Marooned Awakening (2022) Movie Script

[line ringing]
There's been an accident.
I think I need
an ambulance, quick.
All right, stay calm.
Tell me what's happened.
[woman] There's a--
Oh, God. Mm.
I think he's dead.
[unsettling music playing]
[gentle music playing]
[alarm beeping]
[water running]
[toothbrush scrubbing]
[radio announcer]
Fantastic song.
Thanks for calling in
with that one, Mr. Letitier.
Great choice.
Great choice indeed.
Well, we still have just over
an hour left together,
and I promise,
I'll be with you
every minute of that hour
until the very end.
So, if you're just
tuning in, welcome.
Good morning.
Glad you're with us.
Let's get your day underway.
[faint pop music playing]
Quick update
on the road closures now.
[paper crinkling]
Breaking news.
We've just had a call
about a serious accident
which took place last night.
We're the very first
to bring you this story.
We can confirm
the accident happened
somewhere off the coast.
There's currently
one person in intensive care.
their condition is unknown,
it's believed
they're struggling--
[static crackling] vital life support.
We can only hope--
[static crackling] with any event like that
in this small community,
it really is a tragedy.
Everybody knows what happened--
[static crackling] will obviously
be devastated.
Crowds are already
gathering [indistinct].
The police are advising
people to keep away.
So, what's coming up next?
Well, we'll be doing
our daily quiz as usual.
But first, more music.
This is a good one.
It's a favorite.
["Be My Love" by Last
of the Light Brigade playing]
I didn't care
where she wanted to go
As long as
I was by her side
She took me into the woods
To a place
that we could reside
And we lit the fire
And it burned all night
Like our glowing desire
And then
she took me to her room
Where I stopped
she [indistinct]
And said be my love
And I'll take you
to the bottom of the ocean
Take your time with me
And I know you're hurt
and I am too
We're as delicate
as one another
And I know
we can pull through
[guitar solo playing]
Be my love
And I'll take you
to the bottom of the ocean
Take your time with me
And I know you're hurt
Well, I am too
We're as delicate
as one another
And I know
we can pull through
Be my love
And I'll take you
to the bottom of the ocean
Take your time with me
And I know you're hurt
[waves crashing]
[gentle orchestral
music playing]
[birds chirping]

[gentle chiming music playing]
[pen scraping]
[door clicking]
[door shutting]
[fridge door rattles]
You been nicking
my beeries again?
Uh, I've been out
most of the day.
[Dad] Aye? Looking for work?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Grab me a beer out back.
[bottle cap clicking]
So, what's all this then?
It's a new story I'm working on.
[Dad] Story? [scoffs]
I'll tell you a story.
Old man breaks his back while
his son lounges about at home.
Go on, then.
Tell me the story.
There was
an accident last night.
Down one of the bays.
Just doing a bit
of research on it,
see if they were at
the off-license or something.
Been to Fermain.
Had to cycle there.
I couldn't find anything on it.
But I was thinking maybe
if I can just take some photos
of the scene where it happened,
-then I might be able to--
-How long were you down there?
[Alex] Most of the day.
Could've done with a hand
on the boat today.
I mean, you--
you said you was busy.
Well, I was busy.
Well, busy doing what, Alex?
Looking for what?
What, chasing ambulances?
Doing absolutely anything to say
you made it in black and white?
I need the story, Dad.
It's for an application.
[Dad sighs]
Wake up, Alex.
I don't know how to explain,
but you're not going to--
It's the only thing
I can do, Dad.
Not gonna fight
with you over this.
I'm not angry.
I-- I just worry.
I mean, you li-- live
in a fantasy world, boy.
I mean, life isn't like
one of your pictures.
It isn't pretty.
We don't control how or what.
I know that, Dad.
-I know.
-Seems to me
you've been sleeping
through all of this.
You've had everything you've
ever needed handed right to you.
You've been free to--
to sit on the beach
and dream your big dreams
of newspapers,
cities, and-- and writing.
No. While you're living here
in my house, you'll be earning.
And if that's on the boat
with me, then so be it.
-Don't want to.
I'm not trying
to make you angry, Dad.
-I know--
-I'm too tired for this now.
See you in the morning.
If you're up.
[eerie music playing]
[crickets chirping]

[cell phone ringing]
[ringing continues]
[landline phone ringing]
[Dad] Hello?
Alex? Yeah, sure.
I'll grab him now.
Someone on the phone for you.
-Who's this?
-[Karl] Hi, Alex.
It's Karl
from the National Press.
Is now a good time to talk?
Yeah, of course.
How's it going?
[Karl] Uh, well, firstly,
I want to say that
we love the samples
you've sent over so far
and would like to offer you
the position of junior reporter.
Really? Ye-- Yeah.
Thank you.
-Thank you very much.
-[Karl chuckling]
[Karl] It's no worries, Alex.
We have a fantastic office
in the capital,
and I'm sure
you'll fit right in.
Yes, of-- of course.
Well, I hope so.
[Karl] One thing I do need
from you, though,
is some new writing material.
Something a bit more outlandish
than your typical work.
It's an exercise we ask
all our new writers to do.
Like some kind of--
something bigger?
-[Karl] Well, uh, yes.
Uh, th-- that's--
that's one way of putting it.
I think I've got just the thing.
[Karl] Good.
Good. Well, we, uh,
look forward to reading it.
Well, thanks for calling.
-[Karl] All right. Thanks.
[Dad] Who was that?
It's this job
I've been applying for.
Who for?
[Alex] The National Press.
National Press?
Not a local paper?
Yes. So, obviously,
I have to move to the mainland.
They're in one
of the cities there.
-I'll have to wait for--
-Well, why're you going there?
Better shot, you know.
I can't do what I really
-want to do here.
I can't make
a career reporting here.
I don't know, what--
I don't know.
Bit far,
don't you think, for a job?
Good change.
It's this place, all right?
I can't stand it.
This place happens
to be our home.
It's not my home.
Well, first Annie, and...
well, now you.
Oh, Christ, son.
Are you so desperate to leave me
-right here on my own?
-I need my own life, Dad.
And you don't want me
to be part of that life, eh?
Better cut him out at all costs.
You just half make it tempting.
I slave away every day,
out at sea,
in all weathers for you.
I-- I blister my hands
on ropes, and--
and slice my fingers
on fish hooks all for you.
I've built a whole life here
for you, not for me.
[Alex] Yeah.
I don't want it.
All right, listen.
I've lived here my whole life.
.I mean, y--
your grandfather
weren't a fisherman, okay?
I mean, h-- he was
into growing things.
Tomatoes, all sorts.
And-- and later on,
some kind of--
some kind of flowers.
'Cause that's where
the money was.
It's not--
I'm not saying go into fishing.
I'm not saying that.
I mean, I'd love you
to come out there with me and--
and get into fishing, but...
If it's the press,
well, it's the press.
It's just...
We were all born here.
Uh, we never left the bay,
as far as I'm aware.
It's all here.
This bay. Perelle.
And you know,
your kids are gonna wanna
have what you had growing up.
It's not fair,
I mean, you've spent
your whole life here.
I can't do
what I really want to do here.
Imagine-- assume
you couldn't fish here.
You leave, right?
Now, that's exactly
what I'm saying.
I-- I'd get a different job.
Wh-- whatever gets me money
to keep us going.
-That's not how it works.
-That's exactly how it works.
Now, I gotta go out
while the tide's still good.
I'll be back later.
Are you really going
to give up on all this?
[footsteps receding]
[medical machine beeping]

[waves crashing]

[Alex] The one part
of my mother that stuck with me
were her blue eyes
that I always saw
when I looked into
the depth of the ocean.
I often ask myself, what would
I say if I saw her again?
And more often fear
if she would forget who I was
if we met in another life.
My days were limited,
and I can only enjoy
what time I have left
basking in the sun
and asking myself over and over,
"What if?"
[port din]
[piano music playing]
-You hungry?
-No, just a coffee's fine.
Slice of cake?
So, how's work been?
This needs a bit more sugar.
Uh, you don't need--
That's a bit much. [chuckling]
How are things at the office?
Yeah. Yeah, same as usual.
Got this one client
and she will not stop
banging on about
how much she misses her wife.
I think it's, uh,
do you remember Frasier...
Frasier Turode
from the year above?
Well, it's his older sister.
Yeah, bless her, but every time
she comes in it's the same.
But her wife's got a job at sea,
so fair enough. You know?
Can't imagine
being away for that long.
Gonna enjoy it.
What, being away from me?
Not that part. Is yours cold?
Mine's a bit cold.
Taken any good photos recently?
Eh, no, not-- not in a while.
Oh. I used to like it
when you took mine.
-Took your--
-My photo.
[chuckling] Right, yeah.
Look, Emily, I'm, uh--
I got that job on the mainland,
so I'll probably--
So, you're going, then.
Obviously, it's for work.
I can't do
what I really want to do here.
You know, my dad
always on my case, and...
Well, I think
it would be good for me. For us.
We have everything
we need right here.
-You know, we just need to--
-Emily, uh, I--
I think I need
some time away from here.
You know, everything's stagnant.
Always a repeat of the same.
I like it like that.
You know? It's comforting.
We know what we've got.
Can't stand it.
Look, nothing ever changes.
Everyone's always pleased,
so easily satisfied
with some mediocre office job.
-What's wrong with that?
-No, nothing.
This isn't about you, Emily.
I ca-- I can't...
Well, it doesn't
work for me, all right?
I look around me and I can't see
a single person's life I want.
You know? It-- It's--
It's claustrophobic.
Either everyone's
in my face or I'm alone
'cause no one else seems
to ever understand.
It's just not enough for me,
all right? It's not enough.
Am I not enough?
-Alex, we're lucky.
-[Alex] Lucky? [scoffs]
We-- we're lucky.
Okay, yeah, we're lucky.
Yeah, okay, sure, we're lucky.
Maybe in a way.
But where do I go, huh?
[Emily] Why-- why do you
want to complicate things?
What am I complicating?
I'm not complicating nothing.
-It could be really simple.
-I can see that.
there's no progression.
Every time I catch up
with people, it's uh--
they're-- they're the same old,
nothing's happened
since the last time we spoke,
and it's-- it's sad.
There's no progression,
all right?
Nothing ever changes.
It's like-- It's like Josh.
He, um...
-[Emily] Who's Josh?
He-- He's--
He's just a bricklayer.
He's just a bricklayer.
There's nothing wrong with that.
No, no, but he--
Obviously, yeah, it--
it's what he wants to do.
I mean, that's fine. I--
-[scoffing] I don't care.
-[Emily] Well, you seem to care.
No, no, m-- my point is,
he seems fine with that.
I mean, I-- I don't know
the guy, but he must work hard.
He could do anything.
He could've done anything.
He's like one of
the smartest guys in school.
Could've done anything.
Well, maybe he didn't
want to do anything else.
It's just so...
simplistic, you get me?
It's just staying here.
On the island.
It's the same people doing
the same job he was born to do,
then at the weekends,
they drink themselves to sleep.
It's always the same thing.
You're still doing
the same thing.
Nothing changes here. Ever.
Everyone's always exactly
where you last left them.
Quite literally, you bump
into them at the same pub
on Christmas Eve and that's it.
Nothing ever changes.
-Why do you want it to?
-[Alex sighs]
Alex, you seem really on edge.
It's just...
It's all been a bit much.
You know?
The last few weeks.
I got this.
Alex, I don't know
if you're gonna hear this,
but we're all here.
Me, your dad.
Whatever happens, if--
if you need a bit of time,
we'll still be here.
Just don't take too long.
Look, I'm gonna go, but I'll
see you before you leave, okay?
You're leaving already?
[Emily] Yeah.
It's time for me to go.
I'm sorry.
I-- I didn't mean to...
Let's go for a walk. Yeah?
It's an all right day for it.
Something I'll miss.

[Alex] Imagine us living
in a place like this.
A girl can dream.
We don't get paid
to dream, Emily.
One day we'll live
in a house as nice as this.
Trust me.
Just a matter of time.
Yeah? When?
Once I've made it.
Won't have to worry
about the little things.
I think you're getting
a bit ahead of yourself.
Bit too big for this island, eh?
Yeah, I'll believe that
when I see it.
[birds chirping]
[tense music playing]
[medical machine beeping]
[emotional piano music playing]
[water flowing]

[seagulls crying]
[water gurgling]

[tense music playing]
[music fading]
Found this on the beach.
The one from the other day.
My big story. This could be big.
-Alex, [indistinct].
-No, no, no, listen, listen.
The job needed something bigger.
Something serious.
And I think--
Well, I-- I think--
that there's really
something here.
-If I can just begin to--
-Pass the sandpaper.
[Alex] Right.
I mean, look at the bloodstains.
I think it's...
Well, surely you should
hand it in to the police
-and tell them about it.
-[Alex] That's the thing.
I think the police know.
I think they could be covering
up what really happened.
We'd-- ah, you know.
Would be likely to know.
Think about it.
Th-- they could be...
What if the suspect
is someone close to them?
What if they're covering up
what really happened,
-waiting for it to blow over?
-Alex, you need to drop this.
You're-- you're getting
carried away with all this--
this obsessing
over little ideas.
I think you're missing
the bigger picture.
You need
to concentrate on yourself--
This is real, Dad!
I heard it on the radio
when it first happened
and nothing since.
Nothing since.
Not-- not in the press-
Have you ever stopped
to think that maybe you need
a story so badly
you're making one up?
Listen, I-- I'm trying
to get a bit of downtime.
Will-- can you
leave this alone?
You're not worried
that there's a killer out there
-who's just going to come--
-No, I'm more worried
-about what's going on--
You have to take
this story seriously.
This is my serious story,
and I know it, trust me.
I just have to figure out
what really happened.
What do we know?
We know there was an accident.
We know that.
And now there's a knife
with blood on it, we can--
We can't assume nothing.
Th-- there's a fisherman's
blade with blood on it
that you found on the beach.
That's all you got.
Hardly surprising, isn't it?
On an island
where people fish
that you found a fisherman's
blade with blood on it.
It's a coverup.
When I first heard it
on the radio I went straight
to the scene where it happened,
and they cleared it all away.
I listen to the radio
most of the day
and I never heard nothing.
W-- Well, there's a story there.
Has to be.
I'm missing something.
What if it hasn't happened yet?
What if he's waiting for this?
It could be some kind of-- uh,
it-- it could be a red herring.
What, I'm-- I'm trying
to piece together [indistinct]
because that would explain
why no one knows yet.
I feel like the story
seems out of sync.
[Dad] No, I don't think
that's gonna be--
It is like dj vu and then--
and then in reverse, and...
None of this makes any sense.
Just where are you headed?
I need to think
a few things through.
[birds chirping]

[waves crashing]
[Alex] My mind still thinks
but my body won't listen.
I'm trapped in a myriad
of my old subconscious.
And while the sun
shines for a new day,
I'm stuck here,
subdued in a sea of disarray.

[water flowing]
[waves crashing]
You all packed, then?
Pretty much.
Just taking a big,
like, travel rucksack.
[sighs] So, this is it.
Are you going to miss it
even a little bit?
[scoffing] No.
Can't wait to get out of here.
Sorry, I-- [chuckling]
I didn't mean it like that.
I mean, obviously,
yeah, I'll miss it a little.
The place, and...
Well, you were never going to be
a fisherman, were you?
Too busy taking photos
of all the boats.
And I don't blame you.
I don't like
the sea that much either.
You hear things, don't you?
People getting hurt out there.
-What do you mean?
-Oh, just stories.
I mean, like your--
How is your dad?
I don't know, to be honest. I--
He's been drinking a lot.
A lot more than usual.
It's things like that,
that I need to get away from,
but I'm sure
he'll be fine.
I suppose
it's how he copes, isn't it?
It's like my uncle.
Is that the one
with the cows and the--
-Uh, yeah, yeah.
-[both chuckling]
Aw, do you remember that time
he thought he could outrun me?
He bet he could cross
the [indistinct] field
and get back again
before we'd even notice.
Was that at that
family barbecue I took you to
-when you first asked me out?
-Yeah, five or six years ago.
-Yeah. [chuckling]
He-- he--
he tried to jump the fence,
and I think he still had
the bottle in his hand.
No, no, no, he lobbed
the bottle over the hedge.
[laughing] Oh, yeah,
he saw the ball coming
and he sprinted across,
and then he threw the bottle.
Yeah. [chuckling]
Yeah, we all think we're heading
for something different,
but maybe there aren't
a lot of options
with paths in the end.
That's what I've been saying.
It's the choices.
There's not that much
to choose from here.
[sighs] I still love it here.
Haven't really
been anywhere else.
Yeah, but why would I?
This is my home.
Everything I want
and everyone I need is here.
I have to get out.
I just have to go.
My story flopped.
[sighs] I don't know,
maybe you look more
into the knife thing
before you leave.
-No, the blade was just--
-No, trust me.
Just think on it.
And I--
I think I'm going to go home.
Emily, I'm, uh--
I wanna come back and get you.
I'm not gonna
leave you here on your own.
Thanks, Alex.
But let's just see what happens.
-You never know.
-Yeah. You're--
It's, uh--
it's not just my choice.
We'll see what happens.
maybe see you on the other side.
Good luck.
Try not to get too switched off.
-Well, you know,
just don't take forever,
that's all I'm saying.
Come back when you can, okay?
I'm gonna miss you.
I'll see you soon.

You've got a big future
ahead of you, Alex.
Emily, I-- I will be back.
Yeah, I hope so.
[Alex] I'll see you soon,
all right?
No, you won't.
Come on. You--
you honestly expect me
to believe that you're not
going to forget about me?
Plenty of girls running about.
You won't be able to remember
my name after a week.
Emily, it's not like that.
We've been together
since we were kids.
Alex, I need you to promise me
that you'll come back.
I need you here.
Yeah. I promise.
I couldn't imagine anyone else.
Emily, I-- [sighs]
I wasn't gonna
tell you this before I went,
but, well,
now seems like a good time.
I want to get engaged.
Once I've got
set up on the mainland,
I'm gonna come back for you
and we're gonna
start a new life.
Alex, are you being serious?
More serious than anything.
What do you say?
-Yeah. [laughing]
-[Alex] [chuckling] Yeah?
[water flowing]
[flies buzzing]
-[water rushing]
-[flies buzzing]
[flies continue buzzing]
[water splashes]
[flies continues buzzing]
[male radio announcer
speaks indistinctly]

All right? Can I help?
Oh. Alex.
Long time no see.
How are you, young man?
Yeah, it's been ages.
How's everything with the shop?
It's the same as last time
you came in here.
Not fishing
with your old man any more?
No. No, no. Not too much.
Kind of focusing
on other things recently.
How is your dad?
He popped in briefly last week
to buy some new netting.
Yeah, well,
he's doing all right,
all things considering.
Yeah, well,
keeping himself busy, I'm sure.
Not one for idle hands.
So, uh, one of the best crabbers
I've ever seen, you know.
[chuckling] I'm sure he is.
You know,
I've asked him a few times
to help me out in the store.
He's getting a bit old
to be at sea every day.
Looking for any part-time work?
Uh, no, not quite.
Look, Andy, I, um,
I found this
on the beach the other day.
And, uh, well,
I think it may have been used
in some kind of a crime
of some sorts.
It's a-- it's a story
I'm trying to cover.
It looks like the knives
I used to see here
-when I came with my dad.
What are you doing here?
You're trying
to stir up trouble?
No, I just thought you might
be able to help me with this.
I don't recollect selling it.
But it's definitely one--
Alex, like I said,
it's not one of mine!
You probably
know yourself whose it is.
Listen, son, don't go
messing with things, yeah?
You're just gonna cause upset.
And don't mention this
to your old man!
He's got enough on his mind.
-Better give back to me.
-No, that's all right!
Come here!
Think it's safe with me.
[door slams shut]
[crickets chirping]
You're late.
Think you can just
walk in like that?
-Alex, I'm talking to you.
-What is it, Dad?
Well, what do you
think you're doing,
coming in at this time?
Been sorting a few things out.
Sorry. Who do you think you are?
You know, you live another life.
I'm not sure
who you are half the time.
I'm asking where'd you been.
I was at Andy's store.
Right, well,
what've you been doing there?
Showing him this.
Damn it, Alex.
This investigation's over.
It ends now.
I'm-- I'm fed up
with your games.
I mean, you--
you've been poking your nose in
where it shouldn't have been
and it's gone too far.
I don't care
if it is your passion.
This stops now!
Do you hear me, Alex?
What's so special
about this knife
that Andy doesn't want me
to know about?
What are you hiding from me?
This-- this isn't important.
[chuckling] I mean, you're going
delirious, son, you know that?
This whole damn thing's
making you crazy.
Who are you
to tell me what to do?
You never showed any interest
in my stories 'til now.
You were never around.
Mum raised me, she always
supported what I wanted to do.
I-- I wasn't around 'cause--
'cause I was out working,
Trying to provide for you.
[Alex] Yeah.
You know, it's easy
for you to just stand there
and tell me
what to do because everything--
everything you do
was just given to you.
You never had to chase
for anything
that wasn't just
straight in front of you.
You know, I-- I don't-- I don't
just sit out there on a porch,
watching the tide go out
and waiting for it
to come back in.
You know,
I investigate. I think.
You just sit 'round here
untying one rope
while you're drinking
a couple of beers.
And then
for a couple of hours a day,
you and your mates take your
boat and you fly around the bay.
Oh, not much of a catch today.
Nice one, Dad.
Why's that, then, huh?
Why are you not catching fish?
[crickets chirping]
Something happened
on this island.
I haven't
figured it out just yet.
But I'm gonna figure this out.
I'm gonna figure it out.
Do you hear me, Dad?
You know...
you've never
helped me with anything.
Right from when I was little.
Mum read with me.
She showed me the world.
She showed me
how the world works.
And you just--
you just showed me this bay
and how to flip a few rocks.
What good is that, huh?
I don't have to prove
anything to you.
I don't.
Why should I follow
what you did?
You've done nothing to me.
[crickets chirping]
Just let me do
what I have to do.
So, now we know where we stand.
I'm not
holding you back anymore.
Door's open.
Already lost one person I loved.
Won't be so hard
the second time 'round.

[waves rushing]
[Alex] My mother
always read poetry to me.
Now her words make sense.
They're all I hear.
The only voice I remember.
I want to tell you
what is known by the ocean.
That life in its jewel box
is as endless as the sand.
Countless and pure.
And among
the blood-dripping grapes
time has polished
the hardness of a petal.
Made a jellyfish
full of light.
And with a bouquet
of the coral threads,
its knots untied,
a musical thread falls
from a horn made of
an infinite mother-of-pearl.
And nothing,
but the empty net
which has gone on
ahead of human eyes...
dead in the dim light,
with fingers accustomed
to the triangle,
longitude of the shy globe
of an orange.
I was like you.
Investigating the endless star.
And in my net,
at night...
I woke up naked.
All that was caught,
a fish trapped in the wind.
[clock ticking]
-[door creaking]
-[Dad] Can't sleep?
Uh, no.
Bit warm.
I had a weird dream.
[water running]
[Dad] Going back to bed?
Sit with me if you can't sleep.
Might as well spend some time
together while we still can.
[door creaking]
I'll sit for a bit.
Why's the sound off?
Always have it off at night.
Don't want to keep you up.
I noticed
you've been waking a lot.
I know we haven't...
really spoken
about her passing away.
But believe me...
it's been hard.
Oh, I miss her too.
And I know
I've been hard on you.
I don't want
to let you slip away.
Just not-- [sighs]
I'm not-- I'm not ready
just yet for it to be me.
Do you see what I'm saying?
I promised
I would do everything right.
To keep us...
this family...
To keep you from leaving.
I know you want
to chase this job, well...
what's the point of all this?
I worked...
so hard to build a family.
Now, I've nothing
to show for it.
Just a-- a dead wife...
-and the son who--
-[Alex] Dad, it's--
No. Listen.
A son that acts as if
I'm dead most of the time.
This house.
This bay.
My life.
[crying] It's nothing, really.
[exhales deeply]
And I would give everything...
to have the three of us
back together...
like it used to be.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I am, but...
I have to do this.
It's what Mum would have wanted.
I have to leave the island.
I know, son.
I know.
I don't want your last memories
of home to be like this.
Uh, why-- why
why don't we go out
in the boat again tonight, eh?
Like old times.
You can pretend
to be a kid again and...
I'll pretend like I haven't made
so many stupid mistakes.
You'll miss
the open ocean in the big city.
-I know that.
-[Alex] I'm not sure, Dad.
-Now's bit late.
-Ah, get out of it.
We'll have the bay to ourselves.
It's a long time overdue.
Us having a drink together.
[somber orchestral music plays]

[water splashing]

[unsettling music plays]

[echoes] Mum.
No. No!
[sad piano music plays]

[ocean rushing]
[soft piano music plays]

Here, son.
Have a drink. Put you right.
How do you drink this?
Gets better as you get through.
Sure it does.
You know, growing up,
I couldn't wait
to get on the boat with my pa.
Hearing his stories,
learning about his adventures.
Problem now is
kids have got too many choices.
Always got their head
stuck here and there.
Don't pay attention
to what really matters.
Like what?
Our culture.
Our heritage.
Growing up, it felt an honor
to consider myself a fisherman.
No one takes you serious now.
It's not too late
to do something new.
Like what? [clicks tongue]
Alex, I'm not young anymore.
You got the rest of your life
to make decisions.
I don't.
You think your old man's a bum,
don't you, huh?
I never said that.
[rain falling]
Just beautiful, isn't it?
You know, people in your life
will come and go.
The sea's always the same.
One thing
you'll never understand, Alex.
The scum.
You know what I mean
when I say scum, eh?
You do, don't you, eh?
They're everywhere.
It's everywhere.
I mean, you leaving the island
won't change that.
It isn't any better over there.
They're just the same as us.
And they look down at us
in their glass houses...
but we're all the same.
That's not why I'm leaving.
Why, huh?
For the life of me,
I don't understand
why you want
to leave your father.
I've offered you a paradise
and a good home to grow up in.
I can't go on like this.
Speak up.
You can speak with me, no?
I can't just--
Or am I just gonna stand here,
me-- me talking,
and-- and-- and you
with your eyes half-shut?
In the mornings, I feel--
I feel like I can't wake up.
Especially when it feels--
Sometimes it feels like
I can't keep pushing.
Especially when you ask me to.
Since Mum died,
I don't feel like this is...
This isn't my home anymore.
I can't be here without her.
How do you think I feel, eh?
You never asked
how your old man feels
about any of this.
She was mine.
I think you forget that.
I loved her my whole life.
She was everything to me.
I lived my life for her.
And you're all she left behind.
-I can't stay.
-You said.
Yeah, and what happened
to you accepting that?
-I can't stay.
-And me?
-What do you mean, you?
-Do I stay here forever?
Do what you want.
When you're a father,
you don't do what you want.
You do what's best
for your family.
Well, this is what's best
for me, Dad, all right?
I don't know
how to tell you that.
This is what's best for me!
Oh, well done, son.
You're a big,
strong man now, then, eh?
Don't need your old man no more.
What's best for you?
How does it feel like, eh?
To be the big guy?
Dad, stop it, you're drunk.
Just focus on the boat.
[Dad] Ah, come on, Alex.
Let's have a laugh
on your last night, no?
I've had enough,
just turn the boat around
-and take us back in.
-Take us in?
No, I want to go out further.
-That's what I want.
-That's enough.
[dad grunting]
You want the flask?
Here, take it.
Think you're bigger than me?
Think you're better than me?
I'm an old fool,
pissing his life away.
You think living here is pain?
You don't know what half
the feeling of pain is.
I had it all!
The love of my life.
And now she's gone!
And this is the only thing
that numbs the pain.
Not my son!
Look at me!
You listening to me?
-Get off of me!
Oh, if you can't
square up to a fisherman,
how are you gonna handle
the big thing city, son?
Get away from me, Dad.
You're drunk.
-You wanna get 'round me?
-Get off me, Dad!
-No! I said no.
-Come on! Man up! Man up!
-[Dad] Man up!
-[Alex screams]
[water splashing]
[intense atonal music plays]

[Alex] I was once told happiness
is the relief from pain.
I know my mother felt
an eternity of agony
before her death,
but now she's free.
All I can do is look back
at my life for what it is.
A story.
A character's fate
is always unclear,
but the words live for eternity.
I think that's what drew me
to being a writer.
As I take my fall...
let those be my final words.
[grunting yell]
[machine beeping continuously]
[outdoor ambiance]
[birds chirping]
[waves rushing]
[soaring orchestral music plays]

[rock music plays]

I didn't care
where she wanted to go
As long as
I was by her side
She took me into the woods
To a place
that we could reside
And we lit the fire
And it burned all night
like our glowing desire
And then she took me
to her room
Where I stopped,
she presumed and said
Be my love
And I'll take you
to the bottom of the ocean
Take your time with me
And I know you're hurt
Well, I am too, we're
as delicate as one another
And I know
we can pull through together

Shrugged it off
and began to cry
I could see
that twinkle in her eye
The warm hands
gave me quite the fright
As we moved
further into the night
And we beg and plead
Well, oh, my dear, this is
what you just don't need
She's pooled out naked
on the floor
But I wanted more
I said be my love
And I'll take you
to the bottom of the ocean
Take your time with me
And I know you're hurt
But I am too, we're
as delicate as one another
And I know we can
pull through together

Be my love
Well, I'll take you
to the bottom of the ocean
Take your time with me
And I know you're hurt
Well, I am too, we're
as delicate as one another
And I know we can
pull through together