Mascarades (2008) Movie Script

Pull the wires over
this way. Pull harder!
Easy does it!
Where do you think youre going?
What is this mess?
You call that work?
Theyre coming!
Theyre coming! Take cover!
Hang on, I have customers.
Driss, move the tables aside.
Ive had it with these weddings.
Im staying put. They can
run me over if they want.
- This phone doesnt work!
- It worked before.
- I want my money back!
- No way.
You want me to get
sunstroke, is that it?
Hamza? Hello there, old buddy!
How are you? Whats new?
Its Mounir...
Mounir Mekbel.
Sorry... Its about the microwave.
If you could get one for me...
My wifes driving me crazy.
Look at that, look at that! My God!
They look good, dont they?
Know how much the
Colonel rents them for?
Take a guess.
Go on, say a price.
People would even pay 40,000.
Did he give you the chicken?
Doesnt it have mange?
Dont be stupid,
where do you see mange?
Over there...
Its for my sister,
she loves chicken.
Didnt you have a knife in the car?
- What?
- A knife...
What for?
- Move it!
- Want this in your face? Animal!
Screw it on tight.
Its not for you. You
dont even know how to read.
Turn it over.
There we go.
Throw it away!
- What are you doing?
- We caught a beetle.
Were pulling off
its arms and legs.
- Would you like that done to you?
- Dont touch my son.
Its got a mother too, you know.
- Go home.
- Were playing.
What? I said go home!
- Where were you?
- Where do you think?
If you dont stop,
therell be trouble!
I break my back to get
us food and all you do...
Okay, fine. And the microwave?
The microwave is coming.
Go inside. Whats wrong with you?
Are you still there?
Sleep until tomorrow.
Youll find me under
a blanket of dew.
I dreamt of you three times today.
- More than yesterday...
- And less than tomorrow.
What were you saying?
We were talking
about... Nadias wedding.
Oh, yes. Thats it.
Shes only seen this guy five
times, one hour each time.
And shes going to live
with him... Shes mad.
Hell be under her
thumb in ten days.
- They rented the cortege.
- Theyll do what everyone else does.
- Are you coming?
- Why should I come?
If its to spend the day
drinking tea with the men
its not for me.
Ill take you there and
pick you up, but thats it.
The other day I dreamt
you spoke to Mounir.
Ill talk to him, I swear.
Just give me some time.
How long, Khalifa?
Its been four years.
Let me finish the video club.
If I succeed
people will come from
all over to rent my films.
Itll be easier for me then.
Why is it so important?
Its not important to me. Its
your brother, you know how he is.
Its a pity having
to hide in the dark.
Are you mad at me?
Mounir! Mounir!
Stay with me, my brother!
Its all right,
Im here. Calm down.
Its all over.
What do you do at the Colonels?
- Horticultural engineer.
- Engineer? When did you start?
Three weeks ago.
- How did you get that job?
- Friends in the right places.
Salim, Ill bring my car tomorrow.
Take a look at it.
The air-cons broken.
- Hes needling you.
- Why dont you tell him to go jump?
I thought you could
tell him for me.
Hows Rym?
Just fine, thanks.
Whenever I hear Ryms name
I start to tremble, Hajja!
Cant we joke now
youre a big shot?
Whats your problem?
Tell me, Mr Engineer, when I
hear Ryms name, why do I tremble?
Youre an animal!
- Mounir, come back.
- Hes going to see Ringo.
Stop it! Leave the boy in peace.
Come back, son.
You know Krimos joking. You
cant get mad at him every time.
Who does he think he is?
Ryms a princess. She has
nothing in common with that scum.
Ill marry her to a real
gentleman. Take Mounirs word.
Are you making a collage?
- Whats wrong? Do I need a permit?
- Nothing better to do?
Here I feel like an artist.
For me, art is serious.
Lazy bum, you mean!
Not bad, the gun
sticking out of his ear.
I cant reach Hamza.
I have his number
but he wont answer.
He promised me a microwave.
Yes, okay. Okay.
If you see him,
tell him to call me.
Its urgent. Im counting on you.
Okay, bye.
Thank God...
- Tell me...
- Yes?
Isnt it good that
Nadias getting married?
Sure. But I dont like
how its being done.
Shes only interested in getting
out of her fathers house.
- As for the rest...
- So what?
So what? Its not done! Full stop!
Do you live here or not? Any
idea what people call you?
Ringo! Because you dont do
anything like anyone else.
Are you sleeping here or what?
- Wheres your headscarf?
- I lost it.
Mines with hers.
Im not asleep.
- Leave her alone.
- Why, what was I doing?
Leave her in peace. Let her be.
Did you see her
hairdo? I didnt do it.
She looks like a puppet.
Shes so stiff. I wouldnt
bet a fig on this marriage.
I can hear her from here.
Ranya always has to
criticise. What a hypocrite!
Ignore her. Just enjoy yourself.
Are people having a good time?
Wonderful, look!
How many do you have? I have 100.
Give me a green one.
I want a few. Give me some.
There are plenty in the kitchen.
Oh, my God... Im so
scared about tonight.
Are the pastries okay?
Come on, hell be good
to you. Hell want to...
Look, look!
Mounir! I got it!
Horticulture means flowers.
Youre a flower engineer!
Why not say gardener?
Why dont you talk louder?
engineer. You kill me!
Youre so full of yourself.
Move aside, get out of the way!
She knows shes sick so
why does she bring her?
I cant stand her.
Either she grins like
an idiot or shes asleep.
She wants to meet someone.
In her dreams, maybe.
What she needs is a real brother.
You know Mounir.
You call that a man?
A wimp! Not like my
brother. Hes a Doberman.
With him around, shed
never have fallen ill!
Shed have to get well.
- Why not marry her off?
- You think thats easy? Who to?
The first suitor.
Who wants a family
of handicapped people?
- How do you like my lipstick?
- It was made for you.
- We really are the prettiest.
- Did you ever doubt it?
Calm down, hell explain.
- Come here.
- Leave him alone.
Come here! Speak.
Be gentle.
- Talk or Ill skin you alive!
- They were making fun of her.
- What?
- Be quiet, Amine.
Im fed up! My friends
say I live with a madwoman.
Ranya said no one would marry
her, that shes handicapped.
And that youre a wimp!
You know theyre nasty gossips.
Mounir, pay no attention.
Mounir, forget about it.
Forget it, Mounir.
Bunch of suckers!
Theres going to be
one hell of a wedding.
Next time, the cortege
will leave from my home.
Wake up! Im marrying
off my sister.
To a real gentleman.
His tie alone is worth more
than all of your houses.
You dont believe it, huh?
No problem.
I warned him that would
happen. I told him.
No one will believe me.
Because in my village
theyre a bunch of
backward animals!
Even Rym wont believe her ears.
Hey! I hear you!
I can hear everything you say.
Yes, he knows all about it.
I hid nothing from him.
The doctors, the
treatments, the fits,
the specialists who say
shell never get better!
I gave it to him straight.
And he said to me...
Thats no problem.
Seen my bait? It was in the fridge.
Mums told you a thousand
times to put it somewhere else.
Hello, Dad.
How are you?
Let me put your cap on right.
I heard someones
asked for Ryms hand.
Whats this all about?
What have you done?
Are you crazy? You want to kill me?
Whats this about a marriage?
What marriage?
Amine! Im coming.
Who is this man?
Whats in your head?
Would you stop bombarding
me with questions this early?
You want to marry her by force?
- Let go!
- I wont let go.
Let go!
- You know she doesnt want to.
- Im the man in this house.
I decide if she
gets married. Period!
Too much is too much! The
whole village heard him.
He could have raised the dead!
- He was drunk.
- Thats no excuse.
You cant insult people like that!
Do you know the story?
He met a guy at the Emir Hotel
and promised him his sister.
Who is it?
I only know he stays
at four-star hotels.
You have to be able to afford that.
Since when does Mounir know guys
who stay at four-star hotels?
He works at the Colonels.
He works at the Colonels!
Hes a gardener! Understand?
- Have you seen Ringo?
- I wouldnt set foot in his dump.
You make deliveries at the hotel.
Cant you get some information?
Im not Kojak, pal.
Not Kojak, pal...
I havent seen him all day.
Hes avoiding me, he
doesnt dare face me.
Itll work itself out.
No, not as long as I
sleep day and night.
But today, Ill hold out
and wait till he comes home.
Wheres Dad? Why isnt he home?
He must have had something to do.
Rym will leave and its my fault.
Why do you say that, Amine?
Sweetheart, whats wrong?
You know your father loves
you and Rym to pieces.
Youre what he cares about most.
Okay, he didnt like what
people said about his sister
so he went and promised her hand.
But you know your dad,
hell use his brain and
everything will be fine.
- Its not my fault hes not home?
- Of course not, sweetheart.
Give me a kiss.
A bigger one?
My little man!
Think shell get better one day?
Ask God and say a prayer.
Amen, Lord of the Universe.
One day, Dad told me
that if eating pork would
make her better, hed eat it.
Thats your dad.
You know how he is,
slightly mad and...
Its just one of Mounirs
wild schemes, dont worry.
Is he back yet?
Get up.
Rym, stay calm, let me talk to him.
Why did you wake me up?
- Dad!
- Hello, son.
- Amine, go to bed.
- Why?
- Cant I stay?
- To bed!
Have a seat, dear brother.
Im sure you havent eaten yet.
Speak up!
- Its not true.
- What?
- No one asked for Ryms hand.
- What?
- You mean...
- I was angry, it just came out.
It just came out?
All this was only in your head?
Okay, well pretend to meet
him and then say you refused.
And you, my man, can find
a car for tomorrow morning.
Im taking the Lada.
Mounir, stop! Stop!
This is cool!
You like it?
Look at his hair.
This hotel is a mess.
They call that civilised.
Get up.
- We have time.
- Get up!
- Rym, wake up.
- Hurry, hurry, hes coming!
Please, maam. Move back.
- Who is it?
- William...
Mr William Vancooten!
- Tell us...
- Weve been waiting all morning.
- Rym, tell us.
- Tell us...
Did you see him? Did you?
Hes perfect.
What I like most is that
hes afraid of no one.
He told the whole world
he wants to marry me.
- Whats he like?
- Whats his name?
William Vancooten. Australian.
Blond, blue eyes, strong as a lion!
There were people all around
him with mobiles and computers.
They even made everyone
leave when he arrived!
Dont pay any attention.
Theyre worn out.
Good afternoon.
Hi, how are you?
About what?
Whos Vancooten?
Get up! This time you
wont escape by sleeping.
Dont wake her!
We planned everything.
Whats this about an American?
- Just in time. Im in trouble.
- You cant do it!
I love her and she loves me.
Its been four years...
Yes, four years.
Every night, I wait under her
window. Ive wanted to tell you many times.
You cant marry her off. Rym
is mine. I want to marry her.
And she wants to marry me.
Traitor! Bastard! I trusted you!
I welcomed you into my home
and what did you do behind my back?
We love each other. You know it.
She loves you, my ass!
No one touches my sister!
Go home!
You wont marry her off.
Id rather marry her to a cockroach.
Dont let me see you hanging around.
This time, Ill kill him.
- Mounir!
- Dad!
Microwave. Cook a
chicken or a blond.
- What?
- A microwave.
It took a while, but I wanted
a brand new one for you.
- Are you sure Vancooten exists?
- Yes!
- Did you see him?
- No.
- So he doesnt exist.
- He does.
There was a table reserved for him!
- Enough, we heard you.
- Im telling you what I saw.
We need to calm things down,
say weve had no news...
You and I need to talk.
- I discovered your little secret.
- It was about time.
Thats it, go back to sleep.
But from today
the shutters stay
closed and the door open.
Your little trysts are over.
And no more going out alone.
If you want me to sort this
out, she has to knock it off.
That guy is crazy!
I swear to you, they
made everyone go outside.
He entered like a king.
chasing him like dogs.
- Who were they?
- His staff, assistants...
With mobiles and computers.
Imagine, he booked two
floors for his staff.
He does international business.
Hes like a prince
from Dubai, only blond.
How do you know
all that, you viper?
Mrs Abbas told me everything.
She was there when they
came back from the hotel.
- Hes not Muslim?
- Of course not.
Hes Swedish, but will convert.
Hell have to get circumcised.
His name is William?
And before he left,
you know what he did?
He went over to
Mounir, shook his hand,
and said in front of everyone
Youll see, family
is important to me.
Mounir made it all
up. Its impossible.
Calling me a liar? I
know what Im saying.
I was there, I saw
it with my own eyes.
With his staff, he
takes up half the hotel.
The guys around him,
theyre real pros.
It was like an American movie.
The Colonels cars are
rubbish in comparison!
I heard hes staying two
more weeks. And why is that?
- You said he knew Mounir.
- Are you mad?
The hotels a bunker and
hes surrounded by bodyguards.
You cant get near him.
And hes coming here?
Dont worry, Im okay.
But Im leaving. This
place is a loony bin.
- I cant stand it anymore.
- Ah, Mounir...
Normally, guys like
him are locked up.
I dont understand what hes
doing. Hes a public danger!
And you, if youd
talked to him right away
this wouldnt be happening.
Hes my friend. I knew
hed react like this.
I knew hed say Its not done.
There are traditions.
We have rules.
Just listen to him!
Please, go ahead, my friend.
Go ahead, my friend.
Go ahead. What a guy!
- Amine, come here.
- What is it?
Give these to your mum.
- Hello, Mounir!
- Hi, Rdouane!
- Want a lift?
- Im just going over there.
Get in, Ill take you.
- All good?
- Yes, thank God.
Getting everything ready?
Well, were not in any hurry.
You shouldnt move too
fast with these things.
- I barely know him.
- He seems serious.
In any case, if you need
anything, my car or whatever...
Your brother Rdouane
is here. Just ask!
- Thanks.
- Are we neighbours or arent we?
Take care.
The Sahara or Algiers?
For our honeymoon, would you
prefer the coast or the desert?
Not happy to see me?
Before the honeymoon,
we need to talk.
You can ask me all you want.
- Why is your window closed now?
- You told him everything!
He wont leave me alone.
- And now?
- Habibas outside.
- Whos Vancooten?
- Dont know, never seen him.
And Mounir?
The same. He doesnt
even know he exists.
Everyone says youll marry him.
Theyll believe anything.
I knew that all along.
- Theres no truth in it at all?
- Yes.
Ill be able to tell our
children how brave you were.
Youre all... Cant you do
anything simple in your family?
Sorry, we never learned how.
Ill do your hair for
your wedding, if you like.
Well see. Why not?
- Id love to give you my karakou..
- What for?
So you can wear it
on your wedding day.
- Its beautiful!
- It was my mothers.
I only have boys.
You know our men. Anything
thats not from here...
Youre not narrow-minded
like that, so I thought...
Thank you, but we
wouldnt want to spoil it.
You wont spoil it. It
will remind me of my mother.
Ill bring the
pastries. I made some!
And Ill bring the marzipan!
Dont bother. We
dont even know if...
For Rym, its a pleasure.
Its all people talk about.
You have to stop this
before its too late.
Its my problem. Go to sleep.
Too bad this fianc doesnt exist.
- Let her marry Khalifa!
- Dont you start.
I dont want to hear
his name in my home!
They love each other.
Why dont you talk louder?
Hes your friend! You know
him better than anyone else.
You tire me.
I would have killed anyone
who stood between us.
Youll make me cry.
Thats your problem.
You cant cry anymore.
If you could, this
wouldnt be happening.
That night, if youd told me...
Why always bring up that night?
If I dont play along, what
do you think will happen?
Take care of your cleaning. Ill
deal with the jackals outside.
Thats enough...
So, Habiba?
Amine... Calm down, son.
Let your auntie sleep.
Over there, each
mailman has a truck
and in each truck
theres a laptop computer.
You type the name and address
and the package gets delivered.
Here, you have to
find the guy in a caf.
- You know the brides brother?
- Hes family!
I was at the hotel with
him when he met Vancooten.
- No...
- He eats with us!
If the brides brother is
family, then so is Vancooten.
Which means hes my family too.
- Hows that? - Im
your brother-in-law.
I see what you want.
Let me talk to him first, otherwise
well just complicate things.
Whats his problem?
What do you want?
He hasnt stopped staring
at us. Hes a sicko.
Of course, I can hear you.
Dollars? Of course...
- Hey, Mounir!
- Hi.
How are you? Good?
Hows the marriage coming along?
He just called me. Im up
to my neck in organisation.
Congratulations, my dear.
- How are you, Mounir?
- Subhi!
Sit down.
- Okay, just for a coffee.
- Are you snubbing us?
- Tell me, do you know about the deal?
- No. What deal?
- You didnt tell him?
- No, not yet.
Its not much. But
wed like to help you.
With the expenses youll
have, it might interest you.
Itll be a pleasure.
- We need a nice suit.
- You can count on me.
How are you?
- Fine?
- Fine.
- We made you wait, Im sorry.
- No problem.
Heres the guy I told you about.
He knows about your troubles.
Like the Prophet said,
peace be upon him,
Believers are like building
blocks, each supports the other.
Tell him your worries,
well see what we can do.
We want to buy pastures.
Despite our requests, the
Mayor refuses to see us.
You know...
Mr Pasha has spoken
so much about you.
It seems you have
a certain influence.
Let me stop you right away.
I told you, hes well known
and many people appeal to him.
This one wants a hospital bed,
that one a building
permit, and so on.
I know him, hes a good Muslim.
Like the Prophet said,
peace be upon him,
God helps those who help others.
But on the other hand,
hes not a civil servant.
Money doesnt fall from the sky.
While he helps others,
who feeds his kids?
We anticipated this.
Ask him. I dont know...
Arent you meeting with
the minister tomorrow?
Of course. Im meeting with
him tomorrow in Algiers.
Cant you talk to him?
- What can we do?
- I dont know, you see...
Tomorrow hell be gone already.
- You have how much?
- 500,000.
We could add 200,000.
What if we round up to a million?
A million?
Okay... its a deal.
Give me the letter.
We prepared a letter for you.
Just give it to the
Mayors secretary.
Youll be received at once.
Listen to this.
Dear Boualem,
My friends here
have a small request.
The pastures etc, etc.
If you could do
something etc, etc.
Theyre like brothers to me.
P.S. I havent forgotten
your daughters marriage...
Thats personal between them.
How does that suit you?
We got them!
Id love to be there when
they get to the Mayors office.
- A meeting with the minister!
- I nearly died!
- I got them to a million!
- How did you know they had it?
Those guys never come into
town. I knew theyd be loaded.
Give me five!
And now, lets go celebrate!
Do you know Djanet?
Is it beautiful?
And Mostaganem, is it on the sea?
Its all so far away.
Its a big country.
I want to swim in Jijel,
spend the night in Timimoun,
and have coffee in Algiers.
Can you arrange that?
Yes, but before your
coffee in Algiers,
Ill take you to bathe at Menaa.
You say this now because we meet
in secret and hardly see each other.
Every minute counts.
Were capable of anything.
But if we get married,
youll be like other men.
- Dinner at home...
- Or at my mothers.
Id never stand it
if you came home late.
Who said Id ever go out?
My love, promise me well
travel everywhere possible.
I promise you well
travel everywhere.
And now what will happen?
I want us to always be together.
- If I were a man, Id be a pilot.
- First woman pilot suits me.
Its impossible.
You know very well why.
It might not last your whole life.
How long will you stand it?
And you, how long will you
continue dreaming about me?
Is this what the
women in your films do?
You want me to do what
the men in my films do?
Not yet.
God keep you.
- Well have to do it again.
- God willing.
Good night.
Rdouane! My regards
to your mother.
Thank you, brother. Mum!
Samir, you and I
will do great things.
You see your boutique? I have
lots of ideas. We need to talk.
One, two, three, four, five...
Go on.
Theres the big boss!
- You looked great.
- Come on, sit down.
- What happened to your face?
- I fought with Mehdi and Faouzi.
- They made a toad smoke!
- So what?
- I wanted to let it go.
- What for?
It was smoking. It
was going to die!
Its just a toad, what do you care?
You lose your friends over
a toad you dont even know?
They wanted to make him smoke.
He was there, too bad for him!
Thats democracy, right?
You rally round the strongest!
You join the others or you die.
- You join the others or you die.
- Right?
Mum! Mum!
- What happened?
- I got in a fight.
Ill be back, guys.
Shell eat him alive.
- What are you doing here?
- The streets a free place.
- What do you want?
- Hamza and Rdouane brought chairs.
- What?
- For the wedding! Did you forget?
Listen, its time you woke up.
Whats got into them all?
Hell have to talk now.
He cant do anything else.
You impress me. You dont
sit around, youre active.
You have a job but
you dont stop there.
You dont wait for things
to fall from the sky.
When people ask How did
Mounir get with the Canadian?
I say Nothings dishonest.
Its normal, he deserves it.
Look there. A brothers gift
for your sisters wedding.
- Mounir, I have a gift for you too.
- Where do we put them?
- Hell talk.
- He wont.
Hell talk, he has no choice.
Im not a puppet. I wont
let him do this to me.
My husbands lost his mind!
- Why did they unload?
- I cant help it!
One got sugared almonds,
the other chairs!
Say whatever you
like, but stop this.
Im doing what I can. I need
to find the right moment.
Thats it, the right moment.
I have to talk to Khalifa.
Normally, children my
age are at play school.
I cant move out just like that.
You wanted us to be together.
Of course thats what I
want. But where will we go?
We have to prepare things.
The only thing being prepared
is a fictitious marriage.
Khalifa, you promised me!
Rym, its not that simple.
You live in your dreams
where its all simple.
Where I live, its another story.
Im the sole earner at
home. My family relies on me.
You want me to drop them?
You only love me when
it makes no waves.
Its Mounir! Go!
You dont really mean
that? Im talking to you!
Go out the window.
It doesnt matter. I took
my dreams for reality.
Im invited to Tsakis
sons circumcision.
Snazzy, isnt it?
Hamza gave it to me.
- Whats wrong with her?
- Why are you doing this?
Ill sort it out, dont worry.
Im going out with
Rdouane and Hamza.
Dont wait for me.
What are all these
chairs doing here?
Theyre for the wedding.
Whats this?
What are all these
chairs doing here?
We have to act now. We cant
rely on Mounir any more.
Hes lost on a
- What will you do?
- What does Khalifa say?
This is all my fault.
I should have stuck to our plan
when we returned from the hotel.
Khalifa said if people knew
it would complicate matters.
I didnt listen to him.
Men are always right.
Dont you start saying
stupid things too.
Habiba! Come here.
Where did the chairs go?
- Where are the chairs?
- At Hajjas.
What? Why did you take them there?
Im getting married, arent I?
Thats where the ceremony will be.
Someone will offer me a cortege.
And well need a few sheep.
Dear brother, please enlighten me,
are these presents for
me, you, or Vancooten?
Either Im mad, or
youre not normal.
Hello here, Greetings there...
Youd do anything for
those idiots respect.
Youd let them look up my skirt!
Im sorry, but this whole
story is making you crazy.
Where are you going?
I dont want to sleep with you.
Mr Williams,
let me introduce...
my old friend, the Colonel,
and I am... me... we...
Well do great things together.
You must meet my mother.
Do you know doubara? She
makes the best doubara.
My mother, the old woman.
Stop. Ill take you home.
- Id rather walk.
- We need to talk.
How could you? Anyone
else, I wouldnt have cared!
But from you, I cant accept it.
I want to marry her. Its
serious, I want children...
Its impossible, its pure fantasy.
Shes too young and
youre not the right one.
- What will she lack with me?
- Everything!
Even I wonder how I put
up with you for so long.
Oh yeah?
Im the one who puts up with you!
You think youre a big shot
but youre just a big nothing!
Khalifa, my brother...
Shit! What have I done now?
Khalifa, brother...
- Youre not hurt?
- Not yet.
But if I dont marry her,
something will happen to me.
You idiot!
So remind me... I cant marry
her because were friends?
What planet do you live on?
Look where we are.
Theres only one road!
You can go this way or that way.
- So nothing ever changes?
- What is there to change?
I dont know, but at
least we could try.
Thats it! The day we
take a vacation, maybe.
Im thirsty.
- I have some water in the car.
- Its not water I want.
Why do you drink if
it makes you sick?
Hey, Mounir, come here!
See those two clouds over there?
Doesnt that one look like
me? The other looks like Rym.
It looks like Rym. Come and see.
Blow with me. They need
to move closer together.
They need to touch. They
need to kiss in the sky.
Im the one who drinks
but its you who is drunk.
Mr Mounir, my name
is Khalifa Boukhati.
I officially request the hand
of your sister, Rym Mekbel.
I love her more than
my video cassettes.
Rym is a princess.
Ill give you many
nephews to garden with you.
To marry a princess, you
need to pass some tests.
Anything you want.
The man who marries Rym...
has to get rid of Vancooten for me.
Wake up! Wake up!
Whats wrong with you? No
use waiting for Vancooten!
Hes not coming.
Hes never heard of you.
He doesnt want to meet you.
He doesnt even want
to know you exist.
Bunch of fools.
Youre so out-of-date!
I hope youre all awake now
because I wont say it again!
Vancootens not coming!
Its impossible for
him to marry her!
Because Rym is mine!
Rym is mine!
Rym is mine!
Rym is mine.
- Shut up!
- Rym is mine.
Rym is mine!
Give me the keys.
Its your house, not mine.
Rdouane Lamouchi! You
were born out-of- date!
Another one! Another test.
- Itll be an impossible one.
- Im not afraid.
Make her sleep less.
- Cure her?
- Dont say that, shes not sick.
Shes just...
Make her sleep a little less.
What are you doing? Youll
wake the whole world.
Come inside!
You stink of alcohol.
Is that any example?
Dont worry, I have
things under control.
Go to bed.
- I have to walk my friend home.
- He knows the way.
We had a long talk.
He does love you but
he wont marry you!
To bed!
Whats all this
screaming in the streets?
Whats wrong?
- What happened?
- She didnt sleep here.
Khalifa, open up.
Open the door. I
know youre in there!
Khalifa, open up!
Its them.
What are you doing?
Get Mounir, we have to talk.
When he saw Rym didnt sleep
here, he stormed out like a madman.
Habiba... Youve
been a sister to me.
Ill never forget
what youve taught me.
But I cant waste
away in this room.
Do you remember when I
first married your brother?
He came home one evening and
said we were going on a honeymoon.
He was so happy.
He told all his friends.
And I have to admit...
I was happy too!
Then one night, your dad and mine
had a talk with him in the car.
They talked for a long time.
He refused to tell me about it.
And until this day,
Ive never left the area.
- I have to go to him.
- You know where he is?
All night long he
screamed Ryms mine!
Hes Khalifa Vancooten!
Wouldnt it be
better if he shut up?
- Why?
- Youve lost all integrity!
Hes only sentimental, not mean.
Sentimental? He
insults honest people!
- He lives in his basement...
- You shut up.
Ill show him who I am!
Take your hand away!
Hey, troubles brewing!
Rdouanes going to fight!
The last time I came
here was so long ago.
You and Khalifa set fire
to Uncle Alis place.
He messed with my mind, Habiba.
- They love each other, Mounir.
- He dishonoured her.
You can tell that
to whoever you like,
but not to me, and not here.
With us it was different.
Did it prevent me from
being happy with you?
We werent the same age.
Let them live their life.
Good morning, my girl. Ive
heard about a happy event.
I came to fulfil the prophecy.
- God sent you!
- Always!
- God is good.
- Come in.
- Please.
- Thank you, my girl.
- Are you the bride?
- Yes.
God bless...
I heard about the groom too.
Sheikh, Im still young
and dont know about things.
I dont want to do anything silly.
You couldnt make me happier.
People are usually in such a hurry,
they have no time for anything.
- First of all...
- Wait. Ill be back in a minute.
Well pretend its for real.
Ill be the bride and my
cousin will be the groom.
Now I understand!
- Have you understood?
- Ive understood.
Take your time, Im here.
Ill go and get the camera.
- Thats why Khalifas not at home!
- His car is here.
- What do you want?
- Call Mounir for me.
- Hes not here.
- Then tell Khalifa to come out.
Hes busy.
This isnt what was planned.
She cant marry Khalifa!
Why did you let her
decide on her own?
Mounir will never trade
Vancooten for Khalifa,
a loser from a hell-hole,
a barefoot peasant!
I wasnt talking about you.
For a man, marriage is a victory.
Youre uniting with this
young lady to make a family.
You must cherish her, provide
for her and protect her.
In the name of God.
Amen. Praise be to God,
Lord of the Universe.
Now you may join your wife.
Sheikh, can you repeat whats
usually said at this moment?
Rym, according to the Prophets
tradition and divine law
you are now the wife of Khalifa.
Where are you going?
This is a chance we cant miss.
Come on! Krimo, this is our chance.
Hamza, we cant miss this chance.
We were so close!
Im Rdouane Lamouchi.
Come back, Krimo! Come back!
We should think about a daughter.
- You want one?
- Id love one.
Well have to fill
the void left by Rym.
Stop the car, Khalifa!
- Watch out!
- You dont know where to go!
Well be fine. Watch
out for the cars!
Havent you noticed?
- I havent slept since yesterday.
- What?
Hang on, what did you say?
Since yesterday... I havent slept.
She hasnt slept. Shes not asleep!
My head is spinning.
When shes with me
she doesnt sleep.
She doesnt sleep!
With me she doesnt sleep!
If you so much as scratch her...
What are you all staring at?
Go home, go on!