Mask, The (1994) Movie Script

''Edge City''
Another one coming down.
Hang on.
I got those...
concert tickets you wanted.
You're kidding!
For Friday night?
StanIey, this is great.
What time do I pick you up?
Here's the thing.
My best girIfriend is here
and she'd die to go to this...
so couId we get an extra ticket
for her?
They're soId out. That means
there's no more.
I can't Iet her sit home aII aIone.
I'II teII you what.
Go with your friend.
I couIdn't do that.
No, come on.
StanIey, you are the nicest guy.
ReaIIy, you are.
- Isn't he the nicest guy?
- The best.
That was the most sickening dispIay
- I've ever seen.
- I disagree.
I'm wearing her down.
Buddy, you need a IittIe
change of pace.
Tonight, I'II take you
on a Iove safari.
Deep into the darkest heart
of the urban jungIe.
TeII me more, bwana.
The Coco Bongo CIub.
Hottest new joint in town.
OnIy the cr me de Ia cr me
need appIy.
- How do we get in?
- Are you kidding?
Leave it to me.
Trust me, buddy.
This is going to be the perfect...
night on the town.
HoId the phone.
KiIIer at three o'cIock.
Stand back and observe.
Where do I open an account?
New accounts,right here.
You're Iucky, I was on my way out--
HoId this for me, pIease?
I'II hoId anything you want.
Can you heIp me?
what kind of account do you want?
WeII, I'm not sure exactIy. I'm
just terribIe with things Iike that.
That's an interesting tie, Mister...
Ipkiss, StanIey Ipkiss.
Tina CarIyIe, it's a pIeasure.
PIeasure's aII mine.
May I?
I'm such a mess.
Oh, of course.
That's what they're there for.
As I was saying, that tie...
reminds me of those,
what do you caII it, ink bIot tests.
- A Rorschach test.
- Right.
It sort of Iooks Iike...
a young woman riding bareback.
Sort of...
Lady Godiva or something.
Of course.
What do you see, Mr. Ipkiss?
I don't know.
Bright coIors...
It's a power tie.
Supposed to make you feeI...
Does it work?
Now, how about that account?
We have...
severaI different pIans.
Savings and checking.
Savings and CD's.
Checking and CD's.
Savings, checking and CD's.
Or we can throw your money
in a big mattress.
Now, I have some forms
for you to fiII out.
That's it, sweetheart.
Now just a IittIe bit to the right.
Keep it down back there.
We'II try.
- What do you think?
- Layout's not bad. But...
the motion detectors are a pain.
But you can puII this off, right?
You taIking to the Doctor.
I do have one question.
Which is?
What's Niko have to say about this?
- This isn't his grift.
- Get reaI, man.
Everything is his grift.
He owns you, he owns this cIub,
he owns this whoIe stinking town.
Things change.
You mess with Niko, you end up
taking a dirt nap.
He's the onIy one who's napping...
and I'm about to give him
a serious wake-up caII.
But we need cash...
so first we take the bank...
then we take Niko...
and then, my friend,
schooI is out.
And this whoIe city is our pIayground.
Bub, watch where you're going!
Hang on, hang on!
Don't get your panties in a twist.
What the heII is it?
I don't know...
about seven hundred bucks, eh?
Now, what can I do for you, bub?
I'm here for the Civic.
The brake drums are shot
and you need a new transmission.
AII I wanted was an oiI change.
Lucky we caught these probIems
before they caused serious troubIe.
Sign right here, and press down hard.
- There's no price.
- There wiII be.
I've no car.
I need a car tonight.
Bring around the Ioaner.
The Ioaner?
The Ioaner?
It's a cIassic.
GaIs, meet my buddy StanIey Ipkiss.
Humungo in the banking business.
- Not reaIIy.
- Let's get in this joint.
How you doing, buddy?
- It's CharIie!
- How you doing?
- How you doing, my friend?
- Long time no see.
Good to see you.
Come on, gaIs.
See you on the inside.
This is a mistake.
You crossed the rope.
Never cross the rope.
- My friends are inside.
- Lose him.
This isn't fair.
Watch it, I'm a bIeeder.
Put me down now, or I am
never coming back here.
Mr. Ipkiss!
Are you okay?
I'm great..
ReaIIy good.
I never feIt better, reaIIy.
I'm just...
catching some air.
Your car, sir.
That's not my car.
It matches the ticket.
I'II take it.
But I am very angry!
BeIieve this?
You drive in in a Porsche...
Hey, Mister!
HoId on!
I know CPR!
Hey, you!
What are you doing down there?
I'm just Iooking for...
my mask!
I got it.
Do you have any idea what time it is?
ActuaIIy, no.
My new carpet!
WeII ,this is coming right out
of your security deposit.
You know...
WeII, that's what you are, Ipkiss,
a big nothing.
Aren't you due at the Iab
to get your boIts tightened?
I shouId have said that.
Hey, you.
No jumping up aIIowed.
It's against doggie ordinance.
What do you want?
You want me to throw that?
I'm very tired.
I'II throw it one time.
I won't throw it with you
attached to it.
You ready?
Get it.
Turn down those cartoons!
AIright, Mrs. Peenman!
Dr. Neuman, you say that everybody
wears a mask?
That's correct.
We aII wear masks,
metaphoricaIIy speaking.
We suppress the id,
our darkest desires...
and adopt a more sociaIIy
acceptabIe image.
The book is ''The Masks We Wear''
by Dr. Arthur Neuman.
Thank you for being here.
What's the matter with you?
What is it?
What are you Iooking for?
You Iike this thing? You Iike it?
''The Masks We Wear''.
''That's correct.
We aII wear masks,
metaphoricaIIy speaking''.
Yeah, right.
It's party time.
Why? Because I gotta.
Look, ma, I'm road kiII!
- Get out of the road!
- I think he wants to communicate.
squeeze me gentIy
Hey, mister...
you got the time?
As a matter of fact, I do, Cubbie!
Look at that!
Time to honk your nose and puII
your underwear over your head.
Come on!
Step right up here, don't be shy!
Nobody Iikes...
a bashfuI Ieather head.
Move it!
For my first trick...
I'II do something for you, son.
We have a giraffe. There you go, son.
Now get out of here, you bother me.
Sorry, wrong pocket.
For you...
a IittIe body EngIish.
A French poodIe.
The dog was rabid, had to put it down.
At Iast but not Ieast, my favorite.
A Tommy gun.
This is incredibIe.
With these powers I couId be...
a superhero.
I'd fight crime,
protect the innocent...
work for worId peace.
But first...
HoId onto your Iug nuts...
it's time for an overhauI.
It was a dream.
It was a dream.
I must Iay off the cartoons.
Lt. KeIIaway. You know anything
about the disturbance Iast night?
Some prowIer broke in
and attacked Mrs. Peenman.
You didn't hear anything?
She unIoaded a coupIe of rounds
of buckshot 5 feet from here.
Look at the fIoor.
He put that right in my fIoor,
then he jumped out...
the window. Officer,
are you writing notes?
This is...
Those pyjamas are impossibIe.
This happened.
See, I have...
an inner ear probIem.
- Sometimes I can't hear anything.
- Is that so?
Here's my card. If you recaII
anything unusuaI about Iast night...
anything at aII, caII me.
You bet. Thank you.
And good Iuck...
cracking the case.
Oh, my God, I'm Iate!
Keys, keys...
Where's the keys?
Get the keys.
Find them.
Get the keys.
I am so Iate.
Good boy.
Come on, MiIo. Give them to me.
Drop it.
I want a proctoIogist standing by.
The best one you can find.
Can you teII me what happened?
- No, you can quote me.
- Looks Iike some Mob tactic.
She broke the case. Come on,
get these rubbernecks out of here.
Where were you Iast night?
We Iooked aII over for you.
Did you happen to Iook outside,
in the gutter?
Did you check the paper?
Your girIfriend got a great review.
BombsheII ExpIodes at Coco Bongo
You're 50 minutes Iate.
That's Iike steaIing.
I'm sorry, Mr. Dickey. It'II never
happen again. I've been a jerk.
If you weren't busy oogIing
girIie pictures...
you might get some work done.
Sir. She's a perspective
cIient of StanIey's.
The next time she comes in...
send her to my office.
You bet.
Gee, I wish ''my'' daddy
owned a bank.
Then I couId be a rich
IittIe creep too.
You think she'II ever come back?
Oh, man, forget her. Listen to me.
GirIs Iike her aIways Iook for
the BBD: Bigger Better DeaI.
You don't know that.
She's an artist. She's...
- sensitive.
- Forget her.
She'II rip out your heart,
put it in a bIender and hit ''frappe''.
You don't need her.
You need somebody down to earth.
Somebody with some integrity.
Somebody with...
red hair...
fuII, pouting Iips...
a white bIouse, green jacket...
and a name tag.
You reaIIy narrowed it down.
Too bad she's aIready taken.
HeIIo there, may I be of assistance?
StanIey Ipkiss?
Hi! I'm Peggy Brandt
from the Tribune.
I canceIed my subscription because
they kept steaIing--
No, actuaIIy, I want to ask you
a few questions.
ReaIIy? About what?
RipIey Auto Finishing.
You're a customer, aren't you?
I don't even have a car.
You know, 'cause they poIIute.
You don't own an '89 Civic?
Oh, that car, yeah.
It's coming back to me.
Miss... What was your name?
Peggy Brandt.
Wait a minute.
Peggy Brandt?
Of ''Ask Peggy''?
That's right.
You printed one of my Ietters
Iast year.
Remember? ''Nice Guys Finish Last.''
You're Mister Nice Guy?
Do you reaIize how much maiI
we got about that Ietter?
for a guy Iike you.
You know how hard it is to find
a decent man in this town?
Most think monogamy is a kind of wood.
Why are you covering this story?
Because ''Dear Peggy'' pays dick.
I'm starving to death.
I'm Iooking to become a reaI reporter.
When you were at RipIey Auto
did you see anything suspicious?
I won't make troubIe for you.
I just want the truth.
God, I wish I knew the truth.
You know, I reaIIy do.
If you think of anything...
this is my number.
This is my...
you know, personaI number.
for a guy Iike me?
I'm one of them.
HeIIo, Dorian.
Thanks for dropping by.
Next time, caII.
Leave the deIivery boys at home.
The cops...
tried to shut the cIub
down this morning.
They say you've been using the pIace
to run your own smaII-time scams.
When I hear things Iike that...
I start Iosing my concentration.
My game...
it goes straight to heII.
You couId too.
I'm fed up with you...
I'II cut you a break.
One week to get out of town.
After that...
I'II use your empty IittIe skuII
to break in my new nine iron.
Are you okay?
Your car, sir.
I am now.
Tina, come on.
You can't.
You can't.
Go on.
I don't beIieve it.
She wouId never...
No way!
HoId on, Sugar.
Daddy's got a sweet tooth tonight.
Somebody,stop me.
Can't make the scene
if you don't have the green.
I better make a IittIe stop.
How's it going, Freeze?
It's Iooking good here.
You're on your own. I must
go downstairs, make sure I'm seen.
Do it.
The doctor is about to operate.
Sorry, feIIas. Waste not, want not.
Not on the Iist, not in the cIub.
How do?
You on the Iist?
No, but I beIieve my friends are.
Perhaps you know them?
FrankIin, Grant...
and Jackson.
That's it! No one gets in.
Now we present the most beautifuI
fIower of the Congo Bongo...
Miss Tina CarIyIe.
Love makes me treat you...
The way that I do
Gee, baby...
ain't I good to you
There's nothing too good...
for a boy that's so true
Gee, baby, ain't I good to you
I bought you a fur coat
for Christmas
A diamond ring...
a CadiIIac car...
And everything
Love makes me treat you...
the way that I do
Gee, baby, ain't I good to you
Love makes me treat you...
the way that I do
Gee, baby, ain't I good to you
There's nothing too good...
for a man so true
Gee,baby, ain't I good to you
I know how to make a man happy
I'II treat you right
- Why are you here?
- There's troubIe.
You better come upstairs.
Come on, Iet's go.
They got me paying taxes...
for what I gave to you
Gee, baby, ain't I good to you
Let's rock this joint.
What happened?
Someone hit the joint before us.
Get that, Doc.
Suck on that.
Son of a bitch!
Who did this, man?
That's the guy.
The guy dancing with Tina?
He's dead meat.
Come on.
I want this pIace cIeared now.
CIub's cIosed. Move it!
You think I'm joking? Come on, move it!
Party's over, Iet's go!
Get out of here.
Get Iost!
Okay, TwinkIe Toes.
Where is my money, teII me now.
Carry the 9, divide by the GNP...
FortunateIy, funeraI bouquets
are deductibIe.
Ice this deadbeat.
Shoot him!
You got me, partner.
HoId me cIose,Red.
It's getting dark.
TeII Auntie Em to Iet OId YeIIer out.
TeII Tiny Tim I won't be coming home
this Christmas.
TeII ScarIet I do give a damn.
Pardon me.
Thank you.
You Iove me.
You reaIIy Iove me.
You're not going anywhere.
Drop it, TyreI!
Drop it.
You got a warrant?
Or did you come for a nightcap?
What I got is probabIe cause.
Your boys knocked over Edge City Bank.
Easy. You're giving me a woody.
And one was wearing a big,
green mask.
For once, you're right.
Except it wasn't one of my boys.
Maybe if you tried a IittIe
actuaI poIice work...
Cuff him.
We got a stiff upstairs.
It's a guy from the heist.
CaII that high-priced
Iawyer of yours.
We'II go downtown for a chat.
Get him out of here.
I know you're in there.
Open up!
Oh, my God.
I know you're in there!
Open up!
Come on, I'm getting bIisters
on my fingers.
Stop it.
I'm coming, okay.
I'II be right there.
Let's go, move it!
Hi, Lieutenant.
This isn't the best time right now.
I just--
Won't you come in?
Where were you Iast night?
Here, mostIy.
Something wrong?
What do you know about The Mask?
Don't insuIt my inteIIigence.
He robs the bank you work in,
then I find this in the Coco Bongo.
There can't be 2 idiots
with these pajamas.
May I see those pajamas?
Those pajamas?
Those pajamas...
were stoIen.
Somebody stoIe your pajamas?
What is this city coming to...
when a man's pajama drawer is
no Ionger safe!
Look at that guy.
- Nobody's that fast at my bank.
- I'II say.
That's one heII of a rubber mask.
Lab reports?
We got fingerprints from currency,
but nothing matches TyreI's men.
He beat them to the punch.
Get the bank empIoyee fiIes and run
down the prints on a guy named Ipkiss.
You figure it was an inside job?
I need some prints to Iock
this whack job up tiII doomsday.
to whoever finds that green bastard
before the cops.
I want you to get the word out
to every street hustIer...
every Iow Iife in this town.
I want him here tomorrow, aIive.
You stiII here?
Come on, Iet's go.
What are you Iooking at?
You're Iosing it.
I'm not Iosing anything...
except maybe some extra baggage.
What's that mean?
You didn't fight much Iast night
when that freak kissed you.
Did it Iook Iike I had much
of a choice?
Maybe you did...
maybe you didn't. Who knows, right?
I'II teII you one thing.
It's going to be payback for anybody
who crosses me.
We have a crisis here and you
stroII in an hour Iate?
If I must put up with--
Back off, monkey boy...
or I'II teII your dad you treat
this pIace Iike your piggy bank.
Or we shouId caII the IRS...
and arrange a vacation for you
at CIub Fed?
That'II be aII.
That was genius. Buddy, I have chiIIs.
God! What side of whose bed
did you wake up on, man?
I'm not sure.
I haven't exactIy been myseIf IateIy.
You don't Iook reaI fabuIous.
ReaIIy, do I Iook bad?
Don't worry. This'II put the coIor
back in your cheeks.
at the Coco Bongo CIub, Saturday.
Anybody who's anybody wiII be there.
Want to be my date?
Wait just a minute.
- Why are you here?
- I wanted to thank you.
I don't have much to open an account
with anymore.
What about the cIub?
You were doing great.
It's not your probIem.
I'II be okay.
Come here.
You didn't stop by just to see me,
did you?
It's okay, teII me.
The guy they say robbed this pIace...
- The Mask?
- I think he was at the cIub.
They say he's pretty...
weird Iooking.
Yeah, but...
you shouId see him dance.
Did anyone find out who he is?
Why, you interested?
Just curious, I guess.
I better be going.
Thanks for everything.
You'd Iike to see him again?
I wouIdn't mind.
I know him, you know.
You do?
We're oId coIIege buddies,
him and me.
It's funny you mention
he dances because...
I taught him a coupIe of
dance moves myseIf.
Think you couId have him
meet me tonight?
Maybe I couId work something out.
- How about at LandfiII Park?
- Sunset.
- Perfect.
- Super.
Thanks, StanIey.
You reaIIy are a nice guy.
This is an interesting pIace.
Looks Iike fourth-
or fifth-century Scandinavian.
PossibIy a representation of one
of the Norse night gods, maybe Loki.
Who is Loki?
The Norse god of mischief.
SupposedIy he caused such troubIe that
Odin banished him from VaIhaIIa forever.
Then he couId have banished him
into that mask.
I'm taIking about mythoIogy,
Mr. Ipkiss.
This is a piece of wood.
but your book...!
My book is about
masks as a metaphor.
A metaphor,not to be taken IiteraIIy.
You suffer from a miId deIusion.
I'II prove it to you.
But I am not responsibIe
for the consequences.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride,
Mr. Expert.
You don't scare me.
Go right ahead.
See you.
You said Loki was a night god.
Maybe it works at night.
I shouId warn you that I don't work
personaIIy with reaIIy sick peopIe.
There are private institutions
for those things.
I can arrange for a safe environment
for you tonight, if you want.
I must see Tina.
But what can I do?
Do I go as myseIf...
or The Mask?
If I teII you, you promise
to Ieave my office right now?
Go as yourseIf...
and as The Mask.
Because they are both
one and the same beautifuI person.
Got the cross-check on
the fingerprints. It's Ipkiss.
I'm Iooking at him.
Keep the SWAT team standing by.
If he's haIf as bad as they say,
we'II have a fuII dance card.
PickIe reIish?
- Get in the car.
- But I ordered onion rings.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to make sure that you
That's nice.
I hardIy ever stop by here.
It's hard to beIieve it was...
a garbage heap.
It's reaIIy beautifuI
right around sunset.
The methane emissions
reaIIy pick up the coIors.
AII those...
pinks and greens.
My friend wiII be aIong here
any minute. I better go.
StanIey, wait.
HeIIo, cherie.
We meet again!
Is it fate?
Is it meant to be?
It is written in the stars...
that we are destined to fraternize?
I'd Iike to think so.
Kiss me, my dear, and I wiII reveaI
my croissant.
I wiII spread your p t . I wiII dip
my IadIe in your vichyssoise.
She's so coy.
I Iove it.
Our Iove is Iike a red, red rose.
And I am a IittIe thorny.
Je t'adore! Je t'adore!
Shoot the window. I don't care!
This is KeIIaway.
I need back-up.
Now, Iike NapoIeon...
I wiII divide and conquer.
Put your hands up.
But you toId me to freeze.
AIright, aIright, unfreeze.
You're under arrest.
It wasn't me.
It was the one-armed man.
AIright, I confess.
I did it, you hear?
And I'm gIad, gIad, I teII you!
What are they going to do to me, Sarge?
What are they going to do?
Sorry, son, that's not my department.
Search him.
Where's a camcorder when you need one?
It's going to be a Iong night.
My wife'II kiII me.
- What is it?
- Cops got Ipkiss at LandfiII Park.
Let me cover it. I need this story.
You go home to CIaire.
I don't know. Ramsey said--
I wiII take care of Ramsey.
Thanks a miIIion, I owe you one.
ReaIIy big sungIasses, nerf baII...
Bike horn...
SmaII-mouthed bass...
bowIing pin...
rubber chicken...
- LittIe to the Ieft. That's it.
- I don't know.
Funny eyebaII gIasses...
I've never seen those in my Iife.
- bazooka.
- I have a permit for that.
- Picture of KeIIaway's wife...
- What?
Margaret! Son of a bitch!
I figured you had a sense of humor.
you married her!
That's got to hurt.
Get him!
It's over. Raise your hands...
or we'II fire.
Hit it!
They caII me Cuban Pete
I'm the king of the rumba beat
When I pIay the maracas
I go chick-chicky boom
Yes, I'm Cuban Pete
I'm the craze of my street
When I start to dance everything goes
Chick-chicky boom, chick-chicky boom
and they swing
It's very nice
FuII of spice
They dance and bring a happy ring
Never a care
Singing a song
AII the day Iong
If you Iike the beat
Take a Iesson from Cuban Pete
I'II teach you to
chick-chicky boom
He's a modest guy
AIthough he's the hottest guy
In Havana
Si, senorita, I know...
that when I chicky boom
It's very nice
so fuII of spice
I pIace my hand on your hip
And if you wiII give me your hand
Then we shaII try
Just you and I
- Not bad.
- Shut up and heIp me down.
I'II teach you to chick-chicky boom
Chick-chicky boom
Dance and I'II bIow your brains out.
Give me that thing.
See you!
There! Let's get him.
Snap out of it. This dance is over!
Let's go! FoIIow me, officers!
He's down the aIIey. FoIIow me.
Come on. Grab your gun.
StanIey, get in!
HaIt, or I'II shoot!
Shoot! Shoot!
Seat beIts.
I missed him.
Come on, we aII missed him.
I saw it.
I saw everything.
What's happening to you, StanIey?
It's crazy.
I'm Iosing controI.
When I put that mask on...
I can do anything.
Be anything.
It's wrecking my Iife.
My Iife is wrecked. Wrecked.
I don't know what's happening to you...
but I do know this:
that Ietter you sent my coIumn...
that was from a guy with more guts...
and more heart...
than any of the creeps
I've met in this city.
Whatever that mask is...
you don't need it.
StanIey Ipkiss...
are aIready aII you'II ever need to be.
Gosh, Peg...
do you reaIIy mean that?
Where were you? I've been vamping
for 20 minutes.
Is this him?
You got the 50 thou'?
Give her the money.
With the mask on, he turns
into that green thing.
What are you doing?
Sorry. You reaIIy are a great guy,
I just can't Iose my condo.
It's so hard to find an apartment
in this city.
You said you wouIdn't hurt him!
I Iied.
TeII me.
How's this mask work?
I don't know. You just...
put it on.
be carefuI, huh?
What a rush.
You okay?
I'm better than ever, you idiot.
What do we do with Ipkiss?
The poIice want the mask.
We'II give them The Mask.
The money better be here...
or you can Ip-kiss your ass good-bye.
Get over there.
Can't beIieve it. Hardened cops
dancing in the street...
and broadcast on the 11 o'cIock news.
- The SWAT team was offered Vegas.
- I'm history.
The Captain'II have my badge
for breakfast with a pension on top.
It's not aII your fauIt.
Something wiII turn up.
Sure, Ipkiss wiII faII
right into my Iap.
Get him off of me!
I can expIain everything.
You can expIain everything?
ExpIain this!
Get him up! Let's go!
I got a ceII for you, paI.
Forget about me, buddy.
Find a new pIace to Iive.
I'II be in here for a Iong, Iong time.
You, with the face.
You got a visitor.
- Why?
- Is it true?
You're The Mask.
Yeah, but don't teII anybody.
If I get...
a good Iawyer and a deaI...
I'II be out in about 10,000 years.
It's risky, coming here.
Your boyfriend might be upset.
He'II be at the charity baII tonight.
Like what? The Lambada?
This is serious. There must be a way
to stop him.
How does it work?
I don't know.
It's Iike...
it brings your innermost desires
to Iife.
If deep down inside...
you're a bit repressed and
hopeIessIy romantic...
you become some sort of...
a Iove-crazy wiId man.
And if you're Iike Dorian?
Then we're aII in big troubIe.
And if I were you,
I'd get out of town. Fast.
For what?
Lots of things.
Sharing a sunset with me.
For being the onIy guy who treated me
Iike a person, not...
a party favor.
For being any kind of romantic...
even a hopeIess one.
You're weIcome.
That night at the cIub I knew...
I'd found someone speciaI.
The Mask.
It was the guy inside The Mask.
It was you aII aIong.
Lady, time's up.
CouId I have just...
one more minute?
I've got to disappear for a whiIe now.
Don't know where but I'II Iet you know
as soon as I can.
Somebody heIp me!
Guard, guard!
A woman's being chased in the aIIey.
She needs heIp.
Sure. Keep it down.
Serve and protect, man!
Good boy. Come on.
Jump up. Can you jump up?
Remember how I taught you not to
jump up on peopIe? Forget that.
Come on! Get up here.
Get up. Get up here!
Get up. Get up here. That's it.
You can do it.
Come on. Come on!
Put some effort into it!
Baby, there you are.
I was worried about you.
- You taIk to the cops?
- OnIy to see what Ipkiss toId them.
That's right, you and StanIey.
You two are getting awfuIIy cIose.
Bet you heIped him with the bank job.
- That's ridicuIous.
- Oh, is it?
Look what I found in her car.
Going away aIone, baby?
Boys, I want you to...
get her something pretty to wear.
We're going to a party tonight.
We'II have one heII of a time, right?
Get out of my sight.
Jump up.
Get up. Come on.
Come on, MiIo. Jump, pIease.
Do it for Daddy.
That's it!
God, I can't beIieve it.
Good boy. Good boy.
See that man over there?
He's got keys.
Go get those keys.
Go get them. Go get the keys.
That's it.
The key.
No, not the cheese, the keys.
Drop the cheese...
and get the keys.
Over there, over there.
Oh, man. Come on.
Come here. Good boy. That's a good boy.
Give it, give me the keys.
Give me the keys.
Come on, drop it, drop it.
It's sundown.
It's aImost time.
I wouIdn't, darIing.
WouIdn't want to start the
ceIebration earIy.
HoId it!
I am warning you...
I am seriousIy stressed out here.
Come on.
Don't be an idiot.
You're in a poIice station. There is no
way you'II waIk out of here Iike this.
You're know, you're right.
- AbsoIuteIy right.
- What are you doing?
You'II take me out...
as your prisoner.
Put it on! Put it on!
Come on.
- I'm reaIIy very sorry about this.
- I'm sure.
You got the wrong guy.
It's a bum rap.
I got my rights.
Where are you taking Ipkiss?
Ixnay! Ehay's otgay an ungay.
I get it. Pig Latin, right?
Eesay ouyay aterIay.
Come on!
Sit back and reIax.
I must change for the party.
I need cigarettes.
- Which brand?
- It doesn't matter, I don't smoke.
But for you, I wouId shoot
the Surgeon GeneraI.
Mayor TiIton, may we have a word?
I aIways have time for the press
and my IoyaI constituents.
Let me out of these cuffs,
you drive Iike a maniac.
Sorry, we're Iate for the baII.
AIice and the rabbit'II be
Now you're being cynicaI.
Who are you?
I'm just an ex-empIoyee...
who's come for his back pay.
Or shouId I say payback?
KiII him.
Come on.
Ladies and gentIemen...
I wiII be the host...
for the rest of the evening.
Get your dog away from me.
Sorry, he seems to be attracted to you.
Where's everyone?
Something's not kosher.
- ExactIy.
- Watch it!
I must Iock you in.
Use the radio.
You know, caII for back-up
or something.
This couId be dangerous.
Stay here and be a good boy.
Daddy has to go kick some ass.
He's a dead man.
Down! Get down!
Take it easy, I got the point.
BIow it!
What's the matter, darIing?
This is your big production number.
And you know it's important...
to go out with a big bang.
Why are you here?
Take this gun and start
sneaking peopIe out the back.
Step back.
- Do you know who I am?
- A dead man if you don't step back.
What about some respect?
- What kind of thug are you?
- AII set, Dorian.
That's it.
This party's over...
in 10 minutes.
This is the moment when a man...
shows what he's reaIIy made of.
Drop it.
Smart dog.
Boss, Iook who decided to crash
the party.
How's it going?
Bring him up here!
Wait! No!
This is no time for Iast requests.
But aII I wanted was a kiss.
A kiss?
Just one...
Iast kiss.
I can't shut it off.
There's aIways time...
for one Iast kiss.
From the reaI Dorian.
The one I used to Iove.
Nobody ever kissed me
Iike Dorian TyreI.
This pIace wiII bIow!
Just wait!
I've decided...
to give her one Iast thriII.
Get it!
Run, MiIo!
StanIey, hurry!
Don't worry.
It's aII over now.
Got you.
I'II take you apart.
I hope you can enjoy the victory
with one freaking eye!
Good doggie.
Good doggie.
I'm winning!
Oh, my God!
This must be a new breed.
Easy, boy!
Good boy!
Did you miss me?
I guess not!
Now, you have to ask yourseIf
one question:
''Do I feeI Iucky?''
do you...
That's a spicy meatbaII.
How do?
This guy's incorrigibIe.
You were good, kid, reaI good...
but as Iong as I'm around
you'II be second-best.
PoIice! Hands up!
Officers, arrest those men.
I've aIways wanted to say that.
Come on.
Give me that gun.
He stoIe aII our jeweIry.
Take me to headquarters...
Stop that man!
I've got you now.
Watch it, Chunky!
- Mayor TiIton, I'm so--
- What's wrong with you?
That man is The Mask.
No. Dorian TyreI was The Mask.
I saw it with my own eyes.
This man here saved our Iives.
- With a IittIe heIp.
- You're a reaI hero.
It's nothing...
any American with...
baIIs of steeI wouIdn't do
for his community.
Come on.
Mayor TiIton, did you see that dog?
Leave the dog aIone.
I want you in my office
first thing tomorrow.
- Yes, Your Honor.
- That doesn't sound good at aII.
No, it doesn't.
What wouId sound good to you?
- Breakfast.
- Shut up!
Sure you know what you're doing?
I'm sure.
Then do what you must.
Sure you won't miss this guy?
When he's gone, aII that's Ieft is me.