Married Life (2007) Movie Script

# I can't give you
anything but love, baby
# That's the only thing
I've plenty of, baby
# Dream a while
# Scheme a while
# You're sure to find
# Happiness, and I guess
# All the things
you've always pined for
# Gee, I'd like to see
you looking swell, baby
# Diamond cufflinks
Woolworth's doesn't sell, baby
# Till that lucky day
you know darn well, baby
# I can't give you
anything but love
# I can't give you
anything but love
# That's the thing
I've plenty of
# Dream a while
# Scheme a while
# You're sure to find
# Happiness, and I guess
# All the things
you've always pined for
# Gee, I'd like to see you
looking swell, baby
# Diamond cufflinks Woolworth's
doesn't sell, my baby
# Till that lucky day
you know darn well, baby
# I can't give you
anything but love
# I can't give you
anything but love
# I can't give you
anything but love, baby
# I can't give you anything
# But love #
This is
my friend Harry Allen.
He's married.
He likes his wife.
It can happen.
I'm sorry, Mr. Allen,
were you calling for me?
Yes, Miss Jones.
Get Mr. Langley
on the phone for me.
Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.
Myself? I always thought marriage
was a mild kind of illness.
Like the flu or chickenpox,
to which I was
safely immune.
It all began on
the 5th of September, 1949,
when Harry called to ask me
to lunch at the Cloud Room,
saying he had something
urgent he wished to tell me.
So, what's so
damn important?
To our mutual
good health.
You're not dying on me or
something, old chap, are you?
Just the opposite.
Let's grab a table before
it gets too crowded.
Do you like Pat, Rich?
I mean,
are you fond of her?
Of course I like Pat.
She's your wife.
You know I'm fond of her.
Since the day I met her.
Of course.
What are you getting at?
Well, I'm going
to leave Pat.
And I thought
I'd better tell you.
I thought you
ought to know.
Why, may I ask,
are you gonna leave Pat?
Because I want
to be truly happy.
Oh. That sounds
I'm being
very reasonable.
Well, what's her name?
Look, I know you and Pat
well enough to figure
your marriage is
not an unhappy one.
As a matter of fact,
as marriages go,
I always thought
it was pretty good.
The most successful marriage
I've ever known.
Her name is Kay.
It's Kay Nesbitt.
Pat will take it hard.
I know. I tried
telling her. I couldn't.
I can't stand to
see anyone suffer.
You know how I am.
Why don't you have Kay,
if you want,
as your girlfriend?
Just to make sure.
What, you mean
as a mistress?
Just to make sure.
I am sure.
I always dreamed of a woman being
really in love with me, Richard.
For Pat, love means
only one thing.
And what is that?
All the rest of it, the romantic
dreams, the self-deception,
what you always call
"the wish to give and give," Harry,
it all boils down
to that. Bed.
Love is sex.
The rest is affection
and companionship.
You're wrong.
You're completely
and utterly wrong.
Well, you're a romantic
and sentimental fool.
If you don't want the truth,
you shouldn't ask me questions.
But I do love you,
I do. Really.
And you know
I find you as attractive
as that very first night
we danced together.
I know you do.
Perhaps I'm not made
like other women.
I don't know.
I've tried to be
a good wife to you.
From the day
we were married,
she committed herself,
she came to life.
But physically only.
Only physically, Richard.
I know some men
crave that sex,
but I want more.
We all have to put up with
something in life, Harry.
We can't have everything.
You can't possibly
You're with a different woman
every other week.
I'm going to have to
find a way to leave Pat.
I have to.
I've made up my mind.
Dear, sweet, gentle Kay.
What on earth drew a girl
like you to my friend Harry?
That I could
never understand.
Maybe you were lonely.
Maybe you were smitten.
In truth, who can ever
explain a woman's desire?
It's always been
a bit of a mystery.
It was the next Sunday
that, as habit,
Harry and Pat walked to have
lunch with their daughter Becky,
her husband Tom and their
grandson, little Charlie.
Good afternoon.
That awful dog.
That awful woman.
Poor old
Mrs. Walsh.
So I said, "What you have is an
inability to express your emotions.
"You're frigid in
a Freudian sense,"
which completely confused
her, the poor woman.
So I told her that without
a very serious analysis,
she would never
get over it.
We talked about her
childhood for an hour.
Harry was already looking
forward to his evening with Kay.
He'd made all
the proper arrangements.
All his excuses
were lined up.
It has always been the
privilege of the well-to-do
to use their business
as camouflage.
Gotta go.
Harry, it's Sunday.
Duty calls, darling.
I need to get a head start
on tomorrow's meetings.
So be it.
It is on your own head.
But when evil
comes to you...
I appreciate the television
set, darling, I do.
That's all
I want to do, Kay.
I want to spoil you,
and shower you
with gifts,
and give and give.
Just to see you smile.
I love that smile.
you're such a romantic.
That's why I love you.
He had to get out
of his marriage.
He had to have Kay.
But how?
He couldn't stand to shatter
Pat's world and make her suffer.
You know, the other
week at the cabin,
John O'Brien was
telling Newt Baum
that he thinks a woman
who does a lot for her man
can pay a heavy price.
What do you suppose
he meant?
Oh, it's all rather
uncomplicated, I'm sure.
He was drinking.
You know John.
What is the price
a good wife pays?
Tell me.
I don't know.
Let's skip it. You'll
upset your stomach.
No, go on.
I'd say he was
probably thinking that
if a married man
falls in love
with another woman,
the dedicated wife is
surprised and hurt.
And she remembers
him as he was.
Before they married,
and she sees him now,
as she made him.
A better-finished
product altogether.
A product another woman
is soon going to enjoy.
You've given this
a lot of thought.
I know you don't
love me anymore.
I do love you.
Pat! Pat?
Thanks for coming
at this ungodly hour, Doc.
That's all
in a day's work.
I thought she was
having a heart attack.
Not a bad way to go,
coronary thrombosis.
If you ask me, it's the
most merciful death of all.
Quick and easy.
But, no, she's fine.
The pain in her chest
is most likely caused
by an emotional
Are you aware of anything that
could disturb her emotionally?
Anything at all?
No. Nothing I can think of.
When it comes to the
opposite sex, most men are selfish.
does she live, Harry?
I'm no exception.
She's got a little house with
a flower garden down there,
and a decent job in town,
selling wallpaper.
I wanted Harry's girl.
That's near your weekend cabin.
Yeah, not far.
That's right.
You know, if you come by one
weekend to see us at the cabin,
you should stop by
and say hello to Kay.
There's not much for
her to do out there.
When I'm not around, she's just
curled up with a book by the fireplace.
She's a reader,
you know.
Is she?
I want you to get to know
her, the way you know Pat.
Oh, but she won't
want to see me.
I assure you,
she'd love to see you.
She'll have nothing to do
with someone like me, Harry.
You know how
honest-to-goodness women
run kicking
and screaming,
when they see me coming.
Well, stick with me,
my friend.
I'll make a good man out of you yet.
It was while Harry was away
on business that I visited her first.
As a friend.
Or a friend of a friend.
These look wonderful.
Thank you.
Is this your father?
Yes, it is.
He died of cancer, the
day after Christmas, 1931.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He looks like a kind man.
He was a drunk, actually.
But he was kind,
at least to us kids.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
That's my late husband,
The men in my life don't
seem to live very long.
I'll warn Harry.
Please do.
Ronnie and I moved here
right after we were married.
But he went missing right
at the beginning of the war.
The Navy declared
him officially dead.
February of '47.
It's funny
how he kept me hoping.
His body was
never found.
I'm sorry.
I only had him for
about three years,
but I really don't
regret a moment.
You're lucky.
Why? Do you
regret anything?
And much more to come.
But about two years ago,
I pulled
myself together.
And then with Harry's help.
My dear, sweet Harry.
Would you care
for a real drink?
Yes, please.
I'll take a whiskey.
Straight up.
My mother came to live with
me at the beginning of the war.
And taught me to
laugh at everything.
A year ago, she died.
Thank you.
So here I am.
Gloomy, lonely Kay.
That's my life,
in a nutshell.
What about coming out
with me for a dinner?
We could go into town
or someplace nearby.
Come on. Little change
would do you good.
Well, I don't see why not.
Thank you.
- Sure.
You know, the trouble with Harry is
he's a man who depends
on emotions for happiness.
And he's married
to a woman
who maybe doesn't.
Is that what Harry says?
No, that's what I think.
Harry's just never had
anyone truly in love with him.
Until now.
Yes, until now.
You know,
he loves you very much.
It must be difficult
to be apart.
I hate it.
You know, they say
a woman needs to be
loved, and that's true.
But it's not
the whole truth.
She also needs
somebody to love.
Sounds old-fashioned.
But it's true.
I'm sure it is.
I want to look after Harry,
just as he wants
to look after me.
You're his closest friend.
You know.
He's been hurt
and disillusioned.
And I want
to heal him.
Like a nurse.
Well, then.
Well, then.
Let's have some pie.
No, I'm fine,
thank you.
One pie. Two forks.
Do you think I'm wrong
to want to marry Harry?
I'm not the judge
of your conscience.
I don't know you
that well.
I just want him
to be happy.
Well, I do, too.
And I can
make him happy.
Happier than he's been.
Then it's agreed.
Are you in love
with Harry?
I love him dearly.
Are you in love with him?
Did I sense
a breath of hesitation?
I thought I did.
I wanted to.
Should I come in for
one last cup of coffee?
No. I'm pooped.
Good night, then.
Good night.
Thanks a bunch.
When are you and
Stephen getting married?
September the 3rd is
the date we've set.
Then I shall miss
the wedding.
I sail on
September the 3rd.
Something was
happening to me.
Something I had
never felt before.
The thought that those
colorless lips of Harry's
should ever be allowed
to press upon Kay's mouth
tortured me
day and night.
I love you.
Where was he now?
With his wife, like a
good husband should be?
Or with Kay?
In her home?
In her arms?
In her bed?
I had to find out.
Pat, how are you?
Fine, Rich.
Oh, couldn't be better.
How is the old chap?
Out of town.
On business. As usual.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Neither did he.
He plumb forgot.
I tell you, I don't
know where he'd be
if he didn't have me
to organize him.
Can you hear me, Rich?
Mmm-hmm. We've had
troubles with the line.
Rich? Yes. I hear
you fine. I, um...
Well, I suppose
I'm just a little tired.
You sound as though
you need a vacation.
Maybe a quiet
weekend at your cabin.
You know your room
is always ready.
Well, thank you.
Thank you so much, Pat.
And, well, good night.
Good night, dear.
Pat Allen could never imagine
that her husband would lie to her.
So much for
women's intuition.
I never believed much in it.
I believe even less now.
How far are you going?
Couple of miles
down the road.
Thanks for stopping, pal.
Mind if I turn up
the heat a little?
It's bitter out there.
Alvin's my name.
Alvin Walters.
Nice meeting you, Alvin.
Care for a smoke?
No, thank you.
You're out late.
I was with my sister.
My oldest. You?
Just visiting a friend.
Whereabouts does
your sister live?
She died tonight.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Very sorry.
Frankly, pal,
I was happy to see her go.
She was barely hanging on
for the last seven months.
We all gotta go sometime.
It's not dying that counts,
it's how you die.
And she died
bad and slow.
Both my parents
died in my youth,
so I'm no stranger
to death.
The last two days
were real bad.
Then the poison just burst right
into the walls of her stomach,
and she was gone.
"A blessed release," she
called it, and that's the truth.
It was a blessed release.
Just ended.
She's at peace now, Mildred.
That's all that matters.
She's happy.
And so,
with the innocent touch
of his wife's hand,
Harry's mind was made up.
He would have to kill her.
"A blessed release."
It was the only logical way for
him to save Pat from suffering.
And he would
never doubt it again.
Once the emotions involved in taking
a decision to murder have subsided,
the greater emotion involved
in the crime lies ahead.
Between plan
and final action,
there's a wide gap.
You know, you've gotta be
careful with Altrapeine.
That stuff can
be dangerous.
Yes, I know.
I keep it hidden away
tightly in my darkroom.
If you got kids around...
I don't have any children.
Thank you.
I have to ask you
to sign for it.
Of course.
Right here at the "x".
If you don't mind.
Alvin's my name.
Alvin Walters.
So, what kind you got?
All kinds.
You do need to pay.
Uh, pardon me.
How was your trip, darling?
Nothing unusual.
You're still in your coat.
Are you cold?
I just wanted
to see you first
before I settled in
for the night.
I missed you, too.
I think we should go to
the cabin this weekend.
Spend some time alone.
Harry, we can't. What about
our plans with the Arnoffs?
Cancel them.
I want to be
alone with you.
I might go up
a little early, then.
I'll go get
ready for bed.
Good night.
Good night.
I love you.
On Friday afternoon,
the 7th of October,
I took the rest
of the day off
and drove north
to the Allen cabin.
I had visited Kay
quite a few times by then.
But today I knew
Harry would be up there.
I was restless.
I needed to know how much time
I had before Harry left Pat.
Before I lost Kay forever.
Jesus Christ!
John O'Brien.
O'Brien was part of
Harry and Pat's group.
An unpublished fiction writer
of some talent.
And to his credit, the only one
among us who actually fought the Huns.
He lived alone nearby and
traveled every so often to town
for drinks and inspiration.
Yes, I was just popping in
on Pat and Harry
for a breath of
fresh country air.
"The Assyrian came down
like a wolf on the fold."
Come in this way.
How are you, Richard?
Yes, very good. Thank you.
Hello, Pat.
Got a bed for
an old friend?
Of course
I have, Rich.
You know that,
or you wouldn't be here.
God, it's a lovely evening.
Isn't it?
Absolutely gorgeous.
Should be fine tomorrow, too,
judging by the sunset.
I should buy
a house in the country.
You really should.
Maybe I will one day.
Would you like
a cup of coffee?
No, thanks.
I can put some on.
Please. Don't make
it especially for me.
I could do with a cup.
And some cookies,
if you got them, Pat.
Maybe Richard would prefer
a whiskey and soda
to warm him up
after the drive.
I expect Pat could
provide it, Rich.
I think just a cup of
coffee will do, thanks.
Maybe I should go upstairs,
and see if I can freshen up.
It seems I forgot
my weekend bag.
I'm sorry.
I'll survive.
Now you know, don't you?
Know what?
How things stand
between Pat and me.
Yes. Yes, I guess I do.
At least I know how
things appear to stand.
But appearance
is not everything.
I saw you kissing her
if that's what you mean.
That's exactly
what I mean.
Yes, well,
it's none of my business.
I'm not married to Pat, and I
have no need to cause trouble.
Pat's not the first woman
to flirt a little
when her husband's
out of the house.
It's not a flirtation.
As far as I'm concerned,
I've seen nothing.
The fire can play
strange tricks.
It's not for me
to pass on stories
that could be based
on a vivid imagination.
I'm very much
in love with John.
And he's in love with me.
That's the way it is.
No divorce.
Not ever?
I made a bargain with Harry,
and I'll keep it.
In sickness
and in health.
If I thought he didn't
need me so much...
But I'm all he's got
to hang on to, you know?
He has no one.
I'm very fond
of Harry.
And I can't stand the thought of
what he might do if I left him.
Do you think he might
commit suicide?
Perhaps not
so much that.
He may start
drinking. Maybe.
And his clothes
would all go to pot.
He'd be lonely.
He'd get caught up
with some floozy
who would drag him down and
take all his money with her.
What do you think, John?
I guess
Pat knows him best.
Poor guy hasn't had much fun
out of life, that's for sure.
Do you want to
know my thoughts?
He would be lost
without you, Pat.
I certainly think he might try
to kill the pain in some way.
Drinking, maybe.
Too much at first.
No, thank you.
And the business.
I can't stand to think what
that humiliation would do to him.
And think of
yourself, Pat.
I'm not at all certain
that one can build happiness
upon the unhappiness
of someone else.
Some could.
But not someone with
your burden of conscience.
You're too good.
Thanks for being
so honest.
Don't you think, Rich,
he might marry again?
With some nice
woman or other.
No, I don't.
I don't think Harry would
ever fall in love again.
Pat is his entire world.
And don't forget I've
known him since childhood.
Harry arrived
late that evening,
not long after
O'Brien had left.
He was disappointed
to learn I was there.
I didn't know
why at the time.
I didn't know of
his plans for Pat,
and that he needed
to be alone with her.
I'll put the water on.
I didn't know there was
a murderer in the house.
Good evening, Rich.
Good to see you, Harry.
Can you believe
this cold weather?
Yeah, I got it.
Just what I need.
That's the future.
I could use a good stock tip
if you have one, Harry.
What I could use
is a drink.
He just went to
sleep and died.
Oh, Pat.
Poor old Brutus.
His heart just stopped.
Here you go. Here you go.
Here you go. Shh, shh.
At least he didn't
have to suffer.
It was a practice run.
And it confirmed everything
Harry was capable of.
You'll have to come and stay with
Kay and me when we're married.
When are you
gonna tell Pat?
One of these days.
Seeing her standing there,
I was suddenly
swept by a wave
of the most revolting
I had never imagined
that I could be moved
to sacrifice
my own desires for Kay.
But that is what I
now proposed to do.
And it made me
feel happy.
I will come clean.
I knew enough to
set them all free.
What is it, Rich?
Please, tell me.
I could go to town
and buy a stone
with Brutus' name
on it, if you'd like.
That would be nice.
What do you say, Harry?
Yeah, if you'd like.
If only Harry had stayed
by the grave a minute longer,
so much might have been changed.
As it turned out,
it was the last time
such sentimentality
swept over me.
What's the uproar about?
Are you on fire?
Come on, throw on some
clothes and get cracking.
We're going out
to celebrate.
Celebrate what,
for heaven's sake?
Well, we'll decide
that in the car.
Come on,
country mouse.
Change into something sleek,
and let's go.
Let no time be wasted.
This is no night for
a beautiful girl like you
to be in the house
all on her own.
But what's so special
about tonight?
Nothing special about tonight.
Come on, go.
Give me ten minutes?
Too long.
Seven minutes.
The horses are
getting cold outside.
Well, if the coachman wants
another drink, he can help himself.
The coachman will!
# Turn back the clock and
let's get together and rock
# All night long
# All night long
# All night long
Sir, there's only 20
minutes left in the picture.
We don't care.
We really don't.
# Now it don't matter
if you got to fight
# The cops ain't coming out
till Sunday night
# The joint is jumpin',
let the good times roll
# And satisfy your soul
# All night long
# All night long
# All night long
# Rockin' all night long #
Would you like to do
this again next week?
There'll be a swell new
picture at the Hollywood.
I don't think
Harry would mind.
I think he might be
a little bit jealous.
We can't be together
on the town like this.
He might be a bit hurt.
I'm not sure Harry has
a right to feel hurt.
What do you mean?
You know as well
as I do, Kay.
I suppose I do.
It's just hard for him
to find a way to leave her.
I wouldn't want to be
in Harry's shoes.
He's always trying to do
things with such perfection.
Well, I don't know
about that.
What I do know is you are.
Perfect, that is.
In my eyes.
You know, Kay,
it'll be hard to build
your happiness
upon the unhappiness
of somebody else.
Some people could.
But not people with your
burden of conscience.
Not this way.
Would you like to
come in for a nightcap?
Or a nightcap
to a nightcap?
A morning cap?
Well, just about.
I think even I
have my limits.
Okay. Good night.
Good night.
May I have that
cigarette you're smoking?
What's left of it.
Well, if you want.
Because it touched
your lips.
Good night.
I'd heard a Texan say
it once to a pretty brunette
after the liberation
of Paris.
It was corny, of course.
But it worked.
And it was from the heart.
October 26th.
Harry Allen is as sane
and as cool as you and I.
He was simply convinced that
for Pat to fall asleep forever,
without fear,
and in the bloom of her life,
involved no hardship at all.
What was the alternative?
A life of suffering
and loneliness?
The humiliation of
an abandoned wife?
Harry loved Pat too much
to allow that to happen.
You look especially
pretty this morning.
Thank you, darling.
Like one of those Sleep All
advertisements you see in the magazines.
"Drink a cup of Sleep All
and get eight hours of sleep
"and be a beauty like me."
I don't think they'd sell much
Sleep All if they hired me.
They'd sell plenty of
Sleep All with you, Pat.
You're prettier today
than you've ever been.
Thank you.
Let's feast this morning.
You know I shouldn't.
Eat, drink and be merry,
my dear.
I'll taste everything.
I promise, darling.
That's the paper.
Let me go down
and get it for you.
I feel like a queen!
Care for another
slice of toast?
Yes, please.
Not so much butter on it
this time, please.
Been having
indigestion again?
Not too bad.
Just the usual.
But you still take
your medicine?
Religiously, sir.
One spoon before bedtime.
Sometimes around lunch.
It depends.
That's good.
Have another sausage.
No, I shouldn't.
It took a long
time to prepare.
Honestly, Harry.
I don't know what we're gonna eat
the rest of the week for breakfast.
Harry, have you seen
my medicine bottle?
What's going on in there?
I'm in the tub.
In the tub?
What on earth for?
I forgot to take
my bath this morning.
Guess I'm not
myself today.
I'll say.
Have you seen my
medicine bottle?
That last sausage
really did it.
What, the bottle?
I have it here.
Why do you
have it in there?
Oh, my stomach's
bothering me.
Thought I'd steal a dose
from you, if you don't mind.
You poor thing.
What a messy day.
Not much of a cook, am I?
Well, use the toothbrush mug,
not the rinsing cup.
The powder makes the glass
so hard to polish.
All right, will do.
Here you go.
You're not gonna
take it now?
Not quite yet.
I'm better.
I'll take a dose before
lunch, then another before bed.
That should repair
the damage.
I'm sorry.
It was a lovely breakfast.
A lovely gesture, darling.
Bye-bye, Harry.
Bye-bye, Pat.
Take care of yourself.
I will.
I'm sorry.
Don't be silly.
Harry, what do you think?
Excuse me
for a moment.
I have been dialing
my home over and over.
And I get a strange tone.
We've had this
trouble before.
What's the number
you're calling?
Hold the line.
I'm sorry, caller,
that line is out of order.
Well, can't you fix it
right away? It's very...
I'll report it to
the engineer's department.
No, Charlie, put your
mommy on the phone.
Grandpa, is that you?
Call your mommy, Charlie.
When are you gonna come
and visit me, Grandpa?
I don't know, sweetie.
You go play.
Mrs. Walsh?
This is Harry Allen
from next door.
Listen, I wonder if you
wouldn't mind doing me a favor.
I've been trying to call my wife,
but the line's out of order.
You want
me to go over and see if she's in?
Yes. Yes, that's it.
Hold on a moment.
Shut up! Just shut up!
Mr. Allen?
Mr. Allen?
There's no answer
at the door.
I could write a note for you
if you want, and slip it under.
Oh, that's so kind
of you, Mrs. Walsh.
Could you ask her
to call me?
She could use my
phone if she wants.
Of course.
Now, thank you,
Mrs. Walsh.
Is everything all right,
Mr. Allen?
Why shouldn't it be?
I thought you looked
a little pale, that's all.
I'm sorry if I snapped
at you, Miss Jones.
I think I might
be getting a cold.
You know how
I hate to be sick.
I'll give you some of
my cold pills, Mr. Allen.
I have some in my desk.
They're wonderful.
Don't bother.
You take a red one
in the morning,
a green one at lunchtime, and a
yellow one before you go to bed.
So it doesn't matter
when you start.
I don't think
I really need it.
It worked
for my sister.
And Milt in shipping.
He swears by them.
I just want you
to be well.
Otherwise, Mrs. Allen
might catch it.
Mr. Allen's office.
Yes, of course.
Speak of the devil.
Well, hello, Harry.
What's the matter?
Mrs. Walsh left a note on the
door, telling me to call you.
Nothing, really.
Oh, good.
I was worried.
It's not like you to
call during the day.
The line was out of order.
Where are you
calling from?
Mrs. Walsh's.
I was washing my hair when
she rang the bell before.
I'll call the phone
company from here.
And how's your tummy?
Better, thanks. I didn't
take anything for it.
I'll just take the usual
dose tonight before bed.
There's this ghastly
dinner tonight
with some local
I'll be late.
That's all I wanted to say.
That's okay.
I'll go see that movie
at the Arabian.
It probably won't
be there much longer.
It's supposed to be good.
Well, don't wait up for me.
You know how
these things are.
I'll be in bed by 11:30,
as usual. I promise.
Harry, you must be frozen.
Come in.
I've got a fire going.
Would you like
a gin and tonic?
I'd rather have a whiskey
and soda, if you can spare it.
Of course I can
spare it, Harry.
It's yours, anyway.
You bought it.
Don't keep telling me that the
things I give you are mine, darling.
They're ours.
Well, then. Cheers.
And God bless.
God bless.
If there is a God.
Don't you think
there might not be?
This cruel world.
Well, I like to think
there's a God.
Otherwise, how could we
explain all this hard rain
we've been having
all of a sudden?
Harry, are you
feeling all right?
Yes, thank you,
I feel wonderful.
I feel wonderful
when I'm with you.
You do look a bit off.
It's a little chill.
It's nothing.
I'm fine now.
Well, you shouldn't have come
if you have a chill.
Not on a night like this.
And not be here with you?
No, thank you.
Best take a few aspirins
before you go to bed.
What's so funny?
Dear Kay,
I love you so much.
Nothing frightens me
when I'm with you.
Why don't I put on
some soup for you?
I'll help you.
There's nothing
you can do, really.
There isn't.
It's just soup.
It just needs
heating up.
Go and sit.
I'll miss you.
I'll be back
in a minute.
Go on, fix yourself another drink.
What's the matter, Kay?
You're very
thoughtful tonight.
Well, I have
good cause to be.
Then what's the matter?
For heaven's sake,
tell me.
Don't just sit there.
What's wrong?
I don't want you to
get the wrong idea.
The wrong idea?
What wrong idea
could I possibly get?
Kay, what's wrong?
there's no one who means
as much to me as you do.
The way you do.
And there never has
been since Ron died.
I just can't go through
with this thing, dearest.
I've given it
a lot of thought.
I don't think
it's fair to Pat.
I don't think
it's fair to you
or me.
Please, Kay,
don't do this.
Don't you see she would
always be between us?
Would she?
I doubt it.
I want to be happy.
With you.
Well, I, for one,
cannot take that chance.
I would have liked to have married
you, Harry. But not like this.
We can't build our happiness on
the unhappiness of someone else.
Some people could,
but not people with our
burden of conscience.
What other way is there?
this is as hard for me
as it is for you.
Then don't let's make
a final decision tonight.
I won't feel any
different tomorrow.
Let's just see if we could get
through to the end of our lives
without further damage.
Thank you for
your past kindness.
And for tonight's dinner.
Harry, please don't
let it end like this.
Like what?
In bitterness.
Don't let it end
like that, either.
You think I'm a monster,
don't you?
I think you might have
let me know a bit earlier.
You did the right
thing, dear.
It was so quick.
May I...
May I have back the letters
I wrote to you, Kay?
It's easier for both of us
if the letters are
out of the way.
I can burn them.
I'd rather have them.
they're all over the place.
Well, burn them
tomorrow morning, Kay.
The whole lot.
Without fail. Please.
Let's pretend
that I'm
just running down to the
store to get a bottle of gin.
Or, better yet,
that I was never here.
I've lost
everything tonight.
And I'd rather
not think about it.
I'll be in bed by 11:30,
as usual.
Here you go.
Are you aware you have only one
rear light working on this car, sir?
No, sir, I'm not aware.
Well, don't take
my word for it.
Why don't you step out of the
car, and check for yourself?
No, that's all right,
I believe you.
Can we just
do this quickly?
Step out
of the car, sir.
It's just a bad
Let me see your
driver's license.
Well, surely you're not going
to give me a summons for this?
You're not driving
without a license?
No. No.
Sure I... Here.
You in a hurry, sir?
But I should
get back home.
Well, you should've
thought of that
before you decided
to break the law, sir.
But I haven't
broken the law.
Everything's in order.
Good, thank you.
You're free to go.
All right. Thank you.
You're home early.
Are you all right, Harry?
I must've dozed off.
Oh, dear, what's wrong?
I want you to know.
Know what?
How much I need you.
I know, darling.
I've always known that.
Funny, I could swear
this bottle was half empty.
I think my mind is going.
We must be getting older.
Yes, we are.
A bit too set in
our ways, aren't we?
I love you, Pat.
I love you, too.
Why don't we take a trip
somewhere, just the two of us?
I would like that.
How was the picture?
It was a good picture.
And so Harry and Pat
Allen resumed their lives together
in that way couples do.
Kay and I waited till the
next winter before coming out.
I guess we want to be
kind in our own way.
To let the pain
subside for Harry.
She's a doll.
You're a lucky man.
I suppose I am.
You are.
Couldn't happen
to a nicer fellow.
Thank you, Pat.
How serious is it?
Oh, it's very serious.
The most serious
I've ever been.
There's something
really great between us.
So, marriage?
Yes, marriage.
If she'll have me.
Of course she'll
have you, Rich.
How could she not?
Wait, wait,
wait, wait.
A toast.
To Richard and Kay.
To us.
To all of us.
To life!
It was later that night
that Harry told me everything.
It was a funny story,
in its way,
about a man who tried
to poison his wife,
and then found he would
be lost without her.
Three words.
The drummer boy
is on a road.
And so we were married,
Kay and I.
We were meant
for each other.
Harry was my best man.
Did we build our happiness
upon the unhappiness of others?
That's for you to judge.
Road. Road. Road.
Whoever in this
room knows what goes on
in the mind of the person
who sleeps next to you...
Road to Morocco!
...please, raise your hand.
I know you can't.
Not honestly.
Thank you.
I appreciate the drinks.
Good night, pal.
Your turn. Take care. Good night.
Thank you.
Good night!
Harry Allen was the
most noble man I'd ever met.
He never once talked
to me about his loss.
Come on, boy!
In fact, I now believe
it was a new beginning.
It's funny, isn't it?
What we do for love.