I'm sorry.
It just looked too tasty.
I had to take a chomp!
I think it's 1 00% beef!
Marley, no!
It's okay.
[ Barking ]
[ Announcer ]
First up
for the Rasta Rascals,
it's Fuchsia!
[ Crowd Cheering,
Applauding ]
Let's go get 'em,
[ Whimpers ]
Go, Fuchsia!
Jump! Jump!
[ Laughs ]
Fuchsia, weave!
Come on, girl!
Cross your paws, Moose.
She's headed for
the weave poles!
[ Whimpers ]
Come on, girl!
Keep going, Fuchsia! Yeah!
[ Grunts, Groans ]
I chipped a nail,
and I don't care!
Look at them go!
Oh! Can you
believe this. Dad?
Yeah, it's terrific.
Quit jiggling the camera.
Oh. Sorry. Sorry.
And next up, it's Moose!
Who's M-
Oh. Moose!
Look at this thing.
It's colossal!
Come on, Moose!
Pat your weight into it!
- Come on, Moose.
- [ Crowd Applauding ]
[ Whimpering ]
Come on, Moose.
Chute! Chute! Chute!
[ Crowd Cheering ]
Come on, Moose.
Come on.
Oh, no. Scary.
[ Panting ]
[ Grunts ]
Go to my happy place.
Go to my happy place.
- Pausing on the course!
- Come on, Moose!
Oh, no, Marley.
We have to do something.
[ Crowd Murmuring, Chattering ]
Is he all right?
- [ Barks ]
- [ Feedback Squealing ]
- [ Groans ]
- Moose!
- mm?
- Cat!
- [ Load Fart ]
- [ Gasps ]
Moose, you did it!
[ Laughs ]
Yes, he did it!
That's my brother!
- Go, Moose!
- [ Marley Barking ]
Go on, get away.
And that was-
[ Chuckles ]
[ Announcer ]
And the final contestant,
Marley of the Rasta Rascals!
- Whoo-hoo!
- I'll be right back.
Okay. Go, Marley, go!
Woof, woof, woof!
Set, Marley?
All right, all right.
I'm focused, I'm ready.
Come on, Marley.
[ Barks ]
Can you guys
see from here?
[ Barking ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Bodi ]
Go. Marley!
[ Whimpers ]
[ Bodi ]
Now the tire!
Ooh! unnel!
- Whoo!
- Go. Marley!
Ooh, he's so good!
Marley. Teeter.
- [ Grants ]
- Go. Marley!
All right!
[ Laughs ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Crowd Cheering ]
Whoo! All right!
Way to go,
team leader!
[ Spits ]
I laugh at this team.
[ Spits ]
Me too.
Don't spit on me.
I'll go watch
by the pool.
Not like that!
Like this!
And now Marley will be
heading into the pool dive!
[ Barking ]
I hope this works.
All right, boy,
let's bring it home.
[ Barks ]
Marley, look, it's Cat!
[ Marley Narrating ]
It's you!
You're not a Pomeranian!
Engage superhero
attack dive!
I'm over here
in this tacky doggie suit!
Come and get me!
[ Grunts ]
- Good boy, Marley!
- [ Crowd Cheering, Applauding ]
Marley! Marley! Whoo!
[ Laughing ]
That was amazing!
That's my son
and my pappy nephew!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Way to go. Marley.
[ Grunting ]
Let me-
- Let go!
- Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh!
[ Yells ]
Official down!
[ Chuckles ]
[ Bodi ]
Marley, no!
Oh, boy.
Off course!
[ Barks ]
Excuse me. Sorry.
Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Pardon me. Excuse me.
Get out of the way!
Excuse me.
- [ Cat ]
Come on. Marley!
- Whoa!
[ Groaning ]
[ Onlookers Gasping ]
[ ans ]
Get out of my den!
[ Marley Shoats ]
[ Girl Screams ]
What is going on here?
I don't know!
Well, something
has to be done.
Do something!
[ Panting, Gasps ]
[ Cat ]
Nice shoes.
please remain...
- calm!
- [ Cloth Rips ]
- [ Judge Screams ]
- [ All ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Marley ]
Hey, I got a superhero cape!
[ Grunting ]
Will someone catch him!
That is the world's worst dog!
[ Whimpering ]
[ Crowd Gasps ]
[ Bodi ]
Are you all right?
- Come here, you little monster.
- Did you see that cat?
[ Screams ]
[ Thud ]
[ Crowd Gasping,
Chattering ]
Here you go, Grandpa.
Are you sure
you're okay?
Where you going?
To finish what we started.
Where is he going?
Somebody stop that boy!
Why don't you
pat a sock in it, honey!
Excuse me. Pardon me.
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Thank you.
Is everything all right?
[ Chuckling ]
It is now.
- Come on, Marley.
This is your moment.
- Look at your son.
- [ Sighs ]
- Let's go!
[ Camera Flashes Popping ]
[ Whimpers ]
You da man. Marley!
[ Crowd Cheering,
Applauding ]
Go, Marley!
Good boy, Marley.
[ Barking ]
Mom! Youre here?
[ Laughing ]
So you saw?
Yes. I did.
It may not have been pretty,
bat you finished. and I am
so proud of you and Marley!
Way to go. son.
You did great.
You did!
- That was really cool
what you did out there.
- Thanks.
[ Marley Yipping ]
[ Stammering ]
Hi. Who's- Who's this?
I'm Kaycee.
Kaycee, Ms. Grogan.
Very nice to meet you.
This is Fuchsia.
Who are these guys?
Oh, my goodness!
[ Exhales ]
Ohh! [ Scoffs ]
All right, contestants,
if I could have you
step up, please.
We're gonna have a photo op,
so get nice and tight
and comfy. All right?
- Hi.
- Now, come on, Hans.
Don't be shy. Get in there
real tight. That's-
[ Grunts ] Ja.
Move in
a little closer, folks.
Come on.
- There we go.
- [ Contestants Chattering ]
Hey, Woof Gang!
Awesome run.
- Thanks, Marley.
- You were really amazing.
You were good too,
until the cat thing.
We'd rather lose
and have fun like you...
than win the competition
wearing these collars.
- What are they?
- Ubervoltage collars.
Oar master zaps as
if we are not perfect.
He has the remote
in his pocket.
We've gotta get those
off of you.
You can't.
We've tried everything.
- If a dog
cannot handle the job-
- Huh?
call in a cat!
Who's next?
Touch! And you! Coup!
[ Chuckles ]
Au revoir, little doggies!
Don't forget me!
[ Whimpers ]
Oh, I can't hold it.
[ Squeaks, Farts ]
Bat what's going to happen
when Hans finds oat?
It's gonna be shocking.
- [ Murmuring, Whimpering ]
- Ja! [ Laughing ]
[ Announcer ]
Hang in there!
[ Whimpers ]
Again, folks, come closer.
The awards are gonna start
any second.
[ Beeping ]
Wait. Where is
the Woof Gang? Hmm?
Woof Gang, come!
Don't look.
[ Growling ]
Too late. I just did.
- I said come now!
- [ Crowd Murmuring,
Chattering ]
They are just playing.
[ Nervous Chuckling ]
Ja, come,
my precious ones.
[ Beeping ]
[ Electricity Crackles ]
Aah! Whoa!
[ Cackles ]
[ Hans Coughs ]
[ Gasps. Sighs ]
[ Grunts ]
Oh. Uh, where did that
come from?
Your pocket.
Oh, no, it didn't.
[ Electricity Crackles ]
[ Screaming ]
- Mommy!
- [ Crowd Gasping ]
Thats gotta hurt!
[ Chuckling ]
- [ Man ]
- Security!
No, I'm not cheating.
No, wait-
Nobody touches me!
[ Wailing ]
[ Announcer ]
Oh, my goodness!
[ Chattering ]
This is highly
unusual, folks.
[ Laughing ]
Not to worry!
I knew that guy
was a weasel.
[ Amplified Thumping ]
Ladies and gentlemen, please,
if I could have your attention
for a moment.
ans von Weaselburger
has been disqualified
from the competition.
- [ Crowd Gasping ]
- So here are the new results.
- mm?
- In third place,
the Trailblazers!
- [ Crowd Cheering ]
- In second place.
Kaycee Ellis and the Burkaneers!
- [ Chuckles ]
- That's right! We're bad!
And our new
Ultimate Puppy Champions,
the Thunder
From Down Under!
Good on ya, mates!
We won!
Come on out, folks.
Give 'em a big hand.
young man.
You won the money
for your Love Pug Rescue!
You'll get it next year, Bodi.
I found Cat.
that's a relief.
Hey, gays, look.
It's Turbo.
Hes all alone.
[ Whining ]
Oh, hey. guys.
- [ Barking ]
- This is for you. young man,
for good sportsmanship.
- Thank you.
- [ Crowd Applauding ]
Oh, I need
a picture of this.
Come on.
Okay, big smiles.
Oh, Mrs. Crouch,
get in there.
Here we go.
One, two- Where's Marley?
Hey, Turbo, what's going
to happen to you gays?
Liesl and Axel have found
a family to adopt them.
[ Laughing ]
They could only
take two dogs.
But what about you?
All right, little guy,
it's time to go.
[ Whimpering ]
There you are. Marley.
Hey, where are you
taking him?
- The dog shelter.
- What? Why?
Just until we find him
a permanent home.
They can't do that!
Don't worry, Marley.
It's not so bad there.
I-I'll find a family
to love me... someday.
Don't give up, Turbo.
[ Whining ]
I'll think of something.
He's found a home.
- Mom, really?
- [ Sighs ]
I think that
you've proved today
you're ready.
- [ Mother Laughs ]
- Come on, Turbo!
You're coming with us!
[ Turbo ] Thank you!
Thank you! Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you!
Dude, you just
found yourself
the best family ever!
We're practically
related now!
[ Whining ]
[ Laughing ]
- Is that your new dog?
- Yeah!
- Bye, Bodi.
- See you, Kaycee.
Bye, Kaycee.
Marley, you may be
the world's worst dog,
but you're the best friend
a pappy could ask for.
- Yeah. I love ya, man.
- Me too.
Well. I love you gays back.
thanks for everything.
You earned it, son.
Come on, let's go home.
What do you say, guys?
Playdate tomorrow?
[ Moose ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Whines ]
[ Marley Sighs ]
[ Marley Narrating ]
So I made a deal
with the wrinkled gay.
I get to crash in his bed
as long as I don't
mess with his teeth.
Actually, I think he caved in
'cause he felt kinda bad
that we didn't win the competition.
But Bodi did win a rad trophy
for being a good sport.
And I've come to
the realization that
I'm not a superhero after all,
so I can't try to act like one
in public places.
But you know what?
Having good friends
and knowing that
you tried your best...
feels pretty super.
[ Marley Narrating ]
So here I am, just a dog.
No super strength,
superspeed or superhearing.
But that's okay
'cause I can still dream,
and I got myself
something even better--
a wicked sidekick!
o-ho! It's me!
I'm a sidekick!
Spread oat!
Go with me!
I have a mask!
[ Giggling ]
Come and get me!
[ Giggling ]
Cat, you're pretty cool!
[ Hip-hop ]
[ Boy Rapping ]
Marley and me
Best friends could be
Gotta learn and grow
Taught things I never
even knew before
Accountable for actions
through interactions
Finish what we start
Give it all in your heart
Like skatin' on the street
Now my shoes he likes to eat
unnels and jumps
all are through
as we pump out the chute
Passin' through tires
Go as we desire
And pursue
We go for it
like Marley and pools
he jumps into
One thing we know
When things don't go
We keep on goin'
with the flow
We growin'
That's just how we roll
Fuchsia and Moose are a hoot
but watch out for Moose
He likes to toot the divas
like a diva. Kaycee
The nicest girl in town
She'll tarn your frown
upside down
Agility team
I'll learn
responsibility is king
Best puppies y'ever seen
You know what I mean?
Be hype and be all you can
Look out for the Hans-type man
'causin' a ruckus
Don't cheat any day
Focus and everything
will come into play
Always this is what we say
One thing we know
When things don't go
We keep on goin'
with the flow
We growin'
That's just how we roll
Rappers are fall of insight
Listen to your elders
You will be a'ight full flight
Work day and night
Video games will just
waste your time
[ Video Game Beeping ]
Get outside
or even go ride around
It's that easy
Soon you will be
riding in the old-school car
all raisin' the bar
Missions to mansions
in a position for expansion
Yes, yes, y'all
And that's all
One thing we know
When things don't go
We keep on goin'
with the flow
We growin'
That's just how we roll
One thing we know
When things don't go
We keep on goin'
with the flow
We growin'
That's just how we roll
[ Fades ]
[ New Song: Pop, Mid-tempo ]
[ Group Vocalizing ]
[ Man ]
Little Marley
This pup
is really somethin'
See him run
and always jumpin'
So into discovery
One thing's for sure
He's gettin' into everything
Wag your tail
Those big. sad eyes
Are nothin' bat
a big disguise
And so get ready
and watch your step
'Cause what you're getting
could be a big surprise
When you think
the day is through
You'll find there's more
he'll get into
Plenty of trouble
[ Backup Singers ]
[ Man ]
As you will see
But he will bring you
a smile
While causing chaos
all the while
Life's so unpredictable
[ Backup Singers ]
[ Man ]
With little Marley
And me
Playing goes day and night
Day and night
With lots of kisses,
hugs and bites
Hugs and bites
You will find
you'll make it through
But watch your back
You just don't know
what he can do
When you think
the day is through
You'll find there's more
he'll get into
Plenty of trouble
[ Backup Singers ]
As you will see
But he will bring you
a smile
While causing chaos
all the while
Life's so unpredictable
[ Backup Singers ]
[ Man ]
With little Marley
And me
This pup is really
something to see
[ Fades ]