Marry Go Round (2022) Movie Script

- Good morning, Abby!
- Good morning, Sean.
It's going to be a good day.
It's a rainless morning
in Seattle.
How's Bella?
Vet said no fleas,
thanks for asking.
Your wedding dress?
Yep. I don't want the movers
anywhere near it.
Smart. Peek?
Nope. You'll have to wait
four weeks.
Twenty-eight days, to be exact.
So stoked for Paris.
Today's list, please.
Yes. The clothes I shipped
last week will arrive in Paris
the day you land.
Ok, perfect. Will they be...
Yes, waiting for you
in your suite at the Ritz.
Great, and?
The wedding coordinator,
Francois called from Paris.
He has a really thick accent
but I think he said
"flowers splendid."
Or it might have been
"flowers dead."
I can't be sure.
Oh, let's go with splendid.
You and Edward are scheduled
to Zoom tonight at 9:00PM
with Francois to finalize
the menu.
Perfect. Can I get a hard copy
of what he's come up with?
On your desk.
As of this morning,
there are now 287 RSVPs.
What's French
for "panic attack?"
9:00PM? Isn't that
a little late for a Zoom?
6:00AM tomorrow morning,
Paris time.
Right. Sometimes I forget
I'm moving nine hours
into the future.
What, is there something else?
It's just... I'm going
to miss you.
Same. And don't worry because
you're reassigned to marketing,
we'll still be working together,
just on opposite sides
of the world.
Awesome. I am excited.
Oh, and I sent you a link for
your French marriage license.
You and Edward just need
to DocuSign.
Are you ok?
In all the rush I completely forgot.
I can't believe myself sometimes.
What is it?
I'll need you to access the
Benton County records portal
and download a copy
of my divorce decree.
I'll need that for
the marriage license.
Wait, you were married?
For less than a month
when I was 18.
A stupid mistake from my youth.
What happened?
I woke up one morning
to a note on his pillow.
He ran off to Alaska.
You're kidding.
What did the note say?
Just that he wasn't ready
for marriage,
something like that.
So the divorce papers?
Maybe you should get on that.
Oh hey, in comes
my best customer.
Morning, Luke.
Morning, Joe. So, listen,
is my order ready?
You bet.
Here you go. Two cans
of Oyster White, flat.
On your account.
Excellent. Thanks, man
Yeah, I figured you won the bid
on that Johnson house,
considering you changed
the order three times already.
Well, let's be honest, not
the most decisive of clients.
Yeah, so I heard.
Hey, I also heard about
your other painting gig.
Not that those clients need
a lot of handholding.
That bunch?
Come on, they're the most
decisive clients
I've ever worked with, Joe.
Very nice. I like that.
Travis, that is so amazing.
But no trees?
It's in the future.
When all the trees are gone.
Oh, ok, I see.
That's kind of sad, isn't it?
It is what it is.
Well, I have a great idea.
What do you think, we put
some beautiful trees in there
and maybe it'll spur people
to fight for them.
Like, inspire them?
Exactly like inspire.
Give it some thought, bud.
Pardon me, miss.
You know where I can find a good
cup of coffee around here?
Bonsoir, mon amour.
Bonsoir. Un bisou
s'il vous plait.
Mm. I've been looking forward
to that all day.
Do you want to elope, right now?
Just find a Justice of the Peace
or a notary public
and just get married right now?
Notaries can marry people?
Apparently. Yes.
No, no, no. Please.
Put that down.
No more work.
No, Edward, I have so much
I need to do.
I know, but you can take
a little break.
So, Ruthie scored highest
in her class.
What? Ruthie, that's great!
Mr. Hansen said it was the best
sophomore paper he's ever read.
Wow. I'm so proud of you,
that's fabulous.
Look at this, you know,
my niece is a writer.
But, I also want to ask,
how is the music going?
I've actually started
my own band.
It's called Ruthie's
Status Update.
Of course it is.
Of course it is.
You know, one day we'll say
we knew you when.
Or in my case, I will say
I birthed her when.
Mom, Claire and Ashley
are texting. Can I go?
Alright. Just say thanks
to your uncle Luke first.
Thank you for getting
my favorite spicy tofu.
Bring it in.
Thank you.
- Bye. Love you.
- Love you.
Love you too!
Ugh. In two years she will be
in college.
I know. That's crazy.
I mean, she's grown up
so fast, Robin.
Listen, I'm sorry I missed
so much of it, I am.
Well, you're here now.
And thank you, by the way.
For what?
For being such a great uncle
to her.
Well, she's a great person.
I agree.
Single motherhood is its own
art form, you know.
Oh yeah. And you are
Frida Kahlo.
Oh, you're sweet.
I think that's my favorite
of yours.
Oh, really?
Yeah, mine too.
Whatever happened to your idea
of living for your art?
Um, pipe dream.
Well, maybe for now,
but you never know
where life will take you.
Yeah, well, right now Robin,
life's taken me
to the dishwasher.
Can you grab your plate?
Yes, big brother.
Edward, you've outdone yourself.
Well, I thought it would be nice
to have a little picnic
before our big call.
So, I picked up a few things.
A decidedly French theme, I see.
Bien oui, ma cherie!
To get us in the spirit
for our big adventure.
And, from what I hear,
Paris has its share
of fine wine too.
Hmm. I've heard that too.
You know, my dad left my mom
when I was three
and two years later she met Leo
and from then on,
he was my rock.
Always there for me.
And, I want to thank you
for being there for me too.
And for being willing
to go along
and share this dream with me.
There's nowhere on Earth
I'd rather be
than right here with you.
You say the nicest things.
I know this is going to present
some challenges for your work.
No, Abby, I... I trade online.
I can do that from anywhere.
A toast. To true love.
A journey that starts at forever
and ends at never.
That's beautiful.
Did you write that?
No. I got it from
a fortune cookie.
Yeah, I had Chinese for lunch.
Oh! You know what
that means.
Time to talk wedding.
Bonjour, Francois!
I can't believe the Summer
Festival's been going
for 50 years.
Your mom and dad had
their first date there?
I know, so did I.
Hey, did you hear
George Bingham died?
I did. Yeah, he was our
divorce lawyer, you know.
Yeah. I wonder how Abby
is these days.
I have no idea.
You know, I hear that she's...
Getting married?
I heard that too.
Her mother's been talking
about that all over town.
Huh. So much for "no idea."
And so much for no peace
and quiet.
Our flagship store, in
Le Marais, is nearly complete.
And our Parisian blend
is testing off the charts.
We think it's going to be
a huge seller.
I'm really excited to get up
there and get started.
I hope you'll all come visit.
Ok, Sean. Next?
Talked to the head mover guy.
Your furniture should arrive
in France in three weeks.
Edward doesn't have
any other boxes
other than those picked up
from your house.
I thought we paid to expedite.
That is expedited. Rapide.
Tres bien. Anything more?
Oh, yes.
The Benton County court
doesn't have a copy
of your divorce papers.
That's odd. Please call them.
I did call.
A lady named Helen looked it up
and said she couldn't find them.
Helen is my mother's
second cousin
and while she's a lovely woman,
she couldn't find...
I'm sure.
But she's adamant.
Ok, so what now?
You won't like this.
You have to appear.
- Appear where?
- In court.
You're joking.
It's a Benton County regulation.
Both parties have to appear
in person
in front of the Magistrate.
I'm afraid you have to do it
if you want to get married
in Paris or anywhere,
for that matter.
I'm going to see Luke.
Nothing. When?
This is crazy.
Why can't they just issue me
another... divorce thingy?
Why do I have to waste two days
when I don't have two minutes
to spare?
I agree. It's just
their policy.
All because of some ridiculous
clerical error.
I asked them to bring the car
around out front.
You should easily make
your 3:00 court time.
Push my meetings.
I should be back
by noon tomorrow.
I'm sorry this is happening,
but I'm sure it's just
a minor hiccup.
Uh-oh. Edward.
Good luck!
Hi, babe.
Hello, beautiful!
So, Sean told me you drove
to your hometown.
I thought he was kidding.
I'm so sorry, Edward.
I knew you were in a meeting
and it happened so quickly.
It's, uh, interesting.
Yeah? How so?
Are you still there?
Uh, yeah. Um, I have to go.
I'll check in later.
But, wait, wait, wait,
why did...
I can't, no. I'm not gonna-
Oh! Sorry, that-
Hello, Abby.
How have you been?
When did you move back?
A couple years ago.
I guess my mom forgot
to tell me.
This is weird, huh?
After all these years.
Pretty weird.
Guess we should get in there
and get this over with.
Guess so.
Mrs. Walker, any idea when
Mr. Walker will be joining us?
I have no idea, Your Honor. I
thought he was right behind me
and it's Ms. Foster,
if you don't mind.
Whatever you wish.
It looks like the other party's
waiving his right
to speak on the matter.
It's ok. I can just
fill him in later.
In the interest of time, is
there something I need to sign?
I'm sorry I'm late, Your Honor.
You look very nice, incidentally.
Thank you.
Am I interrupting you two?
Because if you'd like to carry
on this conversation
you can do so outside
and we can reschedule.
No, Your Honor,
we're ready to proceed.
Mr. Walker?
I'm ready as well, Your Honor.
Fine. Now, the reason
you're both here
is because your attorney,
the late George Bingham,
neglected to file your divorce
decree with the court.
Very late.
I'm sure this happens all
the time, right, Your Honor?
I don't think His Honor likes
to be interrupted.
Right, Harlan?
I mean, Judge Perkins.
I apologize for
the interruption, Your Honor.
I can check that later.
I'll cut to the chase.
You two are still married.
We're what?!
Honey, I'm home.
I have a full docket
so I'd like to get this matter
resolved quickly.
Your Honor, we would too,
just show me where to sign.
All I need is for you both
to sign and initial
this dissolution document and
you will be officially divorced.
Bring her here.
Let's get it done.
All signed.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Oh, you're gonna need this.
- Yeah. Thanks.
Oh... Are you kidding me?
- Mr. Walker.
- Yes?
Something on your mind?
Sign! I have meetings.
I'm sorry, Your Honor,
I just, I guess I just haven't
fully digested all of this.
It's not chicken salad.
There's nothing to digest.
Just sign so we can get
out of here.
- Luke!
- Yes.
Ms. Foster...
I'm sorry, Your Honor, I just...
I need to get going.
I'm about to move to Paris
to start a new job
and I'm getting married
in a month... remarried.
So, as you can imagine,
this whole situation is a little
inconvenient, to say the least.
- Mr. Walker.
- Yeah.
It's clear where
Ms. Foster stands.
She's already signed
the document.
It's your move.
And she's probably right,
Your Honor.
It's just, uh...
I just need a moment.
Marcy, what's my next
available slot?
Monday morning at 10:00,
Your Honor.
See you both then.
Call up the next case.
- No! Objection, Your Honor.
- Overruled.
No, I just... I need this
taken care of today. Now.
Sorry, Ms. Foster.
I can't force him to sign.
I suggest the two of you
talk it over.
Let's try to resolve this
quickly for Ms. Foster's sake.
See you back here Monday.
That's yours.
Excuse me, pardon me.
Hey, Luke! Luke!
Luke, what was that?
This could all be over
but because of you I have
to wait till Monday!
Well, it's obvious, Abby,
you're in a hurry.
I just guess I'm not.
Luke, we settled this years ago.
Why can't you just sign
this stupid paper
and give me back my life?
I'm getting married in days.
Um, correction, Abby.
You're getting remarried.
Ugh! I can't believe you.
I guess you'll just have
to wait till Monday
to get your life back.
Luke, this ended the morning
you left me.
Yeah, about that.
About that what?
No, nothing. Forget it.
Nothing. Nothing.
I don't understand why
you're being so vindictive.
What did I ever do to you?
Nothing. You've never done
anything to me, Abby.
Trust me, ok?
But right now, I'd just like
a little time to reflect.
Reflect on what?
I'm sorry this is happening
to you, Abby. I am.
You know what?
You don't know everything.
What don't I know?
It's nice talking to you too, Francois.
Avec tes... toi too!
And again, my apologies
for calling so late.
I'm still getting used to
the time thing.
Au revoir!
I can't wait to tell the book
club girls
I actually spoke French with a
real French wedding coordinator.
Bookies are gonna be so jealous.
Um, why is it again you needed
to call Abby's wedding
I told you.
I just want him to know that
I'm here if he needs any help.
Or advice.
Apparently, he's planned
over 200 weddings.
I think he's got it.
Oh, is that the door?
Oh, my goodness.
Well hello there, stranger.
Hi, Leo.
What a lovely surprise.
Oh, there's a surprise alright.
You're not gonna believe
this one.
I just found out Luke and I
are still...
To Abby Foster?
No, to Taylor Swift, Robin.
Of course it's Abby Foster.
Who else am I supposed
to still be married to?
How did this happen?
Remember George Bingham,
our attorney?
Yeah, he didn't file
the paperwork.
Apparently they found it
squirreled around
in some corner in his office.
Well, I'm not surprised,
half the time he'd forgot
to pay his tab.
Hey everybody, guess what!
My brother here, still married
to Abby Foster.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
Oh, you're so kind, aren't you?
Well, you know,
they would have found out eventually.
- Right.
- You know this town.
- Hey, you know what?
- What?
I bet you it wasn't an accident.
What wasn't an accident, Robin?
George failing to file
the papers.
I bet you he thought it was
just a passing thing
between the two of you
and that you should...
just, you know, wait it out.
Why would he think that?
Well, because the whole town
thought that, Luke.
We all thought you two
should be together.
Who's Abby Foster, uncle Luke?
She's someone you don't know, honey.
No, she is your former/current
Aunt Abby.
Oh yay, so when can I meet
my former/current Aunt Abby,
uncle Luke?
Well, she's not gonna be here
for very long, unfortunately.
She's getting married.
But... Weird.
Yeah, my consensus exactly.
Listen, it's a technical thing
and a little paperwork error.
We'll figure it out,
we'll get it taken care of.
Ah, ahem!
No, no, no.
No, no, no. Please.
In honor of my brother's
sort of old, sort of new
marriage, pie is on the house.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Well, say something.
Well, I thought I...
I thought I, I mean, wasn't
this taken care of years ago?
Luke was supposed to...
Supposed to what, Mom?
You know, stay in your past.
Well he didn't.
Oh, what a day.
Well don't stress yourself.
We'll talk to Luke.
Mm! No.
No, I don't want anyone
talking to Luke.
I can handle this myself.
Or, Leo can call Judge Perkins.
They're on the same
bowling league team.
No we're not on the same team.
I bowl for Bowl Cut,
he bowls for Spare Me.
We're bitter rivals.
Well, we'll figure out something.
This is just a minor inconvenience.
We're all gonna be laughing at
this crazy situation next month,
in Paris, at your
wedding reception.
This is more than a minor
inconvenience, Mom.
I'm married to one man
and engaged to another.
That qualifies as a major inconvenience.
It's probably a punishable
offense in several states.
Have you told Edward yet?
No! No, there's no reason
to tell Edward.
This is all gonna be over soon.
This is just a tiny setback
trying to spoil our joy,
well we won't let it!
All the wedding planning
is done.
Everything's on schedule.
This is just the universe
telling Abigail
to take a deep breath
and slow down.
Right, Leo?
Right. We should all slow down,
shall we dear?
I'm not not telling my fianc
I'm married, Mom.
We tell each other everything.
Almost everything.
It's him.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna get changed
and go for a walk.
I need to think this through
before I call him back.
You look like you're
gonna faint.
Oh, it's nothing, I just...
What is it?
Oh, I just... I need
to get some air.
Hello, old friend.
A lot of memories here.
You startled me.
I'm sorry.
Why are you doing this, Luke?
I know you think I'm trying
to be difficult, Abby,
but that's not it.
Then what is it?
Something just...
I don't know.
Something just didn't feel right
in the court today.
Look, I know this is
all out of nowhere,
but it's just a clerical error.
It's not some big sign
from the universe.
You sure about that?
Look, Leo bowls with the judge.
If you'll agree to sign
the paper,
we can finish it this weekend.
We don't need to wait
until Monday.
Actually, Abby, they're
on rival bowling teams
so matter of fact,
they're bitter rivals.
Look, Abby, I'm sorry, ok?
I'm sorry about all of this but
Monday's only four days away.
It's not a big deal, is it?
Normally no, but
I'm moving to Paris.
I'm getting married.
I don't have the luxury of time.
Well, you used to be able
to roll with things
a whole lot better
in the old days, huh?
- Yeah, well I grew up.
- Mm.
I roll differently now.
I don't like wasting time.
Wasting time or spending time
with me?
We never planned to spend time
together ever again.
Actually, wasn't that your plan?
What did you mean earlier about
me not knowing everything?
I meant that not everything
is exactly as it seems, Abby.
Oh, please, Luke.
Stop talking in riddles!
It's my fianc, again.
Now I have to go try to explain
all of this to him.
You know we had
our first kiss here?
Remember? Right there.
Of course I remember.
A girl never forgets her
first kiss.
I asked you to marry me
right here.
And I said yes.
And here we are, 20 years later.
Practically strangers,
and still married.
What do you know?
We said we'd always be honest,
so I had to tell you.
I'm so sorry I waited this long.
You left out a whole marriage.
I know...
It lasted for less than a month
when I was 18.
Uh-huh, but you could have
told me.
I mean, I don't know, uh,
"guess what babe, you will not
be my first husband."
I know, Edward.
I guess I was just embarrassed.
I never even think about
him anymore.
Now until today, anyway.
So he was in court?
Your husband.
You see, that sounds strange.
Yes, he was there.
And he wouldn't sign?
No, that's the frustrating part.
This could all be over
if he would have just...
The judge wanted everyone
to be sure, so here I am.
And he's not sure?
But you're sure.
Of course I'm sure!
Of course.
He's just being difficult.
Well, don't worry about it.
I know everything's gonna
work out.
And I miss you.
I miss you too.
Thank you for being
so understanding.
I'm driving home in the morning,
I'll come back Monday for court.
It's too much driving, babe.
Plus, I know how stressed
you get out on the highway.
And you're going through a lot
since you landed the Paris job.
And your mom too.
Maybe if you spend some days
with her
it'll help calm her down.
Just take some time to breathe.
I guess I could use
a few days of downtime
to recharge for the big move.
But I don't want to-
Right, well that's why
you should stay there.
Spend some time with your folks.
I mean, you never know
when you're gonna be back
in your hometown again.
That's why I love you.
Yeah. I love you too.
Good night.
Ok, I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?
There you go, honey.
- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.
You know what Mom,
I am marrying the most
understanding man
on the face of the Earth.
Aw. Well, that's
a wonderful trait.
I think it's one of the most
important qualities
one can have in a partner.
So we're all set then?
Don't worry.
Luke will come to his senses.
Mom, you make me nervous
when you talk about
how reasonable Luke is.
All's gonna be well.
Did you make this?
No, when would I have had time?
I got it at Robin's restaurant.
She's my pretend pastry chef.
Apparently she's still
my real sister-in-law.
There you go, contract signed.
Thank you very much, you two.
Now, onto more
pressing business.
You guys both told me you
both love Oyster White, right?
- We still do.
- Yeah.
It's a warm color.
It says friendly people
live here.
Right. Doesn't it?
But we're not going
with that color.
We've decided to rethink things.
Ok, alright. So any ideas?
We're going to just wait
for a color to appear.
Appear? Yeah. Ok.
We've been streaming
Open Your Thoughts.
Are you familiar
with the program?
No, I don't think so.
It'll transform your life.
Ok. Yeah.
I hope so, I could use it.
But, in the meantime,
once that color appears,
let me know.
- Ok.
- Sure.
- Sounds good.
- Thanks for coming in.
Thanks, Ruthie.
I'll get this.
It's just a few...
Luke! I need you.
Soap Monster's gone
haywire again.
Ok, I'm coming.
Excuse me, you two, my services
are required.
- Sure.
- Of course.
I'll get this, like I said.
- Thank you.
- Great, thanks.
Luke, you're just
making it worse.
Robin, come on.
I'm just trying to diagnose
the issue here.
Mom? We're backing up
out here.
Ok, well can you diagnose
a little bit faster?
We're running out of
clean dishes.
Ok. I'm on it.
Hey, Robin.
Hi. Oh, it's so good
to see you.
It's nice to see you too.
I just met Ruthie.
She looks exactly like you did
in high school.
I thought it was you
for a second.
Well you look amazing.
Oh, well, thank you,
you're very kind.
- You do too.
- Aw, thank you.
Oh hey, Luke is in the kitchen.
I gotta run, but it's really
good to see you.
Nice to see you too.
Oh, dear. You've made quite
the mess back there.
Well I didn't make it.
But I'm gonna fix it.
Hm. You sure about that?
Well, I'm gonna try.
Want me to take a look?
Ok, be my guest.
Out of my way.
Oh, it's time to get serious,
is it?
You sure it's not in there?
It's not in there.
It's your float.
The switch is stuck
and when that happens,
the relay switch won't activate
and this happens.
There you go.
Well, I almost fixed it.
You're just mad because I showed
you up, Mr. Not-So-Fixit.
So where'd you learn to be
so handy anyway?
Oh, well, Leo.
I moved home after...
Anyway, Leo was a mechanic
and he taught me everything
I know about machines.
Which is a lot.
Well, you certainly look good
in soap.
Oh, well you're quite
the sud yourself.
Did I just say that?
Yeah, you kind of did.
I could never "pun" very well.
It's ok.
That could be my office.
Oh, it's Edward.
Hey, babe.
No, I'm not busy.
- Hey!
- Hey!
It's good to see you here.
I couldn't miss the end of
summer festival while I'm here.
It was my absolute favorite
thing when I was growing up.
Yes. I never say no to pie.
- That looks good.
- Here you go.
Oh, this is beautiful pie.
It's good.
- Mmhm.
- Mm.
So, it's a crazy situation
between you and Luke, huh?
Crazy is an understatement.
Well, I guess that makes us
sisters-in-law again.
Yeah, for a few days, anyway.
Is this Ruthie's Status Update,
is that-
Yeah, my daughter
is all about her music.
Such a fun age.
But, uh right now she is over
volunteering at Luke's booth.
Luke has a booth?
Mmhm, yeah.
It's just out past the Wonders
of Cheese booth on the left.
Can't miss it.
No, no, no, that's ok.
I wasn't...
Except, I was just...
How're you doing, Phoebe?
Oh, wow. That looks so good. Beautiful.
Nice job.
How's it going, Travis?
Let's see here, buddy.
Wow! You see, now that's
I actually feel a whole lot
better just seeing trees
in the background there.
Just walking by.
Luke, I had no idea
your paintings
were so beautiful.
Well, you know I had a lot of...
lot of free time in Alaska, so...
You want to help?
- With?
- Yeah.
Come on! Everybody,
this is Abby.
Can you guys say hi?
Hi Abby.
Hi, everybody.
Oh, see Cecilia,
that's so much better.
These strokes, here.
That's really cool.
Is that a cat?
That's a good-looking cat.
Looks almost like he has wings
coming up from the side.
It's like a dragon cat.
I like it.
This is a lot of fun.
It's just like I remember.
Ruthie! I hear your band
is playing at the dance.
We can't wait.
Are you coming?
I wouldn't miss it.
Ruthie! We were looking
all over for you.
Tyler and the guys
are having a party.
You have to come!
Hello Claire, hello Ashley.
Remember, I told you?
Oh, yeah. Hey.
Home by 10:00PM.
Well I am spent.
There's a bubble bath and a
glass of wine calling my name.
- Enjoy.
- Bye.
See ya.
You uh, you have any,
any plans tonight?
Uh, Leo's going out
so I promised Mom I'd have
dinner with her.
Ah. Right. Of course.
Well, I should probably
close up the booth.
Have a nice evening.
Oops! Sorry, bud.
- You ok?
- Yeah, sure. Why?
I don't know.
You're going at those vegetables
awful aggressively.
That's all.
I guess this whole marriage
business has me a little tense.
- I'm off!
- Oh.
Whatever you do, do not lose
to that judge.
Don't worry.
It's in the bowling bag.
Oh, whatever.
- Kisses!
- Goodbye.
Have fun.
- Love you guys.
- Love you.
Love you too.
Why don't you go for a walk?
Go into to town,
get a drink, even.
A bite to eat.
I don't mind.
This was supposed to be
our mother-daughter time.
Yeah, I know.
But we'll have that time
in Paris.
We'll go shopping.
Guess a walk could
do me some good.
What time do you think
you'll be home?
I don't know Mom, I no longer
have a curfew.
You too!
Oh, hi Ian.
How've you been?
My evening is now complete.
My best waitress has returned
to join my worst dishwasher.
Oh. Oh, no, no, no.
I'm not...
He refused to order anything
until you arrived.
Not even water.
The best table in the place.
But of course, you remember.
I guess I can stay a minute.
Luke and Abigail.
I can't believe you are here
in my restaurant again.
Let me make something special
for you, please.
Thank you.
That would be wonderful, Ian.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hello.
So I guess we had the same
idea, huh?
Yeah, I just wanted to see
if it was still here.
Oh, no it's, it's still here.
And open.
Gonna be honest, this is the
first time I've set foot in here
since I got back from Alaska, so...
Until tonight.
Yeah, until tonight.
It feels really strange
to be sitting here.
I mean, I wonder how many
times I waited on this table.
While I was in the kitchen,
laboring away, cleaning dishes.
You did seem to work the same
shift a lot.
I have to confess something.
It wasn't just a coincidence.
You see Ian over there's
a romantic at heart.
So now I know.
Well, you know.
Hey, it worked, right?
I remember being here one time
until after 2:00AM
in the morning,
polishing silverware after one
of your big ideas gone wrong.
Yeah, you're talking
about the time
when I thought it was
a great idea
to soak silverware in bleach
and sparkling clean.
But instead-
It turned everything jet black.
But that was the moment
that I knew.
Knew what?
You were the one.
Why? Because I helped you
out of a mess?
No, Abby.
Because you helped me out of a
mess because you cared about me.
Your favorite.
Oh, no!
Ah! Crisis!
Well, at least they didn't
bring out two.
I'll let you be the judge.
What's he like, Abby?
The guy you're marrying.
- Edward.
- Hm.
He's good and kind.
He's so smart.
He's just a really solid guy.
And he loves me.
We're good together.
So were we.
Don't do this, Luke.
And that would be...
Get your hopes up
that we're gonna be anything
more than friends.
This thing's huge. Ok, um...
That was the best caramel
cookie crunch
I have ever had.
I know, it was amazing.
Ian is some kind of genius.
Mm. It was so good.
Hey, do you remember when
we used to sneak a scoop
when Ian turned his back, remember?
- Sneak!
- Yeah.
- He knew.
- You think?
Those scoops were instead
of an end of summer bonus.
Oh, well.
You might be right.
- Oh.
- Wow.
Remember in high school
when we'd meet here at night?
Start it up when
no one was around.
I do remember that, yeah.
We never got caught either,
did we?
Are you serious?
Come on, after all the ice cream
we just had, you want...?
Ok, you're on. One ride.
- Yes!
- Let's go. Alright.
You good?
- Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!
- Alright.
Here we go.
I can't believe I let you
talk me into this.
I think you're the one
who did all the talking.
Bring back good memories?
I didn't think I'd miss home
as much as I do.
- You alright?
- Yeah, it was fun.
Here, let me, let me help you.
We should go. We don't
want to get caught.
Well, I'm not hurting anything.
I think it's best we leave.
Ok, I mean, ok.
I'll walk you home.
It's, uh, it's ok.
I know the way.
Luke, what did you expect
from all this?
I have no idea.
Are you sure?
Are you sure about Edward?
Yeah, I'm sure.
- Good night.
- Yeah, good night.
Abby, it's late.
Where have you been?
Mom, please.
I'm not 17 anymore.
Well, I know you're not
17 anymore,
but you are still engaged.
You don't need to remind me
of that.
I was just out with Luke.
Mom, come on.
I'm so tired.
Can we please do whatever
this is in the morning?
No. We can't.
Ok, then what do you
want to say to me?
Why are you acting so strangely?
Have you ever kept a secret
for so long that it just starts
to eat away at your conscience?
Just say what you want to say
You're a beautiful woman...
I'm the reason
that Luke left you.
When the acceptance letter came
from Princeton,
I went to him and I told him
that if he didn't leave you
that he would ruin your life.
Blow your big chance.
Abigail! Where are you going?
I can't believe you kept this
from me.
This is big, Mom.
You told Luke to leave me.
How am I supposed to wrap
my head around that?
Luke made that decision
on his own,
I just nudged him
in that direction.
Abby, he was thinking of you.
He did it for you.
Listen, when that acceptance
letter came from Princeton,
I got to the mailbox first.
And I opened it and I read it
and I was just so proud of you,
and then I just sealed it up
and put it back so that
you wouldn't know.
I know it was wrong.
Did Leo know about this
all this time?
No. No. I just told him and
he's as shocked as you are.
No wonder Luke hasn't signed
the decree.
He's still dealing
with what happened.
How could you keep this
from me all these years?
I didn't think you'd ever
forgive me, Abby.
But you have to know,
that I did it for you.
I thought it was what was best
for both of you.
That wasn't your decision
to make!
Well, I know that now.
But everything worked out
for you, didn't it?
I mean, you have a job you love,
a wonderful man you're about
to marry.
The ends justify the means.
I need time to process this.
Please give me that.
Where are you going?
To see my husband.
When did you get
into stargazing?
Oh, I'd say, when I was
in Alaska.
They've got some pretty
incredible night skies there
that the shooting stars
are like fireworks.
I do my best thinking
under the stars, so...
Luke, Mom told me everything.
About how she convinced you
to give up our marriage
so I could go to Princeton.
And how you've been carrying
this secret all those years.
So you finally know.
What I don't know is why.
Why didn't you even talk
to me about it?
Maybe we could have had it all.
Maybe it could have been
you and me heading to Paris.
But it's not, is it, Abby?
It's not.
And it's too late.
Let's just face this
for a second.
If I'd have come to you
and told you
exactly what your mother told me
back then,
you'd have taken that
Princeton letter,
you'd have ripped it in half
because you would have chosen us
and I couldn't allow you to
throw your future away on me.
Because you weren't worth it?
No. I mean, I was different
back then, sure.
I mean I didn't have as much,
I didn't have any
self-confidence, really.
And now?
Abby, you got the life
you wanted.
And deserved.
It's just unfortunate
it's not here with me.
Is that... is that how
you think love works?
That a little challenge arises
and you just cut and run?
Was it hard leaving me?
It was the hardest thing
I've ever done.
I think I've seen enough stars
for one night.
What do I do with
this knowledge?
What now?
It's just up to you, Abby.
I don't know.
But I'm so relieved that
you finally know the truth.
Did you ever think about me?
When you were looking up
at the skies,
did you think about us?
Uh, every single night.
You sure this garden party's
the right thing right now?
I hurt Abby and I want to do
something nice for her
and it's my week to host
the book club
and the bookies are happy
to help me celebrate Abby.
I still think it's a bad idea.
It's just a book club meeting.
That's French-themed with Abby
as the guest of honor
right when she's learning
how to deal
with this huge secret
in her life.
Well, I'm the mother of
the bride and I have the right
to celebrate my soon-to-be
wed daughter if I want.
And besides, the girls
are really looking forward
to seeing her before
the wedding.
You should tell her.
Well then it wouldn't be
a surprise now, would it?
I'm off to the Robin's Nest.
I washed up your old bike
if you want to use it.
Who are you meeting
at the restaurant?
- We're renewing our vows.
- Uh...
I'm joking, Mom.
I'm going for coffee on my bike,
thanks to Leo.
Well what are your plans
for this evening?
I thought I would go to
the dance at the fairgrounds.
Ruthie's band is playing.
Oh, well, we were thinking
of having dinner
all together tonight,
early dinner.
Sure. See ya later.
Love, perfectly bad idea.
Edward, I have so much
to tell you.
We can talk it all out
when I get back.
Can't wait.
Tonight I'm gonna go see
Ruthie's band play.
Will your husband be there?
Edward, stop.
Yeah, I'm just teasing.
So, how's that going anyway?
Well, he still hasn't
signed yet.
I think he's just
being stubborn.
I'm sure he will on Monday.
I need to get coffee.
I'll call you later, ok?
Yep. Just text me
before bedtime.
Alright. Will do.
- Love you, bye.
- Bye.
- Morning, Abby.
- Good morning.
- Coffee?
- Yes, please.
- Oh hey.
- Hi.
Would you like to sit down?
Oh, no, no, I don't want
to disturb your work.
Oh no, you're not doing anything.
No, it's just...
this is nothing.
I'm actually just waiting
for a couple clients is all.
Yeah, they're a little
high maintenance sell,
so I figured I'd caffeine up.
Oh, are they as bad as I was
when we lived in that apartment
over the autobody shop?
Oh, close, close.
No, didn't you make me repaint
the living room
like four times or something?
Well, I mean... It was hard
to get the right tone.
Right. Right.
I like to just think
that you were training me
for how to handle
my future business.
Well then you're welcome.
Thank you.
Oh, there they are.
Oh, I'll move.
No, no, it's fine.
No need to move,
we're not staying.
Luke, we just wanted
to let you know
that while a color
did manifest itself-
We've decided to go
in a new direction.
Oh, ok.
Well, why don't you just
tell me the new color
and we'll take it-
A totally new direction.
Dan Crocker said he could
do the job
for 10-percent less
than your bid.
It's nothing personal,
it's only business.
Right, no, I understand.
Ok, well, thank you
for letting me know...
No, no.
No, no, no.
Not happening.
And you are?
Mr. Walker's attorney.
Did you sign a contract
with my client?
Well, yes, but...
And do you have any idea
how many jobs my client
has turned down because he's
contracted to paint your house?
Well, no, but...
That's ok.
I'll let you know when I get
you under oath in deposition.
- We don't really want that.
- No.
No, that sounds unpleasant.
So, do you have something
you'd like to say to my client?
You can start on Tuesday.
We'll see you then, guys. Thanks.
You didn't have to say that.
We always used to stick up
for each other, remember?
- I do.
- And that felt good.
I bet it did.
They'll be very happy
they stuck with you.
The one thing we now need
to sort out is,
um, my commission
or my attorney's fees.
Yeah. I'll have to make
a note of it.
But the real question here is,
how is Judge Perkins gonna react
when he finds out that
you're posing as an attorney?
Oh, that guy.
Here you go.
On the house in honor of
your upcoming marriage.
Thanks, Robin.
I'm gonna head off.
I'll walk you out.
- Mm.
- Yeah.
Okey-doke. Thank you.
I want to make sure you,
make sure you,
you know, put on your helmet.
- Safety first.
- Safety first.
Everything seems
so much smaller.
Yeah. I agree.
I felt the same way when
I returned from Alaska.
It was like I had a
different perspective.
It's like time stood still.
But it doesn't, does it?
It doesn't.
You know what I remember most
about my life here is... you.
You know, before we were us,
we were friends.
- We were best friends.
- Yeah.
And like today, you always
stood up for me.
Of course.
But I do remember running
against you
for student council president
in 6th grade.
Yes. Yep.
I remember that.
But when I had to pick
a campaign manager
to introduce me
and say nice things,
Mr. Wilkins told me to pick
the student I trusted most,
it was you.
I still remember what you
said when you introduced me.
"I'd trust Abby Foster
with my Star Wars lunch box."
"Even if there was a double
fudge brownie inside it."
Yeah, I did say that.
I did.
Unfortunately, I think
that joke fell flat.
I don't know, I beat you
by five votes.
One of those votes was mine.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You're the best friend
I ever had.
I'm gonna go now.
I have a few things I need
to do and I promised Mom
I'd have an early dinner with
them before the dance tonight.
So, um, will you be there later?
Wouldn't miss it.
- So...
- I am going to go.
Ok. I will see you tonight.
That works.
Backing up.
- Oh, and Abby?
- Yeah?
Don't forget the helmet.
Ah, thank you, Captain Safety.
You are welcome.
Abby, your helmet's
on backwards.
- I don't think so.
- You don't think so?
Feels right.
Looks good either way.
Thank you!
- Ding-ding!
- Ding-ding!
This was so hard to keep secret, right?
Hello everyone.
Now, come over here.
This is the sofa
for the bride of honor.
You sit right here
in the middle.
The bookies wanted to do
something special for you
before you were whisked off
to Paris.
And as you can see,
it is French-themed.
Thank you.
Oh, and where's Leo?
Where is that man?
Oh, Leo! Leo, honey.
Did you check
on the mini croissants?
Oh, I already ate those.
I'm on it, I'm on it, I'm on it!
Go, go! Go, Leo, go!
Oh, that man is too much.
Now, Abby, tell us,
were you surprised?
Sure was.
Oh, we did it!
I knew it!
Let's see what the girls
gave you! Open up.
Sure. Um, I can reach this one.
Let's see.
Oh, a little wine
and cheese in Paris.
- Nice, what's in this one?
- Let's see.
Help. S'il vous plait.
Ulgh. Why didn't you warn me?
Your mother would have banished
me to the couch for a month
if I'd uttered a word.
They made me an honorary bookie.
Welcome to the club.
Ruthie's band is playing
at the dance
and I need a favor.
Cover for ya.
Thank you. Thank you.
Be good.
- I made it.
- Oh. Just in time.
- Hey, about time.
- Traffic.
Poplar traffic?
I need to get a better angle.
- Yeah.
- Ok.
Do you think we would have
made it?
If we stayed together back then?
Well, I may be naive, but...
I always believed in
our forever.
It's never too late
to believe again.
Hi everyone, we are so excited
to be playing for you tonight.
Staring at you through
the candlelight
Your silhouette
The way you look tonight
I never ever ever will forget
My troubles disappear
whenever you are here
It's like a little piece
of heaven
You hold my hand and I can
feel the sadness melt away
The way you touch me takes
me to another time and place
It's supernatural
when you're in control
It's like our love is made
of magic
You make it all worthwhile
When I'm caught in
the middle of a hurricane
You come along
and everything's ok
Here in the darkness
you light up my soul
You make it beautiful
When I'm
lost in the storm out
in the pouring rain
When your arms around me
now I feel no pain
When everything's broken
your love is my home
You make it beautiful
Beautiful, oh
Oh, oh, oh
My heart is beating fast,
I'm feeling like
it could explode
The weight of everything
was crushing me
I'm losing hope
But just one look from you,
Suddenly I'm brand new
It's like nothing else matters
You make it all worthwhile
Edward, hi. I didn't, uh,
know you were coming.
I wanted to surprise you.
Stopped by your house
but there's a garden party
going on, so...
Leo told me you were here.
- You must be Luke?
- Yeah.
Abby's fianc.
I'm... I'm sorry to interrupt.
Oh... No, no.
It's fine, Edward.
Actually I was...
I was just leaving.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Pleasure.
You're a very lucky man.
Thanks for the dance, Abby.
Excuse me.
- Wow, I met the famous Luke.
- Yeah.
Abby... If you have
unfinished business,
you should take care of it.
I will be right back, I promise.
Luke, wait!
No. Abby look, it's fine.
Listen, just, it's fine.
Just go back to your fianc.
Look at him,
he's waiting for you
and to be honest I have
nothing left to say.
Well I might have something
to say to you,
did you ever think about that?
What's the point, Abby?
Our time has passed.
- Luke...
- You know what?
You have nothing to worry
about 'cause I'll go in there,
I'll talk to the judge myself.
So you know, give her
what she wants.
Give her the divorce.
'Cause we both know that's
exactly what you want, right?
Oh, how dare you play
the victim!
You're the one who left me.
I know the reason now,
but still.
I was 18-years-old and I
loved you with all my heart.
You left me without
any explanation.
You have no idea how much
that hurt me. No idea.
Abby, answer me one question.
Do you still have feelings
for me?
Yes or no? Simple answer.
It's ok. You've already chosen.
See you in court on Monday, Abby.
I guess we need to talk.
I bet you wish I hadn't come,
don't ya?
No. No, Edward.
I, uh, I think all this was
just a little unexpected.
Well, I missed you.
Just, let me. Please.
Abby, I... I loved you
since I first met you.
And that love has um, only
grown the more I knew you.
You're this amazing, smart,
funny, incredible woman.
You are the woman I want to
marry and spend my life with.
But none of that matters
if I don't have 100 percent
of you.
Ninety-nine won't do.
I deserve all of you.
Your whole heart.
- You're such a good man.
- I know.
But you're right.
You deserve so much more
than I can give you.
I'm so sorry.
I'll miss you, Abby.
Abby is never going to forgive
me for what I did.
You know that isn't true.
Then why did she just leave
a party
I held for her in her honor?
This isn't about you.
Well, it serves me right for
interfering all those years ago
and assuming I knew best.
I think that we all need to
learn to stay out of the way
and let love run its course.
Well, do you forgive me?
For keeping it from you
all these years.
The thing is, anger fades fast
but love stays forever.
Thank you, honey.
Thank you.
I'm sorry I ran out on you.
Oh, um, I'm just gonna
head outside
and check to see if I left
anything on the table. Ok?
We all make mistakes
and when we do,
forgiveness is what keeps
family, family, ok?
Abigail, I never should have
surprised you
with that silly party.
No, Mom, it was sweet of you
and I'm sorry I ran out
on the bookies.
Well, the croissants
were delicious.
They were very flaky,
it was really...
Edward and I broke up.
Luke and I were happy, Mom.
I know we were young but
we loved each other so much.
We had plans.
I thought Luke didn't love me.
I thought he didn't want me.
Do you have any idea
what that does to a person?
Do you have any idea
what it did to me?
I don't know what to say.
I have been keeping this secret
for 20 years.
And I tried to justify it.
I tried to convince myself
that what I was doing
was best for you.
But I never really believed it.
Can you ever forgive me, Abby?
I forgive you.
What's done is done,
and I know you had
your heart set on Paris
and the wedding
and all of that...
What I have my heart set on
is my daughter being happy.
Because you are my everything
and I would never want you
to marry someone
that you didn't love.
So, Luke. You still love him,
don't you?
I think I'll always love Luke.
But tonight he made it
pretty clear
that things between us
are done for good.
I guess we can't go back
in time,
but we'll always have
our memories.
What's next?
I go to court on Monday,
finalize the divorce
then I'll go home and finish
getting ready for France.
Everything's the same,
just no wedding, no Edward.
I'm exhausted.
I'm gonna go to bed.
Good night, sweetheart.
Good night.
Ok, Leo, you can come out now.
- Good night, kiddo.
- Good night.
So, you heard.
Abby and Edward...
I did. Are you ok?
I'm gonna be.
You know, Abby will need
some help unpacking
and getting settled.
And I've always wanted to see
the Eiffel Tower.
- Je t'aime.
- Right back at ya.
You're my girl.
- I love you, Abby.
- I love you too.
There you go.
It's beautiful.
It's my new favorite.
Yeah. I think it turned out
just right.
Hey, aren't you supposed
to be in court?
Oh no, no. That's over.
I swung by the judge's office
this morning
and signed the papers.
We are officially divorced.
You ok?
Yeah, I'm fine, Robin.
Come on, she's getting
married anyway.
It's not a big deal.
I mean, look.
No point in hanging onto
something that's never gonna be.
May I have a moment?
Yeah. Yeah.
It's... it's an apology 20 years
in the making and what I did...
Convincing you to leave Abby
and to give away your marriage,
it was simply wrong.
I had no right to interfere and,
and I hurt two wonderful people
because I was selfish
and because I believed
that I alone knew what was best.
Well, I... I didn't know.
Why are you here, Emily?
Huh? Why now?
I mean come on, it seems like
you got everything
you ever wanted, right?
I mean, your daughter's marrying
the better man,
moving to Paris...
Sounds like you got your dream.
Luke, the thing is my dream
doesn't matter.
Abby's dream is all that counts.
And that dream includes you.
Emily, your daughter's
marrying Edward.
Obviously you have not heard.
The wedding is off.
And Abby is at the courthouse,
right now expecting to see you.
Thank you.
Breathe, breathe.
You're fine.
Maybe they're delayed.
Probably not.
Oh, ok. Here we go.
I'm gonna take her spot...
You got it!
Oh, here we go.
Be right back!
Oh dear.
Good morning, looks like
everyone's present
so let's get started.
- Excuse me, Your Honor.
- Ms. Foster?
I'm here for the hearing,
marriage of Walker?
I guess you didn't get
the message.
That matter is closed.
Mr. Walker signed the divorce
decree this morning.
Oh, um, we were supposed to
talk first, have a hearing.
I want to be heard, Your Honor.
Ms. Foster, there's no longer
a need for you to be heard.
You got what you asked for.
You signed the document,
he signed the document.
You're divorced.
For real?
Hold on, this is what you said
you wanted and now it's done.
Now, if you don't mind,
Ms. Foster,
I have a very busy schedule.
Sorry, Your Honor.
Sorry I'm late.
Luke, what's going on?
I... I changed my mind,
Your Honor.
I'd like to take my...
my signature back.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Luke, there are no take-backs.
Your divorce is final,
so if you both will please
vacate the courtroom.
It's ok, it's not gonna
take more than a minute,
you guys are ok, right?
Everything's... Love your suit,
by the way.
You do realize this is a court
of law, don't you?
You don't make the rules here,
I do.
I understand, Your Honor, it is.
I just, it'll just take us
a minute.
That's all.
Fine. You each have 30 seconds
to say your piece.
Who'd like to go first?
I will, if the court
doesn't mind.
No, the court can't wait.
Go ahead.
Remind me to retire.
I know the last time we met
it seemed like my mind
was pretty made up
when I said I wanted to end
my marriage to Mr. Walker.
But, uh, but things changed.
Over the last few days
I realized
that what I thought was true
about Mr. Walker, about...
about Luke, isn't in fact true
at all.
I found out that the real reason
he left me is
because he loved me.
So, I would just like to say...
Time's up.
You, you have 30 seconds.
Well I'm not gonna need
that much time, Your Honor.
Do you love me? For real?
- I do.
- Good.
Because I love you too.
Always have, always will.
If we make those changes
we should be good to go.
Thank you very much.
Merci beaucoup.
Je te vois dans la matine.
Au revoir.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Champagne?
- Uh-huh.
What is the occasion?
- Oh!
- I uh...
I sold another painting today.
Sweetie! That's wonderful.
I'm so proud of you.
Thank you. So, I was thinking
a toast.
To our past and to our future.
Abby, marry me.
Oui! Oui!
Yes, yes, yes, absolument yes.
Please, do the honors.
Of course.
I'll love you forever.
And forever more.