Martial Law (1990) Movie Script

- Captain, I'm insured, can't
you just blast them out?
- You've got four
employees hostage in there.
Sykes here.
You got our food?
- Nobody'll get hurt?
nobody's gonna get hurt
as long as I do what
I'm telling you to do.
You'll let the girl go?
Yeah we'll let her go
when we get our helicopter.
Let's go, pal.
- We'll take care of this
and then we'll talk about the other stuff.
- No, I'm gonna talk, you understand?
- Yeah, sure.
- Do what I say.
- Well, what do they want?
- Two pizza large specials.
- What do we do, sir?
- Get the goddamn pizzas.
What are you, new?
- Yeah.
- They're gonna, they're gonna kill us.
This was your fucked up idea.
There's a million cops out there.
- Shut up!
- Most of this stuff is shit.
Whoever owns this place
is a bigger crook than us.
- Oh fucking great.
Don't do the bank, no.
- Both of ya shut up, I demand decorum.
First we're gonna have a little snack,
and then we get a chopper
with a million inside.
You, you, stand up, get up, get up.
Come on lady, let's go.
She goes out when the food comes in.
- Sir, I've got SWAT team on the horn,
what do you want to do?
- Tell 'em forget it.
These guys are amateurs.
Pizza's here.
I'm gonna send it in with an officer.
- Naw, naw, naw, you don't send in no cop,
you send in the kid.
- Okay.
You can go inside.
It's alright, go on.
- Check him out.
- He's clean.
Put 'em
down and beat it kid.
- I got 'em here in 30 minutes.
- Oh ho, oh ho, holy, this
guy's a fucking beaut.
So you wanna be paid, huh?
Well, go ahead, pay him Lance.
- Nice job, Thompson.
Another one for Martial Law.
- Jesus Christ.
- What, you're insured.
- I get a call from my wife, she wants me
to pick up some stuff at the
pharmacy on the way home.
- Yeah?
- Well I look at these pills,
they're birth control pills.
- That's cool.
- I had a vasectomy 12 years ago.
- Oh.
This is Eagle one niner, pursuit of
a possible GTA heading west on Fourth.
Jesus, Frank.
- Sit down!
- I missed him.
He made it across the bridge.
Oh man.
- Yeah, right.
You seen Thompson?
- Yeah?
- We just booked some kid says
he won't talk to anybody but you.
So Thompson, you know this kid?
- He's my little brother.
What the hell is going on?
- I told ya, I was hitchhiking.
A guy picks me up and next thing I know
we're doing 100 with the cops after us.
- And you don't know this guy?
- Then why the hell did you run?
- Who's gonna believe me?
You don't.
- What do you expect, Michael?
You crash mom's car, you got
two DUIs, you can't keep a job.
Jesus Christ.
Mom calls me up every
other night in tears.
- Okay, so I ain't Mr. Perfect
like my brother the super cop.
That don't make me a car thief.
- Yeah well the DA will decide that.
- Can ya help?
- What?
- Can ya help?
- Yeah, yeah I can help.
You're released to my custody for now.
- Honest, I swear, I was just hitchhiking.
- Come on, I'll take you home.
Nice job, Eric.
Alright, everybody on your feet.
Straight up.
Alright pair off.
Where's Billie?
- Pulled another double tonight.
- Michael, the phone call is for you.
- Okay.
- I wanted to ask you, oh nevermind.
- Yeah?
4:30, okay.
- What I need to know, honey, is if you
want chicken or hamburger for dinner?
- I gotta go, Ma.
- Michael, you haven't even eaten.
- Well, I see you got away as well, eh?
- Yeah, no thanks to him.
Get in, Mr. Rhodes wants to see ya.
- Hey I wasn't even driving.
- I said get in.
- A special client wanted the car.
- It wasn't my fault.
- Zeke told me you'd be more
help than his last partner.
He didn't make the grade.
Who was driving?
- Michael.
- What?
- Motherfucker ain't worth shit.
He's worse than Faster Brown.
Next time I'll get someone
who knows what they're doing.
- Well somebody knew what
he was doing yesterday.
Didn't he, Michael?
- What?
- You'll find I'm really
not a hard person to please.
I just don't like people stealing from me.
How long have you been
working for me, Michael?
- Six uh seven weeks.
- I let you work for me because
I liked what I saw in the dojo.
You learn fast.
But don't back down, you're tough.
Zeke here thought he was tough too.
Does he look tough to you now, Michael?
There's always somebody tougher than you.
I take care of my friends, Michael.
And my enemies.
- Piece of shit.
- Michael, I knew who was driving.
- That was nice.
- I have to go to work.
- How long are you gonna keep doing this?
Why do you keep pulling double shifts?
- I have to pay rent.
But if we move in together
and share expenses,
I might not have to work so much.
- You're late, aren't you?
- Can you hand me that over there please?
- Hey Billie.
- Yeah?
- Be careful, huh?
- Ezekiel Williams, better known as Zeke.
- His prints were all over the Porsche.
- Is that the guy that picked you up?
- Yeah, that's him.
You guys got any idea who did this?
- We got an APB out on a Faster
Brown, a real loony toon.
Word is he and Zeke had a
falling out a couple weeks ago.
Something about Zeke cutting
him out of some action.
- Alright thanks guys.
Let's go, Michael.
- Are they gonna drop the charges?
- I'm working on it.
- Look, you told me if I cooperate.
- It's not up to Willis and Jones.
- Well it's their case, isn't it?
- Only the DA can drop
the charges, Michael.
Do you need a lift somewhere?
- No.
- I catch you hitchhiking
again, I'm gonna kick your butt.
- America has been good
to you, old friend.
- The American dream.
So, should we get down to business?
- When do I see the merchandise?
You may count it if you wish.
- Wu.
- After all these years, you
do not trust our friendship.
- I trust our friendship,
but this is business.
- Mr. Rhodes.
Mr. Rhodes, I gotta talk to you.
- Hey.
I told ya, stay away from him, alright?
- I got some news for Mr. Rhodes, not you.
- Well I've got some
news for you, stay away
from here or I'm gonna
kick your bleedin' head in.
- Who is this lunatic?
- This is Faster Brown, a former
student here at the studio.
- You got three seconds, Faster.
- I got some information.
- In exchange for what?
- I work for you.
- There are no second
chances here, homeboy.
You didn't meet my standards.
- I don't meet your standards
and you got Michael working for you?
I'm better than him and Zeke.
- Well suppose you're right,
you're still forgetting one thing.
- And what's that?
- I don't like you and I don't trust you.
Don't let me see you around here again.
- You don't trust me?
You see that's why I'm here?
Our friend Zeke has
been stealing from you.
- Zeke has been dealt with.
See you around here again,
I'm gonna teach you how
to use these things.
Sorry about that.
Piss off.
- Mercedes
Porsche 944 Cabriolet.
Porsche Carrera Two.
Ferrari Mondial.
The Tomaso Pantera.
Lola 212.
- Ah ha.
My clients will be pleased.
Where's my turbo?
- We've had a slight setback, my friend.
But you'll have your turbo.
- Jimmy.
- Tonight.
- Sean, sorry to cut into your time off
but Captain Sykes said we should call.
- No problem, what do we got?
- We got Faster Brown inside.
- You sure?
- Yeah we're sure he's in there.
And be careful, this guy's so crazy
I can hear the voices in his head.
- The place is packed,
Thompson, it'd be a bloodbath
if we went in there and
tried to take him with guns.
- Alright.
- Hi.
- Hey I thought martial law looked alone.
- If I got a girl with me,
I don't look like a cop.
I'm looking all jacked
And little girls always tell me
We all want to know your name
Well I've heard it once
She has your heart,
she'll drive you insane
Any problems?
- Nothing.
Went real slick just like you said, man.
I just peeled out.
- Fine.
Wash it and park it upstairs.
And it's all been left to you
Want to leave it all, it's not enough
To feel like it'll get us through
You gotta leather,
lace, and diamond rings
And those all expensive jewels
Well get over here and turn around
- Welcome to the Rubber Club.
Arriba arriba, englace
englace, arriba, arriba
Well hold me over and tie
me down, just one more to go
I got mine and you're
about to believe it
One that's about to show me up
Sauza, oh yeah, when it moves down
Sauza, come on, I want
some, right down my
Sauza, ah come on
- What the hell is this?
- From an admirer.
- Yeah, who?
- Oh shit.
Why you!
- Perfect.
- How about a little wager?
- I'm listening.
- I think I need to teach
King Kong here a lesson.
- The price of this lesson?
- I lose, you get the cars for free.
He loses, you pay double.
- I think maybe America has
spoiled you, old friend.
Your judgment is impaired.
Perhaps it is you who
will learn the lesson.
- The winner is the man
that still has a pulse.
You heard me.
- It is your funeral, old friend.
- Go on, Governor, kick his head in.
You know what I mean?
- I'll expect my money
tomorrow morning at the latest.
- Hey mom, I'm sorry it's late.
Listen have you heard from Michael?
Okay you have him call me right
when he comes in, alright?
Yeah, I love you too.
- You know I was uh.
- You were saying?
- I was.
- Yeah.
Michael, where the hell you been?
I've been trying to get in touch with you.
'Cause I want to talk to you.
No, no, in person.
Look, I'll meet you at Milly's
Hot Dog Stands in an hour.
Just be there, okay?
- What's that all about?
Just go back to sleep.
- You're always so
cheerful in the morning.
- It's just something I have to deal with.
- You know, one of these days
you're gonna have to start trusting me.
- I trust you.
- I know you trust me.
But sometimes you're just
so guarded, you know.
You just have to talk to me.
- That was my brother, Michael.
I'm gonna meet him for breakfast.
- Now was that so hard?
It's called communicating.
- He got picked up on a GTA.
He says he was hitchhiking but.
- You don't believe him?
- Well I gotta believe him.
He's my kid brother.
- Oh.
- It's just after Pop got killed,
he's just been like a
stranger to me, you know?
- Well maybe it's just a phase.
- Maybe.
Am I gonna see you tonight?
- Not tonight.
I'm pulling another double.
- You be careful, huh?
- Mm hmm
- I'm glad you could make it.
- Yeah sorry.
What's the big deal?
- The big deal is I got you a
meeting with the DA's office.
- What good is that gonna do me?
- Look, he's agreed to hear you out.
If he buys it, he might
dismiss the charges.
- But what if he doesn't, what then?
- You better think twice
about hitchhiking, pal.
- I thought you could take care
of things, I'm your brother.
Or don't cops have brothers?
- Hey what the hell is your problem?
You are constantly screwing up.
- I don't need this.
- Michael, Michael.
Listen, I'm your brother,
I'm not Santa Claus.
The DA, he owes me one.
You tell him what you told me,
you cooperate and you watch your mouth.
- When?
- Tomorrow, 10 o'clock.
- This tip, solid?
- Does Jim Baker drop the soap?
We're on.
Okay, let's go.
- Where the hell do
you think you're going?
- Those jerks will be halfway
to Mexico by the time backup gets here.
- Don't be crazy.
- Mr. Rhodes, a mutual friend said
that you might be able to help us.
- Well Colonel, I'm not
sure it's worth my while.
- Mr. Rhodes, our
movement's as important as.
- Colonel Cramer, please,
I'm not interested
in your politics, just your money.
I can get you what you need
for a million dollars up front,
and a million on delivery.
- That's ridiculous.
- Supply and demand, Colonel.
Supply and demand.
Of course you're always
free to seek other sources.
- Fuck this guy, Colonel, let's walk.
- No.
When can we take delivery?
- Tomorrow night.
Wu Han will make the arrangements.
- We'll see ourselves out.
- What do you think, Governor?
- Well I think the colonel is
an arrogant right wing idealist.
And I think his associate is
going to try something stupid.
- I think he's a wanker.
Hello, love.
- See ya later.
Much later.
- Catch of the day.
Blake here flushed him out of
a men's room last night at the park.
Any idea what this tattoo means?
- Tong Lin, black assassins in Hong Kong.
- You spent a couple years over there.
Any idea what this guy
would be doing in LA?
- You can bet he wasn't
going to Disneyland.
- You got a fix on what killed him?
- From the bruises and contusions
on his upper torso and
face, I'd say he was
either hit by a truck
or beaten in some way.
- The cuts and bruises didn't kill him.
He showed no sign of disease.
Near as I can tell,
his heart just stopped.
Heart attack?
- Doubtful.
Look at this.
A blow in this area can
stop a man's heart cold.
Dim mark.
- Dim mark.
It started as an ancient Chinese
healing technique used by the monks.
Then over the years it developed
into a series of deadly blows.
It leaves a mark just like that.
- This is getting screwier by the minute.
You're telling me this guy came over here
from Hong Kong to be
killed by monks from China?
- Not exactly.
- Thompson, I want you to take this case.
- I found the stiff.
- You're vice.
- But there could be a connection.
- If there is a killer
out there that knows
this Dim Sung or whatever he calls it,
Thompson's obviously the
most qualified to find out.
I also want you to have a partner on this.
If this involves some kind
of squad of assassins,
you're gonna need it.
Somebody you can count on.
- Someone like Blake.
- What?
- Look, I couldn't have asked for
a better backup on Faster Brown.
If I'm gonna have a partner,
I want it to be her.
- Yeah, yeah, okay, what the hell.
Oh I'm gonna be late for
that city council meeting.
You're both out of uniform on this,
and don't keep me in the dark.
- Aren't we full of surprises.
- You're late.
- What do you want, a note from my mother?
You got our weapons?
- You got the money?
Show it to me.
- I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
- The money.
- Okay, okay.
- I figured you'd probably
pull something like this.
- No bullshit, tell your
driver to get out of the truck.
- Michael.
- Open it.
It's getting to where you
can't trust anybody these days.
- You made a terrible mistake, Hans.
- What's first?
- Chinatown.
- Tong Lin are fanatics about loyalty.
If they work for someone,
they're fully prepared to
die, even if it means suicide.
Like our good friend Ling here.
Drop the knife, Ling.
- Come and take it from me, cop.
- Come on, it's been a long day.
- What do you want, Thompson?
- I want to know what your
playmates were doing in town.
- I don't know what
you're talking about, man.
- Okay.
- I'm an American now, man,
I don't have nothing to do with Tong Lin.
- You're lying.
- Hey man, you lived
in Hong Kong, Thompson.
You know what'll happen if I talk to you.
- Child's play compared to what
I'll do to you if you don't talk, huh.
- Okay.
His name was Jimmy Kong.
- Who does he work for?
- All I know is he worked for some dude
that sells cars in Hong Kong, man.
That's it.
- Stolen cars?
- I need a name.
- Hey man, I don't know, man, I swear.
- But you'll find out for us.
- Yes.
- By tomorrow morning?
- You got it.
- Get the hell out of here.
- Thompson.
- Drop your weapons.
What are you gonna do now
without your gun, tough guy?
- Billie, can I talk to you for a second?
What's going on?
- He's not talking.
You think he works for
the same guy as our stiff?
- Could be.
But he's not gonna tell us.
- So what next?
- Willis and Jones are
gonna tail Faster Brown.
They gotta be shipping the cars.
Tell you what, you go
down to the harbor master,
check out all the shipping
invoices for the past week,
see if there's anything
that's gone out to Hong Kong.
- You got it.
- See you back here at two.
- Okay.
- Your alibi checks out.
- No shit, Sherlock.
I told you motherfuckers
I didn't kill nobody.
- Well, how'd it go?
- He said he'd review it.
- Good, good.
- What's good about it?
- If he said he'll review
it, he probably believes you.
Just wants to make you sweat a little.
- How about you, you
still think I'm lying?
- I believe ya, Mike.
Why don't you let me help you get a job?
Jesus, you
don't let up, do ya?
- I'm just concerned about ya.
- That's a laugh, since when?
You never gave a damn about me.
- Oh bullshit, I'm your brother.
- Oh and all the sudden that's
supposed to mean something?
Don't make me puke.
- Hey, man.
- Go ahead, Martial Law, hit me.
- Man, I don't want it to be like this.
We were tight when we were
kids, what the hell happened?
- I don't know, things change, we grew up.
You're you and I'm me, there's
nothing we can do about it.
- Can't we give it a shot?
Hang on a second, come here.
I want you to get mom a birthday present.
- No.
- Just look at it like a loan,
I know you're in between jobs.
- I don't need it.
- Come on, what are brothers for?
It's alright, huh, it's okay.
- Okay, thanks.
Oh hi, honey, in here.
- How are you feeling?
I feel fine, thank you.
- I can't stay long, I just
brought something for Saturday.
- Now listen, I don't want
a fuss made about Saturday.
- I guess we'll have to cancel
the fireworks then, huh?
- What fireworks, oh Sean.
Now I mean it, I don't want a fuss.
- The whole day.
They have been out there
the whole fucking day!
Relax, baby.
- Relax?
What are you fucking deaf now, huh?
Don't you hear what I've been telling you?
I've got something as
good as gold here, okay?
And Rhodes, he's gonna kiss my ass
when I tell him what I saw.
Two birds, one stone,
and money in the bank.
I amaze myself.
I just gotta figure out
a way to get out of here.
- You boys lost?
- Beat it.
- You know you stick
out like a sore thumb.
What's the matter, didn't they
give you lights and a siren?
- Take a hike, eh?
- You know you boys need to advertise.
This is a rough neighborhood.
If somebody gets in trouble,
how are we gonna know to look for you?
Goddamn it, leave me alone.
Help, help, help!
You son of a bitch, let go of me.
Knock it off!
Help, help, you son of a bitch,
I know my fucking rights!
What the hell are you doing?
Let go.
Let go of me you son of a bitch!
- I'll see you on Saturday.
- Okay, honey.
- I'm really worried about Michael.
- What's the problem?
- I was cleaning in
his room the other day,
I found almost $1000.
- What?
- Where would he get that kind of money.
- I don't know.
Listen, you have him call
me when he gets in, okay?
I'll get to the bottom of it.
- Now, no fighting though.
No fighting.
- You always say that, okay, okay.
I just want to find out what's going on.
- Okay honey.
- Love you.
You don't learn, do ya?
- Michael, my man, what's happening?
Long time no see, huh.
- Sorry to interrupt you, Governor.
He was hanging around again in the back.
- That's 'cause I got something
for you this time, man.
You are, you are gonna be so glad
that old Faster told you this.
You'd pay plenty for this, and I know it.
I mean hey, I almost took
the rap for your boy Zeke.
But I didn't say nothing, I swear.
- Get him outta here.
- Hey wait come on man, wait
a minute, wait, come on,
seriously I got some
information, I'm telling you.
- Michael.
Are you working for the police?
- What?
- Faster says he saw you down
at City Hall taking money from a cop.
He thought I should pay
him for telling me that.
I said I'd thought I'd oughta check out
just how much that kind
of information's worth.
- Hey come on man, he ain't just gonna
tell you he's working for the cops.
- He's full of shit.
- Hey, I know what I saw, alright?
Ah come on, he's not
gonna admit to nothing.
- Yeah you're probably right, Faster.
But there's one way to find out.
We're going for a little ride.
- Shoot him or tell me.
- What?
- Shoot me?
Fucking for what?
- Shut up.
Michael, are you an informer?
- No.
Well he says you are.
- He's lying.
- Well then he deserves to
die, doesn't he Michael?
Do it for me, Michael.
Demonstrate your allegiance to me.
- Look I don't.
- Look, you say he's lying, I believe you.
Prove it to me, kill him.
Michael, are you working for the cops?
- No.
- Show me.
Come on.
- Run.
Run or die, it's your choice.
- My father used to bring me and Michael
out here when we were kids
to watch the airplanes.
What do we got?
- Captain Sykes thought you
should have a look at this.
Dim mark?
- The bruises look similar.
Any other injuries?
- No.
Oil stains on the clothes,
scuff marks in the dirt over here.
We figure they were killed on
the airstrip and dragged over.
And a little something else.
- Bolivia?
What've you got?
- Hans Ruppin is wanted
by the FBI for smuggling.
- Stolen cars?
- Uh uh, weapons.
Transporting them to Nicaragua.
- Two stiffs from opposite
sides of the world
and every lead is a dead end.
- Now listen.
The guard takes a 15 minute
break at 9:45 every night.
He goes inside and watches TV.
Don't take any longer than 10 minutes
to get in and out of there.
- Yeah, Thompson.
Uh yes, I want to
report a crime in progress.
- Call 911.
- Oh man I can't do that,
you see 'cause I want you.
I think you just might take
a personal interest in this.
- Who is this?
Let's just say a
citizen doing my civic duty.
- What have you got?
- There's a 487 in progress.
I believe that's what you guys
call grand theft auto, right?
- Where?
- Ogner, Porsche.
It's your time, Mikey.
The fucker tell me to run.
- So, what's this all about?
- The caller seemed to think
I'd take a personal interest in this.
- Freeze!
Put your hands behind your head.
- Fuck you.
You wanna shoot me?
Go ahead, come on, go ahead, shoot me.
Dumb fucking cop.
- Spread your legs.
What the hell is wrong with you, Michael?
Now get the fuck out of my sight.
What happened?
- I lost him.
- Do you always carry $1000 with you?
I'm not getting anywhere with this creep.
You wanna try?
- No I got a class I gotta teach.
So what's bothering you?
- The suspect didn't get away.
The car thief.
- Then what happened?
- It was Michael.
- Michael?
That's a tough call.
- See no matter what I do,
he just keeps screwing up.
I should've hauled him in.
He was so young when Pop died.
He needed me and I, I ran off to Hong Kong
to prove to everybody how tough I was.
All I got to show for it is
a few trophies and Michael.
- I need some money.
- What do I look like, an ATM?
- Why don't you just quit fucking around?
- For a minute there I
thought I was seeing a ghost.
- Sunset division.
Hold on.
Sounds like your brother, line one.
- Thompson.
It's Thompson here.
- You should learn to lock the doors.
You know what I mean?
Why didn't
you kill him, Michael?
- I don't want.
- Because this son of a bitch
didn't have the balls to kill me.
Now the cop, his brother.
Some hotshot they call, what is it Mikey?
Marshall Law.
- Yeah, he was calling
him when I found him.
- Brother, huh?
And why were we calling
our dear brother, Michael?
- Yeah Mikey, like why were we calling?
- Shut up.
- We have an interesting
problem here, Michael.
I thought I could trust you.
Oh well.
Faster, you're always talking
about how you can beat him.
Well here's your chance to prove it.
You kill him, I'll let you live.
- No problem.
- Kill him!
Kill him!
He would've killed you, kill him!
You know what the trouble
with you is, Michael?
You lack the instinct.
Good fighter but you don't have
the stomach to follow through.
Pity, because you're really good.
You've come a long way.
What about your brother,
is he better than you?
- He's better than you.
I never even told him I was taking karate.
I was hoping someday I
could be better than him.
I always wanted to be better
at something without his help.
- That's very touching, Michael.
One less cop in the family.
Let's eat.
- Oh well this is just beautiful.
Thank you so much.
And thank you, Billie.
I'm sure you picked it out.
- Well, I helped a bit.
- I thought so.
He never did have much
taste in his own clothes.
- Thanks, Ma.
- Let alone picking out
things for his old mom.
Oh, there's Michael.
- I'll get it, Ma.
- No, no, no, no, I'll get it.
I told you we should've waited for him.
- Mrs. Thompson.
- Sean.
- It's Michael, isn't it?
- I'm sorry, he's dead.
- Oh my god.
- Colonel Cramer.
- Pity about our
misunderstanding at the airstrip.
- Don't you mean it's a
pity I'm not as stupid
as you and your colleagues thought I was?
- Ruppin was an idiot,
he was acting alone.
- Mm hmm.
- We need those weapons, Mr. Rhodes.
- The price has gone up a million dollars.
- That's absurd, you're not about to.
- Take it or leave it.
- You'll get another
million upon delivery.
- Three days.
- Where?
- I'll be in touch with you, Colonel.
Oh Colonel, why don't you try
some of this?
It's delicious.
- How can you eat that?
- Don't do this to yourself.
- This is it.
They recruited Michael through
the school and Zeke too.
- Yeah, but why kill them?
- Kicks, covering their tracks, who knows?
- So this is the link?
- Yep.
- Okay class, free sparring
and light contact time.
You and you come out,
the rest of you sit down.
- Any problems?
- No problems.
- Let's get it on with.
Open it.
- What's the matter, don't you trust me?
- Good class.
What can I do for you?
- I was wondering if you had
any teaching positions open?
- Who wants to know?
- I'm Sean Taylor.
- Hey listen, we got all
the instructors we need.
Besides you don't look
like much to me anyway.
Take a hike, alright?
- Thanks.
- Yo, hey, wait a minute.
What'd you say your name was?
How's it going, Thompson?
- It's going.
- Any leads?
- Not really.
- I know it's personal,
but I'm counting on you
to do the right thing.
Don't disappoint me, huh.
- That dojo's the first
solid lead we've got.
I'm not gonna give it to the captain.
- I'm saying a thing.
- So you're the one
with the iron fists, eh?
You seem to have impressed Booker.
But I'm not so easily impressed.
- Are you the owner?
- You wish to be an instructor here.
- I need work.
- Where have you studied?
- You want references, I got references.
- Very good.
- Come on, me now.
I've been trying to get
in touch with you all day.
Didn't you get any of my messages?
- I told ya, I'm gonna handle this my way.
Chan, Thompson here.
Yeah I know.
Listen I got a favor to ask you.
If you have anything on your files there
on a Dalton Rhodes, send it to me, okay?
- Seems we had a visitor here last night.
- Hi.
- I got something.
- Murder, extortion, illegal tournaments.
This says that he's believed
to have killed over 50 men.
- Yeah.
So, you ready to go to work?
- Any time.
We don't need any instructors.
We uh, let's just say diversified.
- I don't follow.
- Provide certain services.
You know what I mean?
Listen uh, I did a little time.
- We just need some muscle
for a couple of hours.
We'll pay you $1000 cash.
- What's the catch?
- Do you want the job?
I could use the money.
- Be at the school
tonight at nine o'clock.
- Okay.
- Wear a wire.
- No, they'll find it.
- I just can't stand by and let you.
- Look, no matter what happens,
you tell Captain Sykes
I kept you in the dark.
- Let me at least tail you.
- No.
- I can't believe this.
- I'm sorry.
Wanna tell me where we're going?
- Don't worry about it.
- Well at least you wanna
tell me what the job is?
- I told you, we just need some muscle.
$1000 just like we agreed.
- Come on, move it.
- Hello, Governor.
- Is this him?
- Yep.
- Dalton Rhodes.
I've heard a lot about you.
Five minutes and we're out of here.
- Where are we going?
- I have a plane to catch.
- Come on, Sean, where are you?
- Geez, can you believe this?
Some guy cooked and ate his whole family.
Even the dog.
- Everybody in the truck.
You ride with me.
- So many weapons.
You'd think we weren't on the same side.
- Are we?
Why don't you help him out with the crate.
- What is this?
- My little two for none sale.
Wu Han, check out the plane.
Okay boys, pay day.
For a job well done gentlemen.
- Full tank, Governor.
We'll be in South America inside 10 hours.
- Always eliminate the middle
man, that's my motto, cop.
Get in the hanger.
Now's when we find out if your
little brother was right about you.
He seemed to think you were pretty tough.
Wu, shoot him.
- Come on darling, you
want some more, come on.