Maryada Ramanna (2010) Movie Script

1982 - Gandikota, Rayalaseema
What a proud tradition!
Sacrificing lives for love...
Taking lives for pride...
History written with the blood...
Who was in the phone line?
Your paternal uncle
has come out ofjail.
Why this rivalry with relatives?
Are they strangers to you?
The man who insulted my clan
and sent my brother to jail,
my brother must kill him.
Today he must uphold
the pride of this region.
Sir, Raghava Rao has left.
Hey, pick up the axe.
Stop hubby...he's your
paternal aunt's son, right?
He's not a stranger, is he?
lnstead of calming down your brother,
why are you sending him to fight?
You've given birth to two sons, still haven't
imbibed the pride of this region?
For pride, there's no difference
between relatives and enemies.
Must take lives...
must take revenge.
lf you give place to thoughts
that legs and eyes are ours...
Won't it mar the opportunity of
feasting a bloody revenge?
lf we think our blood and
our relatives...
Won't the epic battle of Kurukshetra
become a big joke?
Before thinking who are Kauravas
and who Pandavas are...
Heads would roll down and rivers of
blood would flow wiping out the lives...
Come, let's go to hospital.
- Later!
Let my son look at me proudly.
Raise my son with the
pride of this region.
Tell him to see our enemies
as dead people.
Sir, only his body is in the house.
l think his wife has ran away.
Let any number of years go by,
don't forget to take revenge,
don't show mercy on old or children,
make a vow to wipe out
his entire clan.
28 years later...
Customers are leaving
in anger without stock.
Are you making fun of me?
Where's he?
- He'll come, wait for 5 minutes, brother.
lt's me, cycle.
My ill fate l'm under him.
He must look after a beautiful cycle like
me very well but what is he doing?
He's pedalling without
a proper service for years.
Watch out! Apply brake!
Do you think am l a horse?
Why are you galloping, bloody?
Why are you riding on top?
- l'll get down.
l may get broken, get me down.
Why are you climbing wall again?
Coming late every day!
Watch out a car...careful...
- Be careful!
Why did you come again?
l told your boss to send in auto.
l'll come faster next time.
- Don't come again.
Why did you stop now?
You don't have the capacity
to service me properly,
but you've the tendency
of social service too.
Bloody idiot is in dilemma now.
Shut up and get going.
Carrying you is too much,
do l've to carry the little girl too?
Can't you ask your add to engage
auto instead of asking life daily?
Why don't you but a bike instead
of using this junk cycle?
Got a good stick, ldiot! Go!
Give me a plate of idlies, brother.
- Two idlies for him.
Order cancel, brother.
Are you playing drama?
- l'll come early from tomorrow.
Will you come?
You've very late today.
l've to come on cycle.
- Keep it there.
From where do you guys come
to spoil our business?
l came late just twice only brother.
lf you come late again,
l'll break you and your cycle.
Sorry, l'll never come late again.
- Go away.
You're fired, brother.
Ramu, retailers are fed up,
l can't lose business for you, right?
Please don't fire me,
l'll deliver on time from tomorrow.
How many deliveries can
you make on this junk?- Junk?
Since you've given me the
much need rest, l'm forgiving you.
You've a job if you've an auto.
l don't have that much of money.
That's your headache...
Mastan, load the bags.
Got fired!
Now jobless!
Not even a stick to hold on
to swim across river Godavari...
Not a penny to offer and
seek divine intervention...
Lips have gone dry...
stomach is empty...
Life is sapping up...
Why am l so unlucky?
Upside down...
lt's upside down...
Upside down...
Who said hard work will
drive away poverty?
l do work hard,
but poverty still remains...
They say the more you sweat,
the better your life turns...
What did l get?
Just sweat only...
Lines on palm let me down...
Fate on forehead has
become ill fate...
Totally my life has plunged
into darkness...
Bad luck is following me
like shadow...
Not a penny in my pocket...
Misfortune is attracting me
like a magnet...
What am l to do?
l'm the most unfortunate man...
Beggars...will get ashamed..
Pick pockets can never
pick my pocket...
Then, why don't you die?
l can't kill myself even
if l've to die...
Luck turned against me,
it left me shattered...
l'm losing out...
Have back so early?
Half day leave?
lt's long leave hereafter.
l'll not come for night dinner,
cook for yourself only.
Did your boss fire you?
Has the news reached
you so quickly, uncle?
Nobody needn't have to tell me,
when you look at your mother's photo
silently, l can understand it.
Come home to have lunch.
Rs.2 lakhs!
Tata Ace auto trolley, uncle.
Just Rs.2 lakhs with registration
and insurance, uncle.
How much you've fell short?
- Rs.1532 minus Rs.2 lakhs.
No mother or father,
no relatives,
all you've is just a junk cycle.
- Take your hands off me.
Who will lend you money?
Courier? For whom?
She died long back.
He's her son.- Yes sir.
Please sign this.
From Tadipathri MRO's office.
Do you've anyone there?
l don't know.
Bye sir.
- Okay.
According to the District sessions
court's judgement,
in Gandikota village, Tadipathri Mandal,
Ananthapur district,
Govt. which confiscated 5.10 acres of land,
is being returned to the holder.
You can apply for holder's passbook
with Mandal revenue office.
Uncle, l think l've got my auto.
5 acres?
Even if at Rs.30000 a acre,
l'll get Rs.1 .5 lakhs.
What do you say, uncle?
Why don't you answer me?
Your mother never told about
your family background.
But at times she told you
belong to Rayalaseema,
and she hated that place.
- You mean?
l mean may be your family
has some feud there.- Feud?
l mean the fights, clashes
that's common in villages.
l don't know why your mother
feared that place so much,
l feel you shouldn't go there
for the property.
What are you saying uncle?
How can l leave the property?
What if you get into trouble there?
Trouble? Would anyone dare trouble
me looking at my face?
But your mother feared...
- Uncle, mother feared unnecessarily.
Men who had a feud with
my family 30 years ago,
would he still be waiting
to take revenge on me?
lf we think of all that,
we can't sell this property...
Father, they've arrived.
Baireddy, they're coming
here first time,
they must remember our
hospitality all their life.
ls entire Rayalaseema region
like this only, Natarajan?
No water resources, sir.
My Rajasthan is desert,
this looks worse than it.
Don't reject outright, sir.
lf not for the Bauxite mines,
would you dare come here?
lf you can charm Ramineedu,
you can mint money.
l don't know about others
but these people are different.
Why? Have they come from heaven?
Local SP too warned us
before coming here.
lt seems over 100 murder cases have
been filed on Ramineedu and his sons.
Not one has been proved.
Was yourjourney happy?
- Fine sir.
My elder son Mallasuri.
- Greetings.
Younger son Baireddy.
Greetings.- Greetings.
Give him water to wash legs.
Please come.
You said something and scared us.
They don't seem as what you said.
Hold the umbrella properly.
We were eagerly waiting for you.
They too...stop!
Hey, clear the dung.
- Okay sir.
Village, right?
- So appearances are deceptive.
- Nothing sir.
People scared us with stories
about your murders,
but after coming here,
you're not stone but sponge.
Please come in.
Why are the cattle inside home?
- Please take your seat.
That's our culture.
- lt's surprizing.
This region's tradition is to accept
cattle too as family members.
We take care of them
as one of our own.
Yes, indeed l don't see
any difference.
But you were clothes
and they don't.
Let's discuss about this house
and his wife later, first business.
lf you show us the documents,
we can discuss other things...
About those things...
He can't understand it
and doesn't need it too.
Look, l've been a broker to
many big contractors.
We generally offer 10% cut
to mafia in our region,
this region has a special name
to it as Factionism,
take another 5% extra for it.
What do you say Ghanshyamji?
Let's discuss business later,
shall we have lunch first?
Why don't you also join us?
- No problem sir.
Won't you sit before your father?
Excellent! Though 6 feet tall hunks,
you've them in control.
Madam, get me chicken.
Deal is over.
l've seen many like them.
Would you like to chew
betel leaf and nuts?
Won't you marry Baireddy?
Are they searching any bride for you?
You've any girl in your clan.
l should've killed the moment he
took our goodness for weakness.
But, home is like mother to us.
lt's our tradition not to
spill blood inside home.
That's why l spared him.
Baireddy, we are discussing here,
take him out.
You don't get good food on the way
to Hyderabad, so packed food for you.
Packed plenty of fish gravy, Bal Reddy?
- l have sir.
l observed you relishing it.
You may go now.
l'm not bothered about the percentage
of commission, Ghanshyamji,
l'm agreeing for a deal with you so
that my local boys will get few jobs.
Don't alter anything in that.
Hey poverty stricken man!
Why are you coming to station on a bicycle?
You moron!
You're going away for 15 days.
l thought l would happily take rest
but you'll not leave me.
Bloody miser!
Boy, come here.
How much for parking here?
Rs2 per hour and
Rs.20 per day, sir.
You mean Rs.150 for a week!
Rent is too high than it's cost.
What shall l do now?
Had good stick? lf you return,
you'll lose ticket money,
if you park me here, you'll lose money,
what will you do now?
Make an entry of all that.
- Tell me.
l want to help them, sir.
- No, bicycle.
Hey! Will you donate me?
Have you gone mad?
lt worked loyally for 20 long years.
lt's enough if it's useful
to some destitute.
Load the cycle in that truck.
- Okay sir.
You used me all these years and
donating me to flood victims.
You'll'll go bankrupt...
you'll be ravaged.
Sit there.
This is my seat, sir.
What are you searching?
Did you drop anything?
You said the seat is yours,
just checking if it has your name.
Look at this.
- Where is your name?
Why would it be on this?
lt's in the chart outside.
Then, sit outside.
Why are you sitting in my lap?
Your lap?
ls your name written on it?
Sit there.
- Can't dare see your bare body?
Never heard, seen or known...
My eyes never seen it
in dreams too...
Come on...
Give me the bag.
That's it!
You can run!
Didn't get hurt, did you?
Why would he get hurt?
Platform would've got damaged.
On seeing a girl,
they stretch a helping hand.
Take off, can't you stop train
by pulling the chain.
She had to help you get up now.
Get in.
Wearing a shirt on shirt.
You come in dear. Go!
She's drawing my face!
He was posing like a hero!
lsn't it like seeing
yourself in mirror?
Wait, let others too enjoy it.
Look at our hero!
Spitting image of him!
Very good.
He stealthily took it,
but l saw him.
Where are you going?
Give him a copy,
he'll send it to his future bride.
Excuse me...please stop.
l think you're hurt,
l'm very sorry.
Please come and sit there.
l can't get fooled again.
l didn't draw this on seeing you.
l don't know if it looks like me or not
but the sketch is very nice.
Oh my God! Please look there!
Did you draw that monkey?
The boy with monkey was
standing behind you.
l was feeling proud for
drawing my face.
You're not angry anymore, right?
That's my native place.
What do you've there?
A small land deal,
if it's over, l'll be happy.
Coconut water?
Hey boy! Come here.
lt's very good for health to have
coconut water every day.
No need of straw,
may it was used by many.
Fresh one sir?
l know, we use and throw it,
they pick it up and reuse it.
What should l do with it?
Keep the straw with you and
give me the coconut.
How much?
- Rs.10.
Fixed price?
- Yes.
Straw is a health hazard.
lt will come.
l've had it many times like this.
Not coming?
The seller asked him to
take the straw.
He should've listened to him.
Said health hazard.
Anyway it'll not come in,
you go out and have it.
Keep trying...move.
Every man tries to become a hero.
Not sponge, original.
Want another one?
Why is he stopping in every station
like a passenger train?
l stopped the train.
Greetings madam.
That's okay, what are you doing here?
Big boss sent me.
Do you eat so much?
Look, what he's asking?
- l don't know madam.
Boss sent it.
So many items,
what am l to do with it?
l don't know madam.
Boss sent it.
What do you know then?
- l think he doesn't know that too.
Dear, are you scolding Bal Reddy?
Look, how much food
he has brought, father.
lsn't that enough dear?
Shall l send sweets in next station?
- Father!
Appu, eat and sleep peacefully.
Don't waste your time spending
on those silly drawings.
Are you listening to me, Aparna?
- Okay father.
Bye dear.
Hello, l'm hungry,
shall we open it?
Bye madam...bye sir.
Your father's arrangements
are excellent.
Give me that pencil.
Why isn't it running?
No problem.
- Just a minute.
She says, no problem.
- But l do, your fan's running, right?
Every man interferes.
Will it hurt him if l repair it now?
Loose connection, switch it off.
Have been watching you,
you're interfering in everything,
don't you've any work?
Can't you sit in one place
instead of moving around?
Why are you scolding
instead of beating him?
You're a big scientist
and we are idiots.
Do one thing, get down, tilt the train
and kick start it like scooter.
You were angry a minute before,
had he not stopped the train,
would we've seen this spectacle?
Yes, we chided him unnecessarily.
Though you stopped the train,
you showed us a great scene.
What happened?
We are going very fast.
Shouldn't we reach out destination?
Those fireflies, this moonlit night,
these feelings,
it won't come back, right?
Are we going?
No, we are here only.
Look out once.
Those trees and hills are
moving backwards.
The maiden is sitting next to window...
What is seen from the window?
The world is moving
at 70 miles per hour...
Look at the palm tree...
lt's waving bye
by shaking the leaves...
Why is the moon following us?
May be fallen for you...
What was the shaking
earth's response?
lf you say yes,
it wants to be a cradle for you...
What is the wind thinking
blowing on me?
lt wants to carry your tales...
The maiden is standing
near the threshold...
What is seen from the threshold?
Thinking at 80 miles per hour...
An unexpected journey...
lt made my imaginations to run wild...
The happiness l never l knew till now..
lt brought right into my life...
Cool dark night is enveloping...
Night is melting for the warm fire...
l had a alluring dream in sleep...
But reality is much more beautiful...
The maiden is sleeping
next to window...
What is seen from the window?
Sleep took over her
at 90 miles per hour...
That's all! l just ran away from there
without even turning back.
Trivikram too jumped away
from that side.
Had we been caught
we would've got the stick...
We've reached the station.
l didn't observe talking to you.
Train will stop for a minute only,
come quickly.
Your sketch book!
Hi! When did you come?
- Today morning.
Had a nice journey, dear?
Why have you grown thin, Appu?
Stop it brother-in-law.
Why are you cracking jokes on her?
lt seems hostel canteen was
shut down unable to feed her.
Hey you!
- Leave me
Have you forgotten any food in train?
Come then.
Keep everything safely,
don't forget anything.
Come brother.
- Yes uncle.
Take my daughter to home.
We'll visit temple.
l'll also come, father.
How can you come without
taking bath, dear?
Tell me, for whom you're waiting?
- What?
l knew the way you looked
at the compartment.
- Appu, tell me. Who is he?
Would be or could be?
Nothing like that but quite
an interesting character.
Liked him? Confirmed?
Eloping with him?
He's just a friend, that's all.
- That's all?
But why are you so
interested in my love?
lf not me, who else will
be concerned?
Your parents and my parents have only
one wish, to see us both married.
Why don't you marry me then?
Don't say it for fun too.
lf my dad hears it,
he'll fix marriage immediately.
Seeing us close, people mistake
we love each other,
can't you tell your father you too
don't like this marriage?
Aren't you ashamed to say this?
As a man you can't tell your father,
but you want me to tell my father.
l told them,
l told my mother and father,
we know each other from childhood,
l told them l don't have
any feelings for Appu.
He said, why do you need
feelings for marriage?
Don't laugh, l'm angry.
He's calling me.
- Oh uncle!
Don't pick it up.
- Why?
He'll not speak anything else.
Tell me father.
Did you go to station to pick up Appu?
He did go it seems.
Are you bringing her in your car, right? went to another
place on urgent work.
Urgent work?
You brainless fellow!
Fool! What's more important
to him than Appu?
Why don't you talk to me?
Why are you saying hello?
l can understand it.
Lost signal!
Enough of laughing, come.
Why do you waste time on
making silly sketches?
Why don't you find yourself a man?
They are not silly sketches.
- What's it then?
l'm drawing the future life
with my husband.
Does your silly sketches have
so much poetry in it?
No, look at this...
What happened?
- My drawing book...
Missing? Good riddance.
lt's gone!
Gandikota junction, get down.
Water is cool, boy.
Uncle! Why don't you become
a film hero?
Hey keep quiet.
Hey! What are you searching?
Can't find the way to
Kaleshah Baba mosque.
That one! Go straight in this lane,
after a furlong,
there's a turn near fig tree,
forget it,
after that take a turn and
go further for half a kilometre,
there's a Hanuman temple,
take a right turn near
the transformer there,
There's a transformer in the
right hand of Lord Hanuman...
After that...?
Looks like you're new to the place,
come, l'll drop you.
Okay sir.
No problem,
hold me and sit carefully.
l'll take you.
- Thank you very much sir.
l just asked for address but
you're taking me there.
Rayalaseema is known for
honour and hospitality.
Why are you saying like that?
ls helping another man hospitality?
Ask anyone in city, forget about guiding,
they'll see as if we'd asked their property.
Greetings sir.
- Greetings brother.
- Come here.
Take him to Kaleshah Mosque.
- Okay sir. Come sir.
Can l go sir?
Thank you very much sir. Come.
Mosque here is very big,
very famous.
l'm not here to see mosque,
l've some land near it.
Whose relative are you?
Which family do you belong to?
One Mr. Kovelamudi Raghava Rao
used to live here...
l'm his son.
How far it is still?
Can reach quickly from this short cut?
This is my house.
Mother, send this milk to dairy.
- Okay.
Come sir.
- Let's go.
What's the going rate here
for an acre?
About Rs.30000 an acre, sir.
- Rs.30000?!
You mean Rs.1 .5 lakhs.
- What happened sir?
Where can l find the revenue officer?
- Why sir?
l want to sell my land.
No need of them, sir,
l'll take you to Ramineedu sir,
he can get any work done
in a snap of a finger.
Ramineedu? Who is he?
There's lot to say about him.
You come.
Sir, please circumambulate
the temple.
You want to break a coconut, sir?
- Yes sir.
Break it that side.
How dare you break coconut
to hurt our sir, you beast!- Stop!
Are you fulfilling vow?
- Yes sir.
Can't you see he's fulfilling a vow?
Don't be so short tempered. Go!
Don't get scared.
Which is your native place?
l'm from Hyderabad,
l've some work here.
Whose relative?
My father's name is...
- Father, brother's phone.
Tell me Mallasuri.
- Where are you now, father?
ln temple, son.
father, Raghava Rao's son is here.
- What? Rama Rao?
lt's Raghava Rao,
not Rama Rao, father.
Rama Rao? Which Rama Rao?
- Can't hear you properly son?
Let's discuss in home.
Signal is weak.
What work?
- l want to meet Ramineedu sir.
You've work with me and hurt me?
- Are you Ramineedu sir?
Sorry sir.
- No problem.
Why do you want to meet me?
My land here...
- Sir, you wanted to discuss about festival...
Okay, l'll come.
Let's go to my home and
discuss after lunch.
Please don't take that trouble sir.
l'll have lunch in some hotel.
You've come to our village,
you've work with my father,
how dare you'll eat elsewhere
other than in our home?
What would become of our family honour?
Come, enjoy our hospitality.
You can never forget
our hospitality in your life.
Okay sir.
After years the big festival has come...
Thresholds are adorned with
mango leaf festoons...
Goddess has remembered
about the hunger...
She'll give millions
for sacrificing a hen...
She'll give bungalows
for sacrificing a goat...
lf you sacrifice sheep
to Goddess Poleramma...
- When did you come children?
Father-in-law, l brought them from
Nandiyala today morning.
ls it?
- Did you discuss with priest?
l did. He's...where is he?
Ramu, give some food to the cattle.
- Okay.
What are you looking at?
This cattle, these people,
this busy work,
great, your home is also
very big like your heart.
Where's Appu?
ls there any end to her talk
with Srikanth?
l've been watching since morning,
they haven't come down yet.
Coming mother.
Go, go immediately, if not your
mother will confirm many things.
You wait.
What's it mother?
How come you're here?
- ls it your home?
Yes, where did you go today morning?
Do you know him, dear?
- l know him, father.
He travelled last night with me.
ls it?
- Yes sir.
Why didn't you come with her then?
May be hesitation stopped him, father.
Nothing like that.
Why didn't you get down
from the train?
You got down in haste and
you missed sketch book there.
Did you miss the station for
her silly drawing book?
You're too much.
l'm Srikanth, Appu's aunt's son.
Stop laughing now.
Look, how he's getting angry.
- We've seeing it since childhood.
Srikanth never leaves Appu's hand.
- Divert the topic.
Where did you meet my father?
Let's gossip later, first arrange lunch.
- Okay.
Please come in.
- Okay.
Let's play, grandpa.
- After lunch, children.
When did you come, Bal Reddy?
- Boss called me, l came in a lorry.
ls it?
- So many varieties?
We've to do atleast this to honour
our guest, right? Please sit down.
Eat before it gets cold.
- Okay sir.
Today l'm very happy.
- Why wouldn't he be?
He has come closer to you, right?
- What?
He's trying to convert
rail friendship into love.
What are you saying?
Do you want me to believe he came
here to return your drawing book?
Coincidentally meeting your father,
coincidentally coming...
Stop that sweet nothings.
Atleast till you're married.
My fate!
Constable took bribe from me for
not having RC book for bicycle.
lf you're so innocent,
how can you survive in this world?
Why are you standing there?
- You are...?
My elder brother-in-law Mallasuri.
How can l not know him?
He's the first man l met here.
ls it? Why didn't you tell me?
Father, please come aside.
- Emergency, father.
First, let's have lunch.
Baireddy, you too come.
lt's always emergency for Mallasuri.
You carry on.
l'm surprized, l'm meeting
all of them strangely.
ls this also coincidence?
What's this urgency, son?
We've a guest...
- He's not a guest, father.
He's Raghava Rao's son
who killed my uncle.
What are you waiting for, father?
Let's hack him to death.
No Baireddy.
- What are you saying, father?
l'm also ten times more
furious than you to kill him.
My hand is itching to hack him
into two right away.
l'll not spill blood in my home.
l'll not kill the guest in my home
whom l served food with my hands.
Can we spare him because
he's our guest?
l'll not spare him.
The moment he steps out of our threshold,
his body and head must get separated.
We've been waiting 25 long years
for this moment,
can't we wait for few more hours?
lnform all our boys!
- Okay, father.
He lives till he's inside the threshold,
the moment he crosses it,
cut his throat!
You asked elderly man to
leave the dining table,
what's so urgent work?
Please have some curd.
- No way.
l think my stomach will burst.
Where is Baireddy?
He's on job.
Would you like to chew betel leaf and nut?
No way, no place even
to swallow air.
Uncle, let's play hide and seek game.
- Okay.
Children, don't disturb the guest.
Tell me now,
why did you want to meet me?
l've some land here,
l want you to sell it for me.
Not a big deal.
Shall we go right away?
- Okay sir.
Grandpa, you're always like this.
Never allow us to play.
- Bad grandpa.
Hey, shut up.
Why are you going out in
this hot sun?
Can't you go out evening?
- He may get late.
Nothing like that sir,
work is there always.
Kid, get a towel.
ls this for you or the kids?
- You're doing too much.
l'm sure he'll not leave
the home till tomorrow.
Aunty, you must blindfold first.
No need, anyway your aunt
is blindfolded now.
Aunt...this side...
Appu, this side...
- Appu, this side...-
Little further...
Uncle! You're out if you step out.
Brother! Now you must seek.
Come...come l say.
You caught him well. He was hiding
outside withoutjoining the game.
Don't move.
Stand properly.
l mean may be your family
has some feud there.
Father, please come aside.
- Emergency, father.
Let's have lunch first.
- Baireddy, you too come.
What's this brother?
We've the enemy in hand,
without killing,
what are we waiting for?
What's wrong to kill him inside
or outside for revenge?
Don't rush, Baireddy.
Never go against father's word.
We must respect our tradition.
Let him step out of the threshold,
let's hack him, bloody!
Now, it's your turn.
- Children, enough of the game.
Why grandpa?
- He must leave now.
No problem, let's play
few more games.
Revenue officer is here, if we go now,
we can finish your work.
Shall we go?
What happened?
- l'll get my bag.
lt's here only.
ls it here only?
Did l return your sketch book to you?
You gave it earlier.
Did l return it?
- Yes.
Bye well.
You study well, dear.
Doctor, bye.
l'll say bye to them also.
- Okay.
Bye madam.
- Okay.
Trust me, l don't want to
leave this home.
What a great feast you'd arranged!
How did that chutney
get special taste?
That is...
- We are getting late.
Why are you going that side?
l'll say bye to Bal Reddy.
- Bal Reddy is standing outside.
ls it outside?
Bye madam...bye...
My purse..?
What's this time?
l think l missed my purse
while playing.
Search it.
l found it.
lt's here only.
Got it.
How many times will you say bye?
- No problem.
Bye dear.
Bye sir.
What's this time?
l'll say bye to cows too.
l'm here for an hour only, yet l've
developed a bond with this home.
Those cattle, this swing, this pillar...
who nice they are!
This is not a home but a heaven filled
with your love and affection.
lt's not a big deal, you can walk
into this heaven again, come.
Rajini, take the children upstairs.
l'll offer prayers to God.
Swing hit my back...
my back is broken...
Move...move away...
You relax.
- Take out the vehicle.
Let's take him to hospital.
ls it paining here?
Get a plank quickly.
- Okay sir.
Move little.- l can't move.
My back is broken.
We want to take you inside.
Be careful.
Take me quickly.
My back is broken.
This is not a home but a heaven filled
with your love and affection.
Appu, remove the pillow.
- Okay.
This side...
Be careful.
What happened?
- Got hurt by the swing.
Get some ice cubes and hot water.
- Yes sir.
Looks like got hurt seriously.
ls it painful here?
- No.
- No.
- No.
How can it not be painful?
lt's strange.
What happened? ls it serious?
l don't see any vertebral dislocation.
No muscular abrasions too.
But highly trauma.
l suspect temporary paralysis due
to deep impact in lumbar region.
But if it happens, the little finger
of the left hands will shiver.
What's the relationship
between spine and finger?
Do you want me to teach MBBS?
lt will happen like that.
lt's shivering!
lt happened as l'd expected.
What should we do now?
Must take some tests,
you take complete rest.
Don't get down from bed,
that's what you want, right?
- Give him massage.
Okay sir.
Will he get cured?
As far as l know no treatment
for his disease in Allopathy.
How about Homeopathy?
- No, it's in Romeopathy.
What's this joking on patient?
Patient? My foot!
He's not Ramu, he's a Romeo.
Shut up!
You said about lumbar impact,
shivering of little finger.
l just played and got the result.
You mean?
He's playing drama to court you.
l can't believe it.
When the love mosquito bites,
many strange things do happen.
lf he manages to impress you
taking such risks,
how nice it would be!
Make your move!
Come...come my dear Saloni...
At an opportune moment
this night, let's elope..
Finding the girl not in
home by morning...
Let the entire village writhe
in pain and anger...
That's it!
- Do it today...
Do it!
- Right away!
Raise it!
- The pulse rate!
Do it my dear!
- lt's me!
Kill it!
- Follow me!
Do it!
- Break into jig!
Shall we secretly plan our elopement
openly amongst people?
Like a thief in day time and like
a king at night when l come to you...
Come on dance with me...
l like you very much...
You're great shakes and touching you
is enchanting, my dear...
Just an invitation will not
make me come to you...
lf you do little magic and charm me,
l'm ready to elope with you...
l'll not give...
never ever give you...
Hey you go away!
Oh God! The girl is very fast...
Creating a scene in street...
Let anyone see, who cares...
let our love flag fly high...
lf people get used to
the elopement...
Come my dear!
- No silly dreams please.
Poor man is innocent.
l'll tell him l don't have any such idea.
Hey stop! He's happy,
what are you going to lose?
Who knows may be the
horse will fly one day!
Hey you!
everyone will get...wait...
Wait...don't fight.
Take this.
Thank God! Reached the place.
By the way, who is my new owner?
Hey wheel...
my seat...hold it carefully... bloody!
Cycles are for humans
not for elephants.
lf your hand is so heavy,
how heavy you would be.
why are you dancing?
Hey Ramu! Where the hell are you?
Death is inevitable.
Death is inevitable to every
living creature.
Likewise the dead are born again.
This is a never ending circle...
The Sun will not be there
by evening...
Moon will lose it's identity
in day time...
This life is just small journey
of three days...
An unidentified body
in Gandikota!
A head separated from the body,
who is the young man?
who killed him? Family feud...
Don't you like any TV program?
You're not hurt so serious to die.
Will l live then sir?
lf you're lucky, even if stabbed brutally
or attacked with bombs one will survive.
lf time is bad, just a small blade
is enough to get killed.
l came here to sell my land
for livelihood.
How am l connected to
daggers and bombs...
l mean how are children
connected to it?
lf you can share parents' property,
won't you share their sins and good deeds too?
Are you here only?
Father-in-law is very upset
because you're hurt.
He can't bear any guest
getting hurt.
Hubby, Srikanth wanted him
to take rest.
Father-in-law! Shall we go out?
Today l couldn't do it.
l'll definitely finish
your work tomorrow.
l mean your selling your land.
lt has been written in your fate to get
sacrificed at the Goddess' altar...
After this night...
Enemy's fort filled with
swords of revenge...
No where to go, it's dead end...
Can't even dare take a cat's nap?
This is Akashavani,
Kadapa radio station.
Next song in the program is
from film 'Chenchulakshmi'.
Sung by Ghantasala, Jikki...
Can you climb trees, my dear?
Can you climb hills?
Can you climb tree and pluck
the tender leaf from the top?
l can climb hills, O dear...
Can you tell your life span?
Can you survive this morning?
Can you sit tight till then?
Can you count the stars?
Can you escape death and
be alive and kicking?
Hey he's here!
Get a rope!
Take rope!
Your backache?
lt vanished strangely.
Then, shall we leave now?
Your back pain has eased,
shall we leave now?
Why so early in the morning?
lt's important to finish the work,
time doesn't matter.
- l'll get my bag.
Your bag is ready.
l'll take bath and come.
Love is as sweet as
the lover is tough...
Father, he knows we'll not harm
him inside the home.
He's playing with us.
Yes father, let's pull him out
and kill him.
Tradition is that you follow
with heart and soul.
Don't belittle it and insult me.
Fate is very powerful, Mallasuri.
Look on what day it has
brought him to us.
Your paternal uncle died this day,
he's also fated to die this very day.
l think you took 2 hours to bathe.
Soap was too strong.
Why so many guests?
My younger uncle's death anniversary.
Poor man! When did he die?
Many years ago.
He was killed in a family feud.
My uncle is seeking revenge
for his death.
Forget it, it's a long tale.
You can go.
- How can l leave now?
l didn't ask you to leave, l told you
to offer homage to the dead man.
You too come with me.
- We've finished, you go.
Hello nephew! Come here.
Coming aunty.
Sir, please sit there.
Pray for peace to the departed soul
of Katragadda Ankineedu...
My nephew will rest in peace only
when that family is wiped out.
How many more years do
we've to wait, Ramineedu?
The moment has arrived, uncle.
You will see it.
You carry on.
All of you please close
your eyes and pray.
Who is it?
Nothing has happened,
please sit down.
What happened after that?
- By then they came suddenly.
Where is he?
Aunty! He's here.
ls he here?
l'll take you to task.
l told you he'll be with Appu.
When are you coming
to my home, Appu?
lt's not in my hands aunty,
he must agree first.
Why did you tell me not to discuss
about it till she finishes college?
How is my college education connected
with my marriage, uncle?
You're doctor, but not even
as smart as she is.
You scold me here, there'll be
no master of ceremony with uncle.
Yes indeed.
No son...
- What no?
Can't you help women in kitchen?
l'll beta you!
- Aunt...
Stop...have you understood
what he said?
He wants you to talk with my brother.
Will it be nice to ask now?
You postpone things like this, your son
will be of your age before he marries.
l'll ask Mallasuri not
my brother-in-law.
My nephew always supports me.
Please come out for a minute.
Sit there uncle.
l need to talk to you. You get up.
- Okay.
Can't you understand if l tell once?
Go, sit there.
What happened?
They are taking good care of that stranger
and told me their uncle to get out.
ls he Minister or Governor?
Who the hell he is?
Who is the man your brothers-in-law
are holding so close?
Appu's friend, father.
Sir, please get holy vessel.
l'll get it.
Priest has asked for the holy vessel.
l'll get it.
- l'll also come.
lt's in bedroom.
- No problem, l'll come.
Did you how affectionately
they are hugging him?
- Keep that fan there.
Okay, uncle.
Keep the fan there.
- Okay sir.
Why are you both brothers
sitting up there?
Arrange for the firewood and food.
Come down.
l'm coming, sister-in-law.
Brother, take good care of Ramu.
How are you feeling now aunty?
- Running fever.
Did you take medicines?
- No.
Do you want me to get medicines?
Are you here only, Mallasuri?
Get medicine from doctor.
Go quickly.
- l'm going.
l'm unable to take good care of you
because of too many relatives in home.
All of them will leave
after the prayers.
Then, we'll take good care of you.
Must never leave the home.
God! Nobody must leave the home.
Nobody must leave the home.
What are you saying?
l said, nobody must leave the home.
l mean the home has come
alive with relatives.
lf they leave, it'll look deserted.
You're right but guests have to leave.
They will come back for
Appu's marriage only.
When will it happen?
You seem to be more
interested in it than us.
lf Appu and Srikanth agree,
we'll conduct their marriage today itself.
Come here dear.
- Greetings.
Bye sir.
- Bye sir.
How are you Rani?
When did we get Appu and
Srikanth engaged?
Brother-in-law promised when
we tonsured their first hair.
But people who don't know this
are thinking differently.
What are you saying?
Who will dare stop this marriage?
Appu and Srikanth will marry.
You're so confident,
have you exchanged the proposal?
Exchanged the proposal?
- No?
ls it all from your side only?
No, my brother-in-law is a man
who stands by his word.
He stands by what he says.
lf he's so trustworthy then why don't you
ask him to get them engaged now?
What's so urgency?
Engagement on death anniversary?
Can't you wait till no moon day?
He'll cite many reasons like this.
You be happy with yourselves.
What happiness?
l'll ask my brother-in-law
to fix engagement now.
You come with me,
you keep watching.- l will.
Keep watching.
- l will.
Brother-in-law, you must settle
a thing right now.
What is it?
Are you fixing your daughter's
marriage with my son or not?
- Yes.
What's so hurry now?
Did you promise or not?
We've been thinking about it
since their childhood.
l'll fix it.
Then, get them engaged today.
Engagement on death anniversary?
Didn't l tell you?
l don't care whether it's death
anniversary or any thing,
today you must promise
before all our relatives.
Obul Reddy wait, l'm coming.
Kittappa, come inside.
Bhakthavatsalam, don't go away.
Elderly man come...
- What's this commotion, father?
Must decide today between
your marriage or my death.
Children, come in.
Are you mad to fix marriage now?
You carry on...
lf you stop them,
l'll grind you to paste.
No father...
- You get inside.
You too come it.
- Okay uncle.
Why are you staring at me?
Come inside.
He has been claiming to be
your kinsman for 20 years.
lf you too like it,
why not fix their marriage?
That's what l'm also asking him.
Am l asking a share in his property?
l'm just asking him to keep up his
promise, but he's postponing it.
What's this, uncle?
Don't you've any sense to timing?
Mallasuri! He's your uncle!
Brother-in-law, you beat me or kill me,
settle it once for all today.
Wait till the no moon day passes.
Didn't l tell you?
Every time he's citing some
reason to postpone it.
l feel you've some other idea.
lf he's insisting on it,
why don't you go ahead and fix it?
Very important work is pending,
l'll fix after finishing it, aunt.
l can't wait for few minutes also.
Father, uncle wants you
to wait for sometime, right?
You shut up!
This is between elders,
stay out of it.
Either you must be gentleman today
or l must be a stupid idiot.
Okay, as you wish.
Let's fix the marriage today
to keep you happy.
l know you'll never break
your promise.
Uncle, please don't mind my father.
Let's wait till you're free.
How long will you keep roaming?
lf you both get married,
we'll retire from life.
lf not retire, withdraw.
But stay out of my life.
l don't like this marriage.
What are you saying, you idiot?
Will you keep shut or
shall l beat you? Go away.
Uncle, you don't take it seriously.
lt has come to this stage
so l'm telling you openly,
l've never imagined Appu as my wife.
Congrats! You've come out boldly.
What's that you don't like in me?
Tell me.
- Actually we both don't...
lf the boy doesn't like her,
what can we do?
We'll take leave.
- Please don't accept it.
Don't agree!
Leaving out a golden girl,
go begging.
What does Appu lack?
lsn't she 24 carat gold?
What's this new twist?
- Why is she rejecting her?
My fate!
He's ruining my life to impress you.
Appu, you too tell
you don't like this marriage.
Why isn't he listening to so
many people's advises?
ls marriage his only problem?
There are many problems linked
to this house and marriage.
What do you know about her
to fix my marriage with her?
She can make Rayalaseema proud...
She can make the future husband's
life meaningful...
Beautiful girl shining like pearl...
Asking you to tie knot with her...
Telugu girl...
Girl with moonbeam
filled bright eyes...
The girl wants you to hold
her hand and take the vow...
Her words are fresh like the first rain...
lt brought riches to the home...
Her smile is cradle of happiness...
lf she becomes your partner,
sorrows will vanish forever...
Though she's a beauty,
but she's always 7 steps behind you...
She's a bride-in-waiting
on earth for you...
She's a moon on earth...
Stop your nonsense!
She always draws silly drawings
in the book.
Should l marry her?
Why do you look down
as silly drawings?
Why don't you see the depth in it?
Like a boat in the river...
Like an umbrella in rain...
Like a nest to the bird...
Like eyelid on eye...
Promising to be partner for life...
She's telling it in her drawings...
She has turned her heart
into the brush...
Uncle! l'll marry Appu.
Thank God!
Till now l saw her with eyes only,
after hearing your song,
l could see her with my heart.
lf you weren't here,
l would've missed this Telugu girl.
You've made me lucky to get
my treasure, thanks Ramu.
Brother-in-law, my foolish son
has fallen in line.
Don't delay any further,
girls, get ready my daughter-in-law.
What are you upto?
Planning to pull someone's legs?
Brother-in-law, come here.
What's it, Naidu?
- You've caught a good man!
Do you know this?
He forced us to fix this marriage now.
Why are you feeling shy?
Do you know he told me to threaten
you or else you'll not agree?
l didn't do anything.
l'm telling you now,
one man like him can take on
any number of men like them.
l'm altering a little in
the program, Naidu.
What's it?
My blood is boiling to kill the man
who killed my brother.
lt's not appropriate to fix marriage
on his death anniversary.
What shall we do now?
l'll conduct the engagement in
the temple of Lord Venugopalaswamy.
Temple is much better.
Engagement is in temple not here.
All of you get ready to go to temple.
All are too!
You've to step out, can't avoid it.
You mustn't come in.
- Why?
Your aunt has become a bride.
Men shouldn't meet her.
Go out.
What's it aunt?
Ask Ramu uncle to come to
the basket store room.
Tell him to come alone.
l'll also play with you.
Appu, come let's go to
the holy Basil plant.
Please come here.
- Tell me.
Will you please give this
letter to Srikanth?
Why are you sending love letters now?
Very important letter, please.
He'll give, you come.
Very important letter, please.
Be ready boys!
Hack him into pieces!
Okay brother.
What were you doing?
My son Srikanth has
become the groom...
Where's doctor?
- Go straight and turn right.
Turn right..
- What's this? Blank paper!
Want medicine prescription?
Okay, you go.
Elders! l'm the kinsman of Ramineedu.
What's this?
She gave a blank paper.
Blank paper...
why did you give me blank paper?
Did you expect love letter?
Though you're smiling,
l've seen you feeling sad inside.
l've understood
why you're doing like this.
Have you understood it?
Thank God!
Why didn't you tell me
this in train itself?
l knew it after stepping
into your home.
Coming, father-in-law.
What if my father comes to know this?
He knows it already.
They'll kill you.
That's what making me tensed.
You do one thing,
l'll somehow convince my father,
you come to Kaleshah Mosque, okay?
How can l escape from
so many people here?
Hide in the flower baskets
and come there.
Smaller ones aren't enough,
keep it there.- Okay madam.
You come here,
keep the big basket here.
- Yes.
What are you searching?
What are these baskets for?
These are offered to God for
any function in this house.
Not there, this side.
Please come with me to upstairs.
Not outside the threshold, upstairs!
Sit there!
You've fooled us by using
my father's sentiment.
l respect my father only
not the tradition.
Your cries will not reach
anyone outside this room.
l'll kill you here,
throw your body behind the wall,
and tell my father l had
killed you outside only.
Bloody rat face!
l'll hack you to death and
avenge my uncle's killing.
After years l got you!
Where are you going now?
Nobody should be here,
all of you get going.
Why are you still here?
All are going to temple, come.
Uncle asked for the festoon.
- Then, come fast.
He's not seen anywhere, brother.
He's hiding in the green basket.
l'll call Mallanna.
Stop Bali!
Neither father nor elder brother,
l must avenge my uncle's death.
Not outside the threshold but
as the entire village watches,
l'll cut him into two pieces.
Keep an eye on the basket.
- Okay brother.
Father, l'll bring the baskets to the
temple using the short route.
Okay. Be careful about the guest.
Keeping an eye on him, father.
- Okay, go.
Come on boys.
We've got ready the sacrificial goat...
we'll offer it to you...
Float the lamps in the water.
l don't like this marriage.
- Yes.
Till a minute before l thought
l was the luckiest man,
Ramu is perfect match for you.
Ramu's life is in danger,
father knows everything.
l'm scared what will they do with him.
l'll talk to your father,
you meet Ramu.
Go l say!
l'll cut him into two pieces in public.
He's inside the home!
Go...go boys!
The heart beat is pounding
like a drum beat...
The fast running and jumping legs are
like the celestial dance of Shiva...
With the divine chant of 5 syllable
word becoming his life...
Turning himself into Markandeya,
the man who outwitted death...
Why did you call me aside, son-in-law?
You want any dowry?
Actually uncle...Appu doesn't
like this marriage.
She likes Ramu! uncle.
Bal Reddy, don't call them.
- How dare you cheat my boss!
Where the hell did he drop down from?
Hey buddy! ls it you?
l knew you'll come back for me.
How many days have passed
since l carried you?
Why are you hurt?
Who are they?
Come on start pedalling!
Come on hop on!
Sharp edges of the knives
that cut the throats...
Stay away from it...
Make even the danger of
taking life to take rest...
Ride the death that wants to
bury you down the earth...
Give new lease of life the hope
lost in the dreary desert...
Don't stop getting tired,
march ahead without break...
Trust that you'll not die here...
Become courage to live
and face the dangers...
Go man!
Go back!
lf you remove this plank,
nobody can cross this bridge.
Yerraguntla railway station
is a kilometre away.
Go fast.
Be careful!
You please don't come, go away.
l can never forgive your help in my life.
Though you know l'm your enemy's son,
you saved my life.
l was shivering fearing your father and
brothers may kill me if l step out of home.
Trust me, l don't feel like
leaving this home.
What if father comes to know?
He knows it already.
lf you weren't there...
- Look, he's there sir.
You go away!
l don't know if l'll meet you
again in this life or not,
l can only say thanks to you.
Father, stop...
Please listen to me, father.
l'm telling you!
Stop l say!
Do you know who is he?
He's Raghava Rao's son,
who killed your uncle.
So what father?
Will you kill him now for the feud
between elders years ago?
Poor man! He's innocent!
Please leave him brother,
he's innocent.
Put a plank!
Put it fast.
Put another one.
- No more planks.
Pull out from the bridge.
l must take his head today.
How dare you take my daughter!
Father, it wasn't his mistake.
l love him.
Does death have any meaning?
After realising the value of life...
Won't death too lose the battle
once love sprouts...
l wanted to run away to save my life.
After knowing a girl
like you loves me,
is there any value to
that life if l run away?
Life or death is with you only.
How dare you hold my sister's hand!
Do you want my daughter?
Father, don't beat him. brother...
l beg you father...
Please father...
Mallasuri, cut the hand.
Your love stopped up there, father!
But his love was ready
to die along with me.
lf you still want to kill him,
kill him, father.
Please forgive me, dear.
Bloody, not only l must carry you
but your wife too.
ln future your kids too!
You'll'll be ravaged.