Mask of the Devil (2022) Movie Script

[Elevator whirring]
[Elevator dings]
Sam? I thought that was you!
Dr. Goodman!
How lovely to see you!
Everything alright my lovelies?
[Man groans]
What can I get you?
-I'll have a cup of tea please.
Make that two.
Rachel and Sam have been seeing
each other for years.
I... I assumed you knew.
-I'll see you tonight?
-I'll try and swing by
if I don't get
any better offers!
Stay away from my daughter.
Do you understand?
No, I am.
I am sorry
that you left me here.
Please, Sam. Please join us?
You need to get your head
out of the clouds, boy.
Get involved in real life.
I have a real life!
But where were you running to?
You have to put this behind you
if you're going to get better.
Solomon had sinned.
Solomon had turned his back
on God.
Don't tell me
you knew about this, dad?
I'm not an idiot, Sam!
I can smell the sex on you!
You do realise
what needs to be done,
don't you, Alan?
Are you alright, Sam?
Yeah, sort of it.
It's been a weird day.
-[Wind blowing]
-[Frogs croaking]
[Thunder rumbling]
[Jungle noises]
[Insects buzzing]
[Tree branches twigging]
[Birds wings flap]
[Insects buzzing]
[Birds wings flapping]
[Insects buzzing]
[Lion roaring in distance]
[Thunder rumbling]
[Woman groaning]
[Woman speaking gibberish]
[Fire crackling]
[Thunder rumbling]
Captain, tell them to prepare
for the attack.
Um sir, he says
that we should actually
leave this place immediately.
He says it's dangerous, sir.
That this mask
is somehow cursed.
That it can't be removed
from this place
without unleashing
some sort of evil spirit.
If we're all found here sir,
-Well? Spit it out, man!
-We're dead. Sir.
You tell him from me
that we will do no such thing!
You tell him
I've been searching
for this place for the best part
of two years,
and I will absolutely not leave
without what I came for!
-Curse or not!
Now, get your men together,
That mask belongs to me now.
[Thunder rumbling]
-[Tribal leader snarling]
-[Woman whimpering]
[Tribal leader chanting]
[Woman groaning]
[Indistinct clamoring]
[Insects buzzing]
[Demon snarls]
There you are
Across the room
Looking beautiful...
Come on, Mary!
Your parents
are in the other room.
We're not even supposed
to have the door closed!
Come on, Johnny.
You know you want to.
-Even if I do, God doesn't.
[Sighs] You're unbelievable!
You're meant to be my first.
You know
if you're not careful, Johnny,
you're gonna lose me.
I... I just think
that we should wait
until we're married.
Pre-marital relations
are the devil's work.
I just wanna be like
your parents.
Married? Johnny, I'm 18.
I won't be marrying.
Look, the last thing
I want to be like is my parents.
Go home, Johnny.
[Door closes]
[Door bell dinging]
-Oh, hi, yeah, um...
I'm looking for anything
that you might have
that looks African...
[Clicks tongue]
...or vintage,
or African vintage?
Or, or just interesting?
So, because I'm Black,
I should have something African?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I, uh, er...
I'll just have a look around.
Todd! Get in here!
[Indistinct chatter over phone]
Yeah, look, I gotta go.
Can I help you?
Uh, yes, I was just telling
your, er...
-Oh, my boss?
-Yes! Your boss.
Um, I'm looking for anything
you might have
that looks African?
What kinda thing?
I mean, what for?
Well, um,
just between you and me,
I work in the film business,
the adult film business.
And, uh, we're doing
a parody version of Tarzan,
and I need props and stuff
to make it look authentic.
So, Todd?
Have you got anything?
Necklace? Tribal shield?
-Bit of illegal ivory?
We don't really have anything
like that I'm afraid.
Oh, that's a shame Todd.
I could have done you an offer.
You know, maybe, uh,
a trip to the set?
Meet some of the performers?
In return for anything that
might have worked, you know?
I do have something
that might work.
Meet me out in the alley
in ten minutes.
She's got something, a mask,
but she says
it's never for sale,
so we gotta keep it quiet,
you know?
-[Door bell dinging]
-[Laughter over TV]
Take dinner out of the oven,
I'll be there in a minute.
How's it looking?
[Objects clattering on TV]
[Mary's dad laughing]
Where are you off to
this evening, sweetie?
There's a party at Chad's house.
Uh, you're not going anywhere
dressed like that, young lady.
-MARY: Dad?!
-No arguments!
-But Dad, Todd's going!
-MARY'S DAD: Todd's a boy!
He can look after himself.
You're not leaving this house
looking like
some two-bit jezebel,
do you understand me, young
-But dad--
-While you live under my roof,
and I pay the rent,
what I say goes!
Now, go and get some
proper clothes on!
What you mean is
you don't want me to have fun?
That's right! No fun!
Not in my house!
That's right! My house.
[Indistinct chatter over TV]
And don't slam the doors
in my house!
I'll get my own damned place!
You know I don't like carrots!
[Knocks on door]
-Yo! What's up, dickcheeese?
-Go fuck yourself.
Already did.
Gotta clean the pipes
before a big night out.
Look... [Sighs]
You know what your problem is?
You ain't got none
'cause you don't give none.
He was the same with me
'til I got a job.
I'll, er... tell everyone
you said hi.
Jerry, no.
No, Jerry!
I know you're trying,
but listen, but...
Listen, I don't wanna do
another one of these movies.
Because they're tired.
Yeah, but the last one
barely sold 5,000 copies.
And Bunny's way past her best,
I mean way past.
And to be honest,
I'm sick to death
of seeing Frank's ginger cock
and balls
in my edit suite every day.
But can't you get me
another gig?
A TV spot
for incontinence pads?!
Are you taking the piss?
No! That's not what I wanted!
[Knock on door]
Look, Jerry, I gotta go.
Yeah, I, uh, got...
I got an interview today
with a new girl.
Yeah, alright.
Hi! Uh, I'm not really sure
I'm in the right place?
or metaphorically, honey?
Take a seat, you're here
for the interview, right?
My name's Ken,
but everyone around here
calls me Roosh.
-And you are...?
Mary. Good, at least
you got that right.
And you know this is just
a fluffer's position for now?
Er, yeah.
But I don't really know
what you'll be needing.
I've never really
done this before.
Well, you'll be helping out
in all departments.
Lending a hand or a mouth,
wherever necessary.
-And you are 18?
-Yeah. Uh, yeah.
Good. Right, I can offer
300 a day in cash,
but you have to start tomorrow.
-Any questions?
-Yeah, uh, Ken...
-Roosh, that is a phallic.
Look, adult films.
For adults.
Look, you'll never be seen,
it's purely a fluffing gig.
And the money's really good.
Especially for someone
your age.
-I'm not sure--
-Look, they're just films.
They're there to serve
a particular audience.
They are proper films.
And no one will ever find out.
At least that's what
I keep telling myself.
See you at 07:00 am tomorrow.
-Don't be late.
-Thank you. Thank you, Ken.
-Don't let me down.
-Thank you.
Oh, and, uh, wear something
comfortable, no push up bras.
Some of the lads can get
a little bit over excited
if you look good, okay?
Fucking newbies.
Hello, sweetie. How was school?
Uh, great, Mum. Guess what?
I got a job.
At a film production company.
I'm the assistant.
Is that a good idea, honey,
with your exams coming up?
And what's your father
going to say?
I'll be fine.
I just wanna get him
off my back.
He said that when I can start
paying my own way,
he'd let me do what I want.
How exciting.
I sometimes wish
that I'd had a job,
but your father
would never allow it.
Too much to do around the home
all the time.
I want the independence.
I wanna get out,
I wanna see the world.
I can't let him control me
I understand, darling.
So, what will you have to do?
What film are they making?
It's a bit vague.
Ah, just helping out
whenever anybody needs me to,
that sort of thing.
Just gotta suck it and see.
But there might be some content
that you might not approve of
or dad.
Oh, baby!
Your father and I have seen
all sorts of films
over the years.
Some of them
that we could never tell
our church friends about!
Your father thought
that "Brokeback Mountain"
was a masterpiece but, you know,
he could never say anything.
He thinks that makes him sound
like a, you know, a "gay."
Well, I'm sure
if it's God's will,
you'll take to it like a duck
to water.
And no need to say anything
to your father about it
just yet.
Maybe don't mention it
to him ever?
And here love,
get your hair done
for your first day.
[Birds chirping]
-Oh. Oh.
-KIMMY: Oh, shit!
I'm sorry!
[Kimmy sighs]
You must be Chardonnay's
Mary, right?
So, let's grab all this shit
you just made me drop
and put it on that table
over there.
You okay?
Come on, let me introduce you
to the gang.
You ever done this before?
-Uh, no. No.
-Don't worry.
Everyone's gotta start
Thing's you gotta remember,
that whatever you see here
today, we're making art.
Like art for commerce,
for a very specific audience,
namely white,
middle-income boys
aged 14 to 25
with little imagination,
and less intelligence.
I mean, if they had
any of those things,
they wouldn't be watching
this shit, would they?
And quick and easy
that's why we're all here.
Simple plot.
that people recognise.
No challenge intellectually,
and all culminating in gallons
of bodily fluids.
No subtext,
no incredible dialogue.
You got it?
Right, so this is Milo,
he deals with lights and camera.
And Mike. Sound man
and total fucking pervert.
Stay away from him
unless absolutely necessary.
-Sorry, what's that?
-Uh, this is Mary, the new girl.
Oh, hello Mary,
good to meet you.
If you want to join us
for a beer after work,
we'd really enjoy that?
Fucking lesbian!
[Door closes]
[Kimmy sighs]
Billie and Debbie,
makeup and talent.
Hey honey, welcome!
You're gonna have to get used
to seeing a lot more of her
than that, sweetie!
[Smacks lips]
Julius and Otto,
male talent.
Yeah, never a good idea
to get involved
with the male talent,
so probably best
you don't make eye contact
when you're, uh... working.
I'm not sure about this, Kimmy.
[Sighs] Mary, Mary.
Listen, just block it out.
How much are you getting
paid today?
-Three hundred.
-Three hundred? That's amazing!
What you gonna spend that on?
I, uh... I want to move out
of my parents' house.
Move out? That's amazing!
I'm so proud of you,
standing on your own two feet.
Sticking it to your dad, I bet?
Good for you!
Oh, uh, you've met Ken,
haven't you?
Yes, so, Ken told me
to tell you that Chardonnay,
who used to do your job.
Well, she kinda did get involved
with the male talent,
so yeah-- just don't make
eye contact, okay? Okay?
Right, any questions?
-Hey, sweetie!
Ready for your time to shine?
Uh, I-- me-- I didn't realise
that I was--
Sure, but you know
what you're doing, right?
I mean, you've, you know?
Oh! Yeah! Yeah. Loads, loads.
You know, you only have to do it
for a minute or two
-before each take? Okay?
And the money's good, right?
Really good!
You might wanna do
a quick trial run.
Some of these guys,
they can get pretty eager.
[Indistinct chatter]
So, I managed to get some
pretty cool props.
And I thought maybe we could put
one of the guys in this
for the first part
of the opening scene?
Kimmy, how much did you spend
on all this?
-Oh, 200 for the lot.
-Two hundred?
Jesus Christ what are we gonna
do with all this shit?!
Well, you're the one
who wanted production value?
No one give a shit
about production value!
All they wanna see is dick,
pussies, tits and arseholes.
-What about the mise-en-scene?
-Fuck your mise-en-scene!
We're not making
Jurassic fucking Park here!
Get this shit out of my office,
especially that!
Come on, move it!
And make sure Debbie's lubed up
and ready in ten.
I'm not paying
another fucking doctor's bill
for friction burn!
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
When are we gonna get this
fuck party started?!
-Oh, fuck off, Mike!
-Fucking lesbian!
Look, I'm sorry.
Can you just take this box
and put it in the green room
-[Knocks on door]
[Door squeaking]
Uh, Kimmy asked me
to put these in here?
Oh? Uh, anywhere will do.
[Breathes heavily]
Get yourself together.
Get yourself together.
No. No. No.
[Dialtone ringing]
Hey beautiful,
how's your first day?
Hey! Um, I don't think
this is the right job for me.
Why? What's up?
Nothing... yet.
That's the issue.
[Nervous chuckle]
Look, sometimes
we just gotta do these things.
You know, like...
it's God's will.
Are you playing a fucking game?
Uh, who, me?
No, no baby, I just-- take that!
You're playing
a fucking computer game,
and you're not even listening
to what I'm saying!
Look, no, no, babe, I mean--
I, I paused it now.
What's wrong?
[Indistinct chatter]
Oh, hey, tea's up!
Mary, isn't it?
-Do you have a boyfriend?
-Yeah. Yes, Johnny.
Only if she insists!
Isn't that right everybody?!
Do you also have a little lamb?
[Indistinct chatter]
You know, fleece
as white as snow?
Because I'm a big, bad wolf.
My fucking balls!
Oh, that's what they're for!
-Thank you.
-No need.
It's degrading enough
working here already,
without fraternising
with the fanboys too.
Ginger nut?
-Would you like a ginger nut?
Uh, no thank you.
We're not all wrong 'uns,
you know?
My kids. Max, Liam, and Cody.
We're all just here
to make a bit of money.
-Woowoo! Haaa!
Can you just...?
Whoo ha!
Okay. That's all I can do
for you I'm afraid, Otto.
Do you want a water
or anything?
-Otto does not need fluids.
[Clicks tongue]
Come on people,
turn 'em off, hand 'em in!
[cellphones beeping]
Come on, you too "fresh meat."
They fuck up the sound honey.
[Cellphone beep]
-[Objects thud]
-[speaks indistinctly]
[Demon snarling]
[Breathing heavily]
[Demon speaking indistinctly]
Okay, right. Listen up.
You hearing me?
Okay, so what I think we'll do
is we'll start off
with missionary first.
And then we'll go to cowgirl,
And then I want reverse cowgirl.
And then after that
I want some-- yeah doggy.
After that we need
to definitely make sure
we get this.
Are you listening?
Definitely make sure
we get this, okay?
And then I want to go to...
a bit of spooning.
After that...
I want piledriver.
Then I want oyster, eagle,
and then you splash the cash.
Got it?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, boss.
You changed your hair?
Julius? You're up.
[Soft grunt]
Well, come on!
He's not gonna blow himself!
[Mary gulps]
[Otto panting]
[Demon speaking indistinctly]
[Demon speaking indistinctly]
[Gulps, clears throat]
[Vomits, coughs]
Alright! Let's roll!
Ready? Everyone ready?
-Turn over.
-MIKE: Sound's speed.
And action!
[Mary sighs]
Come on. Come on, let's get you
some water.
[Debbie groaning, moaning]
Slow it down.
Oh, fuck!
Julius, go deeper.
Go on, hit her.
And cut!
Right, everyone take five.
Stay wet and warm!
-You gonna be okay?
-I think so.
-What the fuck was that?
-I'm sorry.
Do you want that 300 quid
or what?
I do, I do. I just--
I didn't realise--
While I pay the bills
around here, you do as I say.
-You got it?
Yes sir.
Right. Go outside, have a smoke,
and when you're ready
and you've sorted your shit out,
get your arse back on my set.
I hate to say it,
but he's kinda right, you know?
If you've got bills
to pay,
you've just gotta do it,
leave your integrity
at the door, you know?
And I won't be around
the whole time
to look after you.
Hey! Need a hand getting ready
for the scene deep throat?
Yeah. Fucking lesbian!
[Roosh sighs]
[Soft grunt]
[Wild, uncontrollable screaming]
What is it?
What the fuck?!
I don't know.
Debbie found her like this.
[Debbie crying]
Well, where's Otto, and Kimmy?
Has anyone called an ambulance?
Oh, for fucks sake,
the fucking phones
are on the fucking set! Pillock!
What's going on?
Oh, my God!
-[Mary screaming]
-Shut up!
[Debbie sobbing]
I'll get the phones.
You guys stay here,
and lock the door.
-What are you doing?
-I'm locking the fucking door!
Because she didn't do it
to herself, did she?
You stupid fucking cum dump!
[Debbie sobbing]
Oh, God!
Otto. That motherfucker.
Now Mike,
we don't know for sure.
Are you kidding me?
-What's taking Milo so long?
Fucking phones were right
at the top of the fucking bag!
-We should all go.
-No! You are kidding me?
Otto is out there
with a fucking knife!
-ROOSH: Mike.
-Too many god damned 'roids!
-ROOSH: Mike.
He's gonna fucking, like,
fucking gonna kill us,
that's what he's gonna do.
I can't believe this.
I'm gonna fucking die
on a piece of shit porn shoot.
I've worked on real sets,
you know?
And I do not wanna die
on a fucking liquid,
fucking, lovecheese,
fucking, production!
-You need to be cool.
Nobody else is gonna die.
Whoever did this is long gone.
Just shut the fuck up, Ken!
No one gives a fuck
about what you think!
You miserable piece of shit!
You know, what I fucking hate
about this industry?
-Motherfuckers like you!
And what's that supposed
to mean?
-[Electricity crackles]
-[Shrieks] What the fuck!
Where the hell is Milo?!
Look the power just tripped.
There's a breaker in my office.
So, you go with Jules
and check the back door.
I'll go to my office.
Girls, you stay here.
Lock the door, okay?
-I ain't fucking going nowhere.
-Yeah, laugh it up, fuzzball.
Jules, you got this.
-[Milo exclaims]
[Demon snarling]
[Intense screaming]
[Door squeaks]
[Door squeaking, bangs]
[Breathing heavily]
[Demon snarling]
[groans, gasps]
-I just wanna make movies.
-[Cellphone ringing]
[Indistinct voice over phone]
Please leave a message
after the tone.
Ken, Rooshy baby! Great news.
It's Jerry, by the way,
I sent your script
for "Big Tables"
over to a few people I know
at Tiger Hole Productions in LA,
and guess what?
They love it!
They want an option
for five years,
they're gonna pay you
half a mil now,
and another three
if it gets made!
They should be back by now.
Why aren't the lights back on?
Oh shut up, you fucking whore!
Why don't you shut the fuck up,
you fucking coward?
-[Groans] Fuck!
[Clicks tongue] Fuck.
-[Lighter flickering]
-Come on!
[Demon snarling]
-[Lighter flickering]
-[Demon snarls]
[Julius screams]
It's been ten minutes.
Oh, fuck.
Let's all go together.
Are you fucking crazy?
Otto's out there,
he's gonna kill us all!
Debbie, did you notice
anything unusual
about Otto this morning?
Anything out of the ordinary?
Just another pumped up
testosterone Tuesday
for that fucking motherfucker!
-It's the mask, it's the mask!
Okay, stay close.
We'll head out the back door.
[Scoffs] That's what she said.
-[Electricity zapping]
-[Door creaking]
-[Demon snarls]
-[All scream]
[Debbie grunts]
[Gasps, coughs]
[Breathes heavily]
[Door squeaking]
[Demon laughing]
What are we gonna do?
The phones.
I can see them.
[Mike whimpering]
[Both exclaims, pants]
[Mary gasps]
[Breathing heavily]
Listen to me,
you're gonna roll out
and run for the door,
and I'll get the phones
and call the police, okay?
Yes, Kimmy
It's the only chance we've got!
We've got to get those phones.
You gonna run like hell
to the makeup room
and lock yourself in, okay?
It's the only chance we've got!
On the count of three.
-One, two, tree.
-[Kimmy breathing heavily]
[Body squelching]
MARY: [Screams]
Mary, it's me!
What do we do?!
-Where is he?
-Come on.
[Pants] Wait! Wait!
I can hear a car,
someone's here.
See? We're saved!
We've gotta get out of here.
-Get in.
Get in.
-What the fuck? No!
-Get in the cupboard!
-We've gotta get outside.
-Get in!
-Get the fuck in!
-Oh, fuck's sake!
-In! In!
-[Mike groans]
Yeah, I don't know man.
Just doing some porno thing
that this chick set up for me.
She, uh, kinda wants my balls,
you know?
Yeah, I don't know like 40?
She's pretty hot though.
Yeah, I sold her some old mask
from the store.
Yeah, definitely man.
Cool. Yeah, yeah.
I'll speak to you later. Bye.
[Door squeaking]
[Bell ringing in distance]
[Breathing heavily]
-MARY: Come on.
-Is he gone?
[Breathes heavily]
Come on.
[Demon speaks indistinctly]
[Door unlocks, squeaks]
Okay. I'm, uh, here
to see Kimmy.
I, uh, don't remember
this scene in Tarzan?
[Demon growls]
-[Bones cracking]
[chokes, grunts]
You motherfucker! [Grunts]
[Blood spluttering, gasps)
[Demon speaks indistinctly]
[Gasps, chokes]
[Door unlocks, squeaking]
-[Door lock rattling]
-Fuck! Fuck!
Where is it? The mask!
[Door bangs]
I need to know
where the mask is.
What the fuck?
It's Otto. He's in there.
Now listen to me girl,
that is not your friend.
It's the mask,
the mask of the devil!
And it's found it's way
into this den
of inequity somehow,
and it will kill anyone
who isn't a virgin,
or anyone who stands in its way.
It's cursed.
Are you?
[Pants] Yeah. I am.
Then you're safe,
unless you stand in its way.
I am the guardian,
leave this to me.
[Shocked scream]
Sweet baby Jesus!
-How do you know him?
-He's my brother.
He worked at my store.
That's it!
He must have been the one
that sold these people the mask.
Oh, God!
[Demon laughing in distance]
-What is the mask?
-The mask is pure evil.
It consumes the weak minded.
The seekers of quick
and cheap thrills
and turns them into
something... evil.
Evil has no reasons.
I have been guarding
that conduit
for over a hundred years.
The demon was in me.
[Objects thudding in distance]
[Mary screams]
[Screams, grunts]
[Mary grunts]
[Mary screaming]
[Celestine grunts]
[Otto thuds]
-[Celestine thuds]
-[Mary sobs]
It's yours now, keep it safe.
Keep it... [Gasps]
Your curse is...
No, no, no. No, no, no.
[Demon growls]
Suck on this!
[Breathes heavily]
You're not going anywhere
dressed like that, young lady!
Your father and I have seen
all sorts of things
over the years!
Come on, Mary!
Your parents
are in the other room.
My house!
Pre-marital relations
are the devil's work.
Two-bit jezebel!
And you know this is just
a fluffer's position for now?
Lending a hand--
What's up dickcheese?
While I pay the bills
around here, you do as I say.
[Indistinct voices]
What's your father
going to say?
That's right, no fun!
I can't let him control me
There you are
Across the room
Looking beautiful in blue
Your shade of polish
Your shade of lipstick
Making everybody soothe
Your eyes are green
So clears the truth
Focus now on me
all the time...
[Indistinct lyrics]