Mary (2005) Movie Script

Woman, why are you weeping?
They've taken away my Lord,
I don't know
where they've laid him.
Why do you search
for the living among the dead?
Do not hold on to me,
for I have not yet
ascended to the Father.
But go to my brothers and tell them
I am ascending to my Father,
and to your Father, and to my God,
and to your God.
Hold on. Hold on right here.
I'll be right back.
Marie! Have you seen Marie?
Jesus Christ.
Come on, let's go, we're gonna
miss the plane, let's go, come on.
-Where are you going?
-We're going back to New York,
-what are you kiddin' me?
-I'm not, I'm not going.
What are you talking about you're
not going. Come on. C'mon Marie,
you are crazy like a fox.
We're gonna miss the plane.
We've got 15 minutes
to get to the plane.
-Which plane?
-Look Marie,
do you want me to get down on my
hands and knees and beg you? Please,
-just get into the car and let's go.
-I'm not ready. I can't go.
-I can't. I can't go. I'm not going.
-Listen... Marie,
it's over, it's over.
It's over. Alright? It's over.
We're going home.
We're gonna go cut the film now.
-I don't want to go.
-Where are you going?
I'm going to Jerusalem.
C'mon! Get in the car!
Alright. Fine.
You fucking go to Jerusalem. Great.
Crazy bitch. C'mon, let's go.
Look, you have two answers:
The point of view of Romans,
He was a dangerous revolutionary,
so they wrote on the cross
-"Jews is the King of the Jews".
-Which means a rebellious,
-which means a revolutionary.
the point of view of Jews,
they acclaimed him
-as something...
-A teacher, as a Rabi.
-Teacher, Rabi.
-Even more.
-More than a Rabi.
-Even more.
-Yeah. Messiah.
Perhaps a Messiah.
One of the Messiahs of the time...
So if he started, if... if... if...
there was a disruption
by Jesus coming in to town,
starting these disruptions, then
the Jewish community who had
to protect the Jewish community,
would have had to deal with that
in some way. Thousands of people
could have been killed because
of this man, standing there and
insighting, possibly a writer.
Now, this is hard
because I'm trying to...
-I'm searching a side of your...
-It's hard, it's difficult.
At the time of Jesus, we are sure
that a lot of persons
suspected of rebellious actions,
were crucified by Romans.
It is nothing extraordinary.
The problem is,
who could have interest
to kill him?
That is the problem.
And I don't see where
and for what
the Jews could have interest
to kill Him
while He was considered
a chieftain of the people,
a rebellious chieftain,
and perhaps
one who wanted to become
the King of the Jews, perhaps.
How can we imagine
that Jews could have interest
to kill a person
just because He wanted
to teach them something?
Of course it became
such a complicated issue,
we're going to have
to explore it completely.
We'd like to thank our guest,
Amos Luzzatto.
Please join us again at the
same time tomorrow evening for
"Jesus, the real story".
This is Theodore Younger
saying... good-night.
And we're cut.
Thank you.
Mr. Luzzatto, that was... that was
fantastic, that was really...
Gretchen called. The screening's
at BAM tomorrow at two.
-I really want to get that guy.
-He would do a lot for the show.
-I'll tell you right now,
-don't worry. That's a done deal.
-See you.
The father and son
were reportedly returning
from a trip to purchase a new car,
when they found themselves
caught in crossfire...
I'm sorry I'm late.
-Hey, what did you... do in there?
-Oh I painted that room.
-Do you like it?
-Is it ok for you to do that?
Oh I mean I painted a room,
I didn't swim the English Channel.
Were they happy?
Are they ever really happy?
I thought it was really good.
-It was good, right?
-It was fantastic.
You were really... amazing.
I'm really proud of you.
Thank you.
Everything ok with
little Raphael... or Luke?
Or Samuel.
-We're doing great.
-Samuel Younger.
That's nice.
What... what's... what's wrong,
baby? What's wrong?
I couldn't help it, if I could've got
home earlier I would have. You know?
I'm sorry.
-You know I'm here for you, right?
-Well, it doesn't seem like that.
I mean, we used to always talk
and now we don't talk anymore.
Oh, it's just this f...
It's just pressure all on me,
you know,
between Brenda and
the Network, it's just like...
I don't know if I'm coming
or if I'm going.
Yeah, but I'm here too.
I know.
You know what?
The show is going to be over
Friday, and then all this insanity
is going to be over with,
thank God,
and it'll just be me,
and it'll be you
and little Samuel.
How you doin'?
Tony Childress
and this is my... my picture
"This is my blood".
I know I'm not supposed to,
you know, come down and
talk to you before a screening
with the... with the press, but
you know, that's me,
hey, what can I say?
At the drive-in theatre that my
father managed, you know, people...
people would come
to see movies and
there was two kinds of movies
that people really loved,
"tits and ass" movies
and they liked to see
horror movies.
I can understand as a young man
why people would want to come and
see "tits and ass" movies because,
you know, tits and ass.
But horror movies kinda baffled me.
why would people wanna
come and see a horror movie,
why would people wanna come and
see a horror movie and be terrified?
Why would they want go and see
"The Exorcist" and... and...
and live with those kind of horrible,
frightening images
that they kind of stay
in your mind for weeks,
months and years? That movie
messed up a lot of people's lives.
And I started thinking that...
that maybe that's why people
go to see the movies
because they wanna be...
They want to be terrified
about something horrific,
something horrible because
it's an opportunity to believe
that there's something else.
That there... that there's
some promise of...
of... of a life after this life.
That there...
there's some promise, that...
that... that when we're dead
that if there's something
that's evil, some kind of
then there must be something good.
So, I hope you enjoy
this religious experience.
But why did you play Jesus?
Why did I play Jesus?
Because I'm a good actor and
I couldn't find anyone else
better than me to play the part.
Watch the movie and
have... have a good time.
Alright. Roll the movie.
How are we to go
among the unbelievers?
To announce the
Gospel of the Kingdom
of the Son of Man.
They didn't spare His life,
eh, Peter?
Why they should spare ours?
Do not remain in sorrow and doubt.
For His grace will guide you
and comfort you.
Instead let us praise His greatness
for He has prepared us for this.
He is calling upon us
to become fully human.
We all know that
the Teacher loved you
differently from other women.
Tell us whatever
you remember about words
that He told you,
that we did not hear.
I will now speak to you about
which you haven't heard.
I had a vision of the Teacher
and I said to Him,
"Lord, I see you now in this vision"
and then He said to me,
"You are blessed,
for the sight of Me
does not disturb you.
There where is the noose
lies the treasure."
And then I said to Him,
"Lord, when someone meets You
in a moment of vision,
is it through the soul
that they see You or is it
through the spirit?"
And He said to me,
"It is neither through the soul
nor the spirit,
but the noose
which sees the vision"
Tell me,
what do you think
about these things?
As for me, I do not believe
that the Teacher, our Teacher
speak like this.
He wouldn't have speak like this.
-That's what I think.
-How is it possible
that the Teacher talk
in this manner,
with a woman about secrets
that we do not know?
Must we change our customs
and listen to this woman?
Did he really choose her
and prefer her to us?
My brother Peter,
what can you be thinking?
Do you believe that I would...?
This is my own imagination?
That I invented this vision?
Or do you believe that
I would lie about our Teacher?
you have always been hot tempered,
and now we see
you repudiating a woman
just as our adversaries do.
If the Teacher held her worthy,
who are you
to reject her?
Don't stand there staring,
I mean look at it, it's red on red,
you can't read it, you're a smart
lady, you get paid a lot of money.
Call somebody, get it fixed.
-Well done.
-Thanks very much.
I appreciate you coming.
Thank you very much.
-Very kind of you.
-Excuse me, do you have a moment?
-Don't worry.
-Hi, you did a great job.
A great job. Let me
introduce you to my friend Ted.
-Hi Ted.
-Nice to meet you. Congratulations.
-Think they really liked the movie.
-Yeah, no. It's... it's fascinating.
Marie Palesi, I mean.
How did you get her to do all that?
It was a lot of work, let me
tell you, she's not an easy actress.
-You must feel great, huh?!
-I'll feel better once I'm outa here.
I'm not worried about
the picketing on Friday.
-Do you want a lift to the city?
yeah, can I meet you outside?
Let me answer a few questions.
-You must have heard of...
-I'll meet you right out front.
I'm not worried about a damn thing,
and you know what?
I think all the protestors
ought to come in the theatre
and watch the movie and make
their minds up, instead of making
judgements about something they
don't know anything about. Thank you.
-Yes, that's quite a film.
-Yeah, thanks.
-It's a good screening.
-Yeah, before I forget,
let me get you my... my card.
you know what that means, right?
God's gift.
God's gift.
I could use one of those.
Always good to have
God on your side.
I like your show, it's good.
Get the opportunity to present
both sides of an argument.
And it's getting good ratings.
Good for you.
-You follow my ratings? Nice.
I really appreciate it.
I appreciate you... you liking it.
-It means a lot to me.
-You're the man.
It's just television but...
Don't knock television.
Television is where it's at.
My agent's pitching me for a couple
of shows right now, as we speak.
You know what? I would love
to have you on the show.
We are going to be doing "Jesus from
the Hollywood perspective" showing
art and some film clips.
"Jesus from the Hollywood
perspective", that's funny.
C'mmon, c'mmon, what?
Is it possible or what?
I mean obviously I would show
your film in the best possible way.
I would hope so.
Tony, it would really... be great
for me if you could be on the show.
Alright, let's cut to the chase.
I'll do an interview on your show,
if you come to the premier on Friday
and cover it, live.
Wow. I'd love to do that.
You know, if it were up to me
I'd do it in a heart beat.
Come on. You've got the ratings,
that gives you the power.
I want people to see what's happening
to the First Amendment.
I want people to see
that in New York fucking city,
people are imposing censorship
on my right to freedom of speech.
I want the fucking world
to see this.
It's a great idea.
I'm gonna have to talk to the
Network, but it's a great idea.
There's always somebody.
Everybody can be
as independent like you.
If you only knew...
What about Marie? Do you think
we could get Marie on the show?
Marie is busy.
We wanted to take
a short cut to avoid traffic.
It just... it just happened, alright?
Does... does...?
I need some aspirin,
does anyone have any aspirin?
You know, it's... it's...
You know, it's fine, it's fine, ok?
It's fine. This is... You know,
you can't blame these kids anyway
for reacting like that.
Everybody's fighting over bullshit.
I just wish they would just leave me
the fuck out of it. You know what,
why don't I just go on
the air right now, you know,
blood and all and just talk about
this bullshit, 'cos this is bullshit.
-We can't do that. It's not the news.
-Yeah we can.
-Just put some make-up on it.
-You know what? Don't.
Don't fix it. It's fine, it's fine,
I don't need it to be fixed.
Thank you, Dina. Thanks.
But, the question is, can we live
completely and holdly
as a spiritual being
inside of society?
I'd like to ask you,
how do you accomplish... that?
Yeah, yeah.
It's interesting that in the
tradition monastic,
for example tradition of Camaldoli,
there is
strong experience of solitude,
but at the same time there is the
opening to mission,
so to meet other people,
to be able to welcome people.
seekers of God,
or of a meaning of life,
and to be able to be in touch
to welcome, no, with joy...
The person who visits you
is God incarnate,
because God is inside of everyone,
and you have to treat them as if
-that experience is with God.
-But in Jesus
he reveals as
an extraordinary incarnate,
and liberating people,
-so that is very important, not this
-The Figure of Christ.
full immersion
and contamination,
I would say, you know?
Contamination that is to say
not God as pure,
separated authentic
by the human condition but
in touch with. You know?
And the experience to Jesus is
to be open to the outcasts,
to the marginalized people,
to the sinners, no? The persons
considered far from God.
And Craving said,
"I did not see you descend,
but now I see you rising,
and why do you lie to me
since you belong to me?"
And the Soul answered, "I saw you,
though you did not see me
nor recognize me.
I was with you as with a garment,
and you never felt me."
I never realized how... how good
she was, you know, she's... God,
she like knocked me out.
She is really good.
She coming back for the premier?
I don't know. I don't think so.
Kidding, right?
I mean,
she's been away
for like a year now.
A year?
A year.
Where is she?
I don't know.
You don't know?
How do you not know where she is,
I mean, your best friend, right?
You must know where she is.
We are, I
just don't know where
she is right now, that's all.
Look, she went through some...
This can't leave this room.
No, this can't leave this room.
-No. What? What?
-Promise me.
You promise me?
I promise,
I promise, ok so... Come on,
Gretchen, tell me what's up.
She went through some
heavy stuff after the movie.
She told me that
she was living in two worlds
that she could go into the past
and see the truth.
-Oh man!
-Fucking Tony,
he pushed her to a bad place.
He always fucked with her head.
He always knew
just where to get her.
Well, it seems like
he got a great performance
out of her, that's what I know.
At what cost?
When you're an actor,
sometimes it's really hard
to get back out.
It's a director's job to help you.
He just left her hanging.
Do you think Marie's
gonna come back soon?
What are you, writing a book?
Oh no, I'm just curious,
I'm just curious.
You're curious.
It's Ted.
Theodore Younger?
I'm... I'm one of Gretchen's friends.
-Is Gretchen ok?
-Oh no, she's great, she's great.
Now I went to the... to Tony's
screening this afternoon and,
wow, I mean congratulations,
your were... you were great.
-Your performance was great.
-What is it you want?
I was just wondering
how you were doing, that's all.
-That's all?
-Well that, and the other thing is,
I'm doing a
national television show
on the life of Jesus,
and Tony, he's gonna do
an interview with me,
-and I'd love to have you too.
Why what?
Why are you doing a show,
a programme on Jesus?
I do... I don't understand... why.
Do you believe in Jesus?
Well I...
I don't know, I guess he existed.
Yeah, sure.
No, what do you believe?
I don't know.
It takes courage to
walk in the truth,
and it takes courage
to become fully humans.
Jesus helped Mary Magdalene,
she's helping me now.
Go back to the city, to the city.
I wanna go back to the city.
I want to go to 54th and Park.
Yeah, I wanna go back. Thanks.
What do we actually know
about Jesus and his followers,
how do we know it,
and what else didn't we know?
And the answer is
there's a lot we didn't know.
The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of
Philip, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene,
these were apparently buried
nearly two thousand years ago,
when a bishop,
who thought they were secret
and heretical writings,
told the monks to get rid of them,
and somebody disobeyed
the bishop and buried them
out by a cliff where
they were found in 1945.
It's clear that when you look at
these other secret gospels, including
the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel
of Philip and the Gospel of Thomas,
that Mary Magdalene who appears
in the gospels of the New Testament
just as one of the women,
she's not a disciple,
she's just a very marginal character.
In these other texts
there's often a running battle
between Mary and Peter.
It could be a rivalry
for the role of
disciple closest to Jesus.
What you find in... in
sort of ancient legend history,
she was a prostitute.
Modern fiction turns her
into a lover and wife of Jesus.
But what you find in
these early texts is that she is
neither a prostitute nor a lover.
She's one of the disciples,
and one of the most important.
The Jesus of the New Testament
is usually characterized
as somebody utterly unique.
Marc says, "This is the Gospel of
Jesus the Messiah, the son of God."
John says, "He's the only begotten
son of God, there's nobody like Him."
The Gospel of Thomas
suggests that
yes, Jesus comes forth from God,
but the...
the teaching of the Gospel
of Thomas, the good news is...
So do you, and so do I.
That we also come from
the divine light,
we also come from that source,
because we are created
in the divine image.
And so the Gospel of Thomas
suggests that you too can become
a child of God, just like Jesus,
because you have within you
the divine light,
or created in the image of God.
The fact that you may not need
the Church, or the Priest, or
even Jesus.
You could go back to yourself
and as the Gospel of Thomas
has Jesus say,
"If you bring forth
what is within you,
what you bring forth
will save you.
If you do not bring forth
what is within you,
what you do not bring forth
will destroy you."
And this of course, from the point
of view of Orthodoxy is blasphemy.
-Why was the phone off?
-Why the hell was yours?
I don't know, I... I must have
turned it off by mistake. I'm sorry.
Well, what if I went
into labour last night, huh?
-What's the matter with you?
-Elisabeth, I was working, ok?
Well, since when do you
stay out working all night?
Since when do I have a national
fucking television programme?
I got the entire responsibility of
the show on my fucking shoulders
or... or... or is that beyond
your comprehension, Elisabeth?
Oh, beyond my comprehension!
Since when did you become such a
fucking asshole?
I've always supported you 100%,
you're an ungrateful
fucking asshole.
Hey! I was doing research.
I lost track of the time.
Ok? Alright?
That's all that happened. I fell
asleep on the couch in my office.
Why... What is this, some kind
of interrogation or something?
Hold... hold on a second,
hold on a second.
Brenda, could you please
tell Elisabeth that
I was doing research all night
and I fell asleep
on the sofa in my office?
I'll be there in a minute.
I can't get into this right now.
My hole future is on the line here.
I gotta prepare for my show.
Your future. What about our future?
-You know what I meant.
-Well that's not what you said.
I don't have time to play
these little word games with you.
I gotta go to work.
I got things to do, ok?
Go to hell!
Yeah, I... You know... I mean,
I should have called you last night.
I don't even know
what I was thinking.
It's, you know... It's all the
stress and stuff, you know...
I get a... It's not...
I'm not making any excuses.
I shoulda... I shoulda called you,
you know?
Well, I'm sorry I hung up on you,
but I hope you come home soon.
-Yeah, when can you come home?
-Listen, I'm gonna
finish this show and then I'm gonna
come straight home, you know.
I can't wait to see you too.
I need to see you right now.
-I need to see you, ok?
-Ok, bye.
-Le Christe lui a donn la parole.
-Christ gave her the word.
Avant la rsurrection son language
c'est celui decheveux,
-celui du parfum.
-Before the resurrection,
the way she spoke was
with the hair, with the perfume.
Et le Christe I'a conduit
son accomplissement.
Christ led her
to her self fulfilment.
Non seulement elle
peut tre une femme,
Not only can she be a woman.
mais elle peut parler et enseigner
comme un homme.
But she can speak
and teach like a man.
Et cela, un aspect important
-And that is a significant aspect.
-marcher avec le Christe.
-To go hand in hand with Christ.
Les hommes doivent intgrer
leur dimension fminine
Man must include
and integrate their
female dimension.
et les femmes doivent intgrer
leur dimension masculine
And woman must integrate,
include, incorporate, their
men's dimension.
pour devenir non seulement
des males et des femelles,
-...not just males and females.
-mais des tres humains.
-But Human Beings.
-A question, a question. Is...
-Peter's problem with Mary
-Le problme de Pierre avec Marie.
-C'est quoi comme problme?
-that she's a woman,
-Le fait que'elle est une femme.
-saying these words,
Qui dit ces mots,
qui prononce ces mots.
that she is putting herself
in the primary position as the
-number one disciple, if you would.
-...position, la plus importante,
-Or both.
-...qui a la primaut...
Je crois que le problme
ce sont les deux.
-Mais surtout, peut-tre,
-Both, both are the problems.
-parce que c'est une femme.
-But mostly because it's a woman.
-I tried to call you so many times.
-What happened?
-What happened?
-She was screaming,
-I come inside. She was bleeding.
-Where is she? Where is she?
Where is...? Let's go!
Could you tell me
which way is room 340, please?
Thank you.
Oh my God.
-Is she ok?
-Are you Mr. Younger?
-Yeah. Is she alright?
-Yes. She just need to rest now.
What's wrong with her?
You should speak to the doctor
about that. I don't know.
-Can you go get the doctor, please?
-Yes, but just... You know...
Hey, hey, don't touch me!
What's wrong with you?
-Hey listen. You gotta be quiet.
-I don't go to do nothing.
I'm going to call the doctor right
now but you've go to be quiet.
-Please. She needs to rest, alright?
-Will you just go get the doctor?
Is the baby ok?
-You should talk to the doctor.
-You can't tell me if the baby is ok?
Can you wait for the doctor for just
one minute and he will explain, ok?
Can you just tell me
if my baby is ok? Shit.
This is crazy.
This is crazy, baby.
Little guy.
It's ok.
It's ok.
Don't worry.
Hi buddy.
It's ok.
It's alright.
It's ok. Look, look.
It's me.
In Jerusalem,
observing Jews will soon
begin their preparations
for the passover holiday.
But this year
the celebration of the Israelites
will again take place
against the backdrop...
-It's Ted.
-Ted? Hi.
You there?
My wife's had the...
She had the baby, you know.
I'm not really sure of that.
I'm really, really, really bad.
They don't know if they're
gonna make it or not, you know.
My baby is so sick, you know.
So sick.
Can't even breath and he's...
-Do you love your baby?
As his father would you do
everything in your power for him?
If your baby asked for something
-would you give it to him?
-Yes. Yeah.
Do you think the father, your father,
would do the same for you?
You know what?
My dad's dead, but yeah, I can s...
No, I mean your Father, Ted,
the Father's always there.
He loves us more than
we humans can comprehend.
Oh well, if He loves me so much,
why is He doing this to me then?
Have you asked Him?
Have you spoken to Him?
How am I gonna ask Him if I don't
even know if I believe in Him?
How am I gonna go to Him?
I don't know how to speak to Him.
I don't know how to do that.
Well, He sent us a messenger
so we could understand,
so go to Him, pray, try.
I can't speak to God.
Oh Ted. Ted.
Ted, is that you?
How are you feelin'?
You o...? How are you feelin'?
-Did you see him?
How is he?
He's ok, they're... they're
taking care of him, you know.
I didn't get to see him,
they took him away so fast.
I didn't even get to hold him.
Did you hold him?
He was sleeping so I... I... I...
didn't want to wake him up, you know.
How does he look?
I didn't even get to hold him.
Oh man, he is so hansom,
I mean he looks just like you.
He's so... beautiful. Really he...
I can't wait til you see him.
I'm sorry I didn't know what to do,
I mean, your show was on and...
Don't even think about that.
I'm here, ok? I'm here.
What if something happens to him?
Just don't even think about that,
ok? Don't even think about that,
you need to just rest
and you need to get well.
I want to see my baby.
I don't care what the doctors say.
No, baby, baby, you got to rest, ok?
I'm gonna take care of it.
I'm gonna take care of it.
Not right now, you can't, ok?
-You just stay here, ok?
-Go see him. Don't leave him alone.
-You can't get in, you can't get in.
-Is he ok?
He's ok. You can't get in.
Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give to you.
I do not give us, the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled,
do not let them be afraid.
If you loved me, you would rejoice.
The hour has come when you will be
scattered. Each one to his own home,
and I will be left alone.
Because they will persecute you
as they've persecuted me.
They do this to fulfil the word
that is written in their law.
They hate it without cause.
I've said these things to you
to keep you from stumbling.
The hour is come when you will be
put out of the synagogues.
Indeed, the hour has come
when those who kill you
will think that by doing so,
they are offering
worship... to God.
I've said these things to you
before they occur,
so that when they do occur,
you may remember
that I spoke of them
and you may believe.
You have just watched the film clip
from the feature film
"This is my Blood",
which opens Friday nationwide,
and we are here
with Tony Childress,
writer, director and star
of "This is my Blood."
why did you want to make a movie
about Jesus?
Well, 'cuz that gives a movie
maybe like a million dollars.
No, I'm kiddin'.
I mean, the... the story of Christ
today is as relevant today
as it was two thousand years ago.
That when Christ gets nailed
to the cross, it's you
getting nailed to the cross, man.
It's me getting nailed to the cross.
It's the whole society
getting nailed to the fucking cross.
-You know what I'm saying?
Have you been nailed
to the cross, Tony?
Do you know what it's like
to be nailed to the cross?
That's a... that's a...
You know, you're going deep, baby.
-That nailed to the cross...
-Friday night there are going to be
They are organizing protests
to picket your film
at your premier.
How do you feel about that?
I think that the people
that are protesting films
should have an opinion
and an idea about
what it is that they are protesting.
Religious films
are always subject to criticism.
Look what they did to Scorsese with
"The Last Temptation of Christ."
The thing is that it's a lack
of intelligence, it's a lack of...
Is it a lack of intelligence
or a statement of faith?
Is it a statement
of desecrating a God,
desecrating the...
the image of what
you're supposed to love?
Well, it depends on
how you interpret faith.
The traditional approach
to religion,
but who decides what is the
traditional approach to religion?
Because something that you read in
a book, because something that you...
We are talking about love.
We're talking about love
and Jesus represents love,
then why are you trying to destroy
the image of Jesus Christ?
-My movie's all about love, baby.
You saw it.
I understand.
-We need to get Marie on the line.
I mean we all have opinions about
who Christ is, who Christ was.
But those opinions are based on...
on things that we learned in church,
based on things
we've read in bibles,
-religious stories that have been...
-You know what, you know what, Tony?
I talked to my mother
the other night.
I called her up and I said,
"Ma, there are all these
Gospel books I've never seen before,
telling me all these
different things
about Christ and... Mary."
And she said, "Oh well,
I think if God hadn't want it,
He would have gave it to us because
I have everything
I need to know here.
There's nothing wrong with that."
And I said, "Well,
what do you mean, Ma?"
And she said,
"Well, it doesn't matter how many
times you tell or retell the story,
it doesn't matter if you change
it all around, it doesn't
matter because... because
God is talking about love,
God's saying,
"You need to love your fellow man,
you need to
love your family,
you need to love God..."
-Right on.
-So you don't really need to...
to do the thing... You don't
even need to retell the story.
What you need to do is...
I think your mum should come and
watch my movie because it sounds...
Sorry to interrupt you but Marie
Palesi is on the phone, on line.
-Are you still there?
-Marie Palesi.
-What's it...?
-It's Ted. It's Ted.
-Hi, hi Ted.
-Thank you for coming on my show.
-Oh, you're welcome.
-Hello Tony.
-Hello Marie.
Yours is a fascinating story.
A successful artist,
promising career.
Yet you decided
to leave it all behind.
What would make you leave behind
being an actress, Marie?
I had no other choice.
I played the role of Mary Magdalene
in Tony's movie and I
-became fascinated and inspired
-by her.
When you decide to change your life
you must give all yourself,
You know, my heart was hardly
able to contain anything else.
-That's why I stayed and...
What are you doing now?
Healing lepers?
I'd say that we are all capable
of becoming better people.
You know we see the results of
people in inner turmoil every day
and the one thing I'd like to say
is that my wish is that
all people in the world
acquire peace within themselves.
-That's all I wanted to say.
-That's beautiful.
Marie, thanks for
-sharing your insights with us today.
-You're welcome. Thank you.
-"Shalom". Bye.
And we're cut.
What the fuck was that? Why did
you have her on during my interview?
It's my idea. Sorry, I'm the producer
of the show, Brenda Sax...
I don't give a fuck who you are.
You invited me to come on to my...
-Come on to the show to talk about...
-We... we did, Tony.
-We talked about the film.
-I thought it was a good idea
to have two guests
of the same movie.
You invited me to come on to the show
to talk about my movie, not to...
not to do an interview with her.
What was she doing on my show?
-Honestly I...
-What was she doing on your movie?
-What d'you mean...?
-This is bullshit, man.
-We had an agreement.
-We still have an agreement.
-We do.
I'll see you Friday.
You better hold up
your side of the deal!
-The madness of God.
-The madness.
Madness of God.
Because there is
an extreme, an expressive gesture
he does, that is his
taking off his robe,
and beginning to wash
the disciple's feet.
And for me that is
a very important
-expression because
stripping himself,
he puts himself outside
position and
-social status.
-I understand, yeah.
Is that gesture how you reference
when you reference madness?
The last supper,
-the last supper of Jesus,
in that one in the John's Gospel,
-he does this gesture
and he found the only
possible of his life,
and which is a hierarchy of love.
That is to say,
he wants, just yearns,
to live in the heart
of his own friends there.
So I...
So that gesture was his expression
of how much I care for you
because it was breaking
every social tabu.
"And I am able
to give myself in this way to you,
and so I underline
what is essential in my existence
and that could be important
-for your existence."
-As a last gesture
before he actually
is crucified, he says,
"Here I do this for you"
This is a memory I leave with you,
not necessarily
-an image on the cross,
-No, no.
-my love.
-This is gesture of love,
If it's because of something I did,
then punish me.
Punish me.
I've sinned.
Punish me.
Punish me.
Punish me.
Don't punish them.
I'm asking you,
I'm begging you to please,
take my life, not theirs.
If you could just save my wife
and save my kid,
could you forgive me for all the
things I've done, all the horrible...
things I've done.
I've done so many bad things.
Because I wanna feel You,
I do.
There's a hole inside me.
And I'm lost.
I'm so lost,
and I'm so empty inside.
I don't know
how to find myself anymore.
I don't know who I am.
I don't know.
If you could just show me.
If you could help me
find myself again.
Could you take this away from me?
Could you take this away?
Can you make my wife and my kid ok?
Could you just take this away?
Please, 'cuz if it's me,
just take me, 'cuz I don't...
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I just don't know, you know?
I just didn't know.
I just didn't know.
-Any news?
-No news.
-Keep trying.
-We're waiting for you.
Yeah. I'm coming.
How can he just
disappear like that?
He better be dead.
There's no answer.
Everybody here?
This lie inspired the murder
of my people in the millions
over the centuries
and this lie inspires,
inspired the Holocaust itself.
...where people have gathered
in protest of the film director
Tony Childress and his new film
"This is my Blood."
I didn't necessarily find it
anti-Semitic. I'm Jewish,
I did find it more anti-Roman
than anti-Jewish, for sure.
Tony Childress!
-What are your thoughts about it?
-I've got a question. Where's Ted?
-I'm Brenda Sax,
-He said he was going to cover this.
-standing in for Ted.
I've got nothing to say to you...
What's this?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
we're going to have to ask you
to exit right away from the theatre.
Please remain calm and
just walk straight out to the exit.
Please, do not run.
...and all the people
are evacuated...
There's no bomb. It's just
a bunch of religious fanatics.
Everybody just calm down.
The director's
come in the theatre
and there is no bomb...
What's going on?
Step out, step out.
Come on now.
Everybody just go on back
to your seats, there is no problem.
Just go back to your seats. What
are you doing, man? This is my movie.
Come on!
Everybody go back to your seats.
There's no bomb in here. It was a
false alarm. There's no bomb in here.
Get him out, get him out!
Alright. Good.
Didn't you hear the warning?
There's a bomb in the building.
That's right.
You don't want to be
the projectionist?
What's going on here?
Up here.
Keep searching. C'mon.
I'll show you a bomb.
-Hey, what's going on?
-Turn the lights on up there.
Put the light!
-Hey Tony. Come on out!
-There ain't no bomb!
Tony, you've got to leave
the building. Come on, man!
The only bomb is the one
that's in your fucking heart, man!
There ain't no bomb.
Who are they to decide?
How do they know
what's right and what's wrong?
The Pope in Rome?
He knows the truth?
What are they going to fucking
hotline to Rome, to God?
You don't let me play my movie, you
might as well take the constitution
and wipe your ass with it.
You hear that? We got lines
around the block at Philly.
You are blessed,
for the sight of me
does not disturb you.
There where is the noose
lies the treasure.
Where do you come from, murderery?.
And where are you going, wanderery?.
-My craving has faded
-It's not what you see
-with your eyes.
-and I am freed from my ignorance.
-It's what you see with your heart.
-I lived the world
with the aid of another world.
A design was erased
by virtue of the Higher Design.
Henceforth, I travel toward repose,
where times rest
in the eternity of time.
I go now into silence.
So why should I forgive you?
Well, I'm going to prove to you
that I'm different,
every day over the...
I'm going to show you
how much I love you. Every day.
Every moment you're going
to know how much I...
I fucked up, just fucked up.
You know...