Mary Kom (2014) Movie Script

Too many pretty boys
were assaulted...
There's been curfew,
the government has ordered..
"Not to come out of your houses.
I repeat.
Be careful.. be careful
- There's been curfew..
...ordered from the government.
Don't come out of your houses.
Slowly, Ok
- There's been curfew..
This pain had started three hours
before and you're telling me now
I thought I will be able to control
the pain till the curfew is over
Honey, this is delivery pain
No woman can control this pain
What do I know about this pain?
Be careful
First this curfew and
on top of it this weather
No one is going to help us today
We will get some vehicle
from the square.. Be careful
I can't anymore.. I can't.
Tidim square is right here
Thank god the rain has stopped
Are you ok honey?
Slowly.. slowly
Sit down.. sit down.. sit here for
2 minutes while I figure something out
No, no I will come with you.
- Sit down..
Iam right here honey.
- No I will come with you
lam right here Thoi.. with you..
just 2 minutes" sit down please
Oh Mother!
Freeze.. freeze.. who is there?
Hands up
Sir.. sir.. sir
Sir what are you doing?
You bloody rebels..
you wreak havoc whenever you feel like
lam not a rebel sir
Please have a look there
Don't raise your voice
My wife is pregnant sir.
We need to get to the hospital. Please
Bizhou Go check. Go
Go and see there. Don't move.
- Please Sir. help us
Hey! Whose daughter is this?
Take her away from here
Sir, he is telling the truth
A plane has crashed and
there is fire everywhere
and you let
Chungneizang go there?
And you?
What are you hiding behind?
Show it
You picked this up from there?
This is no girl's toy
Tonpa, help is needed
at the crash site
Yes yes.. I will be right there
Go to bed now and don't
you dare to get out of the house
Come on go to sleep
Mad girl
How did you hit her?
You like to fight with boy
Let her go Mangi
Move back..
Leave my hair..
Why did you beat her?
She is my girlfriend
- Answer me.
I can do whatever the hell
I want with her. What is it to you?
Leave me..
What is this ruckus here?
Go away from here!
- Coward!
I'm leaving you for the last time
- Where are you running, coward?
Iam not running..
I'm having mercy on you. Let me go
Don't Chungneizang, he'll get hurt
I took a beating from him for you
and you are more concerned about him
Tell your boyfriend that I will
break his face next time I see him
What are you all doing here?
Go home
I don't know what
to do with you anymore
You are the eldest in the house
but looking at
your antics looks like
your younger brother
and sister will grow up before you
Appa he was beating Tarisa.
I won't get angry or what?
Anger is your excuse all the time,
isn't it?
I thought allowing
you to do athletics
would help you control
that temper of yours but..
I don't like athletics
I have been borrowing from people
for the last 2 years to pay for her
and now she says
she doesn't like athletics!
Appa she wants to become a boxer
Shut up!
Who will marry you once
your nose and face is broken
I should have burnt the
gloves instead of throwing them
From the time you picked them
up you have begun acting like a boy
Call me anything you
want but don't call me a boy
Thats it!
- Chungneizang..
I have had enough of this
rowdy behaviour of yours - Thats it
Don't even think of getting out
of the house till your face is healed
What happened?
Show me.
This girl is beyond any hope
Show me what happened
That Mangi has had it
from me when I see him next
Because of him I was locked
up in the house for a week
Let it go, why are you
troubling yourself over him
And that Tarisa,
she's completely mad..
He keeps physically abusing her
and she continues to be with him
Hey Chungneizang let
us take the other route
Why? That will be longer
Yeah so what?
Come let us go from there
Mangi.. - Hey Chungneizang, leave it.
Chungneizang what are you doing?
Wait.. hold this" hold my bag..
MANGI! Wait Mangi.
- Forget it.. Let it be
Leave it. What are you doing?
Let it be Chungneizang, let us go
What is wrong with this girl?
ls she psycho?
What are you going to do with this.
- Today he is finished
Chungneizang - Leave it
What is your problem
You were having mercy on me?
- What is your problem, huh?
You haven't had your fill
from the beating last time?
You want some more of it?
What happened?
Hey check this out! We have our
female Mohammad Ali here!
You are gonna beat me? Come on do it
Beat me.. beat me. Get lost!
Get lost
How dare you hit a girl!
This time I won't leave you
Where will you run till..
You've gone mad.
Till when will you run..
Where will you run
You can't escape today.
Get lost
Wont leave you..
Mangi - Move
Where will you go - Move
You going to have mercy on me huh?
Mercy on me?
This girl has gone mad.
She is mad. Save me.. Save me..
I told you I will break your face
Hey girl! Come here
Wearing gloves and using it to fight?
This is how fighting is done
Don't insult the glove
Boxing gloves are used for
sport not for fighting. Understand?
You are Coach Singh?
Mingko Singh's coach
the Asian Champion?
Are you a boxer?
Only a fighter till now
but if you teach me
I will become a boxer as well
Hey, why have you guys stopped?
Come on get back to practicing
Give me 5 reasons why
I should teach you boxing?
I love boxing
I love boxing
I love boxing. I love boxing
Do you need the 5th reason as well?
You have to earn these gloves
One Month- from tomorrow-
come at 7.00 am
Thank you Mangi
Get it quick
- Coming
Here, wash with this
- Yes
I have joined boxing
What did you just say? Boxing?
Yes mother
So you quit athletics?
What about the money spent on it?
Mother, coaching for girls
in boxing is free of cost
Your father is already unhappy with
your affinity for getting into fights
You think he is going
to agree to this?
Iam going to tell father
Listen! What are you doing?
- I don't care anymore Mother
Who will bathe Chaobi?
Father, there is something
I want to tell you
Yes, tell me
What is it?
Speak UP
Chaobi has become so big,
hasn't she?
She has become big so?
I should find a groom for her?
"It listens only to itself."
"It doesn't have any
relationship with others."
"It growls on the way."
"It calls them as relationship."
"It sees in the
eyes of destiny."
"It says the wind
whose destiny it is."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
"Will go to the town
of willingness."
"It brings massiveness
tying it on the head."
"It pacifies teasing..."
" comes stealthily."
"It messes with everyone."
"It listens to only itself."
"It sees in the eyes of destiny."
"It says the wind
whose destiny it is."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
It was a good training session today
But we need to work harder
- Bye
You are still sitting here?
Yes Sir.
I still have 20 more days to go
Come here
You are one stubborn girl
Follow me
Tell me
What is the shape of the world?
Round Sir
That is for the world Chungeizang,
not for you
Today onwards the shape
of your world is this square
And this world also have
a few rules and conditions
This bandage will
always remind you of them
1st condition
Without this no road
finds its destination
because the
destination is as stubborn
Only when you walk towards it,
will it walk towards you
Look in front. look in front
Bembem, pay attention to footwork
Very good
Good, very good,
faster-faster, even faster
Always full surrender to boxing
Give boxing your every1hing
Your time,
yourjoy even your identity
Only then will you create
a name for yourself
Faster, faster, faster
10 seconds more
- Go!
Fast, fast, fast
Good, fast
Always full focus
You lose focus and
you will lose your nose
and I my reputation
And I am very possessive
about my reputation
Elbow up, punch straight
1-0. Boxing is a game of points
Not knockout. start with this
Chungneizang you are southpaw
so your left is strong
Learn to use your right
Guard up. Where is your guard?
Concentrate chungneizang
or I will break your nose
Game over
No pain, no gain
Only when you bear the
pain of a 100 punches
will you learn
to land 10 good punches
And most important
No mercy in boxing
You will never be shown any mercy in
the ring nor will you ever show any
Let the nurse show mercy
and the doctor do the treatment
You will only attack.. attack!
Hey, hey! this is only practice
- It's not a bout stupid
Did it hun
- Hey-Yes
Where were you yesterday?
Me. I was right here
See this
So much cash? How?
Lalboi's magic
I bet 200 and got 400 in return
Double?! I will surely
be there this Saturday
In this world of 20x20
this is your first earning
Spend it to your heart's content
What happened to you? Huh?
What happened to you?
- Someone came to ask for money.
Father gave him Chaobi instead
Come here
Don't worry
Sister, Please get Chaobi back
One more down
Take him away
He will beat them..
win all.. defeat all
ls there any other fighter?
Where are all of them.
Where are all the fighters of Manipur?
To watch a film with your girlfriend
Who said that? You said it?
Who said that?
Who said it? You said it?
He is here, he is here
Bravo! Now this is a man with guts
Come on start betting.
This one is for Lalboi
And.. and..
- This one is for..
Hey hero, what's your name?
Come on say it
You think this is a kitchen?
Someone make her understand.
Lalboi doesn't fight with women
Get lost
Why? ls he scared?
Move away
Scared? In the next 15 seconds you
will know what it means to be scared
And if it takes you
more than 15 seconds?
Then for every 15 seconds
I will give her 300 rupees
from my end
Place your bets
Take mine
- Put some more
40 second, very good
- Has she gone crazy
Stop!!! - Definitely
Bets off!
Action, start
Did you recognise the boxer?
You are gutsy
I know.
It is more than 30 seconds Lalboi!
Come on hit!
45 seconds!
Did you see that?
Yes I am seeing it
Uncivilized people.
don't even know how to park cycles
I was talking about
that girl and not the cycles
Forget the girl and help
me get the bike out - What is this?
Only 300 rupees.
Give me the whole amount you owe me
Come on get out of here now.
Fight is over
I stood my ground for 45
seconds that means 900 rupees
You want me to teach
you mathematics?
Be happy that you are atleast getting
this much for getting beaten up
I have broken my face for this money
Give me the whole amount
or I will break you
Don't act too smart. Let go of me!
Hey hey.. wait wait
Who the hell are you?
You know Lalboi's promises
are stronger than his punches
If he gets to know that you are
cheating this girl then you've had it
Get out of here man. Don't try to
scare me using Lalboi's name
Give me my money
- Ok you wait right here
lam going to speak to Lalboi
and arrange a wheelchair for you
Hey.. stop" come here. come here
- No.. you wait. Just wait
I gave you 500 before
I will get back at you later
Stupid girl
- Get lost
Sometimes you should
give peace a chance.
Not for me
Excuse me
You dropped this
Thank you
Hi, I am Onler
lam seeing a girl here for
the first time. Weren't you scared?
What's that?
I mean you need courage to be here
And a little madness
It is not going to double
by counting again and again
This is my first earning
How are you going home?
Can I drop you home, I have a bike
Ok, lets go
Wait here.. 45 seconds
Don't use the brakes much!
I am the football captain,
Manipur Maniacs club
I didn't ask
That is true. But you
should know a little about
the person who
is dropping you home
What? I thought you are a boxer
My father
You too should know a little about
the person you are dropping home
What happened?
I don't know. One minute
I didn't do it on purpose
Did I say anyihing?
No I thought since it is
dark and quiet, you would assume..
Don't worry you are safe with me
C'mon kick
C'mon c'mon
- Oh it started, Come on lets go!
Chaobi has returned!
- Come on
Come Chaobi
What will we tell father?
Mother will handle father
And if he asks you, tell him..
...that Chaobi ran from her
in-laws house and came back home
Are you happy now?
What happened sir
- Nothing, a tree has fallen
But they will remove it, go-go
Go-go, remove it, take your gun along
- Are you ok Honey
We're almost there honey
- Come on make it fast
Hey you, come out
Hey, I will shoot
Come on move
Take them out - We are going
to the Hospital, please let us go
- Hey, stop!
Shoot me or do whatever you want to,
but do it fast
Leave them..
Come on, Leave them. Hey, lets go
Hey, sit in the Jeep, leave fast
Fast fast.
Why did you let them go
Do you know, who she was?
- Who?
Boxing champion, 45 Second
She is still gutsy
Give me a blockbuster
That one
How much?
50 rupees
Take it
What do you want
Hey Chungneizang.
You are having ice-cream here
Go to the gym the
State-Level list is out
Chungneizang my name is in the list
Did you see my name?
No, no. I didn't see it. You go check
Has your name come?
Iam just checking
Leela.. Sita.. Mira.. Shobha
What happened?
Coach Sir,
my name is not in the list
Check again
ljust did.
- Check it again
Suman, Lila, Sita,
Meera, Nerella, Shobha, Mane, laxmi
Mane Chun Chun Kong?
Yeah that's the one
Sir my name is Mangte
Chungneizang Kom
It is yours only
But it is too long
We will have to
do something about it
Thank you God
Welcome to Indian Women boxing,
M C Mary Kom
Thank you Coach sir
M C Mary.. Kom..
Yeahhh I won.
Did you record everyihing?
Sorry Coach sir
Bembem fought very well.
Now it is your turn
Yes sir
Hey go to the ground
- Yes sir!
Yes, the next match
between Rashmi Pindulkar
from Goa and Mary Kom from Manipur
Yes me.
- Get ready fast
Mr. Sharma.. Mr. Sharma -Yes
Speak UP
Girls haven't eaten anything
since morning. How will they fight?
Now we have to arrange
your meals too, is it?
What all will the federation do?
But Mr. Sharma
What Sharmaji.. Don't trouble me.
Take care of it yourselves
You've been told to stop shooting,
haven't you? You never listen
Hey, come here
Sir please let me have one match
with that man. I will break his face
Toiba, come here
Go get something
to eat for all of them
Yes sir
- Yes sir
Will you be able
to fight empty stomach?
Sir, this is my first match, my stomach
is filled already with happiness
Good. Let's go
Yes sir - All the best Mary
Shoot properly, it is my first match
In this state level
tournament Manipur
squad looks the strongest
- Come on Mary
Because Asian champion Mingko
Singh's coach.. - Very Good Mary
Mr. Singh is their head coach
- Manipur, Manipur, Manipur
Yes.. Yes!
Guard up
Come on
Hit Mary, good
Come on
Yes, yes
Come on Mary
Hit, Hit
- Come on Mary
And there, Rashmi tries her
last attempt to change the game
but look at that!
She did a foul in sheer frustration"
And Mary's counter attack
with this MC Mary Kom
has become the State Champion
How does the gold medal feel?
You did it finally?
Its my first.
I know. That's big
Here see this
There is a new champion
from our village and that too a girl
What is wrong with
parents these days?
Allowing their daughters
to indulge into such fights
Who is this girl anyway?
Hmm.. Mary Kom
A girl named Mary Kom?
Don't know who she is..
Hey Tonpa this is our Chungneizang
And then we quietly
went for shopping..
Yeah I thought so. Naughty girls..
What are you looking for?
What do you want, Tonpa?
Tell me father, I will look for it
Where are your gloves?
The gloves, where are they?
I was actually going to tell you
Both of you lied to me?
You thought that by changing
your name, I will not find out?
MC Mary Kom?
Chungneizang- that is your name.
Where are the gloves?
Give it to me now
Dad, what did you just do...?
I should have done
this a long time ago
You will have to choose
Your father or boxing?
Please don't do this to me
Father, boxing is completely
safe just like your wrestling
Nothing will happen to my face
Your father or boxing!
Father, I am a really good boxer
Coach Sir also said I am a natural
boxer and I am winning as well
Please don't do this to me.
- Chungneizang, Your father or boxing?
"These shadows."
"Who can hide from it?"
"It fights with.."
"..loneliness here."
"It does what it pleases."
"It lives on its conditions."
"It is very stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
"This heart is stubborn."
Looks like we aren't
going to get any sleep tonight
This madness will go on..
Let us search later.
- One last time"
Mary we've searched there already
That is my bag.
How many times will you check it?
Did you girls hide my purse?
Are you mad?
Why will we hide your purse?
This is not funny ok?
My passport was in that purse
Her passport has flown
even before the flight
Coach Sir has gone to the
police station for your purse
Why are you troubling everyone?
You will get a new passport
Won't happen that quickly
Her Asian Championship
has ended even before it began
Don't listen to her..
It will be done
Every1hing will be alright
I'm so tired..
Here she comes
Got beaten up on the
very 1st day of training
You know, She would have
also been beaten by Mary
Passport flew away
Yeah right, she would beat me
I can never understand her anger
Always destructive, but today"
My head got heavy
Now I cannot cut my neck, right?!
India's performance at
this years Asian Championships
has been very disappointing
In today's quarter-final
Manipur's MC Mary Kom lost her
match thus ending India's challenge
Now you should take her
to meet your parents
Officials are being questioned about
the reason for the dismal performance
but they as always are either
pointing fingers at each other
or at the players
and now, the weather update"
This is for you
What If your hair
doesn't ever grow back?
Then I will make you bald as well
What if it grows like noodles?
Take this
- What are you laughing about?
What you did is very wrong
You should be ashamed
Someone robbed my bag so I got..
- Shut up!
What is wrong is wrong
Baldy! Baldy!
Me baldy.. you wait
lam going for my World championship
and he hasn't even wished me
How long is he going
to stay angry with me?
Everyone is stubborn at home or
only your father and
you compete with each other?
Your father might have not wished
but my best wishes are always with you
Thank you
And I also want to tell you
that I am going to miss you a lot
"You traded a smile with a smile."
"While talking you filled
all your colors in me."
"You stay in front of me
all the time."
"The whole world looks beautiful."
"There's no one beautiful
like you here."
"l'm where you are."
"The whole world looks beautiful."
"There's no one beautiful
like you here."
"l'm where you are."
Plug this first
Where did he get this trash can from
Tonpa, the match is going to begin
So what should I do?
Tune it
- it's come
Mother, see.. it's sister
Welcome to Monnet 3rd women's
amateur world boxing championship..
45kg final
In the blue corner
we have India's Mary Kom
And in the red corner we
have Sri Lanka's Malini Jaisingh
Mary Mary
And these goes the opening bell
In next 10 minutes we will
find our new world champion
Mary Kom is in the attacking
mode since the bell went on
And according to me
it is a brilliant strategy
She is not giving her
opponent any chance to settle
MC Mary Kom has scored
her first few points
And therefore she has
already taken a lead..
Mary.. MEN--
Mary.. Mary.. - Mary will
have to be smart about her game plan
Otherwise in order
to score her initial points
she will get exhausted
All eyes are on Mary
And she has emerged
as a very swift player
Somehow the Sri Lankan player
has already scored some points
But now it seems that
Mary is little tired
and Malini is going to
take full advantage of the situation
And that was a really good
right hook from Malini Jaisinghe
and now Mary leads with..
Tap it hard
Aah yes!
- And in the second round, it seems that
Sri Lanka's Malini
Jaisingh is dominating
And she has taken a
lead in the points tally
The second round is looking completely
different from the first round
Malini Jaisingh has
done a brilliant comeback
But whats wrong with M C Mary
Kom's defence? I cannot understand
She doesn't have any answer
to Malini Jaisinghe's punches
And now Mary is completely
cornered on the ropes
and Malini is taking
full advantage of that
Referee has stopped the game and
is giving Mary Kom a count of eight
Let me remind you that in last
world championship held in USA
Mary Kom had reached
the finals but..
She couldn't win the gold medal..
- Attack Chungneizang!
...and had to settle for a Silver
Attack her!
Punch her. Punch! Attack!
Come on..
Now Mary is on the offensive, she
is showering Malini with her punches
What a great turn-around story
Come on Mary buckup!!!
Wow Maryl!
When she stamps her right foot,
she is feinting
Then you jab her with your right
Malini, improve your focus
Listen to me carefully Mary.
This Gold is yours and yours alone
Come on Mary!!!
And with that bell,
India's M C Mary Kom
has become the world champion
- Yeah!!
Well done Mary
Good job..
Wow. .
And the winner Mary Kom
Keep your hands straight father
Forgive me
That is going to
be a little difficult
The dance is about to begin
Come, come
How does it feel to be the first
woman boxer to win the Arjuna Award?
The government has
accorded me this respect
and that fact that I
could bring glory to Manipur
makes me feel very good
Now another name has been added
in the champions list of Manipur
Isn't it sad that Manipur has produced
so many champions for India
and people still
ask which country Manipur belongs to
That angers me
But now all the young girls
look up to you as an inspiration
First Mohammad Ali
and now MC Mary Kom
That is such a big statement
Girls just have to get
the chance and opportunity
and they will top every field,
not only sports
Here taste this-
lromba - my favorite
Be careful it has chilly in it
Wow you are such a good cook as well
Have a taste of my hand once
I mean the lromba
Isn't it tasty?
Yes, very
Ok Mary, tell me
why is it that in-spite
of having such a huge population
we have managed to
produce such few champions
ls it because of a lack of talent?
No it is not the lack of talent
but the lack of facilities
to promote that talent
Just like other countries
you give us our own doctors
physiotherapists and trainers then see
Where have you guys come from.
Come on out.
So the federation doesn't
provide you with all those things?
Yes they provide us with
a fixed diet of tea and bananas
What do you mean?
You ask the federation
all these questions
Come on tell me
All of us players
love our country and
that is why we give
it our best in every competition
If the federation gives
us just the basic facilities
and a little
respect for our work
then there will be a champion coming
out of every corner of the country
I hope this interview
brings about some change
Wow what an interview
So you have finally
become a celebrity
Now our federation has become
too small to fit your big gloves
What is this?
You have a lot of complaints
with the federation?
They are not complaints sir,
just an opinion
No one cares for your damn opinion!
Don't forget that wherever
that is you have reached now
is because of the poor facilities that
this federation has provided you with
You are a boxer and
stay focused on that
or else there are
many waiting in a queue
who we can make world champions,
just like that
Do you understand me?
What are you staring at?
We have so far been winning
having the federations
tea and banana diet
and we shall continue
to win even in the future
If I had eaten one more meal at the
mess I would have surely fallen sick
And what is this?
This is health food
in it's comparison
How's the training coming along?
Just a minute
What happened?
First of all I am worried
about tomorrow's final
If I don't win the gold then Coach
Sir will eat me alive for breakfast
And to top that, Mother has been
troubling by calling since morning
Mother? Why?
To get married
She has shown me 15
boys in the last 25 days
I won't be surprised if she
gets one or two of them to Delhi
What happened? Are you jealous?
Should I tell mother to
search some girls for you too?
You marry me
Are you ok?
I mean
will you marry me?
You know I love you
from the day I saw you
And you also know how much
I respect you and your boxing
I will never tell you to leave
boxing and will always keep you happy
even after this I don't think that"
reject everyone
India is leading
in the medals tally
and another one is
going to be added to that
because the next match is
in the 46kg category final between
Germany's Sasha Podolski and the
defending champion India's Mary Kom
While Mary is quick
and fleet footed
Sasha is brute
power with strength
who at times would even
ignore opponents defence & rules
The best you could find
is a roadside stall to propose?
I am really nervous,
What if she says a no Jimmy?
Relax. There is no
need to be so stressed
And here comes the crow
favorite- India's Mary Kom
The very purpose of your
life is boxing and only boxing
Do you hear the roar?
This is our home-ground
show them who the real champ is
The athlete who will be
remembered for generations
India's pride Mary Kom!
You know what they say the Germans
are good at going out and conquering
Mary as usual remembering her god
Maybe today she'll need it the most
Because Germany's
Sasha Podolski is
known as the bad
girl in the boxing circuit
who's sole motive
is to win at any cost
And both players gauging
each other strategy
Let's see who dominates
from the beginning.
Attack Mary..
Come on, girl!
Attack Mary.. Attack
Move.. Move Mary!
Yeah.. yes.. yes..
Come on Mary, Come on..
Attack" attack yes!
And what is this? Sasha is already
resorting to her underhand tactics
attacking Mary with her elbow
Don't know if the
judges saw this Gary?
Yeah and Sasha gets
her first warning.
Move! Mary move..
And the referee interferes
Gary, both the boxers
are giving it their
all and leaving nothing to chance
Very good. Don't let the lead slip
- as this opportunity wont come again
She is fast.
But not as fast as you
But no over confidence
don't let your guard down
Focus Mary focus!
Where is your concentration?
And the 2nd round is underway.
The 1st round wasn't as good for Sasha
and it looks like she is
in the mood to make up for it.
And here is Sasha taking
advantage of the situation
and cornering Mary
with a flurry of punches
She has cornered Mary -
Looks like she is in a street fight.
Mary come on.. Get
out of the ropes
Attack Mary!
...breaking through Sasha's
defense and another hit
and Sasha faces the mat.
Mary lends a helping hand
but Sasha angrily brushes it off
Referee warns Mary
Both players ready
to battle again - Box
What are you doing..
This round clearly
dominated by Sasha
After 14-13 lead
and here she lands another
punch and the score reads 15-13
Pin drop silence in the crowd
as the bell signals
the end of the 2nd round
What is the hurry to
finish the match? 1st mistake?
Lost focus
2nd mistake
I didn't get my right foot out
And 3rd?
Left my guard open
Who will rectify them?
This is the 3rd and final round
I don't like silver color.
Understood. Good
Mary left with only one
option and that's to attack!
2 powerful hooks by
Mary and she is doing exactly
what she really needs to do
Well done!
Shasha completely shaken
the crowd is excited as
the referee gives Sasha a count of 8
Right. right foot!
Mary landing flurry
of punches on Sasha
Looks like Mary had left
her best for the last 20 seconds
And Mary's powerful hit
Crowd in full spirit
End of the round
I don't believe this.. she hit Mary
after the bell.. this is ridiculous..
Mary.. MEN--
Ladies & gentlemen World
Champion for the 3rd time..
India's MC Mary Kom!
Hey lets go
Onler.. promise me you won't
tell me to leave the ring
I promise, promise honey
Then get ready to
be beaten by my father
Because you are
going to talk to him
What did you say?
Lets go come on.. - Yes yes!
She is accepting
your proposal you fool
You should have consulted
me once at least
I thought you
would be happy for me
If you people eventually
want fall in love and marry
why do you
waste time in boxing?
What do you think
after winning 3 world championships
and you can now rest on your laurels?
Done with boxing?
To play the sport you fought
the world, even your father
you are going to
leave it all just like that?
For love?
You are getting
me wrong Coach Sir
I will continue to
box even after marriage
Onler and I have agreed on that
This is what you feel today Mary
Do you even know how much your life
is going to change after marriage?
Love, traditions, rituals you will
be entangled in all of them Mary
and your gloves
will be gathering dust
in some corner wall of your house
This is how much you trust me?
I am speaking out of experience
I know what I am doing Coach Sir
Then you don't need me at all
It is not like that Coach Sir
Wait. Coach Sir
I thought you would
rewrite boxing history
But you have knocked
out your own career
Coach Sir.. Onler
I came to invite..
Onler.. Do you take
Chungneizang as your wife?
To be true to her
in good times and in bad
Yes, I do..
do you take Onler to be your husband
And now you may kiss the bride..
"Now that I've met you."
"l swear, my heart is at peace."
"My heart is at peace."
"Every moment is beautiful."
"You've touched my breaths."
"l came closer to you."
"My heart is at peace."
"My heart is at peace."
"Now that I've met you."
"l swear, my heart is at peace."
"My heart is at peace."
"Since I've fell in love with you.."
" heart got peace."
"When I'm with you.."
"..l forget every sorrow and pain."
"It is the intoxication of your love
that's settled in my soul.."
Onler.. Onler
- "..when you touched from eyes."
That was a foul
- "My heart is at peace."
- "My heart is at peace."
My heart is at peace."
Did you see that goal
Yes I did, autograph please
This special autograph for now
and more special one in the night
Shut up. Let's go
Do you know honey
2 of my students have
been selected for the state level
Their parents came to thank me
I said..
Thoi are you
listening to me or not?
What happened? You looking upset
I am pregnant
- You wanna go somewhere out
You decide where
you feel like going?
Onler I am pregnant
Are you sure?
When did you get to know?
Just now
Yes.. It's a goal
honey it's a goal..
It's a goal honey
This is the best goal of my life
We are going to be parents
Our family will be complete
What's wrong?
You don't look happy
No no I am happy
Of course you should be happy
This is great news
I love you honey..
Common! Attack her
Her right is completely open
What is this girl doing?
Has she come to box or
take a stroll in the ring?
Iwould have played better
than her even in this state
You are missing boxing,
aren't you honey?
Right Honey?
Yes I am missing boxing
I miss it a lot
I can understand
What can you understand Onler?
What can you understand?
Your life isn't over
Your career isn't over
You can still play football.
Can I box? No
What did you say?
What nothing?
I have been noticing
for the past few months
that you haven't spoken
to me properly..
So all this is cooking
in your mind? Aint it..
I don't know why
I said that in anger
What sorry?
Tell me honestly
Did you want this child or not?
Of course I did Onler
Like every woman
I too want to be a mother
But the timing is all wrong
I was at the top of my career
We could have planned better
What are you doing honey?
You were right Onler
I am making place for reality
And anyway, our family picture
will look better in this space
Where is the camera?
Camera? Why?
Please get the camera, quick
One last time
Take a deep breath.
Mary, push harder.
Come on, Mary.
You can do this.
Push harder.
Doctor, is every1hing alright?
Mary has gone through
a lot of stress already
We'll have to
go ahead with C-section
Please do what you
think is right doctor
will I be able
to box after this surgery?
Mary don't worry
about these things now
Doctor.. Boxing
You have knocked
out your career yourself
Thank you for coming
Ok silence.. silence please!
Father what do we call him?
His name shall be Khupneivar
And in memory of Onler's
father we shall name him Rechungvar
And we shall lovingly
call him Rengpa
If he is Rengpa what
shall we call him?
We shall call him Nainai
But Mary, the next time
you go in for a delivery
please do that before
the curfew or after it
Shut up!
I just pray that these
children get to grow up in
a peacefully and loving Manipur
See Nainai
Seeing the camera
Looking at everyone with
his beautiful big eyes
Onler.. Onler..
Please check on Rengpa
My sweetheart. come!
Why is he crying so much?
Haven't you fed him?
Ijust did and now
lam feeding Nainai
Honey this is Nainai,
you're again feeding Rengpa
Oh crap! Take him
Come here sweetheart.
Now he will cry as well,
since you overfed him
Please feed him now
You think I am Chaobi? 24 hour dairy
No baby..
I am really stressed now.
How are we going to handle them?
I have requested mother to
keep coming every once in a while
Oh yeah that is great.
Tell her to get Chaobi with her too
Nainai's fever keeps
coming back every two days
We even had to call the
doctor home the other day
Relax. Why are you worrying so much?
It's normal
I also have raised 3 children
You were a sickly child too, every
two days you use to fall sick
He's also fallen asleep
Lay him on the bed
Your letter
Thank you
Onler.. Onler..
- Yes tell me
I have received a reply
for myjob application
They have called me day after
Honey, why are you doing this?
I told you that I will manage things
We have spoken about
this a lot of times"
Expenses have risen
so much after the twins
If I take up ajob it
will be a big help for us
Honey I am in talks about
coaching another team as well
Mom is here.. Go inside
Honey you aren't understanding?
If both of us will be out of the house,
who will take care of the twins?
First let me get the job
at-least then we will talk about it
Anyway mother has told me
that she will help us
Yeah right. I will stay here and your
father will find another mother there
Go inside.. By the way is the
water very cold today?
Here madam, take this
Thank you sir
Sign here and then from
that counter you can find out
where to get your uniform from
What is this?
Don't you feel ashamed offering
a 3 time world champion
ajob of such low designation?
There is no need to be upset madam
If you don't like the designation
just get 2 lakh rupees and we
can offer you a better designation
I have come here for
my right to ajob, not to buy it
Hello madam, you won't be able to
feed your family with a big ego
And remember your
boxing career is over anyway
A good deed is never
appreciated these days
What did you say?
A good deed?
Till the time people like
you are in position of power
there will never
be a good deed done
Players have to sell their
medals to feed themselves
and their families and
here you asking them for a bribe?
First sacrifice your life to
gain a medal and then sacrifice
the medal to save your life
Get lost, I don't want yourjob.
- What are you doing madam?
If you don't need
a job why apply for it?
I was thinking how you would
look in a hawaldar's uniform
Please don't talk about it with me
I was just joking.
You don't have to feel bad
You think this is funny?
Honey are you ok..
Promise you me you will
perform well in your exams
and lwill put
you for boxing classes
and get you a new
pair of boxing gloves
She wants to become like Mary Kom
but she doesn't know
that playing the sport
is not as easy as wearing the gloves
It sure is not easy
but if you work hard
you can be better
than Mary Kom, right?
Looks like this lady knows Mary Kom
If you get good marks
she will get you her autograph
Give me your book
Do you have a pen?
Mary Kom!
"Just water remained
on my eyelids."
"That dream floated
from my eyes slowly."
"Slowly, the memories
are getting lost."
"l have a broken moment
in my hand."
"l'm incvmiflete".
No baby!
- "These moments are incomplete."
"Questions and answers
are incomplete."
"Even that dream
remained incomplete."
"Just water remained
on my eyelids."
"That dream floated.."
Come here sweetheart.
- "..from my eyes slowly."
- "Slowly, the memories are getting lost."
"l have a broken moment
in my hand."
The world has forgotten
Mary Kom the boxer
And every1hing is over now
Says who?
What do you mean?
I mean, why can't you box again
Onler, how can I box again?
No one has ever managed that
A rice farmer's daughter
coming from a small village
of Manipur, fighting all the odds
and becomes a 3 time world champion
No one had ever done that too
But I wasn't a mother of two then
Do you know
how much a woman's
body changes after pregnancy
You are right honey
It is difficult
But if there is anyone in this world
who can make this happen, it is you
And what about the kids?
Leave them to me
And your football?
I can adjust the timings
You stop thinking
about all these things
and think about what you want
Wake up darling
Let me sleep for
a little while longer
Wake up! Come on wake up.
It is time to train - Please
Don't be so sweet or
else I might get diabetes
Diabetes? I love you too
Thank you Onler
Oh, dear.
Okay, okay.
Come to me. Come on.
Honey, please have something
before you start training
Thank you..
Here's your coffee
And this" - No no no..
lam training now. Only sugar free
Onler where are you?
Coming" Coming
Common you continue practicing,
I will handle them
Darling, they woke up with the noise
Wait.. wait
Come here baby
I think you will
have to go train at SDI
You will be able to train better
there and not this way from home
But Coach Sir?
You will have to face them
some or the other day. So be it now
Hi Mary..
Hey MaFY
How are you?
I Am fine. How are you?
Iam good. And how are the kids?
They are good too
Welcome back Mary
Hey, how are you?
Where is Coach Sir?
- Hi
Coach Sir
- Guard up
Coach Sir..
If you haven't learnt
to take guard
then there is no
need to come from tomorrow
See mother has come
How was your practice?
- From now only!
You are doing every1hing wrong!
Do it properly
You know,
Coach sir shouted a lot today
At you?
No. But it felt like he was
Yeah he must have been.
After all he is used to that
Thank you applying the balm
Feel relieved. I don't
know howl used to train before
My whole body aches these days
What is this?
Read it? All your pain
will vanish right away
When did you apply for this?
When you began training
National championship, get ready
here comes Mary Kom
Ok no need to get excited
One minute.
I'm coming.
How many days off do you need?
Two days.
Here you go
Thank you, sir
- Go.
Why is he falling
sick so often Doctor?
I will need to do some tests
to give you a concrete answer.
Onler.. How is Nainai doctor?
I have given him an injection
but if the temperature
doesn't subside in a few days
then you might have to admit him.
Thank you.
I will be back
Come here sweetie
My dear son..
"L will love you."
"l will bless you."
"l will give you
the shadow of happiness."
"May you fulfill your dreams."
"May you fill it in your eyes."
"l will give you
every1hing you want."
"These nights guard.."
"..l will tell the moon
and the stars."
Let me take care of Nainai.
You go train
His fever hasn't subsided
in the last couple of days
You tell me how will
be able to train like this?
But you don't even have a week
left for the national tournament
You think that matters
to me right now? look at his face
And you are talking about the match
"Hope you don't wake up.."
What does it read?
It is normal.
Show me
"Let you swing
in my arms."
"l will sit next to
you all the time."
My baby..
Mary looks very tired
It doesn't look like
she is in best physical shape
The 3rd round is about
to begin with and Mary leads 6-5
But if this Mary was fighting
this bout 2 years ago..
Cool dude. Be cool - The scenario
would have been completely different
with Mary's lead
being quite substantial
Preeti seems oblivious to
Mary's achievements and stature
wonderful confidence
And she lands a hook and
the score is tied at 6 all
Come on, Mary!
Mary looks a bit rattled
maybe because she is tired
or due to lack of preparation
And Mary has taken the
lead once again with two point
scoring punches and she leads
And Preeti reduces the lead
to 8-7 by landing another hook
This match is very interesting
with Preeti using her speed
agility and brash
confidence of a youngster
while Mary is using all her experience
and tenacity to stay in the match
Preeti takes charge,
Mary strong in her defence
Mary is leading by
a single point 9-8 with..
And now,
only 10 second to go in the bout
Preeti has to make the
most of these last few seconds
And the referee stops the bout
The winner of this match
will be decided by the officials
on the basis of the points countback
In my entire career of 20 years,
this was the most interesting fight
And now,
All eyes are on the official's
It was a close battle
but I think it will
go in Mary'a favour
Let us see which
way the decision goes
According to calculation,
Preeti Singh got 9 points.
And MC Mary Kom 9 points
And the winner of this match
is Preeti Singh from Haryana
What is this? You know
I landed more punches than you
Honey, What are you doing?
Mary, Don't get Angry
You played well.
These things happen
No they don't happen
Didn't you see that I landed
more scoring punches. Didn't I!
Yes I did see it. Everyone
saw it but for now you calm down
How do I calm down?
These people are being
partial against me
and you are telling
me to calm down?
You have played well for
your first comeback tournament
Don't spoil your image Honey,
things will go out of hands
- You all are jealous of me
You won't me to loose?
Calm down. What are you doing?
Everyone saw that
I landed more punches
You are being partial against
mejust because I am from Manipur
Look, our decision is final
According to the countback rule
Preeti is the winner of this bout
lam a Indian
India is in my heart
What are you doing?
3 time world champion.
lam a 3 time world champion
you think I will lose to this kid?
Iam a Manipuri that
is why they are against me
Let's talk about it at home
Please. Just calm down
You tell me,
3 times world champion..
And this kind of behavior?
She has been creating
problems in the past as well
But using a chair as a weapon
and throwing it towards the judges?
That is unacceptable
and the federation
has decided to
ban her from boxing
People all over the country are giving
different opinion about Mary Kom's behavior.
Why is this woman hell-bent
on ruining her own reputation?
I want to see - She should now
accept domestic life
and take care of her
husband and two kids
and her Husband
should also understand
why is he ruining his reputation
I actually would like
to blame the husband
sending his wife
to get beaten in the ring
while he himself sits
and does nothing at home
Look, Till she doesn't
publicly apologize
to the officials
and the federation
with a written public apology,
this ban will not be revoked
Don't make it sound as if
there is some personal vendetta
Sign this
This is the Federations
decision and that is that.
Ok 0k, let us go.. Bye
Sign this
- Why should I apologize Onler?
The world is laughing at me,
I don't care
but if they think of
you as ajoke I will not bear it
Sign this
But I didn't do anything wrong
I know that you haven't
done anything wrong
But that,
only you and I know.. not them
We will have to tell
them what the real truth is
and that will never
happen by sitting at home
Honey, You are a fighter
and a fighter never gives up
By apologizing you
will not lose respect
but by giving up the fight,
you will lose every1hing
ls Mr. Sharma free now?
- Please wait, I'll tell him
Not yet
Oh yes I did receive a call.
No no. Yes
No.. actually what happened is.. yes..
Who will say a no to Sharma
Yes I will send it to you tomorrow
Sir.. - Any other service
you required of me?
The team selection"
Sure sir, please keep
our needs also in consideration
You've been kind to everyone..
Didn't realize the time
- Yes right
But this time we have prepared
such a good team that" - Sir..
- What is this? An invitation?
No Sir, it's an apology
Apology, that too in writing?
How nice!
Why don't you read it out to us?
Sir we are getting late
Shut up you fool
Let us just give her 2 minutes of our
time and listen what she has to say
Madam please read it out
to us while I sit and listen
You have written it so
it will be best if you read it
S. Sharma Federation Head
Skip the formalities
Sir would you like to have some tea?
Yes sure
Hey, come here
Come quick man after all you are
working for the sports department
Not here, stand there
and listen to madam
And could you speak a little louder
so that everyone can hear you?
Dear Sir, I MC Mary Kom deeply
regret and would like to apologize
to the federation and
its officials for my conduct
and promise to
not repeat the mistake
That's it?
It is nice
but if you had elaborated a little
more it would have been more fun
Sir you wanted a written apology,
I gave you one
Thank you. This was the
moment I was waiting for
But sadly we have almost
finalized the team
so this written apology
I will safely keep as your autograph
Sir could I have a photocopy?
Yes I will make a copy
for you and send it across
Come on sir..
My baby..
Boxer Mary Kom's ban has been lifted
And in the World Championship
to be held in Ningbo
After Mr. Singh's retirement.
Amit Kumar will be Mary's head coach
I thought I could make
a comeback without your help
But I was wrong
I can box without you
but I cannot win
Coach Sir I know you weren't happy
with my decision to get married
and now I am even a mother of two
Coach, sir
My parents gave birth to Chungneizang
but you gave birth to Mary Kom
and today that Mary needs your help
Hold this
A woman becomes even stronger
after becoming a mother
and now your strength
has increased two-folds
so we will work twice as hard
"The head bows in front of you."
"Your lap is my house."
"lndia, we salute you."
"We'll not lose hope
in the difficult times."
"Agree to walk along with me."
"We get passionate
when we kiss the mud."
"l can sacrifice my life for you."
Use your brains
"We'll celebrate victory."
"We'll hoist the tricolor
flag on the sky."
"We'll show everyone with pride."
"We will win this world."
"The head bows in front of you."
"Your lap is my house."
"lndia, we salute you."
"The hopes should be touching the sky.
Never give up trying."
"You will get the destination,
even if the path is angry."
"The hopes should be touching the sky.
Never give up trying."
"You will get the destination,
even if the path is angry."
"This country teaches you,
it encourages you."
"You don't stop unnecessarily
after falling down."
"This is your country.
Do anything to save it."
"You sacrifice your life on it."
"Scare the fear and awaken the..
...passion of victory in your veins."
"We have to reach up the sky."
"We have to change
the direction of the wind."
"We have to worship our country."
"You have to show this to the world."
"The head bows in front of you."
"Your lap is my house."
"lndia, we salute you."
"The head bows in front of you."
"Your lap is my house."
"lndia, we salute you."
"The head bows in front of you."
"Your lap is my house."
"lndia, we salute you."
"The head bows in front of you."
"Your lap is my house."
"lndia, we salute you."
My baby
God is with you,
and so are we - Father
Remember every1hing
that you have learned
Thank you, coach
- All the best
I couldn't have done it without you
Don't forget his medication
- Take care of yourself
Bye, bye
- Good luck
Oh my sweetheart.
Come on it's time ,we will be late
Come on
Ok bye
Say bye to your grandmother
- Bye, bye
Mother take care - Have a good journey
Bye. Thank you, aunty
Say bye to Mom
And the winner, Mary Kom!
Hello, where is your concentration?
Painting my nails
Nail polish, before a fight?
I can never understand your logics
Shut up!
Painting nails anyfime
is a woman's birthright
ls it?
By the way is it true that
the women there are very beautiful
And yeah their whole
family knows karate as well
So tell me, how are the kids?
Rengpa is fine but I will
have to take Nainai to the doctor
What happened?
He got fever again?
Slight fever
Don't stress too much.
lam here for him
All you have to do is
focus on your match tomorrow
Ok go to sleep now and
call me after your match, ok?
All the best, love you
I love you too
What is the problem
with Nainai, Doctor?
You will have to take the child to
Artemis Hospital Gurgaon
for some advanced tests.
They can't be done here
I will inform the doctor there.
But don't delay
Show this there
Don't you think
we should inform Mary?
In sports NEWS, India's Mary Kom
has reached finals
at the world championship
by defeating Turkey's
Salma Haq 15-12 in semi-finals
But winning the gold
won't be so easy this time
as her opponent in the finals is
world No.1 Germany's Sasha Podolski
If you remember..
- No
Mary Kom had defeated Sasha in
a World Championship - Not right now
that took place in Delhi two years ago
She will be under a
lot of pressure right now
Only time will tell if Mary Kom
will be able to repeat her success
She's so quick
Mary, come here
Get up!
Come sit here
This is Sasha right
This is not the same Sasha
She is more aggressive
in her movements
See her body language
Sir, her guard is completely down
She is not scared
of anyone's punches
She is here to win at all costs
Fair unfair, doesn't matter
Sir are you trying to scare me?
Yes Mary
Your victory in
today's semi-finals
and your bout tomorrow
will be poles apart from each other
Coming up with
a strategy Mr. Amit?
But it is going to be of no use
we are just going
to come back with a silver
Nigam last time we were on
top of the medals tally, weren't we?
Yes sir
On the top. This time we have
managed only two bronze and that is
because even
the 4th placed person
gets a charity of a bronze medal
Sir you cannot be so critical
The girls have really
worked hard
and winning and losing
is a pan of every sport
Mr. Amit all these girls have
basically come out
on an all expenses paid trip
After they lose, they will
pretend to cry for a little while
and then glam themselves
up and go shopping
Sir please do not demotivate
the players just before their finals
What kind of a motivating
speech is this? - Mary let it be
What did you just say?
Looks like you haven't yet learned
your lesson from the ban & apology
I can still destroy your career
Yes you are right Sir
You can only destroy
careers never ever make them
Who will I make it for?
All these nincompoops?
Yes sir we are
all nincompoops here
After-all we are here
for a holiday, right?
See how her face has bloated
eating all the food here
And this girl her eyes
are swollen pretending to cry
The players and the
coach live in dormitories
while you and your family
live lavishly in 5 stars
that are actually
meant for we players?
In spite of the
federation's dirty politics
we perform to the
best of our ability
and still if you doubt
our talent or dedication
play a round with
me and you will know
Sir please, Let's go
You have spoken enough
I will remove the very
word of boxing from your psyche
I dare you to
Who will stop me?
I. lwill file a
harassment case against you
And I will send all the details
of your late night sms to your wife
Listen Mr. Sharma
please don't instill
so much fear in anyone
that one day they
are not fearful anymore
Yes Onler
Sir could I speak
with Mary, please?
But her final match
is about to begin
Sir it's a bit urgent.
Ok I will give her
the phone right away
Thank you..
Mary, Onler on the line
Oh thank god!
Hello! Onler. Where are you guys?
I have been trying to call you and
Jimmy since yesterday
both your cells were off,
you know how worried I was?
Is every1hing ok there?
Jimmy and I have
come to Gurgaon
Fighting in the blue corner..
Nainai has been admitted
in the hospital - What?
Why what is wrong with him?
Nainai has..
Yes Onler!
What is wrong with Nainai
God Dammit Onler! Speak up!
Nainai has a hole in his heart
He is being
operated upon right now
Honey.. Honey.. I am here with him
Last and final call
for India's MC Mary Kom
One thing I fail to understand is
where's Mary's concentration...
...her stance, her guard is all wrong
Come on Mary!
She is being mercilessly hammered
by the German's punches...
...and here's another one
Mary's game looking very disappointed
and has no answer to
Sasha's flurry of punches
Sasha has gone from
strength to strength..
Mary Kom looks like a
pale shadow of her former self
And Sasha attacking
And Mary is completely shaken by it
Looks like Sasha is
in a hurry to finish the match
Indian fans would
be disappointed
seeing Mary in this situation
The only hopeful thing
for her fans & her would be the bell
Yeah saved by the bell - I know
what you are going
through & I even know
you're still the World Champion
Just once show her
that you are Mary Kom
and sadly I think
this match is over..
You can do it Mary
You can do it.. Come on
The second round hasjust begun
And Sasha is
continuing in the same way
as she was in the 1st
She is constantly attacking
Mary around the rib-cage
For Mary to stay in this match
she will have to
protect her ribs and play..
Focus Mary focus
She's playing according
to her reputation"
4 - Come on!
Come on Mary - 6
Come on Mary.. Come on
Oh and that's another
hard blow by Sasha
This is the end of the second round
Mary is so dazed that
she hasn't realized
that she is walking
towards the wrong corner
Referee guiding
Mary Kom to her corner
Shasha has take
a good lead over Mary
and has the match
under full control
Looks like Mary is almost
certain to loose this gold medal
Mary. - MaFY
Go home momma!
Come on Mary get up!!!
Come on Mary Come on
Come on Mary..
Yes Mary come on..
Mary get up
Mary get up..
Mary get up..
Hello Mother"
Mary get up
Come on get up
Get up Mary..
Mary get up
Mary come on- Get up Mary
Come on Mary.. Come on
Get up Mary.. Get up!
Goodness me!
Is Mary making a comeback?
Bravo.. attack!
Harder.. harder..
Hit her more!
Keep attacking, Mary!
Full attack!
Corner her! Corner her
Right Mary.. Right
Full attack Mary..
Harder.. harder..
Come on..
Yes Mary... yes!!!
Come on Sasha..
Sasha! - 7
India's Mary Kom has become
4th time World Champion
This is really mind blowing stuff
I'm proud to have
been born in the same country
where athletes
like Mary Kom are born
It has been proven again..
history cannot be made without war..
This woman here truly symbolises
the phrase "Strength of a woman"
We were privileged to see this
living legend in action here today
She has displayed
tremendous courage
strength and determination
Operation was successful
- And this is our honour
to accord this four time
World Champion with the title of..
"Magnificent Mary"
Thank you sir.. thank you
Ladies and gentlemen would
you all rise in respect
of the Indian National Anthem
"Oh bird, you fly."
"Go to the sky
and burn the sun."
"Oh bird, you fly."
"Everyone should ask you,
why you have so much fire in you?"
"Go and spread dust
on your destination."
"These winds support you."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"The world is in your fist."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn."
"Whoever comes in your path.."
" the clouds of difficulties."
"You show them.."
" stay away from
the courageous people."
"Your attitude is carefree,
so have fun.."
"..the world is in your fist."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn."
"Oh bird, you fly."
"Go to the sky
and burn the sun."
"Oh bird, you fly."
"Everyone should ask you,
why you have so much fire in you?"
"Oh bird, you fly."
"Everyone should ask you,
why you have so much fire in you?"
"Go and spread dust
on your destination."
"These winds support you."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"The world is in your fist."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn.
- Fly."
"Go, fly as it is your turn."