Masaan (2015) Movie Script

What happens to this city?
Either there is ash or smoke.
Why doesn't anyone say anything?
Why do they tolerate
this smoke quietly?
It's the limit to tolerance.
Let's douse cigarettes and cigars.
There is a ban on smoking
in public places.
You've to pay a ne.
Don't smoke, don't let others smoke.
You've to pay dearly for smoking.
Everyone desires happiness.
But at what cost?
Smoking costs dearly.
"Smoking is injurious
to your health"
"to your loves ones too."
You've to pay dearly for smoking.
"What is life? A delicate arrangement
of the ve elements..."
"What is death? A disarray of these
elements" - Brij Narayan Chakbast.
One moment
I've brought you a gift.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
Feels a bit weird, doesn't it?
Open the door!
What lth are you up to?
My clothes?
Open the dour!!!
Turned this into a bazaar, eh?
Well done!
Move it!
Get his name.
- Your name!
- Piyush Agarwal.
- What do you do?
- Sir, I am a student
I am a student, sir!
- Where are you from?
- Allahabad.
Is this what they leach you?
Can't we agree on a settlement?
Show him a good "settlement"!
I will 'settle' things
with madam till then.
Your name?
- Say it!
- Devi.
Devi, you're life is now ruined.
- Piyush!
- Catch him!
Drag him out!
Let's work out that "settlement"
you asked for.
No, sir!
I'm a college student, Sir.
It's my rst time here.
Come out, you brat!
Open up!
Get me his wallet.
Open the door!
Open the door!
This will get him
out in a minute!
FATHER'S NAME: Ramdhari Agarwal.
Come out now kiddo,
or your dad gets the call.
Sir... I just want to use the toilet.
You can shit in prison.
Your dad's phone is busy.
Please don't call my dad!
I beg you!
We will call him again, shortly.
Please let us go.
Where are you from?
The local brothel?
Face the camera.
No - From Nepal?
You've got it wrong.
Really? We've got it wrong?
What are you waiting for?
Break open the damn door!
Come out now!
Are you at a confessional?
Knock it down!
- Sir!
- Yes?
Sir, look what he's done!
What now?
Hey Pandey! Call the ambulance.
Hurry UP.
Get her dressed and
take her to the station.
Home already, son?
Let me get you some water.
It's okay, I'll get it myself
I'll get it.
Mother, it's time to prepare the stove.
Son, get holy re to re up the stove.
Wake Sikandar up too,
his shift starts soon.
Mother sent me to wake you up.
Wake up!
Ram, the name of God,
is eternal truth!
Dad, I'll light the stove
and be back.
- And Sikandar?
- He's up... on his way here.
Mr. Motilal...
Come, have some sweets.
I can't leave my shop unattended.
Come on! Nobody's going
to steal anything.
They've got sweets.
They're from the university, right?
We're doing an anthropology project.
They want to know about our ghats,
enlighten them.
You're our ghat scholar!
And you, our scholar on shady alleys!
The sleazy ones at night!
You're recording this?
Yes sir, one tends to miss
details while writing.
History... Huh?
Earlier, the banks of Mother
Ganges were a vast forest.
Cremation rituals began
in the Holy River.
So, various kings set up ghats.
Priests from all over
started settling here.
Ghats were assigned...
according to state, caste...
and priests.
Did you understand?
The ghat we're sitting on right now...
is under dispute.
Like Kashmir - Yes, like Kashmir.
The Maharasthrians claim
it to be theirs...
as so do the Gujratis.
What do we do with this brat?
Meet Jhonta. Ghat hero,
running for president...
but ask him to get me customers
and he runs like an athlete!
- What happened?
- I was about to...
Bring me my phone!
Hurry up! Now!
The Scindia ghat, the one
right next to ours...
I'll look for customers, master!
Kids these days are so restless,
always on the run.
And so is this wretched phone.
Misery of modern times!
Yes, speaking.
Look at the ingenuity of
these kids.
She changed into a
saree, all spruced up.
They barely knew each other...
and just look ham!
What for?
What did you tell us a while back?
Say it out loud.
Enlighten your father.
What was that phrase?
"Curbing curiosity!"
If l tip off a journalist...
it would make the front page.
What is this?
A le of another department
on my desk?
What shit!!
Make the corrections and
get out of my face!
What is your name again?
Vidhyadhar Pathak
I offer ritual services
at Nandeshwar ghat
I used to be a Sanskrit
professor at the university.
- Now I translate.
- We'll call you in 3 days.
Pay the bail here, and take
your daughter for now.
Mr. Mishra,
what do you mean "for now"?
If anything happens to the boy...
it'll be a case of
abetment of suicide.
Court, media, journalists,
the whole shebang!
No pleading!
Go pay the bail over there.
We're from the same community.
Go pay the bail and get out!
Centrifugal force turned into centripetal
and people hit a deadlock there...
so they started moving upwards.
And this led to the birth of
Civil Engineering.
Any question?
No, sir!
- You can do this alone.
- Come on, I need the support.
Add some flavored corn in it.
Some green chilies on the side.
Roast it properly!
Like always.
Of course, madam!
Exactly the way you want it.
Happy Birthday to you!
Thank you.
Did you like it?
So when is the birthday treat?
How will she explain
this to her folks?
As in?
How will she explain who
gave this huge gift?
I'm cool with any excuse.
Oh really? Give this to me.
Here, take this back.
No, I got this as a gift.
Gifts are not supposed to be
returned. Come on now!
But what will she tell her folks?
Add more of these peanuts.
- Say something.
- She can say you've gifted it to her.
Like her folks are going
to believe that!
Enough, don't roast it more!
A dash of green sauce too.
More of these chilli akes as well.
Last time you put very
little garlic in it.
- Be generous this time.
- Yes, madam.
Have you ever heard of a girl gifting a
teddy bear to another girl?
Don't they?
Nor have I ever seen a girl
fuss over a 5 rupee snack!
We need to go.
Take this teddy with you.
No, thanks, we're in a hurry!
Let's go.
Good morning, master!
I had an early bath today!
You haven't shown up for 3 days.
Mind your own business.
Is your father home?
He's gone to the ghat.
Call him.
The boy is dead.
Did you offer some tea?
Have a seat.
Sorry, I'm late.
Well, the boy didn't survive.
They're doing an autopsy and
we'll have the report soon.
Here are the court papers.
Please ll them up.
what do we have to do
with the court?
It's a case of abetment of suicide.
But the boy...
killed himself on your watch
I mean... because of
police intimidation.
So now you are acting the Professor?
Here's the thing...
you can save your lecture to jerk off
your ghat customers.
You must have seen it on TV?
The R.K Puram sex scandal,
Jammu and Kashmir sex scandal.
Your daughter is now part of
a big sex scandal!
Sir, please suggest a way out.
How much do you earn?
Around 8 to 10 thousand rupees.
She earns as well, right?
Yes... at a computer
coaching institute
I won't beat around the bush.
media, court...
I can handle all of that.
But you'll have to
make arrangements
3 lakh rupees.
I'm giving you 3 months.
Sir, you've got us wrong.
We're principled people.
We can hardly manage 50,000 rupees!
From now on...
never ever...
ever... negotiate with me.
Am I selling you a bloody soap?!
I'm hereto save your honour
I have your daughter's sex
scandal video on my phone.
One upload and the whole city
will get off on your daughter!
Arrange 1 lakh Rupees in two days.
Don't just nod like a horse!
What will you do?
Arrange 1 lakh Rupees
in two days.
And, after 2 months?
2 lakh Rupees.
Is the math really that hard?
Where to Madam?
- To the cremation ghat.
- It's forbidden for women.
Hit the skull hard, 5 times.
Deepak, give him a hand.
Piyush! My son!
Harder! Smash the skull
to release the soul!
How many more days
left in college?
Two more months, Dad.
Then exams and placements!
- What?
- I mean job placements.
Don't you need to
pay something to get a job?
Not anymore, Mother.
The Railway and Electric companies...
hire on merit.
Instead of supervising the ash cleaning,
you're feasting here?
What if the boys steal the
Uncle Shambhu is supervising it.
Shambu is a pothead!
So? Am I not even
supposed to eat?
How much will the job pay?
They will let me know
after the interview.
Great! Get out of this place.
The sooner, the better.
Otherwise, even your life will
end up torching bodies.
Look what I found,
I think it's silver!
Show me!
Throw it you fool. It's aluminium.
Will you ever explain yourself?
I met him at the coaching center
I used to type out his thesis...
and we became friends.
That's all?
Yes, I felt nice talking to him.
Did you even think twice
before doing it?
Even once?
Did you?
Answer me!
- Cat got your tongue?
- I don't know.
A boy just killed himself.
A ransom of 3 lakhs on our heads
l just broke my 1 lakh Rupees
xed deposit.
You're one step away from jail...
and you say "l don't know"
I shed out 26 Rupees.
Please, let me be part
of the competition.
Are you actually asking me
to let you gamble?
It's not gambling!
It's sport and
I have become a pro at it.
Why are you acting so smart?
Today I will play, no matter what.
Why don't you shut up
and do some work!
Got screwed over by a bull or what?
Pooja looks so pretty with the teddy.
Cute, isn't she?
Can you ask
for her friend's name?
How would I ask?
"My friend has a crush
on your poetry-reading friend...
give me her name
so he can ask her out?"
OK, how about we send
her a written request?
Deepak is getting
emotional about her.
Like they say...
"Shake the mango all night,
it'll only fall off the tree
when it's time is ripe".
What is that noise there?
Okay, listen...
do you remember what
she looks like?
- Sure?
- Yes.
This is her college group page.
She's got to be here.
Won't you nd her
in Pooja's album?
Of course! She'll be in
Pooja's friend list.
Is that her?
There... there... That's her!
Shaalu Gupta.
Gupta family, eh?
Awesome, dude!
Now create your Facebook account
and let the reworks begin!
I mean send her a friend request.
Should we?
Come one, come all, make big money!
Here's the super competition!
In half an hour, increase your gain!
10 rupees turns to 50! 50 turns to 200!
Now listen to the rules.
These kids will dive in
and bring out coins!
Bet on the boy you think
will get the most coins.
Great! We have your 20 Rupees on Lokua.
Don't think twice!
Just place your bets!
20 Rupees on Netwa.
The competition is about to begin!
1... 2...
Now let's see who
gets the most coins!
Lokua has 3 coins!
- Netwa, hurry! Faster!
- Babua's got only one coin this time.
Let's see who's winning...
Munna has 6 coins in one dive.
Hold your breath folks.
- Please let me join in!
- No, just watch.
Those who've bet on Netwa,
will get three times their money!
Hello Devi?
Where were you hiding
your phone all this while?
You think l am an idiot?
I know what dirty
business you've been upto.
Bloody witch...
What are you doing here?!
Who let you in?
I came hereto collect my stuff...
and if you make those lthy calls again,
I'll thrash the hell out of you!
He was our top student!
Weren't you ashamed to do it?
Whatever it was, we both
were equally involved.
But he was the only one to die.
Thrust the leg into the
pyre, you idiot!
Looks like the old man is drunk.
Pour me another drink
'King of the Doms'!
One more for your health!
Do I look like a king to you?
Come on! There are only
two kings in Banaras!
One is Kashi Naresh and
the other is the Dom king.
One on that side...
and one on this side.
Look at that miserable Shambu.
How many 'bonus days' in a year?
Hey! Shambu!
Yes, sir!
Once every 10 years.
Shambhu gets a 'bonus day'
every 10 years!
That day...
he gets all the money
from every cremation here.
Shambu's father...
got his 'bonus day' once in a year.
Overjoyed by that,
he had ten children.
The 'bonus day' got split.
Since the father
had one day in a year...
Shambhu inherited
a tenth of the 'bonus day'
Now he has one every 10 years.
When is your next 'bonus day', Shambu?
Never again
I sold my rights to Lala.
He gave me 1 lakh Rupees for it.
I'll live the rest of my life off alms.
If l sell my 'bonus day'...
I'll get over 10 lakh Rupees.
Right, lala?
As if you are ever going
to sell it to me.
Should we sell?
Asking your ignorant son?
He has nothing to do with
our cremation ghat!
He's nothing but an educated fool!
You're insulting my son?
I'll never sell my 'bonus day' to you!
As if you'd ever think to do so!
Father, I need some money.
For the Durga Puja Carnival.
There, in my shirt.
May I take 300 Rupees?
Take as much as you want.
You're the only one!
Are you going to the Durga puja
carnival tonight?
20 rupees.
Put the watch in the hat.
Easy! Right inside.
Now it's inside.
Now blow into the hat.
The watch has...
The watch will re-appear...
in someone's pocket.
He has it!
Man in the red shirt!
Check your pockets.
He found the watch.
Come on stage, young man!
- Your name?
- Deepak
I'll never smoke again.
Yesterday, my friends forced me to
I deserve at least 12,000 a month
with my qualications.
Don't negotiate.
He was my best student.
Professor taught us
till 10th grade.
It's thanks to him
that we are what we are.
Tea, please.
No thank you, I have to go...
and nish the book translation.
Glass of water?
From the earthenware pot
I received your CV by e-mail.
we have no positions open
for instructors.
We need a receptionist.
Welcoming and counseling
new students.
Some database work, paid extra.
Comes to 5.5K a month.
She'll start tomorrow.
- Thank you so much, Sanjay!
- Oh! Come on, Sir.
It's the least l could do
I must take this call.
Please, have some water.
The new Earthenware pot...
makes the water taste very sweet!
He meant 5,500 rupees only.
What he meant was a lot of
respect for your father.
Thank you.
So you're studying
at the Polytechnic Institute?
Yes. Civil engineering, nal year.
We had a college strike
last year...
otherwise, I would have a job by now.
What are your hobbies?
- Are you a singer?
- No
I listen to music,
on radio and on CDs too.
Just music?
I also like poetry a lot!
- Poetry?
- Yes.
Bashir Badr...
Akbar Allahabadi...
Mirza Ghalib...
You must have at least
heard of Ghalib's name?
Here, please have some.
May I get some sauce?
Schezwan sauce?
May I get some please.
Please start - No, after you.
No, you go rst.
now we're friends right?
By the way,"-
if you're ever in trouble,
let me know.
What will you do?
sort things out for you...
if anyone bothers you...
teases you or makes you cry.
There are lots of nasty boys
around here.
What if...
you make me cry?
Me? No... Why?
I'd sort that out for you too.
Write the student's name here,
in capital letters.
This is our prospectus
with a complimentary CD.
All the information is in here.
Come back tomorrow and it'll be done.
Thank you - Thank you.
You're quite a sweet talker!
Is this your rst job?
What happened to the previous job?
I didn't like the job
I know exactly where
your previous job was.
Enter our "Match the Face" contest!
Guess the actors
and send us the answers.
If you get it right,
you could win a brand new car!
Lines are open now...
- Do you want to go in?
- Yes!
- Please!
- How many coins did you nd today?
More than their fathers ever will!
Please let me compete!
OK, relax.
Let's go.
Run along!
Ladies and gentlemen,
the competition has begun!
Let's see who nds the most coins.
Put the coins here.
Dive over there!
20 rupees on Jhonta?
How much?
Over here!
Piyush Agarwal.
HOMETOWN: Allahabad?
He passed away.
Something tragic happened to him
I read about it
I'm from his coaching center.
We have some les
that belonged to him.
And he owed us some money.
He was to return some
books as well, so...
could I have his address please?
Come out now! The game's over.
Who has the most coins?
Hey, Munna!
Who is the winner?
I told you I would win.
Jhonta has won 980 Rupees.
You were great!
Hide these stars safely in my eyes,
the night will be along one.
Wanderers like us, will meet somewhere,
perhaps in the morning light.
"And then?"
That was it.
Sorry, I didn't get it. I mean
I got some of it... it was terric!
You're such a dumbo!
And very cute!
What did you just say?
I didn't say anything.
But I heard that!
If l recite Chakbast, you'll faint!
Your birthday's soon, right?
I saw on Facebook.
Facebook didn't tell you everything.
A Picnic!
Mom's calling. We'll talk later.
Hold on...
What is it?
Please call me by my name.
Only if you memorize two poems...
then I'll decide.
I have to go now.
A poem by Dushyant Kumar.
You move like the misty morning train.
I tremble like a bridge in the rain.
In the deep jungle of your gaze.
I lose my way, no trail to blaze.
Who is it?
May I speak with Ramdhari Agarwal?
Speaking. Who is this?
I... I...
What do you want? Hello?
I'm calling from Kashi
Co-operative bank.
We have a new scheme
l don't need anything, thank you!
I'll come straight to the point.
Will you sleep with me?
Tell me
I won't tell anyone.
You had sex with him too, right?
Why are you worried about your wife?
This is good quality stuff.
It's too expensive - It is not!
Let me give you a discount.
Think it over
and come back later, okay?
I quit my job.
your daughter hasn't visited
for ages.
Good morning.
Get out of here.
Should I drown myself with shame?
Go away.
Madam just quit her job!
What were you thinking?
"Nothing", "l don't know",
that's all you know!
Was I ever hard on you?
I've always been liberal...
raised you like a boy.
What did I do to deserve
such a scandal?
I haven't created any scandal.
Then what is this?
All this scampering for loose
change! What is this?
On the ghat, in the streets...
I'm constantly afraid someone
will ask about you! What is this?
That's your fear.
Hence, I've decided
not to live here anymore.
The smaller the city, the
narrower the world-view.
After all this, you're still living
in this house with dignity...
- And my world-view is narrow?
- Wow!
How considerate of you, Father!
Should I start paying rent as well?
Look at me.
What do you want from me?
Why are you taking revenge?
Revenge for what?
For Mother!
You don't even remember
what she looked like.
You were just 6 years old.
Are 6 year-olds blind?
I took her to the hospital, didn't l?
For 2 days, she begged you
to take her, but you didn't.
Your students mattered more.
You did nothing!
I thought it was just fever.
I messed up.
But I never neglected you, did l?
I left my job at the university,
for your sake!
I ended up selling books
on the ghat, for your sake!
You think I killed your mother?
So do you think I killed that boy?
Answer me?
He killed himself!
You're crazy.
You're getting confused
I'm not getting confused
I will defend my honor
I won't go to prison.
You have decided
everything for yourself!
I'm the fool who arranges the money
I'll arrange the ransom too.
Next you'll say you don't even
need a father.
Do what you feel like.
I tremble like a bridge in the rain.
In the deep jungle of your gaze.
I lose my way, no trail to blaze.
I never thought about it.
I like them all.
How can you like all the seasons?
I like the monsoons!
You recorded her voice?
First, I recorded it on my phone...
then I cued songs
based on her words.
Well done! The student
has become the master!
That's a smart gift, bro!
Dude, she's from an upper-caste.
Don't get too emotional about her.
Does she know
you're from a lower caste?
Let her know about it,
then do as you please.
Not everyone is progressive.
OK, I'll tell her later.
Come on!
There's lot of time for that.
When he gets a job,
none of this will matter.
- Give him your motorbike keys.
- Why?
He has one more surprise for her.
Give the keys!
He'll pay you for the fuel.
First word.
It's a ower, not Deepak.
Where to?
Wherever you want.
Get on.
Your bag?
- Shall I sit?
- Yes, sure.
You know what we
boys call your bus?
What is this?
- Is it an eraser?
- Yes.
You have nal year
Civil Engineering books?
No sir.
- Concrete design?
- No sir.
- Structure analysis?
- No sir.
You got all your books?
Pack these please!
You never told me where you live.
You know Bhelupur?
- Bhelupur?
- Right after that.
My friend Prerna lives there
I'll say I'm going there and
I'll visit you.
Great idea, right?
You'll come to my house?
I mean... your parents won't mind?
If you don't feel like it, I won't.
No, I didn't mean that.
Hey, hold this for a second.
This is your birthday gift.
Put them on.
Is it audible?
Thank you.
Have you ever been to Sangam?
I come here often.
In few days we'll be off on
a pilgrimage in a bus.
ALL OF US: Uncle, aunt,
grandpa, and grandma.
Will you come along?
- Where?
- With us.
With you?
I'll have to think about it.
What is it?
You must be the youngest
in your family, right?
Right! How did you know?
The youngest are always chatterboxes.
That hurts! Your hand is
like a hammer!
It's the ring.
My uncle gave it to me
when I was a kid.
It's stuck now.
My ngers grew...
the ring stayed the same.
Everybody loves me
because I'm the youngest.
What is it?
I don't know.
You're the youngest, right?
So I kissed you.
Will you marry me?
I don't know.
Will your folks agree?
I don't know.
You want to meet them?
Will you introduce me?
You won't tell me where you live...
but you are in a hurry to
come to my place?
- Shall I go?
- You stay near by?
Around the corner,
the house on the left.
Where's your house?
You said it was near Belupur...
OK, I got it.
- Durgakund, right?
- Why?
What's bothering you?
I told you I stay near Bhelupur.
You have nothing else to talk about?
I was just joking.
You think this is funny?
Want to know where I live?
Come, I'll take you.
Come, let me take you there and
curb your curiosity!
You want the truth?
I live by Harischchandra Ghat.
I was born and raised there.
We burn bodies, light pyres.
Me, my father, my uncles,
my brother... all of us, for ages.
Ever see a body burn?
Tell me, have you?
I see them all day, every day.
I burn the dead, day and night.
In the re, the skin melts
and all that's left is the bones.
We smash the skull
and wash the ashes into the Ganges.
Can you imagine?
Want to come and see?
What happened? Won't you use
your friend's pretext now?
Where's my tip?
An employment letter from the
government deserves a good tip.
You're the new employee right?
Please have a seat.
Just 2 minutes later...
and you could have lled
my water bottle too
I'm Sadhya.
The railway has printed a great guide.
We had to learn without
books, the hard way!
Look at this...
This is Mr. Mukherjee.
He used to work here
before you joined.
He refused to learn computers.
- May I use this?
- Yes, sure.
Railways relocated him to a remote
area in Rajasthan.
Now he issues train tickets manually.
You must be well trained
in computers?
Very nice.
Good morning.
- Where to?
- Lalpur.
Shaalu, aunt is calling you.
You know...
you're not like the other boys!
Really? How?
There is a certain
sense of honesty in you.
Like the honesty in
Nida Fazli's poetry.
Now who is this Nida Fazli?
That's how honest you are!
The food was delicious...
but the salad was stale.
Even the lentils were brilliant.
It better be.
The owner's from our caste.
So, you finally called, huh?
It was you who
overreacted that day...
and now you're mad at me?
I didn't ask for an apology.
- I'm so stupid!
- That's true
I have no manners.
Even that is true!
Where've you reached?
Haven't even crossed the state yet.
Near the border.
OK, listen...
My parents...
they'll never approve of you.
They're stuck in the past
with their old-fashioned ideas.
But I'm with you.
With time, parents
do come around.
Just get yourself a good job.
Yes, I'm doing my best.
Placements season is approaching.
I will do my best!
That's the spirit!
I'll handle the rest.
If it comes to it,
I'll run away with you.
OK, lake care! Bye!
Hey man! Let's go back!
We just came in!
I have a lot to study.
Hey, turn the boat around.
Sir... extra sheet, please.
Thank you
I'm doing my nal year
in civil engineering...
from Seth Kinaram Agarwal
Polytechnique College.
My career objective is to
pursue a career in engineering...
with focus on mechanical drafting.
DEEPAK: Can't wait to see you.
I'm about to get a job!
Shove the skull inside
I'll go get Deepak to help.
Hey, Deepak.
- What is it?
- Hurry up.
Dad's drunk again and there
are lots of bodies to burn.
Wake up!
Everybody wants to avoid
work in this family!
I'm bloody tired of this
bonded labor!
Hell, Deepak!
Wait up, you thief!
One more time and I'll
throw you in these pyres!
They have not even covered
the bodies properly.
Shambu! Light some pyres there
I'm on it.
Bathe this one rst.
Light some pyres over there and
then some more over there.
Near the edge.
As many as you can.
- Shall I nish here rst?
- Yes.
More sawdust!
Sikandar needs more wood.
Go help him.
Deepak! Give us a hand.
Be careful.
Did the cops say anything?
That the pilgrims' bus fell
into the Ganges.
Public aid workers dumped
all the bodies here.
Not a single survivor?
You know...
28 trains stop at this station.
Guess how many don't?
Which means, it's
easy to come here...
but it's difcult to leave!
Could you check
the status of this ticket?
Listen... l know it was fun.
But we need to get back now.
One more day.
Not conrmed yet.
Could you check the last
minute availabilities?
Even one seat for both of us is ne.
One seat? I like that...
No seats available.
- Any cancellations?
- None whatsoever!
Come and see this amazing competition!
Never before seen!
And now, ladies and gentlemen...
these kids will dive.
He's not here. Bet on someone else.
Put your money on Babua.
He's sure to win!
Put it on Babua.
- How much?
- 200 Rupees.
Professor bets 200 on Babua!
Get ready
- Can you see anything in my mouth?
- No!
Now I'll put this ball in my mouth.
Watch closely!
Now... 1... 2... and...
Here's your share.
- I deserve at least 500 Rupees.
- We'll adjust it next time.
How much did you lose?
Look how late it is!
Do you hear me?
Turned mute, have you?
Where were you?
Having fun.
Are you hereto work or have fun?
I'm having fun with my own money!
Why is your ass on re?
Shut up!
Those other orphan kids
have ruined you.
Show some respect!
You will not go anywhere
during a competition.
Acting like the king of Banaras!
Throwing money down the drain!
I'll tell Devi!
Do what you want.
Sit your butt here!
Don't you dare move.
Sit down!
Such arrogance!
From now on,
I want all your winnings.
The internship discussion topic is...
the effects of industrialization...
on human life and on society at large.
Say something, Deepak.
You've been quiet for
a really longtime.
No, it's okay. Take your time
"l like poetry..."
"You move like the
misty morning train..."
I tremble like a bridge in the rain".
"If it comes to that,
I'll run away with you."
When does this grief ever end?
Deepak, get up!
You're being crazy!
You need to control yourself.
Hey Deepak, take my bike keys.
You promised the translation
would be done by today.
The printers are sitting idle.
Mr. Pathak?
Is everything OK?
I'll deliver it within 3 days
3 more days?
Devi's not keeping
well these days.
Mr. Verma...
could you give me an
advance please?
You've already kept me
hanging like a bat.
Still, I can't say no.
Here you go.
It's ne.
Good bye!
Sorry for the delay!
How much is this?
30,000 Rupees for now...
Come with me.
See that gate over there?
There's a shop opposite.
"Pappu scrap dealer."
Sell this crappy old engine
for 10 or 15,000 Rupees.
The thing is we are trying...
I think we'll be able to complete
the payment soon.
You think this is a joke?
This is not enough.
Are you a child?
I'll pay the rest this week.
Please take this.
You better clear it this week...
and complete the balance
by next month.
Please hurry, sir!
- Where to?
- Howrah.
As a "Devi"...
you should have 4 arms on each side
8 tickets in record speed!
Sir, please hurry.
What's the rush?
My father says...
if you haven't tasted kheer...
you're missing one of life's
greatest pleasures.
Here, have some.
No, you have it.
That goes without saying.
Father's cooked it himself.
It's his birthday today.
Oh, OK.
Wow - Isn't it delicious?
Yes very.
Do you live alone?
No, I live with my father.
Father lives alone
I mean, he's alone during the day.
Haven't cooked it in
a while, so I thought...
l just had dinner. Keep it,
I'll have it tomorrow.
Have it, please.
You're so fond of it.
It's good.
Is there any milk left for
tomorrow morning?
What is it?
I completed a month
at work today. So...
it's my salary cheque.
How much?
20 thousand Rupees.
Come, sit next to me.
You never told me your
job was conrmed.
It's temporary
I'll work until we arrange
the ransom money.
And then?
I'm planning to take up a
course at Allahabad university
I'll work part-time
near the university.
You want to move out?
If it wasn't for this case,
I would have already left.
Maybe I'm better off alone.
Allahabad isn't too far.
- I'll come back here once in a while.
- What about your father?
I don't t in your life anywhere?
If you've gured out so much then...
I did not kill your mother!
I'll quietly sleep on the ghat!
Father, please!
Don't cry, please.
Narrow gauges are still used
in hilly areas.
Broad-gauge technology
will eventually replace it.
- Graduated rst in your class?
- Yes.
You're hired for a six-month trial
in Allahabad.
Thank you, sir - Congratulations.
Now we're on it completely.
Even Devi's now got a temporary job
I have a feeling we'll
pay the dues soon
6th of the next month
is your last day to pay up.
Or else the video's going up
on YouTube
I'm sure you know
what YouTube is?
Dad, shall we leave?
Yes, let's go.
Today on the eve of Maha Shivratri.
We will have the
biggest competition till date.
So on this note.
All hail in the name of...
Lord Mahadev!
All okay?
Take down my bet - How much?
10,000 Rupees.
- You'll win right?
- Obviously!
Did you know Devi...
there's always one
friend in every group...
who is considered the most wise.
Back in college... I used
to be that intellectual.
All my friends used to seek
my help with their problems.
My advice to everyone...
whatever is in your heart,
say it out loud!
Hiding will get you nothing.
Let's see who is going to win today!
Jhonta, dive there!
Hurry up! Faster!
On the extreme end.
Now that you're leaving...
I think it's time I should
listen to the "intellectual" inside me...
and tell you what is in my heart.
Dive, Munna!
Everything okay?
I have to leave.
Give way, move!
Everybody move from here!
Give way!
I won't ever let you play
this game, my child!
I lost all your money, isn't it?
What happened?
Want to see a magic trick?
Do you see anything in my hand?
Anything in this one?
Anything in my mouth?
1...2... 3...
Whose is it?
It's for you.
Where did you nd it?
Found it in the river
while diving.
Yes, great!
Thank you.
It's hot!
I've packed lunch.
Have it on the train.
You eat, I'll pack.
It's lovely.
Shall we go?
Call me once you reach
I'm off - Hurry up.
Step back.
Go sit - See you soon, Dad.
I'm hereto see Mr. Ramdhari Agarwal
I am Devi Pathak.
Piyush was my friend. That day...
Hold on. It's better we talk inside!
- What are you doing? Are you crazy?
- Why have you come here?
Are you okay?
What harm did he ever do to you?
30 rupees to go to Sangam!
Come on, miss!
And you, sir?
I'll take you to Sangam.
Is this your rst visit to Sangam?
And you?
Second time.
Someone once said you must visit
Sangam twice in a lifetime.
Alone the rst time, and with
someone the second time around