Maruf (2001) Movie Script

Here you go.
Open your hand, you too.
Dig it blockhead?
Take it.
Father, I'm going to my friends.
- Good's greeting.
- God's greetings.
Come master.
Sit this way.
It is fine here.
The feast is feast anywhere.
Enjoy your meals.
Thank you.
Come on gentlemen.
Don't sit like that.
Come on gentlemen.
Come on master Vahap.
Not a dance without you.
Just be calm.
The feast is feast any where.
So pretty you are?
Where did you get that dress?
And all made up too!
You look just like the moon.
And you look like a man.
What's that around your neck?
My uncle give it to me.
Let your hair free.
No moon without a hale.
Father! Father!
I brought some foot.
At home. Feet your mother.
Come to the wedding before
the meal's over. Where you been?
I was distracted a bit father.
Roll her over again before you come.
I didn't hear you coming.
Early bird gets the worm.
- Take it easy auntie.
- Thank you.
- Where the hell were you?
- Here I am.
- Wheel?
- Wheel what?
Something's wrong.
You know uncle.
The military service.
They rub snob to the frost bite.
Do you know why?
A man is more of a man.
Difficulty must be your joy.
A voiding pain and hardness is not
fit for your age or your kind.
My trouble is not going
my trouble is not being able to go.
One should not object to his turn.
Snow melts in summer and
it's not summer before snow melts.
Sequence is harmony.
And harmony is order.
One must not disrupt order.
I have to go anyway.
I'm all most counted as a fugitive.
Father asks who will look after mother.
I would say the wife but no one
marries before the service is done.
It's not good to have children
while in the army.
Your mother gave birth to you white
your father was in the army.
One must go first, and then marry.
- Everything is set.
- Do you have one?
- Have what?
- A girl.
Sure there might be but this there?
- Come on now boy! Is there?
- Yeah.
- Who is it?
- Hard thing.
- Hard thing?
- Hard thing.
You know if you don't have a donkey,
you're treated like a donkey here.
One climbs over mountains,
crosses seas, flies to the skies for love.
It's worth it.
Fate of course.
Once upon a time the ways used
to come here from the deserts to loot.
They used to slaughter and plunder.
They Tayy chief one days sees
a beauty at the Zinhar vines.
He asks her.
What's your name?
She says didn't you dream of my name?
The chief says: No, I'm a man
woman have dreams.
I wave my sword and fight.
You must dream of my name,
says the girl. I cannot say my name.
Then whom do you belong
to asks the chief.
Ask your nobles, say the girl.
I belong to the noble,
only they know my name.
The chief loughs and asks.
Where are you from then, riddle girl?
Did your mind know, your horse see?
I'm from very for away.
- What kind of a girl is this?
- Just listen.
The chief gets angry and says be have
woman! Spare your self from my rage!
I am the chief of the Tayy,
Cafer bin sheriff.
I'll cat your wisecrack but
mute and feet it to the dogs.
She says. Wow that's the limit
to your curiosity?
Wow! Making fun of the big chief!
The chief is now raging mad, but
she's so beautiful, he's helpless.
The chief is now raging mad, but
she's so beautiful, he's helpless.
So he tums his horse
and rides back to his tent.
He gets to his tent.
Goes straight to bed.
Without talking eating or drinking.
As soon as he falls asleep
the dreamless chief has a dream.
And he dreams of the girl
of course he asks her name.
My name is Nurbanu say the girl.
OK, so it his. But who do you belong
to he asks, where are you from?
He's all confused and preoccupied.
One day he encounters starving believer.
The believer asks for mercy the chief
feeds him and makes him comfortable.
Just when he's a bout to leave,
the believer says to the chief.
Master, your not scared of hardship,
you wish what you wish.
What you thing hard jet's easy,
what you thing easy gets hard.
For example, why don't you search
what you look for where you saw it.
- Surely so.
- Surely so.
The wise is wise when he can
make use of his wisdom.
Ask the villagers there.
My be some one knows her.
The chief says, it can't be so easy,
but he doubts himself.
So he gets to Zinhar and
asks the first villager he sees.
Is there a beautiful girl manned
Nurbanu around here?
If there is, whom does she belong to?
The villager says...
I don't know her name but
a girls so beautiful beyond belief.
Come from very for a way
together with her family.
They stayed a summer, and then went
back to their home country.
They called them selves Seybani.
The chief gets back to his tent gathers
the wise and says it's done!
We found her!
Nurbanu of the Seybani.
Now we have to go and find her.
The wise say alright but how?
The Seybanis are a noble family
but they are nomads.
Only goods knows where to,
they traveled, where they stay.
I, admit, the chief says,
goods knows, but...
The feet my horse and the secrets
of my mind will take me to her.
So he mounts on his horse
and gets to the road.
Days add up to months,
months add up to years.
Just when he's desperate
the Tayy chief finds the Seybanis.
He looks to see Nurbanu
herding the sheep.
He nears her and says, I found you.
You Nurbanu, from the Seybanis,
well you be mine?
She says, you dreamt of me.
You know that you would find me
you are so determined. What can I say?
You must be the father of my children.
You must be the lion of my bed.
- My girl is called Iffet of the Yakup's.
- Hand thing.
It's not enough to take the girl
you must own what you take.
She must be like you, she must be you.
Women are men's everything.
She delivers his children.
She gets in his bed,
she washes you clean.
You must take good care of
her even better, than your self.
You must claim her.
Even it the earth rocks open,
even if the skies come tumbling down.
Even if the seas dry up to earth.
Even if the earth melt to glass,
you must not leave her.
She is you from now on.
You can sleep with your back to her,
she's your family line now.
- Does she know about it?
- Sure she does.
How should I know?
Now Maruf, you found a pretty one.
- Pretty and good.
- What does the girl say.
What can she say? Well join the army,
come back and ask for her.
They will give her or not
it will or not happen.
I don't know too complicated but
no at her way. I will get her.
Of course you will get her
there is no other way.
Does she say anything
about your mother?
What can she say?
She's my mother.
She will care for her as I do.
Right, right but she's young.
So I am old?
Your mother is ailing.
That's right.
But she's better now.
And you want to go, is that it?
That is it.
Go then.
May luck be by your side.
Come Maruf.
Here's soup for your mother.
My greetings. Check the said
if it is not enough, add some.
Intention makes your way.
Intention shapes your fate.
My good lock be on your side.
Go fast, come back soon.
Fucking bastard!
Who did you take after?
You are unfaithful. Merciless!
So you will get to the military, eh?
You showed it!
So you will run a way!
Brother! Brother!
Your mother is like this
just because of you.
She left this world just to have you,
just to give birth to you.
Everyone goes to the army
of course he will too.
Do you want the gendarmerie
to come and take him?
I will get a way from this life
we will escape.
Let me just go to the army and
come back. Well settle to your house.
As if he'll change my mind by beating me.
How will you go without
your fathers consent?
Nothing to do with that,
the guy at the office asked me.
He asked if I wanted to go.
I said yes That's all.
He even said, good luck.
Don't move.
I will move.
You take some too.
Come on!
All Yezidis gathered
at the tomb of Sheikh Adi.
They begged the sun and the devil
for the Hamdonis to be destroyed.
They put many spell and
burned lots of incense.
Eventually, day turned into
night and night into day.
Sheep begin chasing wolves,
partridges chasing eagles.
Congregations began chasing sheikhs.
Just then the Saint Devil descended
on the tomb of the skeikh.
All the Yezidis began prostrating.
And Saint Devil spoke
and said, oh Yezidis!
All you, speak and listen.
In the name of my power over darkness
and evil, speak and listen!
The sheikh of the Yezidis said,
not looking at the eyes of the devil:
You already know but there's this
enemy of our, we have blood feud.
They denounce our faith and your
might and even propagate this idea.
The Hamdonis.
Let their clan disappear.
Their queen mother is like a fertile
land waiting to bear children.
Children to wipe us out and
increase their descendants.
You know it better to diminish
the family, leave her without children.
Saint Devil says, you don't understand me,
evil, or darkness or the night.
Evil is not to obstruct creation
it is to bestow evil upon the created:
The creator of me, of you, of the Hamdonis,
and of night and day...
God who prevails skies and earth.
I can't stop what he creates.
But I can give darkness and evil to
them so that your evil prevails here.
That is all I can do.
Do you understand my pretty girl?
Not even the devil can
prevent who will be born.
As long as snakes and turtles have
their young, children will be born.
If only God wishes so.
He had Jesus be born.
He created a child without a father.
If only he wishes.
Speak! Wake up!
Wake up! Get up!
My heart aches!
Run this way! Run!
Get up!
Ministry Of Health Midyat Health Office.
Whose file is this?
- Mine.
- Please come in.
- What did they say?
- They will cut it.
Let's begin doctor.
- Can I go Mr. Attorney, I can't stand.
- Get out.
Can I get out too?
Let's being doctor.
Done. You can take him now.
You couldn't look after a man!
What will I do with you?
What can I do, his death was meant for.
Meant for? You couldn't look after him!
I will sell you and the fields.
I swear on my mother I will.
I will sell you to Kerim.
Remember him? Runny nose Kerim.
Not on your own, not alone sister.
The sun always rises.
That is the way.
But you should first wake up alone.
Then you will get to the village
square alone. No way.
We have not heard of or seen
something like this before.
Without a garden, there's no guard.
Without a guard, there is no garden.
Lots must be desiring you.
They are in fact.
You are a vulture I won't sell
my field or get to another bed.
To hell with your tradition.
This fireplace is mine.
Many mornings I fed it with wood.
Cleaned it's ashes.
It's smoke burned my eyes, and
I cried for years. I suffered in that field.
I will not put out that fireplace
or have that field sold.
Get out! Get out! Never again
see my face or my dead body.
Get out!
Are you troubled Maruf?
I will never go fishing again.
Even one strand of you hair is so soft.
- Do you know the story of Temurtas?
- Who's Temurtas?
- Not now, once upon a time.
- Oh.
Temurtas was once upon a time,
the ruler of Mardin.
That is, he ruled all around here.
He was like all of you, a Muslim
he built bridges and mosques here.
And a church down there, for us.
- He built a church?
- He paid for it and you worked for it.
He hand prayers from the Koran recited.
They say that if Muslims pray there,
it is not counted as a sin.
Shall we marry there Maruf?
And maybe if we have a child
we will name him Temurtas.
God knows.
Maybe we'll have one right away.
They're here.
They are coming.
They're here.
They are coming.
If they are coming then its my turn.
- Niyazi!
- Hey Maruf.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
I heard about Vahap.
My condolences.
He was a good man.
Like you.
Thank you.
He was a good man.
Like you.
It is good that hi did not
have any children.
He didn't leave anyone
alone after himself.
He lets him wife.
- Aunt!
- Hey?
- My condolences Aunt Can.
- Thank you.
- Welcome. - Thank you.
- Glad it's over.
These lands are knows
for the jinji of the monks.
There ore those who come out at night
and those who came out today.
It is not enough to pray.
One must believe.
One must know that who ever comes,
it comes from Him.
If you respect the comer
due to the sender...
They do nothing and recede.
You rapist! What were you doing
there last night?
- Near the house of my sister in law?
- It was not me!
I was home all night!
Don't him me! I swear.
Your honor is mine! Don't!
Please don't hit me! I respect you!
What were you doing near
my sister in law's house?
Do you want me to kill you?
I'll kill you?
I will see nobody near that house?
I swear on my mother.
I will kill anyone!
You will marry this man.
I already got paid.
Come outside.
Sit now.
I don't want to see my family
dishonored or seem helfless to anyone.
My brother is dead.
And we all know about your mother.
You are my only descendent.
I seek for your well-being.
Your mother...
- Your mother told me something last night.
- What?
- How did she?
- She speaks to me sometimes.
She's cross with you.
She won't speak to you, but to me.
She had a dream.
She dreamt of your uncle.
On a horse. Like the Tayy chiefs.
Eyes burning like fire. He says,
take care of my wife.
You don't claim her.
They taint my honer.
You don't understand what your dead.
Uncle knows, and your mother dreams.
Don't your dammed eyes see,
your fucking ears hear?
He says. I want my wife next to my nephew.
Not next to some stranger.
That's all I'll say. Claim your blood
your land, your food.
Get yourself together.
Be a man. That's all.
Your mother told me all this.
The sheikh would agree. The chief
would agree. Your mother is right.
You know well.
That's what should be done.
I came to you.
I recognise you.
I turn my face to you nephew.
Don't shame me in front of everyone,
the neighbours, the wicked.
Claim Cankiz.
She's my life on earth.
Whoever touches her,
dies on both world.
Who the hell are you?
Who are you?
- Who's this?
- It's girl. Open up.
- Come in mother.
- What's that with the gun and so on?
It's hard mother.
Very difficult.
Maybe it's easier on the mountain.
But here, with this arow,
it's very hard to be on your own.
It's as difficult on the mountain.
You get bears, the snow,
robbers, waives...
Being alone, being on your
own suits God only, my girl.
Look at your sister in law.
She's both old and paralyzed.
But God doesn't let her be alone.
She has her husband and her son.
She would die otherwise.
When one is young...
Pretty, no children, hard working
like you are, you are not left alone.
What should I do?
But he's young!
That's better. He would both stand
by you, and would do as you say.
I think I'm going crazy Iffet.
My mother's half dead, and
my uncle is completely dead.
The dead and the half-dead take my mind.
Mother spoke to father.
And recently my uncle made
himself seen to me. He spoke.
He said, claim your aunt,
don't leave her.
My mother also dreamt of him,
and he told her the some thing.
What do you mean?
Tell it as it is.
The problem is big and my small
mind is not enough to solve it.
One must care for what's entrusted.
You're a woman, too.
You should understand.
Your aunt is a woman too.
Ask about my situation to her.
Ask her what I should do.
She just lost her man.
I never had one.
On white sheets, under wool linen.
With God's will, the village's consent
her father's wish she became a woman.
One day, one single day is enough for
someone decent, do you understand?
One day on white sheets.
And I... I'm on hays tacks just
because I love you, like a whore...
The moon must be brighter,
the sun must be wanner.
But the moon's duller than it
must be and the sun is colder.
And all we want is warm,
loving bed in our house.
At nights, when there's no moon...
You suddenly see a falling star.
You don't see a trail,
not even a light. Why?
Why does it suddenly disappear?
What's wrong if they
stayed there in harmony?
Why is the celestial order
suddenly disrupted?
If the stars are falling in the sky,
is it our fates falling on earth?
What is for the good?
What is for the evil?
What is the good to do
for the village, for everyone?
Isn't my mother good for my father?
I am for you, my uncle for Cankiz?
What is it then, that keeps us sport?
If submitting to everything is right,
and objection is a sin...
Should one submit
to all that's happening?
Should one cast spells,
vow offers, shout at the sun?
One must do what must be done.
Mother must return to father,
uncle to can, and Maruf to his lover.
Otherwise, other ways, the earth
burns and water melts.
Come, you are mine.
You are with me.
Don't touch me, don't touch.
I'm scared, go away.
An ignorant, disrespectful sinner.
A wicked man knooks at Vahap's door,
before his bed even cools down.
Looks in through his window.
You used to say you loved
Vahap the most in this village.
You used to say
you trusted him the most.
Cankiz, you don't sacrifice
the whole herd for one milkless cow.
Don't blame the innocent for a cruelty.
What's the village's fault?
I don't know.
He's one amongst you.
One who hears me now.
One of bad stook. One from the village.
One time, I was mute. Broke my window,
threw a stone. But it's enough!
Don't blame the whole village
for one of bad stock girl.
This fine bums you must.
However you are our daughter-in-law.
Vahap's wife, is our soul. That man will
account for this to the village.
Listen to me!
Listen to me well,
because I will not repeat.
This door is my uncle Vahap's door.
No one will enter through this door
while me and my father are alive.
While our chicken,
our sheep don't mix up...
While we sit at the some table,
we harvest together...
While the church bells and
our prayers don't mix up...
While the earth, the sky and
even the dogs know their places...
Don't make me mad.
Don't ever to my uncle's wife!
Don't ever!
Or you'll spill blood on the village.
Now go home, to your consciences!
Go now!
God created woman after us, but...
Our ancestors say he gave them
more wisdom it is true.
And I'm surprised at you.
You kept your house,
you repelled runny nose Kerim.
And got a husband younger
than your husband. Well done.
- May it increase.
- Well spoken hodja.
- Have a good night.
- Have a good night.
Have a good night.
What you did, at God's will and
our ancestor's teachings, is right.
Have a good night.
Come in.
Look at me.
Raise your head and look at me.
Now look at that bed.
This is my and your uncle's bed.
Do you know how to sleep in this bed?
Your uncle is still your uncle in his grave.
And me in this bed...
I will still remain as
your aunt in your arms.
Otherwise, not you or anyone else can
came in this bed unless I'm dead.
You'll sleep there and me here.
I'm not a virgin.
Tell anyone any story you like.
In the name of the sun, the wind and
the rain's rage, generosity of water.
Well done in the name of the harmony
of the creator and the created.
Well done, because you were
no scared of the seen...
...the heard and the lived.
Well done because you claimed
the pledge, you were not scared.
As long as the desert has sand
the mountain has snow and the river runs.
You must guard your pledge.
You must guard your aunt
from the lust of yourself and others.
- Where to?
- The field.
I sold the field. You anyway have fine
in your fireplace and in your bed.
He has relatives.
And they have their fields.
You must work in and
harvest that field from now an.
This is the right thing to do
and what must be done.
That field is rocky and...
The boy has no jobs.
He still to go to the army.
I'm leaving. What's done is done.
And don't put out that fine again.
- What are you doing here?
- I saw my uncle again.
The dead don't leave me alone.
The dead don't leave me alone.
Like all the dead under
the ground find me.
All is against me, and
nothing is by my side.
Stop talking like a sheep.
Speak clearly, or they will shake you up.
If you have trouble with your dead,
go to your mosque to pray.
Let me tell you about the living,
and let's see if it will clear your mind.
My bleeding stopped, it's been months.
My stomach is like talking.
If your uncle comes, tell him his
nephew will have a father less child.
All the villages, all passers-by,
all the family, all ho hear about it...
Will call the mother of Maruf's
child a whore! Do you understand?
Tell your dead, that
you will have a new living.
Tell your uncle, tell your father
that you have claimed your pledge.
Who will claim
the pledge of your pleasure?
Tell me what he will say?
Tell me!
I was looking for you.
Take this.
Cankiz is picking rocks at the field.
Give her to eat.
It's not much but it will keep her full.
Father. Did mother talk to you?
Did she say anything for me?
She said let him join the army,
get a job, be wise.
Come on, come on!
Come on girl, come on!
I did not touch her uncle.
I did not have anyone touch her.
I come from where everything is
known and even the mind is read.
And I know.
This is not a flood.
Not on earthquake or a lightning.
This is written for you, to you.
Don't forget.
You can't run from anything.
You can't leave Cankiz.
Those eyes are not for crying only.
That mount is not for begging only.
You have to find a way.
I don't know what to do.
Nobody tells anything.
My father was angry at me about
the army, now he wants me to go.
Iffet is pregnant, Cankiz picks rocks
from the field like a madwoman.
Mother still hates me,
utters nothing in my favor.
I don't know what to do.
You go now, all of you go away!
Go away!
God damn you.
God damn you all!
What's wrong Maruf?
I know, you never
object to your elders.
I know you always earned
respect thanks to your patience.
You carry the burden
of me and your parents.
Tell me now.
Tell me, Vahap's nephew, tell me.
I know about your problems, but...
What is it that drives you mad like this?
One mustn't confess all.
Not all problems have immediate solutions.
But neither my body nor
my soul can bear this anyone.
I loved someone like you.
A woman like you.
She loved me back.
We climbed the mountains
rode down to meadows.
Now my future...
My burned, my future child is her blood.
- Why didn't you say stop to anyone,
to me, to your father? - My uncle...
Don't mess with your uncle.
Don't sin the dead for the living.
Messing with my uncle?
He's all messy in this!
He's always facing me.
Looking in my eyes.
Sometimes in darkness,
sometime in daylight.
He sometimes comes after the good,
sometimes after the bad.
He talks with me, aunt,
he never leaves me alone.
You are nervous.
You are imagining things.
You can't make something disappear
by making something appear.
I am imaging real things
like the sun and the day!
Do you know me as someone to submit
to his uncle, his father or his mother?
Do you think I will grow old in a womans
bed whom I will never touch?
Do you know me as mindless and
heartless with my father's fright?
He comes from below the ground
and above the sky.
And he left you to me to
protect from everyone's lust.
I love the created for the creator.
I submit to the creator for the love
of my Iffet, and my unborn child.
Your husband, my uncle comes from him.
My hands are tied, my eyes are blind,
my tongue is tied.
- Did you tell Iffet what you saw?
- Even while he was alive.
- You should have asked for her grant.
- Her grant is your protection.
- Is this Iffet, Yakup's daughter?
- Yesterday she was his daughter.
Today she's mine.
God knows who she will
belong to tomorrow.
Do you embroider coyness or coquetry?
Don't look at me like that.
No need for you to be target.
I am still your elder sister.
Like when we washed laundry together...
Like when you sat
next to me at the funeral...
Your man is still yours.
Even if 40 days, 40 nights,
Maruf is banned for me.
Even if we get to many,
even if we get into the same bed...
He is your husband
in this world and theother.
And Vahap's nephew
and Abdul's son for me.
Look deeper.
You will see yourself.
If you look deeper, you will
see me in your own eyes.
My pretty moon faced girl.
I don't know what to do.
Is it real or a dream?
Last night the full moon
crept up my skirt.
It wanted to leave out from
my neck, but I held my neck.
Wanted to leave from my arms.
I held my arms. So it tried...
It tried to leave from my skirt,
out where it came from.
I laid down, it couldn't leave.
What it this sister?
You know, Yezidis live
down at that village.
They believe that the sun is God
and the moon is your beloved.
You will have a child.
Rejoice that it is your lover's.
Protect it just like in your dream.
Hold it.
Take it, fly it, seize it.
The sun will protect you.
Believe in me, don't be scared.
The sun lights up everything.
Maruf did not go.
He will not go without taking you.
Don't go where they glass.
Go where they don't guess.
No money. And not only my father,
Iffet's family will come after me too.
I'll give the gold Vahap had given me.
Why should Abdul come after you?
You don't flee, you are talking her.
The tradition will stop him.
I will tell Yakup about the tradition.
He will prefer a Muslim taking
his daughter than to a fatherless child.
Just you choose the right way.
Take this. Come on now.
Go with health.
Don't be so sad.
Cheer up! Rejoice!
Go be one, max up with your equal.
Be a father to your unborn, a husband
to Iffet and a man to yourself.
If your direction is right...
Mountains get to rivers get
to plains and be your road.
Come on, go not only with health,
but with luck also.
Show your ID!
Is this child's play?
You postpone, then decide to
do it and then you run away!
You will do it son! This is
the military service. Get me his files.
Mother. Didn't the creator create us
male and female in the beginning?
And didn't he say, you will
leave your parents for this?
You will stick to your wife
and will be one body.
Didn't he order, what God unites,
man cannot separate?
If this is the final bed...
If the good people watch the moon
and sun peacefully from here...
Then why do we suffer here on earth?
If this is the test, what is
the reward mother? Tell me.
Soldier stop!
Watchman march forward!
At ease! Attention!
- I deliver my watch with no incidents!
- I take my watch with no incidents!
March to your places!
The creator of not only the believers
but of non-believers too.
In the name of the knowing,
seeing and feeling...
The known, the seen and the felt,
I came to you, Maruf, my nephew.
You achieved what you were
asked to do, with our consent.
But your ignorance is not diminished
and your vision is incomplete.
And your sentiments are
caught in your heart.
Tell me, what do you know?
Tell me so that my ignorance is
enlightened. What is the whole thing?
Open my eyes that the vision is complete.
Let my know ledge and my complete
vision direct my sentiments to you.
You fed and cored for
your mother ever since.
You washed her, you loved her.
Tell me what you know, nephew.
Why doesn't your mother speak or move?
Why doesn't she hear?
What happened to me?
How is Cankiz doing now?
You know what I know.
Tell me what I don't know.
The creator said to the created...
Not only to us humans but to animals,
rocks and trees as well:
Beware of your power. Every time
you are aware, you will fell my power.
And he said: I created the known
in 7 shapes to show my power.
Maruf, blindness in not only in the eyes.
There are 7 forms of blindness.
Ambition, greed, pride and
grudge also make one go blind.
Your father, my brother Abdul was
blind of this ambition, his pride.
He was jealous of your mother
from me, his own brother.
He did not see what was obvious,
but he saw the devil in this heart.
And he thought that you were not
his son, but mine.
He beat your mother for years.
Tried to make her tell the non-existent.
Tried to see the unseen. And your poor
mother was suddenly motionless.
You father would not be able to
ask her what he couldn't ask me.
His grudge sharpened him.
And then he cut my life one day.
He killed you...
He hated me for years...
Because he thought, I was your son.
He crippled my mother and killed you.
Not all fruits are sweet when ripe.
Some have maggots in them.
The demon in my brother dries
him up, makes his rot.
He wants to do to me
what he thinks I did to him.
He thinks he can survive this
nightmare if he sleeps with Cankiz.
He thinks he will rest in peace in
his grave if he has a child from Cankiz.
But you and Cankiz can't have children!
If Cankiz is sterile, then they can't
possibly have any children.
If you are sterile,
you definitely are not my father.
The blindness of his heart stopped his mind.
He is now a soldier of darkness,
the healing stick of the devil.
He first got you married
with Cankiz to possess her.
Then he got you away and had Cankiz.
He separated you and
you lover and made you marry.
He sent you to the army.
He is now in his son Maruf's
and his brother Vahap's bed.
Committing adultery with his brother's
and his son's wedded wife.
With all the wight of
all evil and all curses...
He is destroying the good,
the pure and the beautiful.
You are lying.
You get in my mind and
make me serve you.
You are not good or nice.
You are the prince of darkness,
the devil himself from down there!
You are the one who patted me from
my lover, you wadded me to Cankiz.
If I hadn't seen you, would
I leave the mother of my child?
Would I walk into this hell?
Why am I the judge of the quarrel
between two brothers in two worlds?
Why don't you show your face to
him to get him back to his senses?
What sin did I commit to deserve
these misfortunes that follow me?
Listen to me well.
The pharaoh called Moses a liar,
Semunds called Salih a liar.
And he said: We have never destroyed
a nation without warnings.
We have never been unjust
in order to give advices.
The demon is seen to my brother,
I am seen to you.
Search for yourself when you see me.
Do you want proof to your
father's malice? Take a good look.
Look deeper.
Look who comes.
Look here.
The unborn dead.
You were present to give life.
I was present to take life.
Take it, love your child.
The village was wrong to me.
And I knew no other place.
I hung myself where I gave
myself to you, in the stable.
- Get on the car.
- Yes sir.
You don't know about suffering.
You don't know about cruelty.
You only know about the living dead.
I'm dying while alive.
You are nothing.
You are null.
I was a son to you.
I recognised you as my elder.
You have been anything but a son.
You are mad!
You will pay for this cruelty.
The real devil, you father...
I cleansed him off his sins.
And I had. Your mother.
Listen to her own disloyalty.
And I tel you and Vahap, I had
his property screaming right here.
You can't even thing.
My uncle and Cankiz had no children.
If my uncle is sterile, I'm not his son.
If Cankiz is sterile, than I am
your only descendant, none else.
Every man is slave to his own earning.
Account well be given to him not you.
My account clear, you is not.
What if you caused, an unborn child.
To be father less?
You know it all.
You saw it all.
You couldn't say anything,
do anything and the pain vas over.
All your pain is gone.
What is clean?
What is being cleaned?
If our graves will be side by side.
If he same insect will eat our,
corpses, what can't we solve?
What is death?
What is after-death? Come uncle...
Come mother, my mother's spirit.
Say a word to your son.
Tell him what will become of him
There is no body.
Did they ever exist?
Or were they always there?
Will the fires of hell scorch my body?
Let it burn then!
There is no other way.
Either this fire will not offecct me...
And I will burn the evil with myself.
Or I will get used to fires of hell.
Oh help me God.
Either cleanse me of my sins...
Or let me save my family's honor
who grew up on these lands.