Married to Work (2022) Movie Script

Once I send this beat
to MC Slick's people
Come listen to this.
What's up?
What's up? Why are you quiet?
You won't be disappointed sir.
Not only are we the best investment firm
in Kenya but also throughout Africa.
Excellent. I can get those documents
over to you right away for signature.
No problem at all, sir.
Alright. Have a good day. Bye.
Sorry. Work.
- We go for a run?
- Yeah
Head start. Go.
Please sit.
I was showing Mr.Maina this photo.
It seems to be making the rounds.
It's against company policy,
for senior management
to date their subordinates.
People will start making complaints of
unfair treatment and favoritism.
as a Department Head,
you are Mr. Maina's boss.
I'm sure you see how this poses a problem?
I'd like for us to get ahead
of this as soon as possible.
- Of course, Mrs. Kimani.
- Good.
So what I would like
for both of you to do is
submit letters to HR confirming
that you've ended the relationship.
That won't be necessary.
I won't complain.
Unfortunately, I can't
just take your word for it.
What if we were married?
Surely a married couple
can work in the same company.
We'd of course need to make
a few adjustments to avoid
the nepotism predicament
but Mark, sorry, Mr. Maina
could report to
a different director and then
- you want to get married?
- Yes Yes I do!
No, no, no, no I wasn't asking.
Mark, when are you going to propose?
We've been together almost five years now!
Okay. I thought this
was going to be straightforward
but it appears the two of you
have a lot to think about.
So, just hand in your letter
to HR by end of business today.
You can decide
to get married, or break up,
but if you do decide to stay together,
then one of you will need to resign.
Office politics and social media
are just not a good combo
for the office right now.
Mr. Mlemba! You're here!
The paychecks are
on your desk for you to sign.
- So you are here.
- Mr. Temu!
What a surprise!
I'll make this brief.
We've had some challenges in our company.
Sales are dropping
and we see no sign of a turnaround.
Uh, but sir I'm working on new strategies
for example, we can
charge fees for public houses
or run a sale like,
"buy two homes get one for free."
The company has already hired
someone with good qualifications,
who is well equipped
and competent for that post.
So if someone is that qualified,
why come to work
for a failing mom and pop shop?
- I can manage the company by myself
- This is not about a shop.
This is a multimillion
dollar real estate porfolio
and a high number of staff that
depend on the job to feed their families.
If it's about feeding families,
allow me to go sign these cheques.
Mr. Temu, everyone is gathered.
I had to talk to all the staff
about everything that's happening
- Wait a minute, they are already here?
- They arrived at 6am.
You know how Kenyans are. You're welcome.
Lovely to meet you all.
It's a pleasure again Mr.Temu
Let's give a warm welcome.
This is Mr.Mlemba
It is a pleaasure
Welcome to Mlemba & Mlemba Properties.
I hope you'll enjoy your short stint here.
Thank you. My deepest
condolences about your parents but,
I'm sure you'll do just fine
filling in their shoes once I'm done here.
So, the youngest director
at MST Financial Solutions,
and you left?
What did we do to deserve you here?
You'll soon find out.
Ok. I know the real
reason you are still here
so let me get back
to signing your paychecks.
Brenda, you'll find
Miss Waweru a space, anywhere.
Okay, sir
She will be sharing your office.
It already has an extra desk.
They will share the same office.
Thank you.
My file, Thank you.
- Brenda, you will be working for both.
- Okay.
But sir, you should have consulted me
as the CEO before making such decisions.
Zaki, we don't have that kind of time.
So what's next? We share a car?
You can take her for a ride
in the evening, show her around.
If you need anything,
I'm a phone call away.
Thank you Mr.Temu.
I appreciate it. Thank you Brenda.
Did you leave anything at your hotel?
I like to make a space
my own, keeps me efficient.
Don't get too attached.
It's just three months.
Mr. Mlemba, have I offended you?
No, No. Welcome.
Thank you!
Uh, when you're free,
I'd like to go over your
performance record over
the past few months.
- I have a few comments.
- How did you get my perfor...
They e-mailed them
to me in Nairobi. I have a few notes.
Sure. Maybe after my breakfast.
Breakfast? It's 10 a.m.
Yes, that's usually
when I step out to have my breakfast.
Mr. Mlemba, by 10 a.m. shouldn't you be
checking in with agents
or setting goals for the day?
I have my first meal of the day
at 7 a.m. I'm out the door by 8 a.m.
and in the office just before nine.
You know what they say.
Time waits for no one.
Well it waits when you're the CEO.
Dem it!
Ah, you're here.
What joy.
You were gone for an hour
That's a lot of lost time in a day.
Well I like to digest my food
properly before I go back to the office.
It's a cultural thing,
you wouldn't understand.
I e-mailed you, my suggestions. Uh,
we can go over them verbally if you wish.
I do not.
The board says we have one quarter to turn
things around. Let's not let them down.
Do you have any appointments today?
Uh, I leave that to the agents.
But it's your company. You should
at least be handling the top clients.
So you can improve your salesman
techniques and better help your agents.
Please come, please come.
Uh, what's your name?
- Brian
- Brian.
Do you know
if there any appointments today?
Yes, I was supposed
to take one at 3 p.m. in Mbezi Beach.
Mr. Mlemba, you should take that one.
But Mr. Mlemba
Sorry Brian, you heard the Kenyan.
Thank you, Brian.
Excellent! Mbezi Beach it is!
I will shadow you during
the appointment. Pretend I'm not there.
With pleasure.
You are not here.
- Hello.
- How are you?
Am good.
She is my assistant, Malaika. She's
Kenyan, so if she messes up, forgive her.
You've seen the house before,
would you like to see it again?
Yes I have but
I would like to see it once more.
Would you have
preferred glorified babysitter?
Mr. Mlemba, why are you being so.
I have seen the house enough times.
You know I've only
just joined the company but
I've heard that
this property is very, very popular.
So why is it still available?
Why? Good question. Mr. Mlemba?
What do you think,
are you ready to close the deal?
For 700,000 dollars?
I've worked with your father a lot,
and he used to get me good deals for sure.
But, it looks like you are different.
So what would you say is a fair price?
I've already spoken to your agent, Brian,
that the price has to come down.
But it seems like, the agent
doesn't want to sell the house,
maybe he's not
motivated enough to sell the house.
Thank you.
There's a lot of
construction going on in Dar.
Must be exciting to witness it.
So how's it going
with your new office wife?
It's been two months now?
The longest two months of my life!
And please don't call her my office wife.
This girl brings me coffee and samosas.
A woman bringing you
breakfast at work? That's terrible
She says I shouldn't be playing music
in the office, it's distracting.
She's absolutely diabolical.
And then she puts on so much perfume,
I swear one day
I'm going to choke to death.
In front of you Zaki Mlemba.
Cause of death, Chanel.
Bro, are you sure
this is not just some sexual tension?
It can't be.
She's not even my type.
She is too opinionated.
Speaking of the devil.
Conference? In Zanzibar?
Guess who has to go to Zanzibar?
Bro, you know I don't like guessing games.
Me! With that slave driver, Malaika.
Nice! Bring me back some baobab seeds.
You have to get out now.
Excuse me? I don't see a hotel.
It's inside. You have to walk.
Walk? But you're
our driver! What are you doing?
Mr.Mlemba! Wait!
Thank you very much.
Good afternoon. Welcome
to Seyyida hotel and spa
Good afternoon. Checking in please.
- May I have your ID?
- This place is cute.
Thank you.
Here we are. Room 714
for Mr. and Mrs. Mlemba
Oh no! We're not together.
- We have separate rooms.
- Separate. Super separate.
Sorry. I just assumed.
May I have your ID, Miss?
- There is nothing here for Miss Waweru.
- What?
Please check again.
Are you sure? We were both
booked from the 12th to the 16th.
I only have
Mr. Mlemba's name here, madame.
Ha! What a shame. See you back in Dar?
Call Brenda.
Excuse me?
Please call Brenda
and ask her about the booking.
Did you make a reservation
for Miss Waweru and myself?
Two rooms.
I said double the rooms not a double...
She booked a double room
and she thought it meant, double the beds.
Yes, you are booked
for a double room, Mr. Mlemba.
The beds are very comfortable.
I believe you and your
girlfriend should just be fine.
Isn't there like another available
room here? I would gladly pay for it.
I'm afraid the hotel has only eight rooms
and we're fully booked
for the next two weeks.
It's fine, I can just try
and find a room in another hotel.
Excuse me madame.
All the hotels in Stone town are fully
booked with the real estate conference,
and the music festival.
You'll not find a room.
Here's your key. Enjoy your stay!
Thank you.
How is Zanzibar?
Zanzibar is Zanzibar.
You don't sound too excited.
If you were with a lady,
who is the most annoying in
East Africa, would you be excited?
She cannot be that bad.
If she tells someone
'asanti' one more time
I don't know what I will do with her.
Bro, you're there to network.
The Mlemba legacy depends on you.
Remember that.
Alright! cool!
Wanna join?
Not really in a swimming mood!
I'm just here to have my mango juice!
I thought a man like you
would be hitting up
all the happy hours on this island.
I'm not mad at this room.
Yeah, my room is not bad at all.
So, what's the bed situation?
I'm not sharing a bed with you.
Of course not, Mr. Mlemba.
You're a gentleman, you can have the chair
My company paid for this room,
I'm sleeping on the bed.
Let's flip for it.
Well done.
Okay, we can alternate. You can
take the bed and I will take the chair
But until tomorrow
if you do not have a room,
I am sleeping
on the bed and the chair is yours.
- Fine.
- Fine.
Could you use your earphones please?
What is the thread count on these sheets?
Mark, why?
- I didn't know you were in the shower.
- We don't have to talk about it.
I want to pick up our badges.
Mlemba and Mlemba Properties.
Am sorry, she is Kenyan
and is still learning Swahili.
I am Zaki Mlemba
and this is Malaika Waweru.
Thank you!
- Miss Waweru,
- Yeah.
In Tanzania saying "I want" is rude.
Oh, right, got it. Thank you.
We believe in using sustainable materials,
innovative ventilation techniques
and solar panels in our buildings
to reduce energy dependency.
There is no reason that we
cannot provide state of the art housing
and be environmentally responsible
Any questions?
As important as it is
to move forward with the green initiative,
we must also take into account
that most of these projects require
outside resources and know-how.
Is training provided on a local level
to ensure that new skills are gained
by the communities where
these projects are being constructed?
That's an excellent question.
For the construction of these projects
we use local builders and train them on
as we have a lot of civil engineers.
- Mr. Temu
- Zaki
Is everything okay?
The board just met.
We are nearing the end of the quarter,
but we are still badly off.
Should I let Miss Waweru know that
we will no longer be needing her services?
Miss Waweru?
No Zaki.
The board sees you as the problem.
As a matter of fact the Board of Directors
will vote to remove you
and promote Miss Waweru
as the CEO by the end of the term.
They can't do that. I own the company.
As a gesture of kindness, you will receive
a seat on the board and a handsome payout.
I suggest you take the deal.
Okay. We need to go over
what we just covered in that session
make sure we're staying
competitive in this market.
You do that. Am just gonna
take it from your notes on the plane.
Just ten minutes.
We need to stay on top of things.
It's nice to see such enthusiasm
and drive at these things for once.
- Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you...
- Mrs. Yvonne Ezenna!
You've heard of me?
I follow all female
African business leaders.
Born in the middle belt of Nigeria
but raised in Lagos,
studied in the UK
and Canada before moving to
Cote d'Ivoire to work
at the African Bank as a consultant
And the last four ventures
you have invested in,
have become Fortune 500 companies.
So, yes. I've heard of you.
- Impressive.
- Thank you.
I saw you grill the speaker earlier.
You stole the show girl! Well done.
Well she is very good
at stealing things from men.
I'm Malaika by the way.
This is Zaki Mlemba. We are from Mlemba
& Mlemba Properties in Dar es Salaam.
Oh, you are Tanzanian?
Oh, he is from
Tanzania and I'm from Kenya.
Okay. And how are you finding the
conference so far. You having a good time?
Oh, it's amazing. The networking,
the information sharing, the food!
Plus a view like this! I'm in Paradise.
Well, my version of Paradise anyway.
Although I heard
the authentic Zanzibari food
is somewhere down the street at,
what's it called?
- Forodhani.
- That's it.
It's a popular street food market here.
- Oh. We should check it out!
- Yeah sure.
How did you two meet?
Through work.
Workplace relationships are disastrous!
But now, married co-owners,
investment gold.
- I think you must have...
- Let her finish.
I love seeing couples
go into business together.
I mean. They know
each other's strength and weaknesses,
they don't shy away
from a healthy argument I mean,
look at you.
And they just stay talking business.
It becomes pillow talk! You know.
It's no longer
just nine-to-five thing.
Totally agree
I do agree. Mlemba & Mlemba Properties
was started by my parents
and I think the strength of their marriage
is what made the company
grow into what it is today.
You know what!
We should do dinner.
I mean, if you are free.
Say at the restaurant at 8 p.m.?
Oh yes! We would be honored!
You do realize that
she thinks we're married, right?
She just assumed and I...
You backed her up completely! Are You OK?
Are you well?
Didn't you hear her?
She loves working with married couples.
She thinks they are investment gold!
I really think we should
meet up with her tonight.
This could lead to much bigger things.
For you or for me?
For both of us!
- What's up bro!
- Hey.
How goes Zanzibar?
I see filtered photos on your feed!
Not filtered at all.
It's so beautiful here.
Africa has so many hidden gems.
And how is work going? Is he still cruel?
He's just not a team player.
I don't get it.
Just show him that you
respect him and that he's the boss
but you know they hired you for a reason.
You're the best at what you do.
You know what?
You're right.
I don't have to keep taking this.
Look, speaking of men and their egos,
I heard something
about your ex the other day.
You mean that insecure excuse of a man
that made me resign from my dream job
only to dump me a month later ex?
What has Mark done now?
He's getting married
He told me he wasn't ready for marriage!
It's been less than a year.
Who is she?
I don't know,
but I wanted you to hear it from me first.
Look: don't let it get you down,
and never allow a man
to stand in the way of your dreams.
We're just not worth it.
Forget about Nairobi drama
and just forget about this Mark loser.
Thanks Taji.
I wish every woman had a brother like you.
Well, you are one of the
few lucky ones.
Hey look, I've got to go now.
- Catch you later.
- Okay, Love you. Bye
We have four hours
to get prepped for tonight.
Excuse me?
You're depressed. We know.
You hate me. Got it. But honestly,
I don't care.
For the past two and a half months
I have streamlined processes,
balanced your books, created an online
presence while sourcing new properties
and trained your staff.
But despite all this,
you still treat me like a joke!
Mr. Mlemba,
you are the CEO
of a million-dollar real estate company.
That your parents built
from the ground up while raising you.
I see the trust your clients
had in your dad and now in you.
No one can take that legacy away.
So I need you to uphold it.
Over the next few hours
we are going to get our story straight.
Where we met. How we fell in love.
When we got married.
If you're a morning
person or a night person.
We are going to be
the cutest damn couple on this island.
And we are going to convince this legend
to invest in that development
that Mlemba & Mlemba Properties
has been trying to launch since last year.
Mrs. Yvonne Ezenna,
is just the investor
to help keep you afloat.
So if she wants a married couple,
we will give her a married couple!
Do we understand each other?
Good. Meet me in our room.
How long have we been married?
I'm not scared of you.
I just want you to know that.
How long have we been married?
Okay, two years and
still enjoying our honeymoon.
Okay. Where did we meet?
We were on the same flight
coming from Johannesburg to Nairobi
on business trips.
Good. I like that.
- Who came on to who?
- You obviously started flirting with me.
You're a very outspoken woman,
it could easily be you.
Where do we live? Dar or Nairobi?
I split my time between
the two cities because I miss my mom
and Taji, my brother,
but they refuse to make the trip.
Oh, you are a good liar.
Okay, I have to go and pick a dress
You wanna pick one for me too?
I have extra dresses. Should I give you?
- Selfie?
- I can't put up everything online
for the government
to know where I am, what I'm eating,
You're not on Instagram?
Wait, do we have children?
Absolutely not. We're
focusing on the business.
But eventually we will, right?
Let's wait another year
before we decide. Okay?
Are you nervous?
Why would I be?
Look at the, winning smile.
Mr. Mlemba, she's here!
If we are to pretend to be married.
You should call me Zaki.
Right, Zaki!
- Hello
- Hello Mrs. Ezenna
- You look lovely. Thank you.
- Thank you, you as well.
- Such a beautiful couple.
- That's us!
Now if you guys don't mind, I'd like
to start us off with a bottle champagne.
Cap Classique, please.
We're celebrating.
So I just closed a deal with a company
in Hong Kong and uh, dinner is on me!
- Congratulations!
- Thenks
You are welcome.
So, no, children yet?
No, we're more
focused on the work for now.
Plus, I want Mr. MlemZaki all to myself.
Trust me, I understand that.
But you know. Science has given us
options when it comes to having kids.
This is where we actually
get to give them a run for their money.
- Of course. Yeah we should.
- We should drink to that.
- Where are your wedding rings?
- Excuse me?
Your fingers are awfully naked.
Where are your rings?
Oh. That. Well,
our rings were very expensive.
Especially mine.
And we don't have insurance.
So we left them in the vault back home.
I'm sure they are sights to be seen.
Oh. You have no idea!
That is a feast.
I told you we are celebrating.
Sweetie, could you
slow down. You will choke.
Let me get you something, my sweetie!
No. No!
I'm sorry.
My wife seems to have forgotten
that I am deadly allergic to shellfish.
You are?
Oh! Yes, you are. Sorry I totally forgot.
- Are you okay sweetie?
- I'll be fine dear. You can stop.
Please. Let's move on.
do you like to tell me
more about your company.
I would be happy to.
Mlemba & Mlemba Properties
was started by my father, Steve Mlemba
and my mother, Mariam Mlemba,
She wanted to spend,
living minute with him.
Are your parents
in early retirement? I mean am just
trying to understand
why they handed over the company?
Unfortunately, Zaki's parents
recently tragically passed away.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Zaki has done a commendable job stepping
in and picking up where they left off,
and continuing to
realize their unique vision.
They were actually working
on a development here in Tanzania
that will be replicated
in other countries throughout Africa.
They just needed
to find the right foreign investor.
I like that last part.
Excuse me.
I should take this.
I think she likes us.
Oh my God.
- What?
- Do you see that?
Don't tell me you're scared of cats.
They are evil creatures.
Just ignore it.
It's coming.
- Maybe it's coming for the food.
- No. Zaki ZAKI!
You are such a cute couple, you can't
even keep your hands to yourself.
Honestly, you really
didn't have to walk me home.
Ah, nonsense. We couldn't let
you walk by yourself at night.
You're too kind.
Thank you for dinner,
Mrs. Ezenna. It was lovely.
You are welcome. I'm sorry you
literally had to fight for your supper.
Am sure that cat meant business.
You should send me your portfolio tomorrow
morning, ok? I'd like to take a look.
- Yes.
- Okay, we will. Thank you.
You are welcome. Off you go.
You should go enjoy
yourselves while the night is still young.
- Good night, madame. Thank you.
- Goodnight.
Yes! She's interested.
She wants to see
our portfolio. That's a good sign.
A very good sign.
What? What's so funny?
I just remembered
you almost killed me with shrimp!
Well. At least you didn't freak out about
a kitten in front of one of your idols.
I've never seen someone panic like that!
I was fighting for my life, okay?
It looked very life threatening to me
I'm sorry about the. you know!
- You should see my eyes.
- What?
- At least you
- You were trying to kill me.
- With...
- I was not.
Hold, hold, hold hold Do you hear that?
Listen You know what, come
- Where are we going?
- Let me show you.
We should go.
Are you sure?
I'm kind of tired.
Siti and the Band were amazing.
So that's what you guys call Taarab right?
She puts a twist to it,
but definitely still influenced by Taarab.
It's so ethereal and romantic.
Didn't take you for the mushy type.
Oh, I am all about the mush.
That didn't come out right
but you know what I mean.
So are you the kind of woman
to want a man to bring you flowers and
No! No flowers. I've never
understood the whole flowers thing.
Why do men think it's romantic
to send us something that's going to die
in a few days, like,
what are you trying to say, huh?
Ok. Noted. No flowers.
I'd rather a good meal.
A full belly means
you care and want me to stay alive.
So what type of men
do you like feeding you?
Men with jobs!
And what?
Okay. 6'2.
Good-looking, good
to his mother, good listener,
supportive and honest.
I'm shocked, I expected
your list to be longer.
Okay, let's get you to the hotel.
Oh. I forgot. I was
supposed to look for a room.
I will do it tomorrow. I promise.
We can still share the room.
We are supposed
to be a married couple anyway.
Mrs. Ezenna might suspect something.
We can share the bed like adults.
Are you sure that would be okay?
Tonight was fun.
Yeah it was.
You're not such a pain
when you let loose, Malaika.
You too Zaki.
I just remembered We need
to send Mrs. Ezenna the portfolio ASAP.
I think there should be
a copy of our portfolio on my desktop.
You can use my e-mail.
Do you have everything you need?
What is everything I need?
- Never mind!
- But I need to
My phone! Wait, my phone, oh okay!
I need to have breakfast.
Breakfast? We don't have
time for breakfast Mr. Mlemba.
I need to have breakfast
I'm glad you're finally
getting your head in the game.
That Nigerian woman must have
put some juju on me or something.
I feel re-energized.
Like Mlemba and Mlemba Properties.
Are you my stalker?
It's nothing.
I mean for my people it's haram but
for you,
Every tattoo means something.
I just wanna be reassured,
you are not going to kill me.
It stands for Malaika and Mark.
My ex.
He surely left a mark on you.
I've been meaning to get it removed.
You can just change it
to mean something else.
Like what?
for now it conveniently fits with
where you work like a walking billboard.
- Or?
- Read the room Zaki.
Okay, fine.
You need to take me to this
street food market place today.
- You mean Forodhani?
- Yeah.
Well. One thing you should know
it only opens in the evening.
No worries, I'll be ready!
Now if this isn't my favorite couple,
I see you made it
in time for the good meat.
Oh yeah! Absolutely. This has
definitely been the highlight of my trip.
Everything tastes so good.
By the way, I received your portfolio.
A few things on there caught my attention.
- Like what?
- Let's see.
You know what?
How about we talk about this by the beach?
- The beach?
- Yes.
So I was told that the really nice beaches
are on the other side of the island,
so I intend on driving
there tomorrow morning.
I would probably
spend most of my day there.
I think you should come. It would be nice
to have you and your beautiful wife.
- What do you say? Yes?
- Sure! Yes.
Awesome. So, say eleven in
the morning outside of the hotel?
It's a plan!
Yes? Awesome, See you
tomorrow then. Have a good evening.
- Okay. Bye.
- You too. Bye.
I like her.
Don't get me wrong.
But a whole trip,
a whole day,
at the beach?
Is she trying to kidnap us?
Of course she's trying to kidnap you.
No one can resist those pretty brown eyes.
So you've noticed my brown eyes huh?
Tell me about the brown eyes!
- Morning!
- Good morning darling! How are you?
Are we ready for today's adventure?
- Yeah.
- Yes. Ladies first
Thank you.
- So where are we going?
- Nungwi.
It's called Nungwi.
Oh, I really just want to see if the water
is as blue and clear as they say.
It is!
We have blue and clear water too in Kenya.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
- It's not the same. Don't bother.
- Hater!
I am fluent in English,
Swahili and facts only.
Well, here are the facts, Diani,
Watamu, Kilifi, Mombasa
are you taking notes? Take notes!
You know I was planning
to play some music but
I don't blame her.
Road trip naps are everything.
I'll just wait until we get to the beach.
What's on your playlist?
I don't know any of these artists.
You don't listen to Bongo Flava?
Does Diamond Platnumz count?
Is he the only Tanzanian artist you know?
Isn't he the biggest?
Where's Focalistic?
Dali Wonga? Kamo Mphela?
Dude, don't you listen to amapiano?
Amapiano is EDM for black people.
Amapiano is soulful.
Amapiano is trash.
It's literally just beats, no substance.
Amapiano is amazing,
Bongo flava is just wannabe afro beats.
Afrobeat? Bongo flava is its
own flavor, it's literally in the name.
Do you know anything about music?
I'm producing my own music.
You? You're a music producer?
Yeah. Before I started running
the company I was producing music.
- Sing one song.
- Not now.
Maybe I will listen to it
when we get to the beach.
Okay, but don't dance to it
the way you people dance to amapiano.
Who is people? And how do we dance?
Wow. All this tells me is that
you are a terrible dancer.
That's how you dance, you're just like
I gotta film this!
Is that Mark?
Yeah, that's my Mark.
Ah, her Mark. He's not mine anymore.
Seems like your
relationship ended prematurely.
Like four months ago.
We've been together for five years.
To me it looks like
he's done you a great favor.
Because right now you would be
in Nairobi wearing a white gown
thinking of how to feed 300
people whom you don't know.
Right now you are with a Nigerian tycoon.
And me, a rich handsome
Tanzanian businessman
you're headed to the beach to
eat a duck you're okay.
You are better off! I promise.
Thank you.
You got it right! Finally.
Let me be!
Thank you.
This is beautiful!
I mean, it looks like paradise.
Oh no, clearly, I wasn't lied to.
Malaika please take a picture
Say 'I love Zanzibar!'
I love Zanzibar!
Thank you. Let me quickly
send these to my husband.
Um, sweetie, could you
help me with my sunscreen?
Sunscreen? That's for
the tourists. The pale ones.
I never go to the beach
without my sunscreen. Believe it or not,
we need it too.
Plus she needs to believe us.
- Okay. Let me do you now
- No, I'm fine really
You should Listen to your wife,
Mr. Mlemba. She knows better than you.
And don't you forget it.
I'm going in. Are you coming?
- No, I'll be here for a bit.
- Okay. Bye.
You should never lose that.
Excuse me?
The way you look at her. The way you feel
right now. You should never lose that.
Reminds me so much about how
my husband used to look at me, I mean
He just, he couldn't believe
that he actually got me to say yes.
Your husband is a lucky man.
I took a look at your portfolio and,
I'm curious.
Well am here to answer all your questions.
It wouldn't hurt to expand
my business into East Africa.
I'd like to visit your company
in Dar-es-Salaam
just to check on this big
development project of yours.
Well, let me know
when and how. I'll make the arrangements.
Maybe in about a week.
Sounds great! I'll make sure
you have everything you need.
I look forward to it.
Now run along. Go and spend some
quality time with your beautiful wife.
Her? Yes Okay, I will. Bye
Wanna come in?
Not really.
Okay. We can walk.
You don't really like water, do you?
You don't like the hotel pool.
You don't like the ocean..
I like our shower. That counts.
Am I missing something?
I'm not really a fan
of the ocean these days.
My parents they died in the ocean.
Oh. I didn't know that part.
Well, I can't forget that day.
It ruined my entire life.
It's gonna take some time
to sort out your feelings
about what happened. But,
That's ok, the ocean isn't going anywhere.
You are not so bad
to talk to sometimes you know?
I mean, when you're
not trying to eat everything in sight
And there's the Zaki I know!
By the way! I've got good news!
Our biggest fan over there, Mrs. Ezenna,
she's interested in
some of our properties.
She wants to come to Dar for a visit.
You're lying!
Sorry, I got excited.
We have definitely gone
against all the Code of Ethics.
It's OK, really.
Well, you did it! You landed the big one.
Congratulations Mr.Mlemba!
We did it.
But let's not celebrate on it,
until she inks the deal.
You wanna get one done with me.
- Oh no. No way.
- Henna's not haram so
Is there such a thing
as a manly henna tattoo, really?
Well, you are up next so.
Please don't think of me
as a lesser man, I was just forced.
So you never told me
what kind of woman you like.
You never asked. I'm not even sure I have
a type. I've been single for so long
My guess is you haven't
had too many long-term relationships.
More of the hook up type?
I have such a hard time opening up
to people. I've always been that way.
Ah, that explains a lot.
But my parents, they were a solid couple.
I mean, that kind of thing
they had, I don't think I will ever have.
That marriage, is only reserved
for them and The Obamas.
Do you like it?
Anyone coming for a cruise?
Don't worry, I got you.
I can say that
I'm not feeling well or something.
No, you should.
It's okay. I'll be fine here.
So I look at Abdul,
And Abdul looks at me, and we run!
Just to realize,
This guy was
actually looking for directions.
And we thought he was going to rob us!
Sounds like you
and Abdul have a lot of fun together.
That's my guy. We have been friends
since primary school. He's like family.
This drink is amazing.
What is this, like passion and mint?
I know my stuff.
When we get back to Dar,
I'll take you to a few spots.
You mean, like a tour guide?
How far we have come.
The beach has put me in a good mood.
The beach and Malaika.
Sure, Malaika.
So you came to Nungwi by yourself?
Oh no, I'm in the company
of this beautiful couple.
Oh, here they are. Zaki!
Wait, he lives in my building
See, small world.
Zaki, just met your neighbor
It's been a while.
I'm sure you know his beautiful wife.
When did you get married?
I got married two years
ago to my beautiful wife.
Where did you find this lady?
So wonderful to meet you.
We always seem to miss each other.
Especially since I have been
working in Nairobi part-time.
Well now I'm just confused
No, don't be confused. She is
my wife, seems you have forgotten.
You forgot to tell me you
were married when we slept together.
You've messed this up.
I had no idea. I'm so sorry
Oh my God! How could you!
You should be ashamed
of yourself, Mr. Mlemba
Malaika, darling, come,
come with me let's go.
You had your things!
Oh, fantastic. Please come with me.
- Let's get out of here.
- But Mrs. Ezenna
Am sure you can find
your own way back to Stone Town.
It's okay, chin up, chin up!
Mrs. Ezenna
It's okay.
I can't believe he would do that to me!
I know, I know.
I should have known he was no good.
He even convinced
you to take off your wedding rings.
I know! Why did I let him do that?
Sabrina! Can I catch a ride
with you back to Stone town?
I'm stranded. Because of you.
I'll explain everything to you on the way.
We are here.
Thank you for everything. Mrs. Ezenna
You're welcome.
Are you sure you will be fine?
Yes. I just need to
go to my room and rest.
Listen. If he does anything,
anything at all, you call me. Okay?
I appreciate.
- Good night.
- Good night.
How did you get here?
I thought you were stranded.
Sabrina gave me a lift.
Yeah, and who the hell is Sabrina?
My stupid, stupid,
can't get a clue neighbor!
Oh how nice. A lift from your side chick.
I had no choice.
Mrs. Ezenna would rather feed me to
the sharks than let me ride with you guys.
Yeah she hates you like officially
hates you .This deal is done.
No! We have to fix this.
We were the perfect couple and now she
thinks you're a lying, cheating scumbag.
It's over. You ruined it.
I ruined it?
How was I to know that my neighbor
was going to show up in Zanzibar?
Maybe if you stopped
hooking up with women left and right,
and actually made a commitment,
then this wouldn't have happened.
Hello judgement! Don't put
your Mark issues on me!
You're starting to sound a little jealous.
Excuse me?
Don't think that I haven't noticed
I mean you have loved this little
charade of ours. 'Sweetie' this,
'sukari' that.
You've been loving the whole idea
of getting married to your boss.
I wonder why that is?
Malaika, I'm sorry.
Mr. Temu.
You've been trying to reach me?
He said I was doing what?
I understand. Thank you.
Was that Mr. Temu?
I was upset when we you first arrived and
You were getting on my nerves
and I couldn't think straight.
Could you tell me what he said.
Apparently, he received
complaints of unacceptable behaviour
and when he did some digging,
he saw that I resigned from my last job
due to "inappropriate behavior" so
my contract is terminated,
effective immediately.
If I was making you uncomfortable
you should have just said something.
I can't believe this is
happening to me. I'm such an idiot.
Let me call Mr. Temu and fix this please.
Just stop.
Let me talk to him
and just explain it to him
Could you stop please.
No I know I made the mess
but you don't have to do this.
I can call Mr.Temu
and just explain it to him. Malaika
Lemme call Mr. Temu
and just explain it to him. Oh, come on.
Don't. My life was
turned upside down by my ex, and
it took a lot
of courage for me to start over.
I make an effort to wake up every day,
put on a smile.
But you
you walk around like a zombie,
and don't let anyone in.
And I did the work, I tried.
And I thought I was
finally seeing the true Zaki but,
you are actually worse than I thought. So,
maybe start by fixing that!
Goodbye Mr. Mlemba.
May I?
Mrs. Ezenna
Good afternoon Mrs. Ezenna?
I only say good afternoon
to good husbands.
Mrs. Ezenna, could I explain myself.
So let me get this straight,
you're not a cheating husband.
Just a lying and
manipulative businessman.
Sadly, yes.
Is that supposed to impress me?
I've already tried that route.
I'm just here to be honest.
Please do not put this
on Malaika. She idolizes you.
Did you put a gun to her head?
She knew exactly what she was doing.
And she's also a fantastic
actress. She cried on my chest!
Ever since my parents passed, I have been
struggling to live up to their legacy.
But this trip
it re-energized me, it brought life to me.
I plan to use that when I go back home
I just hope that you will visit, sometime.
Mr. Mlemba
That woman might not be your wife but I
definitely saw something in both of you.
So while you're busy sorting things out,
you should not forget her.
- Abdul
- What's up bro
- Yeah, are you free right now?
- Talk to me bro,
- I need your help with something.
- No problem, I'm on my way.
Check out please
Excuse me Madame.
There's someone waiting for you upstairs.
I have a flight to catch..
Please mum, just go. Five minutes.
- Can I leave my stuff?
- Yes, you may
Malaika, wait!
I don't have time for
your games. Mr. Mlemba
I'm not here to play games.
Yeah, always about you.
I have a flight to catch so
Funny thing. Somebody might
have cancelled your ticket.
It was Brenda right? Training..
I said somebody. Could be,
maybe Brenda. These are for you.
Come on, smell them.
You ruined my career, beef on
a stick isn't going to change that.
Malaika Waweru. I messed up.
And I am sorry for that. But since the
first time I met you, I've been a pain.
And I know that, but the past four days
me being married to you, they changed me.
And I like who I am when I am with you.
We're both incredibly flawed people.
I am stubborn. You eat
like a construction worker.
I block off people.
And you, just too trusting.
I have a big ego
and you are way too humble.
Listen, I'm glad you
did not marry that Mark guy.
Because if you did, we wouldn't have
met and my life would still be a mess.
Stay. Please.
I explained everything to Mr. Temu and,
the board should
offer you the CEO position.
Really? Wait? What about you?
They believe, and rightfully so,
I am the reason that we lost
the investor and the company is failing.
But it was also because
of you that Mrs. Ezenna
wanted to invest in the first place.
Doesn't matter. There's no inked deal.
So, would I be staying
for you or the company?
The End.
- Malaika!
- Abdul!
Nice to meet you.
What are you doing?
We officially sold
our biggest commercial building
in the downtown,
thanks to Brian! Congrats Brian!
With Brian's sale, this means Mlemba and
Mlemba is officially back in business!
- Good job, Brian.
- Thank you, Boss
Sir! Mr. Temu is on the line!
Thank you.
Hello Mr. Temu!
You're on loud speaker, Sir.
I hear congratulations are in order!
Good news travels fast.
Very excited to hear
about the turn around.
I think that trip
to Zanzibar really helped.
I'm sure you
have a lot of celebrating to do.
Thank you for the great idea, Miss Waweru.
Thank you very much.
- Mr.Mlemba
- Ahh. Mrs. Ezenna. Welcome
- Thank you.
- I see you finally made things right.
So this is the Mlemba & Mlemba
Properties I've heard so much about.
Yes ma'am. You're welcome.
Thank You.
I was on my way to Seychelles when I
ran into an old friend here from Nigeria.
And guess what?
- He is interested in investing.
- Good news.
Zaki and Malaika
MC Slick! Wow, I'm a huge fan.
Wow, who did that song?
That's my beat. Thank you.
Brenda. Please take them
to my office and offer them some tea.
And we'll definitely show you around.
Let's go. What are we waiting for then?
After you.
Subtitle translation by: Jack Mutinda